Martin Shkreli posts that he has Hillary Clinton emails, DNA; Facebook page immediately DELETED


Martin Shkreli, who previously offered a reward for those who had info on Seth Rich, allegedly posted to Facebook that he had Hillary Clinton emails and DNA.
He also posted an interesting message about how he isn't suicidal, and apprared to post a hash

Other urls found in this thread:!AC8[Hjrioiu278!m.$0*&beginDate=&endDate=&publishedBeginDate=20170831&publishedEndDate=20170901&caseNumber=

My bad page is back up


Bumping for curiosity.

Also a curiosity bump. He needs to release some of those emails though. Otherwise, into the trash…


if he doesnt release them he's full of shit


I'm just curious too, he's a sexy little fuck, but he has been useful at times

I'll bump due to interest.


From what I've seen of this guy so far, he's an attention whore. If he has shit he should just release it now, Clinton dynasty doesn't give a fuck about kill switches, they just kill you and hope for the best.

Wow, meant to say seedy little fuck…

If he really had what he claims to have, he'd be dead

keked hard



Kek works in mysterious ways


He's not a Jew. Albanians are shit, in general, but Martin specifically seems alright.

this post is spot on though


do it.

do it,

do it.

we've go nothing to lose.

do it.

do ti.

do it.


Live right now streaming

Why is this useful?
She isn't human?

Nice Freudian slip

Freud fingers

No thanks

exactly, some guy gettting fucked over by the state starts making threats, yeah right.

You got nothing, fuck off you tool and I love the jewish shills in this thread pretending everyone else is jewish because they're tired of e-celeb turds like this guy. How is this shit supposed to look anyway ? Oh hey guys, I can expose heaps of criminality and help you out, but i'll only do it if they don'tsquash my conviction for being a cunt, sorry. Yeh, i'm really fucking based hey.




Playing LoL like a faggot. What the shit is he doing? Is he just being an attention whore or something? Or is it for his safety and to try and play it all off, like no matter what they do to him he'll have evidence get out or something.

Sure you did

oh shit boii

I'm not sure, but those digits are definitely significant.


The slide is on boys! Sticky this now you fucking mods!

this faggot better not be ruze cruising us

Fuck off Martin

what is the retard even holding up ?


He got shafted in court so maybe this will be payback starring Mel Gibson

My guess? The chip in the photo is b8. He has the real data somewhere else.

Or he's just a grandstanding faggot. Could be both, come to think of it.

He obviously is. He didn’t release the unreleased Michael Jackson music when Trump was elected like he promised.

Money can't buy taste.

you're getting trolled, it's a USB microcontroller interface, there's only ROM on it.
either that or some absolute madman flashed HRC's entire server to ROM and he has it.

bumping anyway because I want to see where this goes.

Sticky? Why?
Its some richj ewfag who's universally known for his trolling. He rich enough to possibly obtain such information, wether or not he has it is another matter. My money is on another Kim Dotfuckingnothing moment. Until he actually releases info he claims to have, this thread will just be filled with a bunch of bickering, bantz and theories. Shit, it'll be bumblocked before it'll ever be stickied without the goods and I would completely understand.

Source user?

Attacking Hillary and not owning a gun?

It looks like a naked usb drive.

the perfect cover for him to delete every bit of evidence then jump out a window in detroit and shoot himself six times in the back of the head before hitting the ground without anyone suspecting that it isn't suicide.

I'm gonna go have a /comfy/ pipe and watch this drama play out.

I mean, he said all his unreleased music which was a bit unrealistic. Did get some Wu Tang though.

source - been to shanghai and spent a month straight looking at premade system-on-a-chip components because I'm a fucking retard who thought he could make a handheld video game console without any knowledge of electrical engineering.



holy get check
what have you done user




Checked, RIP




anons meme responsibly

So how long until he commits suicide?

Nice of you to join us Marty.

Suuure. Post tits, or hang yourself for being a faggot.

What I find interesting is the black block at the end. It looks like it has some sort of pinout.

As if any of that matters, they could behead him in front of sportsball stadium full of people and the cornier would declare it a suicide and the authorities would refuse to launch an investigation under a declaration of ‘lack of public interest’ and that’d be that.

Whew, that was close. Don't wanna catch the gay.

it's more retarded than interesting, maybe it's some kind of pcie bridge

Why would he declare this if he were legit? He knows that they have killed for far less. His motive here appears to be self-serving rather than a pursuit of justice. I don’t even begin to believe him. If he had the goods he would be better of just releasing them into the wild anonymously. And how would he come about such a thing?

i wanna try

The sliding came quick… WikiLeaks has not been hacked


why would any white man want to date outside of their race when we have women that look like this?

That's way too thin to be a PCIe

still waiting on that unreleased 25:00 version of Helter Skelter, Martin

Because they're pathetic betas who can't get white women. Same reason disgusting fat white women fuck niggers, white men won't touch them.

Not many are actually, guy fags make up less than 1% of the population or something like that

Even if it is a microcontroller of some sort, it could still hold the data he claims to have. It's a strange looking device, but that doesn't prove things either way.

You shut your upjumped little pillpushing mouth and post the goods Marty.

This guy is literally a psyop actor

o shit



I just emailed and he sent me copies of them.
BRB, The pizza guy's at the door. Funny, I don't remember ordering one.

You clearly haven't seen how Shkreli takes Holla Forums for a ruse cruise every time he's bored.

Just dump the info martin.


hes a troll

It may well be a ruse, all I'm saying is it doesn't prove it either way.

He is doing EVERYTHING he does to get some attention from us.
Part for profit, part for his ego and part for his political ideas and goals.
He , numerous times, said that he was libertarian cuck that believes in equality (of opportunity of course).

This albanian nigger lover is only teasing us for his popularity.
Ignore the albanian jew and carry on with your lives folks.
Just in case keep an eye on him, but don't feed him attention. He craves it.

That amateur probably won't even flood this thread with doujins.

Anything massive would be stopped immediately, the possibility of being suicided is very high.

user he's getting suicided

Yeah, by me, from the skies.
I'm boarding the Aurora right now.

They're going to suicide him only to find a chip with his collection of rare Pepes.

rip skreli

hillary is after the racist frogs again


I'm seeing a lot of warrant canaries being pomfed these days.

They're a diamond dozen in this doggydog world.

Nevermind, I'm autistic, that's the real name. Brb hanging myself.

He broke the cardinal rule.

Never tell your enemies what to do. Simply do it.

Sage goes in ALL fields newfag.

and windows 10, kek. At least he has a mech keyboard. Are those browns? Brown like that nigger shit he's writing.

Now they have no idea what he has where. He just got a get out of jail free card.


Cuckchanner just showed his hands. Back to cuckchan you doublenigger.

Well they don't really. Whites have the lowest exogamy rate of all races. At least in America.

Goddammit. What happened to all the women that folks used to post here?

he needs to spread that information asap

He's going to vape and go on discord now guys, streams over.

Has this guy ever posted anything of worth in the past? If he has something good, post it faggot. We know you're here.

Here ya go user. ;)

Martin "What are you doing in my swamp" Shrekli better deliver this time

He's probably hoping Killary offers him a very generous bribe. Good thinking, nigger.

That tattoo are a turnoff for sure,
But what wholesome women would have someone take nude photos of them?

Fuck I saw that too


Fucking Bitch. She's also 5 minutes late.

lol give her the aids shrekli

Too late faggot

No one knows how to take 8/pol/ on a luxury cruise better than Shkreli himself. He is a fine example of the kind of kike we fight against every day.

Fight jewgle adsense.

Either he's trolling :) and making libtards shit themselves, or it's his leverage to avoid prison.

Shkreli isn't a jew, just an Albanian troll.


Stopped reading right there


What does

too perfect

Nice try, Shlomo. Jews like Seth Rich and Martin Shkreli don't fool all of us.

But America is a white majority country, if 1 white man gets yellow fever then it's a larger percentage of the asian population which is being exogamous than of the white population

It's an external ssd adapter in case anyone wants to know.

Whether or not he has anything is something else entirely.


download MOSSADnauseum goy! Don't pay attention to the emails! Don't pay attention to Charlottsville crises actor mom!


Fuck this faggot.
He's sliding the Haiti arrest

The digits know.

It's most likely his password to all of his encrypted documents, including those Clinton Emails.
The last part, was in case he gets killed by the Clintons, so his friends can unlock and release the info.

He's most likely not going to release anything and not in possession of anything.
Never once has an e-celeb come through for us.

This on the other hand is real:
It's not sexy, but it actually happened, unlike Shkreli's story.

they are stupid fucking boomers who break smartphones with hammers nigger
for all we know there really are 10 million emails about penis pills, gambling and doing your taxes.
and all the pizzagate/corruption proof

Good point, even if every single white person outbred, then they would still have a lower outbreeding percentage, because 100% of minorities would be paired with whites.

I have 200,000 Hillary Clinton emails too, on an old Nokia phone in the junk drawer in my kitchen.


this burekmejker will not be removed

Wait til the boomers die out in 10 years time.

Underrated post.


You know right he did nothing wrong
He basically fucked over insurance companies and that was it

All that money, and you still can't figure out how to self-fag properly, Martin.





My guess is the dude was just rusing. SHkreli loves fucking with people. Could have also been testing how fast Facehook would censor him. In the slight chance he has those emails, he's probably going to coincidentally kill himself with the tried and true method of 3 bullets to the back of the head.

Come back when you have Madonna's pap smear.



>posting (((Larry David))) on Holla Forums

You know how I know you're not from around here, (((Rabbi)))??

(((EVERY.))) (((FUCKING.))) (((TIME.)))



Every cunt has tits, you fucking retard. Holla Forumsacks are trained to find the ones that are WIFE material, and this one doesn’t cut it. Fuck off back to reddit.

The script was shut down LONG before you even posted it, user.


Thanks for backing me up, user -

I'm tired of seeing guys accept whatever flotsam happens to be floating near their dick on a given day.

Women will only uphold the standards that WE impose upon them - if we lower the standards, we ought not be surprised when women stop giving a fuck too.

Maybe the standard should be not posing for nude photoshoots. All that bitch is good for is eyecandy, tattoos or not.

No, of course not, you fucking cro-magnon genetic throwback imbecile - but no tats is bare-minimum cut-off, one of many bare minimums.

Height-weight proportional
No tats
Hair not dyed some unnatural color
Decent titties for breastfeeding
Decent hips for birthing
No drug use, no fucking niggers
Ideally virgin

This is the baseline, you fucking NEET-pleb maggot, not the EPITOME of what a good wife-material woman should be.

Goddamn I am going to beat kikes like this to death on the street come DotR


I wasn't defending her tats. I was jokingly calling someone gay for noticing her tats when her tits were the main focus. Jesus, settle down spergs.



Also, it is bad etiquitte to double post without saging, let alone quadruple post as you did earlier. You were clearly foaming at the mouth punching those keys so hard you must have forgot though, so I'll let it slide this time.
Shitty banter aside, keep up the good fight for pure women. Just try to chill with the spergouts, they're very hard to take seriously.

It kinda looks like a MEGA link.!AC8[Hjrioiu278!m.$0

I would kill for that take

Shkreli confirmed for glow-in-the-dark CIA nigger?

Nobody does this. You release it or you don't. That's it.

I'm betting on this being "Ted Cruz likes my little ponies" again.

bump because "maybe" though.

Has he yet posted the Wu Tang Album since Trump was elected? I heard he'd post Nirvana and Beatles as well but I haven't heard much since that promise

he's just trolling for (You)s. pic unrelated.

No, he's a troll.

Nothing. He's LARPing.

i think hair dyed at all for any reason is bad. to me, women dying their hair blonde is much worse than dying it bright neon pink because it's misleading. imagine if all the women with brown eyes started wearing blue or green contact lenses.

Do you lose shekels if you miss the first post or do you get paid a flat fee with a bonus if you're first? Either way, you're slipping Moshe.

I've learned that Imgur HATES this guy probably more than Trump. Healthcare and affordable medication is more important than the president dontcha know.

what the fuck, that website is infrastructure for reddit. The people that comment there are the internet equivalent of sewer people.

17 nailgun bolts to the back of the head and neck incoming. RIP sexy shrekli

If it ever gets released, I will play it on (to?) my father's grave.

I found their demographic to be college age "internet folk" who think they're tech savvy but arent, but also are sheltered to not go on Reddit while still managing to be normalfags. Basically a lite consumer of Internet culture and a good bridge to normalfag opinions

That's why I saved it before it got shoahed

He's on FB live asking for a license plate lookup. L19GUC, he's acting like he's being followed
Title says

Says he has a "secure package coming into JFK at 11 tomorrow"
Same 2 goys keep showing up behind him in the video

This guy is a piece of fuckin work

He just said Trump Tower is 'probably the only place he can be safe right now' hahahaha

I can't tell if he's legit scared or just being a fag. It does look like there are a couple cars following him.

His Facebook page was just deleted again - he was posting some really nonsensical shit right before, tried to archive but I wasn't fast enough

Friendly reminder to archive.

good lord, user

This boy is putting on a show. It's almost believable.

It has to be LARPing right?
He did just post a lot of interesting shit that I didn't understand

Looked like 4 different passwords or something.
Very long clusters of words and numbers.
The thing he posted before them was something like what an automated message would look like.
Didn't think of archiving them too, he's trolling until he actually dumps whatever he claims to have imo though.

Or more accurately he IRL shitposted too hard an now the CIA Niggers want to get him

He had posted his discord on facebook before it went down.
I checked it out and he's shitposting there, he's definetly trolling.
inb4 discord is a botnet. I know.

I call bullshit.
Martin is also a bullshit master who never makes due on his promises (wu-tang for example).

I was going to and stupidly reloaded the page to check for new posts, here's a shot of his most recent post before page was deleted


Nudes are not that big of a deal. Fucking around is a big deal.

Didn't expect his facebook to go down and didn't bother to screenshot cause it's surely fake.
Also I didn't give a shit about him until I saw this thread. He really did post what I described but he's obviously trolling.

His page is back up, you're probably right

it's back up actually, you can see for yourself.

What a fuckin dork.

You should stick to what you know best, fag.

sexy little fuck

Go back to the kitchen, stupid girl.
What do I need three empty coffee cups for?

It's a MEGA file, but the associated URL is encrypted.

He has it on his website thotpatrol
Go die shilllllllll

Calling bullshit until he posts emails.

When he posts emails, my dick will become infinitely erected.

Me too, user, although Helter Skelter would get pretty fucking boring around minute 5.


Sure… Closet user…

maybe he does and just wants to catch clinton thugs by suprise

Yeah, yeah. Stick your tits between tifa's dick. It was funnier a month ago. Now it's becoming forced. On a related note, isn't holding something like that a quick way for the guy to naturally die via a shotgun wound?


Because the most beautiful White women tend to be the biggest whores in the context of our current society - its easiest for them.
I don't agree with it, mind you, but that's why they do it I wager.

Those people went elsewhere.

Wew lad.

What about the wikileaks backup files with non matching hashkeys?

Well you're dealing with cartels martin so you better pack heat now.

This is how you derail a thread.

BREAKING JEWS*&beginDate=&endDate=&publishedBeginDate=20170831&publishedEndDate=20170901&caseNumber=

One of the emails even has Hillary's own staff calling her a loony kookoo moonbat! LOL!

hmm… nah, I find the first one more entertaining, I'm gonna stick with that one

Albanian bumping for fellow Shqiptar

Fellow Shqiptar reporting for duty.



The devil has hands, and he uses them for holdin'.

All the times.

Trips says he has hard evidence of reptilian genetics and is going to blow the load into public space.

Okay anons…
Not just you.

Not wishing to lead you down wrong rabbit trails but think of this.

Free-scale chip/ IOT. (OP's image)
Pharma Bro fucked by (((media))) for kikeing the system.
MS is going to (((an))) hero if he keeps his shit up - explains his shitposting.

The Don can't do much since this is beyond Rothschild and Romanov territory. This man is truly not the man you see in public. He is assange without the robot.


If you have direct contact, specifically mention OD. Death by OD. He is "Pharma Bro", they'll try to make a mockery of this. IDK the guy personally but you know their playbook. They'll use that as his excuse of death. Death by OD because le ebel pharma man was aboozin… He needs to add this to his will and legacy or get out of town.

I knew it.

He's fucked. F

I just read they arrested him

sexy little fuck : (

Have you seen the diversity?
This one, that revoked bail.

Checked for Reaffirming as Primary Objective.

pldease gdet s c omputer with a real ketboard, poneposyer

Japanese-Americans are libshit cancer

Make a thread or post it in one that's relevant. That's great.

Jesus christ
Self righteous asian bitches are the worst. Is there anyone more sure of their collectivist, leftist, drivel? Fucking who voted for these cunts to be a judge?