No Man's Sky; Selling my console edition
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Why is there nothing but sports games on Craigslist?
holy shit, an entire town of liars
do you think these people bought the game and kept it sealed, intending to sell it for more later?
(loss edition)
I know you're desperately trying to force this OP, but do you seriously not realize that this is pretty normal behavior? It doesn't means he sells the console because of that shitty game.
seriously though
Nah, i don't get it either, but don't let that stop you from sperging. Let your dreams become memes, user.
Is anyone here selling the game after one or two plays because it's too beautiful and will suck their life away? Does this man sound sincere to you?
no, of course not, the game sucks
Hey guys! I'm selling/trading my long awaited copy of No Man's Sky for PS4. I played it twice and realized that my adult responsibilities will prevent me from giving this game the playthrough that it deserves (poor me).
that's new
its amazing how much shit,how many lies - people will make up to sell a game
Get the pizza delivery service ready
Of course, though its not like how it was back then.
haven't they suffered enough?
Is there a Nu Male's Sky version of that "Wow look at this dude" webm? In any case there should be one with images of all these post-release bad ratings and refunds/resellings.
was the last of us any good?
what tattoo is he getting, goys?
All these people trying to sell a shit game…
Maybe they should get in touch with Sean and ask him how he did it.
None of these assholes who bought the game without knowing it was less of a game than minecraft deserve any of their money back. They deserve to sit on the money void they created and rotate until they die of anal blood loss.
It has some great moments and gameplay mechanics, but there's too much cutscene, forced walking and shitty gameplay mechanics bullshit that make the overall game not worth it if you don't have the required patience.
Plus they got how Cordyceps and cures work totally wrong. A vaccine for a fungus, seriously?
I liked how the game lets you go full "papa bear" mode when rescuing Ellie in the Winter and Summer chapters though.
worth a pirate, then?
Don't know about you, but there was a guy seling arcade cabents, and shit like Neo Geo and after burner at that, near where i live.
nigger loving sports games, a batman game aaaaaand no man's sky
God it's like America was built with a ruler.
my girlfriend found this one
Reminds me I saw this the other day
Retarded nigger detected, you'd definitely get mugged.
For any of you naive cucks there might be a way of earning a redemption point.
Refunds, man.
If you spent at least $600 and the first games you played were Destiny and BamHam, you'd probably find a new hobby, too.
>being so disappointed in a video experience that you just give up on the hobby entirely
was wikipedia ever a reliable source of anything?
That comment was a direct quote from vice.
Wikipedia is just useful for finding other sources.
was vice ever a reliable source of anything?
Wait I lied. It was a reliable source for how
The video was at least funny
Not a source for anything else
Yeah it's not bad, doesn't lean on the cinematic stuff as heavily as Uncharted did.
You forget a lot of normalfags are only into games because they are popular. The same normalfags buy into hype for ANY shit product, as long as they think itll make them cool.
Really nigger. Fucking really. Funny how a game made by liars is getting sold by liars.
This is a wrong assumption. What IS actually happening is that "normalfags" buy games that are heavily advertised and are popular. Anything with a bunch of positive buzz around it and getting plenty of advertisement push will have their attention and thus their wallet.
Now in most times, these video games can hold their attention. They're generally mostly average-tier games that are pushed as 5/5 BEST THING EVER games. The normalfag, not knowing the difference, is happy with the purchase.
In this case, a game was being pushed as a 5/5 SO NEW SO WONDERFUL SO GREAT when it was actually an unfinished tech demo that is a 2/5 at best.
That, my friend, is what made all the difference in the world and why even the normalfags are rejecting it.
I always knew it was a matter of time before the current marketing and game development strategies started to crack and even make normalfags take notice.
But I honestly thought it would be EA that did it.
Holy shit, people still use craigslist?
mostly indians and people trying to get rid of old tvs and 'firewood'
Jesus this is some next level autism.
Chill out OP.
great way to get old shit cheap locally. like dressers or some shit
and meet up for gay sex, remember?
I'm not autistic
that's not what i wanted to post but ok
I got my kick ass apartment off of craigslist.
How the fuck can Microsoft take such a massive loss despite all the Xbox Live cocksuckers and why the fuck are they still in video games if its clearly a money sink for them? And with all that operating income how much do you think Nintendo blew on R&D with the WiiJew?
muh battle for the living room
I just want to know why they didn't fucking advertise it
It's not a matter of "why", it's all because of autism, which doesn't need and can't have an explanation
Maybe they assumed it would advertise itself via word of mouth. They just didn't anticipate the average normalfag would think that it was just a Wii addon instead of a new console
Maybe they were just too focused on their handheld department.
Japanese corporations, and the Japanese suits at the tops of those corporations fancy themselves to be Samurai. As such, they like to fart around and basically role play all that honor and shit.
It is entirely possible that Nintendo focused heavy on their handheld market to crush and push Sony out of it because of some long held grudge for Sony making the PS1 and edging into the game market to begin with.
Underrated post.
In addition to all that, the zaibatsu samurai think in terms of how to make the best products only for their home audience, while product lines for everyone else can entirely be cash grab schemes for all they care.
They learned it from Sean.
Are you implying straight streets layed out in logical order is a bad thing? It's not like that everywhere anyway.
What is this shit?
Seeing the difference between a planned and unplanned expansion and development of a city is really fucking easy to spot.
Do these people think they're actually tricking people?
mostly as a place to fence stolen goods
they did manage to get doco footage from cia-run ISIS
from what I heard, anecdotes say they were better pre-buyout
It makes sense that people aren't shittalking the game they're trying to sell. Especially since they're trying to get more than 40 bucks for it. "This game is shit, give me 50 bucks for it." The excuses are still funny, though.
That's what you get on Craigslist. Either people are trying to sell things at fucking LUDICROUS prices, or they're practically giving them away. In the same day I've found shit like a kid's Halloween costume going for $100, and an actual motherfucking 8' granite-slab billiards table in fantastic condition for the same price.
Here's a tip; one of those is worth $25, and the other is worth like $15,000.
I fucking hate Craigslist and Kijiji
probably stolen
they will never learn will they
Dont forget all the gay sex meetups.
My craigslist used to have an HIV+ tranny who would post every single weekend. Nobody else ever used the hookup sections. Just this one aids-ridden freak, every single week.
How did you know he had HIV?
Was he trying to gift it?
they publicly announce it and advertise things like PozParties and other holocaust deserving events.
Because he put it in the ads, dude.
Today I learned that trannies are not good merchants.
Is this legal?
All these people selling NMS, holy shit
Dude would have gone to prison if he didn't tell his partners (though I doubt he had many, is ugly as fuck) he has aids.
If that were the case Sony would still be making high quality electronics, not peddling the China tier shit they do now.
And, naturally, we can't forget that faggots, being mentally ill and all, have bug chasers.
Halfchan has a tripfag in a video game general who literally posted his blood test when he found out he'd caught HIV, and now posts his meds in every thread because he's happy to have it. Fucking homos, man.
Can't be any worse than our own tripfag thread, 4am
Cuckchan is an object lesson of why you shouldn't tolerate leftists in your communities.
At least that's just 2-3 hours a day, during off hours.
Truly, these people are worse than Hitler.
I might not like Hitler most of the time but at least I can acknowledge he had a point when he decided to gas faggots.
It just goes on and on…
You just know there's going to be a bunch of good goyim that will fall for these jewish tricks.
The worst part are the listings that actually expect you to play full price solid for a used game.
He had some good ideas. The main thing he did wrong is launch an invasion of Russia so close to winter.
Fucking homos, man.
So fat. A fat teenager tried to get gay laid. He probably succeeded, too.
I have learned normalfags will say they have "outgrown," became too busy, don't have the time, or whatever when they don't like a thing. They are too scared to say they don't like it. I can understand when you are trying to sell something shitty like nu-man's sky but I have had people tell me they outgrew video games and then the very next day they talk about whatever dumb shooter they are playing.
normalfags are scared to publicly say they don't like something.
This ad actually made me chuckle. What a clever way to sell a "movie".
When I go to the top sellers section and new releases section on Steam, I can't find No Man's Sky anywhere, I even searched pages for it, and nothing. Only way I can get to it's Steam page is by typing it's name into the search. And on the Steam discussion boards theres no threads, only some stickies. Is this happening for anybody else?
The best part is when you pay $700 and only get a DVD.
They're all rushing for their refunds now, user.
It's on page 5 of the top sellers for me.
This is amazing
Would you make him your girl, Holla Forums?
stop advertising yourself you faggot.
go die and please get out of my video game hobby.
YFW NMS is the ET of this consoles lifecycle, it's all tumbling down to another crash.
Its like No Mans Sky is so bad it ruins everything around it.
Reminds me of this.
Inbred white trash is the worst thing that happened to the white race.
I just finished watching these episodes. Then I come on here and see your pic. CREEPY.
Could this be the universe's cruelest joke yet?
So I guess all the men and women begging for the opposite sex to eat their shit and vomit in their mouth is okay because they're not gay? Fuck off, Holla Forums.
WOW check out this edgy cunt lads
thinks hes pretty funny lol no games
check it out son it aint 2007 anymore take your
elsewhere before you get shown the door
It's not okay, but those people are also rightfully hated. Enjoy your GRIDS, fag.
You're probably not even a genuine faggot, you're probably one of those poor retards that took the trap meme too seriously :^)
Polite sage, because off topic
Can someone explain why this game was blunder of the year? Just a case of easy to influence normalfags being normalfags or was it something more complicated?
Los Angeles.
stupid indie devs making promises that a small productive team couldn't fulfill within the time allotted
Rip In Piss Goodbye Games
Why are these apologists like this?
They are hired?
TBH people who buy shit on hype should be punished.
Where do you buy or sell your junk?
There is some kind of cult of personality built around Seam Murray for some reason, so they view these actions as damaging to him personally.
I've seen one person describe him as "One of the most awesome and humble devs in the industry.". No joke.
For fuck's sake. He just made one game and is an overhyped piece of shit.
indie game company makes a "fart around" game that should sell for $20 if that. Gets picked up by Sony. Sony puts all their marketing into it as if it's a AAA title and sells it for $60.
That never happened though, gas chambers didn't exist.
Good lord, shave
I just thought of the same
Everybody is lying how they don't have time to play it or how they've already exhausted the game with +100 hours of gameplay
Everyone with common sense KNOWS that the game was shit, they realized it after few hours into the game and now try to sell the game with nearly full price
If I fell for a shit game like this, I'd just sell it for like 15 dollars and write in the description how the game is shit but with 15 dollar price it'd actually be worth the try
you can see one fanatic like that in this vid
You know what is going to be the best part? The salt from these people when they realize nobody is going to buy the game off them and the best they'll get is something like $5
I hope he likes the multiple organ failure he's going to inevitably suffer in under a decade.
My piggy sides
I like sports ;)
What a fucking moron.
Why wouldn't these fags just return it? The regular 14 day return period ran out like 2 days ago, assuming they bought it on release.
My friend had it preordered. I gave him shit over it, but I am pretty sure he doubled down on it because of it. He has played 6 hours since release and insists he enjoyed it and gave it a positive steam review.
6 fucking hours for a $60 game. He's poor as shit, too.
Why fucking virtue signal on a anonymous board where no one will know who you are? unless you're really a homo.
Yes, I mean we have video game journalism, gaming conventions, trailers and TV. No lies, never. And Sean is a poor victim and gamers are too entitled.
I question the integrity of the people who marketed this con.
My sides.
Look at the right side. You're stuck on the Landing Page. General is where the thousands of LETS ALL REFUND TOGETHER threads are.
This is the best thing ever.
I really thought about making a new thread for this but we don't need a new NMS thread every day so I'ma put this here:
The hits just keep on coming
Players started trekking back to their starting planets out of boredom/nostalgia/whatever only to find that the game wipes their old discoveries once they get past a certain (as of yet unknown) number.
Holy, shit what a fuckup.
That's old news anyway.
This whole situation is like a surgeon promising you an eye transplant. Telling you that you will be able to see perfectly right after surgery. He kisses you on the foreheard and puts the gas mask over your face and says count back from 100
I haven't seen it discussed here, and there's an ongoing and somewhat entertaining debate raging on about whether the people reporting this are all liars.
From the timeline given it should sort itself out definitively in the next few days as more people pass the limit.
these people are nuts… they are more weird and cringey than the "gamers" they hate ever were.
Also notice how he has not tweeted shit in 10 days…
Here is the picture I expect of him once he resurfaces. As someone put it. Sean has a date with a shotgun.
If my gimp skills were any good I'd shop his beard onto this.
Look, people are stupid and make stupid decisions like these. But they arent actually the kind of stupid that doesnt let them plan ahead a good way to recover from a difficult situation or sell things.
Kind of expanding on these trips, normalfags arent retarded, they are as sane and stupidly human as anyone else. Hype is unavoidable, and experiencing things for yourself is part of being human, its common to do things you regret. Part of not being a sheep is having your own experiences.
You have to be pretty damned stupid to believe everything corporations say. Considering that a tremendous amount of (non-paid) normalfags will defend them even as their own assholes are being fucked, I can't really agree with you.
Seriously nigger? were you even around back in 2014?
Dont you remember what happened?
I wonder what Bosman (farthest guy on the left) thinks about NMS now, has he said anything about it on EZAllies?
Does amazon charge a $6 fee to return new games? Probably not