Alt-Right cringe thread?
Alt-Right cringe thread?
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Pretty sure that's satire OP.
Oh, and cancer warning, this shit is pure suicide encoragement
Didn't want to make a new thread for this so here you go.
Well, at least everyone is very unhappy about it.
Though sadly that just encourages the alt-right, they feed off the cries of dissent and then clamor for control of places that disagree with them even harder.
Reddit better not go alt-right, or the entire internet, and the future generation of humanity, is genuinely fucked. I'd rather see them stay libtard til the day I die then see them go alt-right.
I wish I still had the pony nazi propaganda posters
you don't know how bad neoliberalism can fuck you
I don't want racial homogeny. I love all sorts of cultures - their media, their foods, their languages, their traditions, their people - and I would die before driving them out. Life is boring enough as it is, if I had to keep to my own kind and enjoy only what my own kind thought was good I would kill myself from all the blandness.
when you try to defend multiculturalism and end up demeaning non-whites to a status of entertainment props
when the spooks hit you this hard
they sure as hell won't survive long in the USA, they'll all just become burger eaters that are excited for game of thrones
you'd get a much better experience from, say, planning a trip to a foreign country
All current cultures thrive form capitalist superstructure, thus they must be destroyed. You are an counter-revolutionary if you defend any of cultures that were formed under capitalism.
You clearly don't know what a spook is. Perhaps try actually reading Stirner.
libshit detected
Lest we forget
I don't think you do, try not being 15
ban them
Those things are material and not inherently tied to cultural capitalism. Unlike for example arts in general.
Doggedly sticking to an ideology or belief against your own self interest, seems pretty spooky to me
I figured I couldn't appeal to his sense of humanity, as Holla Forums doesn't have one, so I had to make him think about all the products of their cultures he would be missing.
Jokes on you I'm also a Stirnerist. Sushi and hip hop give me pleasure, and I would very much hate to see that go away. Also, the idea of fighting against an authoritarian regime and going down in a blaze of glory strokes my ego incredibly.
Well, yeah, but tex mex is good too. Also, if you drive them out of your country, if nobody stopped you by then, short of creating WW3 who's to stop you from driving them out of existence and taking over their countries as well?
No, I'm a communal anarcho-individualist. I want different communes making different things in different ways so there's fucking variety.
So it's like a zoo but with humans filling up the exhibits.
what's the difference between that and a tumblrite getting triggered over some meaningless shit in vidya
i never said ther was. cringe is cringe plane and simple
Fuck, that third screenshot.
Why must they taint monster girls like that? ;_;
If that's how you see it. I just don't want the bleak, dull, depressing life storage cubes the USSR made. I want every bit of the planet to be interesting and inspiring, because I never want anyone to ever think "is this all there is to life?" because that is the beginning step down a very dark road.
its funny who their ideology must be in everthing they do including jacking off
the aut-right has uncontrollable autism, everything hobby they have has to be merged with muh traditional white race.
same thing with intersectional feminist idpol and why they put it into everything.
I don't get it.
Ah, thanks for the explanation. I haven't read those books.
They are children.
I hate these fuckers.
but that's true though
Crusaderfags need to be removed.
fascists are anti-worker and anti-individual rights though, that's not social democracy
why do they always have either Le big guy XD or anime avatars btw
because they're retarded teenagers that masturbate to anime
There is no cultural capitalism. Please do not mix culture with entertainment.
monster girls are purely for sexual so who cares
They're as retarded as the liberals who say everybody in america is racist and sexist now that trump won the election.
This is probably the saddest post ever
Sad when blatantly false ideological nonsense ruins friendships.
The poster might be a decent person but his head has been filled with poisonous memes and he now thinks that hate is love.
oh wow
/r/ing the "skin colour isn't everything" pol ban
You're saging wrong.
part 1
part 2
Holla Forumstrads aren't all basement dwellers, they just hide their powerlevel. They could be anyone in your life, waiting for their rope day to come.
What the fuck is an
incel. Involuntary celibate?
Yes, it's an /r9k/ thing.
Yeah, I'm an incel but I don't really like the internet incel communities, the people in them are really crazy
Your memes are weak and your tears are tasty
Nice example of right wing cringe, not offering any arguments but instead appealing to spooky concepts of strength where the argument comes down to "the people that think like me are more resistant to insults than the people that think like you."
Except that we are more resistant to insults than you. It's because of our sizeable bullocks. Spooky!
Lefty incel here too, it's nice not to be alone on the board.
holy shit you are spooked
Without that there's just emptiness.
I'm begining to think that stirnists should be killed alongside with the porkys. Clearly both want a standardized world.
Stirner was proto nihilist you know. He saw the ego as the only important thing but stopped there. Once you start thinking about where the wishes of the ego come from, that it's all determined by the environment and that there is no free will, you arrive at the point where nothing matters, not even yourself.
this isn't even cringe, this is delusion
many such instances
Was that lady taking something out of her ass?
These aren't all that funny, the guys in the videos are all idiots, sure, but the humour misses more than it hits.
its not comedy, its cringe
Okay, I guess that it accomplishes, these are hard to watch.
suck harder and money will come out of it
Holy fucking shit. Is there a torrent for this, I need to experience this myself to believe it is real.
His face just shows pure despair.
Yeah, feel for the guy while thinking it funny that he's so clearly affected by this at the same time.
might just fuck a hooker then hang myself
nazis are basically indoctornating their children the same way religious fundamentalist do, tbh
that is literally this flash
but without irony
I chuckled
I like how not even a conservative leaning normie would relate to the majority of the questions. They're so deep in the rabbit hole that they cannot understand how regular people think
"He aims to show that the very areas of life within which many people believe they are genuinely free – free from the demands of work for example – actually perpetuates domination by denying freedom and obstructing the development of a critical consciousness."
I don't know if I can take anymore redpills without od'ing user
I don't get why everyone hates this comment. It's a little liberal, but I kinda get his point. Homogeneity is sad.
homogeneity is ok when it's done right
Japan for example
Suburbs and American consumerism are fucking godawful though
You are right on that. Other cultures also provide an important perspective for ourselves because we, who have grown up in culture A, might be able to perceive the faults of culture B but not those of our own. To get the best of all worlds, the best way is to merge all available cultures into one big multi-culture, discarding the bad aspects of them and only keeping the good shit they have to offer, be it technology, food, language, holidays or media.
On the topics of races, don't take that shit seriously, the entire concept is pretty spooky. You can't make up a scientific definition of race, there were attempts but you either end up with all of eurasia being one race or the amish being a distinct race. Non of the attempts overlap with what people see as the traditional races and even if the attempts had, they are based on non coding DNA, not some innate differences of which there aren't many.
The idea of race is a social construct that has gone through many iterations, british used to consider the irish another race for example, and it has always been used to split the population into classes pointlessly, little more than an excuse to keep irrationally hating people that were a little different.
Is that mlp? I don't know their lingo. Or is this monstergirl stuff?
He is a commie that wants to destroy natural order and bring hyenas and lions together, that is why he is the bad guy.
Lion king is a very conservative movie
Mlp. I know from uh… Experience.
i mean that chart is right
polite sage because not related to the subject matter of this thread
much redpills such wow :D
Who is this Murdoch faggot and why does he attract so cringy people in his comment section?
I like how that poster implies that the Alt-Right is the solution to any of that when the much more obvious and correct answer is not some conspiracy, but just capitalism.
Like you could literally add "BLAME CAPITALISM" in the bottom and it would be true. I might actually do that. I might write up the exact poster, add that edit, and subvert it all for the lefty cause.
do it
Keep this thread alive, will deliver within 1-2 business days once I get my new printer set up tonight.
who doesn't hold doors for older folks ?
i mean i didn't think it was a political statement as much as it was just common courtesy ?
Did they fucking watch Lion King at all?
Scar is literally The Jew incarnate.
I don't understand it myself.
He literally had hyenas working for him.
this is so cringe it kind of becomes endearing
Whatever helps you sleep at night, alt-riggered friendo.
ancaps are the epitome of the dunning-kruger effect I swear
Do people thay believe that Know that Lion King is ripped off from an anime? The japs dont give a fuck about sympathy
This is so fucking cringeworthy.
No consistency but I give A for effort, takes a special kind of autism to come up with this shit.
Nonono, you're not thinking it right. The lion king is post Walt Disney era, its Jewish Disney era, therefore the bad guys in thoses Disney movies are Nazis, therefore the actual good guys.
The actual movie's message? Who gives a shit?
what these retards don't seem to get is that you don't control memes
you don't direct memes
you don't own memes
once they're made and take hold they have a life of their own and they immediately begin to mutate and take on shapes and meanings that were never originally intended
putting a meme in the white house and thinking its going to work for you is beyond retarded. it's like filling a swimming pool with cement before launching yourself off the high dive. the intended outcome will not be desirable
The comments on this thread, holy shit
Gondola used to be a pedophile bear, the pepe was used strictly as a reaction image, and a plane crash around france ended with Holla Forums LARPing about some lesser egyptian god.
What is with Holla Forums's obsession with memes, anyways? they are obsessed like some kid who just discovered what knowyourmeme is.
Holla Forumsehold the Holla Forumsutthurt, they're really angry that the sasanach have found out
their whole existence is a meme
Was Holla Forums always this political? That thread reads like I'm on Holla Forums.
Every single board on 8ch is political.
You're right, but I meant old Holla Forums, like pre-2010 Holla Forums, or even pre-2014 Holla Forums on 4chan.
The Holla Forumsyps have infested it, I think everybody else is busy fighting the BO about him hotpocketing their cheese pizza or just gave up.
Krillcen's off his meds again
But half of the points boil down to "I am a paranoid asshole so you must be, too". There's also a strong dose of the "white ge-NO-cide" that belongs on Facebook.
For posterity
Boy I can't wait to give my money to a liberal store that doesn't even allow people with guns entering so I can trigger those dumb SJWs.
$5 cup of coffee… totally WORTH IT, amirite people?
when you need to feel victimized over anything just like SJWs
Holla Forums = SJWs
Two guys crying about a name on a fucking coffee cup.
didn't some war on christmas christians try this shit a year or two ago ?
Non-political people left the site overtime, thanks in good part to the site breaking apart last year.
Now the only people left are different flavors of Holla Forums
4chan in general wasn't political at all outside Holla Forums until GG and the elections, and Holla Forums in Holla Forums kept to the shitty threads where OP posted some clickbait kotaku article.
What are they talking about?
It's really the same form of autism. You go in there and it's at the same time a poisonous screaming vortex and a torture chamber.
And both sides seem to hate us leftists that have a little sense left.
it was just some faggot making something out of nothing
how da gommies get da userbase it must be cointelpro from muh reddits
antifa broke up some alt-right meeting tonight and made matt forney piss his pants
Have you read any of Augustine's The City of God? He offered a theological refutation of crusader cringe 1,500 years ago.
"piss his pants"
They sang and danced.
What happened to the strong antifa we love
I just got banned from Holla Forums for posting material that debunks holocaust denial. The reason that was given for my ban was 'promoting the holohaux'.
I want to hear what Zizek thinks of this.
post it here, i want to redpill some Holla Forumsice
I'm not sure if they are proud of the holocaust or deny that it happened.
Also, what is it with their stupid number games. The number of victims changes depending on who you factor in. If you count the people that died in the ghettos and in executions it gets larger, if you only count jews it gets smaller. It's also no wonder that the original estimates were lower than the numbers that came out later, even with shit like earthquakes the numbers always rise afterwards and in this case the germans had good reason to destroy as much evidence as possible.
It's also questionable what Holla Forums thinks the jews wanted to accomplish with this lie. Israel is certainly not such a great thing if they don't even own their own holy city and are at constant wars with the only muslim population Holla Forums likes.
Well, I've heard Nazis say that it didn't happen but they wish it did. I'm not sure what they're trying to accomplish with that.
They probably don't as well. They buy into a popular conspiracy but also buy into a popular group hate meme, so they end up denying it but wishing for the death of 11 million people anyway.
never understood why they want to deny it when their hero did what they dream about doing
Like you can understand nazis, they don't even understand themselves.
What delusion do these people live in? Through how many layers of ideology are they perceiving the world?
I can understand looking through at the world through a fascist or conservative or right-wing lens/bias but these people are a fucking mess.
I can't watch this shit, can someone sum it up for me?
From what little I saw, it was already filled with the collapse of the west meme.
This guy is obviously a troll
>To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that the final solution was impossible and that the Party was the executor of the final solution, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself – that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word 'doublethink' involved the use of doublethink.
nice meme
never trust anyone posting a death toll on the internet, period.
morality is a spook
They deny it because
A. It harms the reputation of nazis, so they have do defend it (but we don't care about reputation!!!)
B. group identity politics (yay we're a group)
C. there are joo scapegoats who use holocaust, and some are fakers too, so attack it out of akhenazi hate
D. it would mean that Hitler didn't finish the job i.e. he failed
E. because Holla Forums can't accept that their ancestors (both Akhenazi and German) are failures and died prematurely
marx is the final boss of the universe
this is true
"Gay clubs are all the same, in one regard. Often, there is only a curtain separating what is an otherwise normal business front, and a pitch-black room full of showers with LCD television screens playing hardcore pornography."
""AI rights" which like human rights is nothing but a cover for anuddah shoah."
pols great for their research into conspiracy shit happening atm, but god are they dumb
Found this.
Jason Unruhe's tirades against idpol are very alt-right-tier.
the pic was unrelated fam, just a screencap from /lit/, just a prank, the camera's right there bro
So fags know how to party? How damning.
I can provide.
this shit is a cancer on our board
No, I specifically remember a poster with a pony and the text ``national socialism means jobs and safety`` or something like that
Everything in this thread is hilariolus
I never thought I'd see anything more embarrassing than Lust in the Time of Heartache, but I sure got proved wrong.
Said the kid with a weeb profile pic and name