Considering she's let billions upon billions of humans fuck her for their own gain without any real resistance since the species attained sapience, responding with only mild and clearly-not-serious rebuffing in the form of natural disasters and plagues which we've endured just fine, I'd say she's not all that against the idea of getting boned by the local organic infestation crawling all over her. All that environmental preaching about Mother Earth being physically/emotionally hurt by man's actions over the past few decades clearly missed the part where she was happily getting railed for millennia without much protest. If she really did have an issue with us fucking her silly, we already know via science that she could just shit fury from all the volcanoes at once to make them spew sun-blocking/lung-destroying ash and solve the problem in under a single human lifespan, before going back to the usual gig with non-sapient animals and food chains like that little problem never existed once the ash clears, yet here we are.
On that note, now I really want to see one of those "Gaia/Mother Earth" "avatar of the planet" characters from preachy environmental shit like Captain Planet, except done in a way that she doesn't hate humanity/exist only as a hippy propaganda loudspeaker on legs, and not having a blind hate-erection for all of mankind's accomplishments in the past few thousand years like the eco-faggots tend to have. Considering how fucking brutal and merciless nature is on every single tier of life as we know it, and how all the shit that makes us "stick out" is just top-tier evolutionary advantages we've put to very good (and violent) use, an accurate-to-nature Mother Earth character would probably be the kind of thing tumblr faggots would hate. Hippy cunts and tumblrinas always seem to think that nature was an endless Disney movie that humans showed up in one day and summarily took a fat shit on for all time, when the reality is that we're just the biggest and best assholes that evolutionary RNG has spit out to date among a sea of lesser predecessors and kin, and it only makes sense that a sapient representation of Earth and the nature entwined with it would be closer to "Cannibal Holocaust" in terms of morality and kinship than it would be to "Bambi".
Rather than some frail little hippy princess that bitches and moans about humans polluting her while doing jack-shit about it/making a bunch of idiot kids go fix it for her lazy ass, a Mother Earth that's properly reflective of the natural world as we know it would probably be either an apathetic/detached overseer of nature that doesn't give a damn about morality or suffering and only barely notices us as the MVPs of the big game that is nature, or one hell of a sadistic cunt whose concept of flirting is puking up a fresh batch of ebola and hurling it at us as, after we spilled toxic oil all over her wettest portions in the process of sucking it out of her. The natural world doesn't give a single flying fuck about the human concepts of morality or suffering/mercy, it's all about cold efficiency and weeding out the weak to feed and make room for the strong, which means a living avatar of it and the host rock it grows on would probably either equally not give a shit due to originating from the same mold, or be a massive cunt who's directly responsible for it being that way.
At best, we're talking about a cold-hearted matriarch that cares as much about human suffering and natural disasters caused by mankind as we do about smashing ants underfoot, and for whom the prospect of warming her up with human charisma is dicey. At worst, we're talking about an entity that's either equally as cruel as we're capable of or much worse, and either likes how we're doing things just fine, or thinks we need to quit pissing around and stop being so soft if we want her respect. In either case, she sure as shit wouldn't be the "waah, humans are jizzing all over me with their technology and I can't stop it, save me human children, go fuck up your own kind for me because you have no logical reasoning" prissy little cunt that tumblr twats schlick to while a TV plays Ferngully on loop in the background. Hell, she'd probably advocate grinding those brain-damaged wastes up into paste or something to use as fertilizer/animal feed, considering they're reproductive dead-ends riddled with useless/detrimental traits, and therefore walking corpses from evolution's perspective.
"Sadistic Mother Earth abusing/being abused by humans" porn when?