Do you have any vidya sins to confess?
Now would be the appropriate time.
Just let it all out
Do you have any vidya sins to confess?
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I post on Holla Forums more than I play video games
Not vidya, but I marathoned the one piece anime all the way up to episode 750 in 3 weeks. Worst decision of my life.
I savescum whenever possible(yes even in ds
I'm starting to care less about playing games without a guide or without cheesing. I don't think it's bad to want that autistic glee and I'll never forget my week spent playing la mulana without internet to guide me, but I'm a busy guy now and I just don't have the time to obsessively play a single game anymore. Glad I have enough to play vidja at all.
You fucked up user
What's that
I enjoy the FNAF series for the baby''s first lore and art direction.
I post on Holla Forums but I don't even play video games
I cant roleplaying Edgy evil characters
Abridged version of every single episode in one piece condensing it into 100 or so episodes.
me either, animation tickles my fancy more but Holla Forums is cancer.
I wish Scott would help with the Donkey Kong trilogy remaster.
They're very cute, but make me cringe like this.
well that's wayy nicer. thanks I'll check it out.
I'm more a fan of anime but once in a while I do find a western "gem" like Gravity Falls or Over the Garden Wall.
No, I don't watch that, SU is pretty much tumblr propaganda for little children.
If we were in the first season, I would argue that, but right after THIS, then I wholeheartedly agree.
That's what you get when a jew gets the permission to create a kid's show.
I stopped playing video games and just lurk because of years of habit.
I'm also not as good at video games as I made myself out to be, nor have played a great variety of games compared to the dedicated.
Now I'm just playing babbies first encounter with philosophy (pic related, Stirner also) and learning Japanese.
I thought I'd love vidya forever man.
I played Clear Sky first and I like it more than SoC.
My favorite time is the poverty time in the beginning, especially in Misery.
I rarely finish games but I play a lot of them. I always get bored 2/3 through and put it down, say I'll come back to it and never do. Very few games hold my attention to see the ending. Then the ones that do tend to have atrocious fucking endings which makes me wonder why bother?
I don't understand how anyone can watch these shitty social justice cartoons unironically unless they have the mind of a child or something.
SJWs have the minds of children. There is a reason their vocabulary consists of made up medical/biological terms, Ugh, gross, and other grade school insults such ass pissbaby or shitlord.
I'm CIA.
The messages this show is spouting are becoming less subtle, I used to like it because it was kiddy fun and had a positive, feel good message, It was a pretty alright show, but (((then))) it slowly became more and more tumblr after Stevonnie. This new episode just proved how horseshit it's becoming, it's NOWHERE near as bad as Adventure Time is, but it's starting to become unwatchable for me.
Shame too, this had a LOT of potential.
You answered your own question.
Did anyone here actually pay the price of admission for this? Or did you just pirate it?
I used to buy strategy guides
I gotta say, I almost started watching again because I heard about the cute crying bug waifu.
I love her man, she's the best gem.
As a kid I would being my friends over and convince them to play mortal kombat just so I could win every time.
And now that I'm an adult it's going to take me literally decades to finish my backlog, simply because I'm so busy all the time.
Is that a "sin"?
There's a Donkey Kong trilogy remaster?
I went to reddit to recieve a hacked six IV Ditto.
Pearl is cute.
As for my sins, I actually bought some mediocre shit games.
I think most people had steatgy guides and/or nintendo power and/or gamefaqs printouts.
I once masturbated over those weird alien/monster things from UT3 which then I felt really weird, disgusted and guilty about at the time but then not much less than a decade later I found out that the internet masturbates over shit way worse *repeatedly* so I don't really feel that bad anymore.
I suppose what was more fucked up was that I often watched porn with my mum in the room because we shared the same computer space.
I played Bubsy 3D as a kid and enjoyed it. I have nothing but positive memories of it too…
I once used a divine blessing in Dark souls
I am doing this now with Naruto, I guess I am just extremely bored.
What went so horribly wrong with Adventure Time to make it worse than SU? I only watched the first 2 or 3 seasons.
Philosophy is fun too. At least you're having fun, right?
Since when is there something wrong with using divine blessings?
>often watched porn with my mum in the room because we shared the same computer space.
I bought Fire Emblem Fates.
Special Edition.
There are just some thing you never do
Not exactly a sin, but competitive vidya is a mistake. I don't have anything against the fag that play for competitiveness, but trying to balance everything to calm down their autism suck the fun out of every game.
I did the same thing. It was nice.
That's just a completionist sin. The worst you'll get is vidya purgatory.
Yeah, me too. The computer was in the lounge room until i was old enough to drag parts out of office dumpsters and build my own.
Didn't have much choice I'm afraid, not till I finally got my own room ;)
Oh we didn't share the same computer or anything, but for a long time I didn't have my own room.
Did your mom ever see you?
I'm pretty sure she did, she just never mentioned it
I am so used to modern standars, I cant play old arena shooters anymore. I like them but I play like shit
I've never beaten an Ace Combat game on a difficulty higher than normal.
I bought the Street Fighter II animated movie solely because of Chun-Li's tits. Not even to fap, I just wanted it for the novelty of having a movie with Chun-Li's tits.
I'm addicted to generic JRPGs.
I think The Holocaust actually happened.
Does that excite you?
I bought the LoK game
I enjoyed Rome 2 and Attila
I bought Total War Warhammer, enjoy it, and regularly recommended it in total war threads
There is nothing wrong with your first spoiler.
normalfags just eat up whatever is available because they don't trust their own judgement.
It's the same reason I used to read newspaper comics.
They literally just watch it because it's there. They don't even see the agenda.
She has walked in on me sucking my own dick.
Yes, i can still do it.
The money went to a company that actually makes good games, wasnt the full price like €25 anyway?
I used to be able to, but not anymore since it kills my neck.
Everything Platinum made post LoK is sub-par
How? Even Ace Difficulty is easy as hell.
I don't even understand how could someone think Adventure Time has any SJW messages in it.
inb4 "Pendleton Ward drunk tweeted something about goobergate"
Show me?
Savescumming through a lot of MGS1 bosses is the worst thing I can remember of somewhat recent date. Bought into the hype and wanted to play through the whole series before 5 launched, got tired of the first game at about the halfway point and just wanted to finish so I could move on to 2 and 3 which turned out to be infinitely more enjoyable. At first I would just save right as the fight began to skip the run back and cutscenes, but towards the end it wouldn't be uncommon for me to save after getting a hit or two in. It's one of the main reasons I try to avoid playing on emulators.
Christ, I thought I was bad for marathoning the original Naruto over the summer when I was a kid. Now I've been considering doing the same with Pokemon like the autist I am.
They do have the minds of children, they just claim it's ironic. I don't mind so much, I obviously can identify with manchildren. The problem arises when they think they're acting like adults, say everyone else needs to grow up and try to force their ideology on all around them. If they just sat in their corner jerking themselves off over Steven Universe or whatever I wouldn't care, but they've somehow deluded themselves into thinking they're acting professionally in doing so and that everyone must do the same.
I got a cold sore and im not putting my mouth anywhere near my dick
That's pretty impressive. If I was flexible enough to suck my own dick, I wouldn't leave my apartment again until they evicted me.
what kind of retarded stock photo is that?
I searched for priest stock photo and did what I do every time, chose the most retarded looking one
I'm not good at video games, at all. I'm just less bad than other people
I read the first Naruto manga in a few days. One of Sasuke's lines towards the end sums up every single fight in both the original and Shippuden perfectly. "I am more special than you."
I watch SU partly because Lapis is best gem and I hope for her appearance in every episode and partly because sometimes it isn't too hamfisted
Connie is the worst character in the fucking show though and I despise every second she's on screen. Stevonnie included
How does it feel? Is it as good as people think it is?
I bought Skullgirls during the past summer sale despite knowing full well about all the SJW shit.
Kill me.
You're tasting dick while you're neck and back hurt like hell. It's pretty gay
It does feel good though
I need to get in shape so I can do it again
I liked Borderlands 2
in the show I think they just don't even use pronouns for Stevonnie mostly to avoid having to decide what the fuck is going on down there
the non-binary gender thing is made-up, like all the rest of the gender and personal pronoun bullshit Tumblr likes to puke all over the characters
the show doesn't make a huge deal over body shaming or body acceptance or trans or gender identities or whatever other word mashups Tumblr has decided are recognizable phrases now. It doesn't even mention that shit
It's mostly "Steven's a pussy who doesn't like hurting anyone and everyone else on the show loves hurting others and is pretty fucked up honestly, and Steven pacifies them slowly"
This isn't exactly about videogames, but pretty sure it will be the most cringeworthy story on this thread
Emerald is my favorite mainline pokemon game
I have over 2k hours in Oblivion
Thanks user. I might have to check that out. I liked what I saw but as I said I just don't have the time.
So it's like when tumblr went fucking ape shit about the leader for Team Mystic saying she was non-binary-fluid? Only because Blanche was slightly androgynous? The fandom of that show is just.. fucking awful.
This happened to me as well when I bought a alienware laptop …I was young
But the LoK series is excellent!
Yeah. The show is good at imitating reality in that little to no problems are actually about race/weight/gender, they're because Antagonist Of The Episode is an asshole, whether they meant to be or not
I preordered Legion to play with a friend, but immediately regretted the decision and am currently waiting on a refund
Oh god I'm such a faggot I deserve to be bullied
Playing games on ironman but savescumming by crashing the application before it autosaves my mistakes. Basically feeding my ego by lying to myself.
I have well over 750 hours played in a number of different forts in Dwarf Fortress, but I have never not used the fastdwarf command and a tileset.
Fucking roman church. God ain't a friar, God sees all, confessions make no sense other than giving church leverage over you by handing such sensitive info to them.
The only sinful thing in vidya that i've done was using cheat engine to get a shitton of resources and S++ units in MGSV but that was after the fucking updates started rolling out demanding manpower of multiple FOBs to get shit without cheating
Get help
I think Planescape: Torment is a terrible game. I don't care that the story is good when the gameplay it's delivered in is so excruciatingly awful. They should have made it an adventure game or a myst-like.
Also preordered Dragon Age 2 which thankfully was my first AND last preorder ever as i learned my lesson the hard way…
I watched some anime which i dont remember right of the bat last year for like 50~ episodes without sleeping at all. Obviously with 22mins~/episode and boy did i feel like shit, literally shaking from all the caffeine and after sleeping it was like the worst kind of hangover despite not drinking at all.
>had a stint as an amateur vidya journalist and didn't trigger as many lousy developers as I could have
Did you really need to?
I used console commands in Morrowind to screw around with jump and movement speed, and got to the final fight before doing any of the quests and basically ruined the game for myself
No, I just thought it was fun for some retarded reason.
I never did anything like that but
is ingrained in my memory.
probably the only actual sin in this thread.
and I did break even with my inventory.
If by excite you mean haunt, then yes.
Right, because literal point and click/no actual action would make it better right?
you fuckin hothead
I'm a bigger sinner.
Have you played PS:T, it's by far the worst Infinity Engine game mechanically and the encounter design is atrocious.
If it grates you terribly that combat be removed then how about making it a CRPG in literally any other game engine. How about PS:T with Fallout's turn based system?
Here's my most played steam game. Why do most people have shit like TF2 and CSGO and shit with literally thousands of hours?
That's not saying much considering how shitty that system is with the whole RtwP
True, it was also the last Infinity Engine game I played so it's possible my patience with it finally snapped.
You're nowhere near me.
At least you guys played a functioning game.
How do you do that?
Hopefully you didn't pay to open those lockboxes, right?
I'm up there as well.
Someone please fucking kill me.
Jesus user, I've played the game since release and you're almost half the hours as me.
I already have the DW mask too.
Didn't pay for any of the DLCs tho, fuck that noise. $100+ my ass, fucking swedes
The modern shooter lineup is complete fucking garbage full of tryhard e-sports faggots.
TF2 has been able to stand the test of time because no matter how shitty the community gets, the community or gameplay of the next new shooter will always surely be much fucking worse.
Whenever I play on any TF2 server, pub or not, I instantly just mute every single player without even bothering to hear who has mics or what anyone has to say because 99 percent of mic users are cancer nowadays.
There's just no other shooter where you can just go to casual games to fuck around or take seriously. If there was I'd gladly go there instead
You are me. My favorite playthrough of a STALKER game was my first playthrough of Clear Sky. Didn't have game breaking bugs, the poverty time was great, really forcing me to ration bullets and medkits etc in the first 1/3 of the game. It had more/better gunplay or gun battles than the other games. Although I'll admit as time has passed I've played it less than the other two games due to it being somewhat unfavored for mods. Also the last 1/3 of the game was basically a rails shooter and not very STALKER-like (all the games have this problem near the end but not as bad as CS)
CS had a tendency to spawn random battles that led to some really memorable freak occurrences.
Also my greatest sin is buying games and not enjoying or finishing them. PC gaming kind of sucks recently TBH. I get most of my enjoyment from free stuff like STALKER mods or games like Cataclysm: DDA, and even then I have trouble really getting hooked. Happens for a few weeks every six months or so, other than that I just load up games and quit after five minutes
Because of all the ranks and cosmetics trading/gambling. It's similar to why MMO's are so successful, you do more than play the game; you keep investing in it, and keep playing until it eventually pays off. It usually never does.
I frequently use guides and save states for old RPGs
I also played like 200 hours of vanilla Skyrim, at the end i just felt sick of it
That is gonna go the same way of vidya
Copious amounts of shitty shipping drama and boring episodes that went absolutely nowhere
I've spent so much fucking time on video games and yet I'm still awful at them.
You are me: There aren't anywhere near as many mods as there should be for Clear Sky.
I enjoyed Duke Nukem Forever and Yaiba Ninja gaiden z even though they're both shit.
I forced myself to play through final faggot VII, VIII and IX(best one) because i liked story centered games back then
Those kids that skipped cutscenes? They were the ones that had it figured out
I've actually played all the IE games, and IMO the one with the worst combat/encounter protocol was baldurs gate 1 because it lacked the innovation of it's successors, which came as no surprise seeing as they were effectively supposed to be it's sequels.
There was enough turn based shit out at that time already if you ask me. It was refreshing enough to see an old isometric rpg that *wasnt* turn based IMO
There are some good ones but also STALKER modding is to the point where the maps from all of the games are in COP anyways. And COP and CS have basically the same kind of scripting
I win
Ohh I used to noscope in CS:Source (PC) with a dot of electrical tape on my monitor. Good fun with the scout
oh shit wait I have a better one
look at these gems
340 hours in borderlands 2
I'm sorry. I was a different person back then
I wonder who made that? And did they do it in Xray engine? There's that guy that made that silly model of the teddy bear and I know for a fact it pissed people off because the STALKER modding community is lacking talented modelers and animators, and the guy goes and makes a high quality novelty but doesn't contribute much else otherwise
bitch please
i fucking hate this game but i'm autistic about Devil May Cry so I refuse to own a DMC game without having all the achievements.
I did the same thing user, I was so uninformed back then
I also bought some of the dlc
I played 900 hours of Warframe in the last 90 days. I fucking hate it but I can't stop playing it. I also bought plats to play dress up.
I have no regret.
Also this. I was a part of a community, we all spent a lot of time on the server
It's free DLC they just didn't have it done at launch
what's actually shit is that unless you get the Definitve edition Vergil has no Bloody palace at all without mods.
I beat Tony Hawk's Underground on hard before beating on sick so I'd have cheats unlocked
I meant as in wanting to fuck your mom.
pussy shit
Also according to steam, I've spent over a thousand dollars on tf2 keys.
Getting through a match in either of those games takes a long ass time.
I'm starting to feel guilty about pirating games. Worst part is, I can't explain why. It just feels wrong.
What have you pirated? Do the devs deserve money or not?
It's because you don't have any sense of "earning" it. That shit is vital to humans. Provides you with needed chemical stimulus.
I can't stop jerking it to Amy Rose. I don't even like furries or Sonic in general, but that pink rat does something to my loins that I cannot understand.
Propaganda have affected you, or you probably always thought that piracy is wrong.
Just consider this, no dev deserves money since game development is no different from gender studies right now, and that's it.
In a nutshell your brain is not being stimulated positively by the process and it is attempting to wean you off of it because it sees no benefit to it.
meh, classic case of Pirates' Remorse. It only happens with shitty games though, since people who payed for shitty games can at least say they earned it. My advice is to just stop pirating bad games, pirate games you know you'll get into
Sicko! How could you possibly find Amy attractive i any way?
> going to pre-order ME:A, its basically stockholm syndrome at this point
> bought GZ and PP without playing any of the previous MGS games
> did competitive tf2 for two
please end me
step it up
I preordered Legion on the assumption that I would make friends and actively try to join a community (guild).I'm not refunding.
That's not stockholm syndrome. That's just retardation.
I bought Soul Calibur V expecting the game to be good.
I finished Dragon's Dogma story mode 6 times before an user here tell me that I could simply buy an item to change my character's appearance.
I got boners every time I fought a dragon in Dragon's Dogma. Specially Ur.
I pre-ordered Dragon Ball Xenoverse just because of the shitty extras and because of the hype. At least I learned my lesson and bought Raging Blast 2 later.
I bought Mugen Souls in japanese without actually knowing japanese. I played the game for a while and then stopped playing, because I couldn't fucking understand the plot. I'll probably play again when I learn the language. At least I got the original art book.
Fucking how? The most amount of time I have in a game is probably 250 hours.
TTT map
250 hours is smalltime.
scripting/idle time and autism
I just wanted a game that wasn't censored. At least it was fun getting boners with the bath mini-game.
God, I hate TTT.
good for greifing
My friend and I play and unironically enjoy shit like WoW, LoL and Minecraft.
I guess I could justify WoW and Minecraft by saying they;re comfy with fishing and autism-tickling mods respectively, but I can't find a way to justify LoL.
I hate playing it alone, but when I'm laying with friends, it almost feels fun.
I loved XV because I love autistic grinding games and DB. Pre-ordering XV2 as soon as I have the money.
I've played through undertale over 2000 times.
I actually bought The Division
And the Season Pass
But why?
I haven't played Undertale yet, that's a sin right? i t looks like a great game
I bought Starbound and Civ: Beyond Earth
I'm making a video game even through I haven't played a lot of games.
I accidentally didn't sage a reddit opinions thread once.
It was horrible. They thought they were welcome and made another thread the next day.
sage negated
I enjoy Bethesda schlock.
Goddammit you fucked up badly.
I save scummed hardcore against deathclaws in FO1 and 2.
I mean reloading saves until I landed a crit headshot upon which I would save again.
I don't know anymore. I'm playing it right now even.
I mean, I have an unhealthy obsession with REmake but at least that's a great game.
I think part of my brain just stopped working when I got exactly what I wanted out of a game for a change, and I can't let go.
Really the only thing I was let down by was not getting to date that robot, but after waiting three years for it, I got just what I wanted. I'm not used to being so, not disappointed in something I waited that long for.
I bought MGS V TPP
Fuck you v/
Zero Suit Samus is one of my go-to vidya faps, but I've never played a Metroid game.
What? Why? Seeing her in zero suit is literally the reward at the end of a game.
Same reason I've never (really) played any Mario or Zelda games either. I never owned a console growing up. Metroid and Zelda games are on my bucket list, though.
I preordered Battlefield 3.
That's really sad, user. Can I ask why not? Have you tried emulators?
I often sperg out in rage and quit games, going as far as to uninstall them before I calm down.
You got nothing
Alright I gave like 10$ to warframe jews.
Which is cancerous grindfest with HURR WE NERF EVERYTHING-devs. In case you're not familiar.
haven't played vidya for 4 weeks, after finishing a nostalgia run of SW: Repub. Commando
I regularly visit normalfag websites like reddit and read up on facebook memes because there is still a part of me that wants to be friends with all the suit monkeys that I grew up with.
some of said friends are technically sexual criminals
Never befriend anyone whose family profession is law
There's no tragic tale of poverty if that's what you're wondering. We (me and my brother) had a computer instead, and a good one, too.
I'll probably look around for emulators when I finally feel like playing them.
I play Hidden Object games at the office. Being the IT guy I have lots of free time but have to rely on casual and short games that don't require long engagements when I'm my job.
Skyrim is actually one of my favourite games and I still play a lot of it. It's probably one of the games I have spent the most time in and I usually keep coming back to it at least once or twice a year. The mods can make it a pretty fun game and I haven't found anything else that gives me the same satisfaction despite knowing it is a shit game which was stripped down from Oblivion which was stripped down from Morrowind. The next game will probably just be some source code.
Despite all of it's shit flaws I still can't stop playing it.