Casca's special attack is to have men do the work for her.
Casca's special attack is to have men do the work for her
and MY special attack is to work her
Well aren't you clever.
Griffith please. You didn't do anything wrong though.
They should make retarded Casca a separate playable character, she'll run around the battlefield and all her attacks have random people doing the fighting for her while she chases butterflys or some shit
Puck is going to be a playable character isn't he… It'll be like Tingle in Hyrule Warriors all over again
I'm literally going to have to be hospitalized from a collapsed lung from laughter if the fucking Sea God pirate makes an appearance and summons a boat for his Musou special
There'll be an escort mission where she randomly wanders into enemies. Puck's voice will ring out constantly with "Casca is under attack!"
game looks fucking terrible, look how huge they made her swords hitbox too, since otherwise there would be no reason to play as anyone other than guts
what the hell happened to traditional action games, musous are bottom of the barrel
She'll look sad or very defensive when saved by Guts
Meant for
I thought she would transform into a potato
What if Gutts falls in love with retard Casca and doesn't want the old one back?
Looks better than the recent anime (is it over yet?).
Well if she didn't need men to do the work for her then Guts or Griffith wouldn't need to do anything. I hope she enjoys her rape.
Makes sense
The only guy she ever beats in a one-on-one fight is this fag and that's only when he was already injured
Works better than having her asspull some whirlwind attack that rivals apostoles or Guts.
What characters will this have? inb4 Rickert, Corkus or Isidro mowing down armies.
Damn, having even Farnese or Serpico do that would be really fucking gay.
Well, shit, this gameplay shows it plays just as boring as all other musou shit games. Just with blood cloud effects appearing every hit, that's it.
I'll still play it, a lot, tho.
OP is a reverse sjw. God damn this game has bad graphica and gameplay.
is this first musou with blood?
also seeing it its coming on ps3 might as well pick it up down the road
No. I think the Fist of the North Star one had blood too.
pull the trigger already faggot
Musou differs a lot from any traditional action game. Traditional action games are a challenge, for starters.
Well just so can you have it informatively, in the Attack of Titan game made by Koei the weakest main character is a small blond boypussy and one of his special traits is to order people to kill his target for him.
I refrain from using the word "entitlement", so I think I'll go with "millenial scum".
Why can't the ai actually try to put a fight? Would make these types of games much better.
user, I've been playing Musou since PS2. They barely change in mechanics, and they certainly aren't that hard.
The point of this kind of games is being a massive power house through hordes of "normal" underlings. They put a fight, you're just too strong for them.
Since 8 they don't even pretend to put up a fight anymore. Enemies just stand around and occasionally block. It's so fucking dumbed down that even lazy casuals are dropping the series.
Are you psychic or just clumsy?
It's japanese.
Nah, millennial is everyone who is appreciating the millennial culture, iphones, has facebook and twitter account, whoring himself with more than 1 chick and generally liberal scum.
It lost its original meaning and just a synonym to normalfag.
What is this shit
The power of shitty budget and no passion, I guess
Millenials who grew up around the year 2000. It usually refers to western people born in the 80s and 90s. It hasn't lost its meaning, it's still being used in market research, etc. perfectly fine.
It seems that being millennial is an encouraged social construct, rather than "people who grew up around 2000".
The more i look, the more disgust i feel.
All will become clear soon.
That pic reads like ragebait.
No, that's the social construct associated with being an millenial. Millenials simply refers to an age-group. These pictures you look in google search come from studies on identifying what kind of generation the millenials are.
Also, that's a fucking retarded one.
this table was used in one of my units, nice to know university professors get everything from google too.
You thought they work hard?
it was for a HR unit so no. I do think my economics ones do though.
What the fuck is going on with that face
With the way millenials are, why would anyone want to identify as one?
Also, accepting a label does not make one unique. So liberal millenials reject the label to be unique.
If I wasn't desperate for a job an had the choice of work, I'd be just like gen x on your chart.
Maybe it's because millenials actually are neurotic cunts setting way too high standards on themselves and everybody else while whimpering over their assumed victimhood?
Though it's not entirely the millenials' fault. Lot of our issues can be traced to the degenerate cultures of early 20th century Europe and great wars and they resulted in. Shocked parents are bad parents, and bad parenting reflects a long way down the line.
I'll never get behind this genre of games.
As far as I can remember from Dynasty Warriors 8 it is not like that on higher difficulties and there are a lot of difficulties to choose from. You can bet they were playing on the easiest to just show "cool attack."
Who will be the Lu-Bu equivalent for Berserk Musou?
Good goy.
Let me guess, you were just pretending to be retarded?
You ARE Lu-Bu in Berserk Musou
But then who will I pursue?
that's it
nobody will make a better contribution to this thread
should've been bumplocked after user posted this
you shitposting wanker twat both of them are goyim but one is aware of it
He literally can't fuck her or she starts giving off a mighty autistic sperg rage
There's no way he wants that, if anything he gets her back, she'll start nagging at him and he'll just go pedo and fuck Schierke
You heard it here first
Daily reminder that Griffith did nothing wrong.
Clearly have absolutely no understanding of the character, his virtues, or his motivations, likely because you're fucking autistic and literally lack the mental hardware for interpersonal interaction.
I'd work her anytime. Amirite guise?! amirite?!
You are reading a fantasy party manga done by a guy that masturbates to cartoon idols. What character and virtue do you speak of?
Will Casca ever stop being retarded?
They finally got off the boat and in the Magical Jew island sometime last year. Two or three chapters have come out since then about the crew bumbling around on the coast and getting into fights with the local loli gypsies.
Latest chapter came out about a month ago: Schierke got the witches to calm down and bring them to the main village where they ended up stopping just outside the magic tree that houses the Elf King's court.
So by New Year's, Guts will definitely at least have an audience with the Elves to bring up Casca, and whether that enough to have her start getting treatment or we'll still be waiting into the next decade depends on if Miura isn't a faggot and forgoes making the Elf King be missing and needing to be found or having him send the team on a mystical ingredient fetch-quest or any other bull along those lines.
is that a mix of CGI and drawing with both a comic filter and outlines?
why is it incomplete?
where is the nipple
Meme-tier waifus like Hestia, Albedo and the ghost cocksucker from pokeshit are always ugly and make the worst faces.
Dont read last chapter. Did Guts fix Casca brainless or she is still a vegetable?
Still retarded.
I give it 2 more chapters.
There's gonna be a twist before it. Something will halt the process and something bad happens. The sluttiest witch is gonna use the Behelith or something. Though it's probably gonna end with Casca gaining some form of sense.
Millenials know they're shit and are trying to drag everyone down with them. They altered gen x's definition to add some of them to millenials. Eventually they will just eat them up entirely.
Yeah, she's cute til she starts screaming because Guts wanted her to move away from the incoming demons but she wanted to keep playing with pebbles. One of the big reasons for the RPG party is that Casca does better with them than she does with Guts.
They are already at the ellf king court, new chapter came out.
So who's Farnese going to offer to Slan then?
I cannot believe how stupid and sheeple like the soulless japanese people are. Buying shitty musou one after another with a skin based on some popular license and their corrupt media like Famitsu will always score it 40/40 or so. Then you have people who unironically enjoy these repetitive japanese office tasks simulator or maybe their standards are way too low or too desperate for a modern quality game based on what they like.
Guys i so fucking thank you for opening my eyes to the true beauty
Do you want to acquire a new one?
Is that you Rory?
Not sure if baiting Holla Forumsaggots into debating which Berserk character is the physically strongest brute, but I'm thinking of Zodd or Grunbeld.
For being the source of imageboard culture, you'll be surprised how many of them are actually the equivalent of normalfags and/or cucks.
You mean after.
You do realise that hes almost died making berserk right? He was working so much that he ended up in the hospital, his editors were literally the ones that forced him to pace himself.
>comes to another dimension to play [email protected]/* */ games
Anything is great when it's a cartoon
There's a difference between pacing yourself and barely working you silly cunt