Japanese version subtitled: vid.me
English version: youtu.be
Fail Fantasy Localization Script Changes Confirmed
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here we go again
I think you are nitpicking user, localizers have their jobs for a reason. They know what they are doing.
xD this doesnt even work it just mades a gas that burned my eye you troll :P
That scene is changed of it's context, that is not localization.
Eh, Type 0 made me realize Squeenix has cancer for translators.
Localization is a meme that needs to die.
This is why I'm a weeb.
This is why I demand original voice acting in jap games.
This is exactly why.
Wow that actually works!
Both versions are cringeworthy. I don't care.
But the English version is actually slightly less cringeworthy in this case.
learn what IDs are
learn how to delete your posts
what a surprise
Don't do this, it makes the spoon explode.
Don't believe her lies, you can learn Japanese.
fucking exactly. No stupid knee-jerk "localisation" reaction can excuse shit like this. They just changed it for no reason at all. why?
Holy fuck Goyim just buy it already, they aren't Nintendo so just fucking buy my god damn game, you like games right, buy it.
…so, just change the language to Japanese?
This isn't a Nintendo exclusive.
Also, .
Someone said depending on your choices the scene changes but I just wanted to see your reactions.
Isn't just the first half of the game open world, while the second is completely linear?
I predict another FFXIII blunder.
Is that true?
What the fuck.
Someone is still salty as fuck due to cenorblade.
Who is that cum concubine?
Could be worse. Could be Tumblr pronouns
I've been lurking on normalfag boards for a while to see how the other side lives so to speak, and I still don't have a good answer on why people are looking forward to this game besides "muh new non XIII Final Fantasy game" or "muh non turn based combat".
Is there something you're trying to do here, user?
Samefagging? Seriously, is there a post edit function I don't know about? Because it just looks like he's continuing his train of thought that he didn't get in his first post, and linked it to said post. He wasn't trying to act like "a different poster."
Stop being a bunch of fucking morons.
Kill yourself fucking shill
Why was Sleeping Dogs so fairly decent?
Just pure luck, or just such a cool game that localization couldn't ruin it?
Just let go user, you can't unfuck anons from the affect SJWs had on them.
You're grasping for straws on this one, but I don't doubt that the translation will be fucked in some way
It feels like you're stretching it, but I honestly wouldnt be surprised if there are edited moments like this in the final product. But this is the absolute least of FFXV's problems.
So there's no chance of it being that he said something different because a friendship stat is different?
Or do Japan really think the west doesn't want any femininity?
Also vid related (but you skip ahead to youtu.be
Why are we still accepting bad voice acting as an excuse for anime and games?
Anyone worth their salt becomes a real actor, and everyone who wants dub is a casual fan.
Meaning if studios did use decent VAs; the actor demands too much money so the studio stick to text boxes and tone back the "cinematics", or they find actors who's heads aren't up their assholes and know doing lines in a booth will play less then being on cameras and in costume.
Just another way devs are fucking us by giving us second best and charging each piece of it like it's the complete best experience.
It's the weekend~!
and these bastards think they can sell ten million copies, they won't be able to sell one million.
Where were you when a MMO became the best selling Final Fantasy game?
They'll make back their money when they reuse the assets to death in sequels and spinoffs. But thats certainly telling of the budget and why SE decided to wait until now to remake FFVII
Seriously, this shit is why people also heavily dislike anime fans.
Square pls go
It's an early sign of stupid shit like in Type 0.
Wow. After decades of trash localizations, I'm really surprised that this one has the same pointless changes too!
Maybe because it was an american game. This confusion of publisher and developer is my least favorite meme these past few months. Bethsoft didnt make doom 4, nintendo didnt make pokemon go, and square enix didnt make sleeping dogs, womb raider, or any other fucking game they publish
No, seriously, get some examples of FEF-tier shit before you start talking about MUH CONTEXT.
If those rumors about the game's original scenario are true. (It being a trilogy.) Than cutting the game down to one title, only to end up making more anyway would feel like the game got butchered for no good reason.
I can't even be mad at localizers fucking with this game, since it's going to be shit no matter what language you play it in.
Nigger, nothing's ever going to be as bad as Fates considering how hard that game got butchered even if it wasn't that good to begin with.
And you're not talking about the whole Nova Fabula Crystalis thing? FFXIII, Type Zero, and Vs. XIII (now XV)?
That's been going on for decades user. Some people still think Natsume made Harvest Moon. though I guess they do now
You're fucking retarded. I just doubleposted since you can't edit posts. Fucking paranoid cretins.
And that's an excuse why? We've been moving, as a whole, away from that kind of localization.
That's a good thing. Why is the shit that happened in the past being used as an excuse to return to the same poor localizations that we've moved away from?
Especially when you even acknowledge that it's a bad thing.
you could've asked me user :^)
This is fucking gold. Kill yourselves you paranoid fucks. I'm not shilling anything. FF is a shit franchise and FFXV is a shit game for fujoshits. I;m just making an accurate assessment: the writing is pathetic, and somehow the English translation managed to be the less cringeworthy version for once.
Kill yourself right now nigger
You first faggot. I'll watch.
I'm just using that image as a reminder about how even "epic meems" are nothing more than (((localizations))).
People were talking about it in an older thread. (I'm sure someone else will verify it.) It had to do with a guy leaking details of the game before E3, describing details that I don't think anyone had seen until gamescom footage.
He said something along the lines of the XV originally being three titles, but by the time the 2013 trailer came around they had already decided to cut it down to one game. And then Tabata took over, and started changing stuff.
Downplaying the disgust that people have, whether you're doing it intentionally or not, is acting in defense of poor localization.
Why aren't you learning Nipponese?
Sounds like you are just upset I used that image in particular.
Because learning a dull, lifeless, and extremely regimented language is more trouble than it's worth.
Because I have a job.
wait…you mean these people get paid for doing this?!
Thats not even counting the Season Pass SE announced for the game. Its a depressing sign of the times, with the FFVII remake being split into 3 games instead of one complete one. Like budgets are so high and games demand such incredible graphics that we cant even get a "complete" game on release now.
And even then it depends on the team members that work on a game, they always come and go but sometimes its a team within a team that does some of the heavy lifting.
Smelly dumb casual scum.
Speaking of which, the season pass doesn't even include all the DLC.
Fuck, I forgot about that shit.
Same thing happens with Borderlands 2 Season Pass. You dont even know if it'll be worth a shit, and the content you're getting will only be available to you within a "Season", so you wont get more unless you put some fucking money down.
And with a Season Pass now a company is at the bare minimum to oblige now.
Knowing Japanese can actually probably get you a good job. I think learning Kanji might also be helpful if you want to learn Chinese, which can definitely get you a good job
What in the hell is this game even about?
Far as I can figure out, and judging from the supposed leaks, another narrative clusterfuck on the level of FFXIII.
That, a shit combat system, a product clearly mauled by development hell and fujoshi pandering.
SE better hope it sells like coke or they're fucked.
The fuck are you faggots even crying about now. They just made the faggot sound more like a brooding faggot.
Someone post that macro of the user that learned Chinese and lived to regret it.
Japanese boy band road trip.
Not anymore its not. Not thanks microtransactions and cosmetics and shit.
Why is anyone surprised?
This is SE, the people that have transcended the likes of Ubisoft and EA in sheer kikery.
These are the same people that sold the retarded cucks that bought Mankind Divided "extras" that are one time use and tied to a save, on top of the disgusting pre-release campaign they had to give up due to public outcry.
I saw that but I didn't save it. I think Japanese is just as useful to learn for a job, since so much entertainment is produced in Japan that could be translated. Plus it's more useful as a hobby language for the same reason.
Well, to be "fair", SE shat up such a humongous quantity of cash on this turd they basically need to recuperate the losses any way they can.
If they bungle this one up and the FFVII remake (and they will) they are in deep shit.
Because Japan is the other great media producer (at least for us social fuckups) besides America. I can't think of any other nation that shits out so much content besides these two, and with the current cultural climate, knowing it is useful to best enjoy your hobby.
Learning Chinese on the other hand is useful from a career perspective, but it entails dealing with mainland Chinks, and fuck that shit.
Unless that job is cleaning up nuclear waste after the bombing China receives, this is wrong.
Holla Forums should encourage Jews to learn Chinese. They deserve each other.
I thought this first response shilling was relegated to Holla Forums?
Seems more like a choice of response than script changes. I mean, they even have differing animations rather than just strictly cutting content. Remains to be seen.
you realise china also has nukes, right?
user, the next nuclear bomb that is used against a nation will be the first of hundreds within a very short period. as soon as a nuclear bomb is dropped on one nation, that nation will launch their own nukes against the aggressing nation and every other nation with which that nation is allied which will then, of course, cause all those nations to launch against every nation their enemy is allied with and so on and so forth.
there's no 'cleaning up' after a nuclear war. don't nuke people. when you nuke people, they nuke you back.
What the fuck is this piece of shit?
This is too gay even for a FF shit game.
what's the point in having nukes if you're not going to use them. i bet if you nuke japan again they'll become even more kawaii.
They even made an anime of it, and it looks as gay as Free.
Yeah, but that's the Chinese from China. What about the Hong Kong Chinese? Or the Macanese? Or the Taiwanese? They can't all be shit.
C-can they?
Not if you nuke their nuclear launch sites and their government and thus prevent them from nuking you back.
Nigga, did you play Peace Walker?
They're already doing it en masse.
Their half-breed kids usually turn out to become schizophrenic, self-hating messes for human beings.
What is nuclear fallout of thousands of nuclear warheads and their launch sites being detonated at once?
Shills have found out that they are MUCH more effective on Holla Forums for some strange reason.
Soros is a race mixer?
What if one of his sons turns out to be the next ultimate gentleman?
Nukes aren't instant breh.
Welp as these two point out looks like shills confirmed for going to be out in force for this game. Enjoy every thread being fucking full of them.
so that you can nuke the poor bastard who makes the mistake of being the first guy to nuke someone else.
or maybe we could use them to explode asteroids and save the Erf
yes, and that only happens if nuclear deterrence fails and the nukee doesn't have the nerve to nuke the nuker in retaliation for the nukes they launched
Don't count on it. Hapa kids are psychological trainwrecks.
Making absolutely sure no one ever thinks of invading you.
How nuclear fallout can affect a given environment is dependent on certain variable, like for example atmospheric winds.
In any case, fallout will most likely be China and anyone south of China's problem.
And the important part is they can't fight back
what? no, invasion can still happen. you can't nuke an invading force, they've already invaded you, you'd be nuking yourself.
that being said, germany should nuke itself right now
It's about MAD. They try to invade you, you launch a nuke at the nearest target you can find.
Israel, for example, has a plan that basically stipulates that if they are ever in danger of being overrun they'll turn the whole Middle East into glass.
Every picture I've seen of her she has one eye open wider than the other. The fuck is wrong with her aside from the obvious?
You can nuke their home, and they can't do anything about it
Poked in the eye with a dick?
That dirty whore now works in an art gallery that her parents set up for her.
And this despite the fact they have her on camera licking a man's asshole.
I thought the plan was nuking Europe because they didn't help them.
Extra nukes go to europe. They'll fire everything they got in their Sampson Option.
I hope they don't nuke my Slav country, tbh fam.
That's pure speculation and Holla Forums tier tinfoil.
Israel has nukes, yes, 200 of them according to some analysts, but they do not have the capability to project them onto the global stage. They lack ICBMs to launch them with and have to rely on bombers to deliver the warheads.
Basically, they lack the logistical capabilities to reach Europe.
Even if they had the missiles to launch them (they do not) Europe was surrounded by anti-missile batteries meant to stop Russian missiles, the kikes will do shit.
Trips confirm
Stopping the nukes would be antisemitic and we do not want that.
the fuck would you do that for? if you nuke them, they're going to nuke you back.
Trips confirmed. They will remove themselves and the roach problem when they blow their load on palastine.
Too bad they have allies that would do the job for them.
If they can nuke you, why the fuck would they bother invading you?
Unfortunetly, the holocaust never happened.
because they want to take over your country and its resources?
not glass it and irradiate it for decades/centuries…?
Thing is, if Europe gets a significant Muslim majority with voting rights Israel is going to find itself in some pretty deep shit. They rely on Western political pressure, veto powers in the Security Council, military intervention and aid to exist.
There's only six million (oy vey) kikes in Israel, and they are surrounded by some 200 million mudshits.
Even taking into account the general ineptitude of the inbred shit monkeys when it comes to waging war they can still wear the Jews down with sheer numbers if they unfuck themselves for once and do humanity a favor.
Yeah, I'm sure some random zionist stooge on the internet knows whether israel has long range nuclear missiles or not.
Firstly any country that poses a significant nuclear threat (i.e more than one nuke) probably has enough resources of its own not to bother with a costly and time intensive invasion of another country which also poses a significant nuclear threat. And secondly, if it's your resources they want, they're probably not going to risk antagonising a nation that would reduce them to a speck of dust and force them to do the same in retaliation
well i'm not the one who brought up invasion
a country that is so desperate for resources has only 2 options: get conquered or at least try to conquer someone else before they get conquered.
user. why did russia invade crimea?
back to Holla Forumseddit you go.
I like it
I don't
waiting for "were on the same page" to become a meme.
noctis is gonna point at a page in a book with an incredibly cartoony smug smile while the rest of the crew have that same smile
Stop this
So this is going to be worse than XIIIs in every way, without even bony non-assfu to toblerone?
Stop it faggot
they're not an actual boy band, they just look like one.
they're actually a prince, his fat friend, their butler and one other guy who hasn't had an episode in the anime yet
Not to mention the entire story was "What if we retold FF1's setting but the kingdoms looked like modern cities?"
Fantasy tropes in a modern setting is my one major weakness. Forgive me.
Just play VII
There's nothing this game is doing that Square haven't done much better ten/twenty years ago
They arent gonna be in your party, thats for sure
Jesus, if i'm going to not give a shit about the quality I might as well just torrent this game like I originally planned. Having a favorite setting and knowing to keep your expectations low are two different things.
You can pirate X1 and PS4 games now?
Isn't this going to be on PC soon enough?
Nope, console only.
This falls distinctly into the realm of bad translating. I really can't feel any censorship here like I can with NISA or Nintendo releases. What concerns me is that, like all localizations, character development was removed, more than likely for the sake of fitting the girl's lines in the time allowed by the animations. In the English version, we don't get that bit about how Noctis thinks the girl's older brother would be pissed enough to punch him for dating her, especially secretly as she says in the JP version. "T-t-that's not important, so it's okay!" Yeah, and then you all cry about how bad the character development was when half or more was removed for the English release because they kept cutting out the little pieces like this.
They need to sell 10 million copies to get to the point where they break even.
I'm just hoping it won't even sell 2.
FF XV is coming to PC, but idk when but that's the origin of the "Exclusive for PS4*……..and PC and Xbone" meme
Fix your memes kid.
Nope go check no PC version.
Fucking scum.
(69) you back?
I love when the goons and neofag come to shill its so clear they aren't from around here someone get the censorship bingo.
dig up every prior final fantasy and show me all of the localization changes that prevented you from enjoying them.
leave no stone unturned
Implying they're lies
thats it? is that the only change?
i mean for fucks sake OP, its not like they went KILL ALL CIS WHITE MALES FEMINISM FEMINISM FEMINISM.
Thanks and I wonder if (69) from the xeno blade X threads will show web.archive.org
I'll admit that a lot of people on Holla Forums are really nitpicky but this completely changes the scene for no real reason I can think of.
Do overprotective brothers now not exist in the west or is it just to violent in a game with fighting?
The way they made the girl go from playfully cute to bitchy kind of annoyed me, too. I have to admit that though I don't think this is a case of out and out censorship, it does strike me as something we'll see on the side along with censorship if they're changing that much already.
A male controlling a female is a big no-no for the SJW west Market.
what if its just people stirring shit because they think they have a reason, and what says is true?
You first shill
I believe in you user.
I guess we'll all just have to buy the game and find out! Make sure to pick up the season pass for only $25 so you can verify any changes to the script there as well!
Congratulations, this has become a shitty forced meme.
Kids of the dreaded WM/AW pairing are.
Whereas the offspring of AM/WW tend to be alphas.
There is a Holla Forums-approved image elaborating on this.
There's no need for a Holla Forums approved image to explain it. Asian males are bottom tier in the sexual marketplace, so if an asian male actually manages to score a white female, he's bound to be some uber-alpha guy. On the other hand, white guys are top tier in the sexual market place but asian females are middling, so white guys that go for asian girls are usually losers.
Children take after their parents.
Say no more
No 4f3b85, you are the Reddit.
BM/WW and WM/BM are a better mix anyway.
A thought crossed my mind. You're given minor dialogue choices in the game, what if this instance is one of those? Or what if how the date is going affects the dialogue?
If that's not the case, this seems like a needless change. Granted, it doesn't seem outta character for Noct in either instance, but why bother changing it? Seems like unnecessary effort.
I didn't imply it's new. In fact I implied it was old because it wasn't forced until recently, hence why you're reddit too.
Fuck off.
I did it and it smells bad, is that normal? No crystals are forming either.
Those things travel well over mach 5, the defense is a placebo.
Aaand it's another one into the trash. Is 2016 the year of no games?
Its the year of no games for us.
For those that are into shallow experiences with poor dialogue and/or story, there's plenty to love this year.
If you are a hipster that hates popular things, then yes.
No strange reasons, shills are more effective on Holla Forums because you morons take the bait every single fucking time regardless of how obvious it might be.
What was the last popular game that was actually good?
Sometimes it feels like there are pairs of shills; one to play shill and one to play the stooge.
because people who play vidyas wont bicker over bullshit for hours on end right?
im wondering why it isnt worse, it hardly feels any different
do you happen to know the name of the artist doing these?
well there was a huge raid an hour ago if you check the board logs, thankfully Cyan deleted all of the spam.
What's the context here? It looks like a different response used in each version, not censorship.
Totalwarhammer was ok. Maybe Mount n' Blade maybe will be been good even if it's made in a shithole that has failed coup d'état.
Spam posting eroge porn.
Y'know, I was actually willing to defend the accents. Whole bunch of countries spread around the world, it added some more flavor to the characters.
Then I found out they cut the party speak because of it. Now I want to slap the translation team for their stupidity.
Fire Emblem Fates says you're a tremendous, cock-sucking, faggot.
people who play vidya in general are retarded user
that's why MAD is so beautiful, but it might die soon with today's pussified population and unqualified presidents
What does that even mean?
look it up yourself next time
oy vey it's only a coincidence!
Jews are a potpourri of races. Centuries of miscegenation is apart of what makes them so crazy, they are like Gypsies with no allegiance or heritage outside of the goals of Zionism. They want to inflict their multicult and degeneracy on everyone.
Christ that's an ugly fuck
FF15 began in the trash. If you were looking forward to a modern Final Fantasy game you haven't been paying attention.
no he's not. delete ur post already fam
Ok, how is this game fujoshi? You are using the definition wrong.
Travis is mark's twin brother