How can I reconcile the fact that I used to enjoy Bethesda and Bioware titles?
Were their games better at a certain point in the past, or do I just have shit taste?
How can I reconcile the fact that I used to enjoy Bethesda and Bioware titles?
Were their games better at a certain point in the past, or do I just have shit taste?
Companies and their products can be good and then go bad. They can be bad and then go good.
I don't see why you'd need to reconcile anything?
Play their games and find out.
stop being a faggot
You have a ways to go yet, youngling. As long as the game is good, it shouldn't matter who made it. Now go lurk some moar.
So Bethesda still has hope?
If they got rid of most of their upper management and Todd Howard, sure, there's a chance.
Depends on what you mean by better user. JE is okay, story kind of bored me, the twist they had was retarded, and I wish it did more with the concepts they had.
It is a lot easier to go from being good to bad then the other way around.
Dunno about Bioware but Bethesda has certainly been trash from the beginning. The main selling point of their games was that they were pushing the technical envelope forward with procedural generation, giant world maps, full 3D graphics and so on but they rarely ever had a good game to go with those. Nowadays they don't even push any technical boundaries.
Nah, Kotor and Baldur's Gate games were good and still are.
They just started to reuse successful elements from those game ad nauseum in everything while also pandering to transvestites and faggots, which eventually led to a sorry state they are in now.
I can't believe there's people that are so deeply affected by Holla Forums that not only they don't have their own opinions, but they RETROACTIVELY QUESTION THEIR OWN PAST OPINIONS TO FIT THE CURRENT HIVEMIND.
What fucking level of insecurity and utter absence of anything resembling a set of balls and a spine is this?
Holla Forums is breeding a generation of goddamn zombies.
If i tell you to give me your credit card information or else you're a casual faggot with shit taste of video games, will you do it?
Do you take American Express?
Anyone else getting triggered by stretched GUI?
Some people need love and validation from others. That's why some straight men join the gay community or other cults.
Years of emulating PS2 games made me resilient to it.
Everyone used to enjoy shallow/instant gratification types of media when they were younger be it films, vidya or music. There's nothing wrong with looking back on shit you liked in the past without the release hype or with a more experienced taste and realising it wasn't all you though it was. Indeed doing so is probably a good thing overall. The problem comes when you blindly stick to your guns out of nostalgia or pretend you never liked it.
The problem with Bioware's older titles is that you realize the writing has more or less stayed the same and they reuse the same character types in every single game they've made
Tell that to the two autists that keep derailing my threads when I try to get advice and reference for various weapons/creatures/characters. It always goes well for the first 150+ posts and then these fags show up and kill it with their smugposting.
You think that's shitty? I made a thread trying to gather ideas a mech vs kaiju game and within 20 posts it got derailed by fucking flat earth faggots and that's how it died. Page 15 and expunged before the day was over. That fucking trainwreck over this stupid picture of a NASA mecha
I want some examples of this
Who cares, if you had fun with it you had fun with it. Its only up to you from there on to decide what you liked and didnt like about it.
Electronic Arts.
Well, they were good, then bad, then good again, then bad again, and I think they're mostly good now.
Or quiet at least.
Facepunch. Garry Newman used to be an arrogant faggot until he realized that his attitude is detrimental to his own company. He's been more or less transparent about the company and gamedev process since.
By the way, the XP system in Rust is going to be cut, and replaced with a community suggested system of crafting parts that have to be foraged around the world. Fucking awesome.
The problem is that I legitimately value the opinions of people on here, but every time I get these niggers going "oh you said you don't care what we say about you because you'll get what you want anyway".
Fucking no. I said that Holla Forums will pirate the game and play it for free anyhow while I'll monetize it with focus on normalfags to profit from it. It's a fucking win/win.
Doesn't mean I don't care about what they have to say, for fucks sake. If I didn't I wouldn't be asking.
My theory is that gamers turned to shit.
Bioware and Bethesda merely followed the market.
Videogames are now mainstream normalfag territory. The average gamer now has the intelligence and attention span of a goldfish.
A lot of people think that game companies are malicious. They're not.
They're simply following the trend and shoveling out chum as most of the market are now casual gamers.
Every group that feels it has an identity is a cult, no exceptions. It's not a bad thing, it's human nature
No it's caused by Toxoplasma gondii.
The problem is that developers used to have more power, now publishers have it all. Devs are, at least often, run by people who care about making a good product. Publishers are mostly run by MBAs who have learned to commoditize everything, package it and sell it according to a plan, not on its own merits. Thus there is no need for a good product, just good marketing.
Here's your (you).
Some can be behind closed doors when horror stories leak out like with Konami handling KojiPro recently, but outside of that most are just corperations like you said.
Exactly. Old game companies were staffed and run by gamers who also knew how to write code. They knew their audience and games sold to a large extent by word of mouth.
Modern companies all have the same structure of "suits at the top, HR catladies on the side, and everybody else does what they're told" and rely on Hollywood style marketing to make big sales that then fade once the fad passes. Where's their incentive to make good games? Everbody goes along to get along as a good little worker ant.
By reconciling the fact that you used to have poorer critical evaluation skills.
It's fair to be fond of some of their older work, however, when the games were made by people who cared and they actually turned out alright.
Real answer: the company may have the same name, but the people behind it changed.
Surprise surprise, the good people at Bioware left sometime around or soon after the EA buyout.
For Bethesda you'll find that around Oblivion time some people who were sub-writers/designers became head honchos, since they'd been slowly losing some old people. But surprisingly there's still a lot of company vets left. Todd is just a shit.
Enjoying TES before Skyrim is fine, and enjoying heavily modded Bethesda games afterwards is arguably forgivable.
Bioware has never made a good game, and yes I have played them all. They all have a very big focus on "muh story" be it cinematic or written but with the fatal flaw of having garbage-tier dumpster trash writing somehow worse than the essays my 14 year old sister shits out for her high school English class.
That IS a problem.
*before Oblivion
There are certainly a lot of things about Oblivion that were shit, but with Shivering Isles (and ideally some mods) the game is mad comfy so I give it a free pass. Vanilla Skyrim didn't really have much going for it, neither did either of Bethesda's Fallouts.
Even EA was making great games once upon a time.
Companies change. Usually for the worse.
I used to like Sonic Adventure…
Look, I don't know what kind of cave you inhabit or revisionist nuurd culture propaganda you ate up but most of the "normalfags" played games like Tomb Raider, nearly fucked up their uni studies due to Civ binges or played sports management games (remember that genre?). Gaming hasn't been intrinsically low status since the mid-90s at least.
Much more important is the fact that the middle market is fucking dead thanks in large part due to retarded economic policy. It's no wonder innovation in many respects came to a halt and niches dies when all that remains are huge companies desperately apeing the Hollywood blockbuster model or pseudo-AAA "indie games" full dependent upon clique distributed investment shekels.
its not pron, it's erotica
It's entirely possible that you just didn't have the gaming experience back then that you do now, so what was once good to your untrained mind might have been a shock when you realized that it is, in fact, shit.
Except hipsters created circle jerks between themselves and more or less infested vidya fournalism and said companies because nobody paid attention to them and they're actively trying to stamp out superior devs, competition, and badwrongthink so their shovelware is actually profitable and brainwash you.
This type of thinking would require them to be incredibly cooperative and intelligent. They're neither.
Whatever it appears to be is a byproduct of their ideals. They're nothing but a bunch of hacks that think of themselves as geniuses.
You simply grew older mate. Bioware has always been a SJW company with faggot lovers and shit.
I think what they are has never changed in a sense and that is that they are a mirror of the current landscape of the video game industry.
They used to value in depth mechanics and good stories but as the industry went more casual so did they. The day they go back to the way they were is the day video games have entered a renaissance.
To see this in a single concrete example: Mass Effect 1 -> 2 -> 3.
1: innovation, some new ideas, interesting setting story and people. RPG and shooter mix with some proof-of-concept driving and exploring mechanics.
2: Strip out half the mechanics add a few annoying characters bump up the gfx, plug the holes with horde mode and some DLC.
3: Fire what remains of original staff. Kill mechanics. Add faggots and social justice. Kill story. Maximize mass appeal.
There you go. The story of video games in a single game trilogy.
Yes. JE, KOTOR, even Ass Effect 1 were pretty good. It wasn't until they started hiring pozzed writers and started pushing "inclusivity" over gameplay and fun that they started sucking mad dick. EA had a lot to do with it too.
It's called growing up, user.
(With Bethesda their games actually got worse over time though because of consoles but Bioware always made banal cliche ridden games.)
10/10 game, EA didn't make it though, they just published it. Back in the day they took more risks.
what the fuck?
Some are.
Just look at Zenimax' hostile takeovers of other studios.
Or EA filing a lawsuit it couldn't win in order to bankrupt the competition.
But I went back and replayed KOTOR and some other Bethesda shit and enjoyed them just as much.
Horsecrap. You can get exhausted from vidya. You can hate vidya. You can take a Holla Forumsirgin away from vidya, but you can't take the vidya out of the Holla Forumsirgin. What I'm saying is that there are perfectly good games out there from years past and I sure as hell am enjoying the fuck out of them, more than modern games. There is a CONSIDERABLE quality drop from gens 5 and 6 to the 7th gen, so much so you could almost touch it.
Ask yourself this; Is the enjoyment of vidya tied to being "old" or is it tied to modern vidya games being so bottom-of-the-barrel quality?
Bioware mainly survived and were regarded as "good" because they kept churning out RPGs during a time the genre was almost dead.
Same with Telltale and Adventures right now.
Jade Empire's only saving grace was its normally untraveled Chinese mythical setting. Combat was really fucking shallow, the characters were all super one dimensional, and the story was tired as fuck.
Pretty much.
Fallout 4 vs. New Vegas sales numbers
Fallout 4 sold 12 million copies in the first month IIRC.
Or they could be good or bad and just cruise on mediocrity for a long time. There is that option.
In fact, many a journalist called Baldur's Gate 2 the herald of a revival of the dying cRPG genre.
Back then they really had little to no competition on the field, but now that the market is almost overflowing in them they tend to look worse for wear, especially when someone tries to replay the games and realizes how shit they are.
And, instead of at least trying to go out with a bang BioWare are busy drowning in their own shit (in more ways than one thanks to the currynigger) and politically charging their products.
Which, in turn, was underused. It's just a superficial paint job, underneath the game is the same exact thing as every other BioWare game, only somehow managing to have even worse combat.
we need to go wider
They shipped 12 million in the first month, I don't think it's sold that much in physical copies yet, it's at about 15 mil total world wide but that includes almost 4 million in digital sales on Steam alone
It also sold off the popularity of Skyrim, FO3 and NV.
And, yes, NV sold less, but that's likely because most people had already been burned out on FO4.
Also, the community reacted rather negatively to FO4, especially to how the character background was set in stone, the dialogue system and the limited modding opportunities due to Bethesda being kikes and trying to force the modding community to only make shit that can also work on consoles, and this on top of the paid modding fiasco.
Most modders simply went back to Skyrim, and the rest of the community followed.
Most of Holla Forums starts hating companies at some point and then say everything they ever made is shit. Half Life was one of the biggest steps forward in PC shooters and also influenced a lot of FPS games from that time, yet not too long ago there was a thread, calling one of the best story based FPS games ever, shit.
Did you enjoy it back then? If you did, you probably still would enjoy it today. I played Oblivion in 2008, 8 years ago, and I still enjoy it today.
Companies have high points and low points, Ubisoft was fucking great at and before Chaos Theory, the original Splinter Cell was a massive leap forward in stealth games because of that innovative lighting tech, but now they suck ass.
Opinions dismissed.
You've done nothing beneficial by these degrading threads.
You're among the many of other degenerates who've only tried to have things ascociated with stupidity. With themselves.
Better people wouldn't tell you so out of pity or rightly not to have themselves connected to you in any way at all.
Offer somehing of your own when you have something important to that may be considered worthy.
Otherwise you'll be a cowardly parasite forever.
Could make a start by never watching tv or listening to the radio again. No advertising.
Get fit.
Find things you like, keep the experience to yourself. Try offering the good you see helping that survive time and other errosive processes. Maybe in that you'll be something good too. Part of something decent.
What you have submitted to is an attack on you not an offer of help. May need for it to be helped.
There is much to be. Effort would have what was done and it's doers helped by themselves.
What done for money, preying upon orhers depriving of their progression to beauty, deserves much worse than can be done.
Supposing such is hope ignores obvious origin. Dragon Ball and all that scum has hopes to be above. Maybe that inherently. A drowning thing that wishes to be what drowns others.
Scum that even created the situation clean of it. Made an enemy to make beauty seem a prize to be gained upon taking it from them.
Extreme privilage and still finding a way to make themselves inferrior.
Japanese had a wealth of things to be with and up to. Not just them lr the cowards there. Same scum elsewhere. All the same.
None of such scum deserve choice. Victims by choice, victimisers.
Matter of rearing methinks.
People prevented witnessing such degenerate things may have better chance of life. Ascociating themselves with better things may help too.
None should ascociate good things nor themselves whith you. Tooate for some. You'll have to be better to pay the debt of that.
both Half Life games are technological marvels, but from the point of gameplay they haven't aged that good at all, especially HL2 which kickstarted the trend of linear shootys with loads of cutscenes and story
Linear shootys like what? You're talking about pre-2010. That shit died off, nowadays people are whining about CoD and Battlefront having no campaign, but it's not like anyone actually fucking plays those. BF and CoD are bought for multiplayer.
If something was good to you, it shouldn't be revisited. What good it was is true and you should maintain that. Build it as it is. Seeing it again could have what you remember dissapear.
HL2 played exactly like HL1, right down to the "cutscenes" that let you walk around and stay in character while shit was going on.
The fault does not lie in Half Life, same as it does not lie with Call of Duty, but with every copycat faggot that couldn't come up with a better idea for their FPS game and had to ape what was popular.
I will never understand why companies keep bashing their heads against a brick wall trying to oust the dominant game in a particular niche, that already has a dedicated fanbase, polished gameplay because of multiple iterations, loads of content and market recognition, with an inferior product that doesn't play as well, has less content and only has one underutilized gimmick (that looks good in trailers but doesn't work well in gameplay) to set it "apart".
Know something good have a challenge to honour it. Prove it's involvement with you well chosen.
Should eventually be as good. Never better. Then you'd have failed to raise it higher, it's faith in you betrayed.
Thinking of Homeworld and the first music as you get control.
Hopes shouldn't be fragile with you. Suppose it's beautiful that they are but would anyway.
HL2 was nothing like 1. If you know different then you should help it be that.
Neither were good, but 1 had exploration. 2 was a thrown together waste of all matter involved with it. Made to make money, like "steam".
Portal was perfect though. I'd have rather the Doom 3 engine aided games to be great. Nothing is worth the cost of sacrificing something else.
Games now though should definately work together to raise graphics. All games improved and remaining important.
Perhaps all parts improved. But from memory of what liked them. A lack of ability to convey that perfection is a problem. Effort may resolve that or build something else that is right for someone else.
Supposition is part of the truth of something. If it makes it greater and is universally appreciable it is right and the heart of it is healthier.
Something good needs an entire universe of it. Connecting it to this one through your own actions is probably optimal. Makes a story more realistic in a good way.
Wondorous things are infinately more, no matter how substanciated.
In making anything that will be left to fend for itself afterward; much care.
If nothing looks after it it should be able to stand on it's own and look after itself.
Is this a fucking bot?
I played a bunch of NES games that I grew up with recently. 99% of them are total garbage but they brought back nice memories of childhood, so I don't mind it personally
He's a notorious retard who shows up in threads periodically. He always, without fail, says some nonsensical bullshit while formatting his posts like he's doing now.
You'll eventually learn to just phase his presence out. It gets pretty easy since he never changes his shtick.
Maybe he's drunk and tried to make haikus?
First looked like Quake 2. That it didn't use the same engine is a joke.
Second seemed over before it began. An apology for itself from start to finish.
More interested in the money. Devs distancing themselves from that they've done.
Should be doing it because they want to be a part of it. Want it well.
They made a dysotopia and someone else to blame for it. Parasites as it's savior.
At least the first seen combine heads looked interesting.
I put the can in the trash.
No interest was put into making the world immense. Larger than the player.
A lack of detail caused by texture filtering didn't help though that can be disabled via tweaks. -LOD helps too. Lights should receive filtering as they are all gradients. Things should look or be voxels. Software rendering is a good look. Playing Unreal/Quake 2/Half Life without it is playing a worse game.
Half Life 2 fixed would need added voxel detail and supposed geometry made actual geometry.
Would need more time to see what was wrong. What was not or less as well.
Thinking in terms of such happening in front of me now I can understand a lack of anything but kill.
Creatures organising work wouldn't be a problem though. Do work.
Propaganda is not acceptible. Screens of Breen should have made him an enemy immediately. Suppose naievety would have any source of information to establish the situation usefull and credible. Believe until proven otherwise. People trying to help thanked. Known otherwise immediately kill kill kill as should the rest, they don't they are all traitors and deserve to die.
Combine would have no reason to treat you well at the start. Or that shows the rest caused problems.
Expect effort. Those trying to remove that scum.
Something established. Establish something else.
People in gass masks. Assume infection to which everyone contained should be in spirits about to show they're men. A bit concerning but defeat it somehow. Efforts to raise conditions of infected, how to help, what needs aren't met. Help work on a cure. Enemy enacting it could have cure. See people suffering if any more convincing is needed time is past and action needs to be ever present. People doing nothing hopeless and example of the seriousness of infection. No hope. Could be false, looked like concentration (death) camp stuff. But working uniforms. Gass masks could be insure of what was toing on themselves. Braying idiots could easily turn it into their victim shit. Gass masks venreble and needing some seperation. People should be better considerate. Maybe people scum and being made to work. Not firm enough and no better example, gass masks should be doing it with them under the same conditions, for solidarity and honour. Wouldn't be ordered so. Fuck orders. Commanders should expect honour. Do so until they do. Gas masks betrayed too many times to have any heart to people trying. No expectation of them improving. Adapted to that. People change combine remains as problem, sad. Put can in trash can to show something.
Be hope he lost.
I don't do drugs. I haven't drank except for a few social things to demonstrate They were worth making my statement "I don't drink" a lie for. Most of a decade. Acter a funeral for a friends lifelong girlfriend and to make the shit music dancable at the only entertainment on a remote work site I worked months 7days a week 5am-7:30pm. I wanted to work more, that's the best it got. Bar I stopped a fight and carried the one on the ground to a hospital with his blood all over me.
If you drink it should be a night out and it should be to have a good time, one after the other and only spirits. And only drinking to show you can handle it and it does nothing.
Anything otherwise is pathetic.
Of course going out is going to go wrong, many times, everything will be shit, you are the only thing that wont be. Others the same are good company. It's a tood excuse to talk to anyone, if neither of you are interesting then good luck kind of thing, some encouragement and ontk something else.
Just poision to purify in your system, seeking out that to do is the joke. Alchohol isn't meant to taste good or feel good. People are good.
He's likely schizophrenic.
Should expect things to go right as well and be surprised when they don't. Quickly forget anything contrary to things going right, focus on the good things. Expect such. Anyone even recognising anything otherwise is an alien problem. 2, 3 bouncers have denied me entry. Should either plead or not care. 1 was because of the people I was with and I was wearing boots after I made a tood argument, another the guy I was talking to at another club came and saw me and he was the son of the owner of one of them and I was apologised and let in. I said something stupid before when I was asked for ID or something and just responded I was the nationality as if that meant I was ok, and it does, that fool was picking a fight, steroids do that to people. 3rd time my heart wasn't in it, so no bother, not on the list ok, alternative was taking the bouncer aside and fighting him, the owner was there, shittle little bar, her fix checking the list of members, not a remote part of reality to sweet talk her though that was the ticket in and her joy in life. Instead went and argued with cops calling them names and got cuffed for it.
Go back and play the games again.
I used to love Fable. I have every game and all the DLC.
Replaying the series from the start… Fable 1 is "ok, not great". Fable 2 is pretty shit… Might not make it to 3.
Conversely, I replayed Fallout a couple of years back: every game as good as I remembered. Even enjoyed Tactics. Fucking Tactics.
Maybe it's nostalgia goggles. Maybe the old games were better than the current dross. Maybe you'd like the current games if you gave them a chance.
Maybe this whole thread is bait. IDGAF: play the fucking games.
Yes, bioware and bethesda were always shit.
Those were the fucking times! Championship Manager, i fucking miss your glory.
What's wrong with Tactics? It's the poor man's Jagged Alliance, except not as shit as all the Jagged Alliance "remakes".
I heard good things about that SEGA hockey management game. Then again, I am no expert so my judgment is not to be trusted here.
Jade empire was pretty good, user. The real problem with old bioware was their stories always revolved around you being the special snowflake chosen one
The one recent that came out is decent for what it is, which is basically a rework of the 2007 edition. But there are no licenses so you have to rely on mods to play up-to-date version.
Shouldn't revisit your childhood. Should be built into you. As form rather than memory. Doing what was best for you.
Need more memories.
Replaying them wasn't right. Pretty tempting, especially in a lack of things to do.
You affirmed them beneath you. Should have kept a high opinion of them.
Worked out well for me, held off playing some or didn't have the time, weeks away. Few hours, then weeks away, Wanting things all the while. Rather that than stuff cowards wouldn't believe or have contempt for, wishing to relive the same things with me gone as if then they'd own them.
Try to refrain from bringing up the past. May help establish whatever is now as better when it really isn't. Things impressed in the past. And were right to. Stuff now is substandard. May have felt the same to others in hour past and their efforts what made the things that impressed you.
Things should come from personal experiences and effort too, presenting anothers may not transfer the right stuff. Might add all the missing stuff in doing things yourself.
Say you paint a picture and someone makes it a game. But doesn't feel right to you. But you make a game and it's not the picture, but it is something.
Things should come from themselves anyway.
Maybe things should be hardly acessible. Too costly. If they're had amazing. Otherwise wished for.
Nothing easy or attainable. A fluke when it is. Something great. You have to be… Sharp, smart for. Be what it needs you to be.
Seeing things any other way may be wrong.
It was shit. I loved adventure and anything was a blessing. But there was nothing there in that. Trying to sell a story. It wasn't one.
Had the potential, just needed to be able to run around visuals, but it wasn't.
They have something done and try to present it.
Game should be built with it beyond them, not trying for that. Just what they need to see. Not what suits anything, no conventions, no… No other authority. They do it.
Game devs shouldn't have managers.
Play needs to be inrestricted though. Fuck being herded. At least by bullshit. Doubt the devs even wnated it that way. Done to what they think will be liked or what can be played.
Make it without problems. A freeroamer. Make places need to deserve to getthere.
Fighting games are shit.
Navigate landscape enemies just try to stop you. Make interesting enemies. Don't need to eliminate them. Need to regard them as impediments, fucking up your progression shimmyin along hand holds or whatever you call dangling by your arms.
No idea what they can do so treat them with respect. Land an enemy similar if you attack it instead of deserve to scale it.
Combat needs to be part of play click click click swordplay, dodging, items. Vary them up just like enemy does.
Do what is effective based onthe situation, not enemy type though some of that too. Bows and such. Climb trees. Use bow, continue a fight, no quick fights. Get better every time things going wrong. Falling out of the tree while aiming, discovering new ways to do things. Items with many applications. None taught, test things out yourself. Experimentation is wrong. Shouldbknow what you can do, blame the game if you cant dk what you should be able to.
Games should all do that anyway.
True for everyone. Their fault if it isn't.
Main character as otherwise is a bit silly. Worked well for FFXII though.
Good start stealing apples (?) for Penello. Looking after her.
Gave the other characters something to far exceed and they did.
The problem with bioware is that writing went DOWN in terms of quality
If it stayed the same it would be an improvement over what we have now
You fucking idiot.
Mass Effect 2 was excellent. So was Dragon Age. ME3 had a good ending.
Any time listening to critics or social parasites acting as fans is wasted.
Unfortunately time away from characters Nd story may not have them continue it as part of it. Just arranging things. it already done. Fear of changing things, ruining things. Not what they've done not good enough needing to be more as it always should be.
Some games should end with progression maybe.
A supposed happy ever after potential. Player decides the best ending.
Next game exceeds last, left on a road going somewhere. Starts with the player choosing where they go trying to enact that happy ever after. Devs helping their own preferences go on. Maybe characters dictate what they will do. And player goes along with that to advance story.
Not Bilware I think but played to snow in Bound By Flame, leaving with the girl was the story.
Should do what you care about.
Dragon Age had characters and a story, didn't get to choose it yourself. Went along led along. Given things to do.
Was a gibbet at the start so entire Army worthless along with country.
Story could be get out desserter. Know more of it goes on. See if darkspawn are the same with Morrigan. They're worse. Everyone is shit, but Morrigan. and Sten. Sten ok with cages. Coward. Something wrong, doesn't fight it. False soldier. Allied to power not honour. Doesn't know what it is. Take him where chance of winning is irrelevant. Whole land corrupt from scum like him shirking duty pretending it isn't for them to do. Solve everything in sight. Show him a world without scum where things try for things to be better and are challenged in every moment. Nothing is done, it does. He isn't good enough. He isn't trying.
What is tk try for impossible and everything else frivolous and away from what matters. Share that sentiment. Wrong to be shaped by impossibility too. Wrong to raise it's defences. Power options corrupt.
Show him one person saved is enough. One person that sees hope true. Not enough, but can with a diversion. Fool him into thinking he is it. Knows his task as you do his. Play ending as Sten. Sten gets the job done, rescued Sten and Morrigan walk along a turning path into the sunset.
Morale that fighting for the right thing isn't a set fate. Seems wrong. Like proving Sten right. But proving Sten capeble of being more than a sacrifice for an army. Disliking hope of others upon him. Unfit for that.
Showing a sacrifice wasn't much of an ending for the remants. That fought for something.
More matter to destroy him with other as a traitor part of that attack.
Infected and disgusted. Rescued poor company.
Nowhere better, nowhere good.
Still orders to return to Qunari.
Seem better. Idiot a mistake.
Bad ending indeed. What happens when aomeone right considers themselves defeatable. Lets their right be defeated.
Not strong enough to be that right and that right not true to Sten. Pondering wastes time which aids enemy. Gives them authority. Rescued as soldiers that should die in battle and are wrong if they would not for that cause is too much like Qunari which with power does the same as enemy.
Build forces freeing people. Join by choice. Fight agaisnt that by life. Rest in support. Fight to survive. Painful, bitter, cowardly. Futile. No example for the contrary. Begin to realise the rest regard him as the example and they have something. Somethig he should have. Good orders.
No power where it shouldn't be. Everything without deferal to what is strongest. What helps the rest their duty.
Letting cowards go.
Proving power is with them to everyone but themselves, or himself.
Champ returns a complicative development. Returns to the ranks has Sten pleased by the example and steps down too. Presume and assume the best. Somehow works. Probably never been tried before. Rely on their ingenuity. Have story and glory.
Kill yourself shill
Reported for autism
Bethesda in their prime made one of the best RPGs of all time. Sadly, those days are over for them.
Bioware always had pozz you faggot. ALWAYS. From Baldur's Gate 2. KOTOR was pozzed as all fuck. Jade Empire was pozz overdosed. Mass Effect was full to the brim of pozz.
You just didn't notice it because the culture war wasn't in full swing back then. Go replay them and pay attention.
At least I hope you're baiting.
Is there any way to play Daggerfall without going through DOS?
Like some modern port so that I don't have to deal with shitty emulation?
Technically, no. But "Daggerfall Setup" runs the whole emulation process swiftly and automatically, like it's not even there.
No, we don't. Half Life is great. Valve was a great company before it started focusing on ASSFAGGOTS.
That art style os beautiful. Source? I can't make out the name beside it.
General consensus is that they were okay until ME2 or DA2, depending on who you ask.
Anyone who likes Bioware games past that point is very much a Biodrone.
Morrowind and Daggerfall were actually good.
Bioware was however always shit. Jade Empire is easily their best attempt though.
I'll play video games whether they're acclaimed to be shit or not. If I enjoy them, they're worth playing to me.
It's simple really, but some folks around Holla Forums can't understand that
I don't care if you play them, so long as you don't buy them.
I don't care what you care about, so long as you don't bully me
Get bullied nerd