Speccy ThreadI

ITT: We post screenshots of Speccy.exe and laugh at poorfag peasants with worse hardware than us

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Show me up then, nerds, prove you have a better setup than me


You still haven't showed me up, nerd

It's not about having a better setus, is about not being able to upgrade for using a laptop and using Win10.




this niggah gets it

I know, but you know, if I wanted to upgrade it, it's as simple as opening my case and install them.

Sorry but the NSA has your shit on their servers already, installing GENTOO won't save you.



They'll be enjoying a whole fucking lot of CP, then.

You're trying too hard, user, here's your (you).

99% of muh privacy fags

A 970M is barely a step above a 630
Are you seriously proud of that?

What can I say, I really like my freedom.

Yeah, but like
That's something you don't get with a desktop

People like you don't deserve freedom. Rot behind bard pedo fuck

Says the faggot that wastes his freedom in a shitty laptop.


That doesn't even make any sense, because I can take my laptop with me, nerd

I'd be severely disappointed if you didn't use a CRT monitor with that punk-ass setup

The problem is not that you can have laptop, the problem is that you choose to have it.

Its called not being poor, something you wouldn't understand

It's hard getting a good job while you're on the registry

Are you blonde? Because you're justifying being an idiot with having money.

Are you a nigger? Because you don't seem to have any money!

What are you even playing on those monsters?
I don't feel like I need to upgrade.

Some of us play more than Counter Strike Cheeki Breeki

I dont normally use windows, but when i do, i do it virtually.

I do. I just don't spend it in useless shit like laptops. That's actually what niggers do.

I play mostly weeb shit tho. Dark Souls 3 kinda struggled to maintain 60 fps at maximums, so I knocked shadows down to medium.
Otherwise there are no worthwhile games to get neg GPU for.

Jim is that you? Why are you posting 8chans server specs?

Had this setup for a couple of years now, haven't bothered to change a thing though

1440p 120hz monitor. can get pretty heavy with supersampling so i get good parts even if i don't play shitty games that came out recently

Nothing wrong with having laptop as a secondary mobile game station. Modern commodities like cloud saves make stuff like playing one game in separate places really a non-issue.

it quickly becomes a necessary primary mobile station if you need to move to different cities twice a week and don't have the money to buy two gaming desktops.


That's understandable. But desktop PCs are still better in every aspect except the portability.




jesus christ

what about the id?

I use M$ because of the apps

these are my portable apps alone

Holy shit, i just noticed. Its 699d4e before you open the thread. Its 000000 after you open the thread.

R8 my toaster

I think it's a halfchan thing, they actually think dubs matter in IDs

someone's straight outta reddit

im dissapointed

Might as well settle for consoles.

wtf is a i7 6700hq? I mine doesn't say hq it only says k.

Also your hardware is pretty weak for someone that wants to laugh at "poorfags".


I see those 0 id's a lot, especially on Holla Forums, is there a reason for that?

tor users get those IDs
now go away newfag

It's to indicate that those people are posting through a federally controlled botnet.

too bad your card will be shit soon anyway since your blessed company needs to gimp performance to make room for new models

lets support company that acts like kikes on steroids and fucks up everything and everyone including their own customers

This image is fucking shit and will LED to someone getting killed.

I don't have time to go into all the details of the chemistry behind it right now, but orange LEDs are unstable as shit. They have to be extremely small to not cause serious problems on their own, which is why they were relatively fine in the PSP, save for some rare hardware malfunctions. More importantly, they need to be bound to an extremely stable element, such as Nintendium, in order to be any bigger, which is why the GameCube holds the record for the largest stable orange LED to date. Even then, it just barely managed it, even using the orange energy's complementary element, Purple Nintendium, as the base, for maximum chromatic diffusion. Try to make a system out of anything else using one of that size and you're fucked. Sega rushed the technology trying to beat Nintendo into the 6th gen, and we all know how the Dreamcast turned out.

Stay safe.

What do you even play? Do you need more friends?

yes and instead of supporting the kikes we support the guys who even with the jew not trying can't put out a similar product


I have an i5-3570k at around 4ghz. If I get a 1060 will I be comfy?

I have a few computers.

r8 and h8 I guess

Lenovo X220 that I bought in 2011. I only really ever play video games on 3DS and PS Vita these days. Occasionally I've used it for SupCom and CoH, but it can't handle stuff like Morrowind without getting too hot (I consider 70C+ too hot and play SupCom at 800MHz because it keeps the temps around 50-60C).

You can also combine the best of two worlds by getting either a cyan, magenta, or yellow (don't confuse it with orange) led.

Cyan is environmentally friendly and offers very cool temperatures, Magenta can give you amazing performance while your rig stays cool, and Yellow offers the best performance to carbon emission ratios but trying to improve on that efficiency is a folly because Orange presents a paradox of expending lots of energy to give the best performance while expending little to no energy to leave behind a tiny carbon footprint.

just install Windows 10 already m8

just go back to reddit already, underage

k just means its an overclockable variant
H means its a BGA socket (because laptop)
And I don't know exactly what Q means

I saved a couple hundred bucks by going for a non-K i7 because, again, laptop, and also because this has turbo boost speeds of about 3 and a half GHz so I figure I'd never need to overclock it

Also all 12GBs is DDR4 so RAM isn't going to be a bottleneck for me

I'm the OP lad, would you rather I posted (1) and left the thread?


Oh my god JC, a bomb!

Rate my day to day workstation.

The reddit is overflowing with this OP.


I know right, I need my brand spanking new desktop to play the latest and greatest AAA shit.

The good news is that Vista is so universally reviled that Microsoft didn't bother backporting their bullshit to it like they did 7 and 8.1. Not to mention, it's aesthetic as fuck

Dual boot with Lubuntu and you're fine

Guys, I might have a problem…


God has left us in disgrace.


If XP worked with >4GB of hardware and DX11, I'd use that instead. Vista's pretty comfy, though. Functionally, not too different from 7, at least after SP2. Too bad it won't get the treatment that 98 and 2000 got, and XP will get it instead. XP would be great if the 64-bit version working right, and worked with DX11 for the odd modern game I play, but seeing as Vista's the first properly working 64-bit Windows, and it works well, I'll use it while I have the hardware to.

7 isn't shit, but I'm the one person in the world that actually installs Updates, so I enjoy not having to play the "is the update full of shit or can I install it" game. Not my fault Microsoft is full of Streetshitters with no regard for my privacy.

I like the blue ones

Nothing worth playing.


someone post the ID:Heaven pasta


Why care about high end hardware when you're only going to use it to shitpost on shitefox bloat edition and play denuvo infested triple aaa shooters?

What games or software are worth upgrading past 32nm processors for?


A year ago I cobbled this machine together out of 700 dollars and desperation. I mostly play 10+ year old games and make chipmusic, so it gets the job done pretty well. I still need to get a new 1080 monitor, the taskbar is burned in and the colors are washed out.

rare to see a 8370 in these threads, paired with a new 480 too. nice user.


Pretty sure AMD just uses really weird thermal sensors that Speccy can't read properly. I remember in the old days AMD processors were prone to catching fire if there was poor thermal compression between the heat sink and the processor itself because the thermal circuit would always fail first and the processor would fail to throttle and as a result overheat

Well, newer silicon process nodes means more transistors which means tighter instructions pipelines. So even mundane shit benefits from smaller nodes. Smaller nodes also means better thermal and power management because it means more efficient chips

Processor nodes are expected to stop around 10nm for classic silicon and Intel believes they can reach 5nm with more exotic materials. For silicon, nodes smaller than 7nm means quantum tunneling between transistors and substantial power leakage

This is the correct answer. Vista is also much more fully featured than 7.


You know. I used to get mad at Windows XP users during the Windows 7 days because I felt they were willfully using a blatantly inferior system out of stubbornness or ignorance (considering how much easier it is to pirate Win7)

But I don't even get angry at Vista users. Because it's something that takes such a huge level of stupidity that they have to be aware of it.

But whatever works I guess. Enjoy your buggy system full of holes and lacking core features like a self-defragmenting filesystem

Shit OP your system would be considered outdated in 2009. It's 2016. What the fuck are you doing? I was able to get a Cote 2 duo and 4GB of RAM PC at a thrift store for 100 bucks in 2012. I wouldn't pay 10 bucks for what you have. I mean fuck man just get a 99 dollar Intel Atom computer already. It'll outperform whatever you have right now I guarantee it.


I run it on my laptop.

What is service pack 2?
Also Windows 7's self defragmenting shit is horrible and poorly integrated to the point of causing more problems.

If you're a Windows user you have no right to even begin to talk about security and shit. You signed up for this when you chose not to use GNU/Linux or BSD, and I did as well.


All the thrift stores locally sell busted computers from 2005 or earlier for $50 a pop. I've never seen a cheap yet powerful computer anywhere I can buy thanks to places like Best Buy and Walmart and it doesn't help that I'm running out of money. Got laid off almost 4 months ago and still haven't found work.


Do you like it?

>>>Holla Forums is that-way user. I used to run an AMD server if that counts, but when it blew up I went Blue for the power-savings. Too bad I can't zero out the microcode.

Choose only one, user. I like the Intenso drive though, pretty funny brand name.

Here's your response.

Are you afraid Windows 7 is going to give you AIDS? Are seriously fucking stupid?

My rig is just a foundation for right now. When the new Zen CPUs come out I'm planning on upgrading to it, then scoop up a 970 or 980 for cheaper as everyone goes to the 10 series, and then probably adding another 2x4gb ram sticks.

It works good though, 60FPS with ultra settings in modern games, some exceptions include The Witcher 3 which I run on High-Medium. My 960 is a pretty good overclocker @1425MHz and the FX-6300 is rather good for the price which I've also overclocked to 4.32GHz.

Reposting 8ch get your shit together.

I plan on building a better one at some point but it's served me well so far, and I constantly keep her maintained.

Will this application tell people if I use the windows classic theme in 7? I don't want people to know that.

Correction: my 960 is OC to 1465MHz, not 1425.


Have you seriously considered getting a cheap Intel Atom computer? You can get a good one for just 100 bucks and modern Atoms are very good. The Intel HD series graphics in them alone destroys that old dinosaur of a GPU

It just werkz my friend. I can play everything I could ever want on Ultra just fine and it runs surprisingly cool. It never goes above 75 degrees C on max load

Honestly I hate everything about Win10, but I will admit that once you unpin all the trash from the taskbar and really clean up the start menu, and set small icons+never combine, it really is a pretty shell.

Got a link to one? All I'm getting from searching is google results for the CPUs, not whole computers.



This isn't a difficult thing to figure out user. I'm on you're an adult I hope we're not going to spoonfeed you on stupid questions now

It's also mounted in my server rack.

Exact GPU model is R9 Nano.

Didn't pay full price for any of the parts.

K-On was 7 years ago.
They've all grown up, gone to university, graduated, found work, probably a partner, maybe even married. And all throughout, they had the power of friendship, and had fun times together playing in a band and even went to London once.
What have you done with your lives since 2009, anons?
Because I've achieved nothing.


Come on if you're going to be a hipster in the thread at least use something other than nigger Linux.
Slackware is the only remaining major distro that isn't shit. Prove me wrong.Protip: you can't

Throw it in the trash and try again. Not going to even bother reading the rest.

Die inside after reading that.


I've gained exponentially more wisdom and unpozzed myself. albeit a bit fatter. Besides that? I don't know. Still too young to achieve much, still working out a plan, which is hard to do in these volatile times.

Its easy to use and LXDE is way better than unity or any windows DE

Just search Amazon for Intel Atom PCs. You'll find them in 2 configurations. Mini PCs and Stick PCs. Sticks plug right into an HDMI plug and Minis just sit on a desk. I have an Atom based tablet and it's capable of playing TF2 and Fallout NV on mid settings so they're pretty nice. All of them are also fangless designs

I'm feeling generous. Here's another response. If the idea of aesthetic is advancing this fast through the cosmetic past though, you all need to slow down.

I've been seeing a few on sale. May need to get one.

Awesome. Did you get the card with the illuminated audio ports?

Did you pay less than tree-fiddy?

You never had a response in the first place. It was just autistic banter. Checkem.

Seriously though, fix that shit. You're either 3x4gb or 2x4gb 2x2gb, both of which are suboptimal - 3x4gb being the worst, since it's forcing single-channel.

2009? I graduated high school in '10, then graduated college, entered the workforce, learned a lot about computers, started drinking, went to strange foreign places, got my own apartment, bought guns, and more.

No. It was a fairly barebones card. The ports on my mobo went bad, and a dedicated card was cheaper and easier than a new motherboard. I'm not using it to its full potential, haven't bothered with any kind of fancy audio stuff.

Paid 66% less you would pay going in the usual places.

I'm 90% certain it is 8gb + 4gb.
How bad is it?


You're probably in some funky not-quite-dual-channel-but-emulated-flex-mode-except-not-Intel thing. You're only losing a little bit of performance. I can't say for sure, though.

Even dual-channel isn't terribly important in the end unless you're doing very memory-heavy stuff, like playing Dwarf Fortress. But asymmetrical memory is bad practice.

But that is what I intend to do.


this made me wet

Should I go for 4x8gb?

Are you considering an CPU upgrade soon? Any change to your memory config will be vastly outweighed by the performance increase of using DDR4, and it's probably not that big anyway. I think some guys on the bay12 forums did some benchmarks, but I can't remember exactly how they turned out.

Wait for Zen to hit and then assess its performance against whatever Intel has out at the time. Remember that DF is almost entirely single-threaded. Remember also that building a computer for a single game or application is a bad idea.

4x8gb is unwise, you probably won't touch that much RAM unless you like to spool up VMs on your desktop for shits and giggles. 2x8 is fine. It's not worth it at all though if you're thinking of upgrading when Zen hits.

Do you like hurting yourself?

Time to trigger you people.


LXDE can be installed on any distro and you won't have Amazon's cock up your ass constantly like you do with Ubuntu. May as well have stuck to Windows with that attitude.

I bet you bring your mechanical keyboard into your college classes. Kill yourself.

Solid build that'll last you a while longer.

Good plan on Zen. Build is ok, although you've got an awful lot of drives.


Nice SSD, though.

I assume you've got a nice OC on that CPU? If not, you need to fix your cooler.

Decent overall, but seagate desktop drives are failure-prone.

What the fuck is with these 12gb memes? Good taste in monitors, though.

That SLI is nasty. I love your mishmash of drives, though.

I've only been using this computer for about 4 months, and its my first GNU/Linux computer. I probably will move on from this distro eventually, I've been meaning to get a super cheap laptop (like $50) to play around with arch on, cause I really like the AUR being reasonably up to date unlike the buntu repos.

Actually I've never brought a laptop to a class, I prefer paper notes.

Pic unrelated, someone asked me about it a while ago and I don't have any other picture to attach.

I got this for around $300 (was originally around $1000 but I stacked sales, rebates, coupons etc.) in 2013 I think it was and have only slightly upgraded it since.

Something along those lines will be my next computer.

I've been out of the loop for a little, but last I knew, we had almost no idea what Zen performance will look like.

What's supposed to be triggering about this? The faulty reading from the mobo temp sensor? Your monitors are shit, but that's not really triggering.

4x2 + 2x2.

Yeah, my parents didn't love me enough as a child either,

Are you using your MB as a grill?

I'm not running anything right now, but I only ever upgraded my GPU, so when hardcore gaymen I can cook potatoes on my CPU and motherboard.

Also the only complaint I have about my build is the power supply fan is super fucking loud. Like so loud it's louder than a 30 cm diameter fan I have constantly on full blast pointing at me.

I built my sister a computer recently and the power supply is so quiet she can play TW3 on ultra and I can't even hear the fans kick on.

Not really.
I need to find a job before I upgrade anything.

And finding a job as NEET for 3 years isn't easy.

Yeah it overclocks pretty nicely, don't know why its 60 in that image though. Its normally high 40's low 50's. I do live in an attic though so all the heat in my house rises to here

turn it off its hurting ):

Are you some kind of gargoyle?


Pretty much
My parents live in a bungalow that my dad built before I was born so they turned the attic into a bedroom when I was a child. I come back here for the summer when university isn't on

What kind of fucking Frankenstein of a PC is the second pic?

I like your setup, user. I almost went for the FX-9590, but ultimately chose an i5. Hoping things change with Zen.

I mean, if you ever felt slightly unloved/unwanted during childhood, it wouldn't surprise me.

Out of my way, gamer coming through.

Wow, you sure showed everyone with your superior quality, taste, and bank account.

Yep, a gamer you are. How many lights do you have on your case?

Na my parents are great, my dad even built me a tree house that he hooked electricity up to. He just wanted a house that wasnt owned by the bank or council so he bought some land from a farmer and built his own shit.
I have now realised I was basically confined to an attic and a tree

OP here

Does speccy have trouble reading DDR4 RAM? Because in mine and yours it doesn't specify the RAM type. It must be 2new

This is a prebuilt, isn't it? Alienware?

you fucking retard, 32 gigs is too small to effectively run ramdisk but too large to actually use.

Yea, it doesn't recognize my RAM or CPU.

No, I built this myself.

ramdisks work fine for me, enough to store ASSFAGGOTS or whatever else I want

It's probably an ASUS Republic of Gamers like mine
Where I live computers marketed to "gamers" are always somewhat cheaper than business class hardware of identical specs for some reason. Despite also being made of much of the same materials with comparable build quality

It's not great, but it does what I need it to do.

Made this PC awhile ago for server shit + gaming and recently upgraded the gpu. Removed 8gb of ram to throw into an HTPC I built for my parents, and I'm not too worried about missing two sticks because I'm getting two 32GB kits soon

It's pretty nice I think.

nice build, thought about doing something similar but decided on a 8320e/380 combo which will turn into an HTPC once zen is out for a couple of years

if you are still around, like to know what it has been like gaming on

heck yeah man. My buddy just made a new skylake build and I was amazed at how small the chips are now, it's ridiculous!

8350 is ballin 10/10

Oh yeah, this whole system has been really great for me so far.

any good overclocks? or do you not fuck with that


Haven't felt like overclocking it yet, but that's something I'm gonna be doing eventually. Supposed to get a good overclock on this board.


Wait, sorry, that's outdated. While I'm at it, does anyone have a good wallpaper to replace mine?

I just read you're looking at easily getting a 4.5ghz overclock if everything goes right, god damn X_X

Are RAMdisks necessary in light of the cost and what it can do not just to the ram, but to the RAM slot?


Yeah, I remember reading that, probably gotta get better cooling for that though.

The Cryorig H7 I have is pretty good, but that's still air cooling.

that's still fairly decent cooling, WAY better than stock by any means

It's a great cooler, that for sure.

The new k series CPUs don't even have stock coolers anymore though.

i just go on Fightcade and emulate snes games

Wait, really? that's kind of ill on intel's part :/ It's kind of common courtesy to provide a way to cool it out of the box, heck, even the first gen lga 2011 chips came with stock coolers


I pray every night for people this far below the poverty line

Thats not even hot at al…

Im sorry.

nice fuckin ID yo

not sure what you're able to afford, but there's thinkpads on ebay with halfway decent cooling and specs for 100 to 150 bucks, ANYTHING is better than the hell you're living right now

Jesus, I thought my old one was bad.

They went cheap because the figure the k series are for people who want to overclock anyway. Kinda sucks though.

Where the fuck do you live user? Are you a hobo? Do you need money? You could find better graphics cards at a Good Will.

Eternal reminder to clean your computer's internals regularly.

Jesus christ man.

Space makes top tier backgrounds, user.

I feel like I should upgrade some of my parts but it's a pain to find what's compatible with what.

I love this computer.

Also the graphics card is an EVGA 980 Ti Classified but for some reason Speccy doesn't detect the memory correctly.

IF you're planning to keep that motherboard, an athlon x4 880k would be a good place to start if you want to get a dedicated graphics card, or you can just get an a10 7890k and some faster ram, although I think the first suggestion would be a way better solution.

Pretty cool shit user.

Thanks man, I've been stressing over my shit desktop and was looking for a way to make it actually run vidya games. I appreciate it.

Make a paypal no one should have to live like this.


no problem man

i setup the raid via bios, whats wrong with intel raid and what should i use instead

my nigga

hella not bad at all, I've got that same mobo with an 8320 and an r9 280x. 10/10

for real, if this dude links his paypal I'll send him some fuckin lunch money god damn

yea just don't look at my processor…

Jesus Christ, buy some old Dell Xeon workstation and a used GTX750ti or something

it's a free laptop I got a few days ago and no i'm not homeless anymore

I dunno I thought lunch was only for the bourgeois

the 6300 is a perfectly good processor though

one dollar a can my man

And to add, I'm a poorfag myself and would post a speccy but I use linux. Running a Xeon x5677 @ 4ghz with 12GB RAM and a 1GB GTX750 (non-TI), with a PNY SSD

It's surprisingly fast and was done for cheap

I'm not saying it's bad, I'm just saying when lots of stuff is going on I can feel things slow down a bit.

Nigga you're just not capitalizing on the wealth of your technical knowledge.
I bet you're just a middle class college student with low income, not actually poorfight me

This is how you poorfag.

Nah, I'm a early 30's no-college working class guy that used to work in IT.

Seriously though, X58 Xeon has some great deals. Get a used Dell workstation with x5677 or x5650, and do okay with the stock speeds. Or wait out and get an overclocking X58 overclocking capable board and push it to 4ghz and beyond no problem. Only problem is those overclocking capable boards are often WAY WAY overpriced. I got lucky and got a new EVGA X58 SLI Micro for $80 delivered on ebay because the seller included one incorrect picture (which was the default picture on the listing). The CPUs themselves are like $50 and compare with new CPU (except in TDP)

Some highly respectable min-maxing going on I see. I thought I could build another x79 computer because the xeons are cheap as hell now believe it or not, but the motherboards are fucking stupid expensive

Yea that's pretty nice and I'll be building a new desktop once I can since my last one got obliterated

kay help fund my future ps2 purchase

Yeah, the price of motherboards for X58 is retarded and negates the low prices on the CPU. I got really lucky and got a Rev 2.0 EVGA X58 SLI Micro for $80 that didn't require the mod to support Xeons. I can now overclock with abandon and get a new CPU for basically scrap prices if I fuck up lol

fuckin nice, I'll just need to keep digging for deals then

No complaints here with the system I built. If you end up making a new x58 system and want a new triple channel kit, this is one of the few I still see available for a reasonable price


heck yeah, thanks user!

Good luck. I haven't even barely touched overclocking yet. I went with the X5677 because it had a high stock clock (3.47 or something), it's a quad core with 12MB cache. I got it because even if I couldn't overclock it would be decent. But I was able to overclock to over 4ghz without even trying. And I haven't pushed it further even though 4.5 should be doable. X5650 is six core but should be able to do similar overclocks. Both CPU are cheap as fuck on ebay

I would pay for that

Also the EVGA X58 SLI Micro mobo was a bit of a gamble when I bought it. There are large threads on overclocking sites where people discuss X58 mobos but there was a lack of info on this specific model. I was afraid it would require a hard mod, which EVGA still offers for $50 (plus shipping) but because it was Rev 2 I did not need it. I could not find out one way or the other before I bought it. Many other known Xeon and overclocking compatible X58 mobos sell for like $300! now. Totally insane. The CPUs are great though and hold their own to most newest offerings (definately outperform most average builds talked about here).

I love M$ spying on me

dude holy shit


The processor is so cheap because it is a test unit, but it runs on intel boards no prob, these are probably the best prices I've seen so far

I booted into Windows to give a screen. Again, I haven't even pushed this yet

I don't know much about X79

about three years back, i lived with one of those laptops as my main PC they have an intel GMA 900 IGPs, they were actually based on prototypes from intel cards of 1999, shieeeeet

saddest time of my life, but hey it can surprisingly run lots of games, the first time i played stalker was on this and while it can't handle shaders at all it still ran at decent framerates, i even managed to run CoP on it, but the lighting was so horrid it was the tipping point to upgrade

also ran Artificial Girl 3 in all it's splendor, best porn experience

'sall good, mane

I live near a university that sells old computer lab gear every week. Haven't been there since 2009 when they were selling Dell and HP Pentium 4 boxes for $20 a pop. They were even starting to sell their circa 2007 Core 2 Duo boxes by then for maybe $100-$200.

I should really check them out next time I have some money to drop, thanks for the tip. I could just throw in my graphics card and hard drives and go.
Here's hoping they aren't all half-height PCI slot shitboxes.

Yeah C2D is all shit now but if you can get anything X58 chipset or I7 cpu it probably won't overclock but will still be decent.

Although this listing is expired, and maybe better deals can be found anyways, this is an example of a good-to-go old system. Slap a hard drive and a GPU in there and it's pretty decent. Not comparible to overclockable X58 systems but a stepping stone perhaps. And these workstations are robust and not shit-tier overall


Oh, I know. Just giving an example of how that place I know typically prices in depreciation. Apparently a desktop that would go for $500 or more when new is something they'll sell for $200 or less only two years later.
And I could be totally happy with any Sandy Bridge quad atm. Nehalem Xeon wouldn't be half-bad either I am assuming their fuckoff huge cache helps with gaymen
I am also too old to overclock at this point, literally happy with low-med graphics settings and 40+ fps now fam. Would be nice if I could fit my pic related into one of those Dell workstations, is there any chance of that?


Not a fan of liquid cooling myself. I tried it and TBH it's just another medium in between a fan and a heatsink (radiator). I have two coolers, a GAMMAXX 300 ghetto air cooler I bought for $20 and a Corsair H50 that I bought for over $50. Both hit the same temps, both vent heat into the case if installed as recommended, and the H50 is compatible in less situations (case has to be small enough to reach a side where a fan can be mounted to blow the hot air inside)

Watercooling is a meme

Oh and I wasn't implying that your cooler was liquid cooling, just ranting about it. Actually that hyper 212 looks a lot like the gammaxx cooler I have. It's a great deal at $20 and the only reason I'm using the more expensive Corsair H50 is that I paid for it. Saw almost no reduction in temps and when I just generally think about liquid cooling it makes no sense except that maybe the volume of liquid serves as a buffer when activity spikes, the liquid can absorb some more heat when things really get hot. But in the end it's still just a fucking heatsink and fan

… Hyper 212+ is an air cooler. It's fairly big and very heavy. Can't remember if it fits into the standard intel pushpin holes or not, is why I asked.

How much does a 2011-era Sandy Bridge PC go for these days? I could probably find those or even Ivy Bridge PCs for sale by the dozens. J/w what a fair price is for those since you seem all about the eBays.

Yeah I was confusing there, your cooler is probably compatible in almost all situations in a midsized case.

And I can't answer your other question but frankly new tech isn't yet much faster than some old tech, and there are deals to be had if you are willing to forgo things like USB III or SATA III

Consult forums like overclock.net. Even if you end up buying a system that isn't overclockable, those forums could give a good idea of what decade old shit is still basically on par with new stuff. It's kind of surprising how little things have advanced

pretty okay for a 2 year old laptop

Yeah, I was under the impression that Sandy Bridge was basically the last decent sized leap forward.

But that Nehalem was bigger and I know a lot of people are still happily using it for modern stuff.

Yeah, Westmere here and newer shit only has lower TDP and AVX extensions which in all reality are only useful for stress testing

Thanks user, it's been more effort than it was worth i tell ya hwat.

It's been pretty nice, at first it was hard to stabilize but i've got it running nice now, newest thing i've probably played is Just Cause 3 and it didn't have an issue running that at 1080p/60fps so I can't really complain too much. I still have the occasional freeze and shutdown because my 9590 is on fire, but i just need a bigger cooler and I should be set, and i've also been looking into graphics card cooling because sometimes it gets a bit too hot for my liking.
If you'd like to know about anything else just let me know user.

here you go

waiting on that 1080ti

how lazy can you get

you could call that tactic a jewish trick

Give them a break, coming up with new names is tricky. IT'S TRICKY



Just get an Intel Atom mini-PC if you're poor

Is it?

It's like the filename says a desktop computer put into a suitcase, so long as you have enough space you can put desktop parts in anything it also get's around the problem laptops have of not being easily upgradable/repairable.

Do you use a regular heatsink or a liquid cooler? Personally using the H100i and I OC'd my processor to 4.5 ghz during Autumn, Winter and Spring. Had to downclock during Summer cause of all the fucking humid heat waves, though.

Your Laptop is shit and gay user.
Consider suicide.

I upgraded my GPU less than a week ago.
So many frames.

What the fuck user?

My toaster, my only complaint is that it's too old to support anything higher than opengl2.1. I mostly emulate games anyway or play rougelikes.

Fuck off you jewish cuck faggot.
All these Windows 10 faggots in this thread really makes me sick.

I spent too much money on this a few years ago. Wasn't really a good deal then, definitely isn't now. I knew absolutely nothing about computers and just followed some "gaming" build by some YouTube faggot I can't remember the name of. Worst performance I get is maybe 40fps with some infrequent dips on max settings running newer shit, but I know it's only a matter of time before everything new is unplayable again. I'll probably just hand this one down to my brother when I finally have a real source of income and can build something actually decent.

It's a 380x

It's pronounced "Saw-Gay" you stupid newfag, you have no room to talk about any other OS user ever again

Nice GPU upgrade user. I might consider getting an external GPU bay for my laptop but I imagine the bottleneck will be pretty bad at the USB type C port. Either way I'm satisfied with my 970m for at least the next year

Speccy a shit

I didn't make the webm, plebbit.

Proof that this place is filled to the rim with drooling retards.

I'm here since September 2014 you plebbitor faggot.

but why is that important? why do I need to spend money? Is it really that bad to wait 0.1 extra seconds when most of the time I'm doing nothing anyway? If I wanted power I'd just get a server with 50 threads for $10,000, surely?

Here's my rig I guess, I really want to get an exclusive hard drive for back ups but I cant really spend that much right now

jesus christ

I always thought that sage was pronounced "SAYge", and I've been on imageboards since 2009.

It can only just run System Shock 2
I have no money. Pls gibe

Wew nice samefag friend

Wew nice samefag friend

Here, have my first ever build that i put together 3 years ago. Still works fine but yes I need to add a fan or two.

I'm also going to overhaul my drives with an ssd and 2 3TB drives that I plan to put in RAID 1 as to avoid getting fucked by a failure.

you are the retard,
think you are safe from prying eyes because you use windows 7 or linux when there are billion dollars into survelliance infrastructure invested in all levels around you, it's like you want to hide the sun with a paper sheet

Wew nice samefag friend

Wew nice samefag friend


all me :^)


More like stay a little cooler under an umbrella

Defeatist shill detected.

You can find better PCs at the local dump.
In fact, even Atom based shitboxes would outspec that for $100, and it'd probably pay for itself with the electricity saved.
Northwood is the single most inefficient architecture Intel has ever produced. You'd get better efficiency per watt from a wire hanger in a plug socket.

Posting info from screenfetch:

OS: Linux Mint Debian Edition 2 - Betsy
Resolution: 1366x768
CPU: AMD Phenom II X3 710 @ 2.7GHz
GPU: AMD/ATI Oland XT [Radeon HD 8670 / R7 250]
RAM: 3963MB
HDD: 488GB

Built with a low budget of $100 (the EVGA 430W power supply was the most expensive part), runs all of my libre and proprietary (Steam) games fine without any lag issues.

Why live?


Pure autism my friend

Besides, I run GNU/Linux. Fedora, on an ARM mini-PC I got 4free, ita an Allwinner A10, Mali-400MP and 1GB of RAM, pretty comfy to use Of course no usable wireless drivers exist and incidentally the GPU drivers are incomplete despite being a chip made for Android/Linux

It's shit. You're putting yourself at higher risk of data loss without using a battery-backed RAID card with a good chunk of cache. I've seen more problems with Intel RAID than any other solution out there - and you can't even do anything cool with it.

He probably has to use a shitty 720p HD TV as a monitor

I swear 1366x768 has become the new 1024x768. It's just going to stick to the market like a bloody tumor

I've had it for about 13 years at this point, with minor upgrades.
Motherboard is from Supermicro. I have no fucking clue who they are, but the motherboard was free

Yeah, but it had some good moments.


Supermicro? They do servers. Kinda low-end compared to say, Dell and HP, but a lot cheaper. You get good specs for the price.

Awesome, reporting in with the desktop. It's shit, especially since I bought the 970. The RAID is two Samsung 840 Evos in RAID 0 because I'm stupid with money and impatient with games.

I'm currently roasting my processor with video encoding.

Stop using the stock cooler holy shit.

Do you often get problems running Dual GPUs in games?

When I upgrade the CPU I'm getting a better fan. This one is starting to get noisy after using it for about three years.

What the fuck

It browses the web and allows me to run games before 2007. I tried it on with XCOM:EU with everything except resolution low and it ran surpizingly well, besides it going to 80°C within half an hour, but that's a cooling issue.

resolution on low

Does that help much with speed?
gotta go fast

It's a comfy resolution for me paired with a tiling WM (i3), no issues here. Why bother with a new monitor when this one is good enough for me?

1366x768 is the native resolution of my monitor (Acer X163W).

Actually, not really. It's only maybe a little faster than a single SSD. I got a sweet deal on those SSDs though, $350 for the both of them.


What cooler you got on that 9590?


H100i v2

Still can't beat my Intel Core i5 2410M laptop (60c idle and commonly reaching 95c when gaming).
I've already changed the thermal paste, heat sink, and the cooling fan, but nothing really helped to take down the temperatures.

Damn, son.

how are load temps?

I can do worse.

Highest I've seen was at 59° Celsius.

That takes me back.

What the hell are these? Netbooks from 2008?

I got more where that came from.

A Sony UX-380n UMPC


These UMPCs do look pretty neat to me, though. It's the only thing it's got going for it, sadly.

AMD FX owners: What has your experience been with vidya? I have been hearing conflicting info.

It's alright, I can get decent to great FPS on most games. If you can get your hands on a 8350 for cheap and OC it, you'll be sitting pretty until Zen comes out.

I expected this

How do you use Holla Forums without a motherboard?

Surely this is a virtual machine and you've fucked with the registry or something.
You must lag scrolling down a page.

I bet you don't even dream in code.