Talking about weeding out the weak at school without a single hint of irony after the recent years. Someone has lost the plot.

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That's code for sociopathic.

Slightly off topic, but I've been thinking about the state the world is in and its very few benefits. Imagine a world in which racemixing, gender disphoria and virtue signalling aren't trendy (the world we're aiming for). How will these people be identified if being NatSoc is considered cool?

Obviously a lot of the current ones are going to crush themselves under a zog boot, but even if all the existing ones go, this behaviour will not be eliminated completely or forever.

Hopefully they wont be identified at all because they'll be forced back into keeping it a secret instead of beating everyone over the head with it.

Race traitors wont find themselves among good company. The Neo-SS will sniff out defeatist sentiments like the old one did, and people who spread them will be punished. Only members of the race can be a citizen under National Socialism, and racemixing will be prohibited by law, on top of our demographics being restored to sustainable levels of at the very least 80%+ white in all our countries. Closer to 90-95%

it'll be 100 percent white
and it'll be the whole planet aside from maybe japan, got to keep the anime production going

Nice that this new generation is treating their life like a failed Holla Forums troll.

And yet, I've never once thought about being a flamboyant faggot to just "show them".
That's exactly what they want.
That's exactly what others of my generation who suffered what I did are trying to push.
Muh safe spaces
Muh you're special
Yeah, they've always made me believe I was special, in the wrong fucking way though.
Then someone finally convinced me I wasn't.
I showed them through my personal achievements.
These fuckers are instead trying to push the idea that the way they're making you feel special isn't actually bad and you should encourage it, on the premise that they will not know how to react. Instead you're playing directly into their hands.
But what the fuck do I know how it works now, when I was in school there was just me, nobody defended me. Now there's the UN itself that defends these faggots.

Itd be best to avoid nuclear war with countries like China. National Socialism isnt about world domination, its about personal domination of your own territory, as opposed to it being controlled by (((foreign hostile actors))). The Jewish question must be permanently solved, but other non-whites may simply be left to do as they please in their own land. We stop feeding Africa and they will sort themselves out. Shooting people who cross borders illegally has shown in the few instances where it happened in eastern Europe - to almost entirely dry up the flow of people over night.

You kill one nigger hopping the fence, and they all decide its better to be poor than dead.

we dont need anime. white media will be much better once we remove juden etc

What about the Anschluss?

More like weed out the neurotypical

Best way to crush the normies is to create a great world for yourself and your loved ones. They will look up to you with envy and hatred when they realize that their jew handlers sold them the lie of basing their life around virtue signaling and racemixing.

Nice blogpost please fucking kill yourself, nobody cares.

You missed the return of KEK?

I came to hail these dubs and say ditto. Your not alone brother.

The one problem with that is Africa and most of the Middle East. Civilized peoples need the resources found in their soil but those peoples do not have the ability to design and implement the infrastructure needed to extract them (MENA countries) and some people's are incapable of even maintaining turnkey infrastructure even if it's gifted to them (sub-saharan Africa).

We can't colonize space without their minerals.

They'll signal about being individualists in the boring collective of society. Somebody will probably try to meme lolberg ideas as being edgy, but it won't work, because there's nothing sexy about lolberg economic autism. It has no palpable vitality to it like Traditionalism or Fascism.

most people are NPCs with no will of their own, including the majority of our enemies


I was on my way to call you a faggot till I finished.
Fuck, I remember my bullying except mine didn't end till last year of highschool.
But it was over, that made it so that everyone knew I was gay. Because someone I can't remember told everyone I don't know. So I don't talk to anyone. I even had the gay dude who worked at the school trying to give me a sit down. However,

no, kike. white nationalism= anime

Most of the people who are getting echofeels off this thread should know that they were not bullied at school, they were mobbed, for not wanting to fit into the hierarchy (or even really noticing it).

anime = pedophilia, homosexuality, transexualism

What queer shit have you been watching?

D&C tactic among burgers

Newsflash faggot. There is no such thing as ZOG. There is only a kike influenced system which can be overthrown.

Anyone who unironically parrots the kike talking point "ZOG" is a kike disinfo agent.

Like this?

They are not though, they are the absolute opposite of it. They will follow a fad even if it means cutting off their balls. There is nothing individualistic or edgy in modern leftism.


I just built up the rage until it became fury, unrelenting fury…. After the quiety weird skinny kid went full berserk and beat the living shit out of four others and a midgit, in front of a good quarter of the school, they left him(me) the fuck alone.

Of course, pic related prevented the need to repeat for a year or two. May Kek bless those brave trenchcoat childrens.

yes. Much like the other user, I have always hated that term zog/zionist they are kikes, stop subdividing them as if they are any different from an orthodox kike, or any other version of kike. They are all parasites, from A to Zog
I just assume the people who keep using the zionist/zog thing are sandkikes tbh

they are ;)


>>>Holla Forums faggot

That's a parenting fail, specifically the father.


nigga you gay

Those Whites that has some non-White ancestors (Hapa parent for example) should have their non-White genetics removed through genetic engineering.

Yes it it. Hitler said so himself many times in Mien Kampf. Haven't you ever read it?

he has the right idea.
he's weeding himself out

Fucking bunch of special snowflakes.

Ever considered not being gay, faggot?

It'll be on Mars, eventually. Besides, plenty of inner-city housing left over once the old inhabitants have "left"… and do we need to breed like rabbits, anyway? Quality, not quantity.

Leave Africa alone for a generation or three and they'll be back at the stage of giving you diamonds for glass beads. Just don't make the mistake of the European empires and try to civilise them, just tell them to keep away from the compounds.

He only said things about not liking "internal colonization". That doesn't mean the world.

Meanwhile, in nigger-free jewish schools, young people are preparing to become leaders.

Every single one of them looks like the virgin walk guy.

Well, you have to prepare the goyim for the upcoming culling somehow. They want atleast half of us gone, hopefully 90% of the whites so that we don't rise up with our sense of right and wrong and question things. They have to do something to reduce the population to continue this society, especially when they are going to replace the jobs with robots. Can't afford to pay all these people and can't uphold the law when hundreds of millions are starving.

You mean, by connections they are going to get high-paid jobs? Because their fathers or cousins or uncles are CEO's?

A lot of people will give you shit for this, but you're right. Left-leaning whites focus on a lot of superficial shit like painting nails for social media likes and watching anime.

I hope you will never know me.


You're doing a helluva job user. It's not an easy task we have ahead of us, especially considering what we know, it's almost too much for one man to handle in his solitude. I also look back on my previous life and i'm ashamed of how i haved behaved and some of my actions and decisions.

I try not to focus on past, just on the present and the future hoping to strenghten me in this battle for our survival.

Weeding out the weak was never an issue, since everyone left anyway. Doesn't help that my parents didn't let me have a phone until I was about to go to college.

At least I've gotten into work and made some good colleagues, but I'm too autistic to consider anyone an actual friend anymore. The only one that might reach it is a girl I've known online for a few years and who I've visited once or twice, but we don't really talk much now either.
Maybe I was the weak one all along.

Keep chasing that pussy Chad, you're ultimately gonna have to pay all the alimony for your wife's son


Russia was controlled by Jews in 1918 the same way the US is controlled by Jews in 2017. White genocide is happening right now and you are branded a nazi if you don't like it.

Alimony =/= child support, you fucking virgin.

If you get married to a woman who had a kid already, then divorce her, yes there is alimony because of the divorce, but not child support since it's not his. You're just a butt hurt faggot that got blown out and can't even make an argument.


you can only pic one

Interesting social conditioning.
Imagine if you were somewhere like i was, surrounded by mexicans and flips who consider you an outsider in a country built by your fathers.
School was like a concentration camp. I wouldn't be surprised if the jews had it better in Dachau than i did in Los Angeles

you have to want to change, faggot
you had the /fit/ part down, what the fuck?!

I would have been redpilled long ago if that had happened.

Beat him to death.

Then the weak will be weeded.

I drove on the 10 into DTLA the other day and thought I was in a third world country that has 18 dollar toll lanes to Alameda. I saw about 3 white people all day and barely heard english. Someone disabled went to the santa ana ss office and they actually told him , "we don't speak English here anymore". I want to see the state fold now. My grandpa didn't smoke 3 packs of unfiltered camels a day ploughing California after getting off a boat from Sweden for me to see it be taken over.
I was telling my wife where I'd like to see the moabs drop.

Your parents were right, they were troubled kids and if they were white, at this moment in life you aren't existing to spite them. This is not some jewish fantasy, they were your supposed brothers and sisters in extent, which was a problem because they treated you like shit. But feel sorry for them, if you see them around, try and help them out, befriend them again. You were on the right path user and your parents seem to have been actually good.

It's just the times and the situations they put kids in these days that are fucked up.

And now we're all ripped, well read nationalists shitposting on a Taiwanese racial purist bulletin to save civilization. No regrets being an autist in HS or still.

I'd believe it. Of course now I take more effort into being self aware of things but I think being able to do that is the most important thing a person can do at this time.

I did change, into a half-black half-hispanic fit faggot. Upbringings are weird. If it makes you feel any better I have not met a single faggot that I like. Gas the kikes jews and, faggots.

I'm sure he would be thrilled to see how things turned out in that case.

truer words have not been spoken often

People want others to think they're special.

But, instead of displaying their uniqueness through achievements, talents, and actions, they pick out the most flamboyant made up gender they can think of and start cross-dressing. It's the most shallow form of identity and these faggots choose it because it's easier than growing as a person through hardship and effort..

Found the kike.