Last one on page 14
Either post webms/mp4s or nothing
Webm Thread
Thank the heavens.
do you have sauce or any more my fellow user?
Holy fuck
I was not prepared.
I just lost my shit completely.
Oh shit I just noticed, fucking finally. Guess that angry user finally got what he wanted.
lemme give you a hint
anyone got the death stranding webm where the guy crawls out of the sofa?
it's from it's always sunny in philadelphia
it's a christmas episode
just go watch it
Are they all 13 yo ?
Got the ToraDora one of these?
Sorry, couldn't find a toradora mad in my folders, If ever find one I'll post it
I searched for Toradora MADs and I haven't found any of good quality. So sorry, nothing on my end
I miss Blizzard North,
For what purpose?
sauce on the 2nd one?
anime was a mistake
for you
Popularity was a mistake.
Thank god for filter ID.
Don't you dare stop with the octagons
wew lad
Stay mad baby
Im out of octagons pal sorry
I think this is the last one I have
Since we are on a song bender here is part of "Rope A Dope 2" with the song Catgroove by Parov Stelar
The only thing you're hinting at is called shit taste.
testing if my shitty oc works
Requesting that sexy AMV with the song "Perfect" on it.
Cant believe I have a reason to use this. Though a bit excessive
go back to facebook, faggot
one of the faves here
oh jesus that's a vine?
holy fuck how old are you
i knew she was a witch and had a stick thing
not gunna change the filename tho, because fuck you
I love how these are so autistic that they're actually good.
Fuck you beat me to it
well aren't you an edgy little faggot.
Use it for baiting purposes.
you must be new to imageboards
that's literally everything about them
I was about to post this
Alright I think that's enough for this ping-pong session. Good on ya fam, you've superb taste
to you as well user
don't make me dump gore
fuck off
Who the fuck do you think you're kidding?
It's cute when they try too hard to fit in.
poster 5782a8, that's who
Where is the gore.
I don't have any and I wouldn't post it if I did
but the guy left, so it all worked out fam
this webm fucked me up
I was listening to it aint me and I kept laughing thinking about this shitty remix
so stupid, so perfect
I'd love some base-building vidya that did timelapse-y shit like this while things were being constructed, with little people and equipment and such.
Damn I never got the original clip for that one. Guess making my own is out of the question now
That game was pretty shit but there were times when it was golden. Too bad I deleted all those webms people made.
I can't believe this step. Is genius.
His legs are ok.
That movie was such a disappointment.
most movies are
So much heresy
Wasn't that because it came out to early?
still quotable as fuck
same guy?
Nigger, it's "Fortunate son". Get it right or fuck off.
Do you really need the original for that though? Can'z you just edit over the edit?
Sure, quality will suffer, but the joke is what counts, right?
forgottenweapons doc com's Ian. Pretty chill dude.
First 300 posts in a webm thread should always have a webm Or an MP4 if you're into dicks
That's Gun Jesus, dude. Ian's fucking baller.
Yeah, but I rather have the original so I can make it last as long as I require, and have the possibility for the voices of the girls to still play
Since yesterday some obvious newfags have been posting gifs and pics instead of webms. Hence the OP
Good thing dicks are patrician-tier :3
Your celebration of evil comes from the spiritual cancer that ensnares your soul, the sin nature which you are afflicted by, a very corruption in your existence.
These things are harmful to the body and soul alike, and should not be fetishized or admired even in lust– especially in lust.
These posts stand as evidence of your affliction, user, and they are a symptom of the nations' spiral into Sodom's heart as a result of abandoning God.
Please stop taking this evil into your eyes and into your very core. Do not give into depravity even behind a monitor or you will be given over to darkness utterly.
This is evil filth, and by admiring it you are only adding to your sin and pain, likely without realizing it.
Please cease this wickedness and abandon these lascivious passions which are inborne in your naturally corrupted nature (as mine was), carnal desires which the world tantilizes and teases in order to inspire you into greater depths of sin and emptiness.
Abandon evil, hate evil! Repent to God in the name of Christ Jesus, Son and one with the Father; by whom, through whom and for whom all things were made– including you.
It is not His desire that you remain in sin, user.
Flee temptation and be reconciled to God.
Come home.
I was so,so fucking sick of not being able to skip forward in webMs. Thank christ.
You've convinced me to make my next fap session consist of sweaty muscular men performing anal sex, thanks /christian/.
If this had been made after the divorce as an arthouse statement he would still have a career
aww, I missed you christfag, welcome back.
Hitler dubs confirm.
Just say "degenerates need to hang" like everyone else. Nobody's going to read your wall of autismal LARP.
This would be a hell of a lot funnier if it wasn't apparently by the guys who utterly destroyed T:A with microtransactions.
Being contrarian and doubling-down when someone speaks the opposite of what you're indulging in is normal for the crooked soul. I understand, I was like that once too.
Look, seriously, you know this smut is evil and nothing to applaud let alone rut over. I know you know this. Don't just be contrarian, actually think about it.
Why would you enjoy the imagery of two women (let alone two men) suckling one another's uvula?
When did this inclination begin? WHY did it begin?
Didn't you ever think about this? Didn't you ever take a moment to reflect that there's something strange about just observing other people making out/having sex, let alone people of the same sex?
I'm glad most people don't actually summon demons SMT style. Most try-hards just end up like Alistair Crowley and worse
THAT is actual LARPing, user. The real LARPers are those who keep mumbling about bogs and nooses instead of doing what we are commanded by God to do: call people to repentance.
I would rather someone awash in corrosive sinfulness was cleansed in the blood of the Lamb of God, the Hero King of all who believe on Him as Lord in Gospel truth, than see mass murder.
The day will come when Jesus returns and commits a ruthless, holy global extermination of the unrepentant in accordance to His righteousness. The main reason He tarries is because the offer of salvation is not given in vain.
Either repent and come home, being utterly transformed and saved by God's grace through faith, or you will become a bloodstain when the Lord treads the winepress of His wrath.
I'd rather you live. That's why I'm posting right now.
user, please don't follow suit with the others in shouting vengeance and "day of the rope". Simply present the Gospel in biblical truth and call everyone to repentance. Those who don't want to hear won't hear. Those with ears to hear, will.
Let God be the one to obliterate or emancipate as He sees fit.
more girls kissing pls
Postin some OC
my god japs are sad sometimes…
Pakman: the archetypical liberal
I still remember how haggard he became as he deparately tried to appease his Marxist cohorts that he wasn't a part of gamergate
simply because he had the audacity to question a transson of a millionaire
Yaaay, christfag is back!
I really did miss you.
I hope you've come to the Lord in Gospel truth. I'll hug you in heaven
Which one is Pakman?
I will not deceive you with any claims or implications I embrace christianity, but I do believe in your wisdom. It's a foundation I can respect no matter what.
Pogo is a wizard.
*my god japs are fresh sometimes…
Oh, and I want you to keep trying. I believe in you, even if I don't believe in a god.
Pakman is the idiot who proclaims
I thank you very much, user, but please understand that I have no wisdom in myself but what God has shown me, and I speak nothing wise but what God has placed onto my tongue.
As the Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Corinth:
- 1 Corinthians 15:9-10
and to the church in Galatia:
- Galatians 2:20
Can you tell me why you don't believe, user? I am genuinely curious.
This is a pretty great webm
You sicken me.
Great webm.
goddamn i want to fuck that rabbit
I believe that God gives mankind more freedom than what most believe. Traditionally, Christians and their families ration out time for prayer and service to the lord, and have structure in their lives pertaining to that.
Skip to my friend, who comes from a very oppressive Christian father and neighborhood. In Kentucky, where he's from, they appear to ignore the teachings of the bible and instead impose arbitrary rules on their lives and their childrens' lives in the name of God. And as he's talking about all the time his father practically forced him to give up before the divorce, I asked: If people believes He gives free thought in life, why would He ask for it to be returned to him? Seeing all the time Islamists have to set aside to pay homage also makes me ask such questions.
triggered hard
Your mercy is appreciated.
So is your Gospel.
To begin with, Islamists/Muslims are enthrall to a false doctrine. While they, like Judaists and Mormons etc., equally believe that God has spoken, what He has spoken is the issue. God has not spoken Islam or Judaism, but rather He has spoken the Scriptures, and so biblical Christianity is the truth of God.
As it's written:
- 2 Peter 1:20-21
- 2 Timothy 3:17
If you want more evidence on how Islam is false doctrine, check here:
For on how Judaism is false doctrine, check here:
With that said, your friend's kind of family situation is atrocious and absolutely antichrist, yet it's not uncommon for families burdened by "religion". As Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God, writes:
- Colossians 2:23
And James later:
- James 1:26
That father was not following Scripture by any means, and whatever churches spring up in such a neighborhood are likely false homes of poison rather than worship. That father, if he did read Scripture, would have known the command to not discourage or incite anger and sin in his child (Ephesians 6:4 & Colossians 3:21)
Ah, but you see that's the thing, user. Let me explain in the next post.
Also here are some resources for your free time:
To be honest, I treat Islam (and judaism, aside) as a false doctrine anyways, so no news there. I was trying to make a comparison about two things I don't know too much about, in hopes you'd catch my drift in referring to what is "expected" of a devout. Is that the right word?
I had answered something like this before. Let me explain as best as I can:
Free will does exist in a limited sense (limited because God Himself is ultimately the arbiter of fate and is sovereign over all things) and this free will of man's is more of a bondage than a blessing.
It's a bondage because it is a free will tied to our sin nature–that is, God did not curse us with sin or freedom but our freedom became a burden due to the Fall (Adam, Eve, sin, etc.) of man, which itself left a curse on all existence, especially mankind, with the inclination to sin. Since we are so inclined to sin on a fundamental level due to this inborn curse, our freedom of choice is guided primarily by sinfulness, hence it is a burden.*
Only by relinquishing our sin and "control" to God do we finally come to know peace, purity and actually gain true control, as enabled by the Holy Spirit who literally indwells every believer; He is the holy flame burning within our bodies, not becoming "another soul" but always making intercession for us and always teaching us from Scripture according to God's will, because the Holy Spirit is God, just as Jesus and the Father are. Three in one: the triune/complex unity of the one true God.
* For the sinner it is a struggle to do genuine good. For the saint, the one who is saved in Christ in Gospel truth sola scriptura, sola fide, sola gratia (Scripture alone, faith alone, grace alone) , it is a struggle to not do evil.
__The difference is that sinners are beholden to sin while Christians are beholden to Christ–a sinner is inclined to sin foremost and finally, but a Christian being saved by grace and justified by faith in Christ Jesus (faith is a gift freely given, not earned) upon earnest repentance in Gospel truth is inclined to Christ foremost.
A sinner struggles to balance sin and what they think is "good", like someone deparately trying to balance the Yin with their Yang. Romans 1 in the Bible tells us that as sinners we bear a knowledge of God, since we bear the image of God, not so much physically but far more importantly spiritually. Man has an immortal soul crafted by God, nothing else does. This is why sinners know how to do good to other people…yet prefer or remain in sin. They rationalize their sins while trying to protest the idea that they are guilty of sin. This is everyone, until they recognize their corruption, plead in repentance to God and seek the saving grace of Christ Jesus, who willingly suffered both humiliation and torment unto death–even suffering the wrath of God for our sake. Once earnestly repented, a soul is saved, and that salvation can never be lost. That soul, no matter how they may stumble and fall, will never be utterly cast down, because their Savior King will never cast them out of His hand.
TL;DR Free will is bondage to the sinner because a sinner is beholden to sin as a result of the sin nature every human being is cursed with as a result of the Fall (Original Sin). We are all deserving of damnation, but God, being both righteous yet also preferring love over destruction, made a way that we could be freed from the bondage of the sinful will and reconciled to Him.
Once saved, a Christian is no longer a sinner, but they are still in struggle with sin in this life until death, when they are blessed with perfection from urges, addiction etc. to never feel inclined to sin again.
When a sinner struggles it is because they think/may sincerely want to do good but can't break from evil. When a Christian struggles it is because they want to do good and can, because they are enabled by Christ, yet while in this life they are still tempted by evil.
I'm not talking about sin, actually, but I'll read this over in a bit. Sin is, at it's core, straying from His tenets and wisdom. I'm talking about activity required outside of simple abstinence.
Jeez, I feel out of my element.
Yes it is, and I understand what you meant.
I hope I explained it well enough here
Christians are exactly to behave a certain way, but we will only become ensnared by false religion if we succumb to the idea that we are to produce works on our own as evidence of our faith.
If we have true faith, we will desire to live according to God, and so we will search the Scriptures and turn first to God in all things naturally. I say "naturally" because that's what it means to be saved: to have a completely new nature in God.
One of the reason the popularity nuAtheist types are against God is because they like being able to morph themselves according to sociopolitical situations and don't like the idea of being both consistent and consistently beholden to a higher power.
>Jeez, I feel out of my element.
That's alright, user! This is how we learn and grow together. It's not like I fell off an angel's wing knowing all this either. haha
It's much more than just activity, user. We are in fact commanded to love with a godly love foremost our siblings in Christ and then all men in the name of Christ.
Love is not merely action, but feeling. So is fear, and we are to fear and revere the Lord.
A good explanation of all this comes in that link I provided for you:
You see the PDF file labeled 3 Good Fruit.pdf ? Download that and have a read.
I'd also encourage checking out the other PDFs and folders because there's lots of great videos to check out ranging from biblical concepts to prophetic eschatology in Revelation.
I only suggest downloading Good Fruit pdf because going deeper into it here would consume the whole thread and I don't want to get our posts deleted and end up banned for another month. Wouldn't be able to make posts like this otherwise.
Also email me at [email protected]/* */ so we can talk even more freely.
webm not related
Don't remove the dot when you type it in.
I meant the mega link I provided here
Either he's the greatest dad of a genuinely disabled child
Or he's the end result of daily Chan posting for forty years
Fucking thank you! been looking for this webm for ages.
it's like you've been in a coma for the past decade
No but really, I can imagine this being the future of most of us here.
Sometimes it feels like it.
hahaha holy shit this is so much better with music