No other RPG comes close. Prove me wrong faggots. Obviously, you can't.
No other RPG comes close. Prove me wrong faggots. Obviously, you can't
Just FYI, if you use BGTuTu you're a fucking casual. You're going to have a shitty single wielding one digit HP fighter and you're going to fucking like it.
Feast of the plebeian.
The only thing Baldurs Gate has going for it in terms of RPG mechanics is that it copy-pastes from AD&D. The problem is, it doesn't translate those things over in a meaningful way outside of combat. An accurate translation of old-school tabletop would actually need to be an ARPG with an insane level of interactivity that focused on track-and-trick combat at lower levels. It has an average story at best which relies upon Forgotten Realms lore that has been around for a much longer period of time, and it certainly doesn't measure up with what a good GM can put together.
In terms of game mechanics, Dragons Dogma comes close with its interactivity, but has virtually no depth to its character interaction, and is incredibly over-the-top. Plus there's not a great degree of weapon customization or utility spells. Utility magic is a must for that sort of translation.
Morrowind is the best RPG as a video game, though none are proper RPGs.
It would better if most companions weren't cliches with grating voice acting. D&D as RTwP is serviceable at best too.
"Enhanced" Edition
No, seriously:
You have shit taste.
Nigger if you wanted to make a fucking Baldur's Gate thread then just fucking do it. Don't create this "HA HA LITERALLY BEST [GENRE] GAME EVER :^^^))" bullshit.
Literally made 2 years earlier
Into the fucking trash. Take your entry level shit taste and
stay on this board.
This is the best combat system for party-based RPGs, you fucking retarded work accident of a whore.
What a great thread, OP. I hope you enjoy your cocks.
i think this game does parties the best, the characters individually arent necessarily the best rpg characters but their interactions with each other and the whole world is great
Why do you believe Reddit? It has always been shitty fanfictions on cumbersome loads of menus.
That is not what fantasy and roleplay are. It's excel ripping off a highschool kid's Legolas fanfiction.
The thing Baldurs Gate has going for it are the spells. There aren't many games that have such a wide variety of effects.
Disqualified before the starting shot.
Name a better setting/game rules.
You D&Dfags never learn.
I don't even like Baldur's Gate 2 but you and your opinions are dogshit
At least BG2 has some good writing in it, unlike the first game which was written by Biocucks.
But bgs are shit.
No it don't. It butchers AD&D.
I'm getting tired of this meme, /tg/
I liked the first one more. Way more comfy.
Come close to what?
Real time with a pause is not good for anything.
Low quality bait. Everyone hates 4e.
How are they good RPGs? What do they do especially well?
There is very little chance to actually roleplay, since all choices boil down to a good choice and an evil one.
There is also not that many different ways to solve quests, certainly nowhere near the level of Fallout or Arcanum. A mage and a fighter will both end up taking the same exact path to quest competition.
World reactivity is also pretty pathetic, rarely does the game react in any significant way to anything you do.
The arguably best part of the game is the combat, but even that is fucked with due to the AI being dumb as shit and being unable to properly utilize the magic system, most of the encounters being trash mob filler, the real time game mechanics guaranteeing every fight will degenerate into a clusterfuck, and the game actively requiring the player to know what he will face beforehand so he can cheese it to win most of the difficult fights.
How are they good RPGs again you BioWare cuck?
Why is it a meme to call BG2 "teh bestest arrpeegee evar??"
It's not even that popular.
that's not Temple of Elemental Evil
Icewind Dale is also better than BG
Rpgs for video games suck ass, I would rather read book.
Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong door, the little bitch's club two blocks down.
Well that was awkward
Dark Eye is better.
Drakensangs were great. Too bad that The River of Time runs like shit on newer hardware for some fucking reason.
I've never played it, Circle of 8 changes much i assume?