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They're just workers like you and me comrade!! This ideological purity is what holds the left back.
Of course they're all white
workers who agree to protect capital interests at all costs.
Workers who willingly enforce woefully unjust laws and considering the bending and breaking of those laws to be punishable by violence.
Workers who will carry out that violence
the visceral disgust i have for this, my god
Calarts did nothing wrong
What went wrong?
They bought into the non violence is good meme.
The world would have been a lot better if MLK died first with malcom being alive
Politics have been divorced from any real passion or sense of urgency for decades. As a whole the west is too far removed from struggle.
;_; it's true. Everyone's far too comfy.
In late stage capitalism, rallying and protesting are indulgences that you can go to for the sole purpose of feeling less bad about the world being destroyed.
Doesn't really matter. I'd rather not wait around to see if I can convince a cop of the merits of need based production while he's beating me over the head. If they were class conscious they wouldn't be cops anymore.
clearly the best course of action at this point is to abandon a well paying job with benefits and stability to squat in an abandon building
So if you work in any sort of customer service are you effectively the same as cops?
Yeah. Those uppity blacks should have just taken the systemic abuse on the chin by allowing themselves to be beaten and murdered.
Did you know that insurrection and staging a revolution are also illegal? I bet the blacks had something to do with that too.
such logic
I actually know people who have quit after becoming dissilusioned, so I don't find that very convincing. It's hard, but you can find jobs that don't require you bashing people's heads in.
Clearly the best course of action is allowing your movement to be infiltrated by the foot soldiers of your enemy because you're an anarchist mired in idealism who is petrified of any kind of authority. Even revolutionary authority.
Context matters.
ahh yes, Holla Forums
This is what stormfags actually believe
you's got some issues, man
Nice false dichotomy.
I guess we'll just have to wait for the third world to liberate itself first then?
Put yourself in their situation. I know it's difficult for you stormfags to try empathy but actually think
And Holla Forums says we have shitty rehashed memes
I think materially the third world will lash out against modern capital first. It might just devolve into some New Deal era concessions but we're going to see labor movements popping up in these developing countries in the next 20 years. We don't have to wait around while sitting on our hands, though. Organizing and educating should be the goal. We need to temper our expectations. Getting too far ahead of the masses is not a situation we want to find ourselves in.
MLK was more radical than Malcolm X.
That is why they killed him.
No. He wasn't. He had to go because he was more popular amongst the white population so once he started to bring up class/economics and tried to link the civil rights movement with the anti-war movement he was untenable to the ruling class.
So despite the fact that blacks are now improving in education, and a majority of them think that all lives matter
How are third world governments going to pay for things like that? They can't buy complacency anywhere near as easily as western countries can.
Like typical unions? Or movements like the FARC-EP and the Naxalites?
Middle class idiots, what did you expect?
He started talking about classes and socialism.
Malcolm talked about the ills of capitalism and how the black community should consider socialist solutions for their problems.
He's clearly talking about class.
sort of like we did already? and now we're fighting someone else's battle on OUR homeland?
Why can't these migrants fight for their freedoms in their own countries? We all died and fought over here hundreds of years ago when we decided we didn't want to be ass backwards as a civilization anymore.
good sassanach!
the police is also working class
show them you are on their side
stop alienating them!
Supporters of this idea argue that there can be no private ownership with free (or "open source" 1) software. Let's answer this with an example.
Let's imagine that you use one application that is free software, at home and within your company. You find a great way to improve it, so now with your modified version, your computer works better and your factories run twice as fast!
This modified version is your own version. You are not required to tell anyone about it, nor must you share any of the profits you made using it. You are simply exerting your freedom to use and modify free software.
What the free software license requires is that if you redistribute this software, then you must keep it free. Namely, if you sell CDs with your software on them, or start letting people outside your home or company use it, then you must:
Either give everyone the same rights you had when you obtained the original software, that is, the freedom to inspect, modify and redistribute your modified version;
Or, make the original software and your secret addition to it clearly separate (that is, your addition should contain none of the original work).
So in fact, you have more "ownership" over free software than over proprietary software –where the programmer decides everything you can and can't do with the software.
Free software has nothing to do with a political system. You can run free software on top of proprietary software, just as well as the opposite. The free software license is simply a legal, ethical contract between the programmer and the end-user.
The Blank Panthers talked about how socialism was just another form of white supremacy.
Yeah nah. They were Marxists who were really into Mao and Castro. They held classes on theory in the hood.
What are you going on about? I'm saying if the first world has no revolutionary potential, it's up to the third world to embraces socialism to cut off the imperialist countries' access to cheap resources and labor that they depend on to buy the complacency of their working classes.
fuck off disinfo faggot
I get more depressed each time I'm reminded they were crushed
Since when do customer service reps literally bash people's heads with sticks?
Same fam. The Panthers and Young Lords were subjected to some horrible shit. If there's one glaring example of white muh privilege (inb4 essjaydubyuh) it's how the FBI treated them, as opposed to, the Weathermen.
Not only were Black Panthers socialists, but there were white Black Panthers too.
fake + gay
weathermen were not really comparable, they were a tiny org that really was underground, had no programs or public face.
also, a number of weather underground really did go to prison