Steam refunding NMS regardless of play time
Other urls found in this thread:
Anyway to see how many refunds have been given?
Oh boy. Yet ANOTHER thread.
I'm gonna bump all of them.
post your face when my fellow redditors haha
lmao nu male cucks btfo
I really think Molineux shouldn't be put on the same category as Todd and Sean because he actually made some decent games back then.
Game is not as advertised.Game is not as advertised.Game is not as advertised.Game is not as advertised.Game is not as advertised.Game is not as advertised.Game is not as advertised.Game is not as advertised.Game is not as advertised.Game is not as advertised.Game is not as advertised.Game is not as advertised.Game is not as advertised.Game is not as advertised.Game is not as advertised.Game is not as advertised.Game is not as advertised.Game is not as advertised.Game is not as advertised.Game is not as advertised.Game is not as advertised.Game is not as advertised.
I should call you a nigger for not checking the catalog but with the news you bring I wouldn`t mind a Holla Forums with threads only about that
Enablers like you are the reason he's gotten away with so much shit now.
Oh don't get me wrong I would never believe him nor play any of his games again. But the guy who made games like populous, syndicate, black and white, etc shouldn't be held in the same regard that some fag who released one "game" which was overhyped by retards.
By that definition, shouldn't Todd be exempt from your little rule?
Is this still little more than a rumor from reddit that went through news and blogs or did anyone actually offer some verifiability. All I've read so far was hearsay and smug.
I don't know, Todd only made the Elder Scrolls games and they're all crap in my opinion
The real news here is that Sony is allowing refunds on the digital copies too, read the damn article anons
Someone remind her? that gamers are dead and been that for a while.
Holy shit these fanboys
Look at him, look at him and laugh.
He says that like it`s a bad thing
and still i won't bother pirating shit games
Games are getting worse and the shills even more.
Does he believe the game is gonna get ==SO GOOD== with post-release development and all these f*ckin HATERS…… are going to come back and buy the game again?
Activate it.
If you're looking for stupid and 4chan and reddit are too smart for you, go to the steam community. The absolute bottom of the bell curve is posting there. It's past my grasp how people so stupid can still be literate, even if barely so.
That's because Notch never fucking oversold that game to high heaven and back. Also you can make some cool shit in that game even back then.
Yeah right calling bullshit.
I tried this like 2 days after release and only had 6 hours.
Bull-fucking-shit the beta of minecraft has way much shit to do than walk and shoot at rocks simulator
Yes, and even tho it got full of cancer in the end, it was still
in the beginning, which is a key word.
talk to the steam support not the automated refund system. also kill yourself;
Like a slut you only regret it when it is too late. You knew this would happen.
Absolute madman.
and it had multiplayer.
Next time, just burn your money.
You deserve to lose your money faggot!
Send a email directly to Steam Support, I tried out M&B Warband and found out it was pretty bad and MP wasn't worth it, couldn't refund with automated system but I got my money back with an email.
That other faggot is a retard, but not liking M&B? Really? Holy shit.
Get a support ticket, you're more likely to succeed that way.
Also stop being a fucking retard.
>he didn't like M&B W
I bought it for MP, not SP. I thought it was good but it wasn't.
I loved SP, put about 100-200 hours for it in.
Good goy!
In a pirated version*
wait are you a dirty pirate who only buys when a game has mp?
I buy games when I think what I was looking for in it was worth the money, but the MP section was less fun and enjoyable then the singleplayer.
MP is an after thought to the game. It's a SP focused game.
Almost everything MP is cancer anyway.
based fucking gabe,
fuck is he the best developer out there?
Warband was basically M&B1:Multiplayer Edition though with minimal differences in the singleplayer.
I hope you can't refund it you piece of trash
I know I'm a fucking retard.
Thank fuck it was all steam wallet marketplace shekels otherwise I would have killed myself for real.
Also going to try the Steam support.
You need to replay the original one, there are way too many changes to it, even beyond the graphics. Of course they also added MP, that doesn't mean it was the focus of the game, not by a longshot.
trips confirm Gabe is based
I bet you trust your printer too, don't you? fag.
Am I in 2008?
He is clearly baiting, you retard.
Yeah sorry Gabe fucked up with the mods thing, this is one step on his path to redemption i'll give you that
They still removed and listened to their customers after it, hell he even listened directly comments about the issue.
Gabe is simply put, god
I wonder if there's some Jew trick behind this. I haven't used Steam in years, so forgive me for being a dummy.
When they refund you, is it their JewBux or do they actually give you your money back?
Just think of money as information
It depends how you buy it. If you buy it with your credit card you get your credit card money back, if with Steam Market eshekel then you get that back.
You only get good goy points, there's no money going back to your bank account.
they didn't listen because they loved us. they listened because they feared us
Oh shit! I still have the cap of that.
The other faggot here is wrong.
Eitehr way, buying shit on Steam isn't really that much of a good idea now, prices aren't nearly as good outside of some specific sales.
oh and when they hided the mods review stars.
I used debit cards because I would get 2000 every semester for financial aid while going through college and it would always give me steambux
did you tell them to refund it to your card?
I didn't give enough of a shit, because I hardly bought games. Most of the money went to retro shit or milsurp anyway.
Kek is great
meme magic
There should be no refunds for NMS. There should be a 60% account reimbursement in steambux that you can spend on other games, with Steam pocketing the other 40% of revenue as a retard tax.
It's not enough just to punish the customers. They're too stupid to learn their lesson.
It's not enough just to punish the developers. They're just chasing money that the retards are literally throwing their way.
You have to punish them both. And to be completely fair, Steam should donate the entirety of their 40% cut of the refund to charitable organizations which educate special needs children - so that this doesn't happen again.
are you me
Is this your first time playing games on a computer? GOG stuff is DRM-free, I pirated the GOG version and could do the garbage useless "multiplayer" just as fine as everyone else.
No, you just have good taste.
and this is bad because?
It's not that it's a bad thing that Hello Games is being thrown under the bus. Just that there should be no delusion that Valve is doing this because of some kind of altruism towards their customers. They're not looking out for anyone but themselves. This is just a calculated move meant to encourage you to give them more money.
Hello Games getting screwed in the process is just a happy byproduct of - what is basically a commercial for Steam.
All these cocksuckers for something so fucking bland and boring make my blood boil. The worst are those faggots always saying "oh this game is totally unique there's no other game like it!" Meanwhile the game is LITERALLY LIKE ANY OTHER PEDESTRIAN, RUN OF THE MILL SURVIVAL GAME ON STEAM
DayZ, Rust, Unturned, just search "survival" and you'll see hundreds of games just like it. The only difference is that it's in SPACE OOOOOO WOW. Fuck these faggots.
Don't forget that Valve said after the debacle that they were still "looking into" this idea or some shit. It's not the case where it was just Bethesda pushing for it, Valve clearly enjoys making money off of the back fan content with the entire TF2 item/cosmetic market.
Well I have rust and saying rust combat is dull is pretty dumb.
Rust's point is PVP, player communication and base building, that's the absolute core. Most Rust players also play on a map called Hapisisland which isn't proc. gen. Personally I think that Rust combat is some of the most intense I have ever played, really gets my heart pumping when I risk to lose a lot of metal, armor, clothes and guns going for loot in radtowns, because any second I can get headshotted by a naked with a crossbow and die in 2 shots, even though they have a lot less of all of those things.
that's a pretty pathetic argument.
no shit they were pushing for it
it was on their platform
They pulled back to avoid losing customers. They will find a way to monetize mods, they're just biding their time until they have a surefire way to make it palatable.
As much as I hate Valve, I have to admit that they're impressively diabolical. Over the years I watched them release a universally panned DRM client for Half-Life 2 only to nurture it into a massive self-cycling economy that serves only to trap money and people for Valve's gain. There's a reason they hired the top people in the Psychology field, and that reason has nothing to do with making games better.
do they lose money in this case too?
only if they used irl cash like retards instead of wallet funds.
Space Engineers and Empyrion are the games No Man's Sky wishes it could be, while also have much lower pricetags.
Steam won't. Not for Bethesda games. That's why BethesdaNet was created - to cut Valve out of the loop and prevent them from putting pressure on Bethesda to pull back in case their next attempt met similar resistance.
That's also why mods are on consoles now. Console users have never had the opportunity to use mods before, so they're not used to the free and open sharing of mods and assets that permeates the PC side where they've been published and downloaded for free for over a decade.
And because they're so hungry for mods that they can't create themselves, not used to the idea of getting them for free, they will be more open to paying. And because there are so fucking many more of them than there are PC players - if even a small fraction of the userbase accepts paid mods, they'll still stand to make far more money than they could dream of on PC.
Even so… this doesn't mean they can just slap a price tag on mods and call it a day. There's too much legal bullshit to go through with the potential for stolen assets. What they'll most likely do is cut mod authors out of the revenue stream as well, and use "BethesdaNet" as a walled garden which they will eventually either add a subscription fee to access (claiming bandwidth and maintenance concerns), or open it up to advertising - so that you have pop-up ads, or have to watch a video or something as your mod downloads.
This way they can claim that the mods themselves are still free, while still laughing all the way to the bank.
I remember their reasoning behind removal being Skyrim was a bad testing ground for it because of the game's popularity and they were definitely thinking of trying it again, yeah. They aren't really developing in-house anymore and there haven't ben any dynamite student-projects since then like Portal to buy, port to Source/Source 2 and then market as their own so the opportunity hasn't really come along again yet, plus the backlash will still be immense even when they do try it again.
But that's not even really the tip of the kikeburg since there's still Valve taking some off the top for every Steam Market listing no matter how tiny, and most recently there was that two-factor authentication they introduced sheerly to make everything enough of a hassle that hackers and scammers would give up. Didn't work and they gave up and started working on VAC again, apparently LMAOBOX is actually in a spot of trouble nowadays.
Now this is some good news. I have no sympathy for those who bought this game, but at least these sleazy devs get what is coming to them. Where else is this game available besides steam?
This is still one of my favourite videos period.
Ah I wasn't familiar with BethesdaNet. It may have been the product of impatience in monetizing mods or like you said, just cutting Valve out altogether. I have a hunch that Valve is holding Meme-Life 3 hostage to make a hard play on charging for mods at some point down the line, but Bethesda either didn't want to wait or doesn't know. I wouldn't be surprised if their next glitchy sandbox contractually binds everyone into rescinding their mod creation ownership to Bethesda. Their legal strong arming may as well directly attack consumers at this point.
If this BethesdaNet thing takes off, rest assured Valve will swoop in as "the good guys" with summer mod sales, cosmetics, etc etc.
I've gotten refunds direct to my credit card
I'm pretty sure that's already a term & condition of getting your mod onto Bethnet.
Every fucking time i see thay picture it always looks like there is something circled in red in the picture, and it appears to be a > quotation, and it takes me some seconds to realize it's just a fucking clock.
Every fucking time.
I pirated the game and was going to uninstall it, but apparently they're rolling out the mods now, so I'll check them out and still get bored and uninstall it another day.
We need to contain our meme magic.
Oh. People still give bethesda money then?
Marketing is fucking magic, I think.
Is that Burch?
No, all these fags look alike
Why does it say HELL?
What are they trying to tell us?
Too true, there's also a Phil Fish in the bottom left and an Evan Lahti in the bottom right
Somebody needs to give this the same treatment
Whoopty fucking doo.
nah just psychology and the fact that majority of the first world is fucking retarded.
Our negativity memed itself out to the rest of the internet so hard that not even Steam could spin this shit positively.
Remember those first few days? The dwindling number of zealots insisting the game was amazing. The desperate cabal of journos trying to find some way to spin the game in a positive way. All those apologist faggots on youtube insisting that we were just overreacting, and that it's not THAT BAD.
And then it slowly set it. The undeniable, unmistakable truth. This game is terrible. Hello Games are a bunch of hacks. Sean Murray is a douchey liar. It's the same fucking shit with a different coat of paint for every planet.
Even Steam, greedy and shameless as they may be, cannot condone such bullshit.
The most punchable face in PCGamer
It's right about
When even motherfucking STEAM, the jew overlords, the people who make millions selling literally nothing, fucking virtual hats and trading cards and a 30% cut to host stuff on their servers- when THEY decide to cut their losses and refund anyone who asks, you know the game is bad.
Because they're still a business, they're not doing this for good feelings. It means the potential losses from customers' collective ire could be more damaging than just giving all the money back. It's like when someone sees a rat in a five-star restaurant, the manager offers everyone free meals to try to buy their silence because they can't let their reputation take such a hit.
I think that happened before Doom 4 was even announced.
Considering the backlash against Skyrim paid mods and how they handled Dota 2 mods, instead of locking mods behind paywalls I think how they'll make money off of HL3 mods is to do something similar to Dota 2 mods where its donation based and only select mods can get donations. So in order for a mod to even be able to make money, it has to prove itself and become well received first, then they can start accepting donations, donating will reward you with something (achievements for the mod, cloud saves for it, Steam cards for it, cosmetics, etc.)
That's steam's money either way right?
Unless it goes back to your credit card.
"We can sleep with each other's wives and nobody will find out about it!"
Why are steam refunding NWS regardless of time spent playing it?
Did they realize how shit it was or did they get inundated with that many emails begging them to refund this shit that they had to respond?
Why don't you just throw your money into a bonfire next time?
You can have it go back to your credit card.
Asuming you live in a bubble and don't read the forums or watch youtube videos, it would probably take more than 2 hours to find out that all the game has to offer is just walking around,
pointing at palette-swaped rocks, so they got a lot of complains from guys with more than two hours of gameplayt and decided to just refund the game for everyone.
It was.
i thought there was at least 4/5 hours of content.
I wonder what the ownership will be tomorrow?
Currently the game has 778,396 owners. When Steamspy updates I wouldn't be shocked if that dropped below 750k.
If we go by that logic, then we have to say Todd shouldn't be in there due to his work in Daggerfall and the fact that he was the reason Morrowind was made at all.
Maybe, I was only saying Molyneux because I don't like the TES games
We may laugh about this but in reality they have made a shitload of money and after all the refunds are done they will still have a shitload of money proving that a shit game + lots of marketing = high profits.
I'm sure this guy can entirely fill both bingo cards.
I'm not convinced that they turned a profit before allowing refunds, let alone after.
People that like the concept could form a community the devs cater to and hang with, building up a good game ignoring bad critisism.
Modders submitting stuff, if everyone likes it, it goes in and the modder gets some money. Little scene gets attention as a posative atamosphere to ruin discussing politicians and news, and hold their hopes until another star trek comes out or space ships are built from parts sent from repurposed assembly lines.
Naumachia was interesting to me. Using as real considerations as possible could even aid design as things go wrong in game.
Simple cash grab game. Freespace 2 looked better. Devs dedicating their time to make what they've done better than nothing should be a requirement of releasing something.
A free base to raise would be best. Users selecting additional modules from a relevant list. Making their own custom world and adding to it however they can.
Totally free from what they don't like. Others show as part of their world. If other players become enemies then could show it in yours to blast/fix, your world building to be against such ways.
Students shouldn't even get a second of life and would ruin the lives of others with them at their head.
Does stress the point though. Should lead by example.
Anyone with a steam account should be shot. Enemy of themselves. They've made all worse, scum couldn't have done it without their treason to it. Attributing good to bad knowing better, knowing doing so confines and kills that good… scum. Utter scum. Memory of better has to live on, continued free of traitors. Total dismay such would betray what only gave to them. Ignored, they are not worthy. Thought to be, taken to be, these scum false matter trying for prominance for position meant for what they ry to seem in front of. There for a ride to exhaust and fail. Others to carry and prove true. Things built for something better to which it will come back ith glory as fuel for further efforts.
her face looks like a cooked ham lmao
that explains why shes so hostile to innocent people who bought a game that was faslely advertising key features it was supposed to come with
How long ago was that? This is the same chick.
42 * 750,000 = $31,500,000
Just on steam not including any other sales.
Welcome back, schizo user.
I missed you.
You forgot your sage
that reminds me of this article:
PC gaming as in Politically Correct gaming?
This fucking guy
I think there was a notch tweet about this.
get your pickaxe boys, they found a new salt mine
Found my new reaction pic
I wonder if mods could save this game.
Sure as fuck made Skyrim halfway decent after 5 years or whatever.
Wonder if someone will make a mod that adds
to the 16 quintillion planets.
Jesus fuck we still have faggots like you pushing this shit here? Go back into the oven.
The word you are looking for is "publisher."
Also, reminder that gog doesn't give a shit how many hours you played when they process your refunds. Guess who's better.
I'm having a hard time figuring out who among you is the most retarded
paid mods were a good idea, basic economics says it will vastly increase the quality of mods by adding market incentive.
go to school kids.
I thought she was ok in the World of Warcraft movie
Nothing is gonna save this game, or Hello Games.
I hope the tranny kills herself.
To properly attribute the blame, I would say that steams restrictive policy is more because it has the marketplace tied to your account. Just because of all the hat farmers the Counter Strike farmers, all the people manipulating the community market, hackers, all the Russians and Chinese that exploit it… Steam has to be more restrictive to protect the average idiot
No notice I'm not defending them, but I think this is why they are a lot more restrictive. If the average person wasn't a complete fucking dumbass then it wouldn't be a problem
If you were a dumb enough degenerate to buy a game where one of the devs was a tranny who spent weeks tweeting anti-gamer, anti-consumer rhetoric on its twatter timeline, you don'y deserve your SSI money back.
I actually agree with this. I see people here complain about the two step verification and how Steam ties into your phone, with people going on wild tangents that Valve is asking for your phone number for whatever arcane reason.
The simple truth is that the vast majority the Steam userbase are complete imbeciles, the kind that explain why Nigerian prince scams are still a thing in this day and age, cretins of such breathtaking stupidity, so gullible, that you need to build walls around them so they don't fuck themselves over in the process of simply existing and then badger Valve about it.
I'm not defending Valve, I'm just pointing out that the reason most of the internet, and IRL society, feel like we're stuck in a playpen is mostly because of the majority of fuckwits we are drowning in.
Yesterday was 768,164 owners
No, that has fuck-all to do with anything refund related. You'd sooner make a case by arguing that Steam does it to protect people who get their accounts jacked from watching their games libraries vanish overnight, which is also shit logic because we know if Valve can restore your e-money post-hijack they can restore your games as well. We all know the real reason Steam does this shit is because once Valve gets its greasy hands on your money it doesn't want to let go.
The only reason why they implemented their garbage refund policy is because people were availing themselves of EU law to demand refunds anyway which valve had to fulfill at which point valve looked like a bunch of ultrafaggots to the rest of the world, since they clearly had a refund system and just refused to process anyone they weren't legally required to. So they added a two-hour window and opened it to anyone to make themselves look like less of a bunch of colossal cunts.
Not to mention gog was making them look like the grade A shitters they are by offering a vastly superior refund policy all the way through.
It takes 2 to 3 days for them to process the data.
No, it doesn't. The law only applies to products you haven't started downloading/streaming yet. What you are talking about only exists in Germany, where you can pretty much return any product for any reason within a specified timeframe.
Stop pushing this shit EU meme.
He's drowning his sorrow.
Fucking faggots keep saying this without knowing the cost of development + cost of marketing + cost of publisher/distribution.
Please shut the fuck up. Marketing alobe could soak up your 30mil+
Jesus. It's so sad that Hello Games is being punished for making a cool space game.
Sure, some false advertising and probably too high price. That said, this is crossing the line for me. People have been way too hard on this game, and it seems kind of moronic.
It's your fault for getting so fucking hyped without thinking rationally about the tech limits.
Star Citizen will blow this the fuck out of the water, that said it's not their fault that people couldn't understand.
Unless I'm mistaken it seems like the tweet was made before the forum post (apparently the tweet was made at 11:45am Aug 27 while the steam post was made at 4:19am Aug 28, or 12 hours ago (I'm in Australia so both times are AEST).
Seems odd for her to make such a retarded post after complaining.
When you include the cut Sony takes for funding Hello Games, on top, as you say, of a massive marketing/shill campaign, the cut Valve takes, the cut retailers take, the 30% payback Valve takes now that the game is being refunded en masse, I wouldn't be surprised if Hello Games shuts down by the end of the year.
They've certainly squandered all the goodwill they had, Sean is now a Todd tier liar, only more infamous, and they will never get a chance like this again to make it big.
The most likely outcome is that they'll keep limping by and shitting out mobile games.
i'm not falling for your it tricky-Dicky
you're a funny kike aren't you
Fuck off, they already made over a hundred million dollars.
Do you feel embarrassed about yourselves?
Did you honestly need to make everyone aware you're completely new to this place?
engage with me if you disagree, what's there to lose?
assume i'm playing devil's advocate if you wish.
I disagree with you.
the developer deserves all the hate and more.
The reason is because he and his team perpetuated much of the hype and blatantly LIED about many of the features.
sand planets?
its got multiplayer but its not a "multiplayer experience"?
"you can do anything"?
he dug his own grave.
was meant for
Within mere hours we saw where paid modding was going.
The community was eating itself, people were stealing mods left and right and posting them as their own, collaboration was breaking down as everyone started looking out for number one or just walked away in disgust, complex mods were being taken down and replaced with trash asset replacements and recolors.
Basically, it was turning into another DOTA 2 or TF2 circus.
Do I feel embarrassed that paying customers are getting their money back from people who lied to them? Schlomo please step up your game, you might be next you know
Funny how they achieved the same thing by adding mods for consoles.
Now some modders just remove their mods to get away from community. They not only remove F4 but also Skyrim mods because of legendary edition announcement.
I wonder if Bethesda's next moddable game will survive.
I think most have settled for requiring the script extender to work, thereby fucking the console peasants over.
Skyrim is still going strong, though it remains to be seen what will happen once the remaster gets released.
FO4 already received pretty lackluster support, with many modders complaining that too much of the game was locked out of modding, and this on top of the generally negative reception it got from the community at large.
Bethesda has been sabotaging their own modding community more and more with each new game release, likely as an attempt to narrow modding down to just what can be included on consoles as well, and thereby killing the only reason people even give a shit about their games.
I would argue that was a reactionary response.
but I will concede that a better system could have been in place.
so I will attempt to argue in favor of the principle of paid mods (to keep the discussion focused, and because I agree about the system's failures), rather than an anecdotal case of it failing (due to many other factors).
Let's say in this scenario it was impossible to "steal" people's mods, would you support it then?
Initially perhaps, since it would be difficult to determine how much people were owed based on how much they contributed.
But beyond that, I think paid mods would encourage much more quality mods by having mod makers compete.
People have said this is essentially making mods into DLC, but what they don't realise is that it takes away power from actual shitty DLC making devs.
Now devs can't just shit out overpriced DLC, since they are now competing with the community.
Paid mods would also increase the time a game is supported by mods, because of the monetary incentive (+ of course the intrinsic income(aka the enjoyment of making mods).
A net benefit really.
Oh yes
So I should buy the guy to try it out and get a refund after 10 hours when I figure out I am bored?
And how do you enforce this without turning the whole thing into a gigantic clusterfuck?
With money being involved every Paki and Chink on the globe is going to be rushing for the store, pirating whatever mod is popular and doing a recolor, and releasing it.
Soon enough any number of moderators you have hired will be overwhelmed with the sheer number of copycats and thieves all looking to make a quick and easy buck.
Ignoring the fact that even without monetary incentives the mod community is full of primadonnas that spreg out at each other at the drop of a hat, this would pretty much kill external collaboration as well.
No more allowing other modders to use your code or assets, no more compatibility patches for other mods, no more synergy between two mods, or like SkyUI and MCM have become community "standards".
All that is now gone.
Hilarious. Why should anyone in the community slave away making some impressive feat of programming work in the game when a random faggot is making thousands of dollars just by releasing armors in different colors piecemeal?
The community will take their cues from devs and release shitty, overpriced mods because it's how they make money.
Yeah, Doom really isn't getting any support whatsoever, no sir. And let's forget about Medieval 2 or the like.
Nah, you're a fuckwit. Fuck off, we're done.
Why? Just pirate it.
If you don't get triggered after checking reddit there is r/modpiracy created after paid mod fiasco, most mod request there are now because the modders took their mods down.
They are actually just doing what DDproductions did.
oh god, somone thinks people refunding will make the reviews go up
assume somthing like DRM for mods that is not invasive and uncrackable, since the issues you mentioned are not inherent within paid mods specifically.
why would you not collaborate and take advantage of division of labor? this would lower your costs and increase quality (allowing you to beat other mod makers in the market).
You have assumed an irrationality on the part of mod makers (without evidence).
The software market is a good extension of our anecdote.
As a modder, you may sells an asset for a percentage, just as other companies do the same for patents.
I do agree that it will still lower the number of shared assets, which will encourage more original work.
Sounds like a good way to give your competition the edge.
Assuming the mod makers did not play ball with making mods compatible, then people will simply not buy it and force him/her out of the market.
Besides it does not make sense for you to on purpose make your mod compatible with other mods, since thouse mods are not competing with yours (you already got the purchase, it isn't subscriber based).
If they were undervalued, then by definition most people did not want it.
That's a strawman fallacy, read the point you quoted ("more time").
I hope not, this is a nice discussion :)
*uncompatible (4th point, sentence starting with "Besides")
My biggest worry is the amount of sales made on the PS4, I want this disgusting excuse of a company to burn, but at this point there are a ton of apologetic and idiotic console buyers to keep them afloat just for an exclusive.
Perhaps though, at least this time, we'll see one of these bullshit slingers get their comeuppance.
Well at least it won't outsell the PS3
Has there ever been a bigger fuck up?
Only ET and Pacman 2600 come to mind
TorTanic, Fallout 4, to name a couple recent examples
I suppose Mighty Number 9.
Wonder how that's going to turn out, any news regarding Conman?
Is Red Ash still in production?
While Fallout 4 was shit it wasn't a failure like NMS, as it sold 12 million copies or so
Spore maybe?
It's like you don't want to turn the kikes and their ways against themselves.
Back to fucking reddit you idiot. I have a quote from Peter Hines stating they came up with the idea together. Bethesda pitched it.
>"Is this the right split? There are valid arguments for it being more, less, or the same," (((Bethesda))) said back in April. "It is the current industry standard, having been successful in both paid and free games. After much consultation and research with (((Valve))), we decided it's the best place to start." - Peter Hines, Chief Liar at Bethesda Games Studios.
They were equally to fault.
Wait a second, how far back are we talking about? My idiot brother bought this at launch.
Doesn't Steam still keep their cut from Refunds
Amazing I was sincerely hoping this was a paid shill.
For fucks sake people really are this stupid to defend this steaming pile of shit.
At least the replies are good.
Serves you right for falling for this shit. You should have known this was going to be garbage from the first gameplay trailer.
As far as you want apperently, although Valve can always decline the refund for whatever reasons.
plebbit has retards reporting to be able to refund 40h games, while some still wait for their refund after playing mere 5h.
Just try to get one and hope for the best.
okay, i laughted at that pic
is so true :^)
Only if you send the funds back to your wallet. Once it's in your Steam Wallet, it's essentially Valve's money.
Steam doesn't get to keep their cut if you send it back to your credit card or whatever method you used to pay. (So you're fucked if you used a gift card.)
It did. There was that mod from Fallout 3 that got turned into Fallout 4 DLC.
*New Vegas.. Sorry. Its hard because they use the same shit engine so I couldn't remember which it was for.
I think that's just used as a clause to protect themselves, if they had already planned such content for a later release or if they implemented features similar to that of a mod that they had no knowledge of maybe someone could sue, I doubt it would actually go through, but eh. Beth/Zenis executive branch is mostly lawyers, so they push it to the extreme of owning mods instead of adding a clause that forces mod features to be public domain.
Copyright laws in general are bullshit across the board. On hand one could hold an IP for over a fucking century, but on the other hand to hold said IP for even a fucking second one has to enforce their ownership of it like an asshole 24/7.
When did it all go so wrong Holla Forums?
Even in the nineteens with sega and nintendo it was never this bad.
These are either low energy shills or braindead delusional fanboys that just can't let go.
the jew won
It's called a lack of character. Many of these people get invested in something(in this case a product) to the point that any criticism of it is perceived as a direct insult to them.
See the thing is adversity builds character, a sense of who and what you really are, the ability to see oneself as both separate from and as a part of the greater whole and most millennials haven't experienced a single day of true adversity in their lifetimes.
TL;DR Self-awareness is in fact an acquired skill which most millennial normalfags lack.
I dream of Harmony Gold dieing one day and Macross finally coming to west.
NMS proved you can market an indie game like a AAA title and make money of dumbasses by lying and withholding info about the game.
It was also only like 13 bucks in alpha, not $60.
Why would somebody do this to themselves?
He is a christian or had been a christian in his life and needs to pay for his sins one way or another.
I wouldn't expect anything less from Tumblr.
buying a shit game then falling for a viral marketing campaign for another shit game, Subnautica
buying a shit game then falling for a viral marketing campaign for another shit game, Subnautica
buying a shit game then falling for a viral marketing campaign for another shit game, Subnautica
Nu Male Landers really are retarded. This has always been possible both on Steam and PSN. The review it on a case by case basis. They just used it to make buzz for Subnautica.
Thing is, people knew MN9 was going to be terrible very early on. No one knew what to expect from NMS outside of what was shown in the trailer.
This person…
We meme'd him into existence
He is the physical embodiment of our own jokes
I don't think you understand how jokes work.
Dunno what weird cult you grew up in but Christianity tends to frown on wayward youths and champions masculine command of the household.
I don't think you understand the power you wield.
Everyone has his penitence for their sins.
So I'm watching one of the videos about the procedural generation in NMS by a programmer on the team. One of the first things she said was that it wasn't going to be a tech demo.
Video if anyone else is interested.
I'm guessing he was raised by the side of the church that's part of the Marian cult. (Yes, it's real. Yes, it's basically Roman Catholic feminism.)
Everyone says shit like "oh haha you bought it" but the thing is - this is what normalfags are currently saying to each other. This fucking game is probably the shakeup Redditors needed to stop preordering.
I mean, hold up lemme go get some screenshots
Are you legit retarded, boy?
A man can dream. Stop giving me reality checks.
when this became a meme it was a glorious day i thought i was the only one who fantasised about fucking himself
Sony and Amazon are jumping on too.
I would totally fuck a r63 of myself.
So according to this video I'm watching, No Man's Sky was originally going to have terraforming in the game. I feel like they had a lot of planned features they ended up cutting.
They should've woken up a long time ago.
SOME might finally get the message and stop preordering and buying day-1 and so on, but I doubt that it will be the majortiy.
They might scream that they leaned their lesson and will stop doing it, but the moment the next big thing comes around with enough hype behind it, they will either look for excuses to preorder or already have forgotten what happened last time they did it.
Is this you?
*Should of
Link to the first picture's post? I want to rub it in his face.
Same shit different game.
put it on google ye twat
That is a good question. How did they end up with that number (even if it's an estimation)? There's that one clip where King Liar has expanded 2^64 (which is that infamous 18 quintillion), but how do they justify that represents the number of planets?
I guess each planet is seeded using an 8-byte integer (that's 8*8 bits, hence 2^64 combinations).
Fair enough, I could accept that.
Maybe they have a counter that counts planets and displays it for humans to see like any regular counter does, by counting.
Thanks for the thread, I usually prefer to try games than listen to the hivemind, but fucking hell this was a fucking awful experience.
Gabe once again shows he is king jew of all games. This level of side-jewing and goy-taming shouldn't be possible.
That's why you pirate before you buy, numbnuts, not take a $60 gamble.
My ISP caught that one pretty fast. Can't risk getting monitored.
didn't reddit post a long diatribe about how "no mans sky haters" are the minority and "DON'T MAKE FUN OF THIS GAME PLS!"
What? Are you from Germany/england?
l myself a gamer.
However, it seems and community. You're the technical and having for four fault if you don't under and haven't just fucking dollars going that you need is than soulless corporate cashcows forever.
What the way because they have problems. They don't needed. What people haven't bought it would DISTRACT you to explore the reason so mandatory fee to the greater good because of these AAA game, man.
I heard some features get out. God damn. Hello Games. We need to what people live up to the gaming antelope-like any have never, EVER felt through the experience for me the fuck me so fucking so much. Do you people has being anything organism for you to experience for you to do whatever you need it. I've been release,cancel you a universe is a worked years from the experience. No, you don't under fucking rocks? SWTOR. Planetside by side by side by side by side by side by side without of these AAA titles. You are breath taking, but most likely. Stop overreactions of misinformation and uplay and it's called Hello Games. We need to the greater cave on PS$. SO hop aboard some features on thing is KILLING VIDEO GAMES. We NEED single play games. They poured the same system once I acquired the most of all the hyp train 2 years of playing No Mans Sky after 32 hrs on there screeching in front of you sensational experiences made years on a liar, huh? Bullshit. I've been release on a cold, long aspected and plagued was perhaps the biggest temper tantrum inevitably mistakenly two system so you can meta criting the experience. No, you do in Call of Duty?
No Man's Sky, and soulless corporate the fucking this horrible behaving taken server issue! It's a single playing desperately and quite literally crying the fucking organism for the warp cell. No matter what I'm looking as you fuck off and quit dragging think about what we got here. It's so far. Just because what we got here. It's multiplayer. Newsflash: Games. Jeez Louise.
I yes. Very agree post.
Good Human.
I don't agree nor disagree, much on the contrary.
What's it like, being a gamer in, the country, China?
How many different seeds are possible for creating a Minecraft world? That's how many Minecraft worlds there are.
Of course, just like in NMS, millions of them differ only in that a tree is one block north of where it is in the other world.
I'm reminded of 80s text adventures that had "thousands of rooms" because you could type GO NORTH in a featureless desert as many times as fit in the integer variable. It's meaningless.
backwards in reaction, can follow the tail forward, until ceasing to contradict.
This could have been done correctly by simply adding a "Donation" button on every mod, if the creator wished so. It was a really, really, good idea but executed and presented to us horribly to the point where it was obvious Bethesda just wanted money for shit they didn't do.
I bought Fallout 4 instead of this
Is this from Garth, the guy who got a character in Lisa The Painful? The Lisa steam forums are hilarious, whenever someone mentions Garth, another will chime in to be like "Do NOT look up Garth's tumblr!"
Oh god, it's been fucking years. I wanna say over a decade. Since I heard someone use the term "Smexy"
Pretty much. A built in tip jar would've been great. Of course no doubt it would've been tied to your Steam wallet, making it useless.
encryption motherfucker
There are already a shitload of mods that fix the game. One of the first mods I saw crop up was just to fix FOV, and remove the 3 layers of instagram filters over top of the game HUD
are people still playing doom4 online?
it'll be probably like battlefront where a while after the game comes out a slav makes the game everything they lied about it being with a month of solo work
that horrible fucking porky pig face offends me as much as any other part of this
Is this a bot?
Hello Games is not to blame for these 2 things, that was almost guaranteed Sony's fault. They took over marketing for the game and then wanted to cash that hype cheque by pushing the game out on PS4 first for a bit so eager types would buy it there rather than on PC
I guaranfuckingtee they told Sean to exaggerate everything. openly gush about unfinished features, and generally never shut up about how BIG and HUGE the game was. I almost am pretty certain Sony then rushed the devs to go gold. This was all part of making those sweet, sweet Day 1 ps4 profits. The game from E3 is like a different game entirely compared to what we got, and Sony is blatantly why.
Sony is desperate for fresh income. The PS4 is the only successful thing they've had in years and they said from the start they were going to make the ps4 a "marketing blitzkrieg". Their films are flopping, their electronics divisions are flopping, but PS4 sales are somehow thriving.
This is why PS+ price went up, why they are hastily pouring money into projects and then sucking whatever profits out of it they can before quickly moving on.
even though sony did the marketing NMS, they couldn't give a single shit if it flops on Steam or if Hello Games dies as a result of this. Cuz they got their PS4 sales Day 1, so who gives a fuck? Nobody ever mentions any of this which I think means Sony managed to foist much of the backlash onto HG and Sean while they slink away to scam somewhere else.
Retard alert.
Hard to say. I think so, to say this game fucked up more than Spore would be to inflate the actual hype around this. They're certainly bigger fuck ups for not even ever having had a fully functional game at any point in development. This certainly ended up less of a game than Spore.
I'm not Todd Howard, how could you make such an accusation!!
Fallout 4 was actually more frustrating because it made Bethesda lots and lots of money despite not delivering on any level besides a slight graphical boost, and the game only crashed twice on my PS4!
I agree that their costs could be substantial but I also have a hard time believing any game with oversight (sony in this case) can still be losing money after 1m sales.
except the clear cases with AAA where they spend $100m+
I think their best bet would be close Hello games and open again with the same crew under a new name. Changing a companies name doesn't cost much and in IT it's even cheaper than normal.
It sounds like a tranny.
You are missing the point.
The point isn't to punish the buyers for being idiots who bought into the hype, its to punish the developers for not delivering what they promised. This sets an interesting precedent for developers or publishers overhyping a game, being unable to deliver what they promised and now actually getting punished for it, as these business practices are hurting the industry as a whole. Lets just hope Valve will do the same to Shekel Citicen or other such over hyped shitpiles that fail to deliver.
Sean Murray said he's working on two new games currently during his AMA -
"Meanwhile, when asked whether Hello Games is working on, or planning, another project after No Man's Sky, Murray said support for the game would dominate at first, but that there 'are other ideas'.
"I think video games is just such a largely unexplored field. There's very few studios that pull off the two game thing, but supporting one game and then kicking off something new - that's doable right? Shit, I just remembered, we've got another thing we're already working on that's unannounced. It's a small experiment, but hopefully you all might like it."
(Pic is unrelated - Steam's official review of No Man's Sky right above the purchase button.)
Gosh, wrong one.
you mean 15.5 females and .5 males
distributed evenly across the set
There are different definitions for quintillion. Brits and Americans define the number differently, for some reason.
Girl, if you are morally opposed to pirating or whatever, you still don't have to gamble that $60. Just watch some third-party game footage, read reviews, and generally watch online discussion. If it's not for you, you'll be able to tell pretty quickly.