Hello Games are finished.
Valve removes 2 hour limit for No Man's Sky Refunds
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Valve doing something right for once.
Post the source nigger.
I guess they got fed up with complaints on NMS being the new Spore? I still wonder why they allowed it for this game.
Has it been verified by now that it works though?
I can't believe its already an in-joke everywhere, and not just on imageboards.
Holla Forums is always right
Step it up, fam.
Why would you care?
Reddit gains literally nothing from your hit.
Why did you post the same pic twice? Also wtf did Cablenexus mean by that comment
I just hope Sean Murray already spent most of his money, just to see Valve ravage his No Man's Ass.
Reminder that Nocits (Nice) has better, more accurate and more varied procedurally generated galaxy, while also being completely free.
probably in reference to this
truly magnificent
Valve can do that? Just like that?
If there's evidence that the devs are liars or it's a seriously horrible product then yes, it's happened before.
I want to say they did it as well for some DayZ clone or any Digital Homicide title.
Remember when refunds just started. You could get refunded on any game bought before refunds existed. They have kind of lax rules for special cases. As far as I know, they still have the clause of each refund being authorized in a case-by-case basis.
I'd say a shitty game like No Man's Playing where you have to spend more than 2 hours just to get the hang of the game, therefore making an educated decision on whether or not you want to keep the game, count as special cases for Valve
This is great. Show how much power you have when everyone unites towards the same thing.
I wonder if this will be the ATARI 2600 E.T. of our generation.
I'd like to see the refund policy appended to be closer to 5 hours. A lot of games really start out slow and, in the case of these sort of explore, harvest and upgrade games, need the extra time to actually begin getting anywhere.
You can gauge a game like EDF within 2 hours but something like NMS needs more since the likelihood is you'll have spent those first two hours just gathering shit to do your first thing. Some RPGs you'd be lucky to even play within that time span.
Early access titles also need a much, much higher timeframe, if one at all, to allow users to ideally help the dev out by playing and critiquing as well as requiring them to keep updating and fixing shit lest people refund.
In an ideal world, an X hour window to refund a game should be nothing more than a guideline with requests being on an individual basis.
omg you shits!!
the european law says you can return any product bought online in 14 days..
You also archive in case something gets edited or removed
really? I tried to refund Red Orchestra 2 which I bought when it first came out and barely played it since it had poor performance, but they refused. Guess I'll try again.
Which is a very real possibility on reddit.
No wonder this board is shit 98% of the time.
you know what I find the most shitty thing.. they save costs by not selling the game physically but you can't resell it.
think about it, you do not own the product, you just rent it..
Can stop reading there. There is a whole bunch of games and programs that procedurally generate galaxies.
Just from wikipedia
Been flaming the forums hard for the past few days. Boy oh boy, does this shit ever just add fuel to the fire.
Yup, I think they gave up on trying to censor anything bad about NMS though. It had too many people complaining
Is Kerbal any good?
Yes it is.
It's about space ship building, not about exploration though.
also, the egg raid is from No Man's Sky fanboys. THEY PISSED YO
I don't think Valve has ever been that strict about the two hour limit. Under two hours is just a guarantee of a refund but you've still got a good chance to get one otherwise.
It's not that hard, just attach balls to phallic objects and you're good to go.
So are the Nu male sky devs raiding us out of frustration?
1.000 viewers on steam
They were sued because they still refused to follow said law. It went on for years. Remember all the useful idiots defending Valve saying that it's not fair if you buy a game you should be stuck with it?
Since Steam's store is basically Newgrounds' Flash Portal v2.0, they can't really extend the official time. I imagine lots of games can be beaten in less than 5 hours, they would be risking it too much by permitting a bigger time frame.
Don't they have that clause there too? Although I think it is whatever you pass first. If you either have the game for more than 2 weeks or play more than 2 hours then you are fucked. I am not Yuropoor, so I wouldn't know if adding an extra clause to the 14 days rule would break the law. I guess if it were important Steam would have been under fire for it by now.
I remember I got refunded two of older items right when they started issuing refunds. One was a unfinished greenlit piece of shit game that had since abandoned development. I had it for, I think 2 months at least and played around 4 hours. I can't remember what was the other game, but I remember I also bought it before refunds were a thing
Isn't the dev one of those faggots that was for paid mods and is also a leftist worm?
Only if you have autism
I think so, or Holla Forums fucking retards again.
How long until Sonyggers beg for refunds?
We should start a petition just for keks.
What genre? "Do Nothing In Space"? Fanboys are so fucking delusional
Oh, this was on Holla Forums, too.
Yeah, Valve have been obeying this even before the Steam refund policy was a thing, but you had to cite that directly or they'd snake around it.
They state this in the Steam subscriber agreement. Its just an effective unlimited license to a game, not a sale.
Yeah, like I said it'd need to be an individual case thing or require some sort of means to know how much of a game has been played.
I think you can skirt the timelimit by playing games in offline mode anyway.
I think it was changed recently and does not apply to products that you activate online…
I don't know, technically steam can take away your product and it won't work due to DRM, so…. I don't see the problem
That's why I pirate games. At least on consoles you can resell the game.
damn dude thats fucking savage
It's the usual underage mouthbreathers that always fall for the hype campaign.
Still, makes me wonder what prompted Valve to do this with this particular game, it's not like this was the first time a game Ubisoft was delivered in an unfinished state and missing many of the promised features.
When it comes to video games only one thing matters.
Is game good?
If it is, play it, if it's not don't play it. Dev can be whoever and whatever.
Fallout 4 is a prime example. It's unbelievable how such handsome, smart and insightful man like Misted Todd managed to make such poor game that I didn't even bother to download. Do you think I should waste my time on a shitty game simple because leading developer is a paragon of masculinity and intelligence?
No it wasn't changed. Valve changed their TOS saying you are not buying the product but a license to use the product. See, just by changing words around you suddenly have no rights.
I think that's whoever the board owner of Holla Forums is, and Holla Forums gets spammed literally every day
Nah, go fuck yourself.
What is it then?
I hate to tell you this, but this was always the case with games.
In a world where you can pirate pretty much anything, yes, that is all that matters.
I think, in this case, the lies were particularly blatant. Entire portions of the game that Murray had promised simply did not exist. He out-Molyneux'd Peter Molyneux.
I think its more than that, he out Todd'd Tood Howard on top of that.
So, let's wait for the next hype bomb and see if they fall for it again?
who am I kidding, I know they will anyway
When is Star Citizen coming out again?
You never actually owned the game, you always bought the license to use it. Difference was they couldn't break into your home and take your copy away from you that easily back then.
Molyneux basically sold his dick in a box to people, and Sean somehow topped that.
Is he the new king of lies?
To be fair, it can't keep on working forever, simply because the market is reaching peak numbers. Fewer and fewer new suckers are joining each year, and no matter how dumb we think the nimrods are, even they can actually learn after the 5th time they get fucked over by a lying advertisement camping.
Never ever the way things are going.
But, seriously, I hope in the next year or two so the autistic jihad against Roberts can begin when all the furries realize they've wasted thousands of dollars on ship jpgs for a game that is dead on arrival.
When we're all in space living inside monstrous McDonalds and Coca-Cola funded colonies.
Going along with this, I'd like to point out that pics related are still being used to represent the game on steam, alongside the old trailers at E3.
It's okay, let the kids who heard about 9/11 from history class pretend they're fighting the system and making a difference.
oh my GOD
holy SHIT
I feel like to be the king of lies you have to do it repeatedly and get away with it. Sean just lied about pretty much everything and I'm pretty sure this will be the last we have seen of him.
There gotta be at least one planet that can correspond to each of those pics right?
The War Z
If there is, no one would ever find them.
Which, since it's scandal, is supposedly much better maintained, developed and less bug ridden than DayZ. That's just what I've read from various forums, I don't play any of those fucking games so i don't really know shit.
>rabid sockpuppet accounts fans fervently defend it
This shit just keeps getting funnier.
We can only hope, though I doubt the parasite will just slither away.
Maybe there will be justice for once and he'll be stuck making mobile trash for the rest of his career.
Thats the one I'm thinking of.
Even if there is, would you be able to do anything on it?
Removes the limit, as in…?
Does this mean, it only had 2 hours refund limit to it?
What limit does it have now, or does this mean it can't be refunded?
Pls enlighten me
are you a literal retard?
any game in steam can be refunded if you played it less than 2 hours or had it less than 2 weeks, whichever happens first voids your rights to ask for a refund. Not in NMS' case
I imagine it's on a case-by-case basis, I'd say anything under 20 hours is probably going to be ok, 15 hours would most likely be golden. They're still going to filter fags who have 50 hours in the game trying to get a refund after they beat the thing.
You guys might want to keep your eyes on these numbers, Steamspy updates for refunds, they might go down significantly in the next few days
Imagine all the salty tears all the faggots that kept saying "it gets good after the first 20 hours" are gonna shed.
And with the fact they now need to give Steam their 30% cut on top of returning all the money to the people that bought the game Hello Games are basically done.
I just didn't know the policy behind steam's refunds, and my english is broken enough for me to get dazed by words I rarely use.
Now I understand, so t-thanks I guess
sorry bro
In the EU you have the right to return these purchases within 14 days for a full refund. You can do so for any reason – even if you simply changed your mind.
The 14-day "cooling off" period does not apply, among others, to:
The EU really is a fucking shithole.
Notable exception to thisis Germany, where the limitation to online purchases(and most of the other stuff) does not apply and you can return EVERYTHING.
Except all them "refugees".
Then there is Dwarf Fortress which can procedurally generate ecosystems in a satisfactory manner whi9ch put's NMS and it's "ecosystems" to shame.
So they fixed the webm interface but now half of them have fucked thumbnails? Blegh
fags here are basically just a cow herd we can push around for our amusement
So in other words you can't click this shit anymore now, huh.
Poor guy. Good thing Reddit and libfags have made me dislike cats but still. I hate tall buildings like that and those railings are really too unsafe.
Even the 2nd story ones at the mall make me uneasy.
Cheer up user, the chink were probably going to eat him after they rescued him…
…I mean, they're going to eat him nonetheless, but now he doesn't have to suffer.
I don't see how they could not have just reach over to the cat while another holds the guy reaching for the cat.
Fuck space, we have meme magic.
You mean the guy using a broom? If you notice it immediately collapsed from the cat's weight. The best solution would have been to make a solid support for the cat to rebound off of.
It would've survived that fall though if it didn't hit it's head first.
The 2 hour limit is only for automatically refunding no matter what. You can still go over it but I think they have to manually approve it. If you have a good reason they'll probably accept it, and false advertising or a broken game are good reasons.
They could of got a sheet and had a few guys hold it below then just nudge the cat off the ledge, would fall into the sheet and slide into the lower lvl floor. Like in movies with guys falling into and sliding down big flags.
Not sure what you might think of RLM or Pre-Rec but they had a good theory about this game.
That it was probably done to be a tech demo of the planet generation engine but nobody bought it so they slapped it together into a full game and shit just got way out of hand.
RIP Sean
It's a marketing scheme by Subnautica's developer team.
post yfw the goyim actually buy into the hype
Steam didn't change shit. Refunds were always possible past the 2h/2weeks terms limits which were there for automation purposes. If you make a ticket, they can review it on a case by case basis and refund it for you. They're just trying to game this and advertise other games (the reddit OP used as a "source" actually makes a plug for another game.)
Could literally anyone other than Jack be the co host, he has the worst fucking opinions
I don't have an image smug enough for this.
You might have not bought into the Nu Male Sky hype bullshit,
but you bought into Subnautica and Empyrion - Galactic Survival's viral marketing scheme like all the other plebs on reddit.
So is this the turning point for "normalfags"? Has this woken them up on lies and bullshit from game companies?
Will they now start to be more cautious and demand more?
More importantly, will this have broken the indie dev spell? Will people realize that even these hipster indie developers are more than happy to lie and cheat to get money. Will people now expect them to actually produce a fucking game!? Is the "walking simulator" now illegitimate as a genre?
I don't mind Jack. He's more of a "normalfag" compared to Rich and that is needed. You need that opposing voice but even he isn't as fucking retarded as the faggots who suck game developer dick.
He seems to be willing to be more forgiving but he will and HAS called games and game developers on their bullshit on many different times.
Im glad this game came out like it did, there needs to be something to teach the young and naive not to trust hype or or constant "promises" from devs. With any luck this will have taught some of the retards to not pre-order too.
But Subnautica was actually a good game, and I got it on sale for like 10$.
I don't know what hype there even is to buy into about it.
Oh my
Well, not like the US has any better laws regarding this matter.
How about this one fellow humble tailor?
Either that.
Or they manage to convince themselves that even if they take a nosedive deep into the biggest pile of shit imaginable they can demand a refund from steam and get away unscathed.
Fuck. there were already way too many timesd in the past 10 or so years where everybody with an ounce of intelligence should have noticed never to preorder, yet they keep on doing it anyway.
Why did he evolve to have a vagina face?
what's wrong with subnautica? i really like it
So they can be even bigger smug cunts when they're right which is almost always
I have no respect for Jack after that episode on firewatch and then the one on dragon's dogma. He's way too grounded on muh feelins.
17.000 x 60$=1.020.000$
Steam takes 30% of all of that.
Hello Games lost 70% of that.
70% of 1.020.000$ = 714.000$
Thank god that's all over with.
Is that Boku no Hero?
Yes, it is.
user no one here knows who you are, you can tell us you bought that piece of shit
Real talk
Is star trek worth watching?
Is sean going to commit sudoku?
god damn i kinda hope so
If I was a dumb enough shit to buy it I would let you know.
He generally has good taste, his problem is that after he buys something shit he just tries to mod it and tweak all the shit he can instead of admitting it's just a shitty game. To be fair, occasionally this works out in his favor.
Alright blog post over fuck off
Well, preorders became such a curious thing.
It started out as a means to make sure you could secure a game. Back before digital download was really an option (especially for consolefags). I have, several times, ran into problems where the local stores were just out of a new and popular game for a week or so.
Then game stores became more common, stores like Walmart and Best Buy expanded their gaming sections. (I just got a bit of a nostalgic pain for a time when my local Best Buy had a fuck-huge anime section and a great computer AND console games section.)
So now they had to offer special little things with pre-orders. Why? Why not just stop the practice? because Pre-orders are a security blanket for the retail outlet all the way up to the developer. It is money in the pocket before any word of mouth can come ruin the sales of a game.
Then more retarded shit started happening. Like pre-order bonuses that were different for each store.
I will say one thing, though. I have noticed in a general sense that people just don't pre-order like they used to. Most really don't bother unless its a game they had decided they were already going to get anyway and even then they don't bother with a pre-order unless it comes with something extra.
Shit, I know plenty of people who will look at a game that is going to have a bunch of DLC and pre-order garbage with it and will wait the 6 months or so to buy the edition of the game that is released with all that crap in it already.
In all honesty, I think that's what happened with Street Fighter V. Its not that people weren't interested in it, they just weren't interested in a new version of the game coming out every other year so they're waiting.
But Capcom is really shitting the bed on that one.
Who's this semen demon?
I was never even tempted to buy it.
What is the source of that Qt from 1 to 3?
Yes. TOS and a significant chunk of TNG is good, but everyone here likes DS9 because of space Jews and Sisko. You might hate it because it was created by a Jew who self-admittedly was pushing an agenda, which is extremely evident in TOS, but the characters are defined by their personalities and not by whether they suck cocks or are niggers.
It has its moments of accidental truth, like the one with the feminist planet where you get brainwashed into a neutrum if they discover you feel like a man or a woman. Watch a few standalone episodes of each show to see if it's your cup of tea or not. I'd say DS9 is definitely worth watching, the others are a matter of taste.
Bridge Commmander and Klingon Academy are excellent games.
Klingon Academy:
Don't have a source for Bridge Commander at hand but it's well worth hunting down.
lmao they actually killed the cat
don't they know cats are very agile, it could have left there on its own if it wanted to
but they had to push the poor thing off to its death
Some one bought nu male's sky.
So what happen when you go to the center of the last galaxy?
it puts you back in the planet you started
So it's kind of an infinite loop?
The 255th galaxy is the last galaxy and even then it just loops, it doesnt even get a new name at that point.
Reddit wakes up.
Everything outside 8ch is total shit with no exception
that's pretty fucking edgy
Given that I could never get off my first bloody planet due to the game running at a sub-zero frame rate (albeit hyperbolic as a "sub-zero" statement, it literally would just stay frozen on the screen), I guess it would hypothetically be cool to go back to the planet where I knew the entire fucking language.
Look at the top comments. There are some sparks of hope there, especially given that they're at the top, which means it's popular opinion.
I guess even normalfags can't swallow this. I'm going to check out NeoGAF and post my findings, but the game's a laughing stock on Reddit.
makes you wonder if those communities just aren't constantly silenced and directed in opinion by modfags with an agenda.
I bought Running With Rifles instead.
I bought it for the multiplayer, I care not for steam faggotry
On reddit, a lot of boards are. There also "famous" posters like there was one guy who made a watercolour painting of the topic at hand but there were also faggots who got famous because they used other accounts to upvote themselves and downvote opposition. There was a shitstorm a while ago about it. Reddit is just 110% cancer and corruption
No. They'll keep doing the same shit and buying into the same shitty hype over and over again.
This won't change shit. But I am glad that people aren't shoveling at least this case of garbage into their mouth and praising it as the best garbage they've ever tasted.
I don't even have something smug and confused at the same time.
The most mindblowing thing about this game is its near universal dislike even from the faggiest of places. An incredible feat only the genius of Sean Murray could have accomplished. Truly amazing.
How much of a faggot can you be
There are some good, more obscure chans out there.
t. 420chan 7chan 76chan
Run by an SJW also friends with moot
I miss /sp/
I think it's the first time in the history of games the number of owners will actually go down.
Fucking normalfags will probably be too lazy to refund anyways.
There's also endchan, which is pretty much dead from what I can see. Josh made a new chan called 16chan using InfinityNext I think.
Try this one.
I'm okay with the fact that you think those are obscure but they are definitely not good.
t. lainchan
Isn't Lainchan filled with like the gayest shit?
Lainchan is a leftist shithole, that place is pretty much what would happen if Holla Forums had an entire chan for themselves, everyone on there is an edgy anarchist/commie and they ban you for the smallest little shit.
Josh killed 16chan, also endchan is run by drybones and he's collecting IPs just like 4chan
Wait, never mind. Josh shut down 16chan.
t. Afrochan
Which is now literally dead because Josh can't even competently run a small imageboard.
Well tbh Holla Forums costs 7,000 dollars to run
That place is defenitely obscure, I've seen it only been mentioned on here once but still…an entire chan dedicated to the fact that the users are niggers, that does not fall into the category of "good" just like every other "society" inhabited by niggers.
The best thing to get a cat to jump onto is not a hairy, weird predator looking thing. Who would have thought?
Holla Forums is a lot more popular and has been getting an influx of shitposters because of CNN and Time Magazine.
To be fair, we don't even know what's running on the back side of 8ch anymore. I don't trust Jim remotely as much as I did Hotwheels.
we wuz hakaz an shieet
But I'm not racist or something
To the No Man's Sky Haters…
Yes, you. The one screaming, "There's no multiplayer!" and "Sean Murray lied to us!" and other slurs I dare not mention.
Tread lightly.
You are one. We are hundreds, thousands. Millions. You aren't just IN the minority; you ARE the minority.
I don't feel awkward or anxious playing No Man's Sky around others, and your words don't affect me. Many others, however, are coming out of their shells for the first time in their lives. This is the first time many are enjoying the beautiful world that has been procedurally generated for us - and it IS beautiful. Incredibly so. DON'T ruin this for them. We No Man's Sky fans may have our differences, but we will not hesitate to come to the aid of our fellow explorers, especially against someone who so virulently slurs that which has brought us all together.
Don't take this the wrong way. I don't hate you. I don't fear you.
I pity you.
I'm sorry that you feel this way towards us. I'm sorry that No Man's Sky is such a bane to your existence. And I'm sorry that you are missing out on such a wonderful experience. Mostly, though, I'm sorry that you feel the need to go around and publicly chastise and berate others. I'm sorry that, to ensure your own validity, you need to make others feel invalid. I'm sorry that your self-worth is so infinitesimally miniscule that you have to make others feel less-than-human, at least in your own denatured mind, just to feel whole. I am truly sorry that day-in and day-out you have to put up with your worthless, meaningless, Shakespearean tragedy of a life.
I ask you politely to cease your unnecessary cries for attention, and instead invite you to join our ranks. Uninstall Call of Duty, start up No Man's Sky, and breathe in the splendour and the amazement of your first planet, and then, maybe, just maybe, you'll see what you've been so hopelessly searching for this whole time.
t. KC
I suggest you get of this board fam
We ain't leaving bait pasta poster
Sounds like digg days but worse. This is why I'll never use shitty upboat downboat websites, pure fucking cancer.
Saved for future copypasting.
It's an existing pasta from Reddit. Google it.
Why does being filthy rich get you free shit? Do they hope to become business associates? Is it publicity?
Nobody cares
I know damn well it's a pasta, but it's new to me, fool.
The only free shit you'll ever get is stuff you don't need at all.
Same goes for the rich.
You pretty much guessed it. They hope to benefit, materially or immaterially, from being associated with him, whether on a business level or not.
eternally cucked
I don't know where these begin or end
Mmmm to the painful public and slow death of Hello Games over the next 3 years. They made some money, lost most and will never get funding again. Eventually the cash will run dry and they will close their doors.
Are you talking about the pictures or the game?
You're doin it wrong.
With physical media at least you actually "own" it.
But yea consoles are pretty shit compared to PC.
More than one of those games is a failure, user
you failed
Millennials need to leave
here's a new batch
I like the text ones more tbh
Based Valve, honestly the best game service.
you do have to admit, this guy got so sick of No Mans Sky that he sold his entire ps4 + games + tv + headset
thats how depressing that game must have been,
imagine the psychological torture that guy had to go through - to push him to this brink
new, uneventful
He obviously had shit taste to begin with. GTA IV and Killzone are the only games he had I would even bother playing
I'd call this regret edition but that'd just be redundant
pirated it played for four days straight got bored after fully upgraded ship suit tool.
then learned of the gek transmission thing then restarted ended up in gek system got fully upgraded in a afternoon and got bored again.
there is literally no reason to play after getting fully upgraded, space battles are pretty weak if you have plenty of iron since its on every fucking planet. getting to the center just takes longer then going to the atlas 10 times. besides 100% each races words to only hear the same exact thing every other time its really barebones
90% of the games he bought were prob. because of the hype
agreed,prob. some pleb gamer
No user, you were the retard all along.
Ps4 No mans Sky. This game is hard to come by. The years most sought after pre-order. Price is FIRM. IF ITS POSTED ITS AVAILABLE. I'll respond quickly.
Intergalactic game in first person. Travel to unexplored worlds. This game promises to be never ending. Something like a billion or more creatures that are unique. Fly and upgrade your ship and equipment.
My gf and I both have 1. So I'm selling mine.
Is he okay?
I bet there are assholes out there who call these poor souls up and pretend they want to buy the 'space game' for full price
all these latest ones are from Houston, by the way
There aren't that many in my area, but almost every single one of them mentions that they didn't enjoy it.
The game is so bad he stopped playing video games.
If you owned the game, you would be allowed to copy it as many times as you wished.
I bet some people bought this for that multiplayer they were promised, spent more than two hours of playtime trying to find people, and realized they got cheated.
The extension to refunding constraints is an appropriate response to a scam.
Lmfao are you me? I have fucking hundreds of support tickets to websites of me bitching and getting my way. None of them have my info censored though
Am I supposed to find this funny?
Man, I'm surprised the positive review percentage is going down still. Wasn't it above 60% at some point? The last time before now I checked it was at 53%, now it's at
46% positive reviews
Not even shill army and rigging could save that score.
Yeah when I checked it was almost mostly positive so it went way down since release.
Play Starfleet Command games first. If you don't like them, don't bother with any TV series.