'Kill Nazis' Cake Leads to Praise and Death Threats for Oakland Baker
'Kill Nazis' Cake Leads to Praise and Death Threats for Oakland Baker
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Fuck off Jew>>10533997
But they won't have to close down their business because they are still willing to bake a gay wedding cake.
Hey rabbi whatcha doin?
Every time I hear "death threats" I think "Brianna Wu".
Bakeranon here, if that cake is what Oakland considers bakery material then what an absolute disappointment. Not even trying to be a prick or nitpick or play up the politics, the photo quality is shit but I can still see the mediocrity in it. Extremely poor presentation, decoration is an absolute joke, and the frosting is obviously grocery store quality judging by its sheen. Not to mention the generic shape and appearance of it. Not to mention the handwriting wasn't but even piped but evidently placed on the cake. Fondant strips maybe?
Hardly anything to be outraged about. A shoddy message by a shoddy messenger via a shoddy method. I wonder what box of cake mix they bought to make it.
Do you poison your faggot cakes? You can get delayed-release poisons that only show symptoms WEEKS later. And if you get the ones which normally don’t show up in food, they won’t even begin to think about food poisoning as the cause.
I think we should push this trend. Get leftists eating more shit sugar carb soy Jew cake while the right wing eats healthy and lifts.
Looks like shit, fam.
Color scheme reminds me of something.
I live in an area that has a great many Korean bakeries. Look at the masterpieces they've created here.
Bakeranon, what's the best thing we can do to ruin these faggots' lives?
They already do, have you seen them? The only ones who aren't misshapen blobs of fat have GRIDs
(FBI checked)
I second this idea though
They're way ahead of you. This is the lardass who made the cake
*heavy breathing*
hold on
*sits down*
wait one second
*wipes sweat from forehead*
are you saying
*blogs about comic books*
hold one one second
*wipes cupcake crumbs from xyr's beard*
oh, honey, are you saying we
*chugs v8 energy drink*
are you saying we were
*scratches manpussy*
are you saying we were some kind of
*smells fingers*
some kind of
people of queerness or something?
but what kind of poisons would those be?
asking to make sure i never use them
The only way I’m getting near any of this shit is if they use the reverse chiral sugar. The sugar molecule is chiral (it has “handedness”, which means the molecular structure can be reversed), which allows us to make a version of sugar which tastes exactly like normal sugar but which isn’t metabolized by the human body at all. This has the effect of being a PERFECT and NATURAL sweetener that doesn’t make you fat.
It’s just “expensive” to make, so no one has even tried to mass produce it. Read: kikes probably keep it from being made so that the goyim can be fattened for slaughter.
this looks like a real upstanding person and asset to the community
Looks like she won't be killing anything aside from her insulin sensitivity.
Apparently a Japanese scientist managed to create a sugar type named "Allulose" which is as you described based on a chiral sugar and he can create 1 pound/450 gram Allulose sugar for 5 dollars. The report doesn't mention when this product will be available.
Pfft. Anyone can tell you only Nazis are good with ovens. You think we can cook six million jews THAT FAST and not also be world class bakers? Every single concentration camp guard had to train for years in the Hitler Sous program. That is why Nazi cakes are superior to untercaken. Fascist pastry will dominate your taste buds.
Right wing chef squads
when you're so fat you become food
looks great.
We don't get many fags coming into our bakery thankfully, most of the fags I my area seem to be nigs and old men for whatever reason. I know absolutely nothing about poisons except but I would have to play around with different ones on different danish and doughs to see which ones work and which don't. If you're looking for a slow release poison the best way to consume that would be through something hard. Our Italian bread would probably work, however the poison would need to survive temperatures up to 270 degrees celsius. Cakes would probably work in that regard, German Chocolate or Black Forest would probably do quite well actually. The chocolate buttercream and spongecakes are rich and thick enough to ensure a smooth but slow digestion which I imagine would be perfect for a slow acting poison to be inoculated slowly as well
Those look excellent I have to say, I work at a German bakery so ours are quite different. Excellent presentation though, notice how the colors and positioning are meant to grab and hold your attention? Each similar yet stylistically different? Efficiency, that way you can make and sell the same cakes yet each will be a new experience to the customer.
Honestly just call the fucking health inspector lol, a lot of restaurants are absolute shitholes behind the serving door and bakeries are no exception. Rats are a major yet common problem, same with roaches. And insects such as Palmetto bugs love to live and nest in flour especially regular white flour with high amounts of gluten. Even the most cleanly and careful of foodworkers can easily find their workplace being overrun with various infestations. Call the health inspector. Or if there's any anons here who live in the Oakland area or are willing to make a drive, go to the pet store and by two rats of the opposite sex. Go to the back of the bakery where the deliveries are more than likely made, wait for an opportune moment then simply release the rats through the door. If the rodents are able to avoid being immediately caught and are able to obtain a steady supply of food they will, bakeries are extremely messy places for obvious reasons then within a month these shitstains will be in a world of hurt. After that all it'll take is a phonecall to bring the heat on em. And if any user is industrious enough, contaminating their flour supply assuming they have one lol with just a couple Palmetto bugs will ensure they'll have to explain to customers why every bite of cake has more crunch to it than a fucking twix. Also don't go after these fucks either if you want to engage in an Internet shitstorm with em either. Go after their suppliers as well, assuming they're as legit bakery they'll either have Sysco, Puratos, or Dawn supplying them. Make it clear that these assholes money isn't worth the hit to their own wallet and they'll soon have to scrounge the local Walmart for what they can find. And most professional baking supplies you can't find in the local chains either
kek'd heartily
How do you get this fucken fat being a smoker? Christ, I only gained some weight after I quit smoking.
user. Don't expect commies to have any one for beauty.
any eye*
I'm tired.
These are excellent ideas. I can see why you got heavenly dubs.
This being Oakland, I would have just printed up some "1/5 off for spics, 3/5 off for niggers," coupons and left them at the bus stops. But your ideas are good too.
If you get a tasteless poison, you could simply inject (or baste) the bread AFTER baking.
This is the best post I have ever seen on this board.
Troll opportunity: make another kill nazis, etc. cakes, pause for praise to come in, then proceed to make kill jews, kill niggers, kill shitskins, etc. cakes. top keks are had.
You deserve those digits.
If the baker were murdered things would improve.
It's expensive to make because, since it's not part of the biochemistry of any organism, you have to do a total synthesis.
There already are low energy sweeteners. Also, they already tried this with fats:
I'm actually taking an indulgent line toward these antifatasses. It's actually in her interest to RESIST FASCISM!!!!!!!!, because the National Socialist state would, at the very least, put her on a diet and make her exercise send her to a forced labor camp. This is obviously somebody who has no control over her impulses, and she probably eats, smokes, drinks, does drugs, fucks, runs her mouth, gets things pierced, etc. the moment the fancy strikes her. What is a NatSoc lifestyle but getting up early, exercising, eating a modest breakfast, working for your people, staying fit, and impregnating the wife? That takes work and self-discipline, which are no fun, and so they are – ipso-fatso – bad.
What irks me is how these pudding pies can't just say: "I'm a selfish hedonist misfit who's never been of use to anyone. Therefore, I choose to support the kikeocracy that will not punish me for being a stinky pig." That would actually be a half-respectable position to take. I can respect a man who tells me that sheboon azzzz is too hot for him to pass up, and so he opposes me in order to keep getting syphilis from his precious black whores. At least that's honest.
Instead, these fucking disaster areas make up a post hoc rationalization for why society should golf clap at them for shoving million-calorie food in their mouths and blowing it out their asses all day long. They cook up rationalizations for why they should take it in the ass and never have white children or contribute in a meaningful way, because muh socialism/free education is a right/racists be holdin' us down for centuries or some shit.
Look, lefty faggots – just admit you're perverts and gluttons, and we'll work with you after the great turning to rehabilitate you. Many of us were once degenerate swine; as long as you're white and of good attitude, there's a place for you in the new low-crime, high-trust welfare state we're building. Just admit the Jews got you hooked on tranny porn, make a determination to change your ways, and breed white soldiers for the next wave of conquest. All will be forgiven. There were many former communists in Hitler's movement, and there will be many former faggots and lost souls in ours. There's no need to keep shitting up the place with your ideological Kaposi's sarcoma the type of cancer you get when you have AIDS. Just be open and honest, stand by while we kill the Jews who farm you like hogs, and then join the parade! How hard is that?
Funny enough the Germans actually have a rich and prestigious bakery tradition that dates back centuries and still continues to this day fun fact: the commies in East Germany actually kept and even instilled the culinary arts in their neck of the woods, I never bothered to find out why though . I can understand now where the kikes got the idea of the antisemitic ovens from
Absolutely true actually, hell we always glaze our bread before and after baking it to ensure a nice crust and gloss. All we use as well is just water and corn starch, it'd be simple enough to alter the recipe. Not saying that I would poison anyone of course, merely debating the possibility of such a heinously devilish activity.
That would work as well of course, putting them at odds with the local shitskins is a surefire way to bring the rest of the orcs on them along with the hyenas they call comrades. Depends on the suffering one would wish to bring upon them. My ideas would ensure a quick bankruptcy and shutdown. Yours, especially if improved and expanded upon, could slowly bleed them out and if done right even traumatize them
One could say you are what you eat.
Since antifa are now officially a domestic terrorist group, isn't this a federal crime? Time to report to the authorities.
This is the greatest question I've ever read.
I'm in tears
Hahahaha, i forgot about that fiasco under king nigger, these hypocrites deserve a bullet to the forehead.
Attention whore leftists claiming "death threats." Every. Single. Time.
Notice how no one ever gets arrested for these "death threats" because they're never reported to the police because they NEVER HAPPENED.
So long as you don't make a police report, it is perfectly legal to lie about harassment and threats. Marxists know this.
Imagine if you were a baker, a small business owner, who received an order like this from Antifa. If you turn down the order, antifa will smash your business, slander your reputation, and few people in your community would back you up.
You'd be between a rock and a hardplace.
Another nasty leftist slut seeking attention from ebil Nazis. Right after Charlottesville, there was this leftist woman on the Daily Stormr who posted this picture of her cleavage and a link to her Facejew.
i hate most people too much to work in a public service job in the first place. filthy mindless plebs.
It's because their female subconscious wants to be dominated by a strong and dangerous Nazi man.
Bitch needs to vacuum.
Yes. NS/Fascism are based on the masculine principle (hierarchy, cold logic, law and order, etc.) and that is why it is attractive to them.
Please autistically screech more about it. PLEASE I NEED THIS.
Exactly. In my degenerate days I bagged a lot of tail with this understanding. Especially if some cucky dude(especially an Antifa-like faggot) is trying to pick the girl up. All one needs to do is swoop in with a smile, make him look like a weak fag and make her laugh and you're getting laid.
Loved it m8. Epic.
Serious thing to consider: Within the leftist paradigm there is no notion of forgiveness. Their enemies, in their eyes, are irredeemable. A basket of deplorables. What you are (white) can never be forgiven unless you use privilege escalation anyone familiar with infosec can see the hilarious parallel here.
When have black people apologized for being shitheads? Never. When have beaners apologized for being shitheads? Never. SJWs for all of their grotesque transgressions? Never.
Just an observation.
The obese gazes back into you…
Why would she do that? Is she trying to find a nice reliable nazi guy for her daughter?
What an upstanding alt-left woman.
I'd lay her down in the wheat fields.
baking cakes is not difficult
this looks like los angeles
why do they always go on that stupid hill and take a picture like they're in front of some beautiful mountain with a lake below it.
los angeles is a 3rd world shithole. look at that smog in the background. look at those shitty buildings. it looks like it could be peru
I’m extremely surprised a cake like that is that cheap.
i swear i've been there before. is that the will rogers hiking park in california?
Dubs demand more cake autism
Theres a fellow called Shaun Woods that is obsessed with killing rats and hunting small game, he not only reviews traps he tests them out in his barn with motion cameras. There is nothing more satisfying than watching pests die. Give him a watch, you won't regret it!
11 mice in one night: m.youtube.com
Of course jews hate nature. they want to destroy all beauty on the planet.
You guys know what, invoke RICO
Its one thing I just cant forget
I want to get of RICO, that shit is vile.
The syllogism goes like so:
In symbolic logic, it runs like this:
Let A = SJW cunt
Let B = Absolute virtue
Let C = Evil
A, therefore B.
B is not-C
Therefore, A = not-C
Therefore, Not-A = C
Therefore, the antithesis of my self-indulgent, self-centered, self-obsessed, depressed, dysfunctional, violent, ugly, stupid, pretentious, misshapen, obnoxious, hate-my-fucking-dad, 450-pound hamplanet self is necessarily evil. Lean, muscled, happy people are to blame for the fact that Mom's nigger boyfriend ate me like fried chicken when I was 3, but I'm not ready to deal with that in therapy yet, so I must turn my frenetic energy toward rescuing niggers, spics, and fags held down by the successful white man. Since this is the most virtuous mission possible, anyone who opposes me is as evil as possible, and there is no cruelty worthy of them. Indeed, forgiving such evil is tantamount to abetting it, and must never be done.
needs more "y'all"
has it been officially invoked by the U.S. government or is it just a bunch of reports saying they are?
Don't we need Trump to label them?
Wait have they officially been declared as such? Link?
.Antifa was listed as a terrorist organization under Obama.
Both from jews playing both sides at once, I assume?
My dick still gets hard thinking of her cute little asian butt.
I'm suspicious of artificial sweeteners just in principle, because sending your body deceptive signals probably isn't good even if the compound's not poison like the ones that are currently used. Just limit your intake of sweets.
Thanks Brianna, plz leave.
That's not an asian girl, i don't understand what you're getting at.
Yes it is. Note the sickly skin hue, epicanthic eye fold, and betamale husband.
Looks like a morbidly obese Finnish person or something.
That doesn't refute his point
Neither is Wu
If your body thinks that something should have lots of energy in it, but doesn't have, your body tells you that you should eat more, way more so that you would get the energy body requires.
Cakes are kinda like pretty and colorful things in nature. They're pretty and pleasant to look at but you're just better off not eating them at all.
Just remember, white women and children are 'Nazis' too, thanks memetic warfare.
Kek, I did this in college. Daily reminder that beta cuck faggotry is for effeminate lefties while right-wing high-T alphas dick their gfs.
So tldr; they've had the power to stop these fucktards for years but the Federal Government intentionally allowed domestic terrorists to assault, main, and even kill citizens, police officers, and National Guardsmen?
Pick one, nigger.
Wu isn't asian, he's married to an asian guy. He's a white tranny.
Lel, are you thinking of Esther Ku?
racemixing is wrong
Brianna wu
Brianna Wu is neither Asian nor a woman, dipshit.
Nigger you're a fucking idiot.
Literally what?!
Fixed your fag cake.
no he's a jewish tranny. (like most of them)
We're talking about Wu. That's a white person. Wu is asian, so that's not Wu.
I bet you think Shaquille O'Neal is a ginger Irishman, too.
He was born John Flynt. He married Frank Wu and took his last name. Hang yourself, it's the only cure.
That's brianna wu and we're talkinb about briana wu, retard.
we know it's (you) John. just give up.
More cake autism please, bakeranon, it's delicious.
I actually have a serious question though, I'm a small time organic farmer and I want to grow my business by supplying ingredients for local restaurants/bakeries/etc. any suggestions? If you could set up a relationship with a non-pozzed local farmer to supply your ingredients, what would your big items be?
Are all of you goddamn faggots so new and autistic you can't spot a chronic shitposter?
You get the bullet too, Sargon. Filtered and reported.
Well if having a German name automatically makes a person a kike on Holla Forums, then Wu automatically means asian. Be consistent like me or shut the fuck up.
John's basically Chris-Chan with a week of artschool.
And ways to fuck up shitlib bakeries, too.
reported for derailing the thread
eh, (((bc086d))) was was a pretty obvious shitposter, but it did give us an excuse to remind everyone just how disgusting (((John Walker Flynt))) is
Here is John/Brianna hanging out with another tranny. Attorney General Janet Reno
Yiddish isn't German, retard.
Bitch needs to vacuum her carpet.
eh, she looks like another typical used up old (((white woman))) that post nothing but pro-shitskin /anti-white propaganda on social media for likes. kill it with fire tbh. (looks like she burns coal by the truck load).
That tweet can't be real. I know it must be
Clearly not white or (((white))), but some kind of mongoloid.
I imagine he's talking about a rock being launched from the moon, but at that point you could do the same thing from orbit
What was said was meant literally. They've said dumber shit and meant it, so you have no reason to believe it wasn't meant literally.
Every day urban filth prove how detrimental they are to the progression of our civilization.
It doesn't matter. He played himself the moment he hit tweet.
I don't think that kike has played any video games, (yet supposedly it "made" one).
Off topic.
Why are white women such niggers?
The guy is heavily medicated for some kind of psychosis.
Oh a fat pig who sells medicore cupcakes to her equally pathetic friends
But man, we are such an Amerifat society
yeah, she seems to love taking pictures of herself gazing out over the toxic smog covered westland (i've seen fallout mods that look better then this)
all of her social media post are a mix of hysterics with salt about trump, anti-white bigotry, and nog worship.
Commies and lefty women are mostly fat angry dykes. they love "sending messages" with shitty baked goods.
She's so beautiful Holla Forums!
Being lazy, entitled and protected men for generations (basicly the same thing that happened to blacks)
i've noticed that trannys have lots of weird facial tics. and speech irregularities it's all symptomatic of mental illness. and instead of helping the (((medical industry))) is making them worse.
Female white leftists are almost always attention whores. The most blatant example of that was the one who went on "a nazi website" just to post her tits and facebook link. It shouldn't be hard for non-autistic people to see something that obvious.
Females in general are attention whores, thats not new behavior. with leftists everything has to be in service of their ideological bent. every pie they eat and every shit they take, is a victory over the "Heteronormative, imperialist, capitalist, cis white supremacist patriarchy!" or whatever buzzword salad they come up with this week.
They're already doing it to themselves, and with Tina Fey making that dumb comment about resisting Trump by eating cake at home, it just got easier. Maybe I'll start a fake tumblr account of baked leftist goods and inspire more leftists to eat cake and stay home.
I mean that most of these leftist women don't genuinely believe these things; they are just crying out for attention from the very type they claim to despise (oppressive, racist, sexist, straight white men). I have suspected this for quite a while and it was basically proven correct when I saw that bitch posting on Daily Stormr
Yeah, it's pretty much what a tard does.
Kek, that's a somethingawful goon called Ricky.
she did that because she's desperate for victim points and wants be just like all her heroes that have been bullied by the evil sexist nazi boogeymen online. shit like that can get you rich and give you a chance to speak with the united nations!
Sounds like an incitement to violence to me. Someone alert the authorities before these violent terrorists carry out a pogrom!
Reminds me of the jewish tranny cartoons on kids tv these days…
What do, Holla Forums?
You fuck them into submission like they want
But I find them repulsive when I think about their mind.
(((bc086d))) why do you keep posting?
They'll start thinking like you do if you know how to assert control over them. This is completely natural to the feminine nature and has been known for thousands of years.
Fuck off, jew.
I'm in other tabs and every now and then come back here.
Have any of these literally 'ever' been real?
Clearly photoshopped.
kikes are such a race of fucking clowns
goes gets her whore paint on
dresses up
takes picture in a room designated for shitting
has shit everywhere
door is open to what i can only assume is her room
its full of shit to
you would think that if you where seeking a partner you would try to look fucking presentable beyond getting some fucking costume on
Need you say more? She's got a nice little ass and she knows it. She's a whore. Well, I mean, probably not a literal sell-my-body-for-sex whore, but a slut-whore. I think the intent was to be seen as a sexual object and nothing else. There were loads of pictures of her where I found that.
i'm more talking about not bothering to so much as crop the photo that she in barely in
I was going to photoshop the one in the hotel looking bathrobe into a hotel or some shit, but I'm not spending that much time…
wew fuckin lad
You call that a cake? Even that fat Holla Forums Jew Mark wouldn't eat that whole cake.
You have good reason to be suspicious. Artificial sweeteners such as Aspartame are not something you want to consume.
Demand they make a cake that says kill fags.
If she ever gets raped by a pack of niggers, it'll be her fault.
L-glucose costs more than its weight in gold, and gives you the shits.
Just enjoy a peice of fucking cake once in awhile. If your diet is good and you work out it won't affect you in the slightest.
Don't need sugar to function.
A hyperbole but it's not completely wrong.
it's the place they keep their gold
Oy! That first one looks like the original, the rest look like shoops. Somebody should report her for this anti-semitic hate speech. Can I rate her company on google for being so hateful and full of anti-semitic bigotry?
wtf spoiler that shit user.
Why is his bakery still in existence?
You need to add some noise to the letters. Also make letters a little more blurry and put an angle too. 7/10 shoop
MSM advocating the message. I used to do the same thing. I had an "Exposing Homophobia" facebook page where I'd make Anti-faggot memes, post statistics, and general anti-faggot sentiment and be like, "Omg guys, look what someone did"
Managed to avoid the Zucc for a while but eventually they caught on.
What is this square fuck in his head?
It is completely wrong, you fucking idiot. Anything launched from the moon has to first escape it's gravity, then it gets picked up by Earth's gravity, reaches a terminal velocity, gets shredded by our atmosphere, and depending on the angle of impact (assuming it makes it this far) determines how much force it delivers, which would not be much considering real meteors would be traveling several times faster already.
Find a "KILL WHITES" cake, and you're good. Would trigger the moderate whites who are not woken up yet, and she probably feels the same way about her race, being a barren slut. Probably do more damage than an anti-Jew cake.
They sure got some.
why do they always use cakes for subversion?
It really is true that an ugly inside eventually manifests itself on the outside.
I just now realized that he looks like my aunt. Crack is one hell of a drug.
Polite sage for nothing worthwhile to say.
This is cheesecake factory haha all the same flavors and everything
Asking dubs for White Nationalist Pearl, just to trigger the fags and trannies.
Pic related
Forgot to filter, damn it
It's California, everything is shit there.
The cake is a sacred harvest offering. A mix of flour and dairy, it represents the toil of the community, and would be made for certain festivals even in times of hardship. To make sigils upon the cake allowed an idea to be prepared and consumed or processed and devoured.
Oh, hey, I know the artist of that image. I didn't expect to see his stuff here, but I guess this one makes sense.
If White Pearl "fanart" can reel in salted butthurt, that would actually be great.
Can't tolerate (((Rebecca Sugar's))) leftist subversion though.
Remember the Whitewashing OC threads in >>>Holla Forums?
Sportsmen are always three steps ahead of us
I thought Nazi Pearl was already a thing with the cancerous fandom? I know that pictures of the little Kike protagonist as a stereotypical jew got the creator incredibly salty.
Would be great if ebil natzees got a hold of the alt left's mascottes.
No, Nazi Pearl is not even a niche, it is just YTP-tier material.
Making it a thing in the fandom however… that is potential.
or 666
or the kaba
or the islamic slavebox
what have you newfriends realized yet
Holy shit, you can't even archive properly.
Here have a sage, retard