
Competitive esports working as intended edition

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It's working as intended, shitlord

Hitboxes are overrated. Good game doesn't need hitboxes. You instead make entire body of a character a physically colliding entity and cover every single detail as part of his hitbox, not forgetting to divide between more or less weak parts of the body.

Look at world of tanks as an example.

Ah, so that's how it's gonna be.
Shitposters will hijack the general just so they can post their shitpost in the OP.

Kinda fun that fanboys and shills no longer have to make sure there's a thread up at all times, since shitposters and the people that hate it will gladly start one as long as they get to complain about a game they don't even like or play.

The body of a character is purely graphical. You cannot make it "a physicaly colliding entity" as that makes no sense at all. What you can make is create such an entity and then make sure it's visual representation matches it's position and rotation, which is what's currently done.

Hitboxes themselves aren't even boxes or cylinders, they are conditions represented by those forms. A cube is simply "if you hit between these X, Y and Z coordinates, you've hit the mark" while cylinders is "if you've hit at this X and Z and it was between this Y_max and this Y_min and at the maximun distance of radius, then you've hit the mark".

That picture of world of tanks most likely uses the same concept, with a cylinder for the barrel and cubes for the rest of the tank. Several cubes for each part of it so as to have locational damage, but those are still hitboxes.

yw f3f6e0

literally Reddit
gb2 >>/idpol/

For the record, what you posted was an image for a "hitbox skin mod" that colors tanks according to their hitbox, but since it must paint the model, it only closely resembles the hitboxes themselves.

The best I can find is pic related, something bitching about the hitboxes on his tankfu.
Everything else is just variations of "hitbox skin mod". Seriously, people make their tanks look like a gay parade to get some sort of negligible advantage over their adversaries?

If you want to shitpost, can you at least take things, which are actually in the game right now?

Reminder if you play Bastion, widow, hanzo, genji, torb, mei and junkrat you are dead weight and useless

Well, that really depends on the situation and your skill.
Bastion is kinda good in quickplay if you play him more as an ambusher and not a stationary turret. Pick one or two unsuspecing targets off and then switch your position. Rinse and repeat. I don´t know how effective Bastion is in competitive play, because i never played him there, and all the bastion players i came across were braindead retards.
Widow can be good if you´re a high skilled aimer and can actually pull of headshots. But she´s only useful on Defense and on certain maps.
Hanzo and Mei are pretty much useless right now, i agree. But we´ll see how they are doing after the patch.
Junkrat is very good for area denial on chokepoint maps, but he sucks on more open maps like Gibraltar or Numbani.
And Genji is actually godlike if you can play him well, and completely useless if you are only moderate good at him. He´s a very weird hero. Sometimes a Genji player carries a whole team solo, while on other times he never does anything except masturbating with his Shirukens and whining in Japanese.

I play games for fun. Winning is secondary.

love the hanzos that say this then proceed to get a 1/10 KD and still claim it's fun

What the fuck are you talking about? Nothing of that sentence makes snese. What's going on?

He's saying the hitbox is bounded to the model, dumbass

Yea in a fucking ranked game

Shit heads not switching off mei because its literally the only character they play and they said its ok because it doesnt matter its just a game

Fucking fuck useless shit heads, im not fussy in normal games, well mostly like if games are just gonna feel tedious with 2 torbs and a bastion on attack ill suggest someone switch in chat
But in ranked that was a common thing for me, retards not playing what is good or what is needed or even switching when its clear their character is so countered its useless

I truly truly truly hope that does not happen to me again this season

I respectfully disagree about Junkrat sucking on more open maps.
He really shines after the first checkpoint on Gibraltar as the map closes up to become more linear, and Numbani he's good all the way through except towards the last few feet of pushing the payload.
In Numbani specifically, hold the upper level on the right hand side overlooking the point, you get to fire down on the enemy team unmolested and if you place your trap on the stairs leading up to where you're located most people attempting to take you out can be easily taken care of, in fact the only thing you need to worry about is Genji running up the walls behind you, but he's easily taken care of with a mine, plus due to the ceiling meaning he can't leap around so much it just takes one grenade and a mine to kill him.
Pharah can be a hassle, but your teammates, eg snipers, roadhogs, meis and bastions should really be taking care of airborne foes.

Eg useless characters and a super niche one

Fag you have shit opinions anyway.

Well you sure showed me

You're only dead weight if you behave like it. Keep relocating and you'll be fine.
One sniper is always good to crack defenses from afar, Widow helps a lot as long as it can aim and there's people following on her shots
Weeaboos contribute nothing to anything, not even anime.
If you get it in your head your no longer playing TF2 and your turret doesn't kill everyone in less than 2 second, you'll start fighting and actually be an asset for your team. Outsnipe snipers with some hot long rivets.
You don't get it. Even when you lose, you still won as Junkrat because playing with him is always a blast!

Thats not how the game works

Just like tf2 cuntsman which overwatch rips off, err, is inspired by.

I can see inspired, but really, it's a rip off, please tell me how? You're going to tell me all RTSes are ripoffs next also aren't you

No reason for calling the entire defence section of heroes shit, wew lad. I'll take you seriously because you're clearly going to be saying something of worth.

Sorry thought you wanted to be known with how obvious you were.

Overwatch applies the same competitive esports™ quality hitbox to hitscans weapons too, shitter.

I'll have to disagree. Both King's Row and Hanamura see very good positions where she can help clean up the way for her team to get to the point.
The rest of the maps ain't as easy, but as long as you're bold and creative you can still help massively.

I hope you aren't a Genji main and you keep that to QP

The model is tied to the GPU, the hitboxes are tied to the CPU. One thing has nothing to do with the other, except that they share the same position in space (usually).

Snipers are excelent if you only have one. They are threats that take attention from your enemies but they can't do anything about it from a distance, unless they commit to them.
Roadhog and Mei, I don't know if you say they are useless or niche, but you're wrong either way.

You can post a few more characters by post and say how the game actually works, then.

Bow & arrow-based mid-close range sniper

Defense section can't even defend better than any other sections
A second tank a second assault a second healer anything is better than picking a fucking mei


They're both shit for one.


waste of quads
On an anonymous imageboard.
You fishing for upboats or something?

ironic shitposting is still shitposting, user-kun.

You forgot no penalty to aim when pulling the bow for too long, no increased mobility, no extra utility for the team…
Hanzo is the cuntsman, if the cuntsman's job was to flank and support his team.

If Overwatch was shitty then how is D.Va the greatest girl a video game has created


Because she's a fake azn.

You realize that the hitboxes of training dummies are incredible lazy and have nothing to do with the hitboxes of actual heroes? I tested Dad 76´s hitscan weapon on Bastion, because he´s the only stationary heroe, so he doesn´t wiggle around. His head hitbox was probably 1% bigger than his ingame model, but there was no leniency to the side. I even could shoot through his "feets", which isn´t possible in most other fps.

She's still in the game user, meaning overwatch intrinsically is not shit

Agreed, this game needed more diversity.

It already has tumblr dyke.

It's the CPU that calculates transforms for animations and movement you retard. The GPU is then told what to draw based on that. Hitboxes are based (even if very simply on xyz) on those transform calculations.

Yes, and? The CPU handles the position of the model, it's rotation and even the interpolation of it's animations (although I could swear that's done by the GPU as well) but the entirety of collision is processed by the CPU while the entire drawing process of the view model is done by the GPU.

You can have hitboxes that aren't properly aligned or even match the viewmodel at all, like drawing a character with a tail and not have an hitbox for it at all. You can even change the viewmodel at will and still keep the same hitbox (quake is a good example) because one thing has nothing to do with the other.

It's the funniest thing
>Three of her respawn lines seem to be copy/pasted from other heros (A temporary setback[zenyatta], I'm not a good loser[Dva], A speedy recovery[Mercy])

Not sure if intentional, but zarya seems to be a shit taken on the chest of feminists. Just like Symmetra is Literally Indian Tech Support

And they're interlinked because the transforms the CPU does tells the GPU what to do you dumb nonce. How else to do you think collision detection and resolution work? That the GPU magically knows how resolve collisions without the CPU telling it what's going on?

i don't care if it's normal or ranked. i still don't wanna die over and over because we can't get a decent roster going. that just isn't fun. i tend to switch to anything we need but a single tank/healer isn't gonna solve the problem with 5 other hanzos on the team.

nowadays i usually ask people to switch if we have a retarded comp but as soon as i hear the faggot utter "it's just a game, it's just quickplay, just play for fun" bullshit i fucking switch to symmetra and place TPs off ledges or at the enemy's first spawn, far away from the objective. when they bitch about it i just say "aren't you having fun tho? cause i am. it's just a game anyway".

never understood how these players could be so thick tbh. like, they wanna have fun at the expense of their entire team. no one out of the other 5 players on his team is gonna have fun this game because of him. if the enemy has a solid comp and isn't absolute trash, you're gonna get your shit pushed in hard. dying isn't fun. waiting on respawns isn't fucking fun.

I'd fuck her.
Do we know her name?

The GPU does not handle collisions. That's your problem right there.
The GPU draws characters according to certain rules in the position they are supposed to be. That position is dictated by the CPU but that's where their cooperation stops.

All collision is handled by the CPU. Which means hitboxes and all that jazz. That's why you can have those moments when you just joined a server and some models haven't yet been drawn or loaded and yet you already have collisions between you and the scenery or you and bullets.

For the record, you can have headless servers that display nothing but a console running a game, where the GPU isn't required at all (even the motherboard is capable of rendering that console) and the game will still run fine for the clients since collisions are only tested in the server anyway (usually).

I seldomly get the oportunity to try Hanzo or Genji in Quickplay since it's often the class that's always picked. So everytime a few of those tards pick 2 Genjis or 3 Hanzos, I just go along to practice that hero as well.
It's not real practice, you'd need a backbone in your team to spearhead an attack as you support them and you don't have that.
But at least I can practice them since we were gonna lose anyway.

But I gotta start doing what you said more often, both with Symetra and with Mei, blocking their routes and LoS.

Even though I like the Mercy and Widowmaker porn, this image probably is the best thing Overwatch has ever led to.

theres only 1 game that does this and its Sui Generis, the guy had to write his own engine and everything.

I'm sure theres reasons for it. I know in fighting games hitboxes are used for balancing not sure about other genres.

It's so they can sell skins

whenever i see two less than stellar gamers pick the same hero in quick play, i encourage everyone else to pick it too. i will not suffer two shitters playing genji on my team, but five or six is alright

what the fuck, is that Roadhog now or in some previous patch??

It's older. Same with the hook one.

I bought the game last week, and thus missed out on the olympic skins. I really wanted that Zarya weight lifter skin though. Am I shit out of luck?

Previous patch, but with them bringing back the old hitboxes in PTR, who knows.

Yes for now

It's easier to calculate collisions with very basic shapes like cubes, cylinders and capsules. You can try more complex shapes, but that shit adds up and ruins performance. Go check what everyone in the Unity forums tells you about their Mesh Collider, for instance.

First video was a problem with the hitbox not playing the animation of the model so the head neve changes place. He can be shown with his head down but actually, it's still up.
Dunno if they left it like that or changed it.

The second video was a problem that Roadhog had where he would push targets too close with the hook which made large targets like Winston end up around or behind him, so Blizzard changed it to "push them to this point in front of you".
Then there was the issue with characters with smaller models not getting as many pellets from the shotgun blast since they were too far after the hook.
So Blizzard fixed it yet again and now the distance you land from Roadhog depends on the size of your hitbox as well well, so technically everyone is equally vulnerable to him.

this is at most a tf2 clone, idk why people keep comparing and trying to make it into a CS GO clone, fuck all of you

Take your meds.

Don't know if it's still available but last I saw the summer boxes were still available for sale after the summer event was over and they stopped dropping. So if you want that weightlifter skin you'll have to pay up, goy. How does $100 for the chance to unbox it sound? :^)

Diva isn't an original character. She was inspired by 80-90s video game characters and anime girls.

Is that webm from before or after they reduced his arrow hitbox to 33% of a tree?

Mount stupid in action.

I want to have lots of unprotected, high voltage sex with D.va.

I want to have unprotected sex with MEKA


sex is for reproduction she better have multiple children at once after sexing multiple men at once

they are no longer for sale, I checked. You can only buy the regular boxes now.


Similar to how people shitpost about CS:GO on here, people use outdated footage of Overwatch as well.

Overwatch has plenty of issues aside from this. This issue has been fixed, so get the fuck out of here with your bullshit.

What problems do CSGO have?

Blizzdrones are so retarded

The only issues CS:GO has left on the gameplay front are the spammy overpowered pistols and less than 100% first shot accuracy for weapons like the Deagle.

I do believe that it'll get fixed, however. Most other things that community complained about was, including AK and M4 mechanics, broken animations, hitboxes, cartoony sounds, hitreg, Prime matchmaking etc.

Just give it time.

Cancer killing video games, retards like him should just hang themselves and make the world a better place

Look carefully boys. This is what happens when you halfass literacy and can only recognize a few words. I want you all to try your best at reading comprehension.

For starters, it's CS.

If you aren't gonna bother keeping up to notice with these things, might as well not talk about them.
The log-sized arrows for instance are not gonna make it.

Wasn't the Deagle that meme weapon that was basically AWP but on the secondary slot, that could 2-shot most people?
Because a weapon that strong having less than 100% accuracy is kinda understandable.
Then again, wasn't the Zeus this gun that "killed" in one shot and had 100% accuracy but only one shot to make up for it?

PCgoys got to buy the game at only 40 dollars.

f3f6e0 you truly are retarded


Richfags really are "rich".


The issue that really plagued CS:GO was the second shot reset when trying to burst/tap fire. Now that it's been reduced, burst and tap fire are now better for long range combat compared to just spraying half a mag.

The netcode is still shitty when playing on official servers, and the engine is old as fuck. Though hopefully they move it to Source 2 like they did with Dota2

That was the revolver, when it first was dropped, it was an unscoped AWP, after the nerf it became an unscoped Scout.

Truly I will never understand poorfags



too late:

So when´s the new patch coming anyway? They constantly seem to make big changes on the ptr yet, so i guess, it won´t come this week

kill yourself

Does anyone have that "premium shit" image handy?

now i seriously hope the CS part was a lie and in the future he wants you to play cs with him and the same story happens again
i seriously hope you weren't serious on the CS part

I say in about a week after the next update cycle.

See that percentage? It's slowly growing every now and then (they added decimals since most people assumed it wasn't growing at all).
Sombra is likely to do something or be released once it hits 100%.

Some guy on the forums made some regression and estimated that it's gonna hit 100% at the end of october or somewhere near that.
So basically, it's most likely an Halloween update that's coming with Sombra released only then for maximum spooks.

If they haven't announced when Season 2 starts, another likely time for the PTR changes to enter in effect, then you can expect them to only apply after the Halloween update.

Furthermore, after releasing 3 heroes on a row during the Beta test, they learned not to fuck with the game balance too much while people are still getting used to it.
It's unlikely that you'll see many changes during the seasons but some massive overhauls in-between.
Basically, Season 2 starts shortly after Halloween and it's the Spooky Update that's gonna bring those changes, as well as Sombra.
Wait till the end of October, I guess.

I hope we at least get the new map before then


shut the fuck up with your elitism, faggot

But this thread is our home.

Well, you can always get the PTR and play on the new map, as well as test those changes.
I personnaly don't since that requires installing the game twice and progress is often wiped there.

The new map seems to be ready and done, and since it's still august, maybe we will get it sooner.

There were some leaked voice files previously, before that castle map. And while some do talk about the castle (specifically Reinhart), there were a few lines about a graveyard or some haunted location.
We might end up getting that castle now and either a variation of it for Halloween or an entirely different map for the Halloween event, similarly to the Frog Stadium.

He's here most threads, much like other low effort shitposters. Don't reply to them ever, they'll reply back to you and the amount of shitpost just keeps increasing.
They do it to get attention, don't feed them.

I know.

He was in the Undertale threads too.

From Undermeme to Overmeme, huh?

overwatch was a mistake

So it seems.

you're better off tbh. i played 14 hours per day on average for the entire month of the event and only got one of zarya's legendaries on the last official day.

I ended up getting every skin EXCEPT the one I wanted, which was the Genji skin.

Kind of mad, but eh.

please tell me there is porn of non-chibi D.Va smothered in doritos dust

Why does tumblr have to ruin everything? They are starting to infect this game, i even heard one blog that said all the characters in Overwatch are faggots.


So he goes to threads about what's currently popular and tell them to leave Holla Forums
Truly the very modern hipster of our days…

Why do you go to tumblr? And how are they "infecting" it at all if the game isn't changing one bit because of them?
I can also say you are a faggot and that doesn't mean you'll start sucking dicks just because of that.

If anything, it's the oposite actually, seeing how Dva got an emote that is her literally munching on doritos and dew while playing vydia.

Yeah, pretty much.

He's not really breaking any rule either, just shitposting about vidya he hates

If you read the forums, stuff about trans/gay heros gets posted a bit and it's usually met with massive abouts of downvotes

it was doomed to get tumblr infection

i haven't played this game since the summer event ended because i was so salty that the last crate i got was double purple and didn't have americree in it, is the new map out or still in PTR?

thank god i wasn't the only one reminded of bubblegum crisis at d.vas initial reveal

a shame she isn't as cool as best girl

hey user
ur a faget

Kek. You have reminded me of one of those posts with dozens of paragraphs and thousands of lines about why Symmetra is autistic. The most upvoted comment in this thread was: "I think you´re a bit overthinking this a bit."

Fucking chtist

It's also the first legendary emote.

now i'm glad all the crate stuff is just cosmetic, but how can you even call something a "legendary' emote

and further more, the only emote that matters is Reapers squat, the rest are now obsolete

Aren't legendary items supposed to hold some kind of value over others?

I'm not even baiting when i say Holla Forums would be better off without the likes of you.

I never said I liked Undertale. Posting a picture of something does not equate to liking it.

Robot D.va would've made people
A Bastion is fine too.

Wipe this practice off the face of the earth…

you can spew out technicalities all you want but we both know the truth my teenager friend

Imagine it: instead of going "Lol gamur soldiers" the 'D-Va Project' was a highly advanced AI installed in a custom MEKA. We'd have an adorable turret waifu instead of a dewritos goblin.

If MEKA was an AI it would be prone to the omnic virus.

Nah, the MEKAs actually used to be automated, but the giant omnic they were fighting eventually managed to fuck with that, wich is why they put gamer grils into the things.

I think this can be an anime.

Yeah, people have been calling for it to be one

Overwatch anime when?


I don't go to tumblr, i lurk the game's subreddit from time to time. Tumblr links are often posted on the subreddit. I just don't want this game's community to end up like undertale.

This probably already is an anime.


Get UE4 for free, make the simple tutorial platformer form their youtube tutorial series.
This will give you a better understanding of how shit works than decades of shitposting ever could.

Shit video, shit editing. Better one here.

fucking how? Half the time I go into a match wanting to play a certain character only to realize the team needs a certain role, so I play one of those roles instead. I mean i pick two or three out of every role that I like so I could possibly fill any role, but how do you just play your "main" all the time?

Are you one of those people that just locks down their hero choice in the beginning regardless of what other people chose?

youre supposed to change characters depending on how the game is flowing and where the action is taking place.
i dont know what youre talking about genji being 'easily taken care of', hes pretty much what kills me when im playing junkrat as its so easy to deflect my shit

By main I mean I've played around 30 hours of the Hog against 10~ hours with my top 5 others heroes.
To be fair, Roadhog's a slight exception because he can basically play solo. Decent damage, self healing, able to tank a few hits, can bring enemies to him.
That being said, if there's another Roadhog or too many tanks on my team, I won't touch him.

fair enough, i can't stand it when people double up on heroes just because they want to play a certain character

Though I will admit I like the Hog the most too.

fuck that undertale is the best, i like how much it pisses off the tissue skinned autists

I enjoyed undertale a lot.

I can already think of several anime that have at least a few of the "teenagers fight against undersea robots with their mech suits" kinda things going for it.

Funny how it's almost always attack heroes that do that. Double Genji, double reaper, double mccree, double soldier.
Unless you're attacking Hollywood, in which case prepare to stand up against 3 torbjorns and 3 bastions.


Zarya at 100 charge is the scariest shit ever and you should only ult if you're at 100 charge, close to it, or there is a 5 man ult you can do.
I play her alot because this meta is HERS, little to no counter if you know how to play her shield mind games, and shes racist like torb

Zarya is best tank. Prove me wrong.

youll see that more and more often because most defensive heroes kind of blow ass and there arent too many overlapping play styles in the game so far. about the closest we have are mccree and soldier who are both mid ranged hitscan.
2 genjis is something i see too often though, its kind of stupid but a lot of people cant deal with it.

i wish there were a valid reason for defenders to push off the final point, but its just asking for a lesson in humility or patience most of the time because of the low player count.
the only reason people have to be out there is if theyre some slippery fuck like tracer or genji.

I also said she was weak unless someone attacked her or her friends while in her bubble. By itself, with no outside influence, zarya's ult is weak.

The biggest problem with double Genji is that if they coordinate ults, it's basically GG. I'm just thankful that there's a 1 hero cap in competitive

>when mercy resses you she says "heroes never die"

Does CS trigger you user? Are you triggered?

actually she is the one that dies and doesnt get rezzed when she uses ult. So shes the villain champ.

ive yet to see them get through a zenyatta ult, especially since the heal was increased to 300 per second. technically they should be able to whack the 200 health characters if they time their hits very well but if theyre the fucking mario bros hopefully matchmaking gave you a team that has some smarts of their own.

because people are argumentative and dont care if its bait because they have to knock people on the internet down a peg. after all, theyre wrong so it should be easy to defeat them. and if they dont do it who will?

That's be a good strategy if people understood that they have to group around Zenyatta to benefit from his ult.
Every time I've ulted as Zenyatta everyone just seems to scatter thinking they're invincible, and then inevitably die as the entire enemy team is waiting around the corners.

What a smug cunt. I love it.

But it is fucking working as intended you fucking retard, you would never pick Genji or Hanzo if it didn't give you a buffer zone to land a hit because the effort required to actually land a hit would not be worth the return in damage you get from it. Thats why people don't use the Huntsman in competitive TF2 because its a joke weapon thats inferior to the sniper rifle in every feasible way.

The Huntsman uses the fuck-huge projectile hitbox, though.

"Heroes never die" is a typical idiom or whatever its called and refers to the fact that the story of a hero lives on in legends after they are dead and live on in the hearts of the people through that. So it has nothing to do with you or anyone else dying its just something fancy to say so you know when she ults.

Quake for example, the rocket launcher kills in a direct hit most of the time but if you dont score a direct hit thats fine because splash damage.

No it doesn't, thats lag compensation, test it locally on tr_walkway

Why not just buff the damage instead?

Zenyatta's ult has really shitty readability. Both the player using the ult and those who need to benefit from it have no real idea what the range of it is as there is no real visual indication as to who is under its effect.

Damn user, next you'll be telling me it's not actually 12 o'clock when Mccree ults.

Maybe they should make a orb around the exterior as well, sort of like Winstons E expect is more transparent and its yellow to show that you can still shoot through it, its just that its zenyattas range.

No, that's because nobody ever picks the Sniper in competitive at all.
The sixth player that is assigned wildcard has 3 choices for his role, Scout, Spy or Sniper. All 3 are efficient pickers in their own way but the Scout is far more versatile and reliable than the other 2.

Because then, the few times you actually hit someone will feel cheap for you and cheaper for the enemy. The Huntsman is also known as the Lucksman because it only takes an headshot to kill someone and those happen with some frequency, never feeling good for a player.

If instead you take 2-3 hits to kill someone, being lucky 3 times in a row doesn't happen as much, if you can pull it it's because you actually are skilled with that weapon.

Look underneath your floating ass next time. There's a large circle all around you, etched in the ground that moves with you. Anyone inside that circle is under your protection.

The thing is barely visible.

The value is the name. People will want those pixels more than other pixels because it's called legendary.

Mate it's right fucking there, unless you're legally blind or your brightness and contrast is cranked to max the circle is obviously there

Or if you really can't see the circle, stay near the giant glowing robot that yelled "PASS INTO THE IRIS"


This could be fixed by not making the hitbox fuckhueg.

No it's entirely visible, turn on your monitor next time

i never noticed those flowers and petals. maybe its easier to see if your settings are on toaster? its also easier to tell when its moving around. and its half zenyattas job to make sure his teammates are affected by it as long as theyre reasonable about it.
if theyre that stupid that they dont know they should group up with him if theyre trying to not die to something it wouldnt matter what sort of indicators you threw at them if the many many healers who dont seem to realize that critical means heal this team mate are any indication.

Thing is people shouldn't bunch right up together because that's just asking to become a target for anyone with an insta-kill ult like Tracer.

theres a line on the edge and zenyatta himself is a lighthouse but if your attention is focused on some enemy at range you might not notice where you need to stand. chances are if he pops that thing its because of someones ult or some horrific flank and he will make his way over to you with the speed boost, but i can see why hes saying that. its not as if the roadhog in critical health is glowing

well they dont need to. its not like climbing on top of him makes him heal you harder and the aoe is fairly generous. its rare that more than two or three people are taking damage anyways.
the only time people would be huddled up for it is if he jumps into a zarya ult or if people are playing balls to the wall aggressive.

is that from an anime? if so, which one?

Time to post these

Nobunagun wasn't robots though was it? I might be remembering wrong but I'm pretty sure it was alien enhanced sea creatures.
I wish someone would pick up that authors dinosaur series, Jabberwocky is great but no one seems to be working on any of the volumes after the first two and there are at least seven of them out.

Got the full version?

Bumplock when?

these hitboxes were in the game before, and they are coming back in a week.

After trying Pharah and McCree and now today trying D.Va I'm like holy shit this hero is braindead I fucking love it

dont play as d.va

No not really. For example they have already reversed the buff to hanzo´s arrow hitbox. It´s called testserver for a reason. Everything there is subject to change. Just because something´s on the testserver, doesn´t mean it will make it into the game.

you have a fucking half key?


yeah, you have a half key? what the fuck is that even


How do I get gud at tank heroes?

I'm noticing my problem seems to be that mentally I believe tanks should be right in the front lines, which leads me to rushing out ahead of my team and getting rekt.

I've noticed it seems like tanks have a hard time soloing, is the key to success making sure to have team mates backing me up and try to participate in team fights?



It's what you press to jump on top of scuttlebugs.

D.Va is an absolute solo beast already and I've barely played more than an hour of her. I can't stop getting gold medals. Send help.

I think you should just play Zarya and think of yourself as a support or off-tank with the biggest dick around.

As Reindhart, stay on the objective and only chase squishies if you have a healer
As Zarya, hover around the objective, protect squishies and don't risk too much for charge
As Roadhog, basically play as a flanker/harasser, or stay on the objective and scare dudes away
As Winston, pray no-one focuses on you
As DVA, get right up in peoples' grill and annoy the fuck out of them, then jet out. Also, use your shield to let team mates shoot through choke points

It's largely positioning, with Hog and Rein you should generally be between the enemy and your team but not too far out. Zarya you hang back next to or behind someone so as to always have a shield target to build charge with. Winston and Dva are the most flexible where sometimes you play them like Rein and Hog up front and sometimes you play them more like a Genji or Reaper and get way out ahead of the team and around behind the enemy.

It's really all case by case but I think erring on the side of being too aggressive is better since a lot of people tend to play tanks way too passive, especially on maps like Hanamura and Anubis where sometimes you just have to commit to shit, and it's also just plain more fun to play them that way.


thanks dude, this is what I hoped for. I'll do my best now.

Your scratching people and doing fuck all. Nice of you to stay on the payload though.

Your medals are pretty much worthless unless you have damage AND elims at the same time. That combination means that you are the primary person killing targets. If you have only elims than you are probably just scratching them with random fire, and if you have only damage you are probably just breaking shields (which can be useful) and feeding enemy healers.

what else is new

That was my first game as D.Va. And as long as you can stand on the point you should stand on the point unless you're something like Tracer.

No, zoning and payloads win the game. You could technically win a game without killing anyone, but without objectives? Good luck.

You play heroes the same way you fight bears off:
You make yourself look big and loud while your friends run away.
This depends on tank too, though.

Winston is all about that leap. You gotta reposition yourself whenever possible, preferably near squishy targets. If you're the first one to jump, the other team will follow you, if they don't you'll get their Support or Snipers.

Dva is essentially the same, same low-range and same "I'mma get over there and have a real chat now" ability.

Reinhart however doesn't do this. You gotta lay your shield down and never let it go. Even when someone comes near, trust your teammates first. If they fail, next time you can drop it. Also, charge into the middle of the other team and use the FireStrike to break their formation. Kills are good, making them scatter is even better.

Zarya and Roadhog are different. Zarya is all about the mindgames. You can keep your barrier off until you're sure they are firing at you since your shields will keep you alive. Don't just spam it.

Roadhog is good to pick targets and kill them individually. Chasing you alone is a mistake, punish them for that. But don't go solo against 2 or more people.

Remenber that Dva, Winston and Reinhart have some kind of shield that you can use to give your team some time to punish the oponents with no retaliation. Give your team a chance at least to use that oportunity.

Hell, even Zenyatta's good at blocking payloads as long as you have someone to cover you with fire.
Positioning-wise Zenyatta plays similarly to snipers but sometimes I'll have more objective time than tanks while on defense.

Stand back and let your teammates deal damage from behind your shield. Only charge in if the numbers are in your favor like 5v4. Also try to coordinate your ult with other heroes since a Pharah can wipe out everyone you hammered in a second flat.

Mostly shit at the frontline due to how fucking garbage her shield is. Don't hesitate to protect your teammates with it but try to hold back behind your teammates. Especially if you've got a fast moving Bastion player, initiate the mindgames. She truly shines as a flanker though, go behind, take out enemy turrets snipers and healers to the best of your ability. Best time to ult is when the enemy team is busy fighting your m8s.

Easymode as long as you stay close to a safe nook or cranny to self heal. Use hook sparingly if you know the enemy has their ults ready. Save ult for clearing points.

Coordination with another frontline player is game breaking. Feel free to place yourself in harm's way when your shield is up. Especially delicious are Rein projectiles. Git gud at aiming with the main fire, at 100 charge it becomes the ray of death that mercilessly melts through even the biggest tanks. She is still pretty squishy so keep an eye on your shield recharge time. Also great to save yourself and one friend from a Dva ult.

lol monkey


Just one other note, if you don't have a healer that knows their shit, or two healers, avoid Winston and Reinhardt at all costs.
DVA can manage without due to her mech system, Roadhog self-heals, and Zarya has half her health in shields so she can just about manage, at least till you get to health.

This, I've lost count how many times I've saved a Rein with a Zarya shield when he had just a sliver of health.

I like the game but I have to call bullshit when I see it.

Well, in the case of PTR is actually to test how it affects the gameplay, the game is clearly not a beta anymore and they will fuck it up, but at least with the test release they can only fuck it up on half the game's population more or less.

for winston and dva you pretty much need someone to dive in with you to take advantage of the distraction youll cause. while its piss easy to play around them its something you cant really ignore which takes pressure off of tracer or whoever.
like said its more about zoning, presenting enemies with the threat of dying.
its extremely frustrating when no one will cooperate with you, so youll probably end up picking roadhog a lot until you get decent teammates.

just dont expect people to automatically follow you everywhere. ive had reinhardts whine about people not sticking behind his shield 24/7 when we constantly get hit from behind and he marches towards bastion on hanamura

didnt they revert a ptr change where hanzos arrow hitboxes were increased?

It's not a beta, it's a test server.

By 33%. I don't play PTR myself so I don't know how that looks exactly.

You are mixing things up. 30% was the increase in projectile speed.
The hitbox for the arrows was increased and then returned to the regular size.

"It's only beta, they'll fix it" is mocked because people overestimate how much effort developers will make to fix something.

In this case it's not a question of blizzard making an effort but actually the exact opposite since all they have to do is leave hitboxes the way they currently are in the live version.


It still requires them to admit their mistake.

But they'll already be admitting a mistake by claiming that they shouldn't have reduced the hitboxes in the first place.


So it's even more unlikely they'll put it back again, if only to save face.



without competitive I haven't even touched overwatch.
so is mercy worth using again

emperor battle for dune was a good video game

Is it just me or does she have three legs?

Oh I guess it's supposed to be her hip cover thing but the way they drew it it looks identical to the legs

the thing on the bottom is her skirt thing but ya does look like it thou

Here's why you don't do this:
a character's body has lots of tiny contours and complex animations that makes it more consistent to have featureless and static boxes attached to your character instead.
It's also easier and faster for the engine to calculate collisions on simpler objects

Nope. Her only benefit right now is she tops off people the fastest, a benefit she already had its just faster now, she's still the worst healer in any given situation cause she can't deal damage and has no escape options beyond hoping one of her teammates is not in the middle of things and she has a line of sight to them.

Meanwhile Lucio can deal damage, has 2 escape tools and is insanely mobile, Zenyatta doesn't need to be in the middle of things to heal and one of his abilities increases his DPS on top of being able to do all this shit WHILE dealing damage and Ana has the highest burst healing of any healer and doesn't need to be near you to help.

Mercy is worthless right now, her only benefit is her super, that is you aren't killed first which any smart team will do.

What about Mercy's damage boost?
It's pretty good when combined with Soldier, especially so when he ults.

Actually, most engines perform raycasts constantly for rendering. Checking for these client-side would be relatively not intensive if you manage to run the code for bullet detection on the GPU. Would put some extra load when serverside, though.

You have to be a programming ace to achieve this, tho

Incredibly situational sadly and anyone shooting at the enemy team is going to be actively taking damage, you could beam swap I suppose but any soldier ulting is either gonna be cut down or the enemy's team gonna scatter to try to mitigate getting killed.


I don't even play Overwatch but sure do love me some tracer and widowmaker porn. post it you fucks

Nope nigger, that's not how it works. You think that "running things on the gpu" is the magic answer to everything… but it's not. The thing about GPU execution is that it's crazy fast at parallel processing, so shit like cracking a password that requires the same identical task repeat a gazillion times.

A line trace however is a sequential task that needs to also return a ton of information each frame (something the GPU is also bad with, for the most part it's hard and very inefficient to get data back out of the GPU).

tl;dr - Tracing has to be done on the CPU, and tracing against complex geometry is CRAZY expensive.

Also, tracing is usually done independently on client and server. The client does it to spawn impact particles and shit, stuff the server doesn't care about.

i think mercys viability is a mindset thing. you have to stick to areas where she can take cover. youre probably always going to have a zarya and if mercy is ever in danger the barrier should be enough to keep her alive.
whatever, i hope she remains unpopular, i hate fighting her.

you should probably ignore the mercy hater. He's completely incompetent with her and doesn't understand the basics of positioning, preferring to blame the team for his own failing.

She was out of meta because of the utility provided by Lucio's speed boost and Zenyatta's discord orb. Zen trades that extra damage (less than half what a proper DPS can do) for literally half his heal potential, and Lucio's high level gameplay is centered entirely around his speed boost, NOT his healing, to the point that the pros will tell you to stay on speed most of the time and only switch/amp heals when 3 or more teammates need healing or to built ult, otherwise leave it to the second heal.

Anyway, both of those things were nerfed pretty hard. Discord is down to 30% same as Mercy's boost (and I've written pages comparing the two, Mercy's boost comes out pretty favorably). Lucio's speed boost is simply no longer fast enough to rush.

I don't really think Mercy is the best currently, but I think she can be played pretty effectively. Lucio is still mandatory on KOTH maps. Unlike Zen and Lucio Mercy actually makes a pretty decent solo heal. It's risky of course since if she dies the team will probably wipe, but she has the throughput to keep the team alive by herself which is something neither Zen nor Lucio can handle.

You could throw a ray and use the GPU's parallel processing to check against each face of a model. Now that would be parallel.

I mean, the GPU is already doing that. It won't hurt to use another ray.

undertale fandom was always bad

its absolutely possible that its the teams fault if mercy is one of the first to die.

Mercy is a good hero, same as everyone else. The problem is that every other alternative shits on her.
Lucio still outheals her as long as he spams Ampt it Up and has at least 3 people nearby, Zenyatta can still assist with damage while healing people and his damage boost is team-wide.

Are you that guy that keeps mentioning how being good at Mercy is all about making sure your teammates poof into existence in convenient spots to run away?

Guardian Angel is a shit ability that only does what it's supposed to do when you are either already losing hard and have people trickling back into the fight or when you don't even need to escape and your teammates are spread all around doing their thing.
GA saves your teammates more often than it saves you.

Just face it. Mercy is the best single-target healer and a great hero on all sides. But her survavability and contribution to the fight is always gonna pale in comparison with other heroes, even Ana.
She is not bad, she's worse and that's why she isn't picked.

Unless Blizzard gives her something extra to survive, like dropping a beacon she can GA to if she prepares it beforehand.
Or remove the need for a target entirely so it's similar to Genji's swift strike, but slower and with no damage.

You're not wrong. If a Mercy doesn't get any help, if the enemy flankers are getting ignored completely, it definitely can be the teams fault.

If you are getting cornered with no where to run or fly though, it's pretty much all on you.

it doesnt take much help to drive off or kill anyone trying to kill her as long as she didnt get caught completely off guard.

So what maps would you say are good in this game and what ones are shit?



Only map I hate is DA CHINESE one with KOTH.
Dunno why but it's fucky as shit, too open and a lot of weird shit always happens there.
Like, you're currently winning, it's 80% or so and then suddendly some massive turd hits the biggest fan you ever saw and you end up losing the round out of nowhere.

It really does seem like the map set with the most unused space. There's a fair bit of detail and side routes on night market and garden that basically no one ever uses, the former because its too wide open and far from the point and you get easily picked off and the latter because its on the spawn side of those big walls. They both always come down to very repetitive fights.
Control room on the other hand people use all of the map but I just don't really like it because there's too many fucking walls around the point and too huge of height differences on the side routes so you have to get right in peoples faces to see them.

this must be how school shootings start

ive nevr had much luck in illios ruins, personally. there isnt a good way to get behind the action, every path is exposed and theres always a windowmaker on the enemy team thats leagues above ours.

The side routes on night market are actually used often. The one outside that leads to a backdoor to the point tends to be used more often than the front door even.
The other routes are rather niche, since they fit snipers better, giving an ample vision of the main entrance, and if you go to the building right in the middle with a medkit, you can even scope inside the point.

Garden, it's hard to use the full map. There's some neat sniper positions to the side and in theory that house with view for the point is a neat place to stay for a while too.

The problem is that, just like in most maps, whenever someone takes "the flanking route", everyone else does to, regardless of hero. And when everyone flanks, nobody actually flanks, which is what those routes are good for.

Control Room is by far the best, though. All of it is used and height differences keep it hard on the team that currently controls the point. Strangely enough, it's the one that gives snipers more of an hard time, seeing how there just isn't a good spot for them. The top balcony is the closest but still too risky.

I once kept trying to put a sentry up there as Torb and had to dispute the place with this Lucio that just wanted to wallride all around the room near the roof. Guy was pretty good at it too.

Roadhog and Junkrat weren't supposed to be this good or likable.

i hate how he can parry that hook

What rank where you guys last season, and what did you get in the PTR?
I got 48 last season and in the PTR im at Platinum with 2600 SR

And the adventures of the man with the lowest rank in OW continue…

It's hard to consider the backdoor a flanking route since its safer and just as short as the main route. Every game I play on it like 75% of the action is around the backdoors and the remaining 25% is people flanking through the main doors or jumping the walls. The far route under the sniper perches always ends up seeing at most one person use it the whole match because its just too far away from the point and too exposed and from there you can't really do anything to people taking the backdoor route. If the backdoor route was made longer or less safe or the front doors made a bit safer then I think the map would be greatly improved and you might see more people using the sniper side. Maybe even just moving the point out into the temple courtyard instead of right up against the back of the map.

I'm too lazy to google, anyone know what happens to the PTR ranks when the patch goes official?

Nothing, you still have to do the 10 games when you play on live once the patch goes live

I could tell this dude's voice from just that one clip. Name's WarOwl, pretty good CS:GO vids if you are into that.

Got to 58 last season. Could have gotten more but didn't play much ranked.
Had a friend that wanted to make some professional team or something, and I kept waiting for him since he was the common element with the other members.
He was over dramatic as shit, made every game too fucking tense, even assured victories and gave up playing Overwatch because he got hooked on PokemonGO. Even started botting and fucking with the GPS to actually get them all (which I think he managed to do)

We aren't friends anymore.
Next season, I'll go solo instead and see how far I can go, instead of waiting for dickheads.

If it's anything like any other time, it's reset. I know it doesn't cross over to the official servers, but I'm not 100% sure here, it might reset your progress afterwards on the PTR.

honestly if hes that stressed out over overwatch its probably good that he dropped it for some babby facebook game.

Should try to group up with some people on here at least for placements. That's what I plan on, I expect this place to be much more active once the season drops and there are actually some decent players around.


how can you suck so much

solo is the way to go mate look at me

Consider the following, for you to reach that high there has to be people you defeat that stay in lower ranks, otherwise it would be meaningless.

I play support, so i get less skill rating.

Wow Pajeeta looks especially ugly there

I was support as well double faggot
with the occasional junkrat

Then I guess you got lucky, kid

The key to playing support successfully is playing with a group of atleast 2 other people. More preffered ofc. Never ever play support solo, you wont have a good time. Exception maybe Lucio since he's not as dependant on the rest of the team.

it is actually really dependent on luck of teams, it was either these situations, enemy team ignored kill the healers or just could not kill at all, or our team could not kill for either which in the end would be a win or a lost, turn arounds are very few in the higher ranks where 50s and low 60s was long drawn out battles ending with ggflips, didn't really play much near the end of season 1 so the better tick rate may be better for me this second season I should probably practice another hero on the ptr but to lazy to download the ptr and really just waiting for second season to start since I don't really feel like not playing competitive mode

I used to, but they fucked off to playing league Hes plat so he feels like he has to ply or some gay shit and the other is playing warframe with like 2k hours clocked or some shit. Their pretty cool, its just their taste in vidya isnt the best. My league friend says he only plays it since its a game that wont die anytime soon so he feels safe playing it.

yeah dude fuck quickplay, I keep getting 3-4 man parties with level 150's and then a level 10-20 so we lose

They weren't all that upset but certainly weren't all that happy either.

you want grem?

Torb and Bastion stacks are the only time I'm happy to see people on my team playing Hanzo. Easy to get ult charge off just corner peeks and you can guaranteed flush out at least two people at once with the ult.

the thing with those 2 games are how people get very attached to their accounts when they sank so much time in to earning things. its a major factor in what kept wow alive for so long. it takes a lot to tear yourself away from things like that if you feel that way.



The difference was their torbs babysit turrets while our torbs went onto offensively recollect scrap.

fun fact: I emailed Frank Klepacki like seven years ago to say that I loved all the music he did in C&C, but that I could never figure out the guitar part to Grinder, could he help me out? That nigga actually recorded a private little guitar lesson and even threw in the weird slap-bass part too.

email Frank Klepacki. he's like the nicest guy in gaming that I've ever dealt with

The ray isn't just "thrown". It's marching. You have a start and end point and it travels and checks if it hit anything. You can't do that on the GPU. Sit down before you hurt yourself.

You have to be THIS retarded to buy blizzard games

You forgot your meds this morning your chromosome hoarder.

Calm down professional tard.

I didn't even read this thread yet but I god damn love the music from Command and Conquer Tiberian Dawn. It's so good

He did a remix for the guys making Twisted Insurrection. Frank's a cool guy.

That's exactly what he said:
How do you faggots manage to be this bad at reading?

Allowing Overwatch threads was a mistake.

lmao, can this game become any bigger a joke?

That was me from my home PC. I was replying to , misquoted.

pls no bully

Overwatch was designed for tymblr from the get go dumbass. They're not infecting anything. It was there all along by design. Just read the character descriptions for example.

You big dummy.

>picked Mercy because I'm a sadistic fuck that likes killing heroes with the weakest support
Have I become a healslut Holla Forums?

Individual performance plays a big role in how much you rank up after a win. That´s actually a good thing, because people who did well climb up faster, than people who did next to nothing in the team. The only problem is, that there are classes for which calculation of individual skill is immensely harder than for other characters. You know, like Lucio or Mercy. But Blizzard already stated that they´re trying to fix it, so i hope for the best.

You only become a healslut, when you start enjoying getting degraded by your team. trust me, i know what i´m saying

I love playing Mercy when my team is at least semi-competent. But having to run around saving the asses of dense motherfuckers not being able to tell their asses from their elbows is one of the deepest pits of frustration.

What's this about Mercy falling out of the meta?


Well to be fair you can't save more than 2 people from a slaughter. Like say, everyone running headfirst into a powered up Bastion.



I just picked up the game this weekend and I've yet to see myself in situations where the rest of my team behaves in completely retarded ways, so maybe it's just me naturally taking the blame for not acting properly. does that make me a healslut?

You need to open your eyes user

I see
Your eyes are open

No, it's not. If you measure skill with anything other than pure wins and losses you get fucked by Goodhart's Law. Yes, people can get carried or get stuck with a bad team in an individual game, but random noise like that evens out over time. Error from warped incentives doesn't even out and in fact gets amplified over time.

Please prove your thesis.

Which makes you wonder, how would mercy that always has her pistol out do?

If something you're doing as a player is actually worthwhile, it shows up in your win/loss ratio after you've played enough games. This is true by definition–if it never helps you win, it's not something you should be doing even if it gets you lots of kills or gold medals or whatever. Since it's already being counted, if you build a system to explicitly measure that you're doing some particular thing as a player that helps you win, it means you get rewarded for it more than you naturally would. This means that players who do it even when it's not the best thing they could be doing will rank up faster than those who only seek to maximize wins.

Sounds like communism to me.

it's not gay if it's a girl's dick

If Blizzard added a PvE mode I bet it would actually be good unlike Mann shit.

Yep, capitalism.


Yeah blizzard's forte is making easy pve shit to impress the casuals, just look at WoW

I have absolutely no idea what kind of post this is. Are you agreeing with me? Is this some kind of projection/denial/ad hominem amalgamation?

The fact that you even have to ask speaks volumes

Play more games. Yes, you lose some through no fault of your own, but you'll win through no virtue of your own just as often. It's random noise that players can't control, so it doesn't distort incentives.
They're not equally rewarded because they're not playing every game together (unless it's an organized group that plays together all the time, in which case it makes perfect sense for them to have the same rating). That shit player who got carried for one game will still be losing more games than the players who carried him.

Stop thinking in terms of single games and start thinking about where rankings trend over time.

No, you're a proper healer that understands that healing doesn't exclude you from being a leader to your team. You're a good healer, whereas healsluts are the worst healers out there.

Yeah, nah.


Sure feel free to lecture me on how equal distribution of unequal labour is not communism.

So are you saying the support who kept everyone alive should not get as much accolade as the DPS you did the most damage, to which the support kept him alive to do that? Because that's how the current system works. For overwatch its better to have everyone get equal reward for a win than someone get the shit end of the stick while the edgy reaper main goes up more just because he ran in like a fucking idiot and died enough to get alot of damage and kills.

Never have I said anything that could even be remotely assumed as such. There has been absolutely nothing in this thread to back up this wild accusation. Take your projections elsewhere.

Supporting the current system is implying as much. Since thats what it does.

Backpedaling because you know you fucked up.

thats not even backpeddaling, I still fully believe what i've said in this entire thread im not denying that at all. Do your research on the current system before you start spewing out its
I almost feel like your acting retarded on purpose now.

The fuck is going on here?

Muritard 'education'

Call it whatever you want, you realized you fucked up and started backing off because you were arguing under a retarded premise that had nothing to do with reality. You just made up a reason and started saying stupid shit based on that instead of asking before creating presumptions. Go to some other game commie scum.

Sure it is on paper. In practice is "starve fucking everyone in the country and anyone who complains gets send to the gulags or executed".

You have to be this retarded to buy overwatch

If that's a serious question. 882e75 is arguing that everyone should always get an equal amount of reward. Even if a person did an absolutely amazing job and did well beyond their station they should not be rewarded for the effort.

You are arguing about the game with someone more interested in the definition of communism and someone that started the thread just to shitpost in the OP.
Consider the fact that perhaps arguing with them won't lead anyone anywhere.

The guy that made the initial claim you were trying to disprove isn't even either of those, turn ID color on.

You are half correct there, that is indeed one of the reasons Blizzard doesn't tell anyone just what exactly contributes to your rank.
But people have already confirmed that individual performance affects how much you rank.

It was even cause for debate because Supports were getting screwed. Professional teams that started playing together, played the exact same matches and got the exact same number of wins and losses would notice that their Support players were not ranking up as fast as everyone else.

It was discovered later that this is because decent and good teams don't require as much healing as bad teams, giving Supports less oportunities to shine. So although they heal 100% of the damage done to their team, on the absolute scale, it's still less than the average damage healed in most matches.
Player skill does affect your rank.

This is a system where you have feedback from a specific element every iteraction. That element will affect the next iteraction every time you run it.
However, it's only an "error" if it's undesirable, which is not the case. If you play a Support hero and do a good job healing everyone, ranking up more than your colleagues that did not contribute as much is intended. You are effectively a better player than they are and that should be emphasized.
It's through that "error" in the system that good players can win and lose 50/50 matches and still rank up until they are at a proper rank, because their personal contribution will skew their personal rank up and down, despite the wins and losses they get.

One might think I noticed but just didn't care.

Well I not about the OP because I'm not desperately looking through everyones posts before replying to them.

I dont know what made me imply i was backpeddaling or backing off. Im still here faggot, and im still advocating for the change of the current ranking system to change to where everyone gets the same amount of SR for a win, or at least make it a small amount difference, no less than 10.
I have a friend that also played on PTR and he is Diamond while im in Platinum and the only reason was due to him playing McCree, and Soldier while I was forced to play Mercy, Zen, and Lucio so that we wouldnt die.

Never a part of your actual arguments.
Not acknowledging your mistakes publicly after you've been called out several times.
Changing the goal posts.

Give me one reason why anyone should bother with you.

I was showing as to why I was supporting this change so much, and was giving an honest example of why this current system doesn't fucking work. It makes sense in theory for people to get more because they did better, but in practice it inherently broken. Supporting the current system is stupid because it only looks at something only DPS' can achiece so the people who no doubt have to play Tank and Support get little to nothing which in turn makes everyone rush to play DPS if they actually do want to rank up.

Someone who is carrying and doing way better than his current rank WILL rank up, you will always get the rank you deserve unless you're an unlucky sap. While in this current system if you're a good support you will get nothing, even if you win and keep your team alive. Its the whole reason i've been advocating for this change.
If there was a way for supports or tanks to get just as many points and rank up as fast as DPS players do then we would never be having this conversation.

I asked for a reason why anyone should bother with you. Not excuses.

That was my reason you shitskin. Are you not even bothering to read that because you've given up?

Give us one reason why you did?

The problem with supports has been called on Blizzard and they already replied they are taking a look at it. Just seeing what's wrong and how to fix it, no concrete changes yet.
According to their statistics, Ana's doing fine and so is Zenyatta. It's Lucio and Mercy that are doing remarkably low for some reason.

I did heard there was some changes planned about healing being tallied by percentage instead of absolute values, although that makes it harder to compare with DPS heroes.

A funny thing about supports is that Symetra is the least played character in the entire game, and yet she's the character with the best Winratio of all Heroes.

Didn't address any of the three points I showed. Still arguing from a stance based on a fallacy.

I'm stupid?

Lol okay, and Im pretty sure i've addressed most of your points, care to bring up the others I probably forgot to mention in my frantic typing?

I think for people like mercy they should take into consideration also as to how many kills the people they are currently healing are doing, or how much damage they are doing while mercy is using her damage boost, and vice versa. But for lucio I cant really think of anything accept for how his speed boost can help secure points and kills so maybe when people are boosted he gets more points if they get the kill or point?

Thats because the only people still playing her are playing her since day one so they win more since they know her back and forth.

Again your personal experiences and your stance on supports were never part of the argument. But reiterating something that was not part of the stated argument is just about what I'd expect from a retard like you.
As I wrote
Never a part of your actual arguments.
Not acknowledging your mistakes publicly after you've been called out several times.
Changing the goal posts.

Only reason I'm continuing is that I can play videogames at the same time and the thread is already autosage.

Symmetra's always going to be least played because the situation where she's best is the most restrictive. She's only particularly good on defense at the first point and the further the game progresses the less her teleporter is useful and the more likely players are to switch to someone else. It's not that her being on a team leads to situations where they're more likely to win but that if the team is in situations where they're likely to lose people won't be picking her.

1/10 see me after class.

What are compute shaders.

What the fuck are you doing, Holla Forums? People at Holla Forums are laughing at you as we speak.

but the huntsman fires quick and has no charge up
it's just a weapon with a higher skill ceiling

It actually does have a charge up. Rapid-firing the huntsman will do 50 per shot. Charging it up will allow it to do 120 damage.

That's a bad reason, but a reason nonetheless.

Apparently according to their data, most Symetra players choose her on the first point and drop her for someone else afterwards if they lose it.
Although, I don't think that's an argument since she'd still lose either ways in that case.

It's the opposite, her being on a team leads to situations where they're less likely to lose. It seems the same thing, but it's not.
Her Teleporter gives you no advantage unless your team uses it, which only happens if they die. So what she does is remove an advantage the other team managed to get, she doesn't actually increase your odds of winning, she redudes your odds of losing.

If she's placed against a really bad team, you won't notice much her contribution, but against good teams, it's more likely to see her helping.

I still pick her on the last point, though. Her Sentries do a very good job at taking your foes attention and shutdown flankers that break your defense. Most second points also tend to be full of closed spaces where her gun shines, her Shields are great to protect against peeling, which is more frequent in the second phase and her teleporter can actually help your team to reach the point after a teamwipe and contest it faster.

I think it's more that she's harder to use than Torb or similar heroes and goes unnoticed by people that can't be bothered to think creatively with her turrets or be bold with her gun. Most people playing her actually understand and can use her full potential which is why they perform so well.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but a line trace, for the purpose of raycasts and detecting collision, is simply two points being defined and then testing if it intersects with a plane or cube (or another shap) in space. I believe there's even mathematical equations to solve this.
It's not sequential, just a complicated equation to solve, but it does return information, namely if it hit anything and if it did, what exactly.

Those don't have to return information about what they hit though, right?

I went to check the stats again, just to see how they are now.

Symetra is still the Hero with best winrate but 3rd least popular on competitive, Widow and Ana take 2nd and 1st place respectively. Odd.
In quickplay, Ana is still the least popular followed by Symetra but her Winrate is still the best.

She ranks 5th and 6th in QP and CP for Kill Death Ratio, not bad.

However Mercy… 0,22 kills for every death in ranked, 0,26 in quickplay. That's 4 or 5 deaths per kill she gets.
I know she's an high value target, but so are all other healers and Mercy is the only hero in the entire game with a KDratio inferior to 1. Ana is the second worst and she has 1,12 kills per death.
Anyone saying Mercy doesn't need a boost to help her survive can eat a dick, that girl needs help badly.

Consider that Mercy is the only dedicated healer while every other healer can attack and heal at the same time. Mercy having a shit KD ratio is perfectly fine.

The problem with Mercy getting kills (or assists) is that she is usually not healing the ones doing the killing

These are the stats for the 4 "healing supports" in the game for competitive as they are now. Ana might not be as accurate since she is relatively young to the game, but it's still all in percentage and it can be compared.

You look at this, and the conclusion you reach is that Mercy simply isn't worth it.
Lucio dies more often since he exposes himself more often to danger, but in return his healing is often much superior and he can contribute with damage and eliminations as well.
You sacrifice about 2000 healing and in return you get less deaths, more damage and more kills as Zenyatta.
You can even sacrifice 3000 healing instead and get Ana for a much safer option that any other Healer.

Her Ulti doesn't prevent damage like Lucio or Zenyatta and doesn't help break defenses like Ana. It is still useful, but only very rarely will it truly make a difference.
I can see why people don't pick her as often, it's an horrible experience where you die much more often with little you can do against it, eventually you'll get tired of it and just pick Zenyatta to murder the guy that keeps killing you.

This is actually disheartening since I wanted to main Mercy ever since the game came out, and while I still play her, I'm often forced to pick Zenyatta to defend myself. Even when I want a simple game to relax a bit, Ana provides that much easier. And Lucio's even more fun with the speed and the wall running.

That's pretty much it. We usually teach how to check for line-plane intersections in late high school (no iterations required, just vector autism), and the only added difficulty this has is that you have to perform some extra checks to guarantee that the given values are between some "acceptable ranges".

Ie: we have a segment (ray) that starts at point P and ends at point Q. We also have a polygon defined by three points (R, S, T), each with its own (x, y, z) values. Polygons also come with normals, which is basically a vector that signals the direction the polygon is facing; we will call this n.

First of all, you get the PQ vector by substracting P from Q. Then, you check whether n and PQ are parallel or not (check out en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line–plane_intersection ), and if they are not, you proceed to find d, then multiply PQ by d and add P to it. Now that is the point at which the ray and the plane intersect. We will call it I.

Now, if d > 1 or d < 0, we can safely drop the calculation. Basically, it means the point is further from the segment we are checking (out of range) or behind the segment, respectively. After that, you must perform some checks to confirm the point is between R, S and T; I will be honest, I don't know how to do this "the right way", but you could technically just check if I's x is between the highest x value and the lowest x value of the polygon, and do the same for each dimension. If it's true, congratulations, you have hit that polygon.

Now, what you have to do is get the model of the player (already loaded in the GPU) and check all its normals one by one. This seems expensive, but the good thing about GPU is that they have a shitload of cores and can perform parallel processing. You could just give each core a number of polygons to process ("lazy" way) or even make a list of jobs for each core to grab on their own (optimal way). Once they are done, just grab the list of polygons it did hit, and check out which one is the first polygon it hits. Return that to the CPU.

Fun thing is, the GPU already does that every time it renders a frame. For each pixel of your screen. Potentially several times if reflections are activated, and even more if you are using supersampling. All this, in a fraction of a millisecond. GPU are built for this, it's their job.

Now, is this doable? If you are a sole amateur game developer, it would probably be rather complicated. If you are Blizzard and have all the fucking budget in the world? Fucking get Carmack to do it.

It should have to return the polygon it did collide with so the CPU can do damage calculation (which could technically be done on the GPU as well, but that would be overkill). It's true moving data from the GPU and the CPU is expensive, but so is moving data from RAM and the CPU and we are constantly doing that. If you are doing it correctly, the performance impact should be minimal.

I do remenber somewhat similar problems in high school, seeing how and if a line intersected a plane. You can even define the line with just a vector and a starting point if you want, and the face of the polygon you are trying to hit can be extended as a plane and checked later for size.

I'm not aware how the GPU works at all, however returning the polygon it hit might not be sufficient. You'd have to have it tied somehow with that character so that after the test, you know exactly who you hit and this might require extra information that the GPU does not have available.

I do know Unity features a Mesh Collider that is bound to whatever Mesh your model has (and therefore heavily discouraged if you go nuts with the polycount), with Collisions even telling you exactly the coordinates where they hit the target, both in-world coordinates and UV coordinates for the mesh. Perhaps it uses something similar?

Regardless, I bet the reason it's not done that often is because the standard way involves standard hitboxes and collisions tested by the CPU and everyone does so because everyone else is doing it, it's easy with plenty of documentation and it's not like players would really notice the difference between methods, provided you don't suck at your job.

I do hope we eventually get to a point where the standards change though. Dwarf Fortress has a very complex combat system that would only work in a 3D action game if you could test for collisions between moving objects with specific parts of your body (and armor wouldn't be part of your body) and do the rest of the calculation with the mass and speed of the weapon and the target. The best we have currently is Mount & Blade where spear charges cause more damage according to the difference of speed between the spear and the target.

Yeah, that would be finding Q from P + v. I just mentioned PQ for some reason, but your approach would probably be more valid for the real world.
Yeah. You don't even need to do extra operations to this, though. Mesh systems already come with normals for each polygon, and that's pretty much everything you need to check for intersections.

Well, yeah. The GPU should be aware of the model it's processing, so you could simply return something like reference/key of the model, polygon reference and point of intersection. It's not that much bigger, and you would save the CPU a lot of work by not making it search for the polygon.

Heard Mesh Collider uses collision boxes at first to avoid checking for objects that don't even get close to the mesh, then probably performs something similar to what I described. If you want to go balls to the wall with optimization, you could make a hitbox tree that only checks for polygons at the lowest level, which should make checking against high polycounts much, much higher.

Some of the reasons this isn't done
>no matter how optimal this is, hitboxes will always be faster. With enough optimization, difference would be negligible. If you are a haxxor, you may be able to make checking for collisions with the GPU even faster by mixing the render process with the bullet collision process
But it basically reduces to muh budget

What the statistics don't show is how much more valuable Mercy's style of healing is. Other than using Amp for heals, Lucio's healing is pretty much only useful out of combat. at 12.5 per second anyone getting healed by him in combat is probably going to die exactly as fast as if they weren't getting healed at all. Mercy is especially good at keeping tanks alive, which is probably the most valuable thing.

There are also plenty of abilities that can easily kill people through Lucio and Zenyatta's ultimates. Very high or instant damage ultimates, such as RIPtire, Rocket Barrage, Deadeye, Pulse bomb etc, instant kill attacks such as Roadhog's hook combo or any sniper headshot, all scenarios where a res is the only way to save people as a support.

That's exactly what they do. The one thing that higher-ranked Mercys have in common is more offensive and defensive assists. I also know that the game tracks exactly how much impact your "assist" had, because it is calculated into the "heat" meter.

Raw healing and raw damage are probably very, VERY low weights in the system. That also explains why Junkrat places low and Lucio places the lowest of all, because the only thing Lucio is good at (other than his OP speed boost) is healing trash damage.

Elims probably matter, but they are probably weighted differently for different characters and the system probably takes into account how much damage you did AND whether or not you were the killing blow (killing blows are important, if someone takes 99% and lives you may as well not have done anything).


the other useful thing about lucios heal is his range. as tracer or ganja you cant really expect to get much help from mercy unless youre playing defensively for whatever reason or retreat to her position. i think the aoe aspect of lucios heal is overblown, but out of the support healers mercy has the shortest range which is a pretty big deal since the biggest restriction mercy has to deal with is positioning.
in any case shes definitely underappreciated because dumping big heals where theyre needed is way more important than giving everyone a trickle or a small burst.

why dont they just give her a god damn double jump and be done with it?

Just in case anyone doesn't know what an offensive or defensive assist is or how to score it

For Mercy, you need to be healing someone WHILE they deal damage that leads to a kill to score a defensive assist. Just having the beam connected isn't enough. Both the amount of healing you did AND the amount of damage they did are tracked internally.

Offensive assists occur when you are damage boosting someone who deals damage leading to a kill. This works even on full HP targets, so it's usually good to switch to boosting briefly if your healing target reaches full.

For Lucio, both Defensive and Offensive assists only track when you are using Amp it Up. The kills don't have to occur during the Amps, any damage done will contribute to the assist. Because of the timing involved it tends to be much harder to score assists as Lucio, and any assists you do score tend to be lower value than Mercy's. His own damage somewhat makes up for it, but the elims he scores are also very low value.

Note that if you damage an enemy yourself you will probably be credited with an Elim instead of an Assist.

The two possible options I'd like to see for Mercy are either a Jump cooldown similar to Pharah's shift OR the ability to target Guardian Angel through walls.

I think the latter of those would solve her movement problems (especially trying to heal snipers who wont come to the edge) without taking away the unique aspect of her playstyle revolving around teammate placements. Just giving her a straight up jump would actually be too much freedom of movement for her since there wouldn't be much reason to GA except to follow someone.

the only thing i would change about guardian angel is to let her cancel it and or remove that stupid delay at the end.

thats what its for though, thats why its called guardian angel.

Oh, and on the topic of Mercy buffs

If they won't buff her damage boost past 30% for fear of hitting breakpoints like McCree's 1 shot headshots, they should have it boost attack (and reload) speed.

They already know the damage boost feels worthless next to her pistol and they want her to use it, hence the 50% that never saw the light of day. A 30% attack speed boost would be completely unique in all the cast and make her buff a massively useful ability as it should be given the opportunity cost.

have it restore ammo

I'm aware of that, and especially considering how Armor is healed at twice the speed of regular HP, her high healing is magnified when topping off Dva or Reinhart.
Furthermore, I've jumped to a lot of teammates that were about to die to a Reaper or something similar and I managed to save them, something that I'm fairly aware would be very hard or straight up impossible with another hero.

But here's the thing, this only works when you are alive and after a certain rank, you'll find players that will focus you first. There won't even be much healing to be done since nobody will waste their time until you are dead. You'll be pretty much just coming after a fight has finished and Lucio can heal people out of combat just as well (which is why he scores more healing, actually)
Even Zenyatta, who can't heal as much as Mercy, contributes with Orb of Destruction and Discord to make the fights shorter, there's no need to heal as fast when you can just kill the oposition.

And what's more, at a good rank, your teammates can dodge better to the point where the difference between the Harmony Orb or your staff isn't that noticeable. Oh and you can do the math on this one (I already did it once) and Lucio actually outheals Mercy, if there are 3 or more wounded people nearby and he uses Amp it Up. For area damage like Junkrat or Pharah, that's the better choice, actually.

All of those are countered by Lucio. He gives a wooping 600 or so HP, which is roughly the damage those things cause. Riptire is about 500, Pulse Bomb is 400 or so, etc. It fully negates them.
Deadeye also takes longer to lock depedending on your HP, wounded characters are locked on faster and Lucio's Ulti makes it take a long time to actually lock. Yes, it also counters that.
Those are 300 damage at max, still countered by Lucio.
Lucio's Ulti is basically "flipping the bird" in Brazilian to the oposing team. It negates any effort they make for it's duration.

Zenyatta instead is good against sustained damage, not burst, which shines when breaking into a point and charging in, not against Ultis. You essentially make 5 people almost immortal.

Now compare those 2 to Mercy Rez, where she brings people back with no extra resistance, leaving them immobile for a while and often dies doing it anyway, leading to a fight with no healer on her team.

Wouldn't work that well. Besides the obvious graphical problems of going through solid objects and seeing jarring geometry, you still need proximity to them and it would be even more OP than no target for GA. You could go through solid walls for the safest getaway ever, negating the possibility of following you or shoot you in the air.

No target for GA is quite possibly the best option so it works like Swift Strike from Genji. He often uses it as an escape mechanism as well, but Mercy could have the same, slower and with no damage. She could GA up in the air and then glide back down to wherever she is needed or GA again to get target from that position.

I don't think it would be that OP since she's still vulnerable in the air, her gun isn't that amazing from the air since you're shooting down and she still has to come down in order to heal people.
I just want to fly around at will without having to sniff Pharah's butt every match

You absolutely would not go through solid Objects. I said TARGET through walls, not move through them.

Basically when your target is on the other side of a wall it will simply take you to the wall. If they are up on a ledge or just around a corner it can slide you up that ledge or around the corner normally. The only thing this lets you do is allow you to move in their direction.

Keep in mind that when "Prefers beam target" is on you can already GA to a target on the other side of a wall if your beam is still connected to them. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but that's fine in my model because you would be moving in the direction you point with the only restriction being that there is a teammate somewhere over there in range.


Seems like this would just get you flying face-first into walls unless GA was tweaked to allow you a cone around the target, as in if you target a sniper you can place your crosshair on the air in front of the ledge so you'll fly in front of him instead of into the ceiling below him.


It still needs to be limited. The only purpose of this change is to ensure that if your allies are hiding from you you are still able to run SOMEWHERE. If someone is close to the edge of where they would be in LOS this should be able to put you to them anyway, somewhat like roadhog hooks and how they slide you around objects instead of through them.

It's not, that's just flat out wrong.

It IS more efficient to heal Armor, because Armor takes reduced damage. He's probably getting that "twice the speed" from the fact that armor is twice the effective HP (eHP) of normal health when dealing with most rapid fire and shotgun weapons.

Unless this has been changed recently, Armor is healed faster than regular hitpoitsn (50% faster, actually, not double, my bad).
You can just google "overwatch armor heals faster" to find several results for this and I've personnaly noticed that I heal armor from Rein\Dva faster than regular HP.
Since it's a 1,5 modifier, the higher your base healing, the better the bonus is so Mercy benefits the most from healing armor.

You still need teammates in good positions for that and only snipers perched on high ledges would be good choices. A very niche reason to even allow something like that. And you'd often hit walls or edges instead of going up, gentlely flowing down but still being vulnerable.
Might as well remove the need for a target in GA altogether and you get the same thing but more reliable.

Reminder that Lucio doesn't need teammates under the effect of his speed buff to benefit from it or activate Amp it Up, Zenyatta can fully utilize his Discord Orb on his own and Ana can use Sleep dart to set up some impressive burst damage or just run away without the help of any teammate.
Even Symetra can count on her turrets to at least slow her oponents (and chasing her is a mistake anyway).
Mercy is literally the only support that dies like a bitch all of the freaking time unless her team specifically coordinates with her. She's the only Support hero who's entire survival is dependant on her team.

the team does not need to coordinate with mercy, she just needs to position herself better.

At this rate I'm obviously not going to convince you just by explaining. Maybe I should start recording/streaming my mercy gameplay so you can see how the fuck it's done?

you might as well make a recording, I'm struggling with mercy so I'd like to see how its done

Would twitch be OK with you? Not something I normally use but I think I can manage it with overwatch.

Guess I'll try streaming my next couple games. Of course if I get stuck in KOTH I'll probably end up going Lucio or Zenyatta. Lucio is still king on that game mode even PTR.


and OF COURSE its KOTH exactly like I said

That five-man res felt really damn good.
I'm not even the one playing. Why did it feel good?

because youre rooting for user

Oh, you're on PTR competitive, what is that, Diamond? No wonder your teammates actually notice stuff like the D.Va attempting to flank.

yes and yes. Honestly though Diamond is about entry level for anyone remotely "hardcore" even with no skills. You still get tons of people who can't shoot, cant coordinate, and don't know basic strategy.

Not the best sample gameplay but I figured it would be better for the argument not to cherry pick best moments and just go with whatever happened.

That's all the time I have. I have a shift starts at 11 and comp games can run over 20 minutes.

thanks for streaming, I'm a new player (haven't yet unlocked competitive) and I think I picked up a few tips.

Comp isn't open yet in live. Sucks to be in a position where you essentially have to level up both live and competitive ptr accounts seperately if you want to play now and when comp goes live on the 6th.

Then again my 138 games on PTR comp won't even exist in statistics then either.

shucks, you make it sound like im at least diamond, but you also just said its nothing special so whatever

Maybe you are if you've been playing fps games your whole life. It doesn't require any real talent.

Look at it this way, 2500 is dead average. Gold is 2000-2500 and plat is 2500-3000. Both gold AND play could be considered close enough to average.

Considering this is "average" for a largely casual demographic, anyone with copious videogame experience should definitely be "above average". Welcome to diamond, the next tier up.