#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Sweet Dreams Edition



- pastebin.com/V2eFA9GE (Last updated June 3rd)
3. GG WIKI IS BACK. UPDATE IT - [ gamergatewiki.com ]
4. PUSH DIGIFIRA: digifira.com
5. Gawker dot com is down, but it's cancerous outgrowths remain alive. Keep a keen eye on Kotaku et. al. and use Univision's Ethics Policy against them.
6. Important, Diggers get in here, >>>/gamergatehq/327075


- twitter.com/icejournalism/status/758023920918421505
- twitter.com/mombot/status/763725521628700672
- archive.is/Kyo0s
- youtube.com/watch?v=xGOueq31ZkY (Mirror: u.teknik.io/fr5C9.mp4) || twitter.com/stillgray/status/768637243380465664 (archive.is/ybFA1) || Second Stream youtube.com/watch?v=_I-l2IC13UA
- youtube.com/watch?v=fbmXz0eUutg


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

• Use archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;
• Use tweetsave.com to archive tweets before they are deleted;
• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm
• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;
• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
• #GamerGate.Me: gamergatewiki.com/index.php/Main_Page
• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

• All Operations: gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations
• Operation Disrespectful Nod: v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers);
• Operation Shills in a Barrel: v.gd/IqOnFo (pick a journalist / outlet and find conflicts of interest);
• Operation Baby Seal: v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines);
• Operation Prime Rib: v.gd/ChMVI8 (stacks with above for x2 damage);
• Operation DigDigDig: v.gd/lUx6Nq (find connections and corruption);
• Operation Vulcan: v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating);
• Operation UV: archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker);
• Operation Firefly: archive.is/Kz6kP (spread #GamerGate to Tumblr and help update the Wiki page);
• An user's Guide to Twitter: v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics).

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: v.gd/HTjBk3
• Support List: v.gd/bFfDrJ
• Boycott List: v.gd/eYq9go




Other urls found in this thread:



Remember to listen to this while spreading info and writing emails regarding LW crashing game jams

Why would you want a lesbian relationship with a retard?

Old bread: archive.is/V8hiV

Autism x Downs.


Praise be to the diggers, whose labours ensure that our breads are rich and the common folk are never starved of happenings

Why aren't the leaks stickied on Holla Forums? Even fucking Holla Forums can sticky it. Keep making new threads about the leaks.

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

Don't forget today's our anniversary


We need the other pages!

Every damn fucking thread with you

But you're not wrong

AntiGamerGays must be real CONcerned about these leaks


I wish I hadn't read that.

List of people to contact

youtube.com/channel/UCC1rjUKeELaSKsxg0O1bNGw (harmful opinions)

send them this:



You have been visited by


Good luck on love, good luck on surgeries, Concentration, Smugness, a better PC, the ability to spot shills, Orchestra instead of Dubstep, an easy guide to mememagic and Salt of your enemies will come but only if you post a pic of your Waifu followed by the words “FOR HER, THE WORST NIGHTMARE OF GAMERGATE”

Remember to always be a big guy


Remember how goddamn angry you were back on August 28th, 2014? Do you remember what posts you made on halfchan, or anywhere else on the web, on this day?

Did you think our enemies would be as wrecked or as terrified of us as they are today? Their ideologies the laughing stock of the internet? That Leigh would be gone or that Gawker's crash would be so spectacular? How hypocritical and useless their cries of harassment have become?

Did you think you would be as smug as you are right now?


Does anyone have any pics of Kek, the god of chaos?


>but at the end of the day, they were the ones outed as harassers, doxers, and trolls

Rubin, Saad, and Rogan all touch on this from time to time and may like a summary, even Pakman.

Holla Forums harbor was 2nd exodus right?

fukken saved


Holy shit. The madman actually did it.



surprise, surprise: DIGRA

post their links here so we update the list next time it is posted

Guys help I can't keep up with the threads anymore after being used to 1 per 24 hrs

I'm trying to finish the witcher series but it's impossible with these threads and a 5+ hour stream to get through

the one where they nuked the board and had that cuckolding audio playing? Yeah, 2nd exodus

Whats up Gatorgays?

Haven't really been keeping up with the happenings lately since between Pharmacy school and lab I haven't had any free time at all. Just got a small break in the week though, so I gotta ask is there anything I can help with?

Which one of the Rick & Morty writers turned out to be a faggot who bailed out his retarded assistant on Twitter? Because Justin Roiland just started a game company, and the announcement is the worst fucking thing I have had the misfortune of seeing in months. Between the oh-so-quirky random access humor and the pop culture reference right in the company's fucking name, this is a case study in what's wrong with the lol-I'm-such-a-nerd fad.

Just to let you know their editor-in-chief link to Twitter leads to this.

never EVER hold off posting new vivian commission because you are too lazy to censor it with a duck
its super gay

You can decide to wait for recaps by whichever journo will tackle it first, or you can just do it during your lunchtimes or before going to bed.

Yeah… that's pretty fucking cringe. Who the hell wrote that garbage ? This sounds so PR-driven it can't be one of the show's writers.


Recommend a summary statement alongside bonegolem's article as the article does not have an introduction of the main players or their history in regards to GG at the beginning.

Have you read up on the recent CON leak? If you have, we need all hands on deck talking and posting about it over the web!

We especially need help in doing this!

Should I tweet publicly or send a DM?

I thought you would only ask for Miranda and maybe Galko, well done furry. Next time ask for the 4 tans please!

Dunno if this was already posted but Jamie Walton posted this regarding the links.



for her

Happy birthday Marche!

Your choice, I don't understand the twatter. How about both?

Public tweets it is. Should I send a personalized message for each receiver or just make the same tweet three times?

[26/12/2014, 5:57:46 AM] Chris Kluwe: shhh, actual logic confuses their STEMneurons

Something along the lines of FYI Gatergate leaks implicate so and so? I just lurk twitter, sorry. Anything will help, link your tweets here and anons will FART it.

Not sure if sad or funny.

God, I knew Kluwe was out there, but holy hell, his personality really is the literal definition of "everyone is stupid except me."

something like "leaked logs implicate Twitter's trusted partner and anti-harassment CON (headed by infamous Zoe Quinn) innto being actual bullies".

Anything actually as long it says it's a Twitter Trusted Partner; it's an anti harassment organization that harasses people and that they are backed by femfreq. Bonegolem's page gives a nice summary of it anyway

It's always projection.
You know them by their hypocrisy.

kinda confirms the suspicion of this whole thing. It's just jocks pretending to be geeks, beating up on nerds


What in the fuck is this

that about sums it up

Kluweless is probably the only one of them that's even slightly athletic and I'd still bet on Cernovich over him.


Looks like Goons doing damage control to me.

a salty cunt who can't let go of GamerGate despite burning out on it.


You would think they would learn to not copy sjws fucking playbook with the whole plus thing

Ive heard things here and there but havent really dug into them that deep. Ill try and contact Brandon, hopefully he can whip up something on Nichegamer.

anally devastated revoltard tries parody account



I laughed at GamePornoPros

are you blind?

Been a good birthday with the leaks.

Gilda to the rescue!!


apparently I am, I wanted to quote this


It's CryBones being an autism-riddled faggot again. Guy needs to hurry up and kill himself.

I remember it like yesterday. I was never angry, though. Only sad that m00t sold us down the river and became a luggage lad.

I've been having a great time these past two years. I still fail to understand burnouts or those who get stressed over GG. Perhaps I'm the autistic one?

it links to deepfreeze, report it for impersonation

?? Well, yeah, it's a parody account, it's still pretty funny.

how can it be parody if it gives actual ethical alternatives?

False Danielle and Freya -tan WHEN?


the furries are multiplying

Too bad no one pays attention to Gamergate anymore for it to matter.


Dude it's easy to see it could've been them, they just got marching orders of "include a, b, and c. I don't care what else you draw."


Nice taste

Holy shit, some of them actually have souls. Wasn't Lifschitz spotted asking for depression advice on Reddit at some point?

He was probably sucking the childrens' souls.

So wait is a joke account or is it drybones being a faggot again?

That's weird to see coming from Ben Garrison. Is he really just making political cartoons directed at Holla Forums now so Holla Forums can edit them?

Cernovich commissioned it

It's a joke account.

Depends, was Pedo Dan and Dogfucker in the chat at that time?

Garrison has been on Holla Forums before, drew Hotwheels, and did something together with Hotwheels(forget what exactly).

Merchandising, oy vey! to fund something for Hotwheels.

Why do they always congregate around one of six or seven difference cities?

ayy Dirty Dan actually was

Guess I bit the bait. Disregard, I suck dicks etc.

DryBones does still need to kill himself, though.

Lipshit doesn't have a soul. None of these people do. I'd be inclined to think that's bullshit and he's just lying to gain standing with the rest. It's not exactly as if he's a paragon of integrity now, is it?

I remember Tanya Watson. Back when she was Tanya Jessen, she successfully argued to desexify Trishka in Bulletstorm.

Yes, this just oozes marketing savvy.


It's a lie if he can't back it up. He's not a good person.

Alex may just be a kind soul who has just been blinded by crazy pussy? Whatever. Let him hang by his decision to stay with those

Why not both.

Look at how fucking majestic this drawing is.

If Lipshits considers the stuff he did on GG as "good" I can only imagine what other good things he did at the hospital

Why is Vivian dressing like a girly girl and acting like a slut when going shopping? It is well drawn though.

Can Viv fuck Erin now?

I had considered that. He might be just another shmuck being taken for a ride by a BPD case.


The biggest question you should be asking is why she isn't wearing shoes.


I bet he was on bedpan duty for being a piece of shit person

There's no room for hope with these people, only disappointment.

The best we can hope for them is to drop off of social media to go fuck off and do something else.

Good point, I normally don't notice feet.

Perhaps Alex leaked the logs to get back at Zoe for cheating on him.


post yfw its 2 years later and we just went full circle

Man, if he's been taken for a ride for two years, then he's got to be more gullible than Knuckles.

Eltonel always delivers


/r/ing that "RIP Chris Evans he laughed too hard at the sluts" pic


You described my sister.

She only left when someone in that circle literally physically hit her.

She became a hell of a lot more wary to that shit and stays out of gender politics, and even stated clearly that she wasn't voting for Hillary.


Has anyone considered calling the hospital and asking if they have a volunteer record available? If they do, then it'd be easy to see if Alex's record checks out.


Here you go, user.

Holy shit, dude.


What was the hashtag Zoe has used sometimes? #AugustNeverEnds? AHAHAHAHAHAHA

We're a very devoted, and determined demographic.

Refunds after the 2 hours mark is pretty hit or miss, it depends on the little indian treating your case it seems.

> More -tans

Hulk and Thiel tag teaming Denton on the courts again. I swear I read this before.

I got so fucking smug when Max Read basically re-iterated what the sensible side of Tumblr told them when this whole thing started.

Mucho thanks.

Shit sucks dude, sorry. Being a socjus circler, I'm guessing that the attacker was a woman, is that right?

I first typed "cucks" instead of "sucks" there. Not a good sign.

this article you mean ?


>Found a lovely ara

Kek is good, my smug has reached critical levels.

mah nigga, treasure her.

ara is life

I heard from a friend whos infiltrated his circle Nick Denton sexually abused his niece until she committed suicide then blamed GG. I know I'm going to get lots of skeptards but hes richfag who can get with these types. i believe him. I hope denton fucking kills himself over this

I saw this rumor on 4chan but we never got any confirmation. Also that one shill on Holla Forums is now claiming 4chan mod leaks were faked.

Yeah i'll call bullshit on this one since denton is a faggot you idiot
Also you messed your rumor spiel, the story is that the niece killed herself because of the 4chan "raid" to tumblr
Which makes us killing gawker and denton even more of a touching and ironic revenge

I could have agreed, until I read about Daulerio's testimony. That wins the trophy, hands down. I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes a case study in Law courses.

Wasn't this story different? I remember it being about her pics being posted on cuckchan which led her to suicide or something

He's not the idiot.

The tumblr raid, she tried to kill herself, then Denton called luggage lad to do something about this, and he noddingly agreed to do some house cleaning before he calls on his muscle.


Yes he just blamed GG for it pol was unrelated

Shut the fuck up you french cucks denton is a bisexual pedophile

Ah, not even a problem, she actually came out on top on that one.

It was her "boyfriend", who also had polygamous open type relationship with another girl and my sister knew this and lived with them for a while.

Then she quickly learned that in a 3 person relationship, it's very easy to gang up.

So, in retaliation for that, she used the very same shady skills that horrible people like that used on her, namely browbeating and blackmail, to basically take almost all the shit in their little apartment on two basis:

1. She was the one with the money, and the one who bought most of it (she landed a good job at an upscale clothing store, which pays above minimum wage)

2. She most likely used the fact that they all shared the same friends to browbeat them or they'd be alienated from the group for literal misogyny

3. She could file a restraining order, and considering that she works in that that fuck's closest shopping area, she would not only cut him off from it, she would also force him to waste gas and the next shopping area was literally a whole fuckin' highway down the line, and takes 30 minutes just to navigate either way, as this fuck was cheap as hell (he had a lot of bananas and ramen when I checked his apartment for moving reasons, which also told me where his air conditioning vent was for a potential revenge plan I never bothered with)

4. My sister took debate class as her electives in school.

He basically cucked my sister, and as revenge, sis took literally everything that wasn't nailed down through simple words. Sis is a very nice person if you're not on her bad side.

I don't even need to plant dead rats and roast beef in his air vent, it would be overkill at that point.

He's drawing again. Neat.



Oh, so he was just the ralph shill, should've guessed.

Your sister sounds cool.

Sounds like every woman in existence.

why don't they just list it as a "restroom" and not include gender at all.
They'll find a reason to complain anyways

I trust the guy he's legit rich

Hes never bullshitted me once told me clintons a spy for china the leaks show up shes given an activist to china gift wrapped once

He got this shit from dentons friend but

Yes denton just used the suicide (he caused) to censor GG

That's how I imagine this went down.

Also, anyone know if this is the same Queeny that sperged out over Trump? Doesn't really matter, just curious.

Everyone who thinks you are a cuck ( Everyone) is not ralph shill you stuck up autist

Why not just tell them to fuck off?
Also >Mizzou

Mizzou apparently learned nothing from their drop in admissions

Damn, dude, I don't know how much weight the words of anonymous assholes on the internet have, but she seems pretty cool.

3 bathrooms were enough (men, women, free for all) but the point is that these cunts are never satisfied. You can't give a hand to SJW because next they will want the whole arm

Mizzou deserves to be eaten alive by SJWs.

Actually, no, it was the man, not the woman. They try to say they're different and progressive, but in the end, it's all a cover because they act exactly like the "misogynist cishet shitlords" they talk about. All of it is narcissistic projection so they don't look bad and so they don't have to change. They are regression incarnate.

I hate them. There is nothing I consider so vile as I do a hypocrite.

Are you the guy that keeps saying the jews are working for the chinese?

They didn't learn their lesson.
After all that, they're still fuckin' retarded.

Well she is NOW, but she was a BITCH before she got hit with a shock.

I swear, it was like fucking seeing The Joker clean his act up and becoming an actual comedian.

I said the jews in hollywood were working for them

but yes

I still can't believe people fell for that. She wrote this in a post where she admitted she lied in court, and lied to the cops. She said that in a post where she claimed she locked herself in an abandoned hospital's elevator for a few days. She wrote all this crazy, hard to believe shit, and all these fuckers remember from that post is

Stop replying to obvious shills, user.



She looks so depressed.

I imagine her boobs taste like acorns.

Seriously? Source please. I never read a word of her blog.

He doesn't type like the ralphshill. At all.

You really need to get better at identifying people. It's been 2 years, there's no reason why you are mistaking the ralphshill for someone else.

let me remind you user

He made grammar mistakes and was spouting retarded crap that was either offtopic or stupidly irrelevant in the thread; if he's not there for ralph then he's just an idiot.

please tell me they are keeping the original names


Have fun. I hope you can stomach pure bullshit.

This is why you're annoying.

Seriously val you need to shut the fuck up just cus you're a namefag you aren't king shit here

The only one that works is Aramaki. The others are bad and they should feel bad.

Serious Question: Why have Togusa and Ishikawa swapped ages? What sense does it make for the rookie cop to be in his 50s and the chill mechanic be younger from a story perspective? At this point why not just make entirely new characters in an alternate universe with some of the same basic ideas?

Neither look half as retarded as Borma anyway. I could honestly caren that he's a nigger now, I just hate the massive googly eyes they slapped on him.

Also fucking kill me that this abortion in the making is somehow happening.

I tried reading it and I seriously can't go for more than a few lines. It's just cringe.

I'd be shocked if they keep him as a rookie, the story will probably be almost completely different other than names.


More than likely the truth is he did it for a month or two straight, then burned out on being charitable.

Holy Moses. Gjoni said that she's great at coming up with believable stories, it's just a shame that she does it 24/7. He was right.

He posted an unsourced rumor. While unsourced and not useful, Denton is very relevant to fucking gamergate.

And half this thread can't spell, so I don't see your point.

If you're going to call him a retard then just do that, but crying shills and ralphshill when it's clearly not him make s you look like a sperg.

Welp, the one preson that will be attending next year will feel happy about the inclusivity of the toilets.

It always bugs me when they're not included.

I assumed he was a shill because he wrote in a similar fashion and posted something absolutely mindblowingly "guys my uncle works at nintendo" retarded. That's my point. If he isn't, good, I'm sorry, I made a mistake, then he's just really dumb.

Or from Target's stock going into the toilet.


>makes you look like a sperg
>implying he isn't one

Honest to fuck Val kill yourself

Compare this to the CON chat logs, if the dates match. Lets see what Zoe was REALLY doing.

They don't, she posted it on the 11th, so they don't mention it. Well, I think the chat logs end earlier than that at least.

Maybe Peter leaked the logs to get back at his Sinthetics doll for cheating on him

Or maybe lw did so she could throw everyone under the bus and cry that she was coerced.

I don't know about you lot but I didn't like the last Christmases I had, but damn. After reading that aGG spent Christmas talking about Foreskin, and the same with New Year, I now appreciate those Christmases I had.

It's just, amazing, that there are people who sit around on Christmas and New Year, jerking each other dicks off and not spending it with Friends and/or Family.

How pathetic.

I never really realized how good my life is, but now I do, and it's thanks to these lot.

We got this, we will win, and we will celebrate Christmases together in spirit, with family and friends.

One last thing, if you ever feel down on Christmas, ever feel like you aren't getting the most out of it.
Remember aGG, remember how they sat on their asses whining about GG, whining about everything pretty much.

Social media addicts are more pathetic than anything else I can imagine.

Seeing how petty all those people are, capable of going mental and furious over the slightest bit of disagreement or the smallest insult (with some help from abusing various substances), honestly, all of the people involved could be the leaker.
Except Ian as it's been proven it can't; and honestly i'd be very, very surprised if it were Izzy, since he's the worst coward of the crowd.
Hell, it could even be Zoe at this point.

Your life will remain better than theirs because you will not require every single thing on earth to revolve around you; and thus fear, constantly, every single thing to NOT be about you.
These people are miserable both because they are consistently afraid, and because they need to ensure everyone is as miserable as them, or their own misery is only their own; not the world's.


I just searched the log for "foreskin and welp you were right. It came up twice, and Pedobutts was involved in both. I'm fairly sure >she also shitposted on SA about foreskins.

myowngalpal on dumblr

anyone have that webm?

Reported to local mods, global mods, admins, the FBI, CIA, NSA, NBA, NFL, MLG, and NAACP.



Please stop. I'm trying to enjoy rape-gore. You're post was just too sickening and depraved. :^)


Reminder that Val is a pedophile.

Since when does Wardell writes for gamasutra? I wonder how many hipsters from the clique burst a blood vessel


That's not a head and there's no patting involved

I wonder if you can recreate the tans and headpat them!

Fuck, I had no idea. I guess that explains DiGRA's shit piece on him.

everyone can write, it's a blog.

I am not home


So you can still ejaculate with no cock/balls? Neat

You're an insecure retard who calls everyone who doesn't like you a shill. Stop trying to mod this thread. Just because you're a namefag attention whore doesn't mean you have any authority here.

Gross. Thats a post op fakegina isnt it? No clit.

kek, Steam's giving refunds on No Man's Sky regardless of playtime.

They must not have removed his prostate. I think that is where the fluid came from.

I believe that is the case.

Really, I didn't know that. Do they curate it? How does it work


The lack of clit is what tipped you off? Not the fact that it looks like a stab wound?

Post ops disgust me. So do preops who don't put in the effort. But the ones who do put in the effort and dont mutilate are alright by me.

Clits the first thing I look for.


Has been mentioned, but always good to remind people.

create an account and that's it. There is an industry veteran feed, some got featured when it suits the editorial line/quality content I guess.

That only says the refund isn't automatic after two hours for everyone, there's apparently a ton of people still getting it after that point. Tons of salt on the game's forums if you check the thread.

Has there been any response from Sean Howard yet?


not that I've seen

18 Quintillion dollars lost to Piracy and Refunds.

Oh fuck, I thought about replying to this post but forgot. Are you still around?

no more furries in this thread!

I literally just came back whats up?


Shame on you.

t minus 15 til the clock turns over to the anniversary in burgerland


Hopefully the artist gets back to me soon if not its gonna be delayed


side note, that's some grade-a asshurt from the triangle fags above

jesus christ

I have something that you could help with, tho it's not GG at all. Do you have access to Scifinder?


if he really wanted to be a fag again and do shit on GG I think he wouldn't attach his handle on it, don't you think?

Looks like its under maintenance until 1 AM tomorrow. Im not even sure if I can gain access though my school VPN. I might be able to find whatever you're looking through my library if you're looking for a journal article. What exactly do you need?

I can get articles thanks to Sci-hub.cc (god I love that site), I was actually looking for the vendor list of CAS 81395-70-2. I looked for vendors all over and had a tough time, I think CAS is the last place left to look.









Have a party faggots!

Is there some sort of chat or is this the only place for discussion?

>inb4 revoltards hijack the tag to whine about Liana or whatever

There /gamergatehq/ but it's ded. There used to be an IRC chatroom or two back then, dunno if they still exist.

It's so hard to find yuri meme images. I don't know why.

open a discord or something if you want

Where does the time go?

Ah I see, I don't think I can help you out very well with that, but I can try Scifinder tomorrow, and Ill let you know.

Hope this stuff isn't for you, user.

god this is some lazy-as-fuck animation

Seth McFarlane, dude, What do you expect?


Heh y-yeah, it totally isn't for m-me.

Anyway, thank you.

More like its flash made under a retardedly short deadline. Cartoons need either more time or people to animate a good piece. Most execs think cartoons can be as streamlined and fast as producing live action like law and order or sinfeld.

Did I do good?

I used to be shocked and disgusted by this crap but now I just laugh at it.


Can someone start a new forum? I don't have a problem with Acid Man, but he let meta-fagotry capsize gghq. This thread has too much shitposting and not enough organizing for operations, which is what we should be doing now after the leak.

Also, Made a don't use link shorteners of the 8/v/ & 8/pol/ CONLeaks post, just in case anyone finds 'em useful…
don't use link shorteners.com/PolCrash
don't use link shorteners.com/CONleaks

Holla Forums,

user from Holla Forums here.

I need your help with something - I need all the filthy details you can give me from back when this very first started on the Polaris Game_Jam. Specifically people involved, who the sponsors were, and who the director Quinn tried to get fired was.

Thanks for your time.

Wordfilters suck like Frank. He always keeps turning forced-user on & off.
don't use link shorteners/CONleaks

ARE WE BEING RAIDED or something

/CONleaks is on Tony-URL, too.

Looks good.

We're not going to trend it tonight, most likely. We've got to get the rest of the word out though. It should take off in the morning once everyone is awake and has Sunday off.

Keep tweeting and get more people involved. If you have forum or Reddit accounts, go get regular gamers in on it too. Don't mention #GG, obviously.

I want to help but I don't know what to do exactly, I see the posts here that tells people what to do, but the more specific parts I don't get.
I'd ask here but the time between posts is getting longer and longer .


How much, 10bux?

Don't expect anything from this circlejerk of a thread, all they know how to do is pat themselves on the back, shitpost, and attention whore through avatarfagging, namefagging, and tripfagging. Then go on twitter and talk about how they won by being handed leaks by an insider that they do nothing with.

I'll look at my archives.

Good Idea, and I think we have that person

The Director

No… but you are about to, prepare to receive my


in your boypussy, spread it for me and bite the pillow, I'm going dry.


There's plenty more, but I think it was the producer that was fired. encyclopediadramatica.se/Zoe_Quinn#Sabotaging_400k_Game_Jam.2FReality_show.2FCharity

Waste of trips, but if GG is useless and dead, you can always go back to cuckchan and circlejerk there Mr. Armchair General.

Had this handy.

The producer that Quinn tried to get canned was Matti Leshem. They worked for a company called Protagonist, and was working under Mountain Dew at the time to run the game jam.

After the second day filming, Quinn, Davy Wreden, Robert Arnott, and Adriel Wallick walked off the set and shitcanned the production, calling the producers "sexist."

According to a fluff piece on Shitaku, a journo named Jared Rosen was also present, and wrote a hitpiece on the game jam in Quinn's favor as well. Supposedly they all quit over a line of "sexist questioning" from the producer.


He doesn't want it, I'll take it for you.

Thanks. Greatly appreciated.

you may want the set narrative pieces by her journo 'friends' as well, they covered for her–this is a bigger deal than most people know as it was corporate sabotage and a conspiracy to commit fraud.

Here's a plebbit thread about it archive.is/hjnYB can't confirm if it was him, because my memory is shit.


don't suppose you got that handy?

dont suck girls dicks


Fuck off shill




Here's a piece from Polyfail on it as well.


Names names, and might be useful.


$50 a year. Longecity.

It really is a good forum, has all sorts of talk about experimental meds and custom synthesis and shit. Shame about the price tag.

Sorry but I don't know if the courtroom procedures are available. But just googling for "Daulerio testimony" will bring up a lot of results.

I've only glanced some of the CON leaks and it's fucking hysterical how ridiculous these people are.

Zoe is somehow the most level-headed amongst them and she's still a massive retard cunt, in spite of them.

Izzy Galvez is a simpering faggot who sucks up the Randi Harper.

So many instances of them justifying doxxing and targeting people's personal lives. "You're part of a hate group! What did you expect lol!!"

One of my favorites was them insisting that GG is actually tiny and insignificant, while they sit in their private chat room with all of 5 people.

I mean, the whole thing is hardly a surprise, but it's vindicating to everything GG has said over these past 2 years and knowing that we have been right this entire time must be driving them insane right now.

I think they have a point. I've been sitting in this thread since GGHQ died, and I've seen no moves on ops or anything from within this thread. If this was a year ago, there would already be movement over those logs like it was the D-Day Invasion.

So a forum for STEM/Medical/Health Professionals who no doubt can afford it, not bad, at least is isn't the 10bux hugbox.

God, he's that thirsty, now I need to mindkill that image.

brote may be onto something when he tiers them and now that we know they have white house contacts and DOJ contacts etc, it gives a whole sycophant demonstration in action– these are pathetic people who lick ass and take notes

That board died because of the vast amount of drama, shilling, and retardation from revolt, doesn't help when people quit after the "we should have followed IA's advice!" or tired from the constant drama and some faggots being leaderfags, doesn't help when D&C bullshit can get through some of the guys. And it's a slow day at this time, we got some articles, that stream where Banana Hitler contextualizes the logs, and we're getting people aware, what else should we do?


Its been a long time. I havent posted on a Gamergate thread in years. Even though I see bastardizations like gaymergays and goobergrabbers and garbosnarbos now, Gamergate will always be remembered by me. I was never too involved, I only ever sent one email to Intel and they replied with it tagged "+gg" indicating they knew it was Gamergate related.

Gamergate won win they got Leigh Alexander fired. For an online chan based movement what more could be expected? Getting the person fired for the most infamous of the Slander Article day articles was an astounding success. Now, years later, Gawker is dead and admits that Gamergate played a role. Social Justice Warriors have been exposed and an entire generation of people have become "Internet operatives", trained in memes.

My smug has reached interdimensional levels. I am the Alpha smug, creator of all that is smug, crystalized pure smug. Damn it feels good.


Not fired so much as made everyone aware of her bullshit and keep their distance. The rest of the clique has been similarly branded. LW failed to land any vidya job despite publicly whining that "abloo bloo why won't anyone give jobs to me and my sociopathic friends". I think she even claimed she left vidya a while ago, despite still being a hanger-on, like the Tingle gig shows. We have to keep eyes on all the clique shitheads, because they will not be hired by anyone that isn't a koolaid chugger. I think it was Wardell who mentioned how these people are pretty much marked men womxn.

nothing could beat this smugness I'm feeling

Sounds like a bunch of excuses. There was shilling from day one, but it's only now that you're calling the shills the victors because they successfully erased every GG boarrd from Holla Forums. Acid Man failed with the board after the FBI sticky stuff, but now we're giving up unlike was the case after Niko and Bladeee fucked up. A lot of anons don't want to go to KiA, because it's fucking plebbit, and this thread is like ground hog's day with tired shitposting and identity whoring.

The information should be weaponized into actionable e-mail campaigns to target these fucks and hold them responsible. I mean how can fucking Izzy still work as an "abuse specialist" for fucking Amazon after this shit? How can CON still be a trusted Twitter resource? It's because you haven't put the effort into clamping the boot back down on these people's necks.


Leigh Alexander now works for one of the biggest companies in tabletop gaming and has convinced an entirely different industry that she's a good person and her critics are evil people.

The problem hasn't gone away, you just don't see it anymore.

Talk about setting the bar low.

I see you're home again

Zootopia Beta.txt

I had ribs for lunch, they were ok

More like she is riding on her husbands coatails, and if he fails, she does too.

In what capacity, because saying "I WORK FOR THE BIGGEST COMPANY" is a pitiful way to try and aggrandize otherwise pitiful and unimpressive feats.

Like saying, "I WORK FOR NINTENDO" when all you're just one of their cafeteria workers.

As far as I can tell, she's just piddling around with minor writing projects and orbiting tabletop games because the rotten stench of her name is unknown to that industry.

I'm not disagreeing with you but see how long it took for Gawker to go under? 2 years with help from Peter Thiel and Hogan's case.

Twitter isn't going to cave and we've seen from the last two years these fuckheads double down, and Twitter's own bias is on full display in this case from day one.

I'd expect about 2 years worth of constant ragging to do anything else to all the other hilariously slanted media services. Very unfortunate but their smugness and blissful short-sightedness isn't entirely without merit (in the short term).


[02/01/2015, 5:01:23 AM] Rob: No.

Did CNN write anything around that time?

Wow, so that thing where the GG boards are a honeypot are false? we're still digging, and the shills are the victors? only if they truly brought GG out of Holla Forums and everywhere else.

What the flying sack of shit? you do know that Twitter is a sinking ship, why would they give a shit about CON being worthless when they don't do anything other than easy PR? and we've already been giving the chat logs regarded that to everyone, especially Milo and Allum, and they're fucking SJW parasites who play the victim, they will get away with it, but they'll be too toxic to even work with if you don't disregard the fact that Zoe used all of her fucking connections from Hollywood to the White House and still failed to garner that much support without looking like a nutjob because just by existing and pointing out their bullshit, we discredit them.

Sounds like to me you're frustrated from things not happening, like those happeningfags, just wait for Brote to reveal shit or help digs for that Mark DeLoura asshole.

As far as I know, cnn never peeped about gg.

Consider the following: We achieved things unthinkable with shitposting and memes.

Get smug. Stay smug. Never let the smug leave you.


no use metafagging, there was always going to be different approaches– KIA thought the journos could reform and we wanted scorched earth and what happened was the majority got their sweatshirts and meetups and eceleb feels and we got to work emailing. That is just the way it was, whining about it just make you a whiner, leading by example and creating new ops and people following your example gets things done. KIA is next door to a gaming sub with 9 million subs and they don't leave their happy containment board to spread info to other gamers. Doesn't bother me, you set yourself up for disappoint when you expect others to do what you want. There was always no brakes on the train– it will go where it goes.


You're not thinking big enough. Yes, SJWs have festered into Twitter, but Twitter is a publicly traded company. You go to the people above the SJW cunts' pay grade to give Twitter grief over their hypocrisy. Just because something seems difficult doesn't mean it's impossible.

CNN-money or whatever had several articles following the narrative on us there, especially about the Reddit Revolt things by the plebbitors on Chairwoymn Pao.

CNN money did in March:


But it was an interview with Wu.

Is that picture actually legit?
Did AMD do that?

But I'm not saying it's impossible, just that it's going to take its sweet time. The guy I quoted seemed bothered with lack of 'happenings' or whatever and while it's undeniable the sad death GGHQ had, it's good to keep in mind this takes a while.

Yes, it's legit, been a while though. But AMD did put that out


A plan was made. Contact all known sympathetic outlets so we get articles. Then use said articles to contact Disney, twitter investors, and Amazon makes sense too. Also that director. They don't want to sift through skype logs they need easily consumable media.

Then we implement phase 2. You have been contacting all of the people advised early in the thread, right faggot?

I have a theory that they are selling it to foreign interests piece by piece so Saudi Arabia or some other stone age country can prevent another ackbar spring and then they will all leave and start something new and the journos will do everything to make it a success. These young narcissistic ceos don't need money, they need to keep coming up with things that will make them look amazing and make them stick out from all the other rich kids they hang with.

WSJ friend might be Sarah Needleman


We've pretty much agreed to prepare relevant information and have it spread out before we start up an email campaign. Large companies aren't likely to sift through the logs just because we link them to it and having a bunch of articles out that points out some of the more juicy details will just make it easier for them to understand the problem. With information spread out beforehand as well, that makes it harder for them to ignore it or brush it under the rug. The least they'll be forced to do is acknowledge it at any rate. Once we have that groundwork prepared, we can start flooding the investors with that information. In the meantime, look over the information that may be most relevant for each potential target of an email campaign I suppose.

yes I just don't remember witch of their twitter handles posted it

yes its legit. It may have been a response to them seeing the positive press intel got from us when they pulled ads from gamasutra. It seems like AMD wants to position themselves more as the friend of gamers company compared to intels corporate appearance. They started the pcgaming show at E3 that year, too


Think one of the Saudi Princes own stock in twitter.

It would be easier if we had it small for the media and for the people we contact, cause I assume they don't want to sift through the logs.
I don't, and I ain't important.

piece by piece, they may even be diving the price purposely so they can buy it at an even cheaper price

Twitter is vulnerable as a company and has been for years. If we really wanted to damage them, it would be possible. The CEO is literally being fucked by the founder of BLM. I'm pretty sure there's plenty of actionable dirt that could be dug up.

So, apparrently the writer of the CNN piece was Sara Ashley O'Brien (@saraashleyo). Is there any public contact between her and remy (@StephenAtWar)? I don't have a twat account and have no idea how to search this kind of stuff on that shit.

cnn money also had a short blurb about gg in early January.


Authors: David Goldman (@DavidGoldmanCNN) and Jose Pagliery (@Jose_Pagliery)

Ah, I thought it was another news channel that wu went to. But they never talked about gg on the main cnn, yah?

What? That's not just a meme?

Check her twitter account, check if there's contact, hell, check faceberg too if they have one.

no they are a couple


The board died because you couldn't post anything for a month without getting an error. The Holla Forums general had enough volume to survive so people stayed here or moved to Reddit. Habit and lack of happenings kept people here.

Matti Leshem was forced to sign an NDA, if I remember right. Whoever is contacting the corporates should ask them to release him from it so he can talk.

Matti Leshem is the son of Israeli Ambassador Moshe Leshem.
Rubenstein Communications did his PR
Green Label Gaming is Mountain Dew's production company

March 24, 2014
Disney Buys Maker Studios In Deal Worth At Least $500 Million
… Maker Studios has about 350 employees, and they're all expected to join the Mouse House… Maker Studios will report to Disney chief financial officer Jay Rasulo, the company said. Maker Studios will remain based in Culver City, Calif., with operations in New York and London. "Disney is synonymous with the best entertainment and is the ideal partner for us, strengthening our position as the leading player in online video," Ynon Kreiz, exec chairman and CEO of Maker Studios, said in a statement.
… Maker Studio had raised more than $70 million in funding. Investors include: Time Warner Investments; Upfront Ventures; Greycroft Partners; Ynon Kreiz, Maker's executive chairman; Downey Ventures, the investment company for Robert Downey Jr.; Elisabeth Murdoch; Fuel: M+C, the investment company for John Miller and Jimmy Yaffe; Daher Capital; and producer Jon Landau. More recent backers include French media conglom Canal Plus; Astro Overseas, the government of Malaysia's strategic investment fund; Singapore telecom provider SingTel; and venture-capital firms Lakestar and Northgate Capital.
variety.com/2014/biz/news/disney-buys-maker-studios-in-deal-worth-at-least-500-million-1201145068/ archive.is/8oiGO

Followed by layoffs
web.archive.org/web/20140603014136/http://variety.com/2014/digital/news/layoffs-to-hit-disneys-maker-studios-exclusive-1201183572/ archive.is/gqXn7

The Polaris team:

* Chris M. Williams, Chief Development Officer
* Luis Medina, Director of Partnerships
* Isaac Zucca, Director of Programming, @ThePartyMenu is currently Sales Project Manager at Twitch.tv
* Nathan Kitada, Director of Branded Integration
* Sarah Wick, Talent Strategy Manager
* David Rostal, Head of Network Development

One of Maker's investors is Greycroft Partners, a supporter of Hillary Clinton
politico.com/blogs/ben-smith/2010/06/clinton-friend-was-spys-target-027850 archive.is/in8tP

The game jam's prizes were passes into Microsoft's [email protected]/* */ developer program, which everyone involved could already get with a phone call.

There's nothing on twitter, though if she's actually a contact of his it could have easily been done through email or phone call.

Alright, I'm going to bed. When I wake I'm gonna do some emails regarding the game jam stuff.

If you guys find any good email targets for it, just reply it too this post.

Manginas can't love manginas


People don't realize just how badly the site shitting itself hurt us, hell not just us Holla Forums in general, our numbers on the top boards used to be in the 3,000 PPH range, we're lucky to break 800 and Holla Forums only breaks a thousand on huge shit happening, it pretty much killed the smaller boards as well.

Like seriously, the site errors REALLY fucking hurt us.

As a degenerate horsefucker I am well aware.

Probably late but Happy Anniversary anyways you unbearable faggots.

Have some Vivian

In my experience that may have contributed but so did adopting the one thing everyone was always adamant against saying would just fuck GG if adopted in any way shape or form: identity-fagging

I remember just asking what was the deal with Oliver Campbell and the guy who made The Stanley Parable because I kept hearing and I just flat out didn't know and the thread was swamped immediately with "revolt shill! revolt shill!" despite the fact I A) didn't even know was that B) asked an honest question but people could only assume it had to be their private boogeyman.


You know, there's a lot of ammo for a lot of targets in these CON leaks. You can twitter ablaze, you can personally flame the people involved, or you can even set a flame in the indie community.

I'll try my best to put my digger cap back on for this one and scope out some targets.

I'd do it now but I have a crusade to finish in Medieval Total War 2

Make a new thread every time it auto-sages, faggot.

It's just my vivian folder you paranoid faget.

I'd recommend another uploading site, like teknik.io or pomf.cat.
Ctrl+F "Mega Technique"

Have to wait till page 14 or 700 posts as that's the rule.

Present boogiepop's digging guide. and I do miss boogiepop, boogiepop was a fantastic digger.


I mean I downloaded it out of curiosity but I quarantined it in a virtual machine to start with. Anyways thanks for the vivs.

Yeah, only thanks to her hubie. Contacts, as always.


Well how about that.

Yes, AMD said "you're not dead" while showing a red-haired woman with a some purple and green over the place.

I know this was pandering but it still secured my loyalty as far as GPUs/CPUs go.


I went amd too after Intel paid the outrage industry, 8320 and 380 paired nicely. I probably get a zen down the road when better games start showing up.

Well it's 28 where I live, so… Happy birthday GamerGate

Two fucking years.

Have this pic please.

Would it be a stretch to think you could use the CON leaks as ammo to email Taco Bell and to get something going against Kotaku as well?

The polaris game jam goes to show how Zoe is willing to fuck over everyone including corporate out of nearly half a million dollars.

For emails, well you can say anything in a fucking email towards Kotaku's advertisers. You pick the reason you stick in an email. Protecting and defending a literal revealed con artist? Protecting and defending employees that protected and defended said con artist? The most important thing in that case is volume rather than reason

I love it.

You need to step up your game and get some lostboy.exe in your life user :^)

Currently uploading the vivs to pomf, i'll post a link in a while.

thats not how bulges in pareros work

I like it too.
She has the whole year to stay grumpy.
Give her a break in her birthday.

What is the music?

now she's just missing some dropped panties.

no bully, it's a reference to a reference being made in the pic

You're re-writing history. Yes, that the errors had to do with the drain of IDs that happened up until the place died, but the board literally croaked after Acid Man posted his FBI sticky and made it about austistic drama with triangle fags or whoever else, some bullshit that should have been done in another board or not at all. No offense, but the Holla Forums general thread isn't cutting it imo as a replacement for the GG boards.

Also the happenings stopped, because Holla Forums was doing a lot of the digging and retards did they're best to make sure D&C campaigns came true and Holla Forums became alienated from GG.

pretty much
acid & revolt killed it

People sucking his dick irk me cus their both fuckwits

Das it man. For all who dig, these will be your guide.

Offtopic Question.
What games are Vivian in?

halo 2

Afterlife Empires, Aerannis, some flash levels that I think you can find in the thread on >>>/vivian/6

There's also an overhaul mod for Xcom 2 with dragons and Vivian James and Project Socjus that are being worked on.

Depression Quest


I tried out Aerannis, it's kind of like Megaman with some stealth stuff. The controls can be a bit iffy when it comes to hanging down onto ledges but otherwise the game part is fine.
The story is what made me lose interest. The main character is super retarded and doesn't question anything even though all >her targets let themselves die without putting up any resistance. I don't know if they ever flip it later but it's too frustrating to care. Also I don't really care about that stuff but the main character is a transexual that never shuts up about how uncomfortable she is in her body or about how it's like putting on a disguise or whatever.

Never played it myself, was just listing everything that I knew that has Vivian in it. Heck, not even played Afterlife Empire though I have played the levels of the flash game that devfag made.

Teknik mirror because pomf is being a bitch tknk.io/USMG

Not really seeing the purple.

Happy anniversary faggots.

2 years of nonstop fun for me. I don't know about you, but no regrets since I hopped onboard.

Feels good

Holla Forums here you guys legit impress me with how you pick yourselves up good work Holla Forums I'm willing to help what do you fags need?

IA here
holy shit

a deepfreeze for the msm?

That would require a structure bigger than some national governments.

We definitely need to coordinate something on hillarys chinese connection

both her & soros are Chinese puppets

Use this for propoganda

If hilldog is china theres a reason she wants war with putin

We've been over this, the Chinese thing is bull.

disprove it then if you got nothing shut the fuck up

You realize that that's not how things work, right? You're the one that has the burden of proof. If anything there's more evidence that Hillary's working for Saudis or even Russia than China if she's working for a foreign government. In reality she just works temporarily for whoever's paying her at the moment.

With China she's sold out land that had mineral rights, with Russia she helped setup a deal to give them Uranium, and she's done tons of shit for Saudis who are primary contributors to Clinton Foundation. Your evidence all comes from muh rich friend said so.

What is it with these people and adding plus at the end of everything? what next Marxism+?

Serious answer, all hands should be digging through the CON leaks. That should be priority for the next few days as there's good stuff in there.

its a sjw thing
but revoltfags used it to lable people as SJWs like Gamergateplus

Yeah, it was weird because usually you can pirate indie games pretty easily and it even got a good review by the gaming press but I only found it a couple months ago. It's just painfully average.

Afterlife Empire isn't very good at all. The UI is terrible, it's super buggy, character profiles suggest that it's only half finished since they're supposed to have more interesting interactions, couples that just spawn in the middle of the woods and stand there forever, guests will never see more than 1 or 2 traps without running scared, there's no point in buiding anything that looks nice, you can bypass the 1 trap per room limit by rebuilding the same room over and over..
You can bypass all the special units by instead of building a mansion for people to enter, you build your rooms to create a maze people have to travel in order to reach the single entrance and just using your ghost powers to get more points forever. To reach the final tier of the mansion the reasonable goals like 10 rooms, 40 objects jump way up to like 200 rooms, 2000 objects or something stupid like that.
The UI is far and away the most offensive part. Instead of having a button to rotate furniture you have to go down a single list left to right of all the furniture in the game. A table, table with pot, table with plant, table with flower, table with record player, table with candles and then every single one of those varients placed vertically instead of horizontally.
Never got up to the 4th tier where I assume you see Vivian because the game isn't that good and I didn't want to spend forever adding pointless minimum sized rooms full of flowerpots. I did get Gilda though, she's a top tier hazard that saps your health as long as she's anywhere at all on the map.

There's also the porn game OkStupid some guy on /d/ is making. But /d/evelopers are the most half assed and sickly people ever so who knows if anything is going to come of it.

Mizzou will keep this up until all the commie prof out themselves like that one red head lady who got third degree assault charges.

They learned nothing.


Heres some proof right here you nigger

& of course she deals with saudis
They give her money. The chinese have used her for the longest tho. Since watergate

sounds about right

I love it

Who still calls her "Polina" and not Erika ?

Eh, I tried to confirm that shit though various contacts and digging which never brought up anything. We know from the 4chan janiteam leaks that a "mod purge" never happend, in reality moot fucking tired of the site and let RapeApe essentially run the joint.
He later sold it to Hiroshimoot (and probably used the money to pay down his VC debts from canv.as) who may or may not datamine the fuck out of everything. He may initially have tried to sell it to Gawker or conde Nast but that is speculation at this point.

It was just the rumored tl;dr on how and why the hotpockets went overdrive that day, people did try to link Moot's meeting with Denton, then some random niece who tried to an hero herself because of the tumblr and Denton calling moot to sort it out because moot can't afford to be isolated because of the bad publicity that halfchan was making it for him.





"The Purge"

The board's owner, AcidMan, decided to weaponize GG by banning all "chan" culture and imposed "quality filters" on all posts.

No animegirl comments. No "chan-like" comments. No refefrence to SJW's. And he told everyone that if they didn't like it or his divine-by-right leadership, they can just FUCK OFF.

They did.

Are there any more preliminary results from the digging of the CON leaks?
Are there any of their posts in particular that I can use like I did the other day? pics related


Some more image folders there

Is the image filename numbers just a long string of random shit and image hover not working for anyone else?

I still really doubt adding the intel shit has any use in the second pic as femfreq is already linked to CON anyway, that the quote you're using for it is the absolute opposite of "incriminating", that the pic overall will never make any normalfag interested or curious; and regarding the first one, the entire conversation is way too fucking long, no one already interested in it will even look at it, you have infinitely more incriminating stuff to add there, you have tons of it actually, and, again, it looks barren and tasteless for normalfags.


I'm glad the only people I know who care about games are just as jaded and cynical as me.

Normally he is just about as jaded as me if not more so, but I guess the drought of not shit spess games finally got to him.

My little 16 year old brother loves the game, but he's a big minecraft addict, so in a way considering his age and tastes it's neither surprising nor a bad thing.
It also doesn't mean he doesn't know a good game when he sees it, he keeps hoping we finally finish Yoshi's wooly world

I hope people learned a lesson, there was an awfully high number of people that bought the game. Perhaps the game drought helped out…

Well, my friend was a Minecraft turboautist till a couple of years ago, so that would also be an explanation.

The drought definitely helped. It can turn a mediocre game from a niche series into a blockbuster. Just look at Fire Emblem Awakening.

Your input has been taken into consideration.
Please note that I actually did ask for extra log extracts to use in further infographics.

Perhaps. But those already interested in it are not the target audience. The target audience are normalfags. People who have no idea what is going on. The vast majority of people in fact.
The links between major, easily identifiable companies such as twitter and microsoft, with the Anti-gamers allow the interest by normalfags to be piqued.

Bless 8chn drawfags may their light shine on into the darkest pits of the hereafter


Arf, my bad ! I meant "no one NOT already interested in it", I wanted to say that unless people already know about that shit they won't even care. Sorry !

Good morning guys!!! I've stole Freya's clothes!!

well put them back, they're too good for you.

Honestly the biggest example of this was actually the Souls games. They got heralded as the HARDEST GAEMS EVA despite their difficulty being only slightly above average purely because the past few years were lacking major game releases with actual difficulty.


That's true. They hold your hand less than most, so they're THE HARDEST GAMES EVER ZOMG


Having normalfags care and making them interested are two different things.
If these things were simply spread on twitter among #gamergate users, I would agree. I'm talking about spreading these things on sites like 9gag, damnlol, etc.
I will "pretty" them up, however.

You'll just make them dirty. Take them off and get back into your cage.


Mh, yeah, I can understand. It'll need quite a bit more work though, to make it more streamlined, clear, obvious and interesting.

This is why it is so important for gaming sites to be actually proficient at playing games in order to give an educated opinion. Looking at you, Polygon.

But then they might have to hire a gamer! The horror!


They won't be able to find any gamers because we are all dead.

But we're also ISIS (who have nothing to do with Islam), and they can't support terrorism, dammit.

I thought we were worse than ISIS?

So, why is noone contacting every msm outlet with this data and demanding a comment, an apology and a retraction?

We were, but now we're just as bad as them. We've been downgraded.

Several people are already, but maybe after two years we're all fully aware that they aren't interested in the truth, especially if it implies admitting they were wrong.

forgot pic.

What are you even thinking, user?



Pretty much this.
I have not finished reading all of the chatlog, just finished the highlight and skimming the rest before digging further. But even just going the big picture of AFAIK are verifiable facts so far.

The chatlog itself. Ian Miles Chong verified it as real, Randi Harper did not deny it only trying to downplay it, likely in an attempt to damage control. Intel contributed monies to Femfreq, Femfreq gives money to CON. CON is a Trusted Resouce on Twitter. One of the infographic final text you have I think nailed it to warn unaware twitter users. The "Twitter places it's trust in people who harass others online".

There are definitely people who knows twitter but does not know who and what CON is. Hesus cristos, I had dinner yesterday with a relative who's heard of BLM, but never heard of the Shaun King's or his shenanigans. No they're not stupid, but they're pretty much normalfag. And no, this is not one of those times for REEEEEEEEE. Twitter IMO still relies on hanging on to normalfags, normalfags who are unaware just how untrustworthy twitter can be.

On the visual design of the infographics and this is just me repeating my previous suggestion. I like the overall text and message. Keeping it factual, simple and fast to grasp.
Intel gave money to femfreq and femfreq gives money to CON
CON is made up of people from FemFreq as well. CON endorses harassment and have done doxing on people
CON is made into a Trusted Resource on Twitter

The typeface itself is fine but maybe bigger sized would be something to try, and since the chatlogs is now released maybe separate the links to it's own section at the bottom. Then again that's just me, I tend to go for more poster type designs. I'd still prefer the center graphic to just be logos and icons of Twitter Intel and CON Femfreq.

Most MSM outlets aren't that stupid they can't see the tide of popular opinion is turning strongly against them.

They might be opportunists enough to print something if only to try and pre-empt and appease the shitstorm approaching them.

All you need is one major outlet to crack and the rest will follow suit.

I'll give your suggestions a try. Thank you for your input.

Or they could always double down like they previously have. Remember that the majority of MSM still support Hillary in spite of her activities.

I'm surprised Facebook decided to do anything at all, though I wouldn't be surprised if the algorithm is programmed with some bias as well, like ignoring certain non-progressive websites.


Just a normal day, for a regular socjus lurker, interacting and derailing!
Just a normal daaaay, for a reguuuular socjus lurker, interacting aaaaaannnnd deeeeee~raAAAAAiling!

Top kek

We need more FreyaxErika.

Freya's always publically seducing Erika Polina to the annoyance/amusement of the other GG Gals; not because Freya's actually gay, but because it just enrages/freaks out Erika so goddamn much.

Freya is absolute Aryan perfection. Tall, blonde, nordic and godly. She is Overwoman, and she is glorious. She is everything Erika worships and wants to be, and to have Freya *ruin everything* by being a DEGENERATE…

Freya just fakes it for shits and giggles, but poor Erika? Such conflicted. The ultimate Aryan Superwoman wants small, little insignificant Erika to be her waifu… it's an honor! Of all the unworthy on the planet, the godly Freya has chosen her. And she's so, so very beautiful… BUT THAT'S DEGENERACY!


fuck off pay for shit loser
dont see me begging for art

Doesn't mean we shouldn't put pressure on them and rub their faces in the shit.

Gilda is pure you sick lolicon

I would if I had a job


Most MSM I see seems out of touch as fuck, or sees it as their moral duty to Correct The Record because it's current year, and we need to start a conversation so you shitlords can Listen&Believe, and obey. :^)

How's that war of attrition going for you, faggots?

Main Skype Room.txt

Miranda stop bullying Gilda on Twitter you furry fagget


Doesn't the MSM get tax payer funds now? Meaning that they answer to the crazies in the white house rather than any kind of consumer base?

Japanese version subtitled: vid.me/0ywL
English version: youtu.be/gje2nTPERAs?t=49m50s


Script and changes

Holla Forums was ahead of everyone like usual

>>>Holla Forums7276111



How are you guys planning on celebrating the anniversary?
With five guys I hope

I went out for lunch with my family today for my birthday
I had ribs, they were ok

Happy birthday, Marche. I hope your day is very IF YOU LIKE MIRANDA, YOU ARE A FURRY, THIS IS NOT HARD

I'm going to write emails until my barber shows up to cut my hair at 11am. Then I'm gonna spread info on twitter for a bit then go play video games.

Hey do any of you know what this is? It woke me up 6 hours ago and I'm still mad. It sounded like two cats fucking outside my window but then there was just this asshole.

You share the same birthday as the anniversary of gamergate

Yes and no
28th in Australia is 27th in america




Its a possum
Not the cute Australian kind yhe gross rodent american type

It's an ugly cunt is what it is. I thought somebody had left the cat outside at first until I checked and that ugly nigger was thumping his ugly rat tail on my window at 3 in the morning. My only regret is that I didn't sic my cat on him.



What does sikh even mean?

Dont let your cat near it
Those things may not kill the cat but they carry fucking everything and will kill your cat with aids and rabies

SJW censors shilling their changes.

Its an indian religion where they worship toilets and go to pray in a designated street that is often used for shitting

I guess it's a good thing I left him to sleep on the couch, then. Much cuter than an ugly rat that looks like it belongs in Australia.

You better not be a gril.


Why did you put it in a microwave?

ok, turns out this log is all about hunting down people who get the gg redpill.


the american one is called an opossum. the australian one is like a cross between a squirrel and a cat

what the fuck kind of captcha is this?

That's my window. It's at ground level because my house is on a hill.

I had a possum in my tree outside one night
Fuker was so damn cute like the size of a very tiny cat and just looked at me

Australia has mostly cute looking animals

I'm a big fat hairy Polish Canadian man.

Well technically she isn't a barber, she's just a friends mom who use to cut hair.

I can't read anymore Izzy chat lines, they always come off as the most pathetic thing possible.

Don't forget to archive and use a anime profile pic

Dina, Community manager for M.No-9:


anyone got the tweet where someone tells tb to die?

god damn twitter keeps getting shittier and shittier with each passing day.


There are worse religions out there, it's one of the less bigoted ones.
I know some alright sikh guys, they would probably beat up that Jubbal cunt the moment he opens his stupid mouth and starts spouting his nonsense.

I still wouldn't want to live there. Since I posted that ugly rat cunt earlier, here's a qt to balance it out.

Everything Izzy does is pathetic. If the phrase "please respond" could take human form, it would look like Izzy Galvez.



so, DINA, community manager of M.-No-9 is saying it was a lie is actually a lie.


fuck you dina

Great catch user. You should send these to Dina.


Just because a call for papers is posted on the digra site doesn't mean that digra is the one behind it. do people not know how cross-posting works? There are over 800 calls for papers on the digra site digra.org/category/call-for-papers/ do you really think digra is running every one of them?

digra doesn't have anything to do with first person scholar. cut the red strings connecting everything and blame first person scholar the group that actually did it.

Why the fuck would you send these to her? So can claim it's all doctored/out of context/whatnot?


Well, technically someone from a previous GG thread told them first.


you wanna know something

who the personw as that made death treats to tb?

gues what

turns out



how does it feel you fucking (((socjusanons)))? You did it for free.


Check the usual suspects. The revoltards are attacking TB right now. They need to take a long, hard look at a mirror before accusing anyone of coopting.

Yeah, last thread(or possibly one before) someone said it was shutdown and I checked Holla Forums and there was no thread. Told them they should make one and they did and linked it in thread. Funny that 2 of the threads stickied on Holla Forums both came from here.

Just goes to show that "Gamergate never got their heads out of their ass and realized what's really going on" is just complete bullshit at least as it pertains to this thread.

fuck off fucking socjusanon!

i already found it and you fucking klurking asshole can get fucked hard in the ass you shitty braindead fuckhead

get on my level asshole
DINA telling lies

what actually happened

by a fucking scumlord from gigant bomb

who do it for free

go back lurking fucking (1)

I understand the uselessness of sending it to her, but come on. All she'd do is block the person sending it to her.

Someone call an ambulance, I think it's having a stroke.

send it to tb

Do it anyway and it is more ammo against the fake journos when they refuse to correct their stories.

This is a good point.

Just heard of the leaks. How did they got confirmed? I mean those are fucking 50k words but what was the confirmation process? Anybody got a nice link?


Mark posting on 4chan.

I'm not sure what he expected to happen there.

Cheong who was in the threads confirmed them. Coffin fucked up and confirmed them. Others in there talked about how they were being blown out of proportion instead of outright denying them. I didn't save the links but someone else may have.

get the fuck out

which mark, I ain't going to kike chan

No one was doing anything about the FFXV censorship here so I went to 4chan where there is an active thread complaining and organizing to do something.

Thanks for the info, with that I can do the legwork.

are you sure it's not you pretending to be Mark?

what did he expect would happen

Well stay there then you piece of shit.

Ian confirmed
Also coffin confirmed the leaks weeks back when it was used as proof as the sex predator being in the shmchsbahaha
A few of the others have mentioned it also

Clarification: I meant to say that Cheong was in the Skype chat, not these threads.


I don't follow SE games outside of when they ruin DQ during the localization process. What did they do to FFXV outside the obvious season kikepass stuff

I assumed it was ralph shill too, but people get furious at me if I ever dare accuse someone of being a shill for posting stuff shills would usually say. So I preferred going on the safe side.


Here is the thread I made here about the FFXV censorship and 8ch is defending it, I went to 4chan to see what they thought and they are not happy and are trying to do something about it.


Hmmm, lemme guess what his master plan is… i'm getting a vision… boycott?

Apparently changed some minor dialogue.

That's bullshit, people get upset at you because you do it if people dislike you. There's a difference between calling people a shill over that and calling ralphshill a shill.

Look at the context and tone of the scene it's totally changed. If are for this localization I don't know what to say. What happened to the Torrential Downpour wing of GamerGate.

Well shit
Time to boycott guys
Thanks ralphshill you rrally did show us some grest examples of censorship here
Im gonna disbnding gamergate+ and torrential downpour and buying fire emblem fates as we speak

Oh, okay, sorry.

There, better?

Japanese version subtitled: vid.me/0ywL
English version: youtu.be/gje2nTPERAs?t=49m50s

Look at the scenes yourself there is a total change of the context in the English version.

So the same retarded shit they've been doing for decades?

Dw fam its done
Ive piràted it 5000 times already and square Enix are shutting down as we speak
You put in so much effort into showing this censorship

You're right, its a pretty blatant change, probably because they don't want to be accused of soggy knees over the guy implying that older male family members should have any opinion or influence on who a strong womyn dates.

I am surprised by the amount of people here defending these random localization changes. Same thing happened when the XCX changes where shown so not sure if they have people here to downplay their changes to the game.

well you fucked up pretty bad when you direct linked to cuckchan and said Mark was posting there, really does feel like typical shill behavior of trying to start shit. If you hadn't done that people would have likely taken it more seriously.

Yep we are all ethicscucks you got us

Has absolutely nothing to do with you not actually explaining the issue
Or having text comparison
Or understanding localising
Or trying to make a major issue out of a few word changes
Or not finding more information before spurging out so much you went to halfchannel to cry

Fucking kill yourself ralphshill

No, it's because SE always does pointless changes like this for no reason. They've always had a shitty localization since day one.

This was exactly what was said at first from what we saw for FE, people downplaying it till game was fully released.

They changed the tone and context of the scene and your calling me a shill for having an issue with it, this is what we created Torrential Downpour for.

I Bet your where OK with XCX and FE:F localization too.

Yep you got me again
I work for tree house

Current desktop wallpaper.

Any of you use Waht's App? The motherfuckers are forcing users to share their information and chat logs into Facebook, you can get rid off that in your account settings

You really think that
being changed into
couldn't have to do with concerns of being considered sexist?

Tank god we have devdex guys
Be sure to tell eberyone to boycott

You seem really fucking defensive about this, bro.

Fuck off furfag

Naa bro im just a ethicscuck
We should all apologies to moot and hiroshima

He's not the one crying
When there's hardly any difference!

Spot the revoltard

one implies it is a date, one denies it being a date, there's a pretty big difference

Miranda is furry, this is not hard.

Did you do the same with XCX and FE changes?

Fucking WHAT?

How the fuck do you get what you just said from that?

Considering their past alterations to FF and DQ in the late 80's to early 00's, it's the same shit they've always done. Especially DQ, there is a lot of "sexist" and lewd stuff they altered out way before this shit became as "problematic" as it is now.

By saying that the brother would beat him up if it was, its implying that yes it in fact is a secret date.

Are you seriously going to start comparing "'Date/Not a Date' and 'Date/Not a Date'" to "'Killing and Morality' to '……..'"?

really just shows that the localization team are SJWs themselves who probably consider it sexist instead of needing to be browbeaten into it.

Or you're just creating your own context in your head, because not everything has to imply the EXACT THING IT'S DENYING.

Japan has a belief that family should have strong influence on who's acceptable for the people. She asks him why its a secret date. He gives the reason it is a secret date.

she asks him why if its a secret date*

And he says "No," and states a reason.

So by saying "No," he's actually saying "Yes" to you?

Reading these logs, these people really are evil manipulative assholes, aren't they?

That's just it, he doesn't say no. Watch the video again.

Sorry fam, I don't think these two will stop arguing till the next bread.

Was there ever any doubt?

I've been staying away from twitter. How have the usual suspects been responding to all this? Are they burning to the fucking ground? Is CON done for? Has Twitter responding to any of this?

Have any of the outlets listed in the last few threads made stories about the log leaks? Any videos?

I need updates!

Two or three of them shut their account down if brote's to be believed, and several other ones are going crazy "i-it's not like it matters anyway"


Brote is Red Team Pill, right? He's the one that leaked the logs? I never got to see his stream, where did he get them from? I understand that Ian Cheong verified them. I'll check out Brotes twitter.

the cringe is off of the chart. Imagine being on your 30s and writing this.

silence radio, they know they will be quoted to death.

Did Sarah Butts really admit to "her" pedoness in the logs? And people there still defended her and shit?

Milo was never duplicitous. He stated from the very beginning what he wanted and for what reason.
I may not like him, but I do respect his directness.

Yes >she did

Yeah Milo was always

I mean,what part of that was duplicitous?Where is the betrayal?

Ok, found these on broteampills twitter. The accounts that went poof. They could also have changed their handles though, yes?

What the fuck is that shit?

They did, though that might have changed since they were found out rather quickly.

Haven't you been even lurking for the past week ?
He's Broteampill, not "red team". He didn't "leak" them, he received them from someone who leaked them, and no one knows who that is (although it was confirmed ian didn't). The streams are almost ten hours long, but honestly quite worth it.

This might be the worst thing I've read all week, and that includes the chatlogs.

Well bullyme I'm an idiot, they're unrelated to the logs. UnseenPerfidy left because he was accused (and admitted to doing it) of coercing women into sharing nudes and palle was part of the dox attempt of mombot, and yet works at ubisoft. Can't remember who the first one is.

From asshurt ecelebs upset Milo-sempai never noticed them.

Unseenperfidy is the one that harassed girl in CON cricle, the other one is the BlueByte employee that tried to dox mombot. both desactivated. Can't remember the first.

Peter coffin sharing his fanfic on the skype group

Well to be fair, the guy's a muslim, and Milo hasn't really been extremely kind to islam this past year, so I get why he'd hate milo
not like islam has been super nice to the rest of the world either…

I've…been mostly posting smug anime girls in response to the news. I mean, I'm aware what's happened, I just never bothered to get the details. With this leak right on the heels of Zackattack, and Gawkers death, my face hurts from smugging so much. Bully me for my shame.

Also Broteam is one of those accounts I'm aware of but never followed until recently when the leaks happened.

Speaking of fanfics, does anyone remember that anti-gamergate fan fiction that that crazy girl wrote last year? She ends up killing a guy while music plays, it was wild. People said it was genuine, but I always wondered. I saved the caps, I'll see if I can find them.


Now that you talk about fanfiction, if I'm not wrong, the only GG fanfiction I've read is the one where Vivian farts and that disgusting kind of shit.

Not sure what's the worst.

Also leftists are still upset that the only one on their side who even slightly stood up for them is Auerbach and most support came from the right side of the political spectrum, either libertarian voters like Lauren Southern And Cathy Young or Milo.

The dude's literally the only let's players I can bear to watch. I sometimes spend entire hours with him laughing in the background and I don't get bored once. He's working on a video right now of him making an account on some dating site. It's not the first time (he pretended to be girls the previous times), and it's hilarious.
And I won't bully you… if you send your mails, user.

The fuck does Lauren Southern have to do with GG?

Does anyone in this thread actually like Val, I mean at all?

Searching my folders for the cringy anti-gg fan fic, and I found a lot of old screen caps from this very thread. With the events of the last few weeks, this one takes on new meaning.

@DyingLine is friends with Margaret and is clearly fedora-tipping for her, what do you think?

She spoke about it a few times
Did a few videos on it also

Including me ?
Also, maybe you should read the full post next time

About to head out and don't have time to download for upload to pomf.cat but her defending gamergate's position. Also there were previous instances but this is the first result I found.

It's not about his religion, see

Obligatory "Fuck off, Val" included.

Nah, just joshing. You're good in my books.

Well yeah I guess there's that too. I don't really know much about the various groups that got together because of GG. To me, there's gamergate, and then there's revolttards. That's it.

He's French, it's a given at this point.

that's because StephenatWar doesnt exist anymore user.


Yeah, I read it. You're still ass blasted about Milo and trying to wedge in your pro-mudslime commie view points. Can you just go away already? I'm sure your three followers on Twatter will give you the attention you crave.

Maybe referring the boards with black backgrounds by default, like /cow/?

What a day anons, what a day.

And now

Hail mememagic, hail kek

You hang out in twitter yet you don't recognize the GG subfactions? I count at least 6, maybe even more.

hoffstein changed it to something garlic related iirc. Then someone else took his palle_hoffstein account.

Just come out and say it, you're a lefty commie who is against Holla Forums-types being in GamerGate. You're still bringing up revoltards because you want that schism to exist. You're part of the problem.

Lurkfag here. I've always hated Val.

It's getting Season 2? When is Strike Witches Season 3 coming out?



sometime this year.

I would have voted for Gilda again, but Gildafag sperging out about her being his intellectual property put me off her permanently.

?v? with feminine eyebrows


Good. All I need now is Queen's Blade Rebellion Season 2.

What the fuck are you smoking?

Cancerous attention whoring namefags retards I just put on filter. There are some exemptions I don't filter. The namefag you mentioned, is not on my exempted list.

Lmao what?

I was using Gilda to make fun of some Danielle fag for being over sensitive about her being fat, having cow tits, etc. and he came in the thread and basically said anyone else that posts Gilda is trying to be him and should be filtered. I didn't even know Gilda was associated with an avatarfag until that happened.

90% sure he was probably joking.

Oh, that's me!

But I don't avatarfag

Don't worry, Gildafag. It's just some revolt idiot very sad he didn't get his twitter fame after telling us for so many years the truth we refused to see. Act like he's not there. Which isn't that hard, we're all pretty used to it.

just woke up

is user who was trying to contact me and talk about making board-tan comics ever around again? if so I just ended up opening a discord with infinite invite. easiest way I could think of to enter in contact

You should draw

You have an identity associated with a character by posting her images, you are an avatarfag.

I posted in /gamergatehq/ and the earlier ones before ayyfags/etc. killed them. I didn't encounter the fagotry of Val though until I was forced to move into this thread. I don't understand why people tolerate you being one of the few people with an identity here though since you exemplify all of the Holla Forums stereotypes of a leftists GG sperg.

Because wait for it… wait for it…
Forced anonymity
Its not fucking hard


All I know about Sikhs are that they:
>Their religion states they carry a knife or weapon maybe? at all times for SD

That not even remotely what an avatarfag is

sikhism was a response to muslim invaders forcing hindus to convert or lose their heads, their religion reads like a subversive co-opt attempt onto islam, their first guru goes around with a muslim scribe spreading some wisdom and superstar singing, barding it up etc. Had many co-workers who were of that faith so I asked few questions and borrowed a book or two, their hardcore followers blow shit up too, but it is usually political and never about trying to force anyone to convert.

Ribbon no Musha hype

Just FYI I have that person filtered, which means they did something very obviously shilly before going on whatever this rant is. Chances are they are a revoltfag.

This is the most cancerous and pathetic post I've seen in a long while.

Does anyone mind explaining the various GG subfactions, but without summarizing every group into one broad and unfavorable quality?

Hyde's video with Bernstein got nucked

Got a Webm?

it's 13 min long. There's still a live youtube link


Should be done at the global level since namefagging is used to gain influence and leaderfag.

I called Val out for getting ass hurt about Milo criticizing Islam and defending Jubbareer Akbar. If that's your definition of shilling, you're retarded. Have you ever thought that maybe Val calling everyone who doesn't like his fagotry a revoltfag is part of the problem?

Main hubs are the GG threads on Holla Forums and KiA on reddit. We also have a Twitter front. We have some interchangeable public but each hub is sort of their own thing. We also have /gghq/ but it's kind of dormant now thanks to shills and revoltards that flooded it with drama 24/7

There aren't any subfactions. Revolt was created by anti-gg to shit up threads and create D&C. The people who created it admitted to that last fall. The only different "factions" I guess you could say are Holla Forums as opposed to reddit, but that's always been the same.

We need our own GG Holla Forums board again.




You need to face the music that not that many people still care about GG mate.

It's no shame,we made it so far. And we got a nice surge with the logs recently.

And people still suck his dick. That fat faggot was quick to throw gg under the bus for some virtue signaling. I'm pretty sure he still gives money to LW and holds the same opinion about gg even after all the shit he's getting from SJW lately

FYI, you're responding to a revoltard

No baker I guess?
I'll bake in his stead.


Is every Alt-Right user a Revoltard to you?

I ain't clicking this shit but I feel it's something Nyberg would like



No he doesn't. He has stated several times in interviews and on twitter that he isn't at all "pro-SJW" (quite the opposite) and has no beef against gamergate. He just has a fuckton of money he doesn't care about so he gives it to whomever.


Chelsea, you act like you're outright allergic to anything that can be construed as work. I'm calling bullshit.
Once again, bullshit. No one outside of GG and the Hipster Clique knows who she is.
For good reason.

I global reported it. It's probably CP.

there was a tweet convo were he said gg was the same as SJWs and basically "everyone is dum but me" shtick. This "don't care" excuse is bullshit otherwise people wouldn't insert themselves neither give their opinion on GG, good or bad

send it to notch

This he did the whole SJW are bad but Anti-sjw are worse thing.

because what else are people supposed to do? People used to try to get him to stop namefagging back a couple years until it became obvious that he never would and that he got off on the attention of trying to make him stop so at this point bitching about him namefagging is just pointless derailing.

Did you read anything but this single tweet for him for the past year ?
Hell, here, just read this : escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/video-games/editorials/interviews/17167-The-Tao-of-Notch-Beyond-Twitter
Stop assuming shit from misunderstanding useless drivel from social media posts

Remember when Mark forced user for the few hours Val added a signature to his because he couldn't namefag.

KIA- I believe in reform
Holla Forums-we need scorched earth and benis
revolt- I wanna be in charge and get attention at any cost
gghq- honeypot and now quieter since the flies left
ghazi- ideologues, useful ideologues, and hambeasts with entitlement issues mixed with salty journos
gnaa- male feminist ally resource

No, the people obsessing over leaderfags to this fucking day instead of just forcing user are revoltards

Nah,judging by what he's saying,he's literally someone who fell for the /honeypot/.

Oh you. Yes what we need is a board a thousand autistic cabals will secretly want control of to peddle their shit.

I'm not " assuming", I saw his posts being an intransigent retard but I recognize it's being a while I've checked it. I assume he finally woken then because indeed there was a torrent of shit coming from SJW to him these past months


this still cracks me up

send it to jimmbo
send it to tb
send it to notch
send it to disney
send it to polaris
send it to jack

also something that a lot of people miss is that twitterfront had a ton of people that never used Holla Forums or reddit, though they could just be left out due to being harder to categorize as there's multiple subsections of that with vastly different stances.

Once again, send to journos and yt people before aiming higher. You need articles explaining it not a huge pastebin with incoherent drivel

In fairness some good ops started in /gghq/ for the first month or so. I remember it being the first time where ops were originating from there instead of here or reddit.

"honeypot" is revoltards meme because Acid called the feds on people trying to dox and then swat him. He sells guns so he's required to report this shit

He never was anything, user, is my point. He has always been anti-censorship and anti-political correctness, but he still doesn't want to go deep into the GG shit. That was always it.
If I recall, the tweet you mention is one where he literally "tested", out of drunkness, people's reactions; he went "well GG sucks", and then a few hours later said "well after all I changed my mind, anti-gg is terrible" (or the opposite).
He genuinely just shitposted because he'd drunk too much. That was it. He's a neutral who leans on the anti-tumblr side.


No its not, we called the gg boards honeypots long before revolt even became a thing because they attracted the redditors so we'd be left alone. Had nothing to do with FBI. The fact that revolt later called it a honeypot doesn't negate the original use.

No it's what we called every GG board since 2014,you newfag.

100% wrong

He works in Retail like a Walmart that sells guns also.

He is Retail monkey, it's like me saying I sell the FBI petrol cause they use use the garage I work at so must tell the FBI if some tries to dox me.

Difference between me and Acid is I know I am a retail monkey and don't make a big deal of selling to the FBI who have a deal with the shop I work at to buy fuel.

this one?

make it big
















make it bigger



Googled Cole to find the shop he worked at and this came up




https:[email protected]/* *//brianna-wu-zoe-quinns-biggest-mistake-1095f99437de#.h4ridl3jz



God I've been gone from these threads for like half a year,how are they STILL going on about Acid Man?

This is like if all we did on Holla Forums was obsess over Moot,and he fucked us over a thousand times than Acid banning them off GGHQ.

Isn't it convenient how political beliefs aren't protected at all? What about people's right to believe that gender comes down to genetics? What about people's right to point out the bullshit in religions? Clinton better not fucking get elected or I guarantee this shit is going to get enshrined into law through her supreme court nominees.

you can derail as much as you want you fucking socjus anons! Go back to your fucking lurking (((assholes)))

pro tipp it doesn't even have begun

Its people that are still fucking asshurt over him getting the board at all. They wanted to keep the gamergate board just like they had it with Nico. They were completely fucking pissed that someone outside of their circlejerk got it, remember the logs? That's why they got so obsessed and tried to D&C on hq so much and unfortunately a lot of Holla Forumsacks actually bought their shit. Not that Acid was entirely blameless his little autistic "Purge" spiel that was just a few bans helped them to D&C Holla Forums and I don't think it would have been as effective without it.

You don't even realize how batshit butthurt they are on twitter. People like Ququ, SquidCoyote, etc., are so anally ravaged about the fact everyone doesn't constantly approve and validate their retarded opinions, they find every single occasion to lie (or maybe they're actually stupid enough to misinterpret) what is written in the logs, TB's response, etc., and swear it totally proves their idiotic claims no one but them and a few of their buddies cared about were true.
It's… honestly even a bit impressive, sometimes.

GGRevolt where the Alt-right members of the GG movement, Holla Forums is mostly alt-right which is why they sided with Revolt.

You're a fucking retard.




I gotta say, the silence over at ghazi about this is fucking deafening.

I know it's plebbit, but something worth reading

You better make it anniversary edition user, this day mark two years of our triggering existence.

2 years since gamers are dead articles, first use of hashtag was August 27.

By the way


Did I miss Acids big party? How was the twitter stuff and all the other stuff?


Time for billy.


It's still happening, should blow a bit louder once people wake up. Don't hesitate to shill your own tweets and everything if you want in the next thread

Remember Wu getting left out of going to events like google and the UN.

as it wasn't your other posts. Kill yourself

as if your other posts weren't enough*

Shieet I forgot, lemme rebake.
Thanks Vivaldi.

did anyone else see this shit?

Why is the "indie" dev scene so filled with shit?

Its not a surprising stance by Sony, I mean as much as people say that gamers are cucks, movie watchers are even more so.



Vivaldi browser allows for extremely easy and fast bread making

Wrong pic

Has anyone tweeted this to Wu?


I hope so, Satan. Cross is Wu's biggest ally, I want to see what happen when you discovers >she was actually her babysitter

I said I posted on GGHQ, you fucking faggot. Why do you people not even use that place anymore? This thread has issues for being a "hub." A hub isn't a place where discussion resets every 12-24 hours.

They play into Revolt's hads by acting like every attempt at constructive criticism is shilling. Honestly, I didn't know Revolt was still a thing, but in this thread it's brought up non-stop.

You're a fucking idiot. If that's the case, the people still butt hurt about IA in this thread are "revoltards."

No, that's "FBI honeypot"

We've always called the gamergate boards simply "honeypot" since day one because it was where all the shills went.