The surge. It looks like an AA game.
Did someone accidentally make a good game?
You wanna go play call of dooters? They have all the Gunz™ you need.
Is it set in the UK? Oh wait, they can't even have butter knives over there huh?
It would have to be on accident, since they were also responsible for Lords of the Fallen
I don't think the devs have ever made a good game.
It's best to stay pessimistic about The Surge but clearly they've learned their lesson from LotF about how to copy Dark Souls without just being a shittier version of DS.
Shit, you're right. Looks like they're trying again.
which has better gameplay than Dork Souls
Fucking why?
I mean, even if the game turns out to be fun, the setting will still be shit!
How is Lords of the Fallen anyway?
Technomancer 2 is being made already?
but the first game didn't do good at all, what are they thinking?
It's like a shorter dork game with no factions and multiplayer
Dark Souls 2 is shit and still a Dark Souls game.
Please elaborate.
God what's with these shitty slow-combat games?
just find a video of the game
user, I have seen videos of it.
I'm asking because I obviously want an opinion and a description by an user and not just some video.
Otherwise I'd do just that, now wouldn't I?
We still haven't reached 20XX.
Yeah, ds series is shit. What of it?
yeah, goty.
Haha, I love memes too!
Well the only good thing they have is they admit they were inspired by Dark Souls.
That shit is going to get old real fast
A soulslike soulsgame for the soulful soulslike soulsfan's souls
post the video pls
This actually made me fall asleep. Is it just another Dank Souls game?
Out of everything in this demo the only thing to me that stood out was the robot dog design. I really liked it, it was dynamic and believable in its movement.
I guess that they're still trying to steal the audience they couldn't steal before.
Editing the suit seemed pretty cool.
It's lords of the fallen: sci-fi edition.
If I'm gonna play a souls clone it at least needs to get the basics right
DS was never THAT good, why even bother with poor clones with questionable art direction? Not to mention this faggots are Denuvo whores, I'm not wasting a dime on their shit, the last game they made was shit and chances are this one will be shit too, they can't grasp some basics of game design and that will be their doom.
It's a very amateur game in spite of having good graphics. Like they could have done real good with it but it seems they just put in the basics and didn't bother fleshing it out. Heavy weapons are very, VERY slow, bosses are incredibly bad and the gauntlet system is a mixed bag. But it had potential and I think I enjoyed it as much as DS1, although it might have been because I played it after DS2.
OP you realize that Holla Forums will never call any new game a "good" game.
I think the majority of people here downright expect NieR Automata and Butterlord to be good games, obviously there's no guarantees until they're released but I would be surprised if they aren't widely praised here.
Dragon's Dogma got a lot of praise on release, both at the PS3 release date and the PC release (leaving aside the obvious trolling and retards that never played the game along with the statistically irrelevant people who actually didn't enjoy the game).
There are some good new games every once in a while, this doesn't seem to be the case, even less so based on the track record of the company.
It also had some very exploitable aspects to it. Like there's a shield bash you can do by sprinting while your shield is up, and that move can break the guard of anything with utter ease(including most bosses), break down walls when nothing else can(but the shield bash move looks incredibly weak to actually look like it breaks down anything) and for heavy attacks it was much easier sprinting and attacking which came out much faster than anything else the heavy weapon could do, dealt about as much(if not more) damage and didn't take as much stamina.
I agree but you're talking about widely praised games. I was pretty interested in this game when they announced it back in late 2015. You'd be surprised by what small groups of anons are excited for but don't mention it because there isn't much to talk about or they're not willing to make a thread where everyone complains about them shilling or whatever.
This looks like Destiny: Melee Edition.
i knew it looked familiar
dollars to donuts says that just like LotF , it will too suffer from it
I'll be honest I've only played the Ankh series and Lords of the Fallen and I liked those plenty.
Jack Keane was pretty shit though
looks like shit
Also the reason why it looks like an AA game is because it's published by Focus Home Interactive. They publish lots of stuff ranging from trash like Confrontation to mid level stuff like Technomancer and Styx to big hitters like Wargame and WH40K:Deathwing
This shit was hardly acceptable in CRPGs. I'm betting it will be another Denuvo turd.
Looks boring.
Gameplay looks solid enough, I really hope they get more creative with the weapons move set, so we can get some neat options.
I liked how they decided to give you a way to get armor instead of relaying on rng and killing certain enemies over and over and hope to get the drop.
My only beef it's with the aesthetics, I really fucking dislike that "industrial armor" style, I find it fucking boring. either go full mecha. or living suits (warframe style) don't give me this boring ass fallout 4 wannabe look
Oh no you don't. Webm that shit, nigger.
Looks like the gameplay would have passed for a 7/10 in 2004.
I'll keep my eye on it. I really hope they don't fuck it up somewhere along the way and just turn it into a third person Bioshock.
He emphasized the importance of exploration so I hope that means minimal handholding. I hope that if the suits get their hands on the game then they'll at least have difficulty options and design the levels with harder difficulties in mind.
What we need to start doing is memeing our wishes into existence. It worked for Holla Forums, we need a game to be the Donald Trump of vidya. Maybe if this game stays good for a couple of months we can make it ours just like how Trump belongs to Holla Forums now.
Hang yourself.
Sup shill.
webm this faggot
I thought that if they call weeby hack and slash games cool, then this would be out of this world, but I guess Holla Forums is a strange hypocritical beast.
Even though the dev has a history of bullshit, I'm keeping an eye on it for now. Who knows, they may accidentally do something good.
If it's so simple, why haven't you done it yet?
formulaic shite
Looks like absolute trash.
It's what keeps us alive.
It has that weird feeling that every OT4 game has. I cant pin point it exactly but it has something to do with the lighting and everything looking realistic when its not. I cant explain it.
I meant to say Unreal engine
Standards on this board have gone to fucking hell.
Anyone can make an OP and put whatever they want on it, though if it isn't vidya expect it to be bumplocked/deleted.
Though I do appreciate OP for bringing this game to my attention, Its sci-fi lords of the fallen, so I'll pass.
seems like a darksiders situation. no original mechanics or idea, but a solid recreation and combination of already good mechanics and ideas.
hope it works out, would play.
If it weren't for the dev's shitty track record, I'd have my eye on this game, but as is, this is going to have to be mind blowingly good to get me to bother with it.
Need to remove the QTE shit and make dodging require a bit tighter timing. Too late to change the hideous setting, weapons, and armor. Might be worth picking up on sale a few years from now, but I doubt it's going to be a great game from what I've seen.
anyone else notice how as soon as the first fight started, that the main character's weapon has a longer reach than it should have?
It looks okay. Not amazing, but okay. I'd consider giving it a whirl to see how it plays, but
>No demo
Fork over those shekels, goyim. Lords of the Fallen won't recuperate it's losses by itself!
Ah, I forgot about that. If it gets cracked it will be another instance of pirates having it better than paying customers…
Your game looks like garbage that entirely misses the point
I'm sorry but if they aren't warping around at the speed of light with melee weapons I can't see a future game with no guns. not for lack of imagination, just purely because of world building.
What did he mean by this?
stopped watching there
But global warming doesn't real user
Maybe the developer is lying and it's not because of global warming, but because of memes.
Global Memeing is a real phenomena though
I hear it is going to have some real global effects if we don't cut down on it
what would bill nye say
here's a hint
He'd certainly talk whether anybody wanted to listen or not, he is a talking head after all
Even if you go by conservative (kek) projections for global warming, or just think a few feet of flooding and bad weather in over a century too lame for the big threat in a game, there's always chain-reaction runaway global warming scenarios. Albedo increase, seacurrent inversion, or my favorite, submarine methane ice clathrates.
Double-digit mean temperature increases, total ice thaw, and maybe even atmospheric firestorms, all in less than 50 years, and just plausible enough to use in post-apoc SF.
Someone please pour cyanide into the water supply of whatever planet these devs are from.