Game claim to be sexually liberated
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Can you romance her?
they made the dyke ugly as fuck which is pretty accurate
only as a female
Treating people (virtual images) as objects to be collected is sexist or some crap.
Jade Empire had it though, funny enough.
sera is a female but one of iron bull's soldiers is a tranny but a female trying to act and look as male
Die plz i beg of you
We need to bring back romance cards.
Shit taste tbh. After autistically spending 200+ hours on a console with Dragon's Dogma I wanted a similar experience on PC and pirated this game. Beat it a few times but never got the same feeling of weeb satisfaction I got from DD, and especially got tired of the muh divershitty.
Why is shrek giving me Fuck me eyes?
That's not Shrek, that's an Asari from the new Mass Effect
Please, tell me you at least didn't Marxquisition.
Shit idea
I want romance system that is interactive to my choice of partners and the relationship between us
Romance cards don't have these elements it is like romancing in the void where no body knows about your relationships
nah i want to fug Dorian and Josephine
It works very well for The Witcher because Geralt is supposed to just go around to random villages, kill monsters, get paid, and fuck their women.
Geralt is pre written character and his relationship model is already been established by the novels he goes around fuck women we know that
But when make an RPG you need to take into considerations that the player might like to live with their lovers and stay with them forever
and the cards system don't support that
Then they better get a fucking life. Really, romances in rpgs are the saddest thing ever.
Why would you want to romance any of them?
Because western RPGs a shit. Get yourself a real game that lets you fuck all the girls
there are still attractive asaris though, id imagine
Fucking Time exposing us in their shitty magazine. No wonder quality is going south.
I'm playing it right now, it sucks.
user, I…
This is it i am leaving this pathetic rotten world
Shit thread.
Shit character.
Shit game.
no trips for you
shit opinion
Well meme'd, Anons!
You mean she is a SHEEEEEEEIIIIT?
She's the heroine.
Do you want a helicopter ride, friend?
It is shit.
Go post some good RPGs.
I keep forgetting, which general is the one who does that again?
As a REAL liberal I play JRPGs instead.
Bioware are just Americuck moralfags.
She's a good looking for a human. And she's not fat!
Thanks user.
None, lad.
I don't know what this thread is about but someone mentioned Asari so…
I want to fuck that space smurf
Blueberry Muffins are nice but remember there are other options.
Since we are on the topic of ugly-she beasts, do you think we can romance this creature in ME?
ME1/2 had qt asari faces with big tits.
haha thats not good! unlike your trips, very good
Holy fucking hell.
So they ruined the fucking Asari huh?
I guess someone thought "They really have no gender so why do they all look like that girl that was mean to me in highschool? They should have manly faces too!"
Basically forgetting the whole purpose behind the Asari was to be a big fucking joke…
it might just be that one.
nah they went complete fuck my shit up fam on the characters.
they just used the helicopters to get rid of the bodies, they didn't dropped people alive edgelord*
So you are saying that they shot a man before throwing him out of a helicopter?
Why can't westerners make good female faces? This is why they're turning gay.
Stumbled over that in Mass Effect (2008) already.
Because I didn't make a decision, the game decided Rassenschande for me.
I love video games and I'm actually sick and tired of "game developers" at this point. At least in the west.
I don't understand this. Who is attracted to this shit?
Here's another scenario…
Some ugly cunts that work in the studio got them to model the characters after themselves and all the dickless men with shriveled balls said "LOOKS GREAT!" because they're so afraid of being booted for some sort of harassment or whatever.
Corporate culture is a disease.
Seriously, can nobody let themselves buy into escapism entertainment unless the characters look like the very fucking thing they might be trying to escape?
They hanged them from the neck, lad.
You know what really trips me off? A lot of people on Holla Forums and elsewhere told me Sera is annoying and a shit character but I thought she was cute and funny.
I think she's cute though. I remember one picture of the model they used for her, they got evereything right except the nose, the nostrils are forced upwards but the rest is nice
The rest of the females on cisquisition are really ugly, they tried to add some uniqueness to the faces make them look like they arent just copypaste using the game's character editor, I suppose, but ended up butchering the faces like they used oblivion's editor
The asari's shit
what are you talking about? were you not playing video games 5 years ago?
"sex sells" used to be normalcy
i am Chilean and never heard of that.
Wait what, are you serious?
So if you play a female character you can only be a dyke?
Interesting insight
Look i don't want my inquisition turn into a orgy fuckfeast
I just want to romance Dorian and Josephine and see the chemistry of this relationship take shape with complex narrative and lewd
bioware heads uses some kind of normal map opacity playing to generate expressions
Having an ideal face with this kind of mechanic is hard you can see the witcher 3 fucking up sometimes with it
It is new tech they will improve on it later trust me
Interesting insight
Look i don't want my inquisition turn into a fuckfeast
I just want to romance Dorian and Josephine and see the chemistry of this relationship take shape with complex narrative and lewd stuff
bioware heads uses some kind of normal map opacity playing to generate expressions
Having an ideal face with this kind of mechanic is hard you can see the witcher 3 fucking up sometimes with it
It is new tech they will improve on it later trust me
Did you know that Samara and Morinth use the exact same face mesh?
solution; dont take off the mask
No one would care who they were if they didn't wear them, anyway.
i do now
I think that was a mistake out of developer laziness
Let me guess, your idea of a beautiful woman character creator is the crap in FFXIV and other weebshit games.
no. you can only romance sera as a women. there is straight options for a female
My idea of a beautiful woman's face is one that I can't turn into Shrek if I just paint it green.
shit taste
But it's still a problem if a woman looks like a man, unless you are a faggot. Are you a faggot?
I looked at these and had hope. Saw her and immediately had swift, merciless disappointment.
excellent taste
Holla Forums is a hive of faggotry. Here and 4chan.
In fact, it seems like video games either attract or create faggots.
What is it? Why does video game entertainment craft so many faggots?
Do video games somehow just unlock the faggot in those with faggot potential?
Can faggots and potential faggots just leave my hobby already?
Can you explain your idea of a beautiful woman's face without using inane hyperbole mate? I don't think the currynigger chick in the mass effect 4 trailer is beautiful, but she isn't at all ugly (for a currynigger). Just looks like "a pretty currnigger living next door" or something tame like that. Same with Sera. She's not a bombshell, but she looks like a pretty girl you'd find in your music class or something.
They're going for different aesthetics, not the plastic look in FF games or Korean MMO's.
Nah bro. You know damn well what I mean and you can go fuck right off back to Bioware.
The sensation of dating all the girls is wasted if the game is actually lacking a proper harem ending or a ending where all the girls hate you.
Not everyone who disagrees with your is a Biodrone. And no, I didn't get what you're whining about at all. The blue ayys always looked like shit so I don't care about those. I'm not into bestiality.
I think it was the uncanny valley affect, something about them was really, really offputting for me. They're a 'green-skinned-space-babe' race but they just put me on edge entirely.
IIRC the only instance of being allowed to get two chicks at the same time I know of is Neverwinter Nights.
Supposedly, you can do the same in Jade Empire but in the epilogue it defaults to the uglier girl, while the other one leaves.
And, really, we can't expect this kind of shit when developers still haven't figure out how to implement proper party dynamics into games.
You can't have friendships and camaraderie blossom over time as you face life and death together, you can't have your party members actually object with a decision because it violates their moral compass only to agree because they trust you, can't have friction between two very different members that learn to bro it up eventually, can't deal with jealous bitches all vying for your dick and you trying to seduce them to agree to share you, etc.
Really, the first step is someone actually attempting to make a party into an actual party. Afterwards we can have our glorious harem route.
Are you really asking people exactly what's attractive? It's not something people usually have to describe for you, but if realism has made your characters uglier then you really fucked up the transition. Take out the realism and go back to plastic please. There are plenty of attractive girls in reality to model your characters after, and Shrek isn't one of them.
with 3 endings that are exactly the same were you ever really in charge?
Are there any western games that actually do romance besides bioware games? I really can't think of anything of note.
She looks generic, and that's about as low as you can go. Even making her (more) hideous is better, at least you could recognize her. Would you even be able to recognize her if someone put her in another game?
I bet you everyone here on Holla Forums can recognize Jill Valentine or Samus Aran because, on top of being beautiful, they are beautiful in their own unique way.
This currynigger just looks so fucking bland, on top of making me want to puke.
dont know about that one
I am talking about the indian looking chick not the Asari user. The Asari looks like crap no question about it.
The indian looking chick is the only one remotely passable in the entire game save for the player character.
This is BioWare we are talking about, everyone will look like shit.
And especially the females, wouldn't want to be sexist by forcing them to gaze upon patriarchal beauty standards.
dont you have a suicide room to build for your governor?
Oh. Well she just looks like a random npc. I guess if that's what you're going for then that's fine. Just don't expect anyone to remember her.
Every time I see that thing, I can't help but think that it's some middle-aged guy named Hugh.
Maybe its autism.
I'm starting to bundle together a theory that autists are more like state machines than they are people. They don't seem to experience emotions in the same ways or for the same reasons that normal people do.
Not exactly sociopaths but more like what would be expected of something that was made to simulate emotions.
Same can go for aesthetics. Having to need aesthetic qualities explained would fit right in with this theory. They don't understand attraction to certain qualities because for them attraction is more mechanical than normal people's considerations.
Probably a worse sin is you make generic looking average characters. When I play a video game, an RPG, what is essentially an escapist experience. A fantasy world. I should not have to bother with the "average" type of person. The "average" should not be in any way important, they should be essentially nameless NPCs. This isn't just personal preference but actually just a matter of basic design principal. You and the other important people in the story are HERO class people. They should be exceptional in the way they look and the way they sound.
They shouldn't just be replaceable with any other character from any other game nor any NPCs in that same game.
The last nigga gets it.
You're spouting buzzwords and gibberish.
God damn even i have to admit you sound like a selfabsorbed pretentious faggot, and i'm an expert in faggotry.
wait this is real? it looks like a horrifying shoop.
Wouldn't pirate this with a stranger's dick
There is nothing degenerate in wanting to be loved by more than one person ;_;
do you have the option to turn him into his father so he can use blood magic to make him not gay like you could with fenris in dragon age 2?
His father cameback to apologize so i guess that you can't
But you can' humiliate him in front of his father and kick him out of the inquisition for it BUT WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS ????
large cheekbones, a defined jawline, protruding brow, a large nose, a massive chin and fat lips
seriously it's like they exclusively model niggers and neanderthals when they do faces.
well if it was an option to turn him into his father i would do it but i wouldnt kick him out of the inquisition just for being gay
There is when there's more than one dick involved in said relationship.
She's not ugly, she's very average looking - that's just not what I'm looking for in a waifu.
That asari tho … looks like they made a fat trucker blue and called it a day
Just think of the possibilities you fag
Fuck that shit. I want a harem, not competition.
They were implying that they wanted you to stick your dick inside another man.
I think we can all agree that beauty standards for escapism are set a little bit higher than IRL.
Average looking might as well be ugly.
There is nothing wrong with wanting all the waifus for yourself.
In fact it's the height of faggotry, and therefore degeneracy, to not want them all for you.
That thing barely counts as an elf though.
Autists get triggered when you start suggesting their autism makes them a fucked up person rather than some sort of beautiful and unique snowflake super smart and detailed faggot like the rest of society and their moms like to tell them they are.
Anyway, more pretty faces.
Here is the kicker of this shitfest. Remember, its not a matter of realism. Its not like the better graphics are just making people uglier because that's more "real". Its because of shitty modelers and art directors who should be fucking fired.
I think it's actually on purpose. I can't believe so many people in the industry keep fucking up and still retain their jobs, and this is only a phenomenon with Western developers.
We know BioWare makes their characters ugly on purpose.
There is no such thing as "autism". You on the other hand, are a weaboo. You also probably have yellow fever or some shit.
It's a piece of shit game anyway. Felt like I was playing a fucking MMO on an empty server. The writing was abysmal, the combat was shit, and the character design was intentionally repulsive. Do yourself a favour and uninstall the game. Nothing in the game is worth it (even the ending is just an underwhelming cliffhanger) – play a better game instead
So basically, you have yellow fever just like that other twit. Stick to anime and weeb games.
Well i would post good looking women from western developers of the current generation but wouldn't you fucking know it, its damn hard to find.
Gears of War was a long fucking time ago.
It's nothing new. Recall Juhani from KoTOR. And consider that they could place a Twi'lek babe instead. But that would be "sexist", right?
What really makes me mad is that they couldn't even play to the strengths of the Inquisition in the title.
BioWare is so creatively bankrupt they simply cannot not make a game about an ancient evil and the chosen one destined to save it.
Fuck, I wish someone competent made a game where you play an inquisitor and took cues from how 40k handles the concept.
Oh by the way, if liking feminine features makes me a weaboo then so fucking be it.
Jesus fuck, no wonder why Western society is getting cucked so fucking hard by the encroaching east (muslims).
Its filled with literal faggots who gravitate towards manly features.
scott pilgrim does it as it's ending for scott but you cant play the game lmao
"Inquisitor" is there purely for marketing. Even when the characters vomited the term in game for the firt time, it sounded hamfisted as fuck. Basically, the entire thing is:
They're actually pretty trivial to find actually, but you're a weeb so you wouldn;t know. Maybe it's not even about weaboism. You probably have a poor eye, since those girls are decidedly average, plastic faced, and generic.
Explain what is wrong with having yellow fever in the first place. Not as "betraying your race", because most Holla Forumsirgins here are highly unlikely to reproduce anyway, so nothing's really lost.
I liked how one dude analyzing the plot put it. He basically said they defaulted on Inquisition since they already had a Templar order.
No, you prefer anime features like pointy chins and bug eyes, not feminine ones, which is why you post characters like Bayonetta.
It's a mental disease. Your brain is obviously not wired to detect beauty but >muh azn waifu
Now post more. Give game titles.
She looks like a product of inbreeding.
Laughable when you accuse others of not being wired to detect beauty. Slavic standards of beauty are a tad different anyway.
Are you fucking joking? Let me see your psych degrees and research that overrides the DSM.
I suppose we should be glad they didn't call it Dragon Age: Hashashin
They already fucked up when they had gender equality and acceptance of sodomy in a feudal society.
Don't forget the openly trans human soldier serving under the Qunari, and the Qunari both knowing and accepting this.
Oh, right. Guess even BioWare succumbed to the "religion of peace" meme.
No user, I already gave you my advice – Stick to the ayylmao 3D-anime style you find in games like Final Fantasy.
Now THAT is an ugly skull.
Psychology is on par with alchemy. 80% of studies don't fucking replicate. It's bullshit. "Autism" is 100% heritable, and it only causes actual problems when it is "co-morbid" with mental retardation. The problem with supposed "autistics" is not that they're autistic, but that they're retarded. The bollocks collection that is the DSM you mention? Mental retardation is a requirement in it for diagnosis with "autism". Makes you wonder if the "disease" isn't perchance being mentally retarded, not "autistic".
Being "autistic" is simply a behavioural phenotype. When not accompanied by mental retardation, you know it as the STEM-type personality. People who are really into systematising and abstraction, and less interested in socialisation.
I'm really not sure why they didn't do that considering monogamy is pretty frequently one of their targets. Guess it's taking a backseat to the tranny bullshit right now.
Skull? How do you know its shape under all that hair?
Google "heart-shaped face". It's ugly only for you.
Well no shit. Psychology is pseudoscience.
Are you confusing psychology with psychiatry?
We get it.
You want small beady eyes, wide and super pronounced jaw lines, bulbous noses, thin lips.
You know, man features.
Just come out of the closet already, faggot.
You're also a retard.
Or maybe you just need to take your meds. Every single fucking person I've ever seen that has called psychology bullshit has been perscribed some sort of anti-psychotic medication that they refuse to take because they think nothing is wrong with them.
What the fuck? This makes no sense.
Welcome to what happens to objective and verifiable truths when leftists take over.
Same girl from a different photo. It's a weird skull. Deal with it.
Your anecdotes are not data. Fuck off.
The idea of perpetuum mobile is wrong in a final sense. See how easy it is?
I thought it was the other way around. Y'know, that your model is never right, it just has to converge upon reality over the course of refinement.
TBH I'm still disappointed ME2 didn't have renegade options for romance. Could have been a jolly fun shitstorm.
Maybe it's just you that are the dumbfuck user. Sadly there is no pill for stupidity other than cyanide.
are you cucks lost again?
Yet it is taught in business world, academia, law enforcement, military, rescue, etc…
But it must be the world that is wrong, amirite?
It doesn't mean psychology is bullshit. It just means that we are pretty bad at it.
It means "you always have to leave enough doubt for the possibility of something revolutionary getting discovered". Science doesn't deal in absolutes, just probabilities.
But you can keep believing whatever circlejerky political bullshit explanation you want.
Yes dude, because if it's taught in academia it must be right. You know, like gender studies. Am I right? You're a fucking moron.
It means it's built upon heap after heap of bullshit and false results.
Psychology is not a science.
Spoken like a true Marxist.
But surely science can say something in absolutes even so. "Dogs are blue molluscoid homosexuals who got ran over by a tractor" will be wrong no matter how many studies you make
ΔS > 0. Discuss.
No, you are the fucking moron.
Do you believe in the existence and usefulness of mind?
Do you believe in the existence and usefulness of studying?
Do you know what these two things make up togethere? The conclusion that you should remove yourself from polluting the gene-pool, you degenerate piece of shit.
We triggered him hard lads.
You had ONE JOB progressives
Do you believe in the existence and radioactivity of nukes?
Do you believe the existence and warlikeness of humans?
Do you know what these two things make up together? Fallout ghouls are real and they live in Hiroshima
Seriously though when do zoofags start pushing agendas so we can get some qt feral romances?
Eh, don't pick a photo where her head is slightly downward oriented. If that looks weird, then Scarlett Johansson also looks weird.
Uh, yeah. She does. No disputing you there. Johansson looks weird as fuck.
Your circlejerk doesn't remove the fact that I am right.
Psychology is the study of mind. Science is the assuring of knowledge, coming up with a general consensus that something is probabilistically right.
Thus, psychology is science, because even if it's wrong, as long as it's getting improved through the scientific method, it will be called a science. No matter what kind SJW-tier rethoric you political shills manage to shit out.
Going to need more furry games before that.
you see, the slope must be lubed before it can be slippery.
Psychoanalysis > Psychology tbh
Nice expressionless you got there bro
expressionless face *
This is where we are as a board.
Idiots who believe psychology is a lie and not a science.
Who also think mongoloids look attractive.
I wish the /x/ board here was active enough to contain these tards.
To be fair you do have really shit taste lad.
Then you have shit taste user.
Psychoanalysis is a subfield of psychology and it is even more defective then the other domains since there are no psychoanalytical studies to speak of. It's literally literary criticism passed off as something else.
Psychology is not a science but an "academic discipline". It doesn't use the scientific method at all in many of its subfields. Psychometrics is the only properly scientific subfield of psychology.
You have no idea what you're talking about. None whatsoever.
But why not both? At the same time.
You don't have any idea what science is, do you?
People have to be eased into accepting degeneracy. They have to be programmed over time.
Case in point, consider how many anons here eventually end up fapping to monstergirls, trannies, traps, and all sorts of other shit.
Read some actual philosophy of science not some pop documentary and Carl Sagan crap. Your understanding of science is hollow and superficial.
I'd recommend you some essays by Thomas Kuhn and Paul Feyerabend, but it's pretty obvious they'd fly over your head so why bother throwing pearls before swine?
She has it rather good for a weird looking person.
We live probably in the worst age of vanillafaggotry and moral purism ever.
I can't tell if that's a comedy show or just /fringe/. With Britbongs you can never be sure.
Or just open couple dictionaries instead of pretending to be smarter than you actually are.
Why is he eating a carrot on camera?
It's called marketing. This isn't the first time a shit exhibit was passed off as better than it actually is: film, game, actor, car. You name it.
its absolutely on purpose, why the hell wouldnt it be? id argue that its easier to design an attractive character than an ugly one not that i have anything to back that up, but they used to produce good looking girls all the damn time.
Not so sure about that. Making something passably pretty is easy. Just make the face symmetric and don't deviate too much from normality. Huge ears would look weird even if they'd be perfectly mirrored on each side of the head. Stuff like that.
But making a truly good looking character is hard without starting from a model.
Actress careers are made or broken on their looks. Marketing is not a substitute, only an enhancement.
Those devs who are in charge of the face should be shot.
I would have to agree that its on purpose because people's natural tendencies are towards things that are aesthetically pleasing. Its so damn central to our nature that parents even love their ugly kids less.
I think you say that because its hard to make a good looking character in a character editor, right? I mean hell, you always end up fucking something up because you get too focused on one aspect and when you pull back you've messed up the balance with everything else, right?
But you eventually learn the quirks of the editor. The problem wasn't really you but it was your misunderstanding of the tool you were using. Your unfamiliarity with it.
Well, here's the thing about that, you need to consider that these are people who are professionals at this. They know the tools. They work with them daily. They had to purposefully make those faces look the way they look. They had to be directed to do so.
The art directors just need to be fired.
Run back to the rice paddy you portable frisbee stand.
B-b-but ugly dykes want to be rich without making any effort and feel entitled to look down on plebs too
That's where you become a twitter-activist and become a "victim" of things.
Why not? Do have anything against carrots?
They literally said in an interview it's on purpose. Something about realistic beauty standards and shit like that.
I'm so confused!
and there it is.
Remember, this is what happens when you have people seriously considering "games don't have to be fun".
nice holy trips
Well protesting against beauty standers give birth to ganguro fetish so that is something
Ganguro is basically on the same tier as bimbo and I find both incredibly unappealing.
see then see
Those are both the same character.
Why must video games? The ME3 ending was bad enough already, but then they go and make a sequel to it where even in their shitty trailer it's clear the consequences of the ending were pretty immediately overcome.
omg this is so ableist
I've reached a point of degeneracy that i would fuck a lot of things but i still can't get aroused by…whatever this is.
Take a video of you masturbating to this.
I can make this simple for you.
Mass Effect was never over suppose to exist past the first game.
Plenty of people will tell you that they planned a trilogy from the start, but I will say that the brothers who made The Matrix will tell you the same fucking (lie) thing. That there was always a trilogy in mind.
Here is what people don't seem to fucking understand. Mass effect 1 is its own game. It has no place in anything other than as a founding document for the series. The events of that game can be seen as non-important.
Mass Effect 2 is a full reboot. This is a case of a development studio realizing what they have in a GAME UNIVERSE and wanting to apply it to mass audiences. This is why the intro kills Shepard and brings him back to life, this is why the early game story spends so much time actually invalidating what he did and most of why he is important from the events of ME1.
ME2 is a reboot.
The series continues on from ME2 to ME3. Now the problem with ME3 is that it continues from the ideas of ME2 and disregards ME1. That is the whole problem.
In many 3-part story structures you usually go from 1, to 2, to 3 being a reaffirmation or a refutation of 1. But that doesn't happen here.
Mass effect is essentially irreparably fucked. I can go deeper (and will if asked) but I think many of you already know how or why.
The very UNIVERSE build in 1 is BROKEN.
Essentially, make gaming great again?
But user JE was actually good
fucking traaaaash
Yeah pretty much. Still, it's something else to complain about.
This is what happens when libcucks start trying to make "mature games for mature audiences".
Pretentious shit pandering to your sense of intellectual superiority and detachment from what the "unwashed masses" find appealing is about on the same level as every other form of pandering, the end result is just far more ugly.
There's those kind of retards here on Holla Forums as well, that seem to think that if a product is not pandering to their hipsterism and actually dares be blatant about whom its target audience is it's automatically inferior.
I'll take RPGs that know they are escapism and give me all the attractive waifus I want over some pretentious bullshit that makes women ugly on purpose to appeal to a bunch of faggots that think "unrealistic beauty standards" don't belong in their "realistic" fantasy or some shti.
But I don't want things to complain about.
I'm tired of that.
I want things to celebrate in my video games.
I'm so tired.
So very tired.
Hey remember when you could be a hardass in ME1 and ME2, but like half the time in ME3 it implies you're putting up a face or outright forces you to be some pussy especially in the beginning and tries to say no matter what or who your character was you totally care about some random kid and are emotionally distraught throughout the entire game.
What is this Mr. Trips?
Because they pander to the LGBTQIA clusterfuck, and P isn't in there yet.
I thought + was there as well, whatever the fuck + stands for.
Will they have included every key on the keyboard by 2025?
I fucked one of those once. It was awkward, and his pussy was weird.
>he bought played a bioware "game"
i don't know who is the uglier tbh
That picture actually looks prettier than the in-game character
I'd say it's a tie, with BioWare winning out through an obnoxious personality and godawful voice acting.
I don't really mind ugly characters.
What I really mind is how annoying that character personality is. "Oh, I'm just punching up. So it's okay for me to kill that noble." "Oh, who cares about that rich guy. I doubt he have feelings."
I don't know if she changes as you progress through her story.
That picture looks far more attractive than the official one.
I think Iron Bull is ok. Just ignore the "humor" within the game.
Ignoring the characters, I think it's quite a comfy single player MMO. Disable the audio, and listen to some podcasts. Would buy for $5.
I do however. I'll be looking at my party members the most out of any other characters in the game, the least they could do is make them look hot.
Cuckchan is already missing you.
I bought DA:I and i am proud of it. It was actually a great game to play on ps4 when it came out, since ps4 had limited amount of rpgs by that time.
Remind you that you can get rid of characters you dislike in that game, and can create cute chicks in character editor.
Blackwall, Solas and Cassandra are the best sane companions.
Too bad my season pass has ended and i had no money to buy the last dlc that came out without after season pass. But in general i enjoyed playing the game on high difficulty as a mage. Effects and graphics were top notch in that game.
Please, just leave
Don't worry, i won't. Next time you will be agreeing with me on things you like yourself, and won't even know that you are talking to a person who likes Dragon Age series.
You have shit taste. There's really nothing else to talk about.
And you do know we have ID filters, right? Guess who is getting on one?
published academic psychology, what should be scientific research, has a lower rate of repeatability than flipping a coin.
I still think she's cute though, the real model even better
Just what do you guys have against her face it's begging me to put my dick on her nose I dont really know if im kidding but im really hard as I write this
One of Cenobites from the Hellraiser movie series. You might find another one more appealing, if you are into body horror.
Was this altered or just some scene in the actual game?
She looks so much better when her face isn't shiny with a shit-ton of grease.
This is even more obvious in the case of Dragon Age.
They might recognize them because of their distinctive costumes or hairstyles, but in the face department? It's the same face from a thousand other games.
Let me play the devils advocate for a second.
There are people who play RGP's for immersion. Everyone begin a supermodel is immersion-breaking.
It's from a mod that tried to repair her looks.
tumblr obviously had a fucking meltdown when they found out about it. It was almost as beautifull as the whitwashed hetero Dorian mod.
Psychology is on par with medicine in Middle Ages. It has lots of bullshit, it's internally inconsistent, it doesn't work more often than when does, but that doesn't mean it's not needed.
immersion is a shit reason to play video games. these people should be disregarded
In an epic RPG heroes are supposed to be larger than life. That includes both combat skills, character and appearance. To make the heroes unheroic is to break immersion.
This looks uglier than the original. I can't stand that black makeup around the eyes. In general, not just on Sera. I hated that the game defaults to using it on your PC too. No idea why everyone would find black tar around your eyes attractive.
I did too. It was worth the money. Deal with it.
Heroines ought be distinctive also for immersion reasons, as stated already before. Common people (with average looks) don't have it in them to pick up the adventuring business. And beauty correlates with good conditions during the pregnancy and growth period, so it's a good indicator of better than average mental and physical capabilities.
That's an apt analogy, but your conclusion is messed up. Medicine in the Middle Ages was worse than useless. It was actively harmful. The same is true of psychology today. Just as blood letting was used as a valid practice that actually killed people instead of helping them, so psychology is used today as a valid source of insight, even though often it's not just wrong (which is the vast majority of the time) but upholds the exact opposite of reality because academia in psychology is incredibly politically motivated. See the work of Jonathan Haidt exposing this for example.
Medicine wasn't abolished, it was recreated on more sound principles than before. I would say the same will happen with psychology in the future. Evolutionary psychology is a good start, taking insights from behavior genetics, neuroscience and psychometrics.
Come on user
Dorian was so lucky, yet he turned down that option.
I am so sorry Holla Forums
It's like they wanted to break from the traditional 5 animation library style they've used for all their previous games, but instead of really working on it like the witcher 3 guys, we have a huge mess of unpolished, poorly sync animations
Also the voice acting is cancer
Isn't the filters functionality broken of late, or have I missed something?
don't tell me you romanced that ugly failed abortion
And then they can serve as a lolcow. Win-win all around.
Sez who?
Quite the contrary, you should be disregarded.
It depends on the game and what you want of it.
For certain RPGs? Immersion is key.
Games like Mario or Duke? Nope.
Something about mediocrity across the board.
And even if they do, they would die like flies or change their calling into a less dangerous one.
My SJW as fuck sister bought me cisquisition for my birthday this year, I haven't even taken it out of the plastic wrap.
She just thought you would like it. Don't be such a dick brother user.
Don't get me wrong user, I love my sister even if I want to punch her in the face but I'm not going to play that game.
Stephanie Manure
that wasn't a mod, just a photoshop created pre-release to piss off tumblr
Agreed, though I would like to add that a "normal looking" character can be good, if that blandness of features is, in it's self, a distinguishing feature.
Shame on you. Fix that filename before someone calls you retarded.
Jokes on you, faggot.
A person with average looks can't be exceptional?
And who even said fantasy heroes have to be exceptional? Especially the sidekicks?
Archetypal heroes and heroines are expected to stand out from the crowd at the first glance. Show me one plain Jane from any mythology, for example.
That goes against the very nature and purpose of elves. Fuck I hate liberals.
Huh, never noticed that, thanks
Where's more porn of her
i like how they didn't have to change the nose because bioware doesn't understand how african faces work
Archetypes exist to be broken.
This. Plain Jane is an archetype. All the other archetypes were established trying to break that one. More archetypes or recycled archetypes will be used to break those.
Archetypes are common things in storytelling that people like
Shit mod
Vivienne is shit unromanceable "MUH rebuilding the circles muddafucka" type of character
why bothering with her in the first place ?
And dorin looks less cuter without his facial hair
Implying rebuilding the circles isn't the best solution. Fucking mage marxists I swear.
Why are there so many big RPGs (mainly Bioware) these days with romance as the main draw?
I've never even heard someone talk about the gameplay in Mass Effect, Dragon Age, etc. - they just go over which ugly not-human they fucked in their playthrough and why.
polyamory is degenerate and so are you
No it is not
There is nothing wrong with it morally
It is not even a fetish it is more of being sociable and knowing the best bed scenarios ever
Kill all faggots.
Kill all trannies.
Kill all kikes.
Kill all polygamists.
It's not. It spreads STDs and it makes for an amusing game of "musical chairs" when a pregnancy happens. To each his own I guess, even if it's raising kids of someone else for you.
It's the other way around. Archetypes exist because they perpetuate themselves better than an average story about average persons doing average things.
A tomboy?
I'm usually all in for ye, even 3DPD brown skins, but this one looks so much better by making her white it's not even funny.
you better use protection ye twat
no. tomboys are actually cute and the character is a tranny