How can I redpill her about the jews and how they use the US military for their own affairs.
My friend is ready to die for isreal
she looks stupid with those droopy eyes and is a slut, fools die young
Idk man, just tell her the wars in the Middle East are wars for Israel and not worth Americans dying over.
pro-tip : you can't
**she looks like a dribbling retard*
Tell her, "If you swallow you get promoted."
It's the fucking USAF, I doubt she'll die for Israel. Just help bomb children for Israel.
She's an uggo anyways.
You reap what you sow for voting in a Zionist.
That would take months. She's a woman anyways. She'll be fine.
I wouldn't worry. She can just fuck some base chad and get pregnant then just come back to the states for a free ride at the taxpayer's expense like 80%-90% of all vaginas that enlist. It's a ridiculously low chance she'll see any actual combat.
She kind of gay too.
The US army has been dying for Israel long before muh jrumph was elected. Literally all candidates are zionist, or will have zionist handlers.
Well, judging by current trends I'd say you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Assuming she passes bootcamp, an unlikely prospect even with it being virtually nonexistent for women at this point, she's gonna be discharged shortly after. The best thing you can do for her is make sure she's honorably discharged rather than dishonorably
Reported for not even trying.
She's going to get a lot of dick.
I'd fuck her if I was drunk. maybe rape her if I wasn't
fucking christcucks
'christians' do a shit job educating their children about what jews are. they conflate everything as 'jebus was a jewish carpenter' bullshit and that confuses young and impressionable children. They grow up never having read the bible, but only parroting a couple choice lines they've been taught in sunday school. they are rarely taught that judiasm is the synagogue of satan. I know, because I didn't even understand what a rew really was until college. Normie tier christcuckoldry doesn't teach shit except that all you have to do is 'believe in jebus' and you'll go to heaven.
This. Eventually someone won't have the discipline to pull out on time.
Literally every candidate the American people have been offered since Israel's inception has been a Zionist. Jewish farce elections aren't the American people's fault.
You are bad
Maybe you should have redpilled her on women not joining the army. You've already failed. You have your friends blood on your hands and you will have to live with that fact all your life.
Does anyone else get a stiffy from imaging fucking a retarded girl?
user could have helped… but frankly, it's the parents' responsibility to do this sort of thing. Her parents are probably too self involved or stupid to impart wisdom on their children, which means they shouldn't have had children. They are enemies of the right who have through incompetence or inaction sacrificed their child to the jews. Absolutely disgusting.
She won't die for Israel but she will get gangbanged on a daily basis until she goes on pregnancy leave. And single mothers can easily get a discharge. She'll never be anywhere near a combat zone.
Forgot to report him for Holla Forums
someone tell her that you can get bombed by ISAF even if you're on the same team!
thats a dude
This. The only reason women join the military is unlimited access to soldier cock. Soldiers lower their standards cause they go without pussy so long, so they're pretty much throwing dick at whatever walks by. Don't worry OP, at the first mention of war, your friend will get pregnant so she can stay at home and suck off the government tit while reaping social benefits she never earned, like any other dependapotomus.
Uploading photos of her to Holla Forums Holla Forums's probably not the best way to start.
user, your post should have read:
Like all women, she enlisted to get dick. I'll say it again: All military chicks join to get fucked. That's the only reason.
By the time they get to their first duty assignment, they're walking bow legged from all of the cocks they've been riding.
I thought you where smarter, OP.
And them be promptly assassinated, like patton. Or be relieved of duty and court martialed.
Just say
Reported for continuing to be a kike shill.