normies on social media are eating up the kosher "antifa are fascists and fascists are socialist" meme.
we need to start pushing back against this. this kosher meme really overshadows the connection between antifa and communism while also continuing to feed into the hysteria against fascism.
The "antifa are fascists" meme
Other urls found in this thread:
this video can be a good redpill even though its hosted on an antifa channel
note that the cable street event happened in 1936, several years before kristallnacht or any other fascist backlash against jewish communities. the jews at this time literally decided that fascists were antisemites for simply opposing communism.
when presenting this to normies point out the similarities to modern events. dont equate the blackshirst to richard spencer's alt right. in a positive light equate them to those trump supporters that protected guests to trumps rallies during the election that defended the venues from antifa assault.
We also need to stop with the "dems are da real racists" cuckservative meme.
Start calling them communists, bolsheviks, leninnists, trotskites, etc.
Saw this on Twitter today.
Oy vey goyim listen up;
and you know fascism is bad for me, uuh uuh I mean for freedom, bad for freedom.
Why is it always the (((First Post)))
I need a Hitler.
Shills sort by creation date rather than bump order
that's it
you people have fucking lost it
i wish kim would just nuke burgerland at this point
you fucks are ruining himanity.
you take every good idea and twist it into a terrible one
you take every good ideology and turn it into a hateful one
to >>>the_donald with you civic nationalist
I tried making some left leaning people I know watch yuri. I always tell them, that it's a lecture from the 80s, but it's like listening to a prophet, he talks about the events happening back then and you immidetaly see the current events in your head. But they don't care. It's one hour, don't have time for that. I think deep down they just don't want to be proven wrong. If I don't watch any counter points and just assume the other side is evil and stupid that means I'm right and good. I hate that mentality. I used to be a liberal to some extend, but somehow I've found the data, the facts that convinced me to the right side and ultimately to National Socialism, so I always have the hope they would go through the same process as me, but there's obviously something different. Hard to tell what exactly. one thing I can say is that I didn't have any emotional reaction to discovering the truth about (((them))) or the holohoax, I was mad that the world was tricked just like that, but I never gave any shit about holocaust or kikes. I thought, it happened 70+ years ago, the German nazis are dead now, what's the point of bringing that up. How are people raised to be so defensive about the kikes.
I agree with your idea. We should and do explain to normies that antifa are Marxists. However, I think I need to caution against brand loyalty here.
Remember, we are not engaged in a war of annihilation with the Jews to merely make the word "Fascism" fashionable. We are engaged in a war of annihilation to secure the existence of our race
I have found that once people have a firm grasp on the following facts, everything else comes naturally. Understanding the JQ, understanding Hitler did nothing wrong, everything. These facts are as follows;
1. Race is real and it matters.
Understanding this is the foundation for everything else. One cannot comprehend Jewish ethnocentrism and how the Jews dominate our society until you understand ethnocentrism among your own people
2. White people exist, we have a right to exist, we have a right to exist as White people.
Until you comprehend the right of our people to exist, you cannot comprehend the need to fight to preserve our race
3. Our people are being replaced in our own homelands and it is not an accident.
Once you understand this salient fact, the next obvious question to ask is "Who is doing this?" and "Why is it being done?"
Then and only then will you come to a proper conclusion
So yes. We could engage in long debates about how antifa is not fascist. We would spend lots of our time and convert very few people. Or we could continue to raise the racial awareness of our kinsmen by talking to them about what matters to the White Working class.
White people are being targeted of the anti-White media.
Non-Whites are going to become a majority in Western nations if we do not do something.
Once that happens, their children will be helpless minorities in their own countries.
Without Western People, Western values die.
And then we must get them to do something about it.
hitler even opposed the kkk
Let the lungenpresse keep digging their hole. I will continue to shitpost in public.
Jews are fascist tbh
Zionists are the REAL anti-semites, oy!
Blacks are the real white supremacists
Adults are the REAL children!
Hail Hydra
good post.
who actually gives a shit about the definition of fascism (there are dozens and they contradict each other), it's a completely meaningless word by now. NOBODY gives a shit either about a definition of stalinists, trotskytes, anarcho-syndicalists and so on except leftards themselves. all these things died with the 20th century, it's time to move on and look at them with fresh eyes.
it is factually true
Show how much worse cominism is with stuff like LatrinaAmerica, URSS, China and Zymbabwe
Show also shit like modern antifa like to do like link related
Disagree. There are well delineated definitions, even if most never take their time to define the term. The two most important are: merging of state power and corporations, and "palingenetic" ultranationalism, i.e. directed at the rebirth of the nation.
Completely wrong. Those are very important concepts for countries still finding their way out of pre-industrial societies and into modernity. The one with the better conceptual map is always capable of debating his opponents better, and it makes a HUGE difference if you argue argainst a stalinist or a cultural marxist.
Meme? Have you listened to the fucks?
It's always funny to watch the uneducated hordes speculate about the whole of National Socialism, and Communism, and get both wrong. The idiots on these websites degrade in quality over time, which is to be expected, but now we have a base of people who believe the modern parodies of both the communist and national socialist platforms.
Truth be told, anyone who has even barely researched into these things, the NSDAP incorporated a large mass of communists into their movement, especially after the employment rates rose due to the class cooperation program. Six million or so communists in total were converted, and not by
concentration camp, largely due to the positive effects of class cooperation on the working class. The Communists within Germany were not the explicit enemies of the German WORKERS party, and it should be noted that the German SOCIALIST platform was not fake at all. Ernst Rohm and the SA, Strasser; and even Hitler all were largely influenced by Marxism, it's undeniable. The communists that converted to National Socialism did so willingly, and it's because National Socialism was a stepping stone for the German Folk towards an actual Socialist society. You can see the implementation of all of this by reading the economic policies; i.e incorporating currency production with labor.. ect.
This idea that communists are the inherit enemies of Nazism is a lie. Soviet partisans were a problem when the germans occupied countries, but they were not enemies on the basis of any ideology, just as competitors in a struggle for power. The same is for the NS revolution, it was all a matter of struggle for power, and in the end, the German People preferred to hand it over to the German socialists; rather than the russian ones.
While National Socialism was nothing close to Marx's Socialism, neither was the USSR, nor any country to this day, all of these countries fought for the same thing nonetheless, to condition people in order to bring about actual Socialism. National Socialism, Soviet Socialism; all stepping stones towards the same thing. It's appauling to see that antifa and NS groups to this day have such daring hatred for one another, and I can only guess that the Jews/Borogoise are behind it all.
Anyway, Have a good day Holla Forums
meant communist* and NS groups
Everything leftwing in the US has communist roots. Commies have been pulling the old switchero on labels for decades. There's nothing kosher or meme like about antifa being fascist. It's simply fact.
It's because you found it on your own.
No one forced you to watch it.
Having your mind changed by someone else feels the same way as physical pain to people.
There has to be some way around this.
It's just centrists throwing their pretty catchphrases they've learn from whichever eceleb they watch religiously. The objective here is to mock and counter these faggots so the few good ones will see the other centrist lose their composure and act similar to sjws, making it harder to distinguish these moderates as just another stripe of the left. Judging on youtube comment sections, it is already coming to that, ie centrists having the same outbursts of sjws (while projecting onto us as such). With every breakdown you cause, the more other centrists feel embarrassed by the rest until they no longer wish to associate with them (feeding into their need of dissociating themselves from groupings), thus further polarizing the political discourse between us and the left.
Remind them that the description their failing to use is authoritarian. Both ideologies use authority as a means to accomplishing each their own different goals. Let people know that just because these idiots don't know how to use the "authoritarian" word properly isn't an excuse to conflate the two.
Only communism restricts itself purely to "collectivist behavior" since the only way to have true equality is if you were to impose absolute mediocrity in which the individual's need to succeed undermines. This is why softcore liberals are unwittingly contradicting themselves when they demand individualism and liberty while preaching equility; the outcome of each conflicts with the other. They should be mock just as much for this.
Fascism strives for hierarchy, which means accepting each individual are unequal and has their value. You can't have a hierarchic social structure without having capable individuals lead the rest, yet you can't have a society of nothing but individuals because humans are a socially dependent animal, society being the bigger organism. This is why fascism and especially natsoc doesn't restrict itself to one or the other (individualism and collectivism). The only purpose for preaching strictly one or the other is to be disruptive.
Only the communist argue for equal distribution in place of a free market. Natsocs and fascists still believe in a free market of exchange but refuse to see only capitalist gains. It's wouldn't be unreasonable to strong-arm corporate entities into benefiting the goals of a nation. Money are the means to fulfilling another purpose, not the purpose in itself; this is something capitalists will never realize on their own terms.
Funny but it seems that natsoc is the true centrist position.
Retarded wording, I meant the individual's need for success will undermine any form of equal standard (or mediocrity).
The antifa arent fascist politically, but they are authoritarians and will bash you if you arent to the left of mao.
A lot of them are anarchists and communists and have in interest in overthrowing the american nation and capitalism. This is probably why the democrats and media have done a 180 on them, also because the 2018 elections are coming up and their complacency with lefty violence does not look good to middle americans.
Anyone else wonder where american antifa come from? They seemed to have just popped into existence the second trump won. I dont recall them ever existing before this. I imagine their group is crawling with feds trying to egg them on to do even more stupid shit.
When i think of antifa i am reminded of the Nietzsche quote.
"He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee."
In this day and age, we need more Strasserism as a movement.
When dealing with Liberals you always need to frame the argument in an intellectual sense.
Fascism is just a political ideology. Communists can be just as violent as even Democratic Socialists in attaining power.
Was confused as fuck until I realized you meant Beznemov.
The relationship between fascism and communism is complicated. Mussolini actually started out as a communist but was kicked out of the party and became a fascist. He was also very critical of hitlers racial policies and praised Stalin as creating a slavic fascism ( this is a whole other story)
The nazis were filled with what was called "beefsteak nazi" brown on the outside, red on the inside. Because they were former communists.
The socialists elements of the nazi party were killed off in the night of the long knives. All those strasserist fucks.
So since even back then there were communists pretending to be fascists and fascists pretending to communists.
And liberal capitalist normies trying to push le horseshoe meme.
They have been pushing this meme for a very long time
And according to Trotsky fascism is the last attempt of a bourgeois on the verge of death to hold onto power through the use of class collaboration between the elites and the kulaks to maintain order and power before they are overthrown by a Marxist uprising.
Fascism also has a complicated relationship with capitalism.
I mean, what's wrong with the idea of abolishing Capital and changing our "For Profit" mode of production to one that is "For Use"? Communists get one thing right and that's addressing issues that affect workers.
That's the main argument they have against us so how could they keep it up if we make Fascism anti-Capitalist? I see no reason why Fascism and Communism couldn't agree to both gut Porky and Gas the Jews.
You only truly become redpilled if you realize that capitalism is the system that is destroying nations, traditions, peoples. And capitalism is the reason behind mass immigration, they need cheap slave labor to lower wages and keep everyone poor.
There is only about a 1% of right wingers that realize capitalism is actually a problem for nationalism and fascism.
Facisim itself has a complicated relation with capitalism, if you read about fascist economics is basically "lol i dunno, if it works do it" written on a sticky note.
While communist economics fill vast tomes and volumes written by variouse jews and faggots
Not really, there is no point to socialism anymore, since technological production and the modern bureaucratic nation state can bring enough wealth to anyone willing to do a days work and the welfare state can keep the rest happy.
So communism devolved into hedonistic materialism and nationalsocialism moved towards religious esoterics, making the gap complete.
Kropotkin was no faggot.
But the status quo Kikery is killing humanity as well as the planet itself.
Adolf Hitler spoke well on this, Capitalism is the Jews way of herding the rich to fight the poor, Communism is the Jews way of herding the poor to fight the rich. In both these systems internationalism is allowed to run over the sovereignty of the folk, killing the nation's leaders who do not want to open themselves to internationalism.
National Socialism through class cooperation solves this by making the preservation of the people of the nation the true cause for its existence and its metric for success. Strangely enough one could argue from a historical sense how often this has been the case and how the Jews through their media have been able to convince everyone around the world that nation is to benefit the international community.
Yeah, i've seen a shitload of these comments, probably with bots. Always the same:
I even saw literal fucking jews who wrote these on twitter. These cunts know they're going down so they try to pin this on fascism and nazism somehow.
No I meant the redpilled lesbian hentai.
Lick my pussy oni-chan while I tell you about the kikes.
I agree wholeheartedly, they are not fascists.
They are commies.
You are a dummy.
Don't tell them this. As far as they're concerned your proposition is
Tell them something like it's brainwashing tactics the KGB learned from the CIA and they used it to fight Nazis in WW2 and neo-nazis during the cold war. Find parts of Yuri's message that will appeal to them.
Get them interested enough they listen intently for 10 minutes and let them decide on their own terms that your description was full of shit; By that point it'll be too late for them.
Replace "rich" with noble and "poor" with worker. Than you will finally be freed of the Jewish political paradigm.
Replace "rich" with noble and "poor" with worker. Then you will truly see.
I didn't mean to double post I'm using a VPN now because I think some people around me are monitoring me.
The media don't want people to know the truth about communism. They don't want people to find its roots and see its parallels with Antifa. It might cause some people to look back at history and question the narrative that they are beat over the head with repeatedly
works for me.
this is where 8pol fucks it up
if you think fascism is a good thing then you reside on the left along with the rest of the socialist big govt bernouts
I've been trying to steer them towards the truth, that antifa are hard core communists, but the
meme is too strong.
Make Communism Evil Again is one counter-meme that I've seen used successfully. I've seen others using the term "judeo-communist" lately, which might have a better chance of escaping the offendatrons because judeo-christian is already thought of as a positive term.
Then get the fuck out retard.
Either get the fuck out or lurk moar and start reading the fucking books.
communism is and always has been institutional judaism disguised as socialism
Honestly that could define anything. Markel's Germany combines corporate and state power. Is Germany Fascist? America is run by the corporate Jewish media. Is America Fascist?
That's subjective.
Are they? African states effortlessly "adopted" various "gommunis$t" and "capitali$t" ideologies for foreign aid. It's basically like religion. They adopt the religion of whatever side will give them money and then go right back to what they were doing already. What were they doing already? Trying to help THEIR tribe get into the position of power in their country. That is all that matters in the real world.
Religions like communi$m and democracy are adopted and then dropped like a pair of socks. But the tribe lives on.
I just ignore their religion entirely and call them "politically correct" and explain how they are betraying the White Working Class. They do not like that at all. I will not argue religion with them by adopting THEIR definitions of religion because they are bullshit and irrelevant. What matters is reality and when you pull them out of their religion, they get very uncomfortable.
It will be seen that, as used, the word ‘Fascism’ is almost entirely meaningless. In conversation, of course, it is used even more wildly than in print. I have heard it applied to farmers, shopkeepers, Social Credit, corporal punishment, fox-hunting, bull-fighting, the 1922 Committee, the 1941 Committee, Kipling, Gandhi, Chiang Kai-Shek, homosexuality, Priestley's broadcasts, Youth Hostels, astrology, women, dogs and I do not know what else.
Yet underneath all this mess there does lie a kind of buried meaning. To begin with, it is clear that there are very great differences, some of them easy to point out and not easy to explain away, between the régimes called Fascist and those called democratic. Secondly, if ‘Fascist’ means ‘in sympathy with Hitler’, some of the accusations I have listed above are obviously very much more justified than others. Thirdly, even the people who recklessly fling the word ‘Fascist’ in every direction attach at any rate an emotional significance to it. By ‘Fascism’ they mean, roughly speaking, something cruel, unscrupulous, arrogant, obscurantist, anti-liberal and anti-working-class. Except for the relatively small number of Fascist sympathizers, almost any English person would accept ‘bully’ as a synonym for ‘Fascist’. That is about as near to a definition as this much-abused word has come.
But Fascism is also a political and economic system. Why, then, cannot we have a clear and generally accepted definition of it? Alas! we shall not get one — not yet, anyway. To say why would take too long, but basically it is because it is impossible to define Fascism satisfactorily without making admissions which neither the Fascists themselves, nor the Conservatives, nor Socialists of any colour, are willing to make. All one can do for the moment is to use the word with a certain amount of circumspection and not, as is usually done, degrade it to the level of a swearword.
Strasserism is the radical centrism of extremist politics. You can never attempt to ally yourself with communists or come to some sort of negotiated center, it is simply untenable.
We need to pick one to three terms and stick with them, without overusing them to the point that the left can ignore it. It has to have the same effect as naming the Jew causing him to recoil in horror. Otherwise, it becomes the new 'racist,' which is quickly going the way of the dodo as people realize it's just being used as a slap word.
This was super fucking effective for a while, before overuse burned it out and now it's a fucking joke and somehow anyone who uses it is automatically dismissed.
is pretty much the go to leftist response now.
This is true, but for these virtue signaling faggots, this is a good thing. The problem with calling them this or any derivative (commie, red, etc) is it's too easily brushed off or worse, owned. Most normal people don't know that communism has killed more people than Hitler was alleged to have killed. The names Mao, Lenin, and so on hold no meaning for them because schools gloss over this part of history.
As useless as 'communist,' because normies don't know who Lenin is and the fucks that do will own it as though it were a good thing. Lenin is to commies as Uncle Adolph is to natsoc.
Too obscure.
This is the only good one in this list, but it has the same problem as 'trotskites' in that most people aren't going to know what it is.
I think I know what the problem here is. You define fascism by
This definition has been modified to show more political correctness.
The actual definition is closer to
Highlights from wikipedia:
So, you're trying to sell us on the idea that
are bad things?
I don't think you belong here, rabbi.
close, but no dice. Antifa are totalitarian, not authoritarian. Authoritarian is like the pinochet dictatorship, no fucks are given about your personal life except if it effects the state and the mandate. Totalitarianism is what Orwell envisioned in 1984. Groups like antifa want to get in your head and control your thoughts and totalize society.
Natsoc is like aggressive democratic socialism insofar as it's not really socialism
I don't mind being called a leftist by a kikeertarian like you shabbos goy
But you're wrong. (((Capitalism))) has to be abolished and I think Fascism can be made to be more anti-(((Capitalist))) through Strasserism. No compromises need to be made, it's just to address the cancer that is (((Capitalism))).
What? You cannot choose whether or not capitalism exists, only what form it takes. The ethnic fascist/nationalist view is that the group should operate at the highest possible level it can achieve so that it can compete against the rest of the world's nations. The globalist/communist/(((capitalism))) you are referring to is the current system of capitalism that needs to be 'reformed'. That reformation would be the reestablishment of borders and nationalism that prevents (((globalism))) from turning the nation into a brown mass of shapeless worker drones.
Capitalism is not a system that you implement, it is the word used to define the understanding that people will compete to produce the product that will generate the most money. That is not up for removal, just like gravity is not up for removal, you can only modify the situation that you participate in capitalism from.
Whoever pulls these arguments are just basic-bitch retards who is not intellectually honest to themselves and other, to actually formulate a good, well thoughout opinion with knowledge behind it. It just goes to show they know nothing about the facistic ideology.
Just like the line about the left being the real racists. It just goes to show, they are still stuck in the jewish mindset of white guilt and how they tip-toe around what set perimeters the ((media)) and ((school)) has set as ((approved)) opinons. Just another prisoner trapped in the cage.
Then we abolish Capital altogether and therefore the competition as well. No more destroying ourselves and our planet in the name of (((Profit)))
No. get back in the
I'll put this in simple terms you can understand.
We live in a scarcity-driven society. Everything has a value attached to it based on how rare it is or how difficult it is to produce.
With that in mind, there are only two possible economic systems: capitalism and communism. There are a few variations of each, but they all boil down to being one or the other with more or less regulation.
Capitalism: Bob grows apples. John grows potatoes. Bob and John agree that X potatoes are worth Y apples. Bob and John trade apples to potatoes.
Even if no money changes hands, capitalism has occurred because there was a trade of goods or services between individuals for some form of profit.
Communism: Bob grows apples. John grows potatoes. The People's Soviet Republic of Californiastan confiscates all of Bob's apples and John's potatoes. These goods now belong to the PSRC. The PSRC decides how to allocate these goods–usually "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Bread lines are formed. Everyone starves equally. The PSRC government gets fat off the people.
Capitalism is superior to communism in every conceivable way. It is not the best choice, no. But it is the best out of two AND ONLY TWO bad choices.
The only way to 'end capitalism' is to move away from a scarcity-driven economy. In order to do that, we would need infinite resources, infinite production capacity, and infinite distribution.
In other words, it ain't happening so get over it.
Kill yourselv Levi.
What exactly offends you over Antifa being called the 'real facists' ?
Is it because you are a fan of fascism ? But then these guys aren't doing the facism you want ? They aren't 'on your team' so to speak ?
And what Antifa is doing couldn't possibly be interpreted as facist because why ?
Why obsess over the label ? It all winds up being the same thing. There will be a criminal aristocracy above the law and above the harsh measures etc etc.
This whole thing seems like D&C. What do you think it means when the CEO of newscorp agrees with ANTIFA ? Do you think he gives a shit about communism beyond the fact it might mean the slaves use less of 'his' resources ?
Really makes you think.
Shoo shoo, endchan jew.
There's something wrong with your brain and you need to fix it posthaste.
No they don't, communist sympathizer. Communism is nothing but feeding lies to the retards you get to follow you so you can later become the supreme ruler and live in decadence with your tiny ruling party while everyone else starves.
Wow, you're paranoid. Put on your tinfoil hat and listen to infowars, goy. :^)
Details, user.
>being this fucking retarded
Bullshit. You can barely live off minimum wage in America. And that's a full days work.
Antifa literally are fascists, you stupid kikes. Words mean things. You just look pathetic squirming about it. How about you man up and face the world of meaning, too? Your comfy little nihilistic bubbles won't look comfy in hindsight.