What game's AI cheats the most?

What game's AI cheats the most?

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Sonic Shuffle.

Forza Horizon 2

You could be a mile ahead in a car that's the absolute peak of it's class (Eg: B 600 when B starts at 500), have it meticulously tuned for optimal downforce and traction, caster and camber blah blah blah- only to have a B 510 Ford Focus magically fly past you at ~300Km/h then slow down back to a "reasonable" speed.

It's worse rubberbanding than MarioKart 64 and was apparently done to "keep the racing intense" but only serves to infuriate you when they do it on the final corner.

Also, in Cross Country events they have godlike pathfinding and seem to be guided on rails for the most part- but always having specifically one AI car constantly flip and smash over jump sections so as to give the illusion that they're not "perfect".

There are plenty of other games, but that's what instantly jumped to mind.

MK2 is worse

>I'm going to duck so they don't hit me and then fucking slide across the ground towards you

real life


any mario kart since 64. frankly being in first place is a disadvantage in any of them

That's called rubber band AI. It's a fact. That way is more challenging, if unfair.

I want to experience that again in the last tower.

Any RTS that gives the AI resources for free, usually at specific time intervals. Lazy devs use it as a crutch to make up for the AI being retarded.

Forza 6 was worse.
When i was doing this one career oval race on DAYYYYYYYYYTONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, there were always 2 AI cars that were exactly the same as mine yet managed to speed off just enough not to be able to catch up to them but not enough to lap me, and no matter what difficulty settings i put the game on, it would just keep happening.
Drivatars were a mistake.

This bastard right here.

I still liked the game, but feel cheated to this day.

Well, on "Insane" difficulties that would be good even if the AI was competent.

That sure is a lot of skeletons there

Well, the IA on UMK3 may cheat but it's easy to break knowing how does it respond to certain inputs.


Fuck me


Do CS bots that score perfect instant headshots count as cheating? Technically its possible for players to so the same.

Can I fuck the AI?

Honestly any RTS game.


yep, MK2 is ridiculous. Ultimate MK3 only gets hard once you get to the bosses.

the worst is when they can fire at you without line of sight

many keks.

shit it almost goes over your head that its cheating when thats the whole point of the game. i like that someone decided to make a game around it though

Any battle frontier/maison from any Pokemon game.

IA here, holy shit.

Fucking Starcraft.
I have still yet to win a match against AI in Starcraft: Broodwars

At least it was mostly defenseless to spamming jump kicks.

It doesn't cheat and it's actually very predictable.

Very, very rarely will it rush you. In fact, I can't even remember if it did a Dark Templar rush or not. Usually, their first wave consists of 12 zealots, or 10 marines and 2 medics, or about 20 zerglings. If you can be robust against this first wave, you pretty much win.

I recommend a map like Lost Temple because it is very defensive my personal favorite is ICCUP-Azalea. Let's take LT because you would have it in the Maps->Ladder folder already. You start on a cliff; you plop one or two defensive structures down at the choke and then use your men to block the ramp. If you're Terran, even 1 or 2 Firebats will be very effective. Always upgrade weapons first because dead units deal no damage. You will want to expand as soon as you can defend your natural expansion.

Zerg is a little different because their Hatchery doubles as worker and military production. What I usually do is 9 drone into a Hatchery at my expansion, build a Spawning Pool while that's under construction; they should finish at roughly the same time. You want to build a third Hatchery beside one of the others and a Hydralisk den asap.

I've played 1v3 comps on Lost Temple, and rather than expand, I teched Lurkers and had 2-3 of them on my choke point and shredded all 3 of their waves, and from there it was just Hydralisk spam to win.

Sm4sh's AI.

Sm4sh pisses me off for a lot of reasons, but the AI might be the biggest one

The Melee AI might have been annoying with its all-too-frequent perfect shielding and annoying jab resets, but at least it didn't read your inputs and have perfect prediction at all times.

MK's AI is fucking retarded. If I do an uppercut against Raiden, there is a 99% chance he will superman.

Command and Conquer Red Alert


Command & Conquer


Also every flight simulator has a combination of retard/superhuman ai and flight models, ranging from somewhat acceptable to ridiculous.

I don't know if this is better or worse than the whole "fire anywhere on the map and everyone in some arbitrary selection beelines to the closest position where they could shoot at you" mechanic in some games.


What RTS has the most cheating AI though? I think Empire Earth takes the cake for it honestly though.

On the topic of cheating AI, surprised this hasn't been mentioned considering how the cops have psychic powers to know that you killed someone in the middle of nowhere.

In early versions of the next-gen version there was a big where animals would essentially act as human NPCs and call the cops on you. But that bug was fixed AFAIK.

Bethesda is a special kind of … something

I remember fucking with the guards in Oblivion, never having any luck.
>Archery 100 i used a modded bow + arrows to make it somewhat usable
Part 2 in next post.


Fucking This. Instead of making the AI smarter on harder difficulties, they just made it cheat.
If you are playing against AI instead of another player, you don't need any tactics, just better units and recognizing A.I patterns that are the same every game.

This one other time i just learned a bit better about the guards hidden powers.

Isn't it possible to shoot in the place where his head is supposed to move turning to you?

Take it easy degenerate the first step is hand holding and headpats


Wow, thanks for the tips. I'm gonna load up Broodwar and see if your strats work. If they don't I'm probably just a pleb.

I'm pretty sure the Xeno AI cheats in Alien Isolation. I've seen it walk down a halfway, which normally meant I was clear to brush past and head towards the objective, then it teleported to the room and killed me. This happened multiple times and at one point there was two of them at once. I know there are more, but this was way before the reveal later on.

don't forget the eventual trainer with a pokemon with an impossible moveset in any of the games

It's bad, but not as bad as Dokapon Kingdom

fuck CoH

Quick claw OHKO moves never existed in any of the BF. But with Fissure No Guard Machamp happening in Sun/Moon. Oh boy the fucking rage.

Mario Kart AI does the same, one NPC is meant to beat you while the other fuck you.

They have like one move they don't learn. And even then it doesn't really help…

Battle for Middle Earth really pissed me off with the AI's cheating. Not just how frequent and blatant it was, but how much it was a crutch for shit AI.
Sometimes it was so bad it would use the Summon Ents power in three different places at once. And yet it still sucked so much I was able to beat a team of 7 AIs without building a single non-hero unit.

Truly they are not human.

Look behind you

If I ever make a game like Oblivion or an Elder Scrolls game, I'm going to have psychic guards and theyre going to be a complete bullshit.

It will then be revealed towards the end of the game that you're actually on a God's pocket plane, and that the guards are actually avatars of order

Or why not just explain that the guards are fucking pricks?

Mario Kart, the Peach AI
Fuck her that bitch cheats every fuckin race

This whole game

Mortal Kombat 2
The game is unbeatable unless you're literally autistic.

Also Level 9 CPU's in any smash game

Killer Instinct's boss. That's the only game that made me break a controller.

Definitely winnable even then.

It's what you get for playing the game incorrectly and not being a stealth archer.

Why does Mario Party 3 have two different covers

Every single skirmish in EE against AI always ended up with me turtling up behind walls using that wonder that gave walls and gates an insane amount of HP, and then let them kill themselves so I could somehow slowly take over the map later.
I'm not really good at RTS but Empire Earth AI was 100% bullshit.

Atari Video Chess on the 2600
The computer would "blank" the screen while it was thinking….sometimes rearranging pieces.

Depending on the skill level, the CPU can take anywhere from seconds to hours to calculate its next move! On the hardest level (7) the CPU can take up to 10 hours between moves! Hell, you could be playing this God-forsaken game for months on end! Adding insult to injury, it's a proven fact that the CPU will actually cheat on occasion!


SNK boss syndrome

95% of racing games.

This fucking bastard right here.


I'm the guy that gave it a 1/10 on Gamefaqs.


Nah, there's moves you can spam in MK2 that ensure you'll always win, then you can switch characters once the ai learns to counter it, and switch back, and they won't even remember how to counter the spam.

I read somewhere that UMK3's ai decides whether or not you'll be able to win the match before it even starts.

I hate this shit. When there's a half mile of shrubbery and tall grass between me and the opponent and we can't even see each other, the AI shouldn't be able to hit me with such accuracy. Or when it's so foggy you can only see a few feet, but the AI has normal range.

I've never played a game that compensated for AI being able to see through environmental effects and scenery.



Honestly ,every mario party game I ever play with my brother has been in 4 player party mode, but there is an unwritten truce that we are specifically ganging up on the CPU.

… sometimes it's the only way to win, even 3 humans vs 1 cpu.

The Xeno AI isn't as perfect as it needs to be, but it's also can possibly overlap with human survivors, who's AI is broken as fuck.

before you ask, i had no motion tracker running and I had my head pulled back. it was literally the AI fucking up it's target and shooting at me instead of the xeno.

We are closer

Grand strat/4x shit. Most of it, as far as I know.

At least I defended my honor by fucking defeating that whore and getting the "Katana Master" title.

What a cutie. Do you have more?

All fighting game AI reads your inputs, there's no point is playing fair.

They do, trust me.
I never forget to get a comsat or a turret along with my bunkers


They won't turn if your bullet isn't going to hit.

I would, if I could. I never liked these "infinite stages". Tekken 4 had some cool large stages, but no one ever talks about them.