Introduction to Race and Ethnicity

So I am starting this fall semester in the next week, and one of my MANDATORY classes is on Race and Ethnicity. My professor has given out the sylibus along with the required textbooks. I've looked into the material and it seems like neo Marxist propaganda and a load of white guilt. Now being a huwhite male in Commiefornia I know most of this material will be directed towards me. Not going to punk out and drop the class, but I am not going to sit there and have some cunt try to place original sin on me because of my heritage. Any advice on how I can fuck with this professor? Not looking to get an F or expelled from the school, but I have to be ready. Any creative thoughts?

Other urls found in this thread:

Do your best to write in an educated way and be sure to back up your sources heavily with proper material on all of her papers, and when she hits you with an F because her feelings got hurt be sure to take it to the courts with a lawyer not a (((lawyer))) and enjoy being able to live comfortably forever more whilst also making a huge shitstorm that should very well end with you on top and open more eyes.

At the appropriate times, pretend to be naive and ask questions about racial differences that will force the professor to give obvious, disappointing non-answers. This may get some of your brain-dead classmates to actually start thinking.


Fuck your boring life, kid and your slide thread


hol up

Make sure you record your interactions with the professor - if you bring facts then they'll overreact and claim you created a disturbance. Try to remain calm.

Defend the white race, but don't attack any other race. Tread very carefully, but defend our honor.

whenever you are addressed by anything other than macro/general:Caucasian or micro/specific:American.

Color identities intend to strip people of their cultural heritage and ancestry; "black", "brown", and "white" are acts of violence.

And always refer to them as instructor.

Not if you want to pass. The course is designed specifically to weed out people with the wrong opinions - people like you. You're going to have to choose between your marks and your integrity.

By addressing these subjects
Why does forensic science acknowledge race?

Of course, they'll tiptoe around it thanks to the PC leftist creationists like here

>A New DNA Test Can ID a Suspect's Race, But Police Won't Touch It

Frudakis' test is called DNAWitness. It examines DNA from 176 locations along the genome. Particular sequences at these points are found primarily in people of African heritage, others mainly in people of Indo-European, Native American, or South Asian descent. No one sequence can perfectly identify a person's origin. But by looking at scores of markers, Frudakis says he can predict ancestry with a tiny margin of error.

"Once we start talking about predicting racial background from genetics, it's not much of a leap to talking about how people perform based on their DNA — why they committed that rape or stole that car or scored higher on that IQ test," says Troy Duster, former president of the American Sociological Association.

"This is analyzing data derived from a crime scene," Frudakis counters. "It's just a way for police to narrow down their suspect lists." But his position, rational as it may be, is no match for the emotions that surface with any pairing of race and crime.

Tony Clayton, a black man and a prosecutor who tried one of the Baton Rouge murder cases, concedes the benefits of the test: "Had it not been for Frudakis, we would still be looking for the white guy in the white pickup." Nevertheless, Clayton says he dislikes anything that implies we don't all "bleed the same blood." He adds, "If I could push a button and make this technology disappear, I would."

Why does medical science acknowledge race?

The FDA have approved a heart failure drug called Bidil, but only for blacks, as blacks do not benefit from conventional heart failure drugs.

Why does Affirmative Action acknowledge race?

Race is real, you can't fight it. Only leftist lunatics that currently are suppressing and holding back science do. An example is this

I just learned that a Chinese American researcher, Bruce Lahn, discovered an allele which increases brain size. His research quickly came under a lot of criticism, since they found out that this allele is present only in Eurasian people, i.e. not in blacks. He was forced to leave his field of study and focus on other subjects instead.

How can we allow this? Political correctness gets in the way of hard, provable and testable science. We can prove that there are significant racial differences, but we are not allowed to do so. What are we going to do about it?

Here is a source to one of Lahns papers about the subject, unfortunately behind a paywall:
Here is a video I found out about it:

Here's a great redpill on race
Do human Races Exist - with Professor Henry Harpending

'Program from Norwegian TV: Brainwash
'Both race deniers and race believers are interviewed and their views are matched against one another''
Subjects covered: Reality of Race, Racial IQ Differences

Brainwash 6:7 - Race (part 1/3)

I took one of these classes. It was ok. Now, more recently I had a mandatory Diversity Training for my work. The guy actually said some things that are White Nationalist positions, like being able to be proud of who you are and where you came from and being able to talk about things without immediately being shut down as a "racist". He rambled on and on about "Food Deserts" and how poor niggers don't have a Whole Foods in their 'hood but he didn't say reasons why.

Anyway, I held back from going full 1488 during the thing, but a black woman openly said "I hate niggers" and essentially did the niggers vs blacks Chris Rock sketch.

I suggest the socratic method. Never make assertions, only ask questions.

There is nothing wrong with lying to your enemies so you can gain power over them and destroy them. Your integrity comes second to your survival.

You are paying them to take this class, user. Let that sink in. You are feeding the kike of your own will.

and you were like "yeah right? totally, me too!" and gave her a high five!

OP also, see this thread!
Further, read Masters of Deceit by J Edgar Hoover.


I sat and watched niggers talk about how much they hated other niggers and it was great. I didn't have to do anything.

Get a good audio recorder (not just a phone app) keep it concealed and on at all times. Back up the audio daily to your pc.

In two generations nobody would belive the amount of dogma we have now about race/sexuality. Prove them wrong.


OP saging this thread for your faggotry
go read a genetics textbook and fuck off trying to redpill people (least of all the professor) who are underslept and overworked

Where the get!?