What are some comfy video games where you can play as viking, ancient slavs or nordic people in general?
inb4: the elder scrolls V: skyrim or viking: battle for asgard, they are both totally not comfy, and boring
What are some comfy video games where you can play as viking, ancient slavs or nordic people in general?
inb4: the elder scrolls V: skyrim or viking: battle for asgard, they are both totally not comfy, and boring
Mount and Blade: Warband
Mount and Blade: With Fire and Sword
You could mod Skyrim to be a comfy inn-hopping simulator with realistic weather, needs, and diseases, if you really wanted to.
I was considering getting into mount and blade for serious, but i alway though it was incredibly repetitive.
You can't fix swallow story, bad voice over, incredibly repetitive environments, and shitty lore. I would say that TES lore itself has really bad representation of vikings as a whole, Nords aren't deeply written as they should be.
Skyrim is a horrible game for playing vikings, ancient slavs, or nordic people in general, though.
Actually, yes, Enderal has fixed all of that. German stories are really… dark.
You got something on your mind user?
You should rethink that statement after seeing what a mess sweden is.
Close to being the most prosperous and safe country on Earth? Compared to any slav hellhole it's a paradise.
Super-comfy viking survival roguelike in continual development since 1992 by authentic Finnish autism
Finnish autism is the best autism
Nigga you wot
Yes, the Nords are niggers. We've had this discussion one thousand and one times. It's no the Khajiit, or the Redguards, or the Argonians, it's the Nords and they always have been filthy drunked snow niggers whose only solution to a problem is to hit it with a sword until it goes away.
That's because TES nords aren't even supposed to be like IRL nords. TES Nords are actual niggers with wrong skin color.
There are mods to have your own swallow stories, pretty lewd stuff.
But yeah, the game can't be fixed on the aspects you want. At best, it can be a "small portion of Scandinavia" camping simulator.
I'd try if I was you.
There is more to life than not getting killed, you have cow mentality, m8.
Khajit are Gipsies. Redguards are Persian, but with black skin. Nords are niggers.
I don't think Nords ask for free shit or steal shit to sell for skooma or rape white wimmins user
TES has fucking weird lore, there's a story about some sex freak biting off molag bal's dick and turning it into a spear and then shoving it down azura's throat, he's also a tranny/hermaphrodite, i can't remember which, but i thoroughly enjoy the lore, because the guy that wrote it all was full of hope that they would actually use some of it in a game, before toddler howard threw a hissy fit and tried to bury the lore because it's not SJW friendly
Yes they do. They stole Skyrim. They're the proto-niggers of Tamriel.
Land can't be stolen, only conquered.
I agree, fellow semite! Those dirty elves deserved everything they got!
Are you trying to shove in modern nigger attitudes and customs into a discussion about older civilizations?
African niggers weren't running around raping shit, they were just conflict-prone (even between each other) and unproductive, generally incapable of developing shit on their own.
Nords did stole shit, the whole land they occupy. They were also constantly fighting each other over trivial issues. Magic is the equivalent of technology on the TES world and nords are the least competent race on that aspect, even less so than Redguards.
And no, orks aren't meant to be niggers, they are more like native america tribe people.
Your shitpost would carry more weight if Jews actually tried to conquer land instead of being given land freely by filthy goyim
I'm beginning to wonder if you even played any of the TES games.
>worse than magic and swordplay than Redguards
What the fuck are Nords good for, again?
I never said Orcs were meant to be niggers but ok, whatever feeds your presecution complex user
Todd I know you develop your games with playing them first but please you have to try harder
Jealous shitskin detected.
If nords are niggers, why do they have some of the best architecture?
Why didn't anyone else thing to make a game with full simulation of auto mechanics?
They aren't dead yet, mate.
You fucking for real? Morrowind is right next door.
Oh I'm sorry there's exactly one left to carry on the species, they're not dead after all
Amerindian detected
Is that Vainamoinen?
He's over 4000 years old, he's got plenty of time to figure something out.
Oh boy, NIDF detected. Don't you have a cow to herd, Jurgan?
Are you from reddit/pol/ by chance? Can you understand that, just because they have the "same" name it doesn't mean TES Nords are a representation of real life Nords?
I'm asking because you seem to be taking this as a personal offense or some shit.
And I mention orcs in advance of a probable comeback, no other particular reason.
Killing elves and dragons and being the goddamn emperors of tamriel, and being the only men to have EVER ascended to godhood.
He had 4000 years and he hasn't figured anything out, he is beyond fucked
Oh I see you believe in the Holla Forums boogeyman too
Cuck detected
Oh christ, is it time for the old "Talos was a Nord" argument again? Talos is an amalgam of three of the races of man: Imperial, Breton, and Nord. Once again, the jealous Nord nigger tries to take credit for something his betters have done.
Way to dismiss his argument like the faggots you are.
Yet elves are on their way to control the whole continent.
Not Holla Forums, just this new breed of reddit/pol/ that seems to react like this every time someone says something they deem as "offensive".
Tiber Septim was a Nord.
Prove me wrong.
And Jesus was a nigger, niggers were the first inhabitants and the rightful owners of Israel too, amirite :^).
He's not. Tiber Septim is a combination of Talos the man, born a son of Skyrim, and Hjalti Early-Beard, a native of High Rock and a Breton.
Staying alive might be a slav's idea of luxury.
Fine you baby, I'll adress his argument
>Can you understand that, just because they have the "same" name it doesn't mean TES Nords are a representation of real life Nords?
I'm not talking about real Nords, what made you assume that? We're talking about TES are we not?
I disagree so I'm taking this personally? What grade are you in?
Why the fuck would I bring them up in the first place? We're talking about Nords
Elves couldn't even control Skyrim. They're on their way to lose a second war with Nords you mean.
guys please stop arguing about fake people and races
Then why is Tiber Septim always referred to as the first emperor and Dragonborn in the lore books?
revisionism, you dumb shit, this is TES lore 101
Wew, Sweden, just wew.
Skyrim isn't even that important when you have everything else under your foot.
Not to mention they were taking over without even fighting.
Being the Dragonborn doesn't imply a race.
Anyway Hjalti Early-Beard is clearly a Nord name and was just yet another of Talos' names.
Yeah not anymore thanks to shitrim
Gee, it's not like High Rock borders Skyrim or anything. Surely there would be no intermingling of cultures there, that would be ludicrous.
You clearly don't know what you're talking about, stop posting and go read some lore, or better yet, bone up on >>>/tes/.
you make a good point
Surely there would never be Atmorans (primal nords) in high rock, dipshit.
i can't remember, but i think so
Since basically all Bretons are is elves mixed with atmorans. Why would elves hate Talos so much if he was part elf?
No, there wouldn't be, because the last Atmorans immigrated to Skyrim over 1000 years before Hjalti was born in the Second Era. At that point, they would've interbred with the native Nedes for a millennium.
Crusader Kings 2. I particularly enjoy playing as this one Viking king, I think his name is Rurik. He goes on to form Rus, what later becomes Russia.
Vikings and Slavs in one go.
At least try to make sense if you're going to use funny images to convey your thoughts.
Surely there would have been no pure atmorans left at all. Just like there aren't any snow elves left.
Let me put it in a way you can understand: They hate him because he is a mongrel. Do you get it?
That's a stupid reason to hate someone and more of a reason to pity someone imo tbh fam
They hate him for other reasons too, dumbass.
Only if you're a human.
You didn't have to be a Dunmer in Morrowind either.
Like whut
Elf fags are cowards and race traitors that prefer another species over their own. Elves are whiny and feminine.
Prove me wrong. You can't.
Because you aren't
Did you even pay attention to anything in the game?
I'm sure you'll find some way to correct me even if i say yes.
How about choas-induced rapekings instead of just vikings in pretty much any Warhammer game?
Or Settlers. Settlers are awesome.
Because you've been consistently wrong and misinformed. If you had any idea what you were talking about, you would know that the Altmer's biggest reason for hating Talos is that he, an amalgamation of 3 men, was able to ascend to godhood, and that touch of divinity was supposed to be something only elves had.
That's why they're so butthurt about him.
Elves can't handle the sight of a strong Nord woman.
What did he mean by this?
Well how come pretty much only nords revere talos then?
What about Cultures 1 and 2?
Because Talos was a Nord, so he gets extra attention from Nords. But really he's the patron saint of all humans.
Because Nords are niggers trying to have something to be proud about.
Because Imperials worship the Nine Eight as a whole, while Nords have a boner for Talos because they like to say TIBER SEPTIM WAS THE LAST IMMIGRANT OF GREAT ATMORA, despite the fact that they claim he did it centuries after the last known immigration. Bretons are the same as the Imperials, and the Redguards have their own pantheon full of badasses who don't give a fuck about anything.
King of Dragon Pass has that vibe.
Kys elf kike
Then why don't other humans care at all about him?
Kys cuck
Because most of them actually have shit to do in their lives beyond jerk off at the temple all day and fuck their cattle.
You mean like dark elves do?
Claiming someone's else achievement to your collective culture is a pretty nigger thing to do.
And you have the face to call me a nigger, reddit/pol/?
Dunmers have achievements of their own and they actually do something while jerking off on a temple.
What? Dark elves fuck each other, you animal.
Funetiks recently made a similar new game called Valhalla Hills
Also, The Banner Saga.
You take that back n'wah
Your women already have bulls, nigelves.
I love how this thread is entirely devoted to shitting on TES but people still continue to make random suggestions because it is bumped by TES shitting.
Have anyone here played it? How is it?
Ha, ha. Is that why there's a whole community of Nords in Morrowind breeding with their women?
I didn't think so. And all of this is happening at Ulfric's front door, what a rube.
Nords that came over and raided morrowind and are now fucking your women because there are almost no Nord women in Morrowind, yes. 👍
You fell for my trap, you fucking dumbass.
There are no mixed races in TES, if Nords came into Morrowind and fucked all their women, they'd keep popping out Dunmer.
Is this pokemon now? Wtf
Well, I take it back, the Bretons are mixed, but we're talking about systemic rape over centuries of breeding. Basically a eugenics accident.
More like a success since bretons have ever been the most OP race in the fucking series, every game.
redguard are the actual niggers.
orcs are fantasy niggers.
thalmor are jews.
imperials are good goy cucks.
stormcloaks are Holla Forums
this has been scientifically and conclusively proven in the past, many times.
Shut the fuck up, dumbass. No it hasn't.
Try Rune, it's pretty much God of War but with norse gods and instead of killing the main god, you work for him.
Yep, Holla Forums is officially dead.
You give me hope user
Redguards are not niggers, they're sand niggers
You forgot to mention Viking Conquest, a paid mod(DLC/Expansion) for Warband, made by the same people who made Brytenwalda.
Also orcs are probably mostly like the Japanese or maybe mongols or chinese
But niggerish
oh you're that one autist from Holla Forums who's been trying to force this nonsensical meme for weeks.
yeah good luck with that.
mfw freech is this triggered by the truth and this unable to construct a rational argument
OP said "comfy", there are a billion and one games about vikings wreaking shit.
Who needs a rational argument when all you've posted is baseless, stupid bullshit?
He's not freech just some autist who hates Vikings
The Vikings were a hygienic and cultured people.
TES Nords are niggers.
you need to step up your game. get memed on, kiddo
They run all the lumber mills in Skyrim
Niggers don't even work. Let's see what niggers don't work in TES
Let's see
Wood elves. Who are also cannibals. And only niggers are cannibals.
Germanic endemic warfare, endemic warfare in general.
Kys dweeb
Go cast your fancy magic some place else
Well you have Black and White 1, you get to build norse wood huts and shit. I only played 2 but that one had greeks as the default race for the whole game.
-Ahmad ibn Fadlān ibn al-Abbās ibn Rāšid ibn Hammād, Arab explorer and diplomat, circa 922 AD
This was you right
Jesus christ.
Kill yourself, you are worst autist
I knew it was you.
i find it strange that a turkish airport ad is in english, but i still believe it
Isn't Sweden actually still really nice in country and small towns outside urban areas?
Because the noble arab was a proud and civilized race before the white man raped them.
Pretty much all airports broadcast in the native language first, and then english.
There's also turkish shit on the white and the blue rectangles.
Christ, this is even fucking painfull when you think about it.
Why are there no realistic Viking games?
Vikings YES
why would you want to play as some chinese guy?
You might have a point if slavs had any culture and weren't a soulless serf race.
Fucking homos.
You know what's going to happen, right user?
Oh, tell me about the glorious history of slavs. I'd like to hear about the point where they weren't enslaved by foreigners. Must been a month at some point.
5/10 there is definitely effort, but you could try being less obvious next time
Oh, I don't know, maybe the hundreds upon hundreds of years through which Poland buttfucked absolutely anyone who even dared to fuck around in central Europe, the many instances in which Poland conquered huge parts of Germany or the part where Poland absolutely raped Russia mercilessly up until the Napoleonic times . Or what about the numerous times Poland was the sole reason you aren't speaking Turkish today? What about the very basics of our knowledge on radioactivity? What about Pilsudski's entire life and how he became the greatest fear of every Bolshevik alive at the time? Fuck, you owe the fact that the earth revolving around the sun is basic knowledge today to a slav person.
tl;dr you're a bitch nigger
He was stabbed.
Yeah, yeah, go back to squatting in the corner and leave civilization to us humans.
the banner saga? has some nordic feel and it's really comfy
By Hydrant?
substitute "compound-recurve bows", "mounted archery", and "Buddhism", and this also describes Mongolia
From where?
Well, all my demonoid torrents wouldn't download, so I sucked it up and grabbed one off TPB.
This game's old enough to where I'm probably fine.
Not today.
I'm like, 99% sure one of the downloads I saw was a Linux port.
Also, that's Rune Classic, which has some of the harder levels ripped out, apparently. You should look for Rune Gold, which is just the old game.
Sadly, the original commercial Rune binary port (like all UT99-engine games) from the Loki days is too outdated to run nicely on modern Linux, and the limited source release used for the OpenUT project isn't making much headway.
There's a free, legal mod to add them back in:
Nah, they are only black. Nords are the niggers, Khajit are the sandniggers. Argonians are Meso-Americans, not sure if pre- or post-colonialization.
The lost Vikings.
Comfy as hell.
keys yourself back to tumblr
Are you a nigger? I apologize if you are behaved/trained/domesticated, but wildlings are nigger tier.
i think banner saga and King of Dragon pass are the only games that i can think of that capture viking aesthetics correctly,
skyrim has hollywood tier vikings i.e. shit.
don't get me started on the vikings series on the history channel.
Yeah, exactly like the Vikings.
you want comfy?
well it has vikings in it but they dont vike very often
Swede here, I love that ad. Here's the short version:
Some latest polls show that nationalists are largest party
The Swedish nationalists are almost as cucked anyway user. Unless you mean the SD but from what I can see the entire country has been brainwashed to think of them as ebul Nazis so good luck.
You should read about scythians, about how they made capes from human skin and wine cups from skulls of their enemies. Those guys were conquered and merged with slavs at some point of history.
lolnom8 SD are the nationalists. Swedes aren't as brainwashed as you might think, it's the media. But Swedes have the lowest faith in media of all Europeans. It's still a long way to go tho
Too bad he didn't came during winter, when everyone was washing with snow after getting drunk in sauna bath.
The SD also need >50% of the vote since the other parties refuse to work with them (democracy…).
All the Swedes I've talked to have been brainwashed. I've managed to convert 1-2 of them to sanity simply by logically laying out what is going on but sadly that's simply a drop in the ocean and they still won't see the SD as anything other than Nazis. It takes only one cucked person to cancel out one educated Swede and it sadly takes a lot more effort to see through the bullshit than to accept it. Looking at recent polls it does seem to be improving though.You need to hope for a terrorist attack user. Sad but true.
Please do not equate the accomplishments of the Nords of The Elder Scrolls to those of the Nords of Skyrim/Skyrim 2. The Nords work creatia (the physically-bound counterpart to magicka) with their tongues, build cities spanning swathes of Nirn's northern coast, and safeguard the priceless Eastern library of the Ysmir Collective.
It's plausible that one of the cucked party (the moderates) will co-operate. The majority of the moderates wants to go back into being a true right-wing party. Sadly few of those is high up as of right now.
Then there's hope yet user. I really feel for the Swedes out there who want to do something because you've essentially got a two party system in which radical feminists get to be part of the governing coalition.
Medieval: Total War