FBI, DHS Officially Classify Antifa Activities As "Domestic Terrorist Violence"
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First for fucked commies
What a beautiful Friday this is shaping up to be.
This is interesting.
They go back to the 60's
Can't wait to see them get thrown in jail.
I think the most interesting thing here is that there is now obvious proof that Kang Nig allowed the Antifa to run wild when federal law enforcement was aware of their propensity for violence.
Being designated internally as a group responsible for terrorism should have given the feds all the reason they needed to enact an immediate crackdown.
So for well over a year now they've simply watched these people savage attack and murder people despite having all but officially declared them domestic terrorists?
A lot of help that did. Remind me about Berkeley? Chicago? Charlottesville? The million and one other riots I've already forgotten about that happened in the past 2 years alone? Labels mean absolutely fucking nothing if there is not a goddamn thing behind it. Once the (((police))) start kicking down these people's doors then let me know
So, if they're called a terrorist organization, should cloudfire and friends drop them from the internet, like they did to Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack and other KKK websites?
You know le negro hating negro wants revenge on all the cops murdered in cold blood by Black Panthers/Antifa/Weather Underground/BLM.
Antifa literally goes back to pre ww2 era. They were very active in the '30s
Perhaps the ebay-paypal flag treatment?
It's truly Weimerica when you can buy an ISIS flag but cannot purchase a confederate flag.
Time to start pushing this narrative.
Fucking this. Shut all the their groups down over the internet.
Also, can we expect police to do their fucking job and start dispersing and arresting these ducks when they show up? Will there be penalties for jurisdictions that allow them to operate without impunity? Can we shit these bastards now or what?
These golem go back to the WTO bullshit in Seattle in 99.
Wasn't he offered a position at the WH? Did he ever take it? I can only assume not if these savages are still able to hunt freely
It was at the DHS in a Fusion Center. Not somewhere a guy like him would want to find himself as he would be incapacitated pretty much so he declined. He wants to wage war against Marxists.
Horse Shoe crackdown.
Could we get snopes on that?
They were active even before that - at around 2,000 B.C.
Thanks user, I forgot it was at the DHS. I would've figured a job in that department, despite the location, would offer him even more opportunity and resources to go after these guys but I guess it isn't so. "Based Nigger" or not the guy is a cop right to the bone
I know.
From what I understand the position he was offered came with no teeth, and based nigger or not, this nigger would fuck commie shit up given the chance.
Exactly why it's a shame he wasn't offered a position he would at least be suitable for and deserve. He's a man of principle and even stood up to Kang Nigger, earning him the hate of the rest of the apes. Any man who stands up for what he believes in is alright in my book
So certain (((groups))) and (((individuals))) are now officially funding terrorists? Time to mass report them then, because we all know the main reason most of those cucks even appear is because they get paid. Cut the funding, cut the fags.
Also this
The only worrysome thing is they might start to declare every right-wing group terrorists too, although there isn't much more damage they can do to them at this point.
There's rumors of him being possibly nominated as head of the DHS, since Kelly's departure. He already resigned as Sheriff of Milwaukee County. So something is going on:
I am both pleased and displeased by that potential news, he would make a fine head of the DHS but him being of another race being in charge of our safety worries me. However I see no other superior candidate for the time being so if this were to happen I would accept it
Yeah, I hate the "based negro" meme as much of the next guy, but when we're sending them back to Africa, the Sheriff can be last in line.
Looks like I was right about the DNC cutting ties because they saw this coming and all you other faggots saying it was part of the enemies kaikaku or Trump sold out were fucking wrong.
Stop thinking that the enemy is some all powerful God you stupid faggots.
Either that, or Clarke and Carson can be the Führer and Viceroy of Greater Liberia
Not merely last in line but hell, even this
Or just reward him with an estate and lands there, or even here and just ensure he's sterilized I don't know if he has kids or not, probably does he seems like a family man honestly
I don't want to show a pic of it, but his wife is White and his kids are half-bloods…
Fuck, that's not good
Farewell pantifa. I will miss ye. You were a great recruitment tool. Press D to shift Charger into drive.
I've actually got mixed feelings about this as it seems to involve in the Feds more from a jurisdiction perspective giving them more power. Power that sooner or later, this precedent could be turned more aggressively toward the right. Slippery slope, and all that.
I think that the current shill raid has to do a lot with this development. I suggest this thread be made a sticky for maximum exposure.
If the government won't fight domestic terrorism then the national socialists must.
So when can we start submitting tips to the FBI for people on twitter who are obviously affiliated with the far left?
This. The left is in a world of shit. They have no secret master plan. They are down and they need to be kicked further down every day.
I'll believe it when I see it
Well this explains the sudden change of heart among media and establishment political figures. Remember when they were still in apologetics mode for these faggots? Some of them must have caught news that the wind was shifting and decided to change tack right before the bomb dropped so they could claim they were always against terrorism.
It would be an interesting research project to pick 50 or so major media and political figures, go over their statements regarding antifa over the last 9 months, and then track the moment they switched their rhetoric on the issue, if only to see which establishment cucks are first in line for Washington gossip. Those would be the high-priority targets on the DotR, since they have the best connections and access to yet-unreleased FBI papers.
user, I. . .
You people are faggots sometimes.
You should always fight to the death for your enemy's right to free speech.
As soon as I heard that nasty DNC cunt disavow them, I knew they were about to get fucked hard by the law.
I want a public statement. Not ✡Politico✡ saying that they were told that there are possibly classified reports which say it. PUBLIC. STATEMENT.
About fucking time.
Were you born an enormous faggot, or did you have to practice?
We're not denying their right to denounce right-leaning ideals, we're denying them the right to assault people and destroy property over it.
You're both wrong.
First Trump brought back federal civil asset forfeiture. Now the feds have declared Antifa a terrorist organization. Tell me, what do the feds do to terrorist organizations?
They hit the funding.
Expect arrests within a month. Low level ones, but within a year major Soros allies from the media will be on trial. Within 2 years Trump will seize Soros fortune and use it to build the Wall.
Still not tired of winning!
Antifa shmashes up people's windows, set garbage cans on fire, and hurl bottles of piss at people.
Do you interpret this as free speech?
I think we need to embolden them. The crazier their behavior the more harm to their public image.
Make a fake account for some gay Alt-Right group, claim that there will be a march in Berkeley, then send them rampaging around the city with tweets. Take pics beforehand of various businesses, then retweet them and say you're there. This will send the antifa there and we all know what they do to businesses that harbor Nazis.
Get fucked, commies
Except now normalfags are told that Antifa are actual terrorists.
If you don't understand what this means, then kill yourself.
The statement will be given at an opportune moment, leave the pantifas to stew a little in limbo; not knowing if they are in terrorist watchlists or not.
Get fucked commie scum
Did you even read The Art of the Deal? Trump states multiple times that he doesn't announce anything until he's done all the paperwork and permits. To do otherwise invites land speculators and jacks up the price.
Besides that, if you want something built right you must plan it. In this case that means prototypes.
You really are a dumbass if you think that one of the greatest builders alive will do a rush job.
He announced the wall like 2 years ago
In light of antifa's recent terrorist status could this be a reverse sting operation?
Yes, you’re a retard.
You are in the wrong neighborhood, motherfucker.
Do those words trigger you faggot snowflake?
You're not very good at this. Get rekt, terrorist scum
Judging by the shill to post ratio, I say we hit just the right spot lads.
Good eye. Every time America wins the SEO shills report in for over time.
Time to justifiably go after the Marxist-terrorists' financier, George Soros.
So how easy would it be for them to rebrand and avoid all of this? Most of these won't publicly support AntiFa so slip through the cracks as well.
Organizations like BAMN are harder to rebrand because we already know who's in it.
I will fight to the death for the right to free speech of ANYONE WHO WOULD DO THE SAME FOR ME.
Does this mean killing pantifa on the street even if they don't attack me is legal now?
"The thing about us fascists is, it’s not that we don’t believe in freedom of speech. You can say whatever you want. We’ll just throw you in an oven."
Hmmm… This thread was anchored
because its fake news
but now its stickied.
>As Politico points out today, previously unreported FBI and Department of Homeland Security studies found that "anarchist extremist" group like Antifa have been the "primary instigators of violence at public rallies" going back to at least April 2016 when the reports were first published.
Yes but isn't it only "Antifa" that's classified as terrorist? All the others get away and they can slink away to other groups. They're screwed either way though, now that this has happened. The precedent has been set; alt-left is now a problem and won't stop.
But that's not why I dislike antifa.
I don't believe in the concept of 'free speech'. I hate antifa because they're degerates Marxist scum, they are the gutter-trash that the illegitimate legal infrastructures acts to inhibit the elimination of.
Free speech hasn't benefited you at all, it has only resulted in the gradual destruction of your peoples and nations, because those who screamed for their destruction were legally required to be allowed to keep screaming, and their screams gradually shifted from abrasive rabbling to seductive manipulation. Now, those voices have become an existential threat - and you can't bring yourself to silence them, you believe your 'rights' and 'documents' will save you from their teeth and claws.
And you are wrong.
I fight to the death for the right of anyone to speak, even if I disagree with them on everything else, so long as they would also fight to the death for my right to speak. Anyone who doesn't uphold that ideal can jump into the ovens and fuck themselves
There's nothing to avoid at this point m8. All this article does is cite Spring 2016 reporting - according to politico - by various government organizations stating "leftist anarchist extremists" have been engaging in what would be described as "domestic terrorist violence" at events.
Antifa has NOT been named as a terrorist organization at this time.
This article - and thread - seem to purposefully conflate the matter to make it appear as though, given the massive petition efforts, success had been achieved ala having antifa formally and publically recognized as a terrorist organization; but that has not happened, this article does not report that.
Then you're an idiot.
1) You aren't psychic. So say I tell you I'm down for that - but then when I get into power, because you let me speak, I stab you in the face and laugh as I rape your children to death.
2) See
Your whole argument basically amounts to an expectation on your behalf that your enemies treat you with egalitarian intentions so long as you do the same to them, and they have no intention of doing that - I have no intention of doing that - and will gladly employ your naive foolish idealism to ensure I am allowed to speak my ideology, implementation of which will wipe your free speech away in favor of laws inhibiting propagandizing on behalf of Marxism, homosexuality, post-modernism, feminism, and similar ilk.
Glad that guy shed his skin away from his cucked family and virtue signaling failure of a father.
Freedom of anything is acceptable until it undermines the integrity of the race/country and produces negative,unhealthy, & disgenic consequences to the society and its people.
This how the jew took over the US in the first place by citing Free speech and then using it and their media to push anti-American subversive ideas as if they are mainstream.
Are You Being Semitic?
Good now corral soro's and nip it in the bud then go after hilldawg and pedoesta.
Here is your (You)
Might as well just go blow a random black guy on the street, the way you're obsessing over this nigger's basedness.
Fuck off you dirty sub-human rat shill. You lose.
I doubt it. There's no one better than a kike at concealing, hiding, and stealing wealth. This guy is like a grandmaster kike when it comes to finance. I'm sure there's countless ways he can offload his fortune so no government can touch it.
you fucking idiot.
It isn't their speech as that is kindergarten tier/ asinine based of a dumpster load of jew brainwashing easily spotted debunked and disregarded like you would step over a dog shit.
Free speech isn't the issue,the issue is these rallies and renta mobs are being paid by fucking jews to push the (((rats))) beloved communism when not one of them has actually lived under it.
Talk all you want from that side you will be made to look like a fool factually yet when you start violence because your ideals are jew fed bullshit and no one cares you will get dealt with and you won't like the results.A terrorist has no rights and can be detained and water boarded indefinitely.
B -but I only went because my short dark curly haired friend with a hideous hook nose told me to so I could get paid.
Aw shit nigga, what are you doing! Everyone has a right to free speech. When that speech becomes illegal protests and violence, it seizes to be speech and becomes criminal violence. Right wingers have always followed the law, while the left did what it liked. Remember the obama power grab with their federal legislation, prepare your anus because this same system they were using against us is now going to be used against the left.
You know how we protected the free speech events in Boston? Because the entire park was lined with men and semi-automatic rifles wearing better equipment then the gaurd or the police who stood back and didn't even have to do their jobs to separate the two; the commies didn't even want to come close to these men because the sight of a armed populace kept them at bay.
Because he totally said that and you're not jealous at all that a nigger has more worth than you.
You'd probably let him fuck your wife and fluff him first.
no ur a cuck lol!
Does this mean that every police chief, dean, and mayor who supported and allowed these fuckers to do whatever they want can be retroactively charged with supporting terrorism?
Nigger. Get off Holla Forums.
This answers a lot of questions about this week's Media Shillstorm.
Wheels of justice turn slowly, and the FBI must have had this reporting cooking for a while. From 2016 looks like. MOREOVER, they kept it HIDDEN from the DNC/MSM until the last moment. The whole shillstorm this week has been the DNC/MSM's last minute scramble to distance themselves from this oncoming train. Tweets and statements have probably been being deleted all week as everyone covers their tracks to avoid being linked in any way to a legit, actual literal domestic terrorist organisation. The Media and DNC's support for Antifa's violence, rioting and violent political suppression over the last 9 months made them brash and confident, and also they now realise, exposed. They never expected, in this rotten age, that there were officers of the law left who would do their jobs and defend the rights of American people. They are now scrambling over themselves to disavow and memoryhole everything, throwing Antifa bodies under the bus by the … busload.
I had my doubts about FBI user before. But now I am confident that there is a faction within the FBI that is sick of the corruption, politicisation, and just general going to shit of the United States. They did their jobs, AND they kept quiet enough about it to prevent those in the Media and DC who supported this violence from finding out about it. Never forget that someone in the FBI may have just torpedoed their career for this report.
Dig all open DNC/MSM support for Antifa over the last 9 months. Archive everything. Happy FBI Friday.
This made my day. The salty left will be pissed even harder that the fascists in the government will make them all terrorists. FUCK EM. Id go antifa hunting in Pittsburgh ffs.
I doubt it,yet given the stand down order by Cville wig leading to the death of a woman that could have been prevented if not for their lack of presence after being to ordered into dereliction of duty by a stupid cunt with a jew in his ear instead of allowing the LEO make sure everything was conducted in a lawful manner.SO the brainwashed blubber whale was killed by direct result of gov malfeasance.
Open domestic terrorism has been lauded, supported, and promoted by the Media and establishment for over a year now. No-one had reason to expect the FBI was going to come out with this report. Even the DNC was caught unawares.
Thank you and they got owned in Philadelphia by Commissioner Timoney and had all their stupid puppets confiscated by PA Staties during the RNC Convention pre 911,
It's was all free Mumia back then .
NOW they're fighting the system! kek.
I know it's not OPs headline, but it's misleading. Antifags were not classified as terrorists by DHS, but some of their behavior was. Big difference.
Frankly I hope they never are classified as "domestic terrorists" because that opens a big can of worms that's better left closed when all we are dealing with are Liberal Meth Heads. Yes I know all about Soros. But we already have legal tools for dealing with Organized Crime and Street Gangs, apply those laws to Antifa rather than opening up Black Site Renditions for Americans.
Lefties are neither American nor are they people. They're walking, expendable meat suits. They have no worth. They're the epitome of scum. Every single one.
Here's the evidence.
yea the black site shit in the patriot act is scary shit.I personally want to kill every last one of them irregardless of their brainwashing NO PITY HERE yet if we use the laws we already have in place meaning vote only ppl in that will exercise those laws then ok if that don't happen something has to break and when it does seize the moment crush all jews and their subversive tactics.Expel them that seek to and actively participate in your destruction.They used nepotism and a fed bank license for jews to control money to get the top power now they are trying to muddy the water of where the true power has always resided.WHITES
spread that as examples and evidence is unending.What do americans hate most fear most want to kill most Terrorist its an easy transition to correlate all jew behavior as terrorist acts.:)
That reminds me of a documentary or something I saw where kikes were bragging about how tough they were and how their gangs kicked the shit out of white supremacists, nazis etc. in New York or some shit back in the day.
Oh shit forgot about all that.LOL
That butt hurt must be massive.DGAF
jews losing the media only leads to jews losing political power then the monetary fed reserve so yea we on course to kick them all out it happened so many times before this is no different the jew has to gtfo then we whites go back to being in public opinion the most apex kick ass ppl the world has ever produced as in look at what we built nigger, chink, spic , poo you didn't do that we did DEAL WITH IT.
Reminder that there is still no actual public statement of classification and no evidence–even in the form of leaked documents–that actually says what the title claims.
When we’re sending them back to Africa, the David Clarke and Tommy Sotomayor will be at the back of the line, holding guns to the heads of the niggers in front of them.
Added a few more "pride patches" …
I will stand behind them as a white American and put a historical cap to the back pf both knowing finally the jew bought & brought nigger is gone no longer able to suck welfare and back where they belong.In their home country.You be cray cray hating them white that be giving yall welfare and affirmative action nigger.
niggers are stupid they need to go home to africa
they're not just retards, they're pussies
Read the article, the FBI referring to Antifa as violent instigators goes back to April 2016.
Any social media salt yet?
Marxism related subreddits like /r/socialism are probably assblasted, check them.
#NoPlatformForTerrorists or some shit
Given that there’s no actual confirmation of this, why would they be?
You're a faggot.
And you actually are a cuck.
Both of you: kys
And there's no excuse for it.
There's nothing to be assblasted about.
Internal documents from Spring 2016 suggested that antifa's actions equated to domestic terrorist violence.
The organization itself has not been designated a terrorist organization.
This thread/article is very misleading.
I have one super lefty friend on facebook that's been ranting all day like an unhinged maniac.
Her last status:
With the beating Antifa is taking in the press today, it almost makes you forget a fascist killed someone in Charlottesville.
She also said that she would, "Mask up and fight with Antifa and stomp Nazis until that fascist in the white house is removed" and that she "doesn't care if she's on a list now for saying that".
Kek I have been enjoying today greatly….
I KNEW there was a reason the narrative turned in a dime and Nancy Pelosi, Paul Ryan, CNN, WaPo, Trevor Noah, and all the other people who were praising antifa a week ago all came out denouncing them within the span of 24 hours.
The DC insiders were notified about this ahead of time, so they could stay ahead of the curve and denounce before the wave hit them.
Its about time the authorities took notice to the violence instigated by the alt-left. Local authorities have been deliberately turning a blind eye to alt-left violence and ordered police to ignore them as they attacked random Trump supporters to and from rallies.
l m a o
Protesting is fine and can't (and shouldn't) be regulated by the government. When it becomes a riot and escalates to violence or property damage then yes, that's too far. Otherwise, you'd hypothetically get legislation that demands protests can't eg block roads or can only be done in a park, or basically out of the way and ignored.
Should have responded
Read the thread before you comment newfags.
Why are you being mean to me, faggot?
Because the OP sucks cock and is misleading you.
A normie looks at your kosher Alt-Left memes and thinks "oh, I'm not like those! I just support Bernie and the moderate parts of feminism and BLM! These people are tarnishing Real Socialism!"
Here's a (you)
No. The comments did not cause most of Trump's advisory councils to be disbanded. That was going to happen anyway.
Too many fucking leaks. Shit that's a real jewsy leak too. >leak to allies of enemy group that they will be labelled an enemy group
Thats pure sedition.
I think they might have come to the conclusion they went too far with the fraud and propaganda on Charlottesville.
They'd sort of be getting it from both all sides. The brain bugs will be worried that this was so ham fisted they may end up with smoking guns being jammed in their faces, then you've got the low iq true believers maybe twigging that something is wrong with it all.
Then you have Trump who although is a stooge that won't call this out he definitely can't afford to go full Obamatard on it anymore. It just jags against pretty much everything he came into power on. Honestly whoever came up with this strategy is probably a retard. The 'left' have been calling everyone hitler and nazis for months, the president is on record acknowledging a lot of what happens with the media is fake. To then adopt a completely biased outlook to this incident in attempt to pivot towards embracing the swamp, never really going to work.
KEK is testing us by not giving dubs to the above post.
They are subhuman so "human rights" does not apply to them.
This. 'Alt-Left' makes it appear as if only Antifa is batshit and the rest of the Left is somehow okay. Fucking ditch it.
Now if these fucks keep it up they'll really be classified as terrorists.
Venona Papers
This. Right here. This.
But really they don't need much encouragement. They're hardcore batshit zealots. They're convinced that not only is "God" on their side, they're convinced that the establishment will continue to be so.
The core won't get the message until they pull another big stunt and end up gunned down, which I can't wait to see.
Antifa was only intended to be a tool for the elites to silence and stop populist movements, obviously. Now they must put them back in their place before antifa gets out of hand and becomes too big and powerful to even rival themselves. Yes, antifa members are a bunch of faggots, but the organization has a lot going for it that could make it something much much more with the right leadership. What would you do with millions of black clad violent zealots who'll do whatever their told to do, Holla Forums?
Just the activities? Not the group itself?
Are Antifa getting the Islam treatment in which media/politicians pretend some imaginary moderates don't agree with violent actions that benefit them directly?
If there's one thing we should do is compile as many images of hose pathetic antifa cucks into a few mega-images.
We need to up our shitposting and ridiculeing.
One who performs terrorist activities is a terrorist. Basically, any antifag who is arrested now for typical antifag behaviour is a terrorist and should be in deep shit as such, but they can't go around rounding up all antifags yet.
You do know that antifa traces all the way back to before the civil war right?
God was never on the side of sodomites who force people to lie to them with the consequence of punishment. Vice editors even unironically advocate the worship of Satan.
We are on the right side and that's why we're winning.
Yes, but he is but one man. And a Shekel loving one, so he must have not given his kids much of his fortune. Nor would he trust them with a way of taking it away "in case of an emergency", since kikes know that kikes backstub. So arresting him would automatically make most of his wealth null. Even being actively sought after court would make him suffer. The hard part is reaching that point.
Why is the FBI keep trying to be /ourguys/?
The /hwdu/ saga proved beyond any reasonable doubt the power of weaponized autism. We found a flag in the middle of nowhere in a single day and captured it, we mounted an assault on a museum to capture the second and we were foiled only because the faggot who went there forgot to bring a box cutter.
It's the little things that separate AWM's amazing work from the others'.
Not a leftist but Marx begun writing his bullshit at around 1840 iirc. If the faggot meant the books behind everything then he is right but it's grasping at straws to make a stupid point.
Thats literally true though. Just because they started labeling themselves as "anti fascists" doesnt actually mean they were ever what they label themselves as.
Remember, fascism and other nationalist movements arose in the early 20th centur as a direct response to communist/anarchist agitators who go back to the mid 19th century. Fascism arose as an anti-communist movement, not the other way around.
Calling themselves "anti fascists" is just a typical jewish subversion technique where they flip cause and effect. "A jew will tell you he was beaten, but will never tell you why".
Thanks Obama
Precisely, that's why I put God in " "; I'm speaking metaphorically, as in their "gods" of the left establishment, "being on the right side of history", muh feels etc etc
He's 100% correct. They're just communist anarchists. The ideology of cognitive dissonance. They're anti- nothing less than society itself. They're the people whose very existence among us will prevent humans from reaching the stars. They will destroy anything good.
I dunno; I feel the same way, but then Trump spawned it so it would be idiotic to assume it's shit. Every time I figured that fucker did something stupid, it turned out in his favor. That being said, I sure as hell ain't going to repeat that shitty meme myself.
Despite being cucked to the core, they occasionally put out a good article by accident.
now that Antifa is officially declared terrorists, I guess we don't need to troll them with the concept of a statue to commemorate the person who killed Hitler
Now when our side protests and fights back we will be labeled terrorists down the road. This whole thing is a trap
It took like 50 posts for you guys to figure it out. Not good. These domestic terrorist laws will be used against us in the future like Obama's executive orders were used against the once cheering left. Giving more power to the state is NEVER a good idea
do you know how long it took these fuckers to put them on the list, while a bunch of treehuggers who will at most burn down shitty hummer dealerships and sneak in to nuclear plants and press the off button were placed on the list Day one of the patriot act
any arrests yet?
The article does not even say that, as others have pointed out. It seems to just say that law enforcement has noticed that antifa acts like assholes sometimes.
Why is this stickied?
Communists with intent to conspire don't have US rights, you fucking nupol (((libertarian))) kike.
Like russia hacking?
Love how media can just make any claims with no proof
Here's a question. Could you citizen arrest Antifa thugs when they're smashing stores and sue the individuals over breaking the anti-communist laws?
or could you sue the organization for being communist?
I suspect the State Department would do it for them
Blow your fucking brains out. All niggers must die.
Does this work?
Always leave your enemy a way out. A cornered rat is dangerous.
You mean that's when Communists/Marxists
changed their name to AntiFa because they
were getting BTFO at their own game?
FBI gets their balls back, the same week RealCoop gets de-Dougie-fied.
has larping gone too far? y/n
Antifa are 12 monkeys tier fuck ups. Labeling this terrorism is an insult to real terrorists around the world.
Declaring them domestic terrorists is far more than just labelling them. What this means is that the US Government can now throw the full force of the police state against them. Expect the nastiest members to see Gitmo
I was ok with fisticuffs if the lefties wanted to fight but the moment they started to try to permanently blind people with chemicals instead of giving them a black eye is when it became a big problem.
A good start .Compilation images.
As many different anifa in one image - we need to make the "he/she is just an expection" less credible.
This is only good news is Charlottesville gets BTFO. But, they were waiting for Cville to jump onto since Russia was getting stale and that other shit between then was getting stale (what was it? It came after Russia.) Now they're going to milk Cville for everything they can and the lemmings, perhaps just the non-white lemmings, will eat it all up. Maybe some white goys, too, since there's a bunch of (((alt-kike shepherds))) in the mix.
Anyway, they're all moralized, but if we get remoralized by believing differently on Cville, then we'll just have that much more nonwhites to shoot. Since they'll be chimping while the Jews try to sneak away out of the action and be (((intellectual))) (((leaders))) from the back of the whole group (not in front, like a real leader).
A leader from the back is not a leader, but an intimidator.
Translation: yes goy, organize and make yourself known to us so we can dox you and imprison you before you become a threat.
The greatest fascist is the guy no one suspects of it.
==RED TEXT== "italics" PENIS
lol nice fail.
Ironically, in the new SJW America, having a past including activism for SJW and antifa arrests on your record are going to be considered requirements for government service, and certainly won't hurt you with any SJW corporation like Starcucks, Gooogle all of them really.
The street fighter terrorists of today, will staff the justice department tomorrow, teaching law at universities, and be our nations judges. It's us who will be shunned, jobless.
If the path continues as they plan, they will be dead long before that.
We will be dead, (((they))) will be judges, prosecutors, and professors. They already control 100% of the media, and CIA/fbi etc.
Look at the police and mayors of Charlottesville and Berkely. They act in perfect harmony, as a team, to attack and injure and maim the right wing marchers, then the media jumps in, with 99% of politicians of right and left, to defend the heroic angels of antifa, and brave police, while calling us NAZIS who need to die.(even though the right side came only for peaceful demonstrations, and we were attacked)
Even Trump supports antifa over us, and Jeff the cuck Sessions has never done a single thing to hinder his precious antifa "anti-racism activists" They are all fucking cucks.
Is it just me or should everyone who's been supporting them be reported to their employers as terrorist supporters? I think they should be held to their own standard.
What I mean here is, the police of these 2 cities are absolutely operating with antifa together against any right wing marchers. The police rescind the right wing permit, they they act as bush-beaters, to drive the right wingers into the antifa ambush. The right are flushed like game, by the police (who are comrades of antifa) then the right is driven into the antifa ambush, heavily outnumbered, to be injured and maimed with weapons, pepper spray, acid and feces attacks etc. Then the media (and 99% of repub and democrat politicians) jump in to blame the right and demand our demonization and that we be hated and shunned and worse.
The Antifa leadership are already reacting defensively and going to ground, but so many of the peons will be swept up into GITMO.
What do you mean that the antifa leadership are already reacting defensively?
I see you are posting on your phone from burning man, and the acid you're still coming down off of has somehow convinced you that you woke up in some other timeline, but I suggest you google the 2016 election results, and then promptly neck yourself.
Yeah as in winner—Trump the guy who supports antifa (and Israel)
Based Stickman – In a jail cell
Scarsella – still in a jail cell
Christopher Cantwell – IN a jail cell
Eric Clanton the bike lock professor? Free as a bird, under laughable charges, which his jewish judge will dismiss to a certainty of 100%
Who won nigger?
How many antifa has (((Jeff Sessions))) Locked up?
The problem with demoralization shills like the guy you responded to is that their plan hinges on people assuming Trump isn't smart. The left is wasting all their time and money on this shit. That money isn't coming back. Just the loss of a piece of shit like Hastert hurt them enough to make Podesta whine. With many arrests going on, they are fucked. UTR in McAuliffe-controlled territory was supposed to be a killshot against the entirety of the right. They can keep making increasingly desperate moves and losing billions. Less likely they can get away when the mounting evidence piles up high enough.
Hey Endchan. This is a little more creative than your previous attempts.
The right needs to step back . SJW avatar lost, they know it they can shout but they are the minority, just ignore the buzzer time to win by doing nothing
How many antifa has (((Jeff Sessions))) locked up?
How many antifa has (((FBI/DOJ))) locked up thrown in FEMA camp?
And why is (((Eric Clanton))) bike lock professor for antifa, free as a bird laughing at his soon-to-be-dropped charges, when he is captured on video committing violent felony battery with a deadly weapon?
Why has every republican cuck politician condemned us, and embraced antifa and sounds like public relations agents for antifa? (Talking about repubs here, obviously the democrats/media are actual antifa confederates)
Hell yeah motherfucker
this is not good
1. commie faggots were doing our work redpilling people on our behalf
2. this sets a precendent for ANY 'dissident' political movement to be labelled as terrorist. all it takes is another false flag, such as the (((james bloom))) car incident and the entire right wing is fucked.
sit rep with this? how the fuck are those charges getting dismissed? the little faggot could have killed someone with that bike lock, he deserves to be raped by niggers in prison
Do you seriously think they will stop here? This is awesome. Now the news can no defend them without getting scrutiny, and they are only going to ramp it up from here. The redpills will be flying.
You know what to do user…
He's out on bail. Trial is moving forward.
Also his trials are not laughable. Someone did the math and it showed he's facing at least 40 years. Over 60 if he gets fucked. Around 16 if he gets all the charges (which he will) and they are concurrent. Either way Tyrone is going to pozz his commie hole.
ALSO another addition, since this may be tried as a domestic terror act, he may get fucked here as well. But this is unlikely.
We need to dispense with this "while X is good in the short-term, it's bad because it'll be used as precedent against us in the future" mindset.
We're on limited time. Trump is probably going to be the last conservative president before demographic shifts make electoral victories impossible. It doesn't matter if precedents set may be used against us in the future, because if nothing happens, there won't be any future for us anyway.
We're always on a limited time. Arm yourself and always be on the defensive, not offensive, should the US government or Police fail to do their job. The great thing about this country is that you don't need to hide in the shadows to defend it.
just in time too
Do we have any actual links yet, or are we still just taking ✡Politico’s✡ word as gospel?
user, we don't question their bullshit when it serves our interests.
If it serves our interests, they must have an ulterior motive. It's that simple.
Even so, they aren't intelligent enough or fast enough to make use of it.
They take months to do what we can do in mere days.
Yes, but imagine how much they'll shittershatter themselves when they go to make a plan, we figure it out, and have a full counterplay ready to go as soon as it rolls out
1 year ago this would never happend
there is hope after all i see, or its the sign that (((they))) start losing control of their "childs"
This isn't even good in the short term you retarded faggot, do you realize how easy it is to redpill people who are complaining about (((antifa))) destroying their monuments and spreading anti white shit?
pro-tip: its extremely fucking easy
Do you honestly think everything will settle down and return to normality just because antifa gets declared a terrorist group? Come on now.
We need escalation to increase to push white people to start fighting for themselves. But you see to think that escalation just means sitting back and letting the left do whatever the hell they want. Escalation requires both sides to continue raising the stakes. For example, there were people arguing that Trump was bad for us because he would calm people down and prevent acceleration. This was clearly bullshit, since things have accelerated far more with him around. Same with this.
The media doing a 180 on antifa is was the signal that this was going to happen. The mainstream left wanted to separate themselves from their golem before this decision was made.
Yeah, thanks for admitting there's no actual link and that you're taking ✡Politico's✡ word as gospel.
yea who cares about all that property destruction and injury for the past several months amiright guys? kill yourself
Sorry to burst your optimism bubble but kikes are not going to run out of money any time soon. Also who the fuck got arrested that's worth a damn? Only high-profile collar so far is that mudshit minion.
New website at casualient.com
What about all those in DC protesting Trump's inauguration, some of whom got 20 years?
Antifa and commies get cucked all the time too, user. The media just doesn't report on it as much as "EVIL WHITE NAZI WHO ATTEMPTED TO MURDER 17 PEACEFUL ANTIFA DEMONSTRATORS WITH PEPPERSPRAY GETS 120 YEARS".
if you're going to get locked up you may as well shoot the bastards
One thing that I've been trying to push in regards to this is Steam. There are a lot of "Assassinate Trump" or "Bash the Fash" style games over there. Because of excessive virtue signalling this means these indie devs either support domestic terrorism or are funding domestic terrorism. This means these games should be reported to Valve so they can be pulled. If not, imagine the shitstorm if they didn't comply and allowed the voice of terrorism to continue on their platform
Wasn't the mayor of Berkeley associated with BAMN and pantifa?
You don't suppose a commie politician might engage in misdirection, do you?
He wants them declared a street gang in order to avoid labeling them a terrorist organization
Listen, man. I'm pretty much a veteran on the internet. I've been on since 2009 and you know what? Pretty much, I've been through hell and back… several times. And guess what? You can celebrate while you can… let's just say that. Because the point of the story is… pretty much. We'll see who the one who's fucking standing victorious at the end of this fucking war.
1) I don't think we have an official list of organizations
2) Antifa is a highly decentralized entity, there is no overall Antifa, there is just a bunch of loosely connected individual groups. no ONE to put on a list.
But Soros, The Illuminati and the Reptilians are already stronger than God.
On the contrary. That is when you should question it the most.
(((Snopes))) = nopes
Why the fuck is this stickied? It's literally fake news. Sources Politico, which sources…. nothing. "anonymous sources" tier, it sources "a report" and never links that report or mentions where the fuck it came from.
I'll join you. Can provide weaponry as well. Also next gun will be a Ruger Gunsite Scout .308. good for popping commie heads
My dude, try 1994…
Checked veterfriend
woah, cheers!
Ebin, simply ebin.
My dude, if only i knew somebody higher up at PPG the helipad would be a good postup for these knock off footclan fucks step in to the burgh. Also tbh look for people with clothing with pic provided. Im thinking theyre related to the anarcho intersectional spider web of alt lefties.
2008 was the start of eternal summer, and you are the eternal newfag.
Ebin trips. I dialed into some weird bullshit and downloaded a video of a pack of wild niggers necklacing someone when I was 12 and never looked back. the early was something to behold. although I wager I was part of the problem back then
Now I feel like a retard.
You're not wrong but it helps to have your enemies fight each other. Among other reasons, why else do you think the jew causes world wars and D&C ops?
ant-ifa are just useful idiots. While it is fun to haymake them when you get the chance, you should never focus on the banker families that are the root of the situation
Well that came out nice.
*You should never focus on just leftists and antifa, what needs to be addressed are the banker families at the root of the situation