what went wrong?
At one point the greatest speed runner alive
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Speedrunning can break a man
You're not wrong.
Is that why I've seen a number of trannies going crazy for that Soylent food thing?
THAT'S A FUCKING MAN!!?!?!?!?!??!
It's a cheap way to raise estrogen I think.
So close, yet so far.
at least there is like a 48% chance of that retarded killing himself
thanks doc
a once great speedrunner who became a tranny and lost his mind
Soy has compounds that are very similar to estrogen, it is believed that consuming high amounts of soy can affect the secondary sex characteristics.
speedrunning has always been about cutting things you don't use.
This video sums it up pretty well
Gamer goobers e-bullied him until he broke. When will their reign of terror end?
if I always eat put soy sauce in my chow mein should I be worried?
Not unless you eat chow mein every fucking day
You couldn't tell by the receding hairline and voice .. and EVERYTHING?
yeah no
if you're really worried just get oyster sauce and water it down. it's the same shit.
so how do you even speedrun a life?
grow into a young boy, get into /ss/ situation and impregnate your partner, then kill yourself
be a 2 years toddler, run into the truck, the end
ironically the easiest game to speedrun is being a girl since you can just get raped for both endings at once
Reminder that sgdq and agdq running is the only good form of speed running. On the fly improv, balancing commentary with gameplay and not too much faggotry with people going .5 seconds faster than their previous and losing their shit about it.
Think you have the order wrong. This is what happens when your normalize mental illness and every fucker self-diagnoses themselves and thinks they'll be happy if they pretend to be a woman.
I remember when speedrunning was about working for a long time on a run and then posting it on SDA. Now it seems streaming and the "personalities" have become the most prominent element.
Is there an equivalent for Testosterone? Estrogen if fucking everywhere, but you have to have a prescription for Testosterone.
Pht, as if what you consume can affect your body. Go shine your tinfoil hat, user. No medication or therapy can reverse being born with gay or tranny genes. Even though such genes have not been found they totally will be eventually & of course such genes are increasing rather than decreasing despite not being passed on through procreation.
good goy
I really wish fags would pick a side of the choice VS born this way thing and stick to it for longer than a year.
Speedrunning is fun if you don't care about records and just want to go fast. Don't let tranny faggots ruin your fun and play games however the hell you want to.
SDA is cancer, go lick Mike Oharas dick, no-one gives a shit about a record that was made 6 months ago but only just got uploaded because your 'editors' are just dickwipes.
If they had the ability to commit to one thing they wouldn't be degenerates though.
It's born, just like certain people are born mentally ill.
Same difference, right?
He's funposting, you jew.
I don't even know who that is, but thanks for confirming that nowadays it's all about the personalities.
Basically SDA is all there was back before Justin.tv etc and everyone was subjected to their facist bullshit. Then Cosmo and Jiano made SRL and democratized speedrunning with IRC bots and shit, made it more about livestreaming and having fun with your friends. Then Justin.tv became twitch and more and more cancer crept in, et voila you get trannys and AGDQ levels of autism.
He's not a speedrunner he's the owner of SDA you twat. Confirm these nuts
Exercise like lifting raises your testosterone production temporarily, also being a healthily weight helps as obese men on average have lower testosterone. Food wise I would eat things like eggs, nuts, and meat. These have the materials the body needs to make testosterone.
So you're a faggot who doesnt know shit about speedrunning yet you think your opinion is valid for some reason. Kill yourself bub
mfw used to watch cosmo's early winwaker at the conception of twitch during high school
So, again, it's all about the personalities. Because I just want to watch speedruns and don't know or care who some guy is, I must not know anything about speedrunning.
Saponins. You can get dietary supplements that contain saponins which trigger Testosterone production.
Shouldn't take them all the time though otherwise they're replace your body's natural chemical reactions. They're used by body-builders to boost Testosterone, but they don't shrink your balls or kill you like other Steroids. Can also give you more energy, improve gains, boost libedo, but it really depends on the person taking them as some people don't see much of an effect while others do.
Thats like saying you're the best "insert contrite and worthless talent here". Shit eater. Nail biter. Watching paint dry-er. You get the point. Someone post the webm. You know which one.
They drink Soylent because it's like, so cool and dystopic and futuristic! Also because it has been described to have a cum-like texture.
It's actually made of people
He already speedrun Super Monkey Ball Deluxe at AGDQ. That was his magnum opus.
I thought his apex was losing to John Numbers.
You were never part of the scene if you don't even know that much. Ergo the fact that you are pretending to be 'old school' is laughable.
That's actually impressive, Soylent kills
nice meme kid, post the webm urself
You could say that Cosmo played like a girl.
Don't say anything guys
uh oh
Soylent does wonders doesn't it?
It's actually something straight from a science fiction movie:
Please tell me where I ever claimed to be part of "the scene."
please clap
CGN is fucking insane
So, does Estrogen turn you into a faggot?
Not this time, Carlos
>>>Holla Forums
i'd fuck his ugly tranny ass
Prove it
how do i prove it?
Damn George was an asshole. No wonder Jeb turned out this way.
The world is full of dicks, but older brothers who are dicks are the very worst
man if i was brutally raped infront of thousands ya I'd turn faggot as well
I keep clicking the link but it keeps redirecting here. I think it's tell us something.
that youre a faggot who doesn't know how to use a computer
me too, as long as it's not pozzed. I'm awwwwright.
Bow your heads in mourning silence, for this man has lost the last bit of soul in his body.
By taking pics of course
I sure hope you guys at least put a paper bag over his head
please tell me this isn't coolkid please tell me this isn't coolkid please tell me this isn't coolkid
Eggs, beef, oysters, olive oil, pomegranates, potatoes, onions, garlic, Brazil nuts.
Some vegetables such as cabbage and broccoli help your body naturally eliminate excess estrogen.
Lose weight (fat), avoid soy, don't microwave foods in plastic (even microwave safe plastic) , limit alcohol, don't smoke, exercise frequently especially weight training
actually kinda of want to know how he is staying afloat i mean he did amass a great fortune on speed running for so many years think around is avg was 2-4k+ avg veiwers most of every day plus donations and subs but that must be clearly be drying up soon after such an expensive faggot turning operation and pills
Can we just forget it ever happened? I don't even want to know when he finally and inevitably offs himself, it'll just be plain sad. He had such a good life and threw it all away because degeneracy became cool for a few years, like so many others.
nigger, i didn't say i did, i said i would
He was the greatest so he nerfed himself so others could catch up.
It's funny how not too long ago the left said they would never ever support trannies and universally agreed they were mentally ill and that anyone accusing them of attempting such a thing were dumb and muh slippery slope fallacy.
better speedrunners
I never said you did, I said you would need to prove your desire to fuck his boipussi
The odds of a fag being infected with STDs is not even a 50/50 coin toss.
almost all of the good live speedrunners are gone
talon rarely ever streams anymore.
the rest seem to have got kinda of pushed out by AGDQ( which basically turn into a normalfag autism fest) shit and their restrictive demands they put on the events it seems.
No, constantly eating a fuckton of soy as your main protein delivery mechanism does. Fucking food replacement bullshit.
I want to kiss him while caressing his ugly face, I WANNA MAKE HIM MINE.
wrong video
I mean when skater rekt the wr in ocarina, another guy got the ww wr and Wanda concentrated only on the n64 castlevanias but they stole even those. no wonder he became a shell of a man
Jack off onto a photo of Cosmo and post pics of it. It'll show something.
I like pokemon speedrunners because they're all self aware about how big of fucked up losers they are. No hiding behind the bullshit meme of speedrunning is c00lz just gib twitch bux
If Cosmo is a girl now why didn't he call himself Wanda?
I'll check those numbers for you,
faggots dont use that.
Soy sauce is fine since it's fermented.
Step your game up Pat.
What do they use? Birth control pills?
No idea, I've been doing it wrong this whole time.
Lots of people are saying Eggs to boost testosterone. To be clear, its the egg yolk. So eat them scrambled or something. If you eat just egg whites you're doing nothing.
That's not how I like my eggs my eggs grandma.
Eat a fuckload of salmon too, seafood usually boosts tests and makes you super horny.
Avocado and Super Dark Chocolate too.
sleeping with other men also makes your testosterone skyrocket
Came here to post this.
user, are you ten?
affordable sex reassignment surgery
Yeah, but it's really gay too.
Then that's a fucking shame, because red meat is bad for you.
You're just gonna have to tough it out, champ.
Ok, who is this?
Reverse image search isn't helping.
The chromosomes are arbitrary.
My gender wanders.
I was raised with fish, living next to a river during my raising I pretty much had it all the time. It's because I had it so much I got tired of it and always want something else. Anything but fish and vegetables that aren't spinach and green peas.
I want to fuck him and then cuddle in bed with him while he cries about his life being awful.
I'll give you a hint
Look at the hair
Seafood in general is crazy good for you, man.
Cartoon Girl
Oh my god.
Homos and trans are all mental ill fuckers enabled by their shitty parents
Drats, I've been bested again.
wow I never realized that, thank you for your contribution
Well yeah, that's what you get when you spam shitty le ebin porn crop reaction pics XD like a redditfag
speedrunners and people who watch it are mentally ill from the start so eventually they just crack
The relationship between weight and testosterone level is actually the other way around, high test have a strong positive effect on metabolism and muscle creation, leading to easier weight management.
Another semi-truth, red meat sold in retailers are treated with a lot of salt and other shit to make it redder and last longer, that's what's bad for you, if buy "organic" meat it's going to be a wee bit better but your best bet is living in western continental Europe, the EU comission might be a bunch of fucking corrupt retards but at least their predecessor voted laws to ban putting cancerous shit in food for profit. Kenyans who breed themselves into and entire phenotype geared toward producing the best long distance runner had several tribe that traditionally ate only red meat and cow milk. It's the introduction of food coloring, excessive salt and hormone treatment that turned red meat into cancer inducing food. Still, fish is pretty good as well.
Found it.
I want a source of that lewd alien
So that's what SJW and Anti SJW are reduced to? Shitting on healthy food ingredients used by the best sportsmen and countries with the longest life expectancy just to push an agenda?
Are you fucking retarded?
Enjoy your worms.
For that kind of sauce, you'll need a pinch of MSG.
It's cropped for a reason, though.
I don't eat uncooked food user.
Oh user, I know that your father abandoned you and your family leading to an unstable childhood and no guidance towards the path of adulthood but still, learning how to properly cook meat is one of the most basic steps towards independence to make. I'm sure even you could learn it on your own.
Home economics should be a necessity to graduate school. It's surprising how many people that come out of high school and can't even do so much as follow instructions or Google a recipe.
A lot of things should be a necessity to graduate school.
Yet still there aren't and some people find it so hard that they drop out.
thanks whoever-wheels, you ate my weebm
Hey at least I have a stable job and know how to cook user.
But maybe he does, too.
Just kidding, no one who posts smug anime pictures does.
Literally every single time you make a thread about Cosmo he knows, posts about it on twitter, that in turn gives him more pity follows that afterwards watch his streams and donate to him.
Every single time you make one of these threads you're pretty much starting a chain of events that will end up with him making a little bit of extra cash.
Do you do it on purpose, Holla Forums?
Do you want to stick it in his butthole or something?
Do you even read threads?
On, Holla Forums?
No, i never read any thread, i find it's a complete waste of time.
Would you disagree?
most people want to talk genetics to explain these fuckers, when its just terrible parenting, the ones that werent sexually abused were so spoiled they became retarded
Yes. Very much.
soy increases estrogen and decreases testesterone in people. it's kind of like rice which decreases testosterone in men and might be one of the reasons why asians are so effeminate
This might explain some things I have witnessed for myself. I tried to live a month or so without ever getting rice as part of a side with my company cafeteria food.
after a few weeks in I felt so much more energized and willing to work. I didn't feel BEAT DOWN like I normally was.
Lets be clear, this is sit at your desk all day computer IT work. Nothing physical.
zinc rich food since zinc is relatively rare and is essential for the production of testosterone while not being created in your body since it's not a compound but a raw element. Chances are you don't get enough. zinc rich foods include eggs and meat
Exercising raises your testosterone production, some vegetables might cause your body to produce less estrogen. Not being fat helps since being overweight messes with hormone levels
if a man discards the whites chances are his lack of testosterone has no cure
low quality bait
anyway, since this thread has taken its turn and i'm in way too many threads to differentiate thingsā¦
I will say you need to watch this.
It is Joe Rogan talking to a porn star who has transitioned from female to "male".
I don't k now or care what you think of Joe Rogan. I honestly consider him to be a normalfag that is willing to entertain all sorts of shit.
But this is an eye opener and really makes you understand that the "trans" community is really infiltrated by "transtrenders".
People who want to hold the title of transitioned genders without actually doing such.
People who want the online accolaids without going through the pain and struggle.
People who, ultimately, want the ability to disregard that position the moment something far more lucrative shows itself.
I say we don't let them. I say we become those that bring up the past.
This might be the wine talkingā¦
But I say that we be the ones, years from now, showing their employer how much of a crazy biggot and racist they were. How much of a shitty human being this person tended to be.
and yes, I know its shitty to spoil and ruin someone's life when they are barely an adult but consider that they have NO sleep lost in the reverse.
I honestly wanted to try Soylent but the fucking fart reviews made me drop it instantly, plus at $4 per meal in my country i could eat like a king
Siglemic was better
he kind went to shit too
They do now thanks to Mcdonalds.
No no no, you misunderstand.
They're getting a huge injection of hormones from the fast food beef and are now growing up to have nice racks. Some of them have even started to develop asses.
They're evolving.
This changes everything