What is the watchmen of video games?

What is the watchmen of video games?


I don't remember the masked rapist

so a quality satire on capeshit that was later turned into a show?

Still no open world Comedian stealth game

are you high

Kill yourself



Are we talking about the retrospective tongue-in-cheek comic or the Hack Snyder grimdark capeshit movie?

The comic. Always the comic. Never the movie.

The differences between comic and director's cut or whatever 4 hrs version was called are minimal. Only major ones are fake threat being blue dude instead of giant squid and costume designs.

What are we basing this one? Content or legacy? Because if it's the latter, I feel Silent Hill would be a good contender.

It's been a while since I read it and not sure if this Holla Forums bait, but I was wondering whether the masked rapist (who also happens to be most MURRICA of them all down to the jaded veteran stereotype) was written ironically or not.

I'd say NieR comes close in terms of what Watchmen set out to do

Spec Ops

How in the fuck did you come out of reading the comic thinking the Comedian could ever into stealth?

I'd imagine he's about the noisiest motherfucker you would ever encounter, and he would like it that way.

Yeah except that's bullshit. The comic made fun of the ridicolousness of caped vigilantes in a realistic setting.
It all cumulated in the equally silly ending that lampshades again just how utterly ridicolous it all is.

Hack Snyder of course didn't get that so the action scenes are plaid out completely serious and the ending changed into standard capeshit.

It's alluded that he killed JFK and did a lot of black ops for Nixon so that's kind of stealthy i guess.

How so?


what if i dont want to watch men?

Metal Gear Solid. Especially 3.

They aren't? Movie lacks a lot of flavour text and world building from comic's text-only appendances, but otherwise mood is pretty much the same except 80s aesthetics are shifted to 00s.
Maybe you're thinking that original is more silly than it is or movie is more serious than it is, but if read/watch other capeshit from each corresponding era then you'll appreciate the balance of parody and seriousness in both, which is maintained pretty accurately in film.


?¿?¿?What is Splinter Cell¿?¿?¿

A new Michael Ironside 3D needs to have a dammit fisher side to gameplay where whoops isn't mission over or failure.

Double Agent had this in the form of trust. Loose trust if people have something besides their sexlife to talk about.

He's not talking about him


The more I think about it, the more it's true.

They have to, to run from the police. Although, lately, they lost that ability, apparently.

Listen here you little shit.


Spec-Ops the line probably.

Like the Watchmen, Silent Hill tried to do something unique with the medium. The Watchmen was an experiment exploring the possibilities of comic storytelling. Silent Hill, especially 2, was an experiment to redefine what survival horror is through the use of story and visuals. Both are critically lauded as excellent works, however, their legacies have been nothing but poor apings of their most surface elements.

DC doesn't understand what the Watchmen is about. Konami doesn't understand what Silent Hill is about.

This video will help Holla Forumsirgins understand what I'm talking about.

Stopped reading there



Silent Hill 2 did try something different with the formula and that must be acknowledged. It did something different so well that every faggot apes it without acknowledging that IT'S A FUCKING HORROR GAME. It's not the depth of the story that's important, but how it works with the whole. What would James story matter if he wasn't going through finely crafted disturbing events to reach his conclusion?I think the modern Silent Hill games answer that question pretty well.

Same goes for the Watchmen. Everyone copies it's "depth" and "mature themes" without realizing that they only work as parts of the whole. They're just spice for the overall intention.

I'm Silent Hill 3 man myself, but using that game isn't a good example for the bastardization of legacy, unless you go into the HD collection or how the western teams completely miss the objective of the series, but the constant imitations of SH 2 is a better demonstration of that.

I felt SH3 was a lot more creative with the symbolism, art direction and spooky shit going on.

SH2 has a way better story but SH3 uses its lore better in conjunction with the gameplay.

Silent Hill 2 started the trend of AMNESIA, AMNESIA, AMNESIA, MUH INNER DEMONS, AMNESIA that defined the rest of the series.

GoW series fits the description

To be fair, that was Konami's fault, not Team Silent's fault. Team Silent did different things with SH3 and SH4. Konami was the one who endlessly ripped off SH2 and encouraged others to do so as well.

A reasonably well written comic book that focuses on conspiracies and villains, that also works very well as a comic book.
So a reasonably well written game preferably with conspiracies plot and reasonable villains, that also have good gameplay.

All I could think of, I haven't played half of them so I won't to try even more.

Well white men certainly can't jump. They don't have to - they own the team

you are a nigger

What the fuck?

Overrated "mature" game made for critics that ain't that good and the philosophy behind it doesn't make sense?
Yeah, I agree.

Moore a shit. What a fucking retard.

Also both are meant to be a deconstruction of their genre.

While on a mission to find sandinista guerillas or such, he looked out of an airplane window and saw an island. So, he stealthily sneaked around and found out what was happening there. You know what's funny? He should never have looked out out of that window.

Metal Gear solid.
It knows that it's a videogame and uses that fact to tell a story only a videogame could tell.

Jumping is a Mexican sport.

Citizen Kane

uh, Doom maybe?