Every Friday or two is sluggish? It got faster because he let that other guy from his old business mostly run things and then took in Drybones and a few other modders, who were all good coders and decent designers but had their own take on what would make Minecraft fun…when what made Minecraft fun was the atmosphere and content Notch had put in it, it was a little unique even if frustrating sometimes.
Seeds? Why would…
Oh okay, your fault then lol
Sounds like a decent action movie though.
You can do it as a way to get rid of your wealth faster so you can stop getting rekt by swarms of well-armed bandits since they seem to be armed and numbered based at least partly on wealth.
And also this
I'm pretty sure you're the same autist who keeps spamming about how you're mad it doesn't have ayylmaos but…it's because…
Because…wait for it…
It's based on Firefly! Not just Firefly, actually. It's based mostly on the genres "space western" and "space opera", which are about the eclectic blend of low-fantasy high-tech scifi and the limited availability of resources and actual high tech which would be almost certainly realistic with a terraform-seed-settle-spread human initiative.
But if you're not just bitching about the genres because you don't get them and are genuinely curious, then yeah, you could refluff it with a good mod or two I imagine.
Like I said, it's actually not an unfamiliar concept. Not all space fiction is Star Wars type, it's just the most popular. But yeah, it is absolutely meant to have Western themes and elements, like you even can make dusters and cowboy hats.
A real human bean. Playing "hick space assholes" is ezmodo and for Redditors. I'm serious, I read a thread on the sub because it showed up in my search results when I asked a question about the game, and they all play hyper edgelords "just to survive" because they can't into planning. This is the perfect kind of game to make the small gestures you can afford to and agonize over the hard choices instead of just going "haha lol free silver XDDDDDD". You're settlers, not murderhobos. Unless you do play a cannibal-psycho settlement which is fun once in a while but a shit crutch to use all the time.
I did a custom scenario that started with tribals with about eight animals, and I had Suicidal, Illness, I think Mourning, maybe Melancholy, etc
Reminds me of the animal hallucinations from Wurm's Path of Insanity.
Or just git gud tbh m8
Hilarious death and uncertainty is a part of Rimworld, though perhaps too large a part sometimes
Boreal's not even that bad, try permafrost, it's fun :^)
Pointless if you play on the default almost-smallest map size and/or have the positions of all of those ores you wanted to mine memorized, probably pretty cool otherwise.
Or just bite the bullet and put in one or two more coolers, then you'll get fucked in the ass a little less. If it's the kitchen getting cold you're worried about, get off your ass and make vents between the non-frozen rooms in your base, and never worry about it again.
hory shet!
If they're not starving just fast forward until someone wanders in (or raiders come and finish you).
That's actually completely accurate though. That's one of the reasons we hunt deer from up in a tree or far away with a rifle. I mean you think they're just deer, right? Seems like you'd just mask your scent and get really good at sneaking with a knife…which you could, but you might get your head cut open by hooves. Any animal really can attack. Rats are vicious, rabbits can be fickle, and deer can be fucking frighteningly aggressive when cornered or injured. Not if you have a rifle, though, because the fuck is it going to do?
16 tiles per room isn't terrible, actually a great way to start while they still have the beginning buffs so they get rid of the bedless, outside and interrupted buffs quick. You can just make 4x9s out of them later, which is still poverty-tier but they're fine with. 15 is sketchy, 14 they will pratically go hang themselves. I tried it once because I had this extra person and I could just barely mine out a 7x2 space on the end…
They have percent chances to attack; I think the 0.5% for most creatures is quite realistic. However, they should flee the other 99.5% of the time instead of standing around like assholes. The whole herd attacking actually does make some sense for plains with a herd of deer, though I don't know if it would actually happen, but they're treated as a fake faction as a herd, I think, so decision carries.