What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Some of the replies are salty as fuck. Got some bitch complaining he doesn't care about the flood. Fucking liberals, it's the united STATES not united state.
I haven't investigated it, but I think all the replies are a combo of bots and people in India typing out talking points given to them by some leftist organization. I believe they get real people to volunteer their identity to give some authenticity to the tweets.
The personas that really piss me off are: The "Oh honey…" lady (they don't use her anymore), and the pic related gook doctor. As if a real doc with a medical practice has time to wait all day for Trump to tweet, and then reply with several paragraphs in a matter of minutes.
Here's how the system could work.
Wall's moving along nicely.
Hello angry :^)
Can we PLEASE sneak some mines into the exclusion zone there? There has to be a place where we can bulk order mines without being flagged. Maybe we can ship some Russian ones into the country and bury them as the wall’s being built.
It's fake.
It's very clearly not fake nigger
"Salt-left" really is apt.
It's probably about the FBI denying the request for emails due to low public interest.
There is a thread for this.
Very nice, happening soon???
Getting real sick of seeing this meme.
It's redditfaggots who don't understand what sliding is or how to read a catalog. Everyone who bumps a thread (without contributing to the conversation) that is on page 1-5 is just hastening its death.
This is a very plausible explanation. I have to wonder how they get these currynigs to stay silent about their work? Most likely they work for both "sides" and silicon valley and advertisers don't want the curtain pulled off of the scam that is online advertising and social media brands. It's the West coast's version of the NYSE.
I understand Twitter pushes what they want to surface but why doesn't the president blast them directly for stifling American voices?
Fuck, that double wall design looks so sexy.
He does, by blocking them. It causes more salt that dignifying them with a response.
It's all over the news.
Sick sticky singles.
Takes over a minute of reading leftist commie garbage with their 'muh russia' narrative for me to even get to a post that is actually on point. Twitter truly is a fucking echobox. This shit never happened until they altered their algorithm to just show cancerous comments on DJT's feed. These leftist comments would get completely drowned out by right winger following Trump.
Trump's America… smdh
Subverting free speech is, as i see from evidence, the only way the left can gather people into their movement.
What did he mean by this?
Comey apparently wrote the first draft of his "Clinton email handling was incompetent, but no no reasonable prosecutor would press charges." speech, before the FBI interview of her and her aides.
Suggestions that the process was bad, and investigation should be restarted…
(CNN)Former FBI Director James Comey drafted a statement exonerating former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for running her government emails through a private email server before completing the investigation, according to two Republican senators.
Comey prepared the draft exoneration for Clinton before conducting interviews with top Clinton aides who were offered immunity for their cooperation, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley and Sen. Lindsey Graham said Thursday in a joint statement, citing transcripts of interviews with former Comey aides obtained by the Senate judiciary committee.
Comey would go on to announce in July 2016 that the FBI would not recommend charges against Clinton – although he sharply chastised her decision to conduct State Department business through a private email server.
"Conclusion first, fact-gathering second – that's no way to run an investigation. The FBI should be held to a higher standard than that, especially in a matter of such great public interest and controversy," Grassley and Graham wrote in a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray seeking more information – including all drafts of Comey's final statement on Clinton's emails by September 13.
If one was so inclined then one could purchase The Poor Man's James Bond vol. 2 or a similar compendium and make ones own mines.
It happens all the fucking time, everywhere you go.
this is what i first saw going to it, i can't believe twitter is allowing this racism at the top of this feed, this should be reported immediatly
John Mccain was harder on trump than he was on Clinton.
This wasn't a trial.
it should be a military tribunal so she can't use "it's classified" to get out of jail.
They gave anyone who could be charged with a crime immunity purposely.
From the thumbnail I thought it said a nigged system and this thread is about this funny typo. Remember Nigger navy ?
Don't worry user, I'm sure that will be fixed soon.
Because that on-point comment uses negative wording in it's tweet, i'm sure it simply escaped the algorithm. Go look at the tweet replies yourself 95% or more is just leftist anti-trump tweets or trying to switch the agenda's to detract from the initial Trump tweet about how obvious the justice system in the US no longer works. The plebs are held to accountability while those with enough power or money get off for heinous crimes.
You are right, they can't win the argument, they never had to either because of political correctness following the 50's which increasingly ramped up and then slowly breaked down in the early 2000s thanks to the internet. Due to the commercialization of the internet it became normalfag territory which allowed pseudonym / anonymous commenting and people were no longer able to be taught controlled by a central radio/news/publishing empire let alone socially pressured for wrong think, suddenly they had to use arguments and the only retort you ever got when you point out statistical facts was a personal attack of 'racist', 'xenophobe', 'muhsoggyknees', 'nazi' and all the other contrived buzzwords that these monkeys learned from TV. This became so obvious that they couldn't even use them in the right circumstances and as a result these words have lost their entire meaning, other then to signal you're talking to a leftist idiot. That's when the faked 'social pressure' comes out to try to pressure governments, institutions and other platform owners to start mass censorship or the population is going to shift back to traditionalism or even worse in their minds National Socialism. They don't even shy away from violence in order to push this pressure on universities for example all in a effort to try to silence their enemies.
Capitalize President Trump's name
Salt-left cucked again.
This can't be stickied, we need to make room for fake news articles.
Jesus Christ these people are retarded.
Kek muh Russia is the only thing they've got.
Every time this is brought up I think "Ha, funny meme."
As the meme swirls through my mind like aerating wine, it just gets funnier and funnier.
Political commentators getting upset about it is flat out ridiculous. Ice cream has an entire aisle in the grocery store. It's just another one of those manfuactured controversies that makes me wonder if Trump's administration deliberately plays mind games with the media and politicians.
Reminds me of Putin when he wants his pen back.
Concise. Well done user.
I think you don't understand Indian culture. It breaks down into two castes: the serfs and the rulers, that's it. It has been that way for thousands of years so think about what a two-class system really does to a people over time, because what you see now is the "civilized" tea-sipping version of the Indian caste system. For thousands of years they had those two castes, not interbreeding, and arranged such that ambition, wit, insight, etc in the lower caste were punished with no arranged marriages, death, etc. Meanwhile the upper caste became complacent, they still had to evolve against the masses before they became so docile and obedient so they enhanced the attributes people tend to see as strong (shows of authority/control, sureness, ego, etc) but decayed intellectually from the lack of real competition (even within a caste everything was arranged from marriage to business, etc, think extreme socialism.) Now we have a people which rarely need to be punished to maintain the status quo on the lower end because they simply have no ambition left, and people who cannot innovate or create on the upper end because they're self-confident retards. That means nobody involved in the chain will even consider betrayal to their foreign controllers save perhaps the more ambitious upper caste member who might try blackmail as a means to get a raise of a few hundred bucks, which in pooland could amount to a huge sum.
The worst of it isn't even their ability to be used for crowdsourcing/mechanical-turk style tools, but that the British leadership thought it was a wondrous system when they found it (since of course THEY didn't need to keep evolving, THEY would certainly never become the same easily controlled morons.) As a result the British brought the two-party Indian caste system to the world, and that's the path everyone is on now.
Where do you think you are? Holla Forums works through meme magic, not arms trades. Just meme it and let the normies demand the mines be added between the walls.
He donated $1 million out of pocket, what more could be expected of him? The bitch complaining hasn't done jack shit.
I bet they'd scream about a conflict of interest if they knew about it.
Nothing will ever be enough.
Kek I imagine Trump spends a considerable amount of time thinking about ways to fuck with the media with a twisted shitposty smirk.
i guess that would explain why the haven't banned the Don yet. they maintain an illusion of neutrality so that they can have a platform to attack him
Also make sure you write out "President Trump" whenever you can. For that little extra "fuck you" to the libcucks.
Legalfag here. If the defendant is granted immunity, he is still abused to plead muh Fifth when questioned by a congressional committee or prosecution a defendant doesn't implicitly (((trust))). The immunity deal could be reversed in the future, leaving a defendant legally assblasted in front of the prosecution.
Respond with this.
Donald John Trump, President of the United States of America
I can honestly say I've never seen anyone actually use that word.
Gee Trump, how come your country gets 2 walls?
top job
Hillary deserves to be in prison for so many things so many times so long ago it's ridiculous.
Imagine if another everyday government employee or NSA agent or CIA agent or an FBI agent themselves did even a quarter of the crimes Hillary has committed.
They would be locked away longer than Madoff is.
He meant you should check the fucking catalog and not be a fucking faggoot.
Can this be like our other great monuments and shit where our builders engrave their names and toss coins into it for good luck?
Nope. Not till the 23rd it seems
Oh well fuck me
Pee pee poo poo pisssssssssss
we rome now?
He's been donkey-punching these tards 24/7 for two years straight and they still don't get it. The establishment is confined to a PR template that's 25 years out of date. They'll continue along the same path because they're too corrupt and fundamentally dumb to do otherwise.
I expect much, much more carnage to come. He's just getting warmed up.
Judging by the amount of Jews in country we're probably at about the same time as when that siege took place in the timeline of Rome.
Wordfilter TRUMP to that.
The kikes are asshurt to this day because Vespasian and Titus wrecked Jerusalem in the First Century. These fuckers never learn.