Fascist literature thread

Hello Holla Forums,
It's been a long a way since my liberal Obama supporting days, I went from liberalism to right wing conservatism, but I have realized that conservatism is too moderate, too soft and weak, The West have a nuclear problem that requires an equally nuclear solution, conservatism will never mass deport minorities, and will never address race realism and the Jewish problem, conservatism will never touch these sacred cows.
I have been feeling simpathies towards Fascism for some time now, I'm still not totally sold on it because my knowledge of Fascism is still shallow, with this said, which books are must read on how Fascist goverments works on economic and social levels? Which philosophers align themselves with Fascism and explore Fascist ideas?
Where should I start?

Other urls found in this thread:

cnqzu.com/library/Solar General/100-questions-about-fascism-oswald-mosley.pdf



What a worthless post. As for you OP, I don't know personally, but I'm sure an user will be around eventually to help you out

Cool it with the blogposting, but for the sake of literature, Evola is a good starting point. But I reccomend you read general economics first, so you understand it. For economics i reccomend starting with Economics in One Lesson, which is a very good starting point for econ, but not a natsoc book by any account. For a critique of democracy, read Democracy the god that failed by HHH. But don't forget to read Mein Kampf.

Here's some old guides, sage for double post.

Read seige and wait for Hitler

Anyways, familiarize yourself with Nietzsche and Hegel's works, since Giovanni Gentile owes a great deal to them.

Is Oswald Mosley worth reading?
Mein kempft is an obvious choice, but is there any English translation that isn't manipulated by (((them))) is there any truthful, unbiased translation at all ?

This is really good, any personal recommendations? Any priority?

Economics must be understood and learned before culture. If you fail to understand economics and the importance of exchange you'll get thrown around by leftists and nazbols alike, especially with the general confusion on economics by old Fascists. Personally, read The Law for something both economical and emotional on government, and afterwards, Democracy the god that failed, which is an astounding critique of democracy and it's failiure and hypocrisy as a concept.

When is there a good translation of anything? German as a language is essential to learning the essence of National Socialism.

Stalag version of Mein Kampf.

Was translated for allied POWs to read.

Them's fightin words.

As for OP, I would recommend any of the works of the man who was actually the main theoretician behind Fascism, whom I and about 3 people in the history of the world have actually heard of despite billions of dummies calling people "Fascist" every day, which is Giovanni Gentile. He ghost-wrote "The Doctrines of Fascism," and here are his other works:

A Criticism of Historical Materialism (1897)
Rosmini and Gioberti (1898)

The philosophy of Marx (1899)
'The Concept of History' '(1899)
The teaching of philosophy in high schools (1900)
The scientific concept of pedagogy (1900)
Of Life and Writings by B. Spaventa (1900)
Hegelian controversy (1902)
Secondary school unit and freedom of studies (1902)
Philosophy and empiricism (1902)
The 'Renaissance of Idealism' (1903)
From Genovesi to Galluppi (1903)
Studies on the Roman Stoicism of the I century. d. C. (1904)
High School Reforms (1905)
The son of G. B. Vico (1905)
The Reform of the Middle School (1906)
The various editions of T. Campanella 's De sensu rerum (1906)
Giordano Bruno in the History of Culture (1907)
The first process of heresy of T. Campanella (1907)
For Primary School in State (1907)
Vincenzo Gioberti in the first centenary of his birth (1907)
The Concept of the History of Philosophy (1908)
Vincenzo Chef Pedagogue (1908)
School and Philosophy (1908)
Ilmodernism and the Relationships between Religion and Philosophy (1909)
A poet of thought. Culture (1911)
Bernardino Telesio (1911)
The Theory of Mind as Pure Act (1912)
The Philosophical Library of Palermo program (1912)
Around Current Idealism: Memories and Confessions (1913)
The Problems of Schooling and Italian Thought (1913)
Reform of Hegelian Dialectics (1913)
Summary of Pedagogy as a Philosophical Science (1913)
"The wrong and the law of positivism" (1914)
"The Philosophy of War" (1914)
Did Galluppi Jacobine ever? (1914)
Writings of life and ideas by V. Gioberti (1915)
Donato Jaja (1915)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Bible of the Letters in Print by V. Gioberti (1915)
Vichian Studies (1915)
Pure experience and historical reality (1915)
For the Reform of Philosophical Insights (1916)
The concept of man in the Renaissance (1916)
"The Foundations of the Philosophy of Law" (1916)
General theory of the spirit as pure act (1916)
The origins of contemporary philosophy in Italy (1917)
System of logic as knowledge theory (1917)
The historical character of Italian philosophy (1918)
Is there an Italian school? (1918)
Marxism of Benedict Croce (1918)
The sunset of Sicilian culture (1919)
Mazzini (1919)
The political realism of V. Gioberti (1919)
War and Faith (1919)
After the Victory (1920)
The post-war school problem (1920)
Reform of Education (1920)
Discourses of Religion (1920)
Giordano Bruno and the thought of the Renaissance (1920)
Art and Religion (1920)
Bertrando Spaventa (1920)
Defense of Philosophy (1920)
History of the Piedmontese culture of the 2nd half of the 16th century. XIX (1921)
Fragments of Aesthetics and Literature (1921)
Albori della nuova Italia (1921)
Education and secular school (1921)
Critical Essays (1921)
The philosophy of Dante (1921)
The modern concept of science and the university problem (1921)
G. Capponi and the Tuscan culture in the decimonous century (1922)
Studies on the Renaissance (1923)
"Dante and Manzoni, with an essay on Art and Religion" (1923)
"The Prophets of the Italian Risorgiment" (1923)
Around the Logic of the Concrete (1924)
"Preliminaries in the Study of the Child" (1924)
School Reform (1924)
Fascism and Sicily (1924)
Fascism to the Government of the School (1924)
What is fascism (1925)
The New Middle School (1925)
Current Warnings (1926)
Fragments of the History of Philosophy (1926)
Critical Essays (1926)
The Legacy of Vittorio Alfieri (1926)
Fascist Culture (1926)
The religious problem in Italy (1927)
Italian thought of the nineteenth century (1928)
Fascism and Culture (1928)
The philosophy of fascism (1928)
"The Great Council's Law" (1928)
Manzoni e Leopardi (1929)
[Origins and Doctrine of Fascism] (1929)
The philosophy of art (1931)
The Reform of the School in Italy (1932)
Introduction to Philosophy (1933)
The Woman and the Child (1934)
"Origins and Doctrine of Fascism" (1934)
Economics and Ethics (1934)

Many of these are fairly short and can be found online.

Evola is a good start. Ride the Tiger is a little overrated though in my opinion, I felt Revolt Against the Modern World was the superior piece.

Carlyle is great too. On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and The Heroic in History is fantastic.

Will look into it

This is exactly what I want, I want to start at the origins of fascism and the move forward.

Macdonald's Culture of Critique is a concise way to understand the jewish question in a material way, one that allows you to talk with the uninitiated about basic aspects of jewish influence without weirding them out about spiritual archetypes of a race of resentful destroyers.
De Maistre's considerations on the French Revolution is a great way to examine what I consider the most important microcosm of the anti-civilizational suicide that leftism (even pre-jew) breeds. Many events after 1790 would again and again repeat a cycle of bored bourgeoisie fed up with natural law leading mobs of peasantry in revolts against nature even to the point where it consumes themselves.
Personally I also like Kaczynski's manifesto

My brother! I am in the midst of reading his Histories on Frederick the Great. There includes a small forward in Volume I on the French Revolution, which I deem, without a single shred of doubt in my mind, to exist as the single most important piece of criticism of that continental suicide. Truly, he proved his worth as a writer.

What about Mosley, is he relevant at all? From what I understand from simple research is that he supported democracy which is not compatible with Fascism, is he an actual fascist or just authoritarian?

Personally recommend James Mason's Siege, but that's more of a tactics manual for the far right than an argument for fascism.
Mein Kampf is an obvious choice.
The Stalag edition was printed by the Nazis for English speaking PoWs, and is in the /pdfs/ general thread.

The Culture of Critique series and anything else by Kevin MacDonald is the definitive redpill on Jews, but if you're on 8/pol/ it might repeat a lot of things you already know intuitively.

Finally, I'll point out Pat Buchanan wrote some incredibly red pilled stuff despite being "just" a paleoconservative. Death of the West and Churchill and the Unnecessary War are probably the most extreme books to come out of the American conservative movement.

here's a short pamphlet his party the BUF produced in a question and answer format, so you can draw your own conclusions

cnqzu.com/library/Solar General/100-questions-about-fascism-oswald-mosley.pdf


Practical, very practical

Give his recount of the French Revolution a read when you're done, that's another good one.

thanks all anons for taking your time for this, I have now more than enough reading material

I already deeply comprehend his arguments on the French Revolution. I could read his French Revolution books, but they'll simply provide a more detailed account. He purposely and extensively wrote his thoughts on the 18th century out in the Fredrick Volumes.

Great post lad.


this pisses me off more than anything.
obviously you still carry the shitty libtard mentality by making shitty threads like this.


Choke on a fat cock, OP.

Stay mad moishe.


You realize we have IDs here, right kike?


Lurkmoar you filthy kikes.

>>>/pdfs/ - fucktons of books
>>>/polarchive/ - redpills you need to learn

Is there similar or even just lists of videos that are Holla Forums related? Looked in directory and no luck.
E.g. there are the essential pol viewing.jpg series but looking for stuff like TOTW, old NS films etc especially. The parallels to today are mind blowing in recent years, really digging them and also decent redpills for normalfags.
Have decent chunk of Lenis' stuff
Hans westmar

What else is similar and available? Cheers

I'm getting his work on Frederick the Great (all 21 volumes) and On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and The Heroic in History as a birthday gift. I'm incredibly hyped.


I really enjoyed 'Der große König'. It's a movie from 1942 about Frederick the great.

Next time don't blogpost, that gets threads shut down

Thank you so much user, will grab it.

More like /christian/ soft pill