So Holla Forums, which one of these games or anything else released this year do you think dropped the ball the hardest? I know I'm jumping the gun a bit but good lord, is it possible to get anything worse than pics related before the year is over?
Biggest blunder of 2016?
Other urls found in this thread:
Legion and…?
Never say never, OP.
But speaking of MN9, I'm glad the CON chat logs are out there proving she wasn't just some CM after all.
File #2 and some other third game I forgot about.
This is gonna be fun!!!
What chat logs?
Legion ain't gonna be a commercial flop. Everyone currently subbed is almost guaranteed to buy it, regardless of the initial critical savagery.
Whether or not those subs drop off later is another matter, though, and it could still kill WoW.
Metroid was pretty terrible. Metroid's corpse is more of a joke, than something to be sad about these days.
Paper Mario: Sticker Star 2 is destined for failure.
I bet Titanfall 2 will fail horribly as well, due to it's release date and community backlash after the "beta" tests.
Nothing will compare to MN9 and NMS though. Reminds me a lot of Tortanic's launch, and total failure. What a clusterfuck. Pre-ordering was, is, and always will be a mistake.
Someone stop him! He's a mad man!
Very nice.
Does mirrors edge catacis qualify? i didn't even bother playing it but i was out the second they said "open world"
Battleborn is a fuckup, but not many people were looking forward to it anyway.
MN9 and NMS, that's a tough one. On one hand, not as many people were hyped for MN9, but that used kickstarter cash to fund it. On the other hand, There was a huge amount of hype for NMS, yet that was made by some indie dev, not used by crowdfunding.
Fuck, tough call.
I honestly can't think something will top No Man's Sky causing companies everywhere to change their refund policy specifically for that single game.
Everything else will be shit, or has already been shit, but they won't live up to what No Man's Sky has accomplished.
What games are even worth playing?
Grim Dawn, maybe?
Estimated budget of 55 million dollars and Gearbox's remaining credibility.
Estimated budget of 4 million dollars and hundreds of thousands of last hopes.
Estimated budget of 18 quintillion planets.
They're all pretty bad, but there's more to consider than just the financial element.
Battleborn is just completely uninteresting from every possible angle. Not only is it inferior to its competitor, it's inferior to everything that came before it. Nobody cared that it existed, and nobody will care when it dies. I'm pretty sure that it has to be the biggest financial failure, solely because of the size of the dev team, vs profits. The others were comparatively small.
No Man's Sky is the first game that's ever so overwhelmingly failed to meet expectations in the eyes of normalfags, so much so that people are mass-refunding it on Steam. A lot of the rationalization that you see with normalfags and dev-fellaters has stopped. This is very far from normal. It's not everyone, but a lot of people actually, genuinely feel betrayed.
MN9 was a disaster because it represented the ideal of Mega Man as a video game series and the remaining hopes of fans, but the dev costs were recouped up front. If it had come out in the state that it did without any kickstarter, can you imagine them making 4 million off of it? If this was any other game, it would have been the same as any other kickstarter. It comes out, it's shit, "We told you so.", "It's better than nothing.", the world keeps turning, and it happens again later.
But it wasn't any other game, because it was meant to be the spiritual successor to one of the greatest game series of all time, for a fanbase that had been so thoroughly shit on by the company that owned their favorite IP. It was expected to be the triumph story of Kickstarter, where a down-on-his-luck dev is given money by true fans, and together, metaphorically "Save Video Games." Instead, everyone got a painful lesson in the reality of the industry. The dev turned out to be just another cell of the business-driven cancer that caused their suffering in the first place, the translation company had subversive elements actively working to destroy it, and Mega Man isn't any closer to being back.
Battleborn is bad enough to be forgotten. No Man's Sky is bad enough that it may well become the normalfag's Spore. Mighty No. 9 is bad enough that it will never be forgotten by anyone who's hobby is video games whether they even like Mega Man or not.
Rumors are going around Premium may be going free to everyone for BFHardline and 4
I never played a megaman game before, if nothing else, it makes me want to play them.
I hope you aren't serious, user.
>>>Holla Forums7275931
after playing the game, I watched the whole webseries, trailers and all the talk about the early access, changes to the models and ripped assets and all that good stuff
It's the hottest trash you'll find ever this year.
Do it, then. Most of the Mega Man games are pretty good. MMBN was my shit as a kid, it's like crack.
Rwby is a game? There's a link for it? I'd like to give it a try..
I still don't understand why CP is a crime, or at least why it is so socially rejected. It's no different than liking BDSM, at this point. inb4 I'm a SJW
Here's a list of games to play for a crash-course on what each Mega Man series is about. This isn't a comprehensive list of what games are good, by any means. Just where you should start if you want to get into one of the series. Each sub-series can be very varied from the others, gameplay-wise, so feel free to drop one and move to the next entry if it's not your speed.
>(Optional) If you really liked MMBN2, play MMBN3. (BLUE VERSION ONLY, FUCK.)
Each optional title is more technically refined than whatever came before it, but it'd be a waste to play the later one first without context, or by being spoiled by future elements.
My nigga. Weigh in on that list, in case I'm forgetting something, or you think differently.
i dont think i've ever been so turned off by a game's intro before.. it was so god-awful; it felt like some underfunded web cartoon, and it went on for fucking ever
How did noone tell them it was shit?
I don't know about anyone else but I loved the shit out of this year.
Because abusing children is wrong? For god sake's, they haven't even hit puberty yet.
Mark, b& this pedo sickfuck.
I guess you're having sex with a porn star for watching porn. Also
You'll find that RWBY has some low key popularity on 8ch, especially Holla Forums, despite us all being aware of how bad it is. In most people, it seems to be that the fight scenes tickle a certain kind of autism. There was a shitton of subtext that shows the creator had some actual depth planned. Before he died, anyway. Also, some of the music is pretty good, if it's a genre to your taste.
Because it disrupts the psychological development of a child.
In the sense that a fetish is a fetish, yes, but it doesn't matter, because it disrupts the psychological development of a child. You can morally act on wanting to participate in BDSM. You can't morally participate in the production of child pornography.
the kids were abused in the making of the CP, you pedoshit retard.
How does one "abuse" something that has no use in the first place?
These niggas forgetting FFXV in november
You'd think they'd learn from MGS5.
You put it out, fair and square, and you take your losses on the nose or you lose a whole lot more in brand respect.
Not edgy enough.
Any game trying to sell on "see blank? you can go to it" is a flag raiser.
Toddlercon is the same thing conceptually, but not in practice, since no actual kids are involved.
Oh, you're just being edgy. Kek. Did you grow a use at some point by getting older?
RWBY is originally a web series produced for Rooster Teeth, created by a japanese, taiwan, cambodian fuckboi extreme freakzoid that worked on the Samurai Afro videogame. The web series is all fucking garbage with terrible humour, intense amount of models clipping through their assets and completely lackluster build up and momentum, with side characters dropped in and out like cut out props, god awful voice acting, STOLEN ASSETS, with edgy-tastic music. You could argue the music is good, because EVERYTHING ELSE SUCKS
However the game is even worse, originally a fan game, with a misspelt title "RWBY: Grim Eclipse", It's 3d beat em up / character action game similar to Dynasty Warriors, DmC: Devil May Cry, TMNT: Mutants in Manhattan.
It's the absolute worst fucking combat system as you're pulling off jetstream sam combos along with ass as the damage system is fucking stupid, if you play as Ruby if you mash your light attack multiple times and then finish it with a strong attack in the air you actually wasted damage potential because THE GAME SET YOUR AIR COMBOS TO DO ABSOLUTE DICK AND YOU CAN CHEESE THE GAME BY SPAMMING RANGED ATTACKS FOR A BILLION YEARS ANYWAYS, autistic wave defense missions where you sit around 10k clearing every stupid wave that takes an entire fucking year, then to switch things up you have to haul crystals at randomly picked places and throw it to a sutpid fucking cart and garbage (((MOBA)))-like LEVELING SYSTEM that fucking sucks, WHICH BY THE WAY ISN'T EVEN CLOSE TO AN ASSFAGGOTS!!! along with the
It is completely shit because the dev team just ported the absolute shit assets from the show that had broken uv textures on yang's hair. The dev team also tried to redo the assets again like a bunch of fucking retards that don't even come close to capture the original look for the sake of "muh framerate" WHICH WORKED IFNE ANYWAYS AND IF THEY WANTED SPEED THEY SHOULD'VE NOT USED THE FUCKING SHIT UNITY ENGINE AND EITHER WRITTEN THEIR OWN OR USE EIXISTING LIBARIES THAT FUCKING WORKS.
Not only that the game has the most anti-climatic boss battle that's a fuckign GREEN SCORPIOIAN, A GREEN SOCRIPAN, A G R E E EN N NNN S COPRIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But it doesn't end there, the fucking retard developers thought it was good idea to add in stupid fucking DLC by importing (((BONUS))) CHARACTERS AT A FUCKING PRICE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Only give the game a try if you want another mighty no 9 to play
I don't know
I'm not the one abusing the kid. That would happen regardless of my consumption of it. Also, if there's profit on CP, I'm not involved on it either. So yeah, it's retarded.
Also, there's a difference between liking BDSM and participating on it. The same with CP.
Also, there's a difference between liking Scat porn and participating on it. The same with CP.
didn't even know this already came out
Actually, that's true. You'd think that an scat fetishist would be in heaven with his dick covered in poop. But chances are reality would hit him and he'd realize his dick is covered in poop.
It should be really bad if it died down without anyone noticing.
Thank you for this post, I enjoyed it.
It's pretty clear that you're just being obtuse, but I'll spell it out, in case someone takes you seriously.
Ultimately, it doesn't matter whether you're directly involved in the harm of the child. You're correct in that nothing bad actually happens from you possessing CP, or cranking one out to it, but the demand for CP ultimately generates production of CP, which in turn harms children. The harmful part doesn't happen on your end, but the end of the producer. Therefore, it makes sense for the production of CP to be illegal.
Since there are also consent laws, and it's impossible for a child to consent, it is also impossible for a child to consent to the production of pornography. Therefore, any pornogrophy that was made with them is illegally obtained audio and video recording, which is specifically outlined in US law as a violation of privacy, and is therefore illegal. As such, all existing works of child pornography would be illegal to possess, even if there weren't specific laws outlawing them.
And that's not even going into laws specifically about lewd shit in media. It's solely a basic human rights issue.
Huh. I just wanted to play with cute girls. I guess I'll stick with Senran Kagura.
But I'm not part of the demand. As I said, if there's profit involved with CP, I'm probably not part of it, so the other half of your post immediately becomes invalid unless you can prove otherwise. It's not like I pay for CP, you have to be retarded to pay for something that you can find for free without a lot of effort.
I'd argue with that considering I lost my virginity with a mature women at age 9, fully knowing what I was doing since I already knew about porn.
If you don't like CP for moral or legal issues, that's fine, but there's nothing objectively wrong with consuming it. Also, human rights erode our society more than CP does.
Released exclusively on origin with no advertising.
Battlefield 1 is barely getting any advertising, you hear of the new NFS game? 2 months later Origin had a sale with it %75 off
Definitely NuMale's Sky
Holy shit, there's a new NFS?
If you want to play cute girls that aren't fucking dipshit retarded with unlikeable personalities, go play Onechanbara Z2: Chaos
even wanting to consume CP is enough to create a demand. There are piles of free shit on the internet that someone made for reasons other than financial gain. Had not a single person viewed said material, however, whatever that reason was would not be fulfilled, and the production would stop.
Of course you're damaged goods. I'm not surprised.
You also forget another part of the problem, which is that the kid indeed stars in pornography. That can have lasting problems even in later life, as what's on the internet once will be there forever, including the footage of a now adult boy sucking cock when he was 10. That can bring all sorts of problems, even blackmail later in life. Problems that the kid was not able to consider back when it was little.
Also, I doubt the kid got paid for making the pornography, making it forced labour, and if it did, it's still child labour, so it's illegal no matter how oyu look at it.
The latest releases of NFS were added to EA Access shortly after release, Rivals was 2.50 on the last sale while NFStm was somewhere around the 10 aud mark.
This is fucking depressing, i feel so bad for the devs, the games look fantastic but no one hears about these games that are released on Origin, and to make matters worse rumors are going around Premium may be going free on BF Hardline and 4, BF4 for example is currently going through a 4x XP for everyone.
Only by circumstance. People who pirate a game still demand the game in question. They've just found an easier way of getting it. The real question is whether you would pay for it if there was absolutely no free alternative, like piracy had never been invented. In any case, the monetary value is ultimately irrelevant, because money doesn't have to exchange hands for its production. This probably seems like moving the goalposts, given my prior point, but bear with me. Like art, (or anything, really,) if someone wants CP, they will produce it for themselves, just to satisfy their own wants. In that case, the consumer is also the producer. Also like art, people are likely to share it, just knowing that other people would appreciate it. Money changing hands isn't necessary for any of this to happen.
You may have known what the act was, but there was no way in hell you could have considered all of the long-term impacts and implications.
The act of consuming it is not what's wrong. The possession of an illicitly obtained sex tape, which necessitated the stunted development of a child, is what's wrong.
If you really believe that, then feel free to give up your right to right to have an unusual opinion on this issue.
I don't think my PC can take it, but if it's on PS3, I will give it a try.
Which is retarded because there's no profit for it.
Name 3.
This is like rape or revenge porn can be a lasting problem bullshit. It was sex. As an adult the kid have to get over it, if not, he can just kill himself and nothing of value would be lost.
Never really said the contrary. Marijuana is illegal and pot heads adore it and is actually socially accepted, so I don't see how CP isn't. I don't want it to be legal, it's just surprising that it's used as a weapon to take merit from a person even when it's so common.
Yeah, but you can be vocal about games, not with CP.
I completely agree with you there. Then it's irrelevant if there's high demand or not, since the consumer will probably make his own. If not, then nothing happens, because there's not a direct dealer, or at least not a lot.
Like what? My penis only grew bigger after that. Nothing much changed, really, in fact, it helped me to be more social.
Consuming = Possession. Or am I wrong? In any case, if this is like drugs, then what's wrong is the sharing. If you produce your shit for your enjoyment, cool. But if there's a lot of free shit around, is exactly for the sharing. But even then, there's nothing particularly wrong. You produce your shit, you handed it for free, and someone else will enjoy it. The production would have happened even without the sharing part, and without a profit, there's nothing else wrong.
I was thinking more in how human rights threat people who break someone else human right. The fact that everyone should have the same rights, even the ones who breaks them, is retarded.
Sage for being way off-topic.
MN2 and Stillborn are fucking trash, but at least they werent such a big fuck up that both Steam & Sony are both offering unlimited refunds for them
Was this really necessary, Lime? A warning would have sufficed. It's not like I'm shitposting, check my post history.
Ignoring the fact that Holla Forums is not exclusively used for discussing video games, and Mark has all but codified that, there are threads being spammed with garbage that need you a whole lot more than this thread does.
No man's sky for sure. That thing got toasted on Steam reviews. I haven't bought any of these games and all I can say is thank you jesus.
It was so shit everyone forgot about it already
terrible. Made by Monty. He got popular off those Final Fantasy and Dead or Alive Crossovers that imitated action scenes from popular movies like matrix reloaded. Cartoon is trash. The only interesting this is what happenend to the creator as he was killed by his girlfriend with cats. A much more interesting story. It also has a manga currently running which is trash as well.
Do hot pockets cause cancer? The food I mean.
could be, its processed shit after all
I need to remember this. A game even the normalfags can't defend.
No, read it a bit further. The post I made was legitimately off-topic, but used video game piracy for comparison as a point in the discussion. I did link the post that I was banned for.
Probably, but basically everything does.
I really like your point of view, especially during the MN9 part, if my favorite franchise got cucked like that i would make sure no one forgets about it.
Kek. I wasn't banned. Told you Rule 8 is the stupidest shit. Shame you couldn't continue the conversation
I only remember it as "Lines: The simulation".
Inshallah, brother.
So… does this mean SC won't be a flop?
that isnt limitied to children. you should stop when your mate says "no", regardless of age
This year user
Will be the year of space flops
Why would Roberts end that meal ticket this year, he has at least 3 more years before backers demand progress.
That full house qualifies it. I had already actually even forgotten that it came out XD
It took me way to long to figure out that you didn't mean "British friend."
How are you guys forgetting about SFV? It barely sold 2 million copies within the first 5 or 6 months, the game is getting worse, and it came out as an incomplete piece of shit with offline input delays, and sleazy microtransactions. They even added more hypocritical-bullshit censorship.
On top of that, Capcom didn't even bother to fix things like Survival mode; they just added more fucking microtransactions.
Juri isn't going to save this piece of shit game.
I seriously forgot that existed.
It's not just these games, it's the entire industry that flopped.
We've seen it building up for decades. The games industry has lost all sense of what it was.
Remember when game designers actually enjoyed what they made?
When it wasn't an endless slog of thousands of novice programmers, tumblr artists, and the like working like little cogs to generate the same garbage as what people bought last year?
At this point, I think we're going to see a crash. It's not going to be as obvious as some would think. But the reality is it's already begun.
We're seeing Sony, one of the most corrupt companies in history hemorrhaging cash.
Microsoft is struggling to release a new console hoping it would attract some semblance of a market.
Finally Nintendo, a company which is doing its damn best to kill what fanbase it has left with legal action.
We've already lost hope in the industry, but I think No Mans Sky along with the rest of the year's blunders have done the same for normalfags.
The problem is what happens next, will the larger game studios cut back, slash costs, try to make something new rather than a standard rehash?
Or we'll we see the very worst year for games in 2017?
I would like to see more bold risks, even if it's with existing IPs. But I think at this point, we're going to see the dying thrashes of an industry that forgot what it was.
Those of you that want to make a game, this is the time. Bring our industry, our hobby back!
mirrors edge catalysis came out?
I don't think it'll do well. It's a hugely ambitious game with hundreds of people working on it with top-notch actors like Gary Oldman, Gillian Anderson, and Mark Hamill that is exclusive to PC with expensive conventions on a crowdfunded budget that was less than GTA V's. They apparently have one and a half million registered accounts and often make well over 200k per day just on donations. It's clear that any liabilities will be covered with the promise to investors that the game will come out.
Yeah, and it's shit. The game has this red ribbon that shows you the exact route you have to take. It's the most linear free-roam game I've seen. It may as well be on rails.
I forgot to mention that you don't take bullet damage when running. Just click at any portion of the video and you'll find that the gameplay doesn't evolve in the slightest.
I'll also point out that around 3 and a half hours of the game is cutscenes, so the game can easily be completed in less than four hours.
Is anyone still playing Nu-Battlefront?
I'm still baffled by people not realizing SFV is a flop. A shitty Wii-U fighter outsold Street Fighter V. A Wii-U. game. outsold. SFV.
Let that sink in.
MN9 and One Man's Lie never really had a chance of being good. It was obvious from the very beginning that they were both going to be terrible games. Plus, the kike devs are probably still walking away with some profit.
Meanwhile, Battleborn had a gigantic budget and an already established studio behind it that supposedly bet the farm on it. And it completely bombed.
It's definitely the biggest blunder from a financial point of view.
That figure only included the PS4 sales, but yeah it was a total blunder
Any word on Steam sales?
No man's sky unfortunately wasn't a commercial flop so they got away with it
I'm gonna go with Blunderborn because not only it sold like shit but since there's no people playing it it's also dead
Did you actually think they would be good?
Help me Doc I think I've caught a case of the dubs!
The original concept of MN9 was going to be this really beautifully-done 2D game. Don't really know much about it since I was barely interested in the game. With NMS , though, actually had some gameplay with giant space battles, actual RPG elements, terraforming, and non-shitty flying. If they released it for $20-$30 as a beta and started copying Subnautica, then it would be miles better.
Why do you misquote me, user? Is because you want your online persona to win at all cost?
It did, but a lot of shit happened. Inafune being a hack and licking mobile games and that SJW from the forums that banned everyone with a different opinion. I don't think MN9 was bad, it was just mediocre for what it was supposed to be in every single way excepr conceptual
The difference is that you're putting yourself at harm when you smoke weed. It's your own fault when you turn yourself retarded. With CP someone got harmed in the process, consumption doesn't even matter in that regard.
Doesn't mean that consuming it doesn't encourage more to be made. It's a business after all.
MN9 without a doubt. For three years it was like a train-wreck where it seemed like every month Conman Infune kept fucking up, and you couldn't help but watch.
We're not there. No Man's Sky is another delicious failure that's souring normalfags, but we're not there yet.
I can feel it in my bones. There are three events that we're slowly heading towards.
Developer here. The entire industry is fucked, for a number of complex reasons that would warrant a blogpost.
Long story short is that gamers should stop buying games unless both of the following are true:
1) The game is from an independent studio
2) It's actually a good game that gives you value for your dollar, and you know this because you didn't pre-order it or back their crowdfunding or buy it before it was actually finished; rather you come to Holla Forums and people say "oh this is a great game user you should totally play it."
To take No Man's Sky as an example (or Star Citizen, or many many others), as a developer one looks at their feature-list and their team/experience and their timeframe and say "no fucking way." You watch a "gameplay demo" and immediately see how they faked the whole thing. You watch a Let's Play or read a review and know it was totally paid for. This is 99% of the kickstarters, early access games, AAA garbage, you name it. Even steam reviews are for sale now! Players can't see beyond that veil because the game industry has decided to master deceptive business practices rather than master making good games (due to the influx of investment banker and government involvement – I'll say that and save the rest for the blogpost!), but always assume you are being lied to unless there is an actual game that other gamers (not hipsters, pop culture consumers, etc) are actually enjoying that very moment.
The AAA industry isn't rewarded for making good games. They're rewarded for selling vaporware and garbage, because it's a lot easier to talk about something that sounds like a great game than to actually make one. They are selling intention rather than product. "Oh we intended to make a game where the protagonist is brave and quirky and shatters stereotypes, and it's filled with procedurally generated rainbows and unicorns in a sandbox made entirely from cotton candy…"
Then the game sells millions of copies pre-launch or on launch day based on those words. A few days later the dissatisified customers go "hey this is garbage, where are all the features you promised" and the developers say "oh well that feature is in a paid-DLC and this feature is coming in the first update, and you misunderstood this other feature, so stop being so entitled! Our metrics show many players are satisfied and that the hours of content in the game are comparable to other titles at this pricepoint blah blah bullshit." Translation: "We have your money, fuck you. In 6 months we'll just tell you some more lies and you'll just give us more money!" It's positively reinforcing bad behavior.
So one blunder of 2016 is gamers not realizing they are being consistently and deliberately lied to and cheated; or realizing it and like an abused spouse thinking "This time it will be different! That looks awesome, I'll pre-order it."
That comic leaves out the part where they just copied a flash game. So the moral is, if you try your hardest and it doesn't work, just cheat and steal until you get there.
Heh, well the moral I have taken from my experiences is that you should make games that are inherently difficult or impossible to ripoff by their innovation and level of complexity.
Castle Crusher I believe it was called
successful is a pretty funny term
okay sure they have money right now
like, RIGHT NOW, and maybe not later today since amazon and sony are also handing out refunds now
but do you seriously think papa sony is ever gonna fund their bullshit again?
I remember hearing that the devs were all assholes who pulled the "we're a small indie company" card. I think one of the RWBYfags from the waifu threads called them out on it and got permabanned from the steam community for the game. I don't have the screencaps, but if anyone does, that'd be great.
Exactly, it will do harm regardless of my consumption. So what's the deal?
There's money involved in CP? I mean, I'm sure there is, but when you watch that shit for free, what does it even matter? If there's no profit, there's no business.
We aren't. I wish we were.
Yeah, I think it's pretty obvious that hard work doesn't really work.
Bad idea. Not everyone has the same taste. For example, I bought Monster Hunter because it gets nothing but glowing praise here. I ended up hating it for requiring an hour or more of material gathering before each hunt so I had enough consumables to barely survive, for the single worst camera I've ever experienced in a video game, for the unresponsive controls, and tons of other reasons. People should NEVER let others dictate what they should get, especially in a world of gameplay videos galore and non GJP people doing reviews that actually discuss the game's mechanics. Honestly, with all the information out about any given game months before release, it's easy to get a feel for whether it's something you'll like or not without having to depend on other people whose tastes rarely match yours.
For how long have we been saying that now ?
Wow what a massive faggot
Glad i never watched the series either
I think what that image wanted to say is "you can't succeed without trying."
Was Battleborn at least functioning on release? I know the other two were/are total fucking messes.
I think it might still be the biggest blunder. If you consider how big a budget it probably had, compared to how literally noone cared about it.
You may as well put the whole Wii U console on there, shit sucked with nothing to play on it practically.
I hear it was so so on PC.
I just have to wonder at this point, we're almost done 2016, how many flops do we have left? Is the new CoD and Battlefield doomed to fail?
thanks man.
I think you're conflating CP a bit. A girl that takes nudes of herself as a teenager, or CP that was otherwise made without any monetary involvement, isn't nearly the same as the black market shit you're referring to where money is actually exchanged.
To carry the analogy, a guy growing weed for himself isn't the same as armed and often dangerous drug lord figures.
Possessing a picture, regardless of how the picture was made, doesn't inherently encourage its production anymore than a dude growing weed in his basement is encouraging drug lords (and their associated victim-filled crimes).
Sorry dude, but I heard this song way too many times in the past couple years ti believe that THIS is it.
There are still too many idiots out there who bought NoMansPlay, got frustated, refunded it (or not), and will jump onto the next hype wagon the moment they spot it on the horizon.
I'll start to believe in the end times of "modern" gaming when EA and Ubishit fill in bankruptcy and Kotick ends up under a bridge.
People keep mentioning harm or abuse but they never state what that means exactly. Are we talking about female genitals being damaged, change in hormone production, mental issues, or what? Everyone keeps saying they have to be harmed in the making of these and said underage must be abused because of it when they can actually come out just fine.
Mental issues later in life come from the way our culture treats you when they find out you had sex at a young age (such as shaming or making them feel regret for having sex) or if there was some actual abuse during or leading up to the Intercourse. The biggest thing to worry about is that girls have vaginal Intercourse at an younger age increases the chance of cervical cancer later in life but that can also be due to malnutrition. If both partners are actually knowledgeable about what they are doing, then it is possible to have consent (by law it is still illegal) and not have some sort of abuse and trauma come from it. Especially when you consider not all porn or Intercourse is vaginal. If the female genitals were not developed enough for the male member, then there are other ways to still have Intercourse and not hurt your partner.
I'm not saying that all CP has no abuse but for some reason many tend to think the child is always getting screwed over, gets no joy from the act whatsoever, doesn't have the ability to possibly understand sex, and will always turned into a broken mess later in life when that just isn't the case. Especially when you consider any traumatic event in your developing years can steer you in that direction later in life. Sex doesn't mean that.
No, we're definitely in in a crash, or rather, a recession. The industry's been in shit since 2008. Everything you fags just listed is a symptom of a crash.
I really hope Battlefield 1 is the worst selling game in the series.
NMS by a mile, battleborn is just gearbox fucking up as usual, and MN9 was shit months before it's release.
This honestly sounds like you were bad at the game and so you didn't like it. For one, you wouldn't need so many materials if you got hit less. And even then it onky takes about 10 minutes to gather a bunch of blue shrooms, herbs, whet stones, and cook some steak to survive a few quests. Even then you get first aid potions and rations at the start of every low rank mission to keep you from dying. If you are expanding more than that on early missions then you need to learn the controls and play the tutorials for weapons.
The camera stopped being so much of an issue now that the game has lockon. You honestly shouldn't be having trouble seeing monsters when a single button can keep your view on them.
As for unresponsive controls, that is just asinine. You simply have weight on your attacks and mashing a different button during an attack won't cancel it into another. If you can't control the camera, struggle to kill a Great Jaggi or Celstus, and can't even use your weapons. Then that's all you not adapting to the game. I realize you're not saying the game is bad but your hate comes from not understanding how the game works and refusing to learn the basics. Even casuals at my job have no problem playing this.
'was' is a great term since it is getting refunded to hell and it has a near 85-90% player drop
Exactly the bigger issue is what happens after the majority of the heavy hitters in this industry fall.
Capcom and Konami are close on the chopping block, still in shock how badly they've been performing.
Anyone else taken back by this?
Fucking Capcom and Konami, never thought I'd see them in the shape they are in now. Never thought any veteran studio would fall so far from grace. Granted it's been this bad for ten damn years but still astonishing seeing them go rock bottom but never learning to bounce up from it.
We're going to see the same thing with Sony, Ubisoft, Activision, and EA in the long run.
It's been a rough year for vidya, a terrible year, but at the same time I think we can all agree it needed to happen.
About fucking time this industry got a kick in the teeth, just hope in the end it matters.
Don't forget VR as a whole. No real games, only wii-ish tech demos. Great job, Faceberg & Valve.
Mafia "BLACKED" III, Watch Dogs (in San Fran) 2. & Battlefield 1, but that's been brought up already.
Forgot my other pics
Sure there were changes in TF2 that I didn't like, but the single player guarantees it to not flop.
Capcom are still doing ok, shitty DLC bullshit with SFV aside. They're still cunts but they've seem to weather off the low profits they saw from a few years back.
Konami is definitely and deservedly dying, especially after letting their legacy franchises like Contra, Suikoden, and Castlevania die, focusing everything on Metal Gear, then killing that too (though Kojima does share some of the blame as he was Konami's VP prior to leaving). And let's not forget them buying those Hudson properties and doing fuck all with them.
Fixed. This shit has been going on since 2007/2008.
Nobody mentioned Starbound? Is it really that forgettable? Well, I guess it is.
Starbound came out years ago as far as I'm concerned.
I think you should blame early access. The game was "Out" for so much time that when it got it's actual release nobody gave a shit. See
Did anyone remember that game the Witness made by Jon Blow? The one where the secret ending was him walking around his appartment?
I guess that was a small blunder because it took years to come out, all the puzzles were similar, and even though discussion came out this year I honestly cant think of a single soul that remembers it
I think in most situations that the typical environment is one of hostility where the actors are not payed enough for, the child isn't cared for and is used solely for the video they record.
Strange enough I could see a route to ensure the child actor isn't harmed and is used as just a sex actor model in a video as long as they are cared for and the script planned correctly for the child actor to handle the stress of whatever acts were planned.
I do have a stomach bulge fetish in my chinese cartoons, but I don't know how a real small girl's body would handle it.
Or maybe the actors just do it because they, I don't know, enjoy fucking kids.
That's why people insist on some kind of syndicate for prostitutes and working minors. If they're recognized by law, they're less likely to suffer harm. But the mindset that selling sex and kids can't have jobs prevent this. I'd say it can encourage it, but there should be away around that instead of just banning it and covering your eyes.
If they're used to it, they could handle it as good as an adult woman. But an adult woman wouldn't handle it unless she is used to that too.
why boner
this video covers it pretty well
Once again it's another case of something "bad" that is only bad due to not being handled correctly.
Also I'm not sure how likely you will have children to volunteer for this shit as it can be assured most CP is made by forcing children into to it. But if you can somehow get those volunteers I wouldn't see why not it shouldn't be worked out.
The main complaint with CP is that it affects the child being recorded in negative ways. Also the whole moral shit of sexulizing underage- but that's a side problem. If it's averted- then I don't see the problem anymore.
You're still gonna catch flak outside of internet arguments since it's a huge stigma that people will pin to you for life with and will always label you as such in pity efforts to get you to fuck off. It's sad how that works.
What's funny is the Wii U STILL has more games than the Xbone or Shitstation 4.
This gen has been a catastrophe.
Some people have been erroneously assuming it would be coming out "soon" ever since it was announced several years ago. It's actually soon now. If you've seen the recent videos of sieges the game looks damn near, if not totally, complete.
I seriously doubt that. Wii U maybe have more worthwhile games than PS4, but developers are more willing to produce for the PS4 than the Wii U.
Children aren't stupid, specially now in the digital era. They most probably have an idea of what sex is and that it feels good. Some of them volunteer alone as in CP selfies, but saying that you force someone for being the one suggesting it is stupid.
I know, that's what surprises me the most
It's still to early to give a "of the year" award, Star Citizen is still in with a chance if they "release" in the next 4 months.
Didn't Jared Fogle actually fuck kids?
As it's been said ITT, there's a difference between watching CP and fucking kids. I don't think that fucking kids is particularly wrong either, but it's more severe than just watching kids getting fucked.
I guess those kids got extra mayo in their subs
No, I'm talking about defending CP. Normalfags will linch people if they know there is a potential that you could be some kid toucher.
Think of the children as they say.
You ever ask Subway for just a little bit of mayo and see what actually happens?
If the children initiate it, it's less horrible.
It's still bad because of the potential transmission of diseases (which the kids will probably not know about) and because the parents have probably not consented to it.
Welcome to Holla Forums, I hope you enjoy your stay.
There is no chance in hell of that satan.
Good try, Satan, but it isn't coming any time soon.
Not only normalfags. Remember when GG wanted to fuck that Nintendo Treehouse girl for defending CP? She was a cunt, but not for defending CP. But what's left of GG are a bunch of normalfags that use Reddit anyway.
The STD is a valid point. I guess if both parties are responsible, specially the adult, they should use protection. Althought, if that was the case, there wouldn't be any risk of STD to begging with.
The parents not consenting would be just a legal problem. Parents don't always know what's better for their kids, or even how to raise them. If that was true, there wouldn't be a lot of underaged camwhores.
I was making assumptions because I read a thread on Holla Forums yesterday where a poster was vigorously defending child diddling, telling people how to avoid detection from caretakers.
See for yourself: >>>Holla Forums6130740
Also, unless your wife is also a degenerate, good luck telling her that you nutted in your daughter.
Derailments are a fact of life here, really. We have a thread like OP's on a daily basis really. Most make sense, too.
I have to admit though, how the spore thread went from discussing a failed game to Rocco's art is beyond me, unless you start thinking abstractly like a pretentious faggot.
Polite sage for off-topic
I love me some incest enough to know that that will most definitely get nasty quickly with anybody that isn't 80% of the normalfag mass.
Eh GG is still better than normalfags, they're a reddit/4chan combo that is a bit better than the two. They take the fall so I don't have to so I give my support to them. I have a life to attend to so I can't go about telling SJWs to fuck off and stoop to their level of uselessness on my spare time to use to enjoy my own life.
They do create content to laugh at and are helping take out the trash in this world at the least.
Fucking Gawker is gone at least.
My chinese cartoons that feature 1000 year old vampire lolis doesn't help though, sucks humans can't stay small and cute like that.
Kind of wish I could find that old screencap of some smash bros thread that went on for a couple thousand posts (or so I recall), which by the end had one user berating another user for not seeing a doctor about the fact that he was shitting out of his mouth.
That was mostly Hulk Hogan, really. without him Gawker would still be alright today, and what happened had nothing to do with GG. That GG did it's share is undeniable, but it was just too small to even matter. The same with everything else they're involved with.
At this point, GG is as annoying as SJW,, but between them and SJW, I guess GG is the lesser evil.
Consider that the CP stuff started with this
loli hags are fantastic
I don't think kids have become more or less retarded but they're a lot less compliant these days. Back in the day kids learnt very quickly to obey their parents and so if an adult told them to do something, even if they didn't want to do it or knew what it was, they'd do it. Not so much these days because parents can't parent any more. Though that is mostly due to broken families not giving kids the oportunity to learn what a functional family looks/feels/acts like first hand.
No. They have absolutely no idea until they reach puberty and even at that stage they get urges and blindly follow them until they find something that feels good.
Kids running around naked and enjoying it is more to do with parents giving an unusual reaction or laughing when they did it the first time and are repeating the action (running around naked) in hopes of getting the same (or a new/interesting) response. Children have no grasp on sexuality until they reach puberty.
You can very easily force a child to do something they don't want to do by threatening them or bribing them. It's easier to force them to do something if they don't understand it because they will instinctively look to the adult for guidance. If the adult says "yes you should be taking off your clothes, this is normal." then they'll (albeit hesitantly) take their word for it.
I got raped when I was a little boy. I was 11 years old and was lured into a bedroom by a 40 year old family friend (jewish). I knew there was something wrong and that I shouldn't be going with her even though I knew her well and had no reason not to trust her but I didn't understand what it was. If she wasn't holding my hand I would have probably just not followed her and told my mum. She told me that it was very important little boys learned about girls at a young age and said it was something that kids and parents aren't allowed to talk about together so family friends had to do it alone instead. In retrospect they were really bullshit reasons and I felt sick the whole time. She undressed us both and rubbed lotion on my penis until it got hard, then had me lie down while she forced me to penetrate her. I was fucking horrified the whole time and never really recovered. Massive trust issues and social anxiety.
Then I get onto chans and see faggots like you saying the same shit about kids having to learn about sex before they can fully understand it and how much you want to be the little boy in your favorite /ss/ doujin, knowing nothing about what it's actually like. There is a reason why we have age of consent laws and it's to stop shit like this from happening. Children who have sexual encounters before they have fully developed get mental disorders and if they are impregnated too early in life (say: beginning of puberty, before their bodies have fully developed) they have a massively higher chance of dying during child birth. You can hurr and spout marxist pro-love bullshit all you like but you'll always be wrong, morally and factually.
Gas all pedos, tbh.
Dude Sex, FFXV, Dishonoured 2, Mafia 3, Mass Effects Andromeda
Did I miss any
The Subnautica devs are pretty cool, even if they did fall for the (((Sandy Hook Shooting))) and are refusing to put weapons in their game because of it.
So that just means I have to punch the Sea Dragon to death with my mech suit rather than shoot it with a gun.
I got raped by a faggot a few years older than me and I didn't realise the extent of what happened for another 8 years
Also It's always the Jews
We streamed the early episodes of to catch a predator and it was basically 70% hook noses and rat faces.
I won't give a lot of thought to your post because by this I already know that is Holla Forums idealistic garbage.
Yeah, because porn doesn't exist and it isn't at the reach of kids. Are really this retarded?
I agree, but it's also the kid's choice,
You can do the same with an adult.
They don't, they google it.
So did I. A shame your experience wasn't as enjoyable as mine, tho. Also, you were 11. Were you retarded or something?Because your whole post makes you look like you are.
Let me ask you something,when you were eleven internet existed? If not, were you aware of porn? Your family prohibited you that kind of things? Things changed now, faggot. As a proof, 11yo girls now look like they 18yo, and although that's a shame, there are a lot of reasons behind it, one of them being early sexual awareness or even intercourse with a kid her age. 16 and pregnant exist for a reason. It's sad, but it's reality.
As the other user said, this iis consequence of mismanagement and wanting to cover your eyes against the problem. Mindsets as "hurr kids don't know what sex is" actually hurt children. If you wasn't a 11yo retard and you were aware of what sex was you could have easily prevented it.
Who are you trying to fool? Did you not even see the leaks that just came out?:
Nigger you are completely retarded.
"Their choice" is a moot argument because kids cannot consent.
If kids started murdering each other for fun and wearing the severed fingers of their enemies would it be okay? Would it be another think you'd pin to "it's sad, but it's reality" and then shrug it off like it's not a problem?
Do you really think things are better now that kids are getting pregnant before they've come of age and that we shouldn't try to put a stop it it just because it's normalized?
You're outnumbered here so I don't think your enjoyable experience is any indication
Even if RWBY is technically a winner here I'd still say NMS should take it if you take into account how widespread the hype was.
mn9 was shit all around
No man's sky really didn't have a lot of variations in it and its price tag for the game was asking to much really 30 dollar tag would of been a better amount for the masses. thou after playing it the music is very enjoyable this is probably the best thing of the game is the music, but then it turns into either a grind fest to buy few things then once you are fully upgrade there is not much else to do in the game cept head to the center which just restarts you from the start with all your upgrades
battleborn actually played pretty decently but again price tag and did not get a lot of coverage because of overwatch, the humor did stale out after awhile but the gameplay was actually pretty fun to play and earn stuff for characters was kinda of nice looking forward to. but everything else is pretty cucked from the voice lines and other shit
I've never heard of RWBY or Firewatch,I doubt they're really hyped, plues where is FFXV I thought weebs were hyped for that
Did you even read the GG part? It specifically said that GG was a pain but it wasn't a mortal threat. It just made them bleed
About the leak, I couldn't care less so I didn't look a lot into it. If I get what it says is
I think you're being the retarded one. How can kids consent? Ho adead and explain me, it'll be a shit show,
There's absolutely no problem with kids having sex, unlike kids killing each other. Go ahead, and again, prove me wrong.
The problem is how you go about it, fag. Straight out baning it is retarded because this kind of information comes from anywhere, from the internet, the most accessible tool and without difficulty, to peers and the fucking street. The only way to prevent your kid to even be curios about sex this day and age is locking them in a dungeon. But hey, it's wrong, so we should just ban it, right? That will solve the problem. Or I have a better idea, let's ban porn, or even better, let's shut down the internet so kids can be safe.
You didn't even answered my question Were you retarded when you were 11?
So this is how democracy works. No shit we are so bad right now.
Well the thing is that we have two people who didn't enjoy getting raped as a kid and one who does, sure it's a small sample size but you can't act that it's not indicative of a larger trend you Hedonist
Not out, not on PC.
Have you ever talked to a child? You seem to have this idea that all children are as capable as adult when it comes to sex.
I later realised what it meant
Well as I said it might be a small sample size but you can't deny there isn't a single indication, you're just trying to obtuse things to serve your hedonistic adjenda
Pedo pls leave.
I understand how retarded and annoying kids can be. But I have 3 problems with your video
Have this one instead, it's much better.
I get what you meant. But I actually had sex with a woman, a hot one at that. Uncle Creepy didn't touch me in any weird places or sticked his filthy dick in my ass. Say, it's only bad when men do it ++:^)++
ITT: A pedo comes in to talk about his love of children and the thread gets derailed.
I could care less if someone was a pedo, but the way that they always have to mention it reminds me of a tumblrista turning around and inserting their love of femenism and black cocks into every conversation. Truth be told? Don't feed it Holla Forums.
Go do that then
lolis in general are fantastic
I've never been touched by a pedo, but it was an older boy that introduced me to it and experimented with me. He was 8 and I was 7. Been masturbating ever since.
So while your story about being a sheltered 11 year old getting raped by a jewish shrew is unfortunate lets not pretend that all children are as ignorant about sex.
GG is (trying) to police and get the whole feminist movement angry. They do what they do and I'm glad for it. It's better to have them there than to have the SJWs unopposed.
Plus Holla Forums is better to post at least until the mods go full hotpockets like they are slowly getting to in the past few weeks.
Do these faggots not realize that kids die worse deaths all the fucking time in huge numbers?
Being shot at school is bad, but being killed by your own parent after being raped, and later fed to your older sibling is worse, and that actually happens too pretty often in some areas of Africa as a cultural thing
Unless a minor miracle happens, Ubisoft and EA are pretty much untouchable.
What did they removed? I've been wanting to play Subnautica but my PC is shit.
Mods will kill Holla Forums, One of the reasons to come to this place was the softer moderation. Moderation got hard and that killed Holla Forums,
All boards have been slow lately. I gues they either went back to 4chan or ran off to Librechan.
It was meh. Story was shit this time around too, sand box was unnecessary and fucking ded. The only redeeming quality is visuals, but they are lacking the wow-factor the first game had. Good game for $Â 0, give it a try.
Get out Holla Forums
Didn't Crapnami want to change their focus to gambling anyway?
Them trying to squeeze some last sheckles out of the fanboys before burning every last bridge and focusing on more profitable venues doesn't sound as if they would die anytime soon.
That's what they're doing right now cunt. Open your eyes nigger, intl fucking tricked them into attacking their own board.
The whole industry has been a catastrophe for the past few years. Nothing but half assed AAA rehashes, censored crap, and one major blunder after another. There's no refuge on any platform, it's all the same trash for everyone. Aside from the handful of uncut weeb games that come around, I've been playing shit on my backlog, mostly 90s PC games.
What about the one where OP poured his heart out telling his story about his deceased sister or the Wreck-It Ralph one?
have you even played the game? I just went through it with a friend and its fine. I never had a bug, crash, or any other problem. It was a pirated copy, too, so I'm pretty sure it was the original release. Its biggest problem was its mediocrity, but that's aside from all the conditional retardation the community seems to be laying on it.
I'd like to see the numbers, but I want to say that Stillborn possibly had the highest budget, meaning Gearbox lost the most.
Nu Male's Sky is a close tie if only because they sold an assload of copies and then lost nearly all of their playerbase in a week, saw supposedly "hundreds of thousands" of pirated copies, and then got refund raped by Steam.
Do you think someone can do that? Just shut down the internet and end the ride?
I got a pirated copy too.
This has literally been shown in movie theaters.
At least the porn's decent. Relatively speaking.
It makes me wonder if theres any hope for vidya, they seem to be common on traditional handhelds but I fear as though they're on their way out.
that's because IT IS
Also leaves out that all Rovio has as a marketable/sellable IP is Angry Birds. (and all the licensing/merchandise that goes with it).
They have made other mobile games after it's success, but can you name any that aren't related/spin offs to AB?
Rovio is a company that is permanently leashed to AB franchise and can't make money without slapping it's AB name on something (AB Star Wars, Transformers, Rio, Go Kart). Because the normalfags who have phones don't have any company loyalty/recognition.
How many other games companies have that sad fate of rely in a SINGLE series for money?
A better example of a company going all out on a "final" game before bankruptcy would be Squaresoft with the original Final Fantasy.
as soon as Pokemon Red and Blue (and Green in japan) came out, Game freak has made seven games that weren't based on Pokemon, and only six if you don't count the Gameboy Camera.
Please don't say you stopped there.
I liked HarmoKnight.
Can you turn off the ribbon?
That is really disappointing.
The whole purpose of the game was figuring out the puzzles of run and jump and slide and run.
wouldn't have it any other way
Which year do you think this is?
Someone explain RWBY to me, or more specifically the appeal. Back in high school I was working on an art project in the art room during lunch and the anime club met in there and put an episode of this on the projector. Everything about it was absolutely horrendous, the characters were static, they all looked like over-designed generic weaboo shit, the voice acting was a cringefest, and it sounded like it was written by a 12 year old. Do people ironically like this? What value does this have to anyone?
you know hes the same guy that fucked up Red Vs Blue?
Its the same type of people that licked the ai shitfest season 5/6 of rvb became.
One thing that you didn't account for is the convergence of gaming consoles and personal computers, even right now the current generation of consoles is underpowered personal computer hardware and soon the play station will be just a digital distributor / cloud service for personal computer, just look at how playstation has a client for personal computers.
please use archive.iscircuitbreaker/2016/8/23/12613394/sony-dualshock-4-adapter-pc-mac-announced
The worst elements of generic slice-of-life + mild action anime, mixed with all the physics, model and texture wonkiness of a half-broken install of Gmod. Also includes shit-tier VA work courtesy of the local homeless shelter occupants, terrible animations that look like everyone is either drunk or constipated, and writing so foul that only could host without laughing at it.
Autism, pure and simple. People like to use that as a generic replacement for "retard" since variety is the spice of life, but here it really applies, since the only people who find this kind of thing engrossing are autists who can't follow the plot or appreciate characters unless everything is simple as a preschool book, neon color-coded and unexpectedly edgy for no reason. Same telltale elements that make Sonic an autism supermagnet, repurposed yet again to get a massive audience of mental-defectives who'll never let it go and defend it eternally.
Considering it's the kind of shit that half/co/ has had endless extremely-active generals on, and still does to this day, that should sum up its shittiness quite nicely.
I only go there for the occasional THICC thread that slips past the janitors, sue me and/or my dick.
Alright thanks, I didn't see any thiccness when I saw it but if that exists I can't blame people appreciating it for that. I think that diversity is a big issue in media (lol) and that qt thick girls that aren't hambeasts are underrepresented considering the amount of dicks that would appreciate it. Just look at 2D porn, a huge proportion of it is thick girls, at least compared to what you see represented in stuff that isn't porn. There are plenty of big budget AAA games that will show a traditionally attractive skinny woman in lewd clothing, but none will show thick women even though they'd be just as liked (if not more) by dudes.
I think it has something to do with how 3DPD thick girls usually look like shit while skinny 3DPD look ok, thus they were exclusively depicted in nudie mags or media in general whenever you try to appeal to the dick. But 2D really didn't take off until the age of the internet, and now the people who started their masturbatory careers with the internet will see 2D and unrealistic body types as more normal, resulting in the very recent influx of studio made games (or shows, apparently) that aren't afraid to show 2D with exaggerated proportions (like Haydee or all those kikestarter porn games like Breeding Season). I think over the next decade we're going to see a huge cultural shift in how taboo 2D is. As it is now, if you talk to the average dude he's not going to say that he watches hentai but he'd likely freely admit to watching normal porn, but the numbers don't support that (especially with people under 30). A good proportion of young men recognize the clear superiority of 2D over 3D even though most wouldn't publicly admit it. There's a lot of pessimism about the future of mainstream culture, but I suppose this might be a small glimmer of hope in the darkness.
Sorry for going off on a gigantic pointless tangent, I had just been thinking about this recently and got triggered by you saying THICC
I was talking about half/co/ in general and not in RWBY itself there, as in talking about general THICC threads unrelated to RWBY, but I wasn't clear on that so my bad for not being specific.
Fair enough, my personal viewpoint on it is that culture has no concept of a happy medium in women's weight these days.
We originally had a nice balance going from the 1900s to ~1950s here in America (previous times and other places have fluctuated uniquely, so I'm using a close-to-home example I know), with the average ideal sitting near the middle of the scale between "stick thin" and "blob of flesh". Women who were obese, unhealthy gluttons and women who were too poor/unhealthy/etc. to have any meat at all were equally-disliked among young men. If you were a stick, you needed to put on a bit of weight to actually have substantial breasts and a good ass/thigh combo, and men weren't afraid to point this out. Likewise, if you were bloated beyond that normal point you would typically be mocked as expected for it, and even compared to freakshow performers who made a living off being that unfathomably (in the innocent time before fast food caught on) huge. Of course, normal women tended to get a bit thicker after long-term dating/marriage kicked in, but that's an expected inevitability of no longer needing to compete in the absurd social shit women engage in/compete for attention from men, and it rarely went into full-on obesity.
After that time ended, we went into a delusional extreme of cultural sexual norms favoring women who were unhealthily-small, which lasted from the end of the prior era all the way to the dreaded year of 2007. Being so thin that bone showed clearly through the skin, breast/ass/thigh size suffered greatly and most female role models looked like young boys in drag was the new trend, and while women were all over it for the sake of social-jockeying nonsense, boys suppressed confusion to appear normal and delude themselves into liking it, and men clearly disliked it but put up with it long enough to bag a tiny girl and have her weight go back to normal from day-to-day life in a relationship. The only logical source I know of for this trend is the rise of Hollywood and big fashion, both of which involved lots of women mercilessly slamming other women to make themselves feel better about their own problems, making these environments and any which emulated them perfect breeding grounds for weight-related neuroses among women. Just as with the prior era, most women still packed on a bit of weight without becoming blobs once they got into steady relationships or got married, but again it's always a simple fact of life in most cases.
In the modern era, as is predictable with any social trend that a good chunk of people hate and/or lead miserable lives trying to obey, things swung the opposite direction with equally-bad results. Obesity became the new thing women swung toward, as both a protest against their foremothers' lifestyles and culture, and as a form of giving up on the concept of traditional sexuality. Between culture and sexuality descending into gibbering, incoherent madness, fast food's popularity going into overdrive and men being sick of the "stick-thin" standard to a degree that led to equally-bad choices in the opposite direction, being a fatty became both easier to do/live as for women and more acceptable among peers, while fucking fatties became an unspoken mutual interest that wouldn't draw as much mockery as long as it was kept semi-subtle among young men with confused dicks. The fact that the obesity rate among women in first-world countries has climbed steadily and is only speeding up does nothing to curb this trend, as butterballs become more common and the typical response is simply to accept it rather than forcing change. The ever present phenomenon of women getting heavier once in steady relationships has been amplified severely by this trend as well, since taking an already-fat girl and removing what little standards she has left has predictable results.
A significant-enough cultural shift may be able to loop us back around to the first time, when there was a happy medium, but it would probably have to be the kind that comes from events which restrict food supplies and force practical thinking rather than abiding feel-good bullshit, i.e. a massive war. No guarantees as to whether we'll get even one such event at any point in the future, though, since quite a bit of money and infrastructure over the years has been devoted to maintaining the modern state of stagnation.
Also, on the bright side, you're not the only one who goes on huge pointless tangents because writing them out is cathartic, so there's that.
Also, before I forget:
The way I see it, 2D has become immensely-popular for several reasons, the most obvious of course being accessibility plus quantity thanks to the internet.
However, one of the less-recognized but equally-important reasons is that it allows men to see and embrace ideals in women that they cannot find easily or even at all in real women, from the purely-fetishistic fantasy like aliens and exaggerated proportions, to the tragically-realistic rarities like true love and unwavering commitment. The former is obvious and not much to talk about, but the latter is the crux of why I think 2D is beginning to really surge in popularity. But why would men turn to 2D for things like expressions of real love, rather than just fapping to catgirls and women with impossibly-big tits/asses for purely-carnal reasons before seeking out real women for love?
The fact that culture and sexuality have gone right down the shitter is why, to the point that traditional and perfectly-functional concepts surrounding love, relationships and existing alongside another person as a symbiotic cooperative pair have been tossed out like a baby alongside the bathwater. In the mad quest to somehow give women more equality than the actual, full equality they already had, right down to legal and governmental matters, things like long-term relationships with only one partner to whom you're fully-devoted became regarded as foul tools of male control by delusional women following the cultural herd. Things like monogamous relationships and expressions of love that don't rely purely on sexuality have been abandoned, in favor of "sexual liberation" that's nothing more than noncommittal whoring and betrayal of trust with no long-term gain, but plenty of long-term problems.
2D begins usurping 3D at this strange point in time because it provides something many real women and the delusional culture they've pushed onto unwilling men lack: Traditional relationship values and practices. While real women are an increasingly-lopsided coin flip as to whether or not they'll be "normal" or be part of the mad group that's deemed traditional relationships morally-wrong and cast them aside, 2D provides a satisfaction of the need for this kind of traditional relationship, one where the roles are clear and love is expressed openly without fucking being a total necessity. A 2D girl of this kind can and will show open love and emotional support toward the person partaking in it/the main character, in a way that doesn't necessarily rely on sexual attraction or social nonsense, as is the desire from women among the people who created this 2D ideal and those who enjoy their work.
(shit's too long, gonna have to finish it in a reply, one moment)
Of course, sex is a substantial part of a healthy loving relationship, but it's important to note that sex minus love is impossible to work around where love without sex can be feasibly-resolved with ingenuity. While all you need to sate your body's hormonal urges to reproduce is your hands at minimum or a specifically-designed tool at most, there is no existing hand gesture or lump of plastic/silicone that can provide the sensation of a loving relationship with another human being. You can pay to have a woman of any type that you find attractive satisfy your urge to fertilize a female with what amounts to expensive LARPing, but there's no real way to buy love, emotional support or a strong and complex bond with a former stranger who's slowly become the most important human being in your life just as you have in theirs.
The same cultural delusion that's created this so-called "revolution of women's rights" has not only created a slow and subtle rot among women who won't recognize they've wasted their lives until it's too late to change, it's also left men alone and confused in a world that's increasingly-hostile, and in a time when having another human being to hold close without any doubts or distrust between the two of you is more vital than ever. 2D is still just a surrogate, but it provides something that many men lost the moment they were out in the larger world and no longer among family, and an unfortunate few never got the chance to experience at all: support and closeness from someone who genuinely cares and can be trusted. When the female majority can no longer be trusted to provide a proper loving partnership and emotional bond to men seeking partners, most men naturally retreat and attempt to invent a workaround rather than giving up entirely on the idea or lying down and dying. The result can be briefly summarized in one particular word, which grows in common vernacular by leaps and bounds with each passing moment; "waifu".
I'd like to clarify that I'm not blaming women for this or claiming they're at fault for the dearth of love and trust, despite saying they've mostly lost it as of late, they're just being manipulated into doing idiotic things because it's useful to the people who sell useless trash on lies and govern groups to serve their interests. The only women I'd say are even remotely at fault are the ones who fall into the same category of practically-inhuman psychopaths that holds plentiful men, most of those men being the ones who govern nations openly and run them into the ground, or buy change that benefits them behind the curtain where the public cannot call them out. The men and women both who govern culture, media and nations far from the reach of the common people are the ones who fucked shit up, most women would gladly do things the traditional way by nature, had they not been lied to from birth over generations and taught to seek nonsensical or impossible ideals by media and equally-delusional elders.
Adults and teenagers have enough worldly experience, hormonal development and understanding to engage in a romantic relationship and give sexual consent. Children don't; they are still maturing. If an adult pedophile asked if they wanted to be in a loving relationship, they couldn't really understand what that is and would just say yes out of formality. Preying on that naivete and pushing onto them things they can't yet accept is one of the worst things that you can do.
In short, it's manipulative and would fuck up that child for the rest of their life before they get to actually live it.
Do you understand that porn depicting anyone under 18 is considered CP, right? Usually, scandals don't exactly mention the age of the "kids" when it comes to CP. When you heard CP you usually think about kiddie porn, when it might as well be a teenager.
Even then, a loving relationship is not the same as sex. Sex is so simply that even kids can understand it at some level. If kids can understand death, they can damn well understand sex, not always, of course, there are retards like some user ITT, even past 10yo, but kids are surprisingly undertansding of this kind of things thanks to the internet and other media.
I think your problem is to think kids are always retarded.
Why does everyone that has went too far into the fetish become such pansies?
The year is 2016; not 1934.
The anti-GG people. They really were all one clique.
Zoe made CON, Crash Override Network. She got the name from the fucking Hackers movie, and seemed oblivious to the acronym spelling out CON.
The stated goal of the site was to help out people who were victims of online harassment, but two years later someone (possibly Zoe herself since her book and movie deals were just cancelled) leaked three days of logs from the channel's IRC. It reveals EXACTLY what you'd expect, and Dinah was in fact part of their circle and actively working to make Might No. 9 progressive. Highlights off the top of my head:
-Everyone involved is cartoonishly pathetic. The three days cover Christmas and New Years, and they were all alone with nothing to do but post in the chat about how much they hate gamers.
-They were actively using the channel to dox and harass pro-GG people. The logs show a lot of that collusion they claim doesn't exist.
-Izzy Galvez was a thirsty fucker desperately seeking Zoe's approval constantly coming back to the channel over and over to go "ZOE, DID YOU SEE MY TWEET? DID YOU SEE MY TWEET ZOE? DID YOU SEE? I SURE SHOWED THEM, ZOE."
-All of them revealing that everyone in their personal lives hates them, they all had shitty childhoods and hate their parents, and all their "connections" were overblown.
-The judge in Zoe's case ordering her to quote 'get off the internet and get a real job'.
-Randi Harper's 'twitter connection' contacting her and telling her quote "We're not friends, I don't work for twitter, I don't even play video games. Please don't involve me in whatever you're doing."
-Shows they all hated eachother, and (likely since this was Zoe's clique) hated Brianna Wu and Anita Sarkeesian.
-Demonstrates impressive amounts of projection, such as mentioning things like "privilege" and "entitlement" moments before mentioning trustfund money.
-Conversely, mocks in one breath how GG people "probably couldn't hold down a full-time job" but then in another breath mentions "I only make 300 dollars a year."
And so on.
So glad I didn't bother with that game.
So what's the next step of your masterplan, Shlomo?
what does your post have to do with scat porn?
There's absolutely nothing you can do about trying to prevent a kid from being corrupted in [CURRENT YEAR], unless you want to try one of the thingsI mentioned here
Also, it's like capitalism, they're already corrupted, so you better use that corruption to try and make society still work. Kids already know what's sex? Teach them about it in order to keep shit safe. Society keeps running as it used to, only difference being kids having sex.
But don't worry goy, we'll find a way to prevent your kids from watching porn, that totally won't affect you and it won't totally keep society in the sink hole it already is on.
Is there any archive or anything of the original logs?
we do that already, its called sex education in schools.
I think this is all of it:
Bees and butterflies doesn't cut it. It only create idiots with misconceptions and no experience.
okay then, run through how this hands on sex education would go down in a classroom, and then tell me how it'd ever get approved through law.
Wasn't Cheong the leak, since he had a massive change of heart a while back?
Bro team denies Cheong being the person who gave him the logs, but he could just be protecting his source in case he has more.
The question for me is why these specific three days. If it wasn't Zoe, they're probably scrambling to figure out who it was. Who was there all three days but not afterwards, who have they recently betrayed, etc.
My money is still on Zoe though. It fits her MO, no one gives a shit about her, both her movie and book were cancelled. Suddenly she pops out with a new Vice interview about another "game" she'll never finish and the logs drop? Borderlines die without attention.
The 20 and 30 somethings of today are the first ones to grow up with 2D in a way that just wasn't possible before. The whole idea of a waifu. Who's going to be the first one to live all of their life to the very end loving their waifu? Who's going to be the first one to go to sleep with a picture and thoughts of their waifu only to never wake up again because of "natural causes"?
Law and reason are 2 different things, user.
Specifically I'm talking about western culture here.
Uh user, that abbreviation has long since been taken.
Sounds like shill wishful thinking to me.
This isn't reasonable though
We have tolerated Ono's fetish for big feet for a long time, without judging him, just out of respect for his persona. Now, once he came out as a cuck, it's hard to keep this respect alive.
It is. With more bonding through sex.there will be less awkward teens, with less suicide rates for that kind of shit, people will find couples faster, and so on.
The only problem is if sex becomes too common, 1of 2 things might happen. People either grow bored of sex and it stays at that, including the degenerate stuff, or it becomes increasingly more degenerated. It can easily be prevented with the right orientation.
Problem is, of course, law. But by that logic, women having more rights than men over things like children custody isn't only unfair but unreasonable, so law isn't always right.
Also, consider that I don't really want to change the law or anything at all, that's just how I honestly think things would work better.
That kind of stuffs aren't hot fixes for society, they're massive reconstructions, and they tend to fuck shit up. So we either start from the beginning like that or we just don't but certainly, the way we're treating CP right now isn't working to begging with. I'm pretty conservative when it comes to "right now", but being realist about it is hardly being ideal.
Teens kill themselves over things other than sex, theres no guarantee they would get sex if it was legalized, wouldn't solve that at all. The negatives still outweigh the positive you listed.
At least you're not so retarded to think these retarded ideas could ever feasibly work out.
This is just fundamentally impossible
Yes, but there would be a reduction of suicide over sex, you could prevent a potential Elliot Rodger too.
It would work like a bath time but moreover the top. You would have teens actually having sex in highschool, as in a sex ed class. They have to have sex. They all lose their virginity, problem solved.
Only because the world is already retarded. That's why communism doesn't work even if it supposedly should. We aren't perfect and something will always go wrong. My point would be trying to minimize those.
The old in and out get's boring if you can do it everyday with whoever you want. People will either drop it or try to make it more fun by degenerating, which is the problem.
You really roped me onto your side with these compelling arguments, user.
We don't need to, but a radical change of that kind right now can be deadly to society.
It's just sex, user, I never once said love ITT. Literally. You suck at arguing or making points, user.
Your argument as to why pedophilia should be legalized was originally because children in today's society have already been corrupted and know what sex is through porn.
Now if you're restarting society from the ground up then there'd be no reason to fuck children because they're not corrupted by porn and degeneracy yet. If we're starting over, instead of fucking children, make pornography either illegal or never invented in the first place so children won't stumble across it on the internet, and raise society with good western values and not have the degeneracy of pedophilia introduced at all. Rather than changing a fundamental human aspect of society like sex simply for the benefit of a small minority of pedophiles.
children are for GENTLY loving!
That wasn't really what I'd call an argument, but if that's what you seek then I suppose I'll give it the old college try. The only point I have to make is that every single argument on this pro-pedo side is batshit retarded and makes zero sense from any viewpoint except from inside your own ass. Whether you said it or someone else, love has been mentioned here as a conversation point so that's why it came up. Apologies I didn't autistically track down which posts were yours or not, either way it's fucked if the only way any of this will work is by reconditioning everyone to think the backwards way you do.
Honestly step back and think for a second, even if society got twist-turn fucked in half and suddenly sex was this casual thing people did in the middle of school with strangers. How exactly would that work? Seriously, if there were any facet of this that could actually happen, I'd acknowledge it, but it's just not fucking there. I think the best you could do is make the national age of consent 16, and that's with a generous amount of luck. Beyond that, how would anything close to this be feasible in any capacity? You can dream up this nebulous society that believes or thinks however you want, but then how do you condition away every single human instinct about sex until it becomes this? How do you account for maternal instincts, people being protective of their children? How would you account for the absolutely insane rise in pregnancy? That's gonna happen, no matter how many times you tell kids in school to wrap it before they tap it.
How in the fuck do you account for the slew of legal issues that would come about through this? If this proposed society is even slightly advanced, even slightly civilized in the least, then sexual crimes will still exist. That kind of shit is a nightmare when it's carried out between two adults, let alone goddamn children. How do you even get children to care about sex in any meaningful capacity? Even when kids understand and are comfortable with the concept, you don't them being DTF kids under the age of 14 because their brain isn't telling them to fuck yet. You can change laws and rules and make a society where it's okay to fuck kids, but the minute the kid says "I don't want to" it should come to a screeching halt. I don't have any trust in adults who want to fuck kids to respect that. Why would they when they can effectively weasel their way into fucking someone with a naive, overly trusting, underdeveloped brain?
What you've effectively got is the top of a house of cards with no actual house under it, a concept with an ending but no real beginning. Yeah, we can fuck kids, maybe if every star aligned and the universe collectively shit itself. Then every time someone pulls the two cards apart these droves of wannabe child fuckers stack them back up against each other with some other exceedingly ridiculous "B-but it can still work" gobshite. You yourself admitted that this would never fucking happen and it would take a radically different society that defies practically every human instinct regarding sexual behavior in any civilized structure of people. So at what point do you step back and think, maybe this isn't what humans ought to be doing? Maybe adults just shouldn't fuck kids in the first place?
I think I had a stroke when I wrote this sentence, replace "them being" with "see many".
First of all, I never said pedophilia should be legal, if something, I said CP should be recognized as a problem and address it correctly and that have little to do with kids knowing about sex already.
So you'll just wait for them to be corrupted again in order to try and do something? Yeah, doing the same mistake twice might solve things.
This is a really dumb statement. A pic of a foot can be pornography as long as it was created with that intention. Humans like sex, thus, they like porn, and there will always be one way or another.
Here's something that's actually fundamental, sex. Sex is not only for procreation, but nature fucked us over by making it feel really good and make us think about it constantly. That will happen for a while even if you try to stop it completely, and if you do, we might not have any motivation to fuck out of pure rationality. We should understand that sex drive will always exist on modern humans, rather than try to change an actual fundamental human aspect for the benefit of a wrong majority.
Yeah, but as you said, it wasn't said by me. In fact, some user tried to same the exact same thing as you to discredit me, that I was pro-love, when I'm not I'm pro-sex
At some point we were reconditioned to think the way you're thinking right now, probably thinking it was for the best, and that's all right, after all, at some point everyone thought human sacrifices were acceptable, but now we don't. Reconditioning is the only way a new radical idea can work, and that doesn't always work, and when it does, it usually works in a half-assed way, that's why I don't think pushing it it's worth it, and I won't write a book about it like some bearded faggot.
The sexual instinct is there, if something, we just repress it because it's not socially acceptable. Maternal instincts only count if the person thinks the children is being hurt, if they don't think that, and there's no harm at all, then it shouldn't kick in. About pregnancy, although I think that wouldn't be harmful in society, you have to account for teen pregnancy, that's true. The solution for me should be simple enough, once you're born or somewhere between that and 5yo, you're administrated with some form of contraceptive method on both male and female, until you reach reproductive age. There, solved. Unless you want to imply the hormonal problems it might involve, unless that can also be solved
I don't. I said I wouldn't push this kind of ideas in this society. In a brand new one, this shouldn't be a problem, given we could have a non retarded law school. Sexual crimes will still exist, that's obvious, things like rape can still exist, but it won't be as horrifying since sex would be more common. I'm not a nut-job either, babies can't possible have sex, that wouldn't be allowed Unless we can find a way to do it safely
The problem is, you're thinking this the way society is working right now. If we rebuild society, he chances of turning out exactly like this one are big, and that's mostly because of how we handled it before. If we don't handle it as we did, everything might change, but not everyone should had the knowledge that there ever was a society before, because some faggots might want to recreate it.
Yet again, another retarded statement. The instinct of reproduction kicks in way before that. Little kids have hard ones and they don't understand why. Of course your brain is telling you to have sex, in really early ages, and your body specially do.
Well, you think kids don't think about sex before age 14, so that makes me think how much you know about human instincts. Humans are what humans decide to be thanks to rationality, that's true, but we also still have our instincts interfering with our reason. Doesn't make more sense to put those instincts to good use instead of just repress them? Of course not, that's not how you learned it should be. And you know what? That's completely ok, that kind of thought will keep this society for a while, at least. A really short while.
Shit, forgot the sage.
I'd really like to see a complete list of every massive failure over the last like let's say ten years. I mean, everything. Every disappointing reboot, every SJW failure. Sunset, DmC, Tomb Raider, Broken Age, No Man's Sky, etc.
Somehow I forgot there were three super-high profile SHIT releases this year. Huh. I don't know how anyone would be stupid enough to have fallen for any of these. The warning signs were there from a mile away.
Fair enough.
I think having their child run off with someone they may or may not know to go fuck like animals would qualify as a worrying thing for a mother. The unpleasant underbelly of sexual perversion doesn't go away in a society where people are open about regular sex.
So the solution to a sexually repressed society is to artificially repress the most basic outcome of human sexual interaction on a sweeping scale? What? You need to address the absurd notion that any of this effort would actually be worthwhile or healthy. At that point you're basically forcing the notion of underage sex onto every member of society, effectively giving them the ability to fuck like rabbits with no pregnancy complications before they've even learned to read. That's not even counting the existence of STDs, Christ. Everyone in this world would whither away from AIDS before they even got to fuck each other.
What does that constitute? Giving children the same sexual treatment as adults? There's no way that will end up "non retarded" because things like rape and abuse will happen, and when the aforementioned concerned parents see what their children are having to go through then people are going to want to put a stop to it. I don't see that ending any way but terribly, even in some sort of sex utopia. All I see is the door to increased sexual crime against children being opened wide for any weird fuck to waltz right on in.
"I'm not a nut-job, but if we can fuck babies then let's go for it"
Uh huh. Right.
What world do you live in where being able to get a boner means you're ready for sex? Kids understand why if you tell them but if they have no urge to act on it sexually then they don't want to have sex. That's not an urge you can implant in them, it has to come through fucking puberty. That's incredibly basic shit.
No, I said most young kids aren't openly DTF. Thinking about sex =/= Openly attempting to solicit sex, I never thought such a thing. Lern 2 reed.
Right, the real society built on the actions of trillions of people doesn't stand a chance against the shambling delusions of an imaginary utopia revolving around rules that rationalize sex with children. I don't think this little dream society would last beyond the word "go".
Depends in what you define as sexual perversion. In a society where regular sex is common, degenerate sex might be common too, stretching what is "perverted".
Yes, the whole point would be minimize the risks of sex for everyone. The STDs risk is a valid point, but minimizing the risks of sex should include STDs. Sex would be so common, that it would lost the sense of accomplishment we get from it right now, that's kind of the point as well. You exploit this human weakness so much that it would basically become useless. At this point, why would we give birth naturally?
Giving children special treatment about sex, being penalized in some cases. When sex regularize and it's treated the same for kids and adults, child rape would be treated the same for adult and children, making it less outrageous. Look at it as female rapist would pay the same as male in this society. If something, if the rape is against a kid, the penalty might be worst to not encourage anyone to rape kids. But that can only be bad because the kids being the little shits they're might take advantage from this
If it could be done with little to no downsides, why it shouldn't?
In what kind of perfect world you live where a 10yo don't get a boner from a naked woman? Even worst, where given the chance they wouldn't do it? Provided they seen porn before, and even then.
Puberty starts usually at 10yo, faggot, even early this day and age thanks to a number of factors In US some girls have started menstruating at 9yo. You say that like you have to go through the whole process of puberty in order for your body to be ready to have sex, or even being capable of thinking about sex, when it all can happen as soon as puberty starts. You make it sounds like kids are somehow incapable not only of having sex physically, but not even think about it of their own volition. And maybe you're right in the last part, maybe if a kid never see a woman naked he will not have a boner or think about sex, but right now that's really fucking impossible.
That's mostly because of how sex is viewed on our society. Give a 10yo old kid the opportunity to have sex with a hot woman and he will take it. I don't know how it works for girls in that regard, tho.
It didn't work for the Romans, and it's biting us in the ass right now. Who would have thought that moral rules that have lasted 2000 years would somehow fail in modern times?