Other urls found in this thread:
Speaking of which, just recently Aso had to cuck out on that comment, taking it back. Still based though.
Remember japan also closed down their SJW brainwashing
My favorite Axis member after Yugoslavia!
Every time I see that guy's photo, it always looks like his cranium is unnaturally swollen and about to explode
Mate your pic related states he cucked immediately afterwards, brave words spoken with a cowards spine serves us nothing. It's remarkable that people still humiliate themselves and apologize for speaking their minds
You have to show the Nips some respect. GIF related.
That's just the eternal Rage of the Samurai ready to burst out of his mortal cranium
Japan had gooks and chinks so they understand the jewish menace
Remember, next time without Italy.
The man flew a glider to the top of the mountain to get Mussolini. The most dangerous man on earth was his name
Looks like he was a big guy
God bless Taro Aso
Also, this:
He should've stood by his words
He wrote about the raid in his journal. Here is some copypasta
… I immediately shouted, "Steep approach! Land as close
behind the hotel as possible!" The other seven gliders flying
behind me would surely do the same. Radl, who reported
our maneuver to the pilot of machine number four, later
admitted to me that he thought I had gone mad. In spite
of the braking parachutes, our machine landed much too
fast. It bounced several times and there was a frightful din,
but finally it came to a stop about 1 5 meters from the cor-
ner of the hotel. The glider was almost completely de-
stroyed. From then on everything happened very quickly.
Weapon in hand, I ran as quickly as I could toward the
hotel. My seven Waffen-SS comrades and Leutnant Meier
followed. An astonished sentry just stared at us. To my right
there was a door: I forced my way in. A radio operator was
at work in front of his set. I kicked the stool out from under
him and the radio operator fell to the floor. A blow from my
submachine-gun destroyed the radio set. Later, I learned
that at that very moment the man was supposed to send
a report to General Cueli that aircraft were approaching
to land. The room had no other doors, and so we dashed
along the back side of the hotel looking for an entrance:
but there was none, just a terrace at the end of the wall. I
climbed on to the shoulders of Scharfuhrer Himmel. I moved
up and found myself standing at the front of the hotel . I ran
on and suddenly caught sight of Mussolini's striking profile
in a window frame …
I bet this brainlet can't even use telepathy
The Jews fear the Samurai.
Weaponized Telepathy
If Japan was a 99% Jomon blooded nation, they truly would be the Aryans of the East (or Anglos at the very least). Too bad gooks fucked with their population and made the country a Yayoi majority and fetish fuel for poor yellow fever having degenerates like me.
This is amazing. Reminder to not fall for D&C against us allying with the japs against the jews. Whites and Asians are likely the only races smart enough to see through jew tricks.
There is a fair amount of danger in regards to a conflict of opinions on racemixing with the "honorary" aryans. Some people feel being honorary makes them actually Aryan. Others feel its merely a title, and obviously we should not mix blood.
Is the problem having an interracial relationship or having an interracial child? Because I don't plan on spreading the kebab half of my blood regardless so I'm not worried about the latter.
Is the problem with having an interracial relationship or having an interracial child - with blacks? Its the same thing, if you ask me, despite Japanese obviously not being the same as blacks, they also obviously arent the same as us, have a different culture, and are closer to Chinese in how they lack empathy. Japanese should be our allies, in their own territory. They were supposed to set up a new order for their half of the map, and Germany was supposed to set up their own order in their occupied territories. As in, no Jews, and giving power back to the individual countries so they could run themselves at an appropriate date. They didnt want world domination, anyways, but they didnt want countries like France and Britain becoming hostile Jew controlled puppets anymore either.
I dont want to D&C Japanese as allies, they are good allies, but they arent Aryan by blood.
Has to be specifically the Japanese. The chinks are just yellow kikes, and the rest of the gooks and slants are mongrelized jungle dwelling shit flingers.
the problem is both
while that is true, every country should be allied with the world in their own territory
A world free of Jews, where all nations compete with each other for fun. All striving to be the very best they can be. Learning from, trading with, helping out but never miscegenating.
Italians just had poor leadership thanks to an entrenched royalty (Mussolini should have removed them) and was not as industrialized as either nation despite this they did pretty well against the British which is usually wall papered over by British propaganda.
If he didn't apologize his career would've been destroyed (or worse)
Mongolians and Thais are also anti kike. Probably Manchurians as well if they hadn't been all but genocided by the chinks.
Why can't india use toilets or exercise proper hygiene?
always remember;
anime is not an artform
Anime is the ultimate artform.
Hes an impressive warrior.
Artform or not, it should be fucking real by now. I blame Paul Ryan and John McCain's tumor for anime not being real yet.
I don't think it's fair to compare nips to niggers. A nip is at least a human being where a nigger is just an ape that can talk. I'm also not some weaboo or happa just looking to justify my fetishes etc. the japs are actually intelligent and do have a rich history this can not be said for the negro. I do acknowledge that we are different races but without having the DNA results in front of me I'm sure we are still much closer to nips than we are to niggers. (And no I don't think it's ok to have kids with them).
he's a big guy
Mongolians I can believe but I have my doubts about Thais. Either way I still recommend exercising caution in trusting any type of asian.
This is always a correct post.
Thai's don't like kikes when they shit up their hotels and pools, Mongolians don't like kikes because they lived under bolshevik rule.
It is an artform, not by virtue of its style, but only through the context it creates with story. Where fine art glimpses into true beauty, the inspiration and drive behind man's higher actions and decisions, with just a single image; anime can only create beauty through it's story, which kind of reflects back on the shitty art-style, giving fans a sort of rose-colored glasses effect making it resemble art to them. For the most part, anime is only effective as escapism rather than inspiration, so it's fair to say it makes for shitty art. (This said, Western media is so pozzed that anime is the best we got in many cases.)
ZH is basically a Holla Forumsack outpost at this point.
fuck off goon
God bless those autistic rice niggers.
Indian bantz are at about the same level as their space program I see.
On that note, how exactly did the nips come about? Are they the fusion of Aryan (jomon) and chink (yayoi) like many suspect, or are they simply the best race east asia has produced?
Practical armour on a woman makes no sense because a woman lacks the physical strength for combat to begin with.
If you have females in combat realism already went out the window.
My point was they arent white, and if you mix with one, your kid wont be either. Regardless of Japanese being superior to blacks, and honorary aryans, their blood is not aryan.To be clear though, no offense to Japanese, I didnt meant that like "Niggers are inferior, and Japanese are like Niggers compared to whites" - I just meant its obviously 3 different races, not 2.
How the fuck does this 'spark outrage'? This only means you have my vote.
That's precisely why older fantasy works had female combatants as either magic users, archers, or thieves. Once the miss magazine inductees began collectively bitching the stronk female warreeur was born.
I swear this is gook disinfo, I see it in every thread yet there are no videos of nips eating dogs, frogs, or other live animals like the mainland filth.
I see, so this is why chesscucks went for the whole '4D' selling point.
Please stahp.
Well of course, mainlander shits and koreans are jealous that nips can have a society that on par with Europeans ones if not cleaner.
Holy shit, Nazis don't need (((Hollywood))) to be heroes.
Thieves ok. Archery fuck no, you need massive upper body strength. Females doing archery as a sport use weak shitty bows, not military grade ones that have much, much greater draw weight.
Mages I guess sure, though not if it's an intellectual discipline. In cases like DnD I'd expect studied wizards to be almost all male while magic-outta-nowhere sorcerers would be more mixed.
As far as i know the Japanese don't do this and would be appalled at the sight of it. Back in the day the samurai did train horseback archery by shooting dogs, and that's fucking lame. But they redeemed themselves in WWII: motherfucking Hachiko. God rest his soul and the soul of his owner. The Japanese erected a statue in honor of this beautiful life. I would sink thousands if it meant i could save even one such soul.
Also dog of Flanders don't watch, your feels will get rekt.
It does
Do not fuck with Otto.
He's probably referring to Mussolini's retarded invasion of greece. I have no problems with italy joining u with us again and having its place in the sun and its war spoils, but for gods sake, let us make the geo-strategic decisions.
It sparked outrage in liberal western outlets nobody gives a shit about. The guy is doing fine in japan, and will probably be re-elected with a higher percentage.
I saw this first thing this morning and then it was on zerohedge as and "international outrage"!!! HAHAHA!!!
Demographics are a problem there. We must learn from the past to efficiently move forward into the future.
There is much to learn. How we go about it is the question.
The Protocols of Zion are a bestseller in Japan. They know the truth.
Hitler did nothing wrong
Mind you, he was the only journalistic witness at the time. The Nanking Massacre supposedly saw 300.000 murdered civilians at the hands of a still-marching army group who stayed in the proximity of the city for a little less than three weeks time.
Mind you, this supposed massacre was done without death camps, gassings, artillery, or mass combat. Supposedly the Japanese army was allotted the luxury of time that allowed them to go house-by-house, drag out every chink they could find, and personally boil them alive in hot water, disembowel them, or "behead a thousand of them with a single sword".
Stop believing Jewish propaganda in the West, and stop believing Chinese propaganda in the East.
I cut out the part which listed numbers and such, because thats not important and they are probably inflated like the holohoax. The point was the bamboo poles up vaginas, and women over 70 in 30 man gang rapes etc. Reminds me of what the Russians did to Germans in the east, was just reading the Goebbels diaries about how there were towns where every woman 10-70 was raped, and how he thought it must have been part of their tactics, ordered from above. He was right, as Ehrenburg had directly ordered them to rape all the German women and "break their racial arrogance" or something along those lines.
This looks like something off laughing colours
Gangrape, goodnight!
I'm so confused.
Let's get the band back together
Hero. Fuck thots.
Nips are also known neat freaks that love to bathe a lot. It's funny how different they are to the Chinese despite both being mongoloids.
Mixed Japanese and White people always seem to be far less than the sum of thier parts. I beleive Kalergi was one. Though his White might have been (((white))), in which case he was behaving exactly as expected.
Though the wearer is obviously Yayoi, that Jomon dress looks almost Celtic…
The Japanese mixed with the inhabitants of the island natives thousands of years earlier when they escaped from their savage chinklands, who were supposedly Caucasian complete with blue eyes blonde/red hair. They cannot be compared with the chink insects fallen to commies and kikes.
Remember reading not too long ago about how similar they were with ancient animal worship and rituals, with bears being the best example.
so it's okay for me to be banging white-presenting nip chicks, right? just checking
No faggot
If you had respect for either race, you'd be against mixing. If you had respect for both races, you'd be even more opposed to mixing them. It's flushing both lineages down the toilet.
It is filled with knowledge and wisdom beyond the comprehension of mortals. That his doesn't explode is a testament to his superior samurai disciprine.
that is the essence of truth
Pretty much this. Mongrels cannot create what their pure ancestors did. The greatest proof of that is, well, observing mongrels today. Being mongrelised would inevitably destroy everything you loved about their culture and people including your own, they can never be the same again after it. All you're left with is the worst sum of parts and sobbing where the original culture and people you fell in love with went. You destroyed them.
Racemixing with Japs shouldn't be encouraged but also isn't significant enough to be a serious problem. Most Asians in the US are gooks or chinks (and so are inferior to whites, not just different, the question of whether racemixing is necessarily destructive never even needs to come up). In Japan, there aren't enough white people for mixing to be a serious concern for the Japs. A white guy has half-white kids with a Japanese woman, those kids have quarter-white kids, and so on until they're indistinguishable from the other Japs.
If we had a bunch of Japanese immigrants coming here and having half-Japanese kids, that would be a concern. We don't.
Daily reminder that this one action crushed communism in Japan. Them commies were set back so much from this, they lost any influence in Japan.
Also, what was the Japanese National Hero's name who killed this shit commie kikenese faggot?
Otoya Yamaguchi.
Yep. Only if that kid had seven lives to give.
It goes both way. 1/4 nip kids are near indistinguishable from most whites, ironically they look like finns in some cases.
He is a modern day hero most people don't even realize was a great hero. That bothers me. I know most of us on Holla Forums who aren't faggots get that, but normalfags don't. Some of them normalfags could get it, if the Jew programmed shit was washed away.
I salute thee.
For that one split-second he made anime real.
He's talking about economic socialism you moron. Japs have this already
Don't post that even ironically.
Meh. A little bit won't hurt.
You know the difference between medicine and poison is dosage.
not sure if the haplo stuff indicates the ainu specifically, but it looks like they're pretty different from the others.
Polish German. We also had some great German Poles. This time, together.
American cuckservatives have got a lot to learn from Japanese cuckservatives.
If that pic comes from a legit Pokémon media we might be into the next loss.
the what?
I don't understand the lingity. I made this like 3 years ago :^)
Want to know how I know you are a nigger?
Akashic did have a pretty high budget though.
Buddhism will not only remove kebab but also gas the kikes if 969 trips happen in this thread.
I just got back from one user, best time of my life. I really wish I learned Japanese though
maybe learn to read something other than moonrunes you weeaboo
That'll surely break Russo-Japan relations.
Really? The more they look like a reptile the harder your dick gets? Why can't you just love yourself OP and find a girl from your own kind. Don't become the male version of a mudshark.
Not the user you responded to but do you have any more info? What happened to the Caucasian's living in that area then? How did they all become Chinese and how would the native of Japan have had looked like then? Shit, this is fascinating stuff. Sorry for asking to be spoonfed, but this is new to me. I just always assumed it was like the difference between brown hair and blonde hair but for Japs. Or Roman nose vs. Nordic nose, etc, etc.
m8, there's a yt of them eating pepe alive, it was on this board 2 years ago already. This may sound ignorant but all slants seem to have a coldness to them. Older Germans have it too, but their compassion from animals showed more and they were more hardened on the exterior. When it comes to the East, they tend to have a switch that turns off in their brains. Like tying cats to trees with a piece of rope and letting them stay there all day because they'll eat mice at night, or boiling dogs alive (not Japan but still.) I'd say Japs are the least cruel, but cruel nonetheless. IF you are interested on more positive, i'd recommend a movie called Jiro dreams of Sushi, got to admire their determination.
What's the lowdown on unit 731? The chinks fucking HATE the japs with a burning passion. Then again, one could estimate that the west/other countries did equally as bad things.
but we just never found out about them
As long as they leave the poor doggos alone and keep clean, wouldn't mind having them around. Only have experience with dirty chinks, lowly mafia type chinks, shrewd and sly koreans, and then (but rare) one or two friendly Koreans.
I've read this twice now and still confused. Does the last graph suggest that A Finn is more closely related to a poo in da loo than say, a mongol? Not baiting, legitimately interested in this subject but know nothing of it. Finngolia is probably a bad example to use, but let's say "white".
Don't get radiation poisoning. (Well it's washing up on the US east coast so I guess nothing different.)
sorry for the long post/million questions - don't get out this side due to work commitments
looks like Golden axe or a DnD game.
looks like sam hyde
Basically a place where they found interesting ways to kill communist shits, other than that it was general internment for troublemakers and such. Communist aren't people so who cares
Just a basic bio-science research lab in the same vein of the things Joseph Mengele did before he got (((slandered))) with accusations of, and I quote, "trained dogs who would bite little girls if they struck a wrong note white playing the violin for him during dinner." These dogs also supposedly "caused the growth of cancer tumors with their bite".
Compare and contrast that to the stories you get out of Nanking, and you'll realize its same shit; different asshole.
Also before I forget:
Offers some good, concise, beginner-tier redpills on Nanking (sourced photographs from newspaper clippings included).
I agree with you on a degree on 98%. I'm just wondering what it would be like to be born into a communist state and have a vivisection performed on me without ever knowing the outside world. It's kind of like Best Korea, while they're a wonderful country for being the only place not to have an IMF influence, they know of nothing else. I would rather be dead than red but you have to understand that people get fucked badly by governmental policies which they were never a part of. This can be said today still and you can see traces of it in Eastern Europe. Communism is a shithole ideology and all commies need to die, but the line is not drawn from a moralfag standpoint, the line is drawn from an objective viewpoint on morality. Communists are not human, but neither is a subhuman acting as vivisectionist or just another God hating jew who is performing the MK playbook on a 6 year old. I'm not contesting the facts or the myths just yet as i've admitted i'm ignorant on the topic. But i'm using this argument as a hypothetical standpoint and feel this is just due to the ability to hone and practice critical thinking skills.
Been on Holla Forums for a long time, but I still reckon Mengele was the equivalent of what the modern Du Pont, Rothschild and associated Barron's are doing. Churchill himself was a shill for the same people who supported the Reich. I don't believe the shit the kikes said about him but he wasn't exactly a good boy and got a very convenient pardon which saw him work on the US programs… Essentially a basic, basic, basic foundation to what would become MK Ultra which today is, Lord knows what.
Thank you. Appreciate the source and will look into it. Have a good evening user and thank you for your input.
I know all about Nanking and the red kvetching about it to keep people from mentioning the 60+ million they starved and slaughted themselves. Kai-shek forgave the Japanese for anything they did when the war ended, I do not and will never see Red China as a legitimate state.
I know what I'm naming my next sword wielding characters in vidya
this guy makes too much sense now that I've read some Jung and Serrano
Didn't the ruling class train their young by killing dogs (probably feral shit-eaters, not meme pets) and criminals. If your purpose is warfare, killing shit makes perfect sense to face to bloodshed.
He was held hostage by the Jews.
dammit italy, every time in hearts of iron. it's going so well but they just can't help themselves.
What about the Filipinos, Tibetans and the Han Chinese? Also Cambodian architecture is aesthetic AF in my opinion, don't know how they are as a race.
America is a race-mixed nation, like most of the continent of America, what did you expect?
What surprises me is that Himmler looks oddly Mongoloid.
That's exactly the same as "based black man." Slant-eyes aren't "based." Saying things that are true does not make them "based." Stop worshiping slant-eyes and their stupid culture. Stop smothering yourself in their entertainment and developing your pathetic inferiority complex.
That is factually untrue. It's a racially diverse country. Race mixing is highly uncommon. Take that bullshit "we're all mixed" meme somewhere else you dumb fuck shill.
I don't think you understand what he meant. I think he meant that Americans are mutts or mystery meat, coming from all sorts of European stock all melded into one grey mass with a constructed identity and culture and maybe a dash of native blood mixed in.
To many Europeans there is no "White race" as many Americans see it, there are Celts, Germanics, Balts, Slavs, etc and even among those groups there are smaller groups that have distinct traditions, tongues and facial features that survive till now.
Yeah, the same can be said for Canada, Australia, and any other white peoples outside of Europe. And that's fine. "White" is a very strong unifier. The concept of "white people" was developed here, and is one of the reasons we have survived as a pure European people. This concept doesn't exist in Europe, you're right, and that's exactly why I said in the past multiple times that we stand a better chance at survival, as a European peoples, than Germans and the like, because their identity isn't based on genetics, but rather nation, and nation in the modern sense is merely where you live. There's also the balkanization factor, but I won't get into that. I'm content to be "white." Anyway, we're not much more mixed than Europeans themselves. Europeans are heavily mixed with neighboring groups, whether it's Brits and French, Germans and Swedes etc. Germanic peoples spread everywhere. Latin peoples conquered half the continent. Celtic peoples were massively dispersed. The concept of "white people" is a massive advantage once diversification has broken your nation's border. Europeans better start embracing it and stop being petty morons looking down on Americans. There's a reason why we're so pure after 400 years. I've actually noted how the British hold black people above themselves in terms of beauty, denoting them exotic and desirable, while in the US it's the opposite. Why? Those black people aren't, on even a subconscious level, seen as the other, they're just British (I've heard this so many god damn times) like everyone else, except they're a more exotic and different British. Time to shut the fuck up and embrace whiteness Europeans. Your ethnic group, as a tribal unit, is dead. It has been usurped by nationhood, and anyone can join your nation now. Only a select few can be white. White is genetic.
I guess in the minds of most yuros they've always lived in multicultural society, hence why they get more butthurt over the concept of whites rather than invading shitskin hordes.
Neither is American, the American culture is largely constructed to unify many people from different parts of the world under one flag, it is highly inorganic and not based on anything, much less race.
Whatever the case may be, kingdoms in Europe and around it hardly cared what ethnicity their subjects were throughout all of history. Which is why I want to mention…
That conquered peoples were either completely eradicated and replaced or were mainly untouched and weren't really displaced. logically even, it is more efficient for an empire to subjugate and vassalize, which is why I think Ethnic races of Europe have remained largely untouched through out history, since invaders would not replace the people but rather the ruling class of any society due to their small numbers in regards to the total population conquered, which is perhaps why new cultures arise from the same race. I agree that there has been some mixing between neighboring populations though, but it's not necessarily racial and I think Europe has avoided being as diverse as America is right now or has been at any point
I have never seen or experience this while talking to actual Brits, Europeans that don't know niggers don't care about them and ones that do usually don't like them or simply acknowledge them as inferior without any contempt. Brits are posh cunts doe
Yes goy, replace your thousand years of tradition in place of something new and better, can't you see goy? Your old beliefs simply can't survive! No use in preserving them anyway.
I hope you realize that attempting to destroy individual cultures in favor of one super culture is literally globalism
Or how about that America is anti-white and Americans are delusional Trumptards who justify them getting cucked with kike-like chess?
Any japs here want to tell me how to say "The Jew Fears the Samurai" in Romanji?
Will offer smug waifus as payment.
polite sage
You seem to have zero comprehension for the point I was making.
Not a Jap but one possible translation is: "yudayajin wa samurai o osoreru"
Who said anything about culture. I said the tribal unit within European countries has been relegated to nationality rather than people, and anyone can join those nations now; hence why white, denoting genetics, is a superior form of tribal unity. You're an idiot. I'm filtering you because you can't comprehend what I'm saying worth shit, and you've got an annoying tone.
You mean in kana perhaps?
Romaji would be "Yudaya wo samurai ha osoreru"
Although I'm just directly translating
That's wrong because ユダヤ means "Judea", not Jews, and を marks the object of the verb. What you gave means: "The samurai fear Judea."
I'm no expert my man but jews were called yudaya or yudayajin in Nip iirc
Sorry if this is a dumb question but what is this meme with the little red-eyed anime girl called? Where do they all come from?
You're joking right?
You should have grown out of that when you were 11.
Get out Jew
Reverse image search before asking.
Fuck off gook lover. You're the same as a wigger.
Oh shit you are serious, well you can just right fuck off then. Don't talk shit about mai waifu.
Don't invoke the source material with your ignorance. Everyone will suffer for it.
Did nothing wrong.
just goes to show that power still lays with the saxons, that every race thrusts up their own victimization in appeal for sympathetic support from whites
Quest for the Post Civilization
Cambodian ancient architecture talked about around 20-30 minutes in, also ties to Egyptian and Japanese (very beginning and very end they find a sunken pyramid of some sort in southern Japan). Interesting movie, he posits that there was once an advanced race of explorers and builders with precise understanding of astronomy and math 10,000+BCE
Unless you're a degenerate it's the same thing. Premarital sex is hedonism.
Whether Nanking happened or not, I still haven't seen Chinks go begging to the Japs for gibs like what Kikes do to Germany.
The character isn't from an anime and the franchise she is from is absurdly popular considering it's literally made by one man.
There was that based Thai prince.
The Korean war prostitution is another thing.
The Japs literally talked to pimps and put in ads in the Korean papers but gooks act like the army raided Japanese owned villages for sex slaves.
us navy user here
almost all of the prostitutes in asia are still koreans
nothing has changed
koreans sold themselves then and still do to this day
japan was scapegoated
An aging population that is still remaining homogeneous is actually making japan pretty great
Good job, you and most of Holla Forums fell for Allied kike propaganda.
It would go both ways, if the US were 98% white the way Japan is 98% Japanese. Unfortunately, we're not. So a 1/2 nip kid might end up having 1/2 white 1/4 jap 1/4 vietnamese kids or some other ridiculous mongrel shit (because he's already mixed race–he doesn't necessarily see the problem with continuing it). That's where you start having problems with mongrel populations that don't blend back in to the white majority.
Savior of Japan.
These events don't even register in my brain anymore
Then you need to look harder, faggot. Nevermidn that both Korea and China continuously try to shut down, vandalize and bomb the Yasukuni Shrine – which has housed the dignity of 2.5 million dead Japanese patriots for centuries. Germany isn't allowed to remember its war-dead, but Japan is holding on in spite of world protests.