Harvey Thread #9: EXPLOSSSIIIOOOON~ Edition

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Compile streams?
is confirmed for halfchan faggotry.

you're a little early nigger but that's okay
Citywide curfew in effect (this is a big deal because Houston is so large and inhabited by millions of "people")
Houston police scanners
Orange County Public Safety
anons, re-link all your streams and shit please
cuckchan Holla Forums stream
your results may vary depending on which faggot mod is on shift


Brought over from thread 8 so we know what to watch for with the plant.

I was curious what the plant was producing in Texas. My finds include:

Crosby, Texas production plant

The Crosby, TX plant produces liquid organic peroxides that are used primarily in the production of plastic resins, polystyrene, polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC and polyester reinforced fiberglass, and acrylic resins.

Many consumer products that we use everyday, ranging from automobiles and food packaging, to health and cleaning products, owe their beginnings to organic peroxides. Here are some examples:

Solid surface countertops

Acrylic-based paints and coatings for automotive, industrial and architectural applications

Key components in the enhancement of hoses, gaskets, and headlights assemblies for the automotive industry

Expandable polystyrene cups and plates

PVC for pipes, packaging, siding

Searching for liquid organic peroxides brings up in jewgle:

The main hazard related to organic peroxides are their fire and explosion hazards. Organic peroxides may also be toxic or corrosive. Depending on the material, route of exposure (inhalation, eye or skin contact, or swallowing) and dose or amount of exposure, they could harm the body. Corrosive organic peroxides can also attack and destroy metals.

It is the double oxygen of the "peroxy" group that makes organic peroxides both useful and hazardous. The peroxy group is chemically unstable. It can easily decompose, giving off heat at a rate that increases as the temperature rises. Many organic peroxides give off flammable vapours when they decompose. These vapours can easily catch fire.

TL;DR this stuff makes a big boom and a lot of shrapnel, and can cause corrosion to skin and metal. basically, it goes big and takes out a chunk of the city in a dangerous cloud. DO NOT BE IN THIS AT ALL.


Sources from health sites and Arkema Industries themselves:

http:// www. arkema-americas.com/en/arkema-americas/united-states/crosby-tx/

https:// www. ccohs.ca/oshanswers/chemicals/organic/organic_peroxide.html

We could have prevented it, but we chose not to.


Livingstonfag here from previous bread. Crosby is about an hour or a little more from where I'm at exactly. If I gotta bail my ass out of here, how far exactly would I need to go to be safe from the Holocaust Harvey atmosphere gassings?

Steam steam steam

Will it be as big as the China one?



I would think you would be safe an hour away but look at wind direction


Good start to the thread boys.

Where is this faggot gloomtube? I like his streams.

I think they said the evac zone was 3 miles.

At least get as far north from Houston as you can. For you,. going south hits the shit, and the air is blowing north/northeast. So go northwest. Not sure about any of the chemicals or how they distribute, so don't take any chances.

Any science fags help with identifying the air-bourne effect of liquid organic peroxides on fire?

(i cant find the youtube mirror of this)

200 mi user would be a safe bet. It's being overly cautious but don't put your life at risk if you can help it.

Relevant to Orange and other communities that are already flooded

Good point, start watching the rivers from Texas to Pennsylvania (mainly Ohio River Valley and Tennessee). Those are gonna have a bit of water sinking into them.

Think burning a giant Styrofoam block covered in diesel and breathing that in.

My friend at a shelter in Orange texted me when they opened the gates that he had to move to another shelter on higher ground. Pretty fucked up

Off topic right quick, the sweet potato meme came from a derail back during Ferugson, right? I was there, but still in my lurking period. Just want to solidify that meme-ory. Not even saging because who the fuck sages a happening thread?

So, a repeat of napalm for the city. Great. Pic fucking related from long ago. This is gonna be one mess after another for at least 10 years. Imagine the mold thats to come from this.

Well shit. Right now I'm about 68 miles from Crosby, which is around an hour and 16 minutes. I have family in Lufkin, which would put me about 117 miles and 2 hours and 10 minutes. Hopefully that'll be good enough, I don't have anywhere else unless we just keep going north and find a hotel somewhere.

Black Mold Matters

Just try to wear masks and/or wet cloths over your mouth and nose for the next few days after the boom.

There go my sides.

Rachel Maddow talking about Crosby plant.

He cucked out last night when I watched him.
I havent had time to sit and post all day long.
Besides I think I am going to switch over and fuck with the retarded man made hurrycane niggers and poke a stick at those stupid faggots.
Or is that over now as well?

As if she even has an audience left after trump fucked her over.

There are places on Dallas, and fema is paying for hotel rooms

likely over 78,000 flooded homes
addicks/barker flooding will continue
for severa weeks



Proud of the knowledge I've gained from the /k/ommandos.
Don't feel so good about my time at /fit/ though. Those motherfuckers are gay.

Can Jeff do a Crosby livestream? Pic related in case the madman gets rekt from explosions/gas

What's Rachposter saying?

Rachposter died remember?

Yeah but there are going to be Katrina niggers from Houston going up there for hotel gibs, fuck that.

Holy fuck, I had completely forgotten about that piece of shit. Good riddance.

Your spelling is so atrocious thar the BBC should hire your dumb ass

It's newer than Ferguson.
I think the potato meme started about a year ago but I do think it was a chimpout thread. I think it's from one of the chimpouts we had last year. iirc it was the one where the nigger was shot live on Facebook. I could be mistaken, though.

I guess they all meld together after a while, thanks user. It's been a wild ride.


I keep hearing "Arkema" as Archimonde.

Dont remind me, I'm up here. I just moved to 77084 in March, so I still have friends and connections here. Got a job interview Monday for an upscale restaurant. Plano/Frisco/The Colony are the places to be up here, and while there are nogs, they're normal and civil.


It's pretty much exclusive to here, and it started in the Trump rally threads. Get it together fam.

You mean SJW uncle tom faggot niggers?



Maybe go so far as talking about vidya or sports if you have to but don't invite them over. So yes.

Really? how?

spic being interviewed on khou thanking trump repeatedly
americlaps standing around start clapping
they're having a barbecue in the street
with a rainbow patio umbrella in the middle of it all

How well is this being handled compared to NY relatively speaking?

When will the chemical plant explode?

those guys cant do anything right


Haven't been paying much attention to these threads but I saw this.

I don't remember exactly so I'll try, and explain. Some guy attacked some rightwinger, and the police later found a note from the attacker proclaiming his love for maddow. Rachposter hasn't been seen since.

That is shameful

when i have time lel
im going to shoop this into cartoon niggers complaining about racism and rescuers kaynt du nuffin fast enuff

yeah fuck texas lmao jon leibowitz era comedy never gets old xdxd


from a scale from 0 to Chernobyl, how bad is it?

civilian volunteers putting the FED.gov to shame .

Meanwhile white civilians are working with government agencies to rescue people. Cajun Navy out there really early during most dangerous times saving people. @wuerker should choke on his own blood

Probably Not as bad as Chenobyl, but damn, it will be the worst non-nuclear explosion in Texas history probably. The damage from it will be big, but the chemicals are gonna suck.

There is a reason why they are banned from trading them in the United States and are limited to heavily restricted areas.

Chernobyl. The land is some of the most fertile and its been poisoned effectively. The gulf from the BP piping, to the soil. It's all fucked.

Make sure to let em know Houston is libtard territory and voted for Cunton.


From my limited time in the cuckchan Holla Forums stream, I would say it's a logistical nightmare. The feds are turning boats away because they don't know where to put rescued people, LARPers are playing rescue, trying desperately to get their 15 minutes or signal their virtues, the news stations are smiling and talking and pretending everything is gonna be ok and there are gators with AIDs eating dogs that "people" are leaving chained up. Oh and niggers on air mattresses looting dollar general and using flat screens as umbrellas.

Also there was something about a family surrounded by snakes.

West, TX times 10 plus gassings

It was like that for the first almost 200 years of our creation.
Is about time we get back to basics.

Why must you be such a dramatic fag?

As much of a public show of national incompetence as Chernobyl without all of the radioactive fallout.

The soil is fucked to levels that would make Shadowrun blush.

So close…

Meh. I agree it's a bit of an overstatement, but user asked.

It was kind of interesting that they even LET Cajun Navy etc help. If Obama was president he would have had FEMA tell them away at threat of death.

quite frankly the confusion is understandable when you consider the scope of this event
nothing like this has ever happened before

It's like a novel set in 19th century Australia only with less giant spiders and kangaroos.

Local Incompetence. Mayor Nigger wanted everyone in shelters. Sure couldn't evacuate anyone.

M. Wuerker and Andrew McMeel need to have a fit of clumsiness at the top of a very long staircase.

Yeah, it's pretty crazy. It never flooded at my home in N/W Houston though. I'm supposed to go to work tomorrow morning and I think I have a safe path but it's a pretty fucking far drive. I kind of wish they just called off the entire week.

or just dont go?

The governor called on anyone who could help to come in and help.

180deg opposite of what the gov in LA did. They where turning away volunteers and outside help.

I live in new england and there are fishing and FD boats from here down there helping out.

NASA/Clear Lake here. I went to work yesterday and today. Even some locals can't comprehend this because some areas just weren't touched

That is a very good point. It seems dumb to think about the long term since the short and mid are so dramatic, which include a big boom and floods for months. The soil may be too wet to actually build on for a while, repairing homes with the mold will literally be unsafe, they may have to abandon areas (the next Detroit folks).

On a side note, this storm is expected to do 40 billion in damage, NOT counting the damage and cost of shutting down all of Houston (which is about 400 billion in lost GDP overall).

This is gonna be a shitstorm for Texas forever

With Katrina Bush or someone kept them all out of helping in NOLA and end result 1000 drown niggers.
The differnece is there are only a few actual ways you can get to NOLA and they were stopping the boat niggers on I-10 but in Hou you can drive to the city from 100's of differnt routes so they can not be stopped actually.



Texas does everything bigger.

Its not even the government who is doing the majority of the saving, its the volunteers/'Cajun Navy' thats saving people.

The Left just worships at the altar of big government. This is propaganda created by a cianiggerjourno.

Why can't the liberals see how out of touch they are?


M. Wuerker and Andrew McMeel need to have a fit of clumsiness at the top of a very long staircase.

Holy shit so the oil spilled through the flood waters into everyone's homes and now a chemical plant is going to explode. Holy shit the entire fucking floodwater will be a fiery lake!

Because they live in a fantasy world.

When I lived in houston the only place bigger in area was Jacksonville FL but I am sure Hou has to be the biggest in the US now.

I'm going to try, I have a route planned but I'm not 100% certain it's passable.

Yeah, some places are fine, it was all elevation and effectiveness of drainage systems.. But it seems there is fuck sprinkled all over the area so finding ways around if you have to go far is hard.

Yeah that was good, I remember LA had the PMC goons going around even.

Livingston fag, calm the fuck down with your autism. You should be much more worried about the massive amounts of spics and niggers who will be moving north after being displaced from the floods. This will be much worse than Katrina, even. Your community and school district is going to be invaded by spics and niggers from "H-town dawg" and they'll never leave.
#This deep east Texas fag who witnessed his community get enriched after Katrina

That is going to be fucking apocalyptic.

Oh that's nothing. Look at this shit.

I remember the days of having to enter every post twice and the threads where it seemed every other response was
Those were good days. Discouraged newfags from posting.

GW Bush did nothing wrong

The state and NOLA government kept bush out for 3 days after the storm. He couldn't order federal assets in with out being asked. The nig mayor and the dumbass governor turned everything in to clustorfuck and the media managed to pin all the problems on GWBush.

Why are Texans considered to be Nazis?

Beaumont has only slightly more niggers than Livingston already though.

Keep meming

Gonna be like Three Mile Island? Am I getting hotter or colder?

I really, really, really like that bypass image.

this. these threads could go on for a while.
local media doesn't want to talk about how bleak the future really is here.
not sure what the larger lugenpresse is saying atm

That whole thing sounds like something the nogs will latch onto saying that whitey tried to drown them. I can see it now. Dem opend da gaits. Dem tri ta kel us.

He also did nothing right faggot.
I am an equal non biased non partisan hater.

It's going to be a lake of fire that will poison the ground so nothing grows after the water recedes. That's what it's going to be.


That cartoon is just way off base. Houston is beaneater central. 0/10.

They do not grow fuck all there anyway so no loss.

Imagine the time that fertilizer plant blew up in Texas, then surround it with a sea of fire.

The Feyzin disaster occurred in a refinery near the town of Feyzin, 10 kilometres (6 miles) south of Lyon, France, on 4 January 1966. An LPG spill occurred when an operator was draining water from a 1,200m³ pressurised propane tank. The resultant cloud of propane vapour spread, until it was ignited by a car on an adjoining road. The pool of propane in the bund caused the storage tank to be engulfed in flames, which produced a Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion (BLEVE) when the tank ruptured. This resulted in a fireball which killed and injured firemen and spectators. Flying missiles broke the legs of an adjacent sphere which later BLEVE'd. Three further spheres toppled due to the collapse of support legs which were not adequately fire protected. These vessels ruptured but did not explode. A number of petrol and crude oil tanks also caught fire. The conflagration took 48 hours to bring under control. This incident resulted in the deaths of 18 people, the injury of 81 and extensive damage to the site.[1]
This is the worst one on Google, and I predict this to overshadow it by a mile.

What if they burn it all before it sinks to the soil?

But there will not be much grass, and now even less trees.

George Bush did 9/11, the Patriot Act, Afghanistan, Iraq, set the stage for Libya, was the goodest goy, put us into this decade long economic stagflation, etc…

lol apparently leibowitz is butthurt about Trump calling him leibowitz


Can we get a cargo cult edit? Food send from the gods! Err.. Actually it's white people.

mayor nagin pls

You best be gettin' back home now. Bush was in on 9/11, but we know who was responsible for 9/11, Moshie.



You bet, it's like two separate realities. Mainstream news with feel good, everyone-coming-together stories; no mention whatsoever of Confederate flag flying rescue boats or the looting and shooting.

Question for everyone: today on local news there was a story about some people in a small Wisconsin town getting together school supplies and relief aid for flood victims in Houston. They did this unasked, rented a U-Haul and everything. Of course they were all white. Has ANYONE seen similar stories on local or national news of non-whites taking initiative and doing something similar? I haven't, and I don't recall seeing any (possibly) fabricated attempts at showing non-whites doing such things.

Where's the small groups of blacks, mexicans, and muslims taking time to gather donated emergency supplies, using U-haul trucks or personal vehicles to drive it down there?


I don't live IN Livingston - I live around it. And yes, I know, some baptist cucks around here took some niggers in during Katrina and they shit in the baptisteries. Any nigger that steps foot on my lawn is getting a brain full of buckshot. Most coons know not to be in these woods after dark.

You are completely safe, user. All this shit is capable of is exploding and being kinda toxic. But the explosive range is probably far beyond the kinda toxic range. If you were five miles away I would tell you to stay away from windows lest they shatter in your face when it blows.

This makes me so angry that I don't even know how to express it

Yeah no shit, scrolling through the cable channels is a god damn waste of time. Remember when we used to get police chases, bank shootouts, real world shit. Now they act like the censors of reality.

What's ISIS? What are beheading videos? Islam never did anything wrong.


These goys are right:

You are not in the right place faggot.

Gonna be a comfy day tomorrow. Fishing, drinking and watching the happening from my boat bagging some bass. I'm thinking Rum. Maybe play some alestorm. I hope this happening never ends.

wtf man this is sad. a lot of cucks need to be exterminated

Amphibious tanks when?



any updates on the pipe scour? Jeff?

Don't forget that fatass that is cropped out of that pic, not helping. He'd probably some trans strong wymen lesbian thing in the film.

Guys spread this, a ton of neutralfags will get angry at politico, they're fucking done.

Its a shitstorm and all the hypocrites getting caught should be shoved in the ovens.

who up?

ay men? Amun…

the rest of the ogdoad cometh

Holy fuck meme responsibly user…

Dubs confirm.

There's one madman taking measurements of Irma.

There's a huge police motorcade on gloomtube.

Shit may be going down.

4. Degredation of storage, gas release, potential for explosion, peroxides pack their own oxygen for maximum burning potential.

looks like its going to BURN soon, if the liquids leak, then the fire will spread over the floods, burning lakes of fire :)


What happens when these chemicals evaporate?

my mistake, had so much shit open in tabs, i forget what is what, well link me gloomtube again


they just keep coming
fuck how many cop cars do they have




Every single white person is considered a Nazi by non whites. Every. Single. One.

More likely in the history of mankind has this ever happened?

Is it the same guy who ran NoThiefsAllowed? Because that guy was a huge faggot.

may thine dubs be true

If everyone is a Nazi, is nobody?
Does that mean I can actually be a Nazi?
How does this work?

We play a game.

Reminds me of that one old video with about 100+ police vehicles going down a single road, and they cause a traffic jam involving only police vehicles, all while "Living in America" is playing in the background.
I wish I could find that video.

may thine palindromic numerals be wise

Keep talking shit, faggot.

and he is a nigger

Just go all the way up to Wichita Falls or even further up to Amarillo then. Stay up there and get drunk for a week until the niggers are all locked up, killed or drowned, then go back home.

kek, never thought I'd see an actual governemt announcement straight up saying "yeah you're dead, please make your body easier to identify", outside of sci-fi or Protect and Survive.



imo it was the mayor of rockport who shifted the overton window by saying last week
(Rockport is where Harvey actually made landfall as a hurricane)


Also that sounds retarded because technically SSN is not supposed to be a unique federal identification number, but it just got twisted into being one. You would sooner be identified by the driver's license in your wallet.

No, they make us all into Nazis and we kill them in death camps, the way it played out in their earlier fanfiction.

He got understandably mad about faggot /salt-left/s and Holla Forumstards trolling search and rescue lines by giving false info and sending rescuers into nigger loot territories, then went on to blame Holla Forums for it with zero evidence and a blatant refusal to provide a single shred of evidence that Holla Forums was doing anything about it.

We already get to watch them die. It's not like we'd want more out of it. Anything beyond just endangers more white lives.

Have we started fire?

I would never stop laughing.

There was no explosion at 3 Mile Island, the operators just screwed up and vented radioactive water into an uncontained area due to pressure. Chernobyl's explosion was actually rather small especially compared to past chemical and fertilizer plant explosions. Also, only 32 people died directly from Chernobyl and cancer rates did not increase post-disaster as the radiation released by the explosion did not create a background radiation level higher than many places across the planet (take a geiger counter to brazil and see it freak out). An entire community of people never even left the "Exclusion zone" and their cancer rates were in line with decades before the disaster.

I've got one from closer up! So much better!

Wouldn't be the first time.

yes, like 3 mile, a leak of deadly stuff.
And then it catches fire, and burns. I think if forms a thin film on the floodwaters, well, here's hoping.

Checked holy dubs

I'm not sure what's worse - that this could've been prevented, or that the people responsible won't be held accountable.

worth the noxious fumes and glass in your face

Hey remember how everyone was united right after 9/11? We're experiencing that Sort of Unification right now.

Trump should tell the US to put politics behind so we could address this issue then focus most of his efforts of this year fixing the infrastructure.

Bush blew it. He could have pushed for a unified country and not give into what AQ wanted. He should have pushed for twin towers 2.0

Just imagine him pushing to build two of these to replace the twin towers.

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Illinois A 5700 ft tall building with 528 floors.


or do you mean an earlier EVAC?

Kinda had the same question- I'm going with an earlier EVAC and not completely downplaying the idea of getting out in the news until the fucking storm was shitting water all over the city.

Prepare to be BTFO.

Oil spill? Where'd that come from?

I fucking love Frank Lloyd White

The evac mostly, but couldn't they have sealed up the chemical plant?


err, Wright

evacuating houston for a weather event is impossible, full stop. you'd have to start more than a week in advance and at that point, you have no idea what that weathe is going to do
i know, i know
but the evac thing is dumb

The people responsible won't be held accountable because if there's no consequence to set an example, something like this will happen like again in another area.

Is that a vid from Tianjan?

are there even white people living in Austin?

Evacuating a city like Houston would kill more people in transit than it would save.

Good luck sealing a chemical plant against flooding.

Yah but they are all gay.

If that was this event, yes. Don't remember the name of chinkland city.

its san francisco 2.0

Can't possibly be worse than waiting for people to be flooded out and pulling rescue operations for days with looters shooting everyone before finally calling it.

Disagree with you friends. All of the models projected that exactly what happened starting Friday were being discussed on Monday. If a controlled evacuation would have occurred and the contra-flows would have been activated on Tuesday (when the models hardened). A significant portion of the areas that were flooded would have been emptied out. That's a fact. A lot of lessons were learned from the Rita evacuation.

What we were left with is a complete failure of leadership and a numbers game. So now instead of keeping law and order in areas of town that are empty and Lootmas at bay- every fucking resource is being used to rescue a bunch of wet niggers and spics from their flooded out areas; white areas being left to looters and fending for themselves while a major dam is spilling out and flooding one of the most affluent areas of Houston- THEN calling evacuations all over the place when the infrastructure is fatigued, escape routes are inundated, and in some case gone. And the only fucking thing they can talk about on TV is the superior level of our shelters.

Categorize the city by flood plane zones and you can stagger the evacuation. Zone 1, gtfo. Zone 2, pack a bag but sit tight.
Fucking put niggers on trains and buses or shipping containers.
White people will have cars, so as long as they all don't try to leave at the same time, it be ok.

half the places underwater are not even in the flood planes

because most the town doesn't fucking drive EVERYDAY and the infrastructure required for evacuation (big arse roads) isn't already in place if you simply close the return paths and use both sides of freeways. /s
spot the niggerlover.

shit, more than half sorry for doubleposting
people in the flood plane are required by law to have flood insurance
most of the people who lost homes didn't have flood insurance ergo were not in the flood planes

Tianjin, almost 170 chinks died.

Given how much they squeeze them together I would have guessed at least a million.

I guess I'm spoiled by Florida not having its head up its ass about evacuations for hurricanes, and watching the weather news cycles. Anyone with a brain should have noped out as soon as the projections were clear. Problem was, I don't think it was expected to be much more than a Cat 2 until a day or two before it made landfall?

Florida has flood zones specifically categorized by risk for this sort of thing. That being said, 52 inches of rain is a historic high.

Nah, just the guys from the Chinese version of Project Mayhem. Only people who would be in the middle of such an industrial district at night.

Was at the port area, lots of container shrapnel was flying all over and hundreds of chinks dead in a couple of minutes. The fucking explosion was big enough that the Nips could see the explosion in the distance and their geological stations reported some sort of earthquake.

Something about a Black Lives Matter shooting coming across

To add to this, when Matthew threatened Jacksonville, we talked my uncle into leaving downtown to the inland outskirts with us so he could avoid flood risk and nog looters potentially nearby.

God bless Texas

RWDS have been activated

Well you just dashed this pipeniggers hopes and dreams.


Is there a broadcastify link for "Harris County Law Enforcement/Zullo" they are piping on that yt stream? Having trouble finding it


So far as I know nobody here has been fucking with the rescue efforts. Probably halfchan cucks who can't think of anything better to do.

did it happen yet? the boom?

Go back to halfchan faggot, nobody is organizing any kind of illegal activity here.

Fuck off

i posted some broadcastify threads early in the thread
not sure if it's one of those i can't listen atm

Source for the song? It sounds like those Touhou doujin songs.

I take it "praise kek" stream is cuckchan niggers?
>implying 8/pol/ uses (((discord)))

Florida here hurricanes get pretty comfy because everyone leaves except a few of course I usually leave if it's 4 or higher

Go be a faggot somewhere else.

yer, just "we're" watching, i know cuckchan are the prank douches

Is there a stream aggregator channel that isn't run by fucking niggerfaggots?

You have to go back.

why are you kikes kvetching you can't do anything with broadcastify but listen

Actually refineries:

ExxonMobil refineries are damaged in Hurricane Harvey, releasing hazardous pollutants


ExxonMobil acknowledged Tuesday that Hurricane Harvey damaged two of its refineries, causing the release of hazardous pollutants.

The acknowledgment, in a regulatory filing with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, follows repeated complaints on Twitter of an “unbearable” chemical smell over parts of Houston. However, it was not immediately clear what caused the smell.

ExxonMobil said in the filings that a floating roof covering a tank at the company’s Baytown oil refinery sank in heavy rains, dipping below the surface of oil or other material stored there and causing unusually high emissions, especially of volatile organic compounds, a category of regulated chemicals.

The Baytown refinery is the second-largest in the country. The company said in its filing that it would need to empty the tank to make repairs, though it wasn’t clear when the weather would permit that.

An ExxonMobil spokeswoman said the company would “conduct an assessment to determine the impact of the storm once it is safe to do so.” It would not say what was in the tank.

At the company’s Beaumont petrochemical refinery, Harvey damaged a sulfur thermal oxidizer, a piece of equipment that captures and burns sulfur dioxide. As a result, the plant released 1,312.84 pounds of sulfur dioxide, well in excess of the amounts allowed by the company’s permits.

“The unit was stabilized. No impact to the community has been reported,” the company said in its filing. “Actions were taken to minimize emissions and to restore the refinery to normal operations.”

A variety of other chemicals was emitted during the shutdown of the plants. Amy Graham, a spokeswoman for the Environmental Protection Agency, said that ExxonMobil had filed a report at the National Response Center operated by the U.S. Coast Guard saying the Baytown refinery would release about 15 pounds of benzene into the air.

“Most of the unauthorized emissions come from the process of shutting down, and then starting up, the various units of the plant, when pollution control devices can’t be operated properly and there’s lots of flaring,” said Luke Metzger, director of the group Environment Texas.

Flaring is generally done when releasing chemicals without burning them is more hazardous for people and the environment. ExxonMobil said it had flared hazardous materials at its Baytown refinery Sunday and Monday.

Most of the other facilities belonging to major companies also filed notices with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Chevron Phillips, for example, said that it expected its Cedar Bayou chemical plant to exceed permitted limits for several hazardous pollutants, such as 1,3-butadiene, benzene and ethylene, during shutdown procedures.

Environment Texas and the Sierra Club sued ExxonMobil in 2010 alleging that the company’s Baytown complex had emitted 8 million pounds of hazardous chemicals over a five-year period. A federal judge imposed a $20 million penalty on the company.

“Any release of carcinogens (like benzene, 1,3-butadiene) adds to the increased cancer risk for those living near these plants,” Metzger said in an email. He said that large releases of nitrogen oxides or sulfur dioxide “and other respiratory irritants adds to the respiratory problems people in the area suffer from at high rates.”

Separately, the Houston Chronicle reported that there was a chemical leak from a pipeline that ruptured in La Porte, Texas on Monday. Local authorities urged residents to stay inside. The warning applied to people living as far away as Shoreacres and Baytown. The warning was later lifted.




their sound is also all over the fucking place, this is not comfy at all

he just asked for police scanner links you retard he's not trying to do anything
i don't know what's going on in the cuckchan stream but why do you even care
they say a lot of dumb shit

From the stream itself it isn't that hard to figure out how to contact them.

I wonder how many people will die when the next big one comes through out of complacency.

Yeah we're the kikes for not interfering with a large scale rescue operation.

You're not very convincing moshi.

Read the post you fucking nigger.

bloody hell, i was just typing up a reply in a rush and mixed my phrasing, wasn't meaning to imply we were behind the pranks, only that some of us here are listening to the feeds, and the dispatchers are talking shit about the people that are pranking

my mistake for trying to bring happenings to attention, i'll be sure to fuck off and not live update anons anymore

What about that time some guy stick his rifle up his ass and had to go to the emergency room because of anal bleeding?

but he wants a broadcastify link it's just streaming audio you can't actually DO ANYTHING WITH THAT

making love to your raifu is white and redpilled

SEE? I fucking told you retards he just wanted to listen


the stream is full of faggots and the mod is a tranny. so bad.


Kill yourself subhuman.

I was expecting to see Texas dealing with heavy flooding. I never was told the whole fucking state was going to explode and burst into flames and shit.

The alt-left are pretty far detached from reality.

Don't know, I usually prepare canned food and necessities during spring and when a hurricane comes I fill my bags with sand next to the canal before the hurricane. My windows are shuttered too and kept until the season ends before I take it down


Gib sauce user.

don't tease user there were several reports of that last night, wasn't true ;n;


Cajun Navy broadcast on gloomtube.

I need a source I have friends there

they're asking for confirmation on the dispatch about a dam breakage



i saw that. how fucking gay do you have to be if you're in a happening stream and you're virtue signaling?

braise geg

Considering he's spending most of his posts blaming Trump for it, he's either a shill or an absolute retard. Hard to tell these days.

sweet potatoes are best potatoes

I just heard on scanner somebody being told to "evacuate immediately because the dam"


Orange TX getting even more fucked, fuck

Britfag BTFO by cajun navy.

yukon gold, you fucking pleb

I wonder what dam?

Not this argument again.
Russet a best

>inb4 someone says red skin, truly the meme potato



Right wing tending white people are dying in Orange, TX and you're shitposting about potatoes diluting the thread to uselessness.


D: it wasn't the rescue ops was it?

found the redskin potato fag

Who let the emotefags in here?

Kill yourself

You got some sauce to go with that redtext?

b-but red potatoes are the local crop

will refrain

a man of true quality you are

Anybody want to start a thread where people actually monitor news sources and scanner? This is garbage

Praise Kek = Nigger Trans

I'm still wondering if the Orange dam actually broke or not.

get in the stream
it was broadcast by search and rescue

it sounded like blm got shot

babies first happening?

I heard something of the sort on the scanner, like tell them to evacuate because the dam. I don't know which dam. I hope not Toledo Bend or everybody is ded

praise kek if the gorillas start rioting in floodwaters in houston

Wait for the thread to fill up you fucking homo. Shitposting is part and parcel of happening threads that last more than 6 sequels while major events only occasionally occur.

Not my first happening, I give a fuck because I have a based Holla Forumsack friend there with his large white family.

join the potato debate if you're so bored you big ol' baby

then put gloomtube on the big screen

I never understood sweet potatoes…. Potatoes aren't suppose to be sweet you bakas.


listen, your friend is a moron for not leaving after seeing what happened to houston
don't take it out on us
user is right, huge happenings like this aren't nonstop action
so if you dont like tater talk you can get the fuck out


Gloomtube radio is saying dam DID NOT break.

looks more like fried banana or plantains then french fries




i think discord retards are fucking with the rescuers telling them dams are breechings

bayou rising up to a foot, new flooding imminent in memorial area, houston
imagine being dry and your house floods like five days after the rain, lel

people have been fucking with them for well over 24 hours

and nothing of value was lost

Stop giving a shit, just let the chaos unfold.

idiots, what do they hope to accomplish? hearing some texan ask if the dam is breaking?


Why did they do all of that?

i dont give a shit, i think its funny. tina breaking down and crying last night was hilarious

user, the mayor was a nigger and the governor was a woman
does anything else need to be said, really

Kill yourself.

It is an abstract slow motion kinda hell. The areas that are flooding tonight the average home price is over $1 million. This is gonna kick the damage cost and (((insurance claims))) up considerably. It would be nice to have the niggers try to loot the areas too since their private police forces (they aren't Houston- they literally have their own police) will start shooting anyone that isn't white and defend against the ACLU allegations of racial profiling later like they usually do and have in the past


what faction are you in?

Why don't the police go after the ACLU for being a thorn in their side?

Daily reminder that if you like Bread and Butter pickles more than Dill ones, you should off yourself immediately.

Idaho potatoes are the best potatoes.

Do they even qualify to buy flood coverage, as I understand many home owners couldn't even get it?
Might be why you see some sporadic house fires out there, owners hoping they get payout for fire instead of flood.

they're alright

daily reminder that the white onion is the king of onions for it's versatility


Real interesting thread on Holla Forums
>>>Holla Forums13325572
>>>Holla Forums13325587
>>>Holla Forums13325621

White is always right.

red onions also very good, but not as consistent in their usability


shieeet they wuz looters n shieet

I know, I know. It was Google bruh.


this is what we get for meming #HarveyLootCrew
please meme responsibly

What do you use if you don't have a boat? What could you make a boat out of? Blow up the inner tube and pray it stays afloat?


He's doing a public service and archiving video game history, if he was looting CY consoles, then by all means, shoot to kill.

Anyone can buy flood insurance- it is just a matter of price which these people more than have the coin for. In this event most of the people that didn't have flood insurance like 70% or 80% of the flooded folks didn't pony up the $250 - $500 per year to pay for it.

In some cases your mortgage company requires you to have flood insurance.

Fuck you, foodmixer.

ok, you may be right on that note, but 85% of the homes in houston did not have flood insurace



SuperJew says "The dam had been opened at *unintelligible* and that it was not breached but he water would rise"

Does anybody have a collection of good photos of white rescuers saving non-whites from Harvey? Would be good to put that cartoon side by side with the reality.

On fucking gloom tube right now. She actually read that.


You gotta pay for it, probably will never use it, so why? and then when you get smitten everyone screams for gib me gib me If you live in Houston or Texas period and own property, and don't have flood insurance- you are taking a huge gamble for an extremely small reward. The risk reward is simply too out of whack not to buy it. If you can't save up for the cost of one relatively cheap gun per year and actually have a mortgage- well- I doubt they used it to legally buy a gun.

Revelations, anyone?
And there's that constellation thing happening soon right? All this just after an eclipse. Hold on to your butts anons.

The spirits have not risen from their graves yet so I think we're okay for now.

Some faggots have decided that since it "looks" like it's breached it's ok to call this shit in.

What a bunch of colossal faggots that need to be taught how to get /comfy/.

They did and voted for the Dems bro.

they want to consolidate all shelters IN THE REGION into the one big one in Houston (NRG).
So even more lowlife nonwhites will be bussed in
my shit didn't even flood and i want to get out of houston. i've just had it with this place

So whats the chances that our old inside user's fakeflag explosion would be somewhere nobody could tell if is real? The only thing more interesting than that is isn't this part of Texas the shitty end? Illegals are fucked, people with insurance and friends could make due with compensation from "Tragic Circumstances"
You… You think Trump is nuking the illegal? Like the looters would all escape all that free loot.

The democrats only have the ballots. They have no proof dead people voted for them.

In Chicago its pretty much that. Talk feetsball or baseball (since I never got into Bakkaball) and you can keep a coon occupied for as long as you need to deal with them.

We fled Monday about 6 hours before the neighborhood got flooded for opsec purposes won't say where exactly but I will say I have been interested in the dams and have standing water in my house was a death defying event to get out to where we bugged out to 100 miles away from Houston but the minute we got out of the car it was like the problems changed perspective.
my advice of course

this tbh

Might add that Im a White Sox fan, so talking baseball with a nigger is easy, since most of them are Sox fans too. We hate them faggot Cub fans because they're just virtue signaling faggots.

Is this going to hit the southern tip of Texas that avoided Harvey?


if by proud you mean nauseated, sure

sorry for doublepost but that's highly unlikely
if Irma does anything it's going to btfo the beaners and the island niggers in the caribbean

What's the latest info on that plant?


It would look very good if trump were to get the government to reimburse the volunteers such as their fuel bills for their boats.

I saw security camera footage from inside some building when that happened. A guy was just about to walk out of some automated sliding glass door when it shatters in his face. You only get about two frames to look at before it goes blank. There was also some dude in a parking lot that got turned into a charcoal statue and his arms were sticking up into the air as his body lied on his back. What a way to go.

lots of "Port Arthur levee has failed" coming across the dispatch on Gloom

I remember this channel from that Chicago? shooter who killed the old guy.
Is this the best channel to watch right now?
It's pretty comfy.

Seriously, this. Pic related my house.


can confirm best streem

Plastic barrels and bamboo (or straight logs). use rope for lashing. square or triangle shape with barrel at each corner.
it may not be fast or efficient, but it certainly stays together for long if constructed properly.

checked, its the best stream for happenings ive found

shit user I'd abandon ship

Is this confirmed or another troll? See

ty for reminding me to go back to church

>19 And I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army. 20 Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone. 21 And the rest were killed with the sword which proceeded from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse. And all the birds were filled with their flesh. NKJV


Requesting pics of white guys rescuing non-Whites from Harvey, or a link where I can find them

Who the fuck would shoot at a rescue boat?
Maybe they are mistaking them for looters?

You give niggers too much credit. Leave.



I'm in Dallas right now. I've been losing my shit about friends and anons left behind though. It's caused myself and my girl to be physically ill with worry.

The answer is in there somewhere user.


shit like this makes me think white people are as hopeless as niggers
i mean they got chased out of houston by houstoniggers did they think port darfur would be different?


What's the source of the audio comms on that butthurt nigger stream?

Fuck it, this will have to do

i know that feeling, it isnt a good one bro hope your m8s are alright

this, bamboo is great for all sorts of dumb shit like that

Off topic but just a heads up, Wikileaks just got hacked by a Saudi group called "OurMine." A Couple weeks ago they hacked the PlayStation Network twitter account and database, and have hit other things as well before like the Daily Show's Twitter account.

cropped it better, that one looked like shit

They were fine 6 hours ago, hope they've left by now. I tried calling one, but it is late so I'm going to choose to worry more tomorrow morning instead of now. Thanks tho, user.

Any Houston user, please, leave now. Don't stay to be convinced by random strangers on the internet if you should leave or not. Fucking. Leave.

I heard about that. What's skhrelis connection?

the women on the cajun navy feed are cancer

I think the boat evacuations have to do with a wall of water from a levee or dam failure headed that way, the gunshots were just other incidents.

I saw some posts mentioning a "Houston Harvey" channel on Zello with a helicopter in the air monitoring a wall of water approaching Port Arthur. I don't got the app installed, if anyone wants to check this out and see if it's legit.

I am unaware of any connection with Martin Skhreli and OurMine. Did I miss something?

Shit that was supposed to be spoiler not bold, pressed the wrong keyboard shortcut.

Skhreli supposedly had a shitload of classified never-before-released Hillary emails and was gonna drop them on wikileaks

No, he's posted weird stuff on Facebook like being mentally cognasent and doesn't own a gun, and claims to have a hdd and hrc's DNA. I haven't dug too much into it yet tho, thought you might have.
Also it's a double * for spoilers as well.

Trump needs to compensate the boat people at least for the fuel.

Why do the websites always cut out the Asian boi of a husband?

psn didnt even send me anything asking me to change my password lel. thanks gooks

if he never released the wu-tang thing he won't release that shit. he's a crypto-kike btw

i never even heard of zello before harvey. is it a new app, is it like discord? i've seen anons figured out a way to pull your ip from discord tho they wouldnt disclose how for obvious reasons

im not sure you understand how much aid niggers and spics (including illegals) are going to be sponging up thanks to harvey
besides boatfags are cucks, they probably dont even want that

Everyone is saying Port Arthur dam is breached and a water wall is heading there.

I don't think Americans are healthy enough for natural disasters.
You folks should start hitting the gym.


also an mj album right?

fuckin' memes


Listen to the dispatches. It's one medical emergency after another.

Louisiana levee breached.

Why do you think? He's walking while the white Chad carries his wife and his wife's son.




i don't have it saved, but there's a better version of the bottom pic where the chink's husband is carrying a pair of nikes just in front of the white man carrying his wife.


I know that, I use Holla Forums's built-in keyboard shortcuts to deploy them, but I mistakenly used CTRL+B instead of CTRL+S for some reason.


Confirmed for fat as fuck AND retarded.

I was just giving friendly advice, as a northern neighbor.
If I was D&C, I would have said Americans are fat pigs who can can swim.
But you had to turn the original post.
Now Selina is dying and it is all your fault.

This is disgusting.
When you have to politicize your science to get attention, you know you've made a mistake.



it doesn't matter. It's the thought that counts and it would look good for Trump to reward the community for working together like that.

Trump should push hard to overhaul our infrastructure after this mess. "We shouldn't worry that the Dams and Reservoirs are going to fail." He should push Congress to pass a bill that would start mass inspections within a month after passing and start the construction of the replacement of levees, dams, and reservoirs within a year.


in what way is noaa jewish?

Not surprising there's no information on anything from MSNBC, CNN, Fox at this hour, sorting through all the misinformation is infuriating.

and clear the fucking channel!

Kill yourself.


The women on this gloomtube stream are not /comfy/

More 3ft of flash flood. This smells bad. That's still enough to topple buildings. The dam probably broke and they're not trying to cause panic.

Terrifying. look at gengis khan on his horse in the flames!

Anyone got Zello to confirm?

Are you a Texan? Shouldn't you be floating grandmas corpse to the local Walmart rescue center?



ok here we go, this is the real version


im a texan and he's being a faggot

lol is this dude setting up a looter market?

The yellow jews fear the Samurai

Sciencefag here. You'll be ok where you are, user. Peroxides go boom quickly. "Organic" means carbon-carbon bonds like diesel, kerosene, or gasoline. If the Crosby plant blows, it will be a spectacular explosion with a fireball but not much else.

As to how large of an explosion, there's no way to know. It won't be on the scale of that huge Chink explosion in Tianjin. Joe Chinaman stored literal tons of carbide in a warehouse. That shit turns in acetylene when mixed with water, a fun fact no one bothered to share with the city fire department. Tianjin was the size of a small nuke, with broken glass causing casualties a few miles from the blast center. You'll be fine if you're more than 10+ miles from Lufkin, and that's allowing a decent safety margin for shrapnel effects.

Worse than Texas City explosion? I doubt that…


Are you in the rainy part? Have you shot any looters?
According to a dispatch on GloomTube, all you need to say is you feared for your safety and you get off.

Do we know how much explosive material is being stored at our current Chemical Plant Zone?

What a good idea.

Could be something to keep an eye on.

why can't texasfags say reservoir?



that was my favorite zone, best music

im in houston but my neighborhood didnt flood
im not gonna get looted because rentcuck

kek'd n checked

Famous last words.

user please shoot the looters or step on the gas

True. There are a lot of fat whites, but like 2/3 of negresses are yuge bowling balls, and Mexicans are frequently obese as well. Hell, I remember this one obese negress that would walk around with a box of lucky charms, picking out the marshmellows all day.

t. New England, it's the same here

Did someone say gas?

fucking attention whore


White onions are god-tier. Yellow onions have a revolting sweet taste that necessitates charring the fuck out of them for any kind of acceptable flavor. Red onions need to be gassed.



shiiiieeeeettttt i guess karma does exist didn't mean to make fun of taxes and nobody likes taxes fuck taxes spare the east coast go get mexico or some shit


fantastic work, dubsman


Red onions have their uses. Vidalia onions are the best though

I'm starting to think this is advanced Kabbalah magic trying to destroy the United States before it's too late.

No, I have no idea nor any ideas on how to discover how much peroxide is stored there.

Instead, let's look at small nukes for comparison purposes. Assume a 25kT bomb, the same size as the Nagasaki weapon, and put it in the center of Crosby. The radius for 3rd degree burns is 2km, and outside of 1.2 km, buildings remain intact.

Try your own nuke simulation at:
https:// nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/


fake news

I like red onions on pizza tbh, their flavor really compliments it

Jesus christ. The biggest Tornado and flood the US has probably seen, and now a potential massive hellfire explosion, chemical wastelands and virus outbreaks. Texans are playing sim city on hardest difficulty.

Don't worry,

To add to this, natural disasters + social unrest = civil war = collapse = threat neutralized
Media foments the social unrest, magic creates the natural disasters.
I didn't know such magic existed though. I thought they could only do simple tricks, but then I remember Moses in Egypt…

Thanks user

Bring it on
t. Florida

That man has the look of someone who realized that they have fucked up.

Great sermon. Based nigger preacher is based. This is exactly what niggers need to hear from the pulpit: fear of retribution. "Gay pride parade was a slap in God's face."

the only boatfags doing something worthwhile
patrolling for looters


God bless you, PermChad

Is that a wig?

I think it's a small dead animal.

Can Cat Jesus be a meme already? I like that image.


To close to a preexisting meme, and one that's funnier anyways.

flood-chan is angered by your cucking
this faggot entered floodwaters to retrieve some girl's cat that she had left in her house
there was a downed lamppost underwater and he tripped or something and his hand came down on it
his friend had to just stand there and watch him die. for a fucking cat

for future reference save the girl not the cat

o kek
is this the new Egyptian sheeeeit
Will they kill every American firstborn in 2018?


The ovens are too good for you, kike.




Is anything happening over there or are they all just dead in the water?

do you mean levee? it doesn't really make sense to say a bayou breached but if that's what your'e saying all it means is that it overflowed which isn't a big deal, relatively speaking


Heading downstream to Orange, Beaumont, Port Arthur

If it was my dog I would've gone back but a stupid bitch being completely irresponsible should have to learn the consequences for her actions, and the cat probably didn't even like her.


Fuuuck. This shit kills your spirit.

yeah you're dunzo laddy-o

i hope you enjoy super heaven

Will Kek at least bring me to the promised imageboard and give me the waifu I deserve?

Coast to coast is only good for ayy lmao pieces anyway.

Do you know the station, does it have an archive?

Not too sure, just cross posting really.

I assume there's some sort of multi-deity screening process

beaumont has no water and that chemical plant is on fire

Coast to coast archives every show, it should be up as soon as the show ends.

That's not what a Hurricane is, user. Confirmed for most rainfall on record though, absolutely.

It's a nationally syndicated program. You'll find thousands of stations carrying it. I'm not going to give away the one local one here for opsec reasons.

That's what I listen for, and the weekend replays of the Art Bell days are great, but this George Noory faggot keeps bringing in shit like numerology faggots, astrology, (always left-wing) political faggots, and jews that spend 2 hours kvetching about muh bible muh blood moon and other prophecies/events only exist for g-'ds chosen you filthy goyim. REEEEEEEEEEEEE

>on fire

Fucking source me.


to be fair there were several tornados too

Art Bell was great, still pissed they chose the literal witch as a replacement host.


khou live stream, i'm sure they'll have more on it as time goes on
there was a youtube mirror of the livestream earlier but i can't find it anymore, here's the official




Finally we've been waiting for days.

fyi there are posts in the last few threads from science fags about how dangerous these chemicals are. it makes me think they won't even fight the fire but they aren't saying that on the news for obvious reasons

Yeah I fucked up, I misread the tweet and posted in excitement. I'm going to sleep now, love you guys.

Alright faggots listen here. If you have the power of kek returning and a massive happening on your hands stop dicking around and get to memeing. If it's lakes of fire you want. Simply make it so. I've seen countless dumbasses in this thread waste meme potential and or completely cockblock their whole shit.

Meme responsibly. Give some kind of intent lest you waste what power you have.

-a concerned memewiz

Love you too, user.

And now a chemical plant is on fire.

I'm just here for the happenings. I want this to happen to california next, only bigger.

Shut up faggot, lakes of fire are so overdue that it's practically an inevitability. We don't have to meme shit.

youtu.be/Acap3IrCYYk this?

You're right, my fault. Confuse that shit all the time.

Has power, doesn't finish the job. Leaves it for the vultures. Pathetic.

trying way too hard to fit in.

an update on these people:
they were just interviewed again
apparently they bought their boat after the storm
specifically to patrol for looters
fucking heil'd

There will be a lake of boiling chemical flames. Happy?

Goys, noticed this post earlier but it was very vague and there were many Texans asking for a map. So I made one the best I could. Not from the area, so let me know if there are any additions you think I should make.


thanks man, the official one runs like shit
sage for doubleposting

i'm a shallot guy myself


what the fuck this nigger is saying there's no fire but just a few minutes ago he said their was!
sorry lads

agreed. a nice sausage and red onion with feta is my favorite.

Holy shit that's a nice visual aid. Thanks user.


The fuck kind of subhuman are you? It's sausage mushroom and olive master race. adding onion to it is perfectly acceptable

i have no sympathy even if theyre white
i said last night when harvey hit their area that if they weren't out right now they're idiots
it's now 24 hours later. anyone STILL not out is too stupid to live and no asset to the white race

fire of lake when

Chicken and Jalapeno Bacon master race reporting in. Pepperoni can be thrown in too, it's always good.

Fuck off christ cuck.

when they goto hell.



Don't even start moshe.

3 meat pizza is best pizza.

thanks, user. fixed a typo and added a banner on top. I see post after post asking if their address is affected. they dropped the ball here, opening the flood gates and not outlining a proper map for affected residents. very sad, we're talking about 82ft river level rise.

Pineapple and Bacon is superior pleb

plain cheese.

Into the oven it goes.

do you like your pizza with walnut sauce?

agree, but still gotta have the shrooms

checked, but too mehhh

pic relatled

haven't seen this much discussion of pizza since wikileaks amirite

It's like you are trying to be retarded.

Fuck. I chortled.

This is now a pizza thread.

trips comfirm bell peppers do not belong on Pizza

Never tried it.

It looks good on photos but I don't get why not just use basil, so tasty.

Filtered and reported.
Grilled romas and fresh mozarella or full on fuck off supreme. Oh, you want a meatball? Go eat a fucking meatball.

Subhumans aren't allowed on this board. Next you're going to say how grand racemixing is.

Italian detected
not that that's a bad thing, italian cuisine is best cuisine

You must have a palate like a cow's backside


Holla Forums - Happenings and Gourmet Pizza

If you are going the pussy vegetarian route you gotta have moxerella, romas and whole basil leaves. No substitutions.


Thank kek you faggots weren't in charge of Trump's memes. The reason why happenings never happen is because of your haughty, delusional asses who believe that it's gonna happen on its own instead of assisting it. Fuck you.

Is the pizza derail Kek trying to get us focused on something we've forgotten?

we have to post about something while we wait for the lake of fire


What do you expect. We've been waiting hours for an explosion, and haven't got one yet.

fuck it, im firing up the oven too bad its frozen pizza instead of jews going in it

Jesus nigger, it takes 20 minutesignoring the rising time of the dough to make fresh bizza, do it right or don't do it at all.

Keep an eye out for PizzaGate operations that are exposed by the disaster in the region?


I think something about that is going to be coming to light soon

checked, explosion is due to happen sometime in the next couple days

Possibly, quite a train of digits came of it.

Better ways than invoking the wrath of tavistock.

What are your mystical secrets of oven-baking, italian?

checking intensifies

Oh nice, we can post the word gate without it getting filtered now!

Making a fresh pizza is literally just slapping sauces, cheeses and toppings on a platter of dough and slamming that bitch in the oven until shit gets melty. Quit being a nigger and learn to cook.

We broke the curse!


it was a shotgun
speaking of that, /k/ can be pretty gay too

It was kinda fun though.

harvey 2: east coast boogaloo soon

you say that now, but it was annoying as fuck then

and where did my pics go?

Jim, fix your shit immediately.

Making the dough is the single most labor intensive part of the whole pizza making process and no one is going to make pizza without dough so it's a easy part to gloss over. 20 minutes at 400degrees is more than enough time to thoroughly cook a pizza.

Im like 100% certain that's Unicorn Gundam music

Wrong. The wordfilters were nothing but fun and acted as a magnet to draw out the screeching metafags.

Wrong. Frozen pizza is cheap and an autism magnet.

Yeah, but to navitavistock the catalog (which was my main tavistockway) you'd have to see that word in many threads (like the pizzatavistock threads) and it institavistockd a feeling of us being subjutavistockd to a moderation team that was deletavistockd with the task of causing us to segretavistock into pro-filters and anti-filters camps.


Do you have any idea how cheap two cups of flower is? Frozen pizza is gouging your wallet because you refuse to cook.

respectable, but i question their viability in the myriad roles required of the divine bulb

top tier shit my man

fuck me, Holla Forums is comfy when we're all bored


Fuck you.

You don't buy flour by the cup, and you certainly don't make dough with flowers. And I thought you were supposed to be a pizza savant.

is it a webm or mp4? seen people complaining in other board. CodeAfrican fix your shit

What's that, you wrote a computer program, made a little website, you uploaded some posts to Holla Forums? Well, let me take this opportunity to congratulate you, the monkey learned a trick. Look at you, uploading comments. You're already spewing your vile filth all over the computer, huh? Congratulations! You must have an IQ in the double digits!
Here's a little piece of advice. The next time you're gonna unload your jealousies and inadequacies online, here's a little piece of advice. Here's a little piece of advice, slick. Next time you're gonna go on the computer (mommy and daddy bought you a new computer!), you're going to unload your jealousy and inadequacies on somebody else, on a stranger? Just make sure you don't pick Sam Geno, the son of the Papa Geno Pizza empire. I've bought people like you. I've destroyed people like you. It's nothing for me to call up my father, and have every pizza jockey in the nation have a photo of you, right above their oven. Thinking about you, my personal army of pizza makers.
They'll put sauce on you. They'll lay you out. Swing you around in the air just like in the old movies.

Then they'll destroy you. Piece by piece. Piece by delicious piece. Cheesy piece by cheesy crusty piece. They'll destroy you.

That's option one. Option two is you can apologize to me. Just say you're sorry. Takes a big man to apologize, don't it? Humble yourself before a god, a pizza god?
Anyway. That's about it. Go fuck yourself.

hi imkampfy
get out

English isn't my first language. Just because, you don't buy it by the cup it doesn't mean it's not far cheaper than pre-made crap.

Good pizza dough is nice to eat even on its own.

And how do you suppose the sauce is made? Do you just use some premade shit out of a jar?

it's not cheaper if you never bake
and what kind of faggot bakes

I've got AdNauseam running on 4 laptops with the screens on dim. I suspect many of you are doing the same. Pizza shitposting until the plant goes boom is acceptable. Make yourself some CoCo and get comfy.

You hand mash san marzanos, fry some sardines and garlic in olive oil at high heat for less than 10 seconds, pour the tomato mash into the pot and simmer for at least half an hour.

is there any numbers yet on how many of the looters have been shot dead?

that pizza is trying to say "KILL ME"

you too

which potater user?

too few.

can confirm that this makes baller sauce for all sorts of things

The pizza is aggressive.

really brings me back, user

pizza is fucking peasant food stop being a snob about it you goddamn nerd

Yeah, it's peasant food, that's why the elites use it as a code word. The only peasant here is you.

Every fucking delicacy started out as peasant food.

trying to raise stocks in digiorno, moishe?

fuck off elitist

start a new thread its happening


england used to feed their prisoners lobster for dinner every night

anyone got a live stream, pizza posting is getting… stale



To be fair they probably overcooked the fuck out of it. Shit become tire rubber once it's overcooked.

Nigger, what world do you live in where making dough and sauce from scratch is easier and less time consuming than opening a box and throwing the contents into an oven.
If I wanted to spend an hour and a half in the kitchen I would fuck your mother make beef wellington or something else actually halfway impressive to show for the effort.


fuck off carlos

shame, i really thought the onion talk was taking root

Finish this one first. Is it actually happening or fake news like the last two reports?

lol, but seriously, we got a link to a live stream.we still have a good hundred posts to go until a new thread

Pizza is just much better when you actually put effort into it. choosing beef wellington as an example of something impressive, come on now

we've known about it for hours he just wants to make a new thread to attention whore

i wish the white man had let you drown carlos

read the thread several have been postd

Just for you, I'm going to make myself some dinner and it's going to be frozen pizza.


Don't you point your nose in the air at me after you've spent your load waxing faggoty about artisan pizzas.

the cuckchan stream is still up


God damn what happened to Jeb?

It's a fancy sandwich for fucks sake.


khou just cut back to the journofag covering the crosby chemical plant
he's been moved to the fire station now so it may be soon
they've been told to expect something equivalent to "a large apartment fire"
crosby press conference 9am central
arkema says fire could happen anytime between NAO and 2 days from nao

But I don't want bread. I want pizza. If I wanted bread on it's own, I would eat bread on it's own. I would have better bread that is made to be on it's own than pizza bread. Also Italian pizza looks and tastes like shit. Pretentious asshole motherfucker.

Potential Effects on Neighbors
The fires from the burning organic peroxides will emit thick black smoke. The smoke might be irritating to the eyes, skin and lungs.


agreed, but brick-oven cooked and other 'artisan' pizza is still pretty good sometimes

No, rustic pizza style is easy to make and healthy. Doesn't mean I won't eat frozen crap when I'm lazy…

it's way too dangerous to fight a fire like this
they're going to have to let it burn

What's the most complicated/involved/effort-intensive dish you've ever made, Holla Forums?

I'm still learning, but I'm getting there. Binging with Babish is a good series for explaining recipes in a fast and easy to digest format/tempo and is easy on the ears/eyes by virtue of being done by a professional cameraman who cooks in his spare time. He does recreations of famous dishes from movies and TV, to an autistic degree of accuracy.

dubs check

you are right, of course.
meme responsibly, heh

I've been outside since thread #8, what is the sitrep?

Funnily-enough, not the ones that tasted the best. Nice channel there.

we've been talking about the best kinda of pizza protip: mushrooms


lol, I can see that.

Is the Arkema plant party still on?

just waiting for the fireworks

What are you, a horse?



Is it still happening? The hurricane I mean.

godammit carlos
off by juan you fucking spic

what can i say, my friends say im punny

be careful what you wish for

Baklava is annoying as fuck to make. A majority of dessert dishes are annoying to make now that I think about it.


nigger it hasn't been a hurricane for like a week
flooding is still going on, rivers still cresting, etc.
and of course nogs are nigging

mfw there is no god

maybe not the jew on a stick, but there is a GOD

2 explosions and black smoke
the company said it happened at 2am
they're only reporting it now so i fear no one got it on film though they said they're waiting on photos
why live?

He's gearing up for Sept.23 or something. Ask the /x/fags.

Anonymous sources confirm.

taken from 3/4 mile away

a bit late but why is there so much cuckoldry here?

Are you fucking kidding me?

That's all we get?!

I've been shitposting about pizza for hours and the only thing I get for my time is a god damn glow over the horizon. Fuck this shit.

It's a factory, not a bomb. This could be the spark that eventually sets off the powder keg. Remember, they're made to NOT explode. Sometimes it takes a while. Pepcon, another chemical plant event, exploded something like 3 times, each progressively larger.

That, and there was a giant gas main that ran into Hederson under that plant.

I'd bet that better footage will emerge and i bet that its a precursor explosion

Lets not forget my personal favorite. Courtesy of the chinks.


i dont know how long you've been here but at least 90% of the people being saved were not white
and i live in houston i know how few whites are left here. im trying to leave too
i wouldnt waste my time trolling boatcucks but they're a part of the problem so i dont feel bad at all if they get trolled.
but you go ahead and stay mad

Kill yourself.

what do you mean by whites being whites? being stupid fucking cucks? they interviewed some boat fag who left his 8.5 months pregnant wife alone so he could come out and save niggers

you don't know what you're talking about go rope yourself
new interview on khou
guy on the phone who used to work in the plant
he's the one who took the splosion picture
says they had explosions in the 90s

you dont belong here

I like to think he is getting pissed about the white players getting held back by the chimps

Tell me more.

i understand every time they save some niggers or spic they talk about Muh Diversity like they got some kind of trophy.

Kill yourself.

what do you expect from the (((media)))

That needs a soundtrack. Might I suggest:

explain how you exist then?
filtered nigger lmao

Kill yourself kike.

gas yourself kike

More (1)s that can't write their own supposed language. Interesting.

Kill yourself kike.


Reddit, shill, or both? You decide!

remnant whites are largely retards for not evacuating, and the large majority of rescuees are shitskins, faggot. go virtue signal your love for jamal's cock on 4chan where your cuckoldry is commonplaxe

Reddit, shill, or both? You decide


IP switching racecucking jew
accuses others of IP hopping
classic kike projection

Kill yourself kike.

Kill yourself kike.

filtered for cuckoldry

Kill yourself kike.

10 people aready hospitalized after arkema explosion

you first :^)

Considering this is 3/4 mile away and deep in the night this is already fairly bright. This is a factory, not a bomb, this will gradually keep fucking up more over time. WHERE IS MY FIREWORK

I missed you, Holla Forums

Kill yourself kike.

Whites shouldn't need saving unless something extraordinarily unforseen happens.

Kill yourself bird brain

Kill yourself kike.

at last i finally see. youre a h town nigger trying to get a ride out of there


>whites shouldn't save whites because some nigs end up saved too
Kill yourself kike.

yup, its a raid

you must be a nigger.

>whites shouldn't save whites because some nigs end up saved too
Kill yourself kike.


"Arkema confirmed on Thursday two explosions at its plant in Crosby, Texas, and added there was a risk of further explosions at the site."

Your point is valid but you argument like a nigger.

a deputy has been taken to the hospital after inhaling fumes at Arkema Inc. Crosby Plant.


Fuck off nigger. There is zero reason to write out a brand new 100% OC response every single time to an IP hopping buffalo queer freechnigger posting anti-white kikery "4 teh lulz" with the specific intent to shit up the thread and astroturf discussion into feeding cuckchan's, communists', and gloomtube's (((narrative))) that Holla Forums is fucking with rescuers.

Why would non-niggers not evacuate under warnings of an imminent tropical storm? Are you so retarded that you can't reason this point out instead of spamming your nigger-tier rhetoric?
at least ur grammars nice tho you shitskin. almost made me not realize how fucking dumb you are

muh PR for Akema is "on the way"
will be interviewed soon


Kill yourself kike.

So no need to give a fuck but still you feel the need to shit up the thread ? You are only feeding the shills by going 100% full autismo mode when they bait you with (((Fuck white people amirite ;D ???))). Just filter and ignore shills and other subhumans.The 5th Shitpost wont change their mind all of a sudden.

Cajun Gravy dispatch stream.

What leads you to believe that whites would remain in the flood zone? Why do you think there are any significant amount of whites to be rescued? Why do you advocate for more rescue and less dispatch memes despite there being overwhelmingly only niggers to rescue? Why are you spamming your same stupid fucking point despite it being so fucking stupid?
tl;dr: Why are you posting here and not on 4/pol/ you civnat cuck?

KHOU broke some news a while ago about the peroxide plant, there has either been a chemical release or an explosion at the facility.

they said explosion a few hours ago
but just now they said a sheriff told them it was a "release" not an explosion
but that doesn't make sense because there's a photo of a glowing fire/explosion over the plant and a lot of smoke

I hope he gets fired for abusing inhalents

FEMA has already handed out hotel vouchers and apartment/house vouchers are coming
That's why you had 9,000 niggers at the convention center yesterday and less than 3,000 today.
The darkie dispersal has begun

let me guess, they are sent to areas with lots of whites.

So is this good because less niggers will come back to Houston? Or is it bad because of the areas where they'll be sending them?

Even if they're in houston now, the free housing they get likely won't be. FEMA will want to move them out quick because those hotel rooms are needed for laborers that come down here to, you know, work.
niggers can't into work.
Also, there are a lot of hotels around here that the oil refinery and rig workers stay in when they do their contracts or whatever.
It's bad because the nigger plague will spread outside of houston.
We already have so many muds we might not even notice they're gone but some unfortunate white areas are soon to be enriched

Where do you think the best Germans went?


kek at the police saying the smoke from the plant is nothing to worry about.


Jesus the panic about vocabulary shows how much they are hiding shit.

White man helps to suicide his race when Nature stepped in to save him.

Into the ground

That was nearly 100 years later.


“incredibly dangerous,” William “Brock” Long, administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, said

Hitlerdubs for nostalgia.

Look at all these babbies not being able to handle the traditional strength of red onions like real men.

I bet you faggots even cry like little bitches when cutting them.

Earth fruit cucks will never learn.

Fuck off, foreigner.

shit I just read this
"Back channels were surging with info for several months prior to Harvey. Once Harvey hit it triggered a series of fed/UN acts and obligations to Agenda 21/2030, such as:

Environmental justice for poor people
Coastal Zone Management including depop/migration
Eco Terrorism charges for selected people and organizations
Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act of 2006 (PKEMRA)
Historic Preservation (the joint FEMA/Smithsonian + contractual agreement)

FEMA $ are not free: Every person and entity who gets fed $ must sign and agree to implement SF 424 A & B which obligates them to Clean Water/Clean Air Act, Scenic Wild Rivers Act, civil rights obligations, non-discrimination clauses. It is a dense 2 page small print contract.

When Kat was nothing I was told by my boss when she hit there would be NO response, NO MATTER WHAT. They had objectives to meet. There was no public outcry against those objectives and so they stand. Now are on to new ones. With Kat $ redistribution scheme played a large part (FEMA & DHS). With Harvey and rolling disasters, tip to split US into zones, and an ethnic war with $ going to the controllers? Plus take care of Trump factor.

I am beginning to hear wildfire chatter with drastic proposals, different Acts, same plan."

Two explosions at flooded Texas chemical plant: Fifteen police officers hospitalized after blast at facility that will get MORE dangerous as the water rises

Two explosions were heard at the Arkema Inc plant in Crosby, Texas, early Thursday morning
The chemical plant lost power and backup generators amid storm Harvey's deluge
It left the plant without refrigeration for its organic peroxides, which will burn as temperatures rise
The company said there is six feet of water at the plant and they have lost critical refrigeration of the materials
Plant officials warned that more explosions could occur and said they would let the fire burn itself out
Arkema manufactures organic peroxides, compounds used in pharmaceuticals and construction materials
The company shut down the Crosby site before Harvey made landfall last week
Local officials established a 1.5 mile evacuation zone around the plant on Tuesday after it lost power
Meanwhile, about 150 miles west of Houston, almost 30,000 gallons of crude oil and about 8,500 gallons of wastewater spilled because floodwaters from Harvey toppled two oil storage tanks


Just to add to this shit, some federal judge turned down the sanctuary city ban for Texas.

To the Supreme Court you say?

checked, houston was a sancturary city…was

user you coming to nugget fest? It's a good time

Jews are trying to get the chemicals in the chemical plant to mix with the flood water in order to dilute the chemical purity and eliminate the threat.
It's only natural that the chemicals would go reactionary and destroy the plant with no survivors.


Irma is now cat 2
Irma is now cat 2
Irma is now cat 2
Irma is now cat 2
Irma is now cat 2
Irma is now cat 2

bread is kind of dead but almost full
here's an archive of this thread: archive.is/bF2nS
next OP don't be a lazy nigger, link previous breads


They also aren't checking citizenship status in the damage area so parasite spics will get precious supplies for their 12 kids while whites slave away to save those who want them dead.

come on user
please don't make me be an OP

I'll bake

Sorry chemplant, get fucked
