Get in here. Trump's speech laying out his tax reform platform is about to begin soon. Enjoy
Trump Tax Reform Speech Thread
a man can dream
Thanks for fitgirl
Based Governor Hotwheels
there would be ultrasonic oyyveing if he did that.
How does Holla Forums feel about the following:
Or you know what, what kind of taxes do we want in the ethnostate?
Tariffs and corporate spending taxes. Boom, done.
I really like the high energy in this thread
Only on actual "income" which is profit; wages are not profit and not taxable (all of your living expenses should be deductible)
Flat as in fixed rate with no deductions, yes, and only on actual income, which means most people would pay nothing, only the very very rich would
No, families forming wealth to hand down should be encouraged
Yes, and punish corporate inversions/offshoring profit and tax evaders, corporations are creatures of the state and should actually pay much heavier taxes than currently
Overall, reduce taxes across the board, stop the evasion by the actual wealthy/corporations, and stop the transfer payments from working whites's taxes to niggers and other welfare muds
Forgot to add, the majority of federal taxes can be replaced by tariffs, as was the case in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Goal set: lower business tax rate to 15%
In the end less money to ZOG is good though
Lower business tax increases competitiveness with foreign companies, and also gives the bureaucrats less money, which is always good.
Trump reminds me of my dad.
The ZOG-affiliated companies don't pay the corporate tax rate. They (((invert))) to some tax haven. Lowering it benefits small and medium sized corps.
Trump isn't going to save us, we have to save ourselves. His failure to deliver any change will be the spark that lights the fire.
Trump also said he wanted to make it harder to put money in tax havens and easier to bring it back to the US.
In a way Trump will end up being instrumental, just now how he had perhaps hoped. He has made honest efforts to deliver on his promises but everyone else in the entire political system and the press has done everything they can to stop him.
Trump has proven the system is unworkable and has to be totally replaced. What Americans choose to do with that information is up to them.
Yea I like it, just "meh" because the more nationalist Trump supporters are going to bitch
What a load of horse shit. Where are my hip waders. Will this FAT ASS accomplish anything of fire another ten Jews for feels???
Why not reform how taxes are spent while you are at it? Let the American people have a voice in what you spend our fucking taxes on, like Israel and playing world police for ZOG.
I'm at work. How was it?
The problem is there's no real party to oppose the jews directly.
necessary for decades, can be reduced later. Low for low-income citizens, higher for high-income. Presumably a 15% to 35% range, numbers adjusted as needed
Possibly necessary, definitely not preferable. Not every businessman or investor that would provide needed lifeblood to an economy would feel a need to run to an ethnostate unless conditions outside it are absolutely unbearable, which I don't count likely. Even rich whites still run much of the economy of South Africa. Allowing capital to benefit descendants is a deal breaker for some that would otherwise ignore a secessionist state.
Same logic applies, needs to be low to attract investment. Probably around 10-20%
As much as some libertarian-leaning people (southern nationalists, minarchists, etc.) love government non-intervention, the fact is a white ethnostate would have the guns of the entire world pointed at it. Major military would be absolutely necessary, or a revolutionary state would be destroyed by outside forces (paris commune). You don't get every man armed with adequate equipment for 21st century warfare without a major tax base, so harsh realities would frankly dash the hopes of any Hoppean. Israel only survives due to the massive support of the USA, imagine a state as hated even more than them and without major backing of a first world power. I don't see an ethnostate forming without massive conflict. Either the USA is still strong enough to repeat the civil war and reconstruct whites out of existence, or the USA collapses and China (or even the EU in a bizarre twist) invades the mainland for resources under the guise of "Fighting Racism".
Either this potential ethnostate collects a shit-ton of taxes to fund a conventional war and chases away the capital it would desperately need (probably fails), or it fights a guerilla war afghanistan-style for decades, and never truly shakes of the influence of a foreign power. Natsoc is probably the only way to go then. Sacrifice capital injections, appeal to whites on a racial basis to attract as many as possible and centralize control of the state and its military to a level where personal liberty barely exists. Very high taxes on most fronts.
In case you guys haven't really thought about it, ethnic separatism in this grandiose sense (secessionist white homeland) is going to demand a lot. People are going to die, and i mean our people. It'll be hell for a looonnnnggg fucking time, and the material conditions of whatever situation we find ourselves in are going to dictate terms of policy as much as we'd like the opposite to be true
Trump is consolidating power right now, remember he's following Uncle Adolf's plan to the T. He didn't do anything significant in the first 2 years until he was able to shore up the support to become Fuhrer.
I wonder if Trump is also instigating a Reichstag Fire incident?
I'm just paraphrasing what hes saying.
I think he had been saving the Tax Reform and Infrastructure bills to try and get more support when he needs a boost… remember the SCOTUS is going to be back in session and rule on the legality of Trump being able to stonewall immigrants from coming into the US. You know (((they))) will deem it unconstitutional if they think they can get away with it.
Sounds good overall. Ann Coulter was bitching the entire time though