This is a good watch, I believe the channel is demonetized already, it aired last night. I don't think this video will stay up long, back it up.
If you want a good peek at how, who, and what is running this country for a century… this guy breaks it down well. From Snowden, to whistleblowers being screwed/killed, to the corporate interests, lobbyists, and congress niggers controlled.
Ex CIA breaks down the entire structure of Deep State
Fwd through the first few minutes until balding guy with glasses is on.
bump for excellent interview. anons pls listen to this
Next time webm. I'm not one of those fags who cry about archives every time but they've been killing videos because they appear on Holla Forums chans
If they're taking down that cuck Jordon Peterson they'll take this down too.
The guy so far points his finger at the patsy Saudis and ignores Israel or Zionist control. He's still apart of the Shadow goverment and I find his lecture suspicious.
So far
You don't even know how to sage kike. You can break videos apart, idiot
Sage goes in ALL fields you newfag fuck.
According to him McCain is head of the Deep State and recieves $700K a year for his services as head of the Arms commitee.
So when they say the deep state wants to take down Trump, and Trump cancels bowing contracts for moving to Mexico, that's what they mean I guess
It's not the jews
It's not the jews
It's not the jews
It's not the jews
It's not the jews
It's not the jews
You know who's fault it is right? The Shadow Government.
Death to the CIA. No exceptions. No mercy. Moloch worshipping traitors one and all.
This. The "Deep State" meme is just another rebrand of that "Illuminati" bullshit.
We know who they are, we know their names, we know how they operate, we know their race.
With all those whistleblowers leaking CIA secrets, geez, do people believe CIA is too inept to police it's own secrecy?
Goyim are taken for a ride by old hacks who make their living telling made up stories about the master boogeyman.
The legitimacy/sovereignty of a state lays in its power to enforce rules.
That's why many "revolutions" have either participation or neglect from the police/military.
CIA is no different, it is force, it is oppression apparatus, and when all of these start breaking down, it signals an ok sign.
I don't think there will be a revolution or civil war like some people are suggesting everywhere, but just a massive change of paradigms.
To be fair, traitors are amongst them.
Who are WASPS from plymouth.
At the end, after ignoring ZOG, he says the Alt-Kike is full of non-racists except for a few Nazi cult members. He doesn't blow the wistle on that Shadow Goverment project but instead says Nazi racialists are a cult who do rituals.
How come no one is inviting me to any rituals and do you have orgies with hot Aryan girls to make babies? I bet you fucking 2D neet MGTOW faggots chased all the girls away didn't you!?
Actually if all these Shadow Gov actors weren't in the NatSoc movements trying to fuck everything up or creating the CIAlt-Right, or banning everyone we could have baby making orgies and communes and shit like the Mormons.
I didn't watch it because 3 hours is too long. Here are the slides from the first half of the video. Sounds like the video was a swing and a miss, but here they are anyway.
Polite sage.
What about it makes it a "swing and a miss"?
He does a great job of explaining what the deep state/shadow government is, how congress is controlled, and how groups like the CIA control what info is allowed out, and methods used to shut people up so they don't leak the illegal actions of those in the CIA and other deep state groups.
Kike propaganda has you fucked up. Orgies are degenerate and a sometimes food. You should not be structuring baby making around them. That is very dumb. Go jerk off to clear your head and then go on nofap for a week or two.
Thank you for the leg work on the slide breakdown. well done.
exactly my thinking. It's a great resource froim a previous insider. What he is saying is true, and expanded. even if disinfo as we often knee jerk think… it's a good look inside.
The slides are solid too.
Checking this. Implying you could ever trust a CIAnigger with anything, especially some bullshit """"truth"""" video on fucking jewtube. It's fucking nothing.
split the 3 hour long video you faggot.
How about you take the initiative and do it, CIA nigger?
Kill yourself you lazy fuck.
I am downloading this now.
I used to listen to the older Hagmann shows, they are pro-Israel.
Let me do some math.
1 yottabyte / 300000000 citizens
That equals ~3.8 terrabytes person assuming the datacenter can only hold one yottabyte. Unfortunately it sounds like it is going to be more than just one.
Additionally, if you were to keep a copy of all the internet traffic this year originating from America, that amount of data is under half a yottabyte.
good stuff for normies & newfags
i realize they dont name the jew but it helps ppl understand what 'deep state' means
baby steps
But what they're talking about isn't what the "deepstate" really is. You'd be better showing them something about Zionism and the Israeli lobby.
another far-sighted squirrels
So does this name the jew or not? Or is it alex jonestein tier?
The Hagmanns are even more open with their Zionism than Jonestein is.