Show me the largest tech tree in all of videogrames

Show me the largest tech tree in all of videogrames.

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It must be up there.

Probably not the largest, but it's worth a mention.
Original image is too large to be posted, but it can be found here:

It's piece of shit.

Not to mention it's not a tech tree in the first place. PoEshills, m8.

Skill trees not allowed in this thread?
I thought this was mostly to post cluster-fucks.

Total Annihilation has about 80-100 units and structures, and that's for one side. The two sides aren't symmetrical.

Can't find a good image, though.

Thanks, Holla Forums.

Go back to >>>Holla Forums


… they're not?

You sound like a XKCD redditfag that doesn't understand that most academics barely take their shit seriously. Do you also align yourself with Athiesm+?

They're talking about shit like who gets the corner office breh.


Fuck blue science packs. No matter what I do, my trains never arrive just in time to keep the massive demand of copper filled.



If only FiraXCOM had that level of detail put into it and not some halfassed mobile-tier one way street

How about you niggers also mention which game they're from?

are you illiterate? the only one not immediately obvious is the one for aurora 4x

wew lad

as you wish

I ve completed 20+ hour games without even reaching to the end of any branch

mp4 since i am too lazy to make a detailed png

do you like eating shit?

love it

Warzone 2100's was amazingly deep and you weren't intended to research even half of it in an average multiplayer match.

God I miss that game.

by the way what other argument do you have against SR2 besides "Muh casualization"

it sure changed from 1 but it's not as bad as say the CIV games, even in that regard Civ V as reviled as it is by true neckbeards it's still a good game, only not as good as the 10% hardcore players of it would wish.

ignoring the context in which a thing was created while evaluating it is not called being fair, its called being ignorant at best and disingenuous at worst

To be fair, most of the builds come from unique items and gems, the passive tree is simply there for stat management, which 99% of the time is simply you trying to find the most cost-efficient way to get to health nodes.


Distant Worlds Universe with Unleashed Extended has 3 tree tabs, each 15-20 techs wide and 10-15 tall.
I can't find any images of it, and I don't feel like booting it up because it has long ass load times, but it's pretty fun. It also has a bunch of techs that are unique to certain species, normally a more efficient part.


Some people are born retarded, user, please be understanding.

Fuck this mod and fuck the people who make me play it with them.

What's the problem?

who is the crypt keeper of video games?

It's unbalanced, it prolongs matches to absurd lengths (my longest so far being 3 hours) at times, REALLY retarded shit you shouldn't be able to do and Arch Angel spam.

How dare you post the Crypt Keeper without making a horrorble pun.

Git gud.

What wrong with SR2? I only started to play and never played in first SR.

Is that an edit?



I don't even know where to start asking questions


I would never try to imply that rag can hold a torch to the brilliant mind of Tobias Fünke

You know they've gone too far when quantum mechanics suddenly sound more easy to understand than this.

maybe not

Post the bob's mods one if you have it

Take On Mars has a pretty large one. This was two years ago, so it's probably even bigger now, since they've added colony building and whatnot.

It's a pretty decent little edutainment game.

That one I don't have sadly.

I know, user.

I still have my disc copies of the game.

And I always will.