How come whenever (((weev))) gets involved with anything, it gets shut down?
daily thai tranny surfshack cuck anglin stormer was doing just fine, (((weev))) gets involved and it's gone from the Internet and without any payment options apart from bitcoin.
Same with hacker orgs he's involved in.
Maybe that's why he got released early by the feds. He got out of jail and now he's a federal asset a.k.a snitch.
How come whenever (((weev))) gets involved with anything, it gets shut down?
Other urls found in this thread:
(((weev))) hasn't done anything I disagree with, he's done multiple things I agree with. The mods here fuck with our speech, (((weev))) never fucked with me.
((((((weev))))))'s been involved with the Daily Sperger since the very beginning. He did web development for TRS too, IIRC. That doesn't fit.
My hypothesis is actually the opposite, that ((((((weev)))))) has gotten fed up with Sperglin and tacitly withdrawn support, which is why they're floundering so bad rn.
I don't trust (((weev))) because he is a kike, likely an informant too, but this thread sucks and adds nothing. Kill yourself.
Either he's a fed, or he thinks this shit's funny. It doesn't matter. The important thing is to stay far away.
He's the natural born traitor.
Hold on, (((weev))) filters to add parentheses, which is why mine have double echoes. Lol.
You are too stupid to belong here
I already called him a kike, user.
It's a public service announcement.
Avoid (((weev))) and thai penis surfer anglin, because they're backstabbing traitors.
At least jews try to help their in-group and have some loyalty to israel. (((weev))) doesn't even have that.
No shit, Sherlock Holmes. Going to warn me about TRS next?
Never hurts to warn the newcomers who might think (((weev))) is actually doing the right thing.
His bluster is pathetic in its insincerity.
Time will tell, I think he is probably doing great services to Israel and the kinked sections of the US.
I'm willing to give Fag Anglin the benefit of the doubt for now. Isn't he in his early 20s? He was probably sure it wouldn't happen to him, that (((weev))) wouldn't bulldoze HIS Thai Fuck Shack. Because he's different, right?
I guess we have had an influx with the great shuttering. As far as a PSA this is weak as fuck though. You should be ashamed of this, OP. Try again with actual info and arguments then flag this for deletion.
Fag Anglin the guy who wanted the white race bred out a short time ago and has now said TDS was character trolling. He is a race mixer, liar, and traitor. He chose his allegiances when he went to TRS for shekel endorsements. Fuck him
He's in it for the lulz, mostly.
He does look like a hasidic cunt.
It's almost as if they consider themselves chosen somehow…
Nah, I'll just keep this up and running.
I get it, you're a nigger.
A trash thread just as posting starts working again. Itchy fucking kikes are really losing out on their quota today, I guess.
A gay nígger from outer space, even.
How did Anglin have any support with ((((((weev)))))) being anywhere near the situation? Now Anglin admits to Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack being a larping art project? FBIanon warned that sadly most white nationalist sites were honeypots. People said he was full of shit, now it turns out he was right again. Literally most white nationalist oriented websites have been exposed as Jew propaganda machines or heavily infiltrated, and at the very least they have been Cointelpro'd and given a "bad jacket".
As soon as nigger (((weev))) gets close to anything, it implodes. His dunning-kruger level is over the limit.
Oh, (((weev))). Why you gotta be so salty?
Your captain obvious faggotry is obvious, already attempting to slide the board again. Typical tricks, you hook nosed kike.
On the day of the rope, the traitors will be hanged first, (((weev))).
Oh here we go. MUH BASED FBIANON
Meanwhile call for any action and you'll get drowned out with LE HI FBI.
Fuck off you psyop faggot.
(((weev))) is an attention seeker who is obviously tracked by the powers that be. If he gets involved with something people will start paying attention to it.
That's not an argument.
I don't trust any man who walks out in clothes like that. For fucks sake, find a shirt that fits you and go see a tailor.
try early 40s
he's a GNAA shitposter, everything he does is chaotic.
speaking of GNAA, I met (((weev))) when he wasn't even famous, I was part of GNAA and he would roam the IRC, but yes, every member that got fucked by the FBI when they return back to IRC we would just evict them for being informants.
nice D&C thread, kike
Nah, (((weev))) is legit. If he was really an asset they wouldn't take him down unlike CIAnigger Spencer who is literally still not b& what the fuck?
But admittedly (((weev))) has a less than glourious history of being an SJW
Read this thread for example
We know about (((weev)))'s SJWism from IRC in years past meanwhile other blackhats were always fuck kikes and libtards and neocons and shit
Holy shit. I bet he learned nothing from this experience, then.
You are terminally stupid. Anglin is the using the left's tactic against them by claiming it was all in the name of art. It's a gamble but it may pay off.
Oh that explains it, you are a literal retard. Alright then.
Sage for shit thread about pic related.
What's the weather like in tel'aviv, kike?
ebin memes there, alt-kike cancer
He a jew, he's working to destroy whites and take over the world, wake the fuck up, dumbasses.
A (((tailor)))
testing (((weev)))
(((weev))) is a fed kike, I have screen caps
I'm guessing Spencer is the modern version of Adam Baldwin and Christina Sommers in 2014. Kochs desperately trying to close the can of worms they opened 3 years too late?
Post them, friendo.
He's in his early 30s.
(((weev))) is a jew.
He also fought antisemitism back in the day.
He also got released from prison, why would they do it to a person who caused a lot of damage to a big corporation.
I think that he is a fed spy.
He's a life failure. Mongrols always are. Did you really expect an Indian/Jew hybrid to something other than shit the bed? That's first, snitch is second. He's an attention whore as that's the purpose of his trolling (not the cause) and because he's a mentally ill drug addict so he attracts all the wrong attention like LE. He's on everyones list and his time is limited. I'm sure he gets arrested in some shithole eventually and extradited before spending life in prison.
US and EU do dates differently (yanks are tards of course) but I believe today is his birthday and he's 32.
Do we know (((weev))) is a jew or does he just have shitty facial hair? I see that repeated often, what is the source of that information?
its on his own wiki
What happened to Linux For Niggers?
because of (((weev))) hotwheels lost this site to freemason jim
Does anybody have the .iso?
So your source isn't Wikipedia, it's Gawker. So now we believe what Gawker writes and we believe that (((weev))) tells the truth?
Do you trust (((weev))) himself?
What about his mom?
funding was funneled into C+Equality
No shit.
Now those are some good sources.
Hegelian dalectic at its finest
>How come whenever ((((((weev)))))) gets involved with anything, it gets shut down?
The BMW forum is still going strong.
This is the closest. He's actually a full blown jewish satanist like Ames and Peinovich. It's funny for them to trick goyim into helping them do evil.
Check my screenshot
Acidic Hasidic Maybe
DS got the best advertising any dissent website can hope for
singled out for the worst case of censorship since the soviet union
Repeatedly telling yourself the aftermath of Charlottesville is a victory won't make it one. This is Skokie 2.0.
don't just look at his face ; listen to him, his voice, his tone and his rethoric. pure jewish hate. you rarely see such a horrendous caricature of the kike.
yet he's shilling for neo-nazism 2.0 and has a tattooed swastika or something. strange case.
pretty much this.
I doubt he has a tattooed swastika now.
It was either temporary or he's had it removed now. Haven't seen him showing it in years.
can some explaint to me what happen with hotwheels?
last time i lurk he was with philipin whores
very possible in the context of a psy-op.
the stupidest, the more convincing.