How will we save gays from Mike "Turn Fruits into Vegetables" Pence?
Honestly I think with the emergence and spotlight on transgenders these past few years sort of made most conservatives focus more on them than regular gays. Gays are gonna be okay but trans are probably gonna get screwed over with shit like bathrooms and therapy. We'll definitely see more of the second image in the coming years.
Lol, I wonder how many shitskins and feminists have offed themselves after this election.
Transgender is an oxymoron.
Do not swallow the gender pill user
there is only masculinity and femininity. and yeah women don't exist
I doubt that's why they killed themselves. Trannies kill themselves on the daily already. Fucking pansies won't even fight for their rights.
Email him shit tons of shota doujins
Honestly acceptance of gays is too entrenched in the mainstream now. People won't put up with any of his bullshit.
Conversion therapy is legal in two states, including mine
Considering how complacent the media gets when there's not a campaign going on I imagine they could probably get it through in more states if they were quiet enough about it
Real social progress is when former outgroups (like women, homosexuals, atheists) can become part of the ingroup (TERFs, Gays for Trump, New Atheists) in excluding a different outgroup (transgenders, muslims).
God bless America.
Tbh I cried bitch tears when it was announced Trump had won, and for the first two days I felt actual fear for my life.
All the progress we had made was about to be undone, Holla Forums had just been given free license to start their purge on fun, god and church and all the conservatives who had talked about killing/torturing/maiming/experimenting on us for years had won, crashing our little gay paradise we had etched out for ourselves, and I was on my way to a concentration camp for a life of pain along with everyone else like me, and all because we had dared to love differently.
But then this older guy talked to me about how dark it was for him to be gay in the 60s-90s, that this was nothing and that we would hold on and persevere like we always did.
Some other gays that were far more knowledgable about law told me barring unconstitutional breaches of power and a plunge into fascism, there was nothing Pence could do to overturn our progress.
Sadly, I don't know what will happen to trans people. I know Holla Forums doesn't like them either, but they're still human beings.
Why are you such a tremendous cuck?
I wonder if Pence was chosen solely to act as a life insurance for Donald against crazed liberals.
Though I can totally believe some liberal offs him anyway simply because he don't know who his VP is.
Pence is so ridiculously stereotypical evil conservative, you have to wonder if Trump didn't choose him specifically to make liberals think twice before trying to assassinate him.
source on the music?
I actually thought about this myself lol
8D chess! :-DDDD
Transgender is a capitalist desease. Those people need help.
I say it in a good way. In this world filled with entertainment, people feel total voids despite having so much, so they start to hate their own body. This is a serious issue.
Look at Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner. He's rich, he's famous but he still isn't happy, so he has to perform a sex change operation thinking it will make him happy.
Why so many people commit suicide after a sex change operation? It can't be just because of bullying.
I don't know…maybe i'm completely wrong, but it's how i see it.
This. I have yet to see a single case of transgenderism/"gender dysphoria" in 3rd world countries.
Transgender people have existed in all sorts of societies including feudal and primitive communist ones. Even in Europe, there is the Albanian burnesha that goes back to feudal times and men who dress and behave like women are mentioned even in the Quran.
People like this exist in every society, but it varies as to how much they're allowed to express it. As for the rates of suicide, it depends, a lot of it probably does have to do with alienation and ostracization, particularly in societies where there's no living tradition of this sort of thing.
Nigger have you never even heard of Southern and Southeast Asia?
yo some SE Asia countries have recognized a "third gender" (read: ladyboys) for centuries
Hijras in India go back to at least 300 BC, too.
Can't believe nobody made an A Watt Man joke.
Yeah, it's a pretty deep indictment almost of human nature itself. At the end of the day, I don't think it even has much to do with what certain individuals consider 'deviant', but really more about raw power dynamics. In the UK, homosexuality was still illegal only around 60 years ago, yet I have little doubt in my mind that today you could easily convince many gay men to inflict harm on other marginalized groups given the right circumstance.
Take note the Stanford Prison Experiment.
Because you touch yourself at night
Sorry, I should have clarified. I didn't want Hillary either, and I was fine with Trump by himself, but when republicans also won the entire legislative branch that's when I got scared, because it felt like open season had just been declared on me.
Homosexuals are mentally ill. This disease has only been removed from the ICD because of political correctness.
Gays should be encouraged to suppress their illness, not flamboyantly wielding it.
In the end, it's a non-issue for any leftist organisation, and those who adress this have probably been co-opted.
8 people have committed suicide just because Trump won? Wow this is going to be easier than we thought.
Are you really including TERFs in this? To me that's the only intellectually honest position for feminists to take.
homosexuality is bourgeois
We don't, homosexuality is a sin and bourgeois decadence.
I think we can save money by eliminating incarceration & putting people to death & just start triggering people to suicide. Seems more effective. Today's youth are more prone to suicide than a Japanese honor role student getting a B on a test.
Go back to Holla Forums.
Shut the fuck up you pathetic degenerate, nobody is going to round up your kind against a wall and shoot you, nobody is going to put you in camps, nobody is coming to electrocute you, nobody is even going to repeal your fag marriage, NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOU.
Why do you think fag marriage got legalized in the first place, it's because deep down nobody actually gives a fuck, it's a meme topic Republicans use to get votes from stupid christcucks, in the system nobody cares.
Is this /leftypols/ equivalent to "shill"?
pretty much. Holla Forums is already paranoid enough as is and /lefypol/ is more emotional than Holla Forums so they take the shill paranoia to a new level
Fun fact: in ancient Rome they existed as well, through happenstance we didn't see much of them because they started to trend right before the empire collapsed.
I know that now, but when it first hit me I threw logic out the window and bought all the right wing rhetoric I ever heard.
It was stupid of me, and I was admitting it.
I don't get this image
Get the fuck out you filthy liberal normalfaggot
If you're scared, buy a gun and learn how to use it.
You can't just take words like those, use them completely wrong in a place where they don't make sense to be used, with the intention of getting people to dislike fags, without it being blatant that you're from Holla Forums.
So nys nazis.
Why are all Holla Forums ancoms so dumb? Low functioning autism or simple retardation?
answered your own question there
Oh right, I'm dumb because I said the guy using bourgeois wrong trying to turn people against homosexuals was obviously from Holla Forums.
Which he is. Don't be a fucking dunce.
Trying to categorize homosexuality without liberal brainwashing is not "against gays".
Also, people spell bourgeoisie wrong pretty much all the time.
I can apply the same standard for you: The way you take a SJW stance here with an AnCom flag I assume you are a false flag from Holla Forums.
go back to reddit you fucking faggot
He used it wrong. There is nothing bourgeois about the gays. The SJW (I'll consider right-SJWs included in this) stance would be the needless idpol of being against an arbitrary group of people based purely on identity and misused words, falsely linking them to things they are not linked to with the hopes of making this board take a sharp turn into hardcore idpol territory. Which isn't going to happen. Take your idpol and go.
This. I forget what they're called, but gun clubs for LGBT (that train you, help you apply for CC permits, etc.) exist in most cities
get armed friends, it's the best thing you could for yourself if you're worried about the current climate
I used to be a "live and let live" leftist on sexual orientation/gender identification issues but after seeing the effects of LGBT activism on the left over the past few years, I'm starting to think more like this post tbqh.
That would be a messy divorce user.
rly makes u think
why is Holla Forums so Holla Forums when to comes to gays?
What do you expect? The majority of them are mentally ill.
Mike "blast the gays with gamma rays" Pence
trannies confirmed sign of societal collapse?
i kid i kid
It's almost as if people from Holla Forums were posting here.
Probably because Putin is fine with gay people getting beaten up, and if modern Russia was ok with it that meant 20th century Russia is ok with it as well.
If it wasn't LGBT it would be some other identity. Just be happy that LGBT have achieved progress in pretty much every area of law, including marriage.
it's poopy balls, user. what's not to get
no i wont
It's created by marketplace capitalism, and enforced by the bougeois, but I don't know that the rich participate in it, at least for anything beyond window dressing
Gay rights are one of those issues that have been used to distract people from wealth distribution. Identity politics have poisoned the water.
I used to think I was trans when I was a teenager. I got so sucked in by feminist propaganda that I thought ``I`` hated ``being`` a man, when what I really hated was what ``other people thought`` of men. I honestly believe that fear of coming out is what saved me from making a terrible, irreversible decision that would have ruined my life. To put it another way, Trans-acceptance would have ruined my life.
This doesn't mean I hate trans people but they, it's just that I find the fact that our society is telling people that a man should have to chop his dick off and call himself a woman in order to feel comfortable assuming traditionally female gender roles is ridiculous. I think a man should be able to wear make-up and dresses and still call himself a man. I would much rather fight for a world in which gender identity is dead/meaningless and people are free to express themselves un-self-consciously without regard to gender roles, where nobody wants to be trans because nobody feels restricted by their gender.
TL;DR Being trans just means trading one spook for another. It's a useless idpol-friendly non-solution to the problem of gender identity.
Of course, it's all secondary to the class struggle.