I sincerely hope the story of Watch_Dogs 2 turns out to be laughable levels of tryhard edge like DmC was. There's nothing more entertaining than 30 year old men trying to figure out what's cool to the modern kid.
I sincerely hope the story of Watch_Dogs 2 turns out to be laughable levels of tryhard edge like DmC was...
WD2 makes WD1 look like a fun game. I hope it will flop and will be full of glitches.
It's Ubisoft making a game where Bernie Sanders supporters can play as some SJW batman who takes down ick y Trump with the help of Hollywood hacks that not-Anonymous wrote and Sparkfun kits.
The only thing this is going to give anyone that isn't a pozzed redditor is indigestion.
Nigger the literal E3 footage - the stuff that companies polish and showcase because they think it's the best part to appeal to their consumers - was a black guy stealing info from an evil Trump analog, dealing with Retard von LEDface, and doing literally nothing interesting. If that's one of the highlights of the game then you know for a fact it's going to be retarded trash that even the radical left it's written for will laugh it out of town.
Well, WD1 is good for having fun for a few hours by killing some degenerates, but that's it.
Is anyone actually waiting for this shit though? I think no one cares, especially after the first game which was full of bugs. Pretty sure the only Ubi game people are looking forward is South Park and even then some people are still doubtful about it too.
Don't forget the graffiti master in a burka
I was watching the Ubi livestream and when they announced this the room was dead silent. I even saw like three #e3 tweets that basically said "who is this for? why?".
I wish games were good.
I just hope it flops. Everything AAA needs to flop consistently.
This is Ubisoft we're talking about, every new game they come out with is broken, even if it's supposed to be their biggest next release, it's going to be a mess regardless.
Name an AAA game that hasn't flopped recently.
who the hell is writing the game, is this what young people actually identify with?
They're still gonna buy it only because there's barely any games out. Even then I have a gut feeling it'll be like The Division, I remember that game being hyped for hell and selling millions but a few weeks after launch it dropped in price and nobody talks about it anymore.
No one identifies with anything that is not either gay or extremely gay nowadays.
Isn't Watch Dogs 2 about stopping Trump?
You don't say… How long is your skirt?
Just long enough for me to trip over and die.
why are they even making a new character? didn't the ending of watch dogs leave some stuff cliffhanger/unresolved?
i kinda like the first watch dogs, technical issues aside, the concept of working as a fixer was nice, almost felt like shadowrun. why not continue that now that Aidan is "free" to pursue his own monetary interests? smuggle some shit, erase evidence, contract killings etc.
would be way better than this hacktivist crap
Why do people keep saying that you hack Trump?
You all do that these edgy "Fight the government!" stories always involve the characters taking down generic corrupt businessman right?
But can't you see, that they need a negro protagonist? Aidan or adian or whatever his name was, he is white user, we can't have that, it's gotta be a negro.
Why is the player character not this guy? It would be even more fucking ridiculous.
No, but I bet the gaming press will give it a 10 because of the anti-Trump message.
he seems to be the worst kind of black character too, he's in that "don't wanna offend anyone" black so he's devoid of any personality or actual blackness, he's just a boring guy who happens to be black
I just hope they make the Zodiac Killer Ted Cruz
The world is so political right now that people attach themselves to it or attach current events to it, even though this just looks like an edgier M-rated version of the movie Hackers. Least thats what I thought until I saw , shits annoying as fuck.
I seriously dont get why, that's the only character people seem interested in because of the interesting design.
B-but he is hip and cool, and he's got HIGH TOPS.
So he's a blank slate?
That's a good chunk of video game protagonists honestly.
The protag of the last game had no personality either
He pretty much was Batman but without the charisma and cool costume
he's a blank slate in a game with what seems to have a per-determined story, so you get the gordon freeman effect where you play as a character you're supposed to self-insert upon, but can' actually interact with the story elements, so really you're just errand boy
i got the vibe he was bit of a disgruntled vigilante type at the most, the new guy has nothing going for him he just seems like some nobody
Well, it can drop harder than Division which was a new IP and the game wasn't surrounded with PC bullshit to very obvious level unlike WD2 where PC bullshit level is fucking extreme. Also, keep in mind that if it's going to be buggy piece of shit with ton of overpriced DLCs and it will be without any doubt, they going to lose even more people and WD future will be destroyed completely.
I think Ubi is still desperately trying to get SJW audience because looks like they lost a lot of stupid normalfags they pissed off by their previous games. Too bad they don't realize that even if SJW cared about games, it still wouldn't be enough to save Ubi because normalfags are majority in the market.
Because lefties are secretly obsessed with Trump and want him to fuck them as hard as possible. They write about him in every blogpost they call articles too, no matter how unrelated Trump is to one or another topic. Hilary must be seriously envious, no one is getting as much attention as Trump right now.
The only thing I recall from WD2's cast is all the trap hentai with Daft Punk guy.
Don't forget that from a publicity standpoint, the only thing worse than bad publicity is no publicity.
Controversy sells.