What happened to yuri?

does anyone know what happened this guy? pretty much the only mention is a "vague and suspect" death certificate from 1993 with NO MENTION of the cause of death. this seems especially unusual since he would only have been 53 at that time.
did (((they))) get to him? some have suggested that he faked his death, but this doesn't make sense either. he was smart enough to escape the soviet union and bring plenty of evidence to corroborate his story, how could he have bungled his own faked death so badly by leaving only a flimsy death certificate with no cause of death as the only evidence?
i can't believe it's so hard to find any discussion about this, considering the risks he took to escape and speak publicly, the constant threats against his life he received, and the sheer number and power of his enemies (and their track record of silent assassinations)

He was suicided. Do you think that Reagen wasn't working with ZOG seeing as he was the proto-NeoCon proved by his concrete association with the military industrial complex? Yuri knew of the global jew plan and was killed because he said shit on TV.

Somebody definitely killed him.

put against a wall and shot

I think it's a pretty safe bet that he was killed user

they send some literal retarded MK ULTRA lemming to be some "assassin" to kill them with a provided set of tools: if he succeeds then the other government agents step in to obfuscate the cause of death and death certificates, if he fails then you get "crazed man tries to murder with syringe!"

the other plot is more complicated, rarely used, and it evolves multiple "assassins" in on the target. there is a jewtube vid CCTV of some CIA-tier kiddos all going to some dude's room and he ends up dead. i forget the video's name.

assassins my ass. just a bunch of spooks with tools and plenty of reconnaissance/government support to back them up when they inevitable fuck up due to them probably being high on opioids all the everloving fucking time.

I don't 100% buy he was ex KGB, but that doesn't mean everything else he said to us wasn't true.

Watching Yuri truly opened my eyes to how horrifying our society is

you don't have to "buy it", he had plenty of evidence including photographs that prove his story.

Considering the jews owned and owns both USA and Soviet/Russia, of course he didn't really escape anything. They still had power in the USA to murder him. They still do.


This one? FF about a minute to the CCTV footage

I don't know what happened to him op and I wonder the that as well.
Did he fake his death to escape assassins? Did they kill him quietly so as not to martyr him? Who knows.
What we are left with is an amazing legacy and a very huge red pill.

Probably got aids from all those black sluts he was fucking.

Required viewing

He was killed.

Burn the coal, pay the toll.

Yuri was i kike, but you did know that, kike.

Yeah the (((Soviet Union))) was run by them, but that doesn't mean all people in the USSR were (((them))).

I killed him


not the strongest redpill tbh

Was he KGB? In the two lectures I've seen on youtube, he said he workes for the state media (Novesti?).

"Yuri" wasn't a real person. He was a CIA agent and actor, whose purpose was to blame the degeneracy caused by the CIA and various capitalist foundations on the soviets and "communism."

His defection story is absurd, if you want a more realistic Soviet intelligence defection story check out Aquarium by "Viktor Suvorov", and who even knows if that one is real but at least it doesn't require this obviously slav looking guy larping as a western hippie in India right in front of agents looking for him.

Uh huh.

If you read his book 1986 world thought police he explains how Novosti was an arm of the KGB, more specifically the subversion wing, which he worked for.
He had a very interesting and in depth explanation of how the subversion process worked and how Novosti functioned in that.
some things they would do:
Novosti would then use these left wing publications to make a headline to be read by the Russian people that says something like: "Western Media outlets find war unfavorable"

or how they would give press passes for KGB field agents to infiltrate embassies and the like. its a very interesting read and I suggest you get the book

Sorry if I think that his defection story is unlikely. It's also blatantly obvious that even if his defection story is true, he continued on as a propaganda agent but for another side in the US (or Canada). I enthusiastically showed Yuri to all of my friends most of a decade ago I've just grown a bit suspect of parts of it.

why is his defection story so unbelievable?

Also if you really want to know, I would recommend emailing G. Edward Griffin and asking. At least that is where I would start.

Why him?

Listen to the story and come back here. I don't believe that he would be able to blend in with a bunch of western ultrahippies while being surrounded by Soviet intelligence looking for him. I think he even talks about the intensity of Soviet operations in India at the time which were very high.

He's the interviewer, he is active online still today

the way he made it sound, its as though he left in a spur of a moment, or at least made it seem that way before he actually did it. like he was careful about not giving any hints to those around him or any of his superiors, so I really don't think they were looking for him as soon as he made his attempt, beside the KGB lost people all the time.
in his book he cited an agent in Japan who was missing for 4 months, having his way with geisha girls.
I certainly don't think the hippies would be wise to them, they were probably all high as a kite

Fair enough, I just contrast it to Aquarium which made more sense and had more details. Although even the major details in Aquarium are admitted in the foreward to be changed (names and nations) and toward the very end of the defection like the last steps it becomes vague. But it was published still during the cold war so that makes sense.

im unfamiliar with aquarium, can you fill me in right quick?

Fuck off leninist scum

Its entry level red pilling. I remember watching his videos for the first time during my lolberg stage and it really got me looking in the right direction. For instance, I learned about Leo Strauss and Irving Kristol, along with the origins of the neocohen Trotskyite movement not long after watching Yuri's videos.

Excellent book, good insights into the mentality of GRU.

Stop trying, comrade.

Here's a (2) for you, kike.

Did he named them?

No, basically the same tactic, notice the problem and blame others, still a redpill because he noticed a problem.

I think its more powerful when you come upon the realization of what the kikes are for yourself. Once that occurs, there is no going back.

Bezmenov was a Mossad agent trying to shift blame from (((Frankfurt School))) and the (((KGB))) to the wholly innocent Russian race.

Who gained anything by him talking? I mean besides we the people.

He was threatened by the kgb to

I'm pretty sure he got hit by a car. I remember reading it somewhere but it has since vanished.

What is it about this guy that triggers leftycucks so bad?

Well, both his parents were kikes, so that makes him, officially, an 'atheist' and former Christian.

Not sure if this board is now 100% jewry, or if people actually are this fucking stupid.
Let me answer myself, while at the same time saying 'hi' to all nigger-kikes, I obviously share this infected place with.

Also this…

I thought he converted to Russian orthodoxy after he defected?

Yeah, go back to tumblr.

Jews. This is back when they had control of the apparatus completely. Probably buried it under that niggers Ford bronco story. "Nothing to see here goyim"


He was killed on the side of the road if I recall.

nope shlomo, he specifically blamed cultural marxism and the communists system, regardless of where the communist were. If he named the jew he would have been killed before he would have had a chance to tell his story.


t. uninformed stooge

Are you me, anons? I just finished that last week.

Inside the Aquarium by Viktor Suvorov

The GRU was an equally powerful, separate, and more secret competitor of the KGB. The agents were just foreign spies who were humanized and faced to bloodshed.

The takeaways to me were:
>always hit a woman when she gets out of line, because otherwise you end up in psychological games. kek

Suvorov was on a surveillance assignment and caught his friend/superior doing something illegal, so he didn't know if his stated mission was real or it was a test to turn in the other guy.

It ended similar to the show Burn Notice with him turning himself in to the British embassy. I imagine that's what Yuri could've done any time.

(tbh I didn't find particularly interesting or insightful)

Part of me hopes that he faked his own death and is still alive somewhere (he'd be in his 80s) still red-pilling people about soviet communism. Either way, he's more popular today than he was when he gave his famous interviews / presentations.