It is [CURRENT YEAR] and still no exploratory rpg where you place a Princess escaping her cell in a Demon Kings castle and fucking shit up every night
Videogames stopped trying.
It is [CURRENT YEAR] and still no exploratory rpg where you place a Princess escaping her cell in a Demon Kings castle and fucking shit up every night
Videogames stopped trying.
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Source? Is "Magujou" the full title?
really? no sjgame devs have made a princess escaping evil captor game?
It would be kinda nice getting to play a game where you are one of those stereotypical villains of some fantasy game.
And not just like a dungeon simulator or RTS, but like a first person or JRPG styled game where you try enacting some evil plans.
Oh she doesnt escape. She just keeps breaking out of her cell to ruin his shit in increasingly obtuse efforts for the comfiest sleep.
what are you doing with your life?
South Korea pls go and only return when dragon kim updates.
All i can name is witch and the hundred knight.
the stereotypical villain has armies of henchmen, so it's a much more natural fit to an rts instead of jrpgs that have the hero doing all the grunt work with their loyal comrades.
My titfiend waifu will never get the vidya she deserves.
Yeah, seems like it'll be an elusive dream for a while longer.
>No RPG where you try to take over the world
More and more popular manga nowadays are based on the Demon King/Queen as the protagonist taking down a corrupt fantasy establishment. A lot of people in the west claim its "alt right propaganda catered to dangerous males" but if nippon makes the games who gives a fuck what angry white trollops and nu males think?
Liam pls.
Thinking about it, that's going on a few years now.
What the shit are those Nips up to that's keeping them from making this game already.
Shit sucks.
Times are changing for weeb culture. Loli and imoutos are being pushed out for THICC and ara, the Demon King is now the hero of the common people and with games like FFXIV adding western mechanics they realise how casual they have become and are embracing the autism.
A changing market that is too big to be controlled by goons half a world away.
Its an interesting time. If only the mature glasses wearing teacher/secretary/librarian/school nurse archetype got more service.
kys tbh lad
Maybe if it was an araara demon queen gayboi.
OP, you are a faggot for not posting the whole chapter.
That's pretty cute.
its a new ongoing, 8 chapters and counting on bato.
yeah because you can only get so stupid with "she's actually the smartest person ever and invents things that were thousands of years apart… because she's so smart" before it just becomes pure boredom
Tell that to Atelier, thats the plot of every single one and thats been going since before the saturn.
There is no fucking video game anymore where you rescue a princess from an evil demon king or some shit.
Legitimately the thing people are pissed of about being a cliche has more subversions of the cliche than examples.
Because the atelier series plays it as a joke more than any type of seriousness to it. And even then in the atelier games there's at least some type of consistency to it, as opposed to
"Ah yes, quickly use crop rotation, 1800s era firearms, the printing press, electric streetlights, and milling techniques from the 1500s to get out of this one!"
Maybe thats why in manga and games from japan the villain tropes are now the heros.
Its a light novel, i expect cute characters, not tolkein level world building.
Except it fucks up in that respect too because it focuses on politics, you can't have both stupid silly nonsensical worldbuilding with a focus on politics. They don't mesh.
Politics requires a very fleshed out world to make it interesting, this falls flat because flat out no one does anything aside from what the Tittymonster does.
I would discuss how horribly fucking flat she is as a character, but I think that makes it's point as she's a mary sue. "She's the most powerful demon in the world and also super smart, but teehee she has a complex about her breast size~~" is the most banal horseshit I've ever seen
it is [CUCKEND YEAR] and theres still no game where you can erradicate a species, or a race.
or get motivated by all the raping/torture that happen in said RPG
why cant RPGs have real rape happen to relatives? i mean, they're ficticious, but i want to ficticiously erradicate those monglers for ficticiously rape my ficticious imaginary friends.
God help you if you ever discover tensei shitara slme datta ken
Yeah, that's shit too.
Same with overlord also shit.
The elf must be educated.
I didn't know I wanted this
fantasy princesses make any genre better. FACT.
this is a good setup for a pointy clicky adventure game
FFXIV does not count. Runescape is the closest contender. Maybe Puzzle Pirates to an extent.
hey man i got my ironworks and earned it!
What are you talking about, bro?
Christ. If I wasn't so invested in Skyfactory i'd probably try it.
I'm not putting down anyone who enjoys it, I just don't like the mechanics. You don't actually get to see any of the item you're building, it has no weight to it, ingredient gathering can be a pain, and none of the early shit you can make is really worth it. I tried starting out with goldsmithing and was immediately soured to the whole system. Not my style.
Its like you dont want to go full hebrew.
Must have been after I quit the game.
lel i'm poor as fuck I just like fighting shit in that game. god, what was the last content I was doing? I think I was trying to get ready for Alex Savage? Thordan's Reign? It's all a blur by now.
apartments next month man.
I get that you want it to be the focus of the game though.
>What is Undertale