Legion is just around the corner. In case anyone needs a reminder on why it's probably going to be a terrible expansion:
-Plot is…corrupted with more retarded story-telling by Metzen and crew. Almost every character dies corrupted, or has to be redeemed. I'll let someone else go into how stupid the story has become with Illidan as the destined hero, "Sargeras wasn't so bad," and half of the characters being…CORRUPTED. My head hurts when I think about this shit.
-Garrisons are coming back through class quests and halls, and…are probably even worse than WoDs. Blizzard learn nothing from the WoD backlash.
-Possible sjw-catering bullshit all over the expansion (e.g. Sylvanus and her armor even though her design was always bad, Azeroth being a female titan or some stupid shit).
-Class pruning and reworks have been criticized for ruining certain specs if not an entire class (Warriors got fucked over big time). Off-healing specs almost lost their revive spells, which made the community lose their shit, making Blizzard change their mind.
-Jay Wilson (the guy who almost killed Diablo) and Wyatt Cheng (the guy who ruined Diablo 3 and it's expansion with forced playstyles and terrible power creeps no one likes) are involved with Legion, but Jay left the team. Expect some god-awful power creeps from Cheng or worse.
-Blizzard removed any add-on/options that changed the camera view or your ui in the initial release, and come 7.1 they will be removing more addon stuff.
That's right, come 7.1 Legion will start to remove [certain] raid add-ons that helped you with range and positioning. This one is controversial because some raid bosses were almost impossible without them, and Blizzard used to be cool with addons in the past (Durumu in MoP was a fucking nightmare without addons, and I heard Archimonde on the hardest difficulty was impossible). Blizzard won't admit their recent raid boss designs suck.
-Some dungeons are already getting shit on like the new Violet Hold (one room of the same shit all over again, but you don't get different bosses this time). Karazan is coming back as a mythic 5 man (9 bosses), but Blizzard is keeping their mouths shut about it.
I'm not going to be surprised to know Legion has day one problems, or worse; however, a part of me wants to play this trainwreck of an expansion.