Using AdNauseam in an attempt to crash the online ad market is the equivalent of economic terrorism (en.wikipedia.org
Using AdNauseam in an attempt to crash the online ad market is the equivalent of economic terrorism (en.wikipedia.org
Other urls found in this thread:
Top kek, this Adnauseum shit really must be pissing of the yids for them to be shilling against it this desperately.
The end users never entered into an agreement with anyone. Using AdNauseam on my own computer to auto-click ads, who am I defrauding? I've gained nothing, I signed no contracts or EULA's with anyone.
It's not illegal nor is it economic terrorism.
Clicking on an ad without viewing it is not fraud nor is it illegal "economic terrorism." It's just a request from them to send some information to me.
What I do with that information is my own business. It's not my fault if an advertiser failed to see that I was not interested in buying their product. The fact that it costs them money only means that my behavior does not align with their ends.
Tl;dr OP is a Jewish faggot who is scared that AdNauseum is a threat to their overlords.
"I'm gonna make them give back our past!"
Downloading it right now
You did see how nervous the journalists got when GG targeted their advertisers right? It had them shaking in their sandals.
Or they are using reverse psychology on us. AdNauseum is made by 3 jews
What about funding the Hillary campaign while also shorting your investments on the assumption that the economy will crash when Hillary wins. Would you say attempting to profit off of an economic crisis that you helped cause counts as economic terrorism? :^)
GOYIM YOU MUST STOP! The jewish people need this advertising revenue to survive!
No goyim is allowed to install this!
you have no power here
Just so you know, I just started using Adnauseam specifically because of you
(((it's))) afraid
wtf I love terrorism now.
Gotta get AdNauseam working faster.
Thanks for reminding me to spread this addon far and wide user!
The fire rises!
There are no consequences here. I'm going to get my IT technician to have it installed on all the library's computers, I'm sure it prevents security holes. Get fucked!
Where is the dl link for FF?
I wonder (((Who))) could be behind this post.
wew lad
I don't even know who's jewing who anymore but I know that whatever the jew dislikes, I like
Home page
wow that was easy
Holy shit this is a great fucking idea
Im friends with the IT at a large company and will suggest the same
But we are terrorists user-kun.
checking them trips
all IT guys, SysAdmins, and anyone in charge of lots of computers, add this to your default builds
Christ, (((advertisers))) are getting even more irritating than (((((bankers)))))
Do I need adblock now?
Shared this to my friends already. The marketing jews are going to love this ;)
Adblock might block the ads before adnauseum clicks them so disable it.
The internet was pretty fucking sweet before big money got in.
There was several detailed posts in the other thread explaining why adnauseum doesn't actually hurt googles revenue. This add on was made by 3 jews and their names and faces are right on the fucking website. I dont trust this.
What browser do i use with this?
doesnt like my palemoon
Very gooood!
Palemoon banned it.
Ungoogled-chromium is what I ended up using since Palemoon cucked out.
you can use it on palememe as long as you go to
about:config and switch the security level from two to three. Either way, the owner is still a furfag.
Man you kikes must be shaking now that the goyim have finally found a way to hit you where it hurts you most from the comfort of our own homes.
Even after fixing the settings I couldn't get the icon to show up. It looked like it was working, and I could change the settings. But no way to see how many ads were clicked. Someone in another thread here mentioned using an older version of Palemoon with the setting changes to get it to work. I'll stick with ungoogled-chromium for now.
The Adnauseam team does know about the issue.
Just between you and me, if you combine adnauseam with an autoreloader really funny things happen:-)
now I'm going to use it more, thanks for verifying its working kikes.
I was just thinking of programming a bot to do something like that but fuck me there's an addon.
Also this addon doesn't seem to work that well with NoScript. NoScript seems to block most ads before adnauseum can click on them, I've been usig it for a few days and it only collected like 3 types of ads
Some user posted this in the last thread. It googles 1000s of tops terms. When paired with Adnauseam, it does wonders.
This shit doesn't work in ungoogled-chrome
Accelerated, automated, hyper-baric, weaponized autism.
Yeah right like they're gonna lock somebody up for terrorism for installing a fucking browser addon. Like that would hold up in court in a million years. MAYBE the person that wrote the addon, but not a user, there's zero chance.
There was another one that did it with cooldown intervals so you could run it overnight or something
I wasn't planning using ad nauseum because I thought it was kind of stupid. Then I saw jews like you freaking out. Now I'm right on board.
I'm going to do this now as well, just to piss you off.
thanks for the heads up Kike! installed now. enjoy your fucking clicks
for you
(((They))) shouldn't be trying to censor the internet if they knew what was good for them. They brought this upon themselves and it'll escalate further until they abandon this approach or get fucked over, whichever comes first.
Besides the whole "terrorism" clause isn't going to work. Because when people see how actual terrorists like Antifa are given free reign, while a bunch of addon installing shitposters are being arrested, how do you think they'll respond to that? So nah, they fucked up big time.
Holy shit anons.
Make sure to google Hitler a bunch.
Go to the url: jsfiddle.net
Full speed anons we must slay the beast
Joogle will burn
Why do you guys think you're sticking it to the Jews by using Adnauseum? Adnauseam was created by Jews.
Thanks m8.
butt hurt jews lol
It's very clear this blocks the silent click method they use to snort shekels on average site viewing.
The blocking of easy installation of this extension is proof enough, the manual install of it is enough to block most normies.
Easily possible to make a lazy installer that does all those steps for you?
So we can spread this easier and hurt them right in the money.
your preaching to the quire here
wow, them digits
who's jewing who?
And gunpowder was invented by the Chinese.
Just because you don't invent a thing doesn't mean you can't take advantage of it.
Chinese gave us gunpowder, White men mastered it.
It takes around 10 seconds to manually install it.
OP confirmed for a Jew bastard.
This exact same thread with the same picture is being spammed on cuckchan. Someone is doing this on purpose and its not to prevent people from using the add on.
Yeah, it hurts everyone's.
Gunpowder was invented by Roger Bacon!
The way it was explained is that these fake clicks get filtered out very easily. Meanwhile you've just installed an addon that was made by 3 jews, one of which literally has the last name AVIV.
They're the terrorist first.
Nevermind supposed economic terrorism.
AdNauseam looks like a trap laid out by Google to give them the greenlight to pull the trigger on a much heavier approach to intrusive ads.
Oy vey it has been only few days and kikes are kvetching already and making up bullshit.
Holla Forums is doing something right
non-Jew made way to mess with google's real breadwinner, search results
Plus Holla Forumsies can edit the source for added fun
The day when Holla Forums shook the world or kikes at least. This shit is so good that I can't even describe it.
This is better than DDOS.
This is inverted botnet.
Truly we live in a blessed timeline.
It looks like you might be worried, Chaim.
let them. Let them piss off the normalfags so bad they leave en-masse.
Oh, so its real then. Downloading and with the autistic plugin too, faggot.
Anyone from >>Tech? How can Adnauseam be improved and how can we spread its use?
start by lurking more
I can only think how hard 4cuck people are shitting themselves. AdNauseam can fuck with that cuckshed too
tech is half garbage, they'll sage, point out one detail about said thing, and never get anything done, ever
Don't forget that cuckchan Holla Forums were first one to kvetch. See Palemoon thread
I seldom do, it's cancer. I stick to Holla Forums mostly.
Why are we doing this again? I've been trying to figure out how to make this work in IE6 and then realized I didn't even know what it was all about.
you have to go back
I'm sorry, but I'm limited to what my son installed on my computer.
I will call him tomorrow installing that instead.
Yeah we need to promote the shit out of this because it'll make those sites like CNN quiver in fear. It might help to tell people that sites sometimes will block you for using adblock, but because AN is newer it won't be on people's radars the same.
Oh heads up for script user if you're lurking Jewgle flags all TOR connected related IPs and nodes, so it can't search as fast like your average VPN for example.
Oy vey dese bastids ah gonna cause anudda dot com crash
I was telling you to lurk because you fucked up "tech" but I was mistaken
but yeah it's pretty much communist faggots
They were afraid of this in January
Then shouldn't they have solved this by now? Are wasting our time?
Companies pay google X dollars for advertising and make Y dollars as a result. As long as Y - X > 0 it is worthwhile so advertisers are happy to pay.
Ad nauseum clicks on every link that your page loads. This makes increases the cost to advertisers and makes X much larger then it otherwise would be. Eventually we will reach a point where the cost of advertising is more than the money coming into the firm i.e. Y - X
What does Google do with things they find problematic? They ban/hide/silence. I didn't hear about this in January, did you?
Every day a new thread saying we shouldn't do it.
I wonder who could be behind that post
They can't control everything. user opened the pandora's even if they had control over chromium and have kill switches on chromium browsers and extensions this can't be stopped
Autistic enough Holla Forumsacks will engineer custom made browser and remake the extension
You also forget that who knows what information ad referrals get when this clicks it for you as well. This threads a slid thread anyways considering it's extensively talked about in the palemoon thread about it.
They cannot solve this. First, they cannot really ban IPs because many ISPs change IPs all the time. All they can do is limit advertisers so an IP only works 5 times a day on the same domain/service to prevent them from cheating and generating clicks on their own website, however we do no generate clicks for ourself on just a single site, we click them all over the place.
All they can do is try to put on a global limit in clicks, but this would piss of web and app developers in return. No matter what, this ends up pissing of one side or another.
This shill thread is on cuchchan's /g/ too. Fucking shills.
If we combine AdNauseam with Nimiq so kids get paid to kill Google then we can slay the dragon.
I wonder who posted this on cuckchan /g/.
Oy vey, I thought my previous post failed
Oi vei
>>>Holla Forums787484
Report the thread for a hotpocket edit and sticky. Also you can out shill the shills whe certain Chromium script is doing it's work
I'm saging because OP is a kike
I'll get out of bed and turn on my computer to screencap all three threads. This shilling is fucking out of control
Seeing kikes go this batshit is entertaining isn't it?
Doesn't work on pale moon for me.
It just opens a popup and adnauseum doesn't detect any new ads, what the fuck?
You mean 4 threads. It's on cuck/pol/ as well.
I'm not sure who is kiking who but I've cost (((advertisers))) hundreds of dollars today.
Pay attention, read the how to it's not magical click-to profit thing, you skid
Kek i didn't even think about using kids, but yeah they go through the most auticstic lengths when it comes to installing something especially just to support what they like.
Might want to post this shit on Anime, Game and K-Pop forums and get millions of kids to support their favourite google plus accounts, youtubers and websites with google ads through Adnauseum.
>TrackMeNot runs as a low-priority background process that periodically issues randomized search-queries to popular search engines, e.g., AOL, Yahoo!, Google, and Bing. It hides users' actual search trails in a cloud of 'ghost' queries, significantly increasing the difficulty of aggregating such data into accurate or identifying user profiles.
Isn't Nimiq a canuckistan exclusive thing?
Have fun, good luck. I just can't see how it's really going to sting them in the long run. They will have their meeting with their investors in a couple of months and the investors will be expecting answers to the fake clicks. Google can point to AdNauseum and archives of the chans to say, "Look! There is a coordinated effort to meddle with our services. Don't worry goy, because we have already identified the problem we already have come up with a solution. Chrome 2.0, if people want to use our service they need to provide verifiable ID and all adblocking functionality is specifically against T&C"
From my point of view these wheels have already been in motion and we're merely pawns. The advertisers were already in the mood to complain about fake clicks. I just can't see how more fake clicks make things worse for Google at this point.
You're absolutely correct. There's nothing illegal about using AdNauseam. However, that doesn't mean it isn't (((illegal))). All it takes is an overbroad law, an ambitious prosecutor, and a stupid or corrupt judge.
The times has not come to panic, though. How many thousands of users does it have? And not one has been charged with anything at all. If and when they do try some shit, they won't start with the common small-fry user - they'd go after the creators and the company.
Except it didn't open any tabs in my browser?
Ah yes! I've been wondering what that extension was called. I remember seeing it before, but couldn't remember the name.
Did you block your popups? Chromium breaks the script with pop up blocking
but I want this kiked society and economy to fucking burn you stupid yid, the sooner you die the better, I can taste your fear.
This looks like bitcoin, but worse.
I unblocked popups!
Also, some of the shit that Ublock origin blocks like the popup shit and other invasive ads on ED aren't blocked by AdNauseum for some reason.
Yeah, it's a shitcoin, but you could throw the code into an extension along with AdNauseam to incentivize the destruction of (((Web 2.0)))
are you getting captchas after a few minutes?
i had to hit the button twice and it made two windows, not tabs.
What we need is a version of this app that randomly search-queries google with their most expensive advertising terms. It's open source so maybe we can modify their code.
I'm not hitting any captchas since I circulate proxies and delete search history & cookies on regular intervals
I just hit 10K damage after day's operation
Chromium is working just fine with adnauseum
Kek, it's like the exact opposite, yet so much worse for them.
"Oh, you want me to click your ads, do you? Okay, I even automated the process…"
first they tried "b-but the developers are kikes! don't use this!", now this.
my sides
That reminds me didn't Jew York times or Huffing paint post or Washington post got in hot water for chinese bot traffick to get more clicks and attention?
nah it's probably the commie jewish dyke fighting against capitalism type of thing tbh
Current number: $10519.64
Feels good man.
I thought this was a weird thread…
Before adnauseum:
10 clicks 200$ per click.
After adnauseum:
1000 clicks 2$ per click.
Since adwords is an auction will it not correct itself in order to produce the exact same profit??
Is there a way to maximize damage?
well it was nice knowing you all before fbi joint terrorist task force kicks down my door
You're right.
They are creating a problem that they will later solve/fix for an even greater price. It's like making a virus and then selling the cure.
Oh no! Oh my!
(: I wouldn't want to break the law
This is just weird.
If the jews hate this so much, it must be good.
You are correct in being suspicious of anything created by kikes, present your argument regarding how AdNauseam is bad for us.
Well I'm not a /baph/ but I'm just using common sense here.
1. Made by Israelis
2. Pushed on chans in weird thread that is obvious bate
3. The same tactics used in Alt-Kike threads
So for me, that's enough to just stick to adblocker.
So your thesis is that billions of normalfags will just hand over their diver's licenses or whatever in order to use an internet browser and explicitly agree to never use an ad blocker because the kikes at Google demand it?
Apex jej, you're a Google kike yourself aren't you?
Not the same faggot, I would wager that it is bad because it also damages /oursites/ both current and future if the advertisement industry goes fully kaput.
what, are you gonna remove the judaism out of the source code?
Ublock Origin has been dodgy as of a couple of days ago with some new update.
While this is true, it is also a fact that jews will sell out other jews in a heartbeat when there's shekels to be made.
Unistall and reinstall, it worked for me.
You are absolutely retarded if you think for one second the Google kikes are stupid enough to hinge their advertising relationships on the premise that the majority of their users will provide "verifiable ID" in order to use some shitty "2.0" browser. That's not how nigger tech works, that's not how normalfag web browsing works, that's not how any of this works. Google has become as big as it has by being the unobtrusive, passively ubiquitous, default choice. Adding an extra layer of requiring a fucking Driver's License or Passport or whatever the fuck in order to simply use their browser would be a surefire way to get normalfags to avoid their browser like the plague, you dumb fuck. Normalfags want their shit to just work without any effort on their part required. They want a fast, stable product that doesn't demand anything whatsoever from them or else they get very upset. Upset enough that they will actively seek out alternatives to that product. It's like you faggots can't into basic internet marketing and business practice.
await Sleep (10000);
await sleep (60000 + (Math.random() * 60000));
I'm pretty autistic, but even I could sense the sarcasm in the writing.
Son of a bitch, it actually works. Thanks user.
Fuck off
Don't download Mossad add-ons from creepy bait threads. Simple as that.
That's not true. /oursites/ are banned from all advertising networks anyway.
AdNauseam is proven to work, y'know. Do tell why Holla Forums shouldn't use it
It's exactly how nigger tech normalfag browsing works. "Normalfags want their shit to just work without any effort" and providing ID to sign up for "free stuff" **(cloud storage, free month at Netflix, whatever shit) at the point of purchase is perfect for these people. Facebook already asks for a working phone number when you want to sign up and they have asked to see ID when you get banned or want to make name changes or you get identified as using a fake name.
Verifiable accounts are much more valuable to advertisers than random faceless people. It's in Jewgle's and Faceberg's interests to co-opt as many people as possible into giving up personal information. Obviously it makes sense that Google can't just turn around one day and demand that everyone agrees to these extra strict measures because people would get upset.
Google doesn't need everyone onboard at once, they'll implement it over many convoluted years and by the time everyone notices it's already too late.
Anything remotely right gets demonetized, censored or banned. /oursites/ as he calls it rely on other venues.
Any given right oriented website is blacklisted by ad company.
You don't read the threads do you cuckchanner internet kike? Look >>10523500
That's reason enough to stay away from an Israeli add-on
The newer, super small sites still get some ad revenue. See: www.defendevropa.org
You do know this add on does nothing more than generate fake clicks, right? Look at the source code yourself faggot.
Besides /leftysalt/ jumps on and feeds on anything Holla Forums does well enough. If you have been around long enough that tranny owned board acts like a tapeworm.
Did it occur to you that this started on Holla Forums first place? Take off your tinfoil cap
At end of the day they will run on donations after jewgle pulls the plug just like any other right wing site
Looks like whoever made those threads all at the same time, also took the screenshots of them and made that image.
How do I know this isn't CNN telling us reading Wikileaks is illegal all over again?
Copying from the other thread because no one has answered yet. Has anyone actually looked at the add-on to see if there are hidden (((surprises))) left by the jewish developers?
They're going to keep clamping down on us whether we are passive or actively fighting them. If a country invades another country and the people being invaded say, "We can't fight back. If we do they'll fight us harder.". We have an obligation to fight back. We're being attacked and we have to respond.
Wow you kikes are really ass-blasted about this huh?
Look at the kool little picture you shooped too!
Lose shekels, get gassed!
Dozens of ultra autists on 4/g/ has verified that there's nothing jewy in the source code.
The only bad thing is that it tracks your browsing.
I believe some of them are working on an add-on to replace AdNauseam.
Tracking is moot anyway since you're running this in a separate browser with spoofed user agents and proxies
What does this even do? Doesn't this just make you super easy to track and give money to websites you visit? Help me understand.
I'm in charge of installing stuff in my mom's computer and my parents in law's. They all had regular adbloquers, I'm replacing it for adnauseum. I'm sure everything will run smoother now.
Fuck Jewgle.
I see so many people complaining that tearing the advertisement business model of the Internet down is a bad thing, and that AdNauseum will somehow hurt us. The only alternative in their mind is paid access to websites. But have you instead considered the magical world of the blockchain?
This company called Blockstack is creating a decentralized internet, where your data is owned locally on your machine, and no apps that use Blockstack can collect your data. Useful websites are rewarded with a Blockstack-made cryptocurrency, paid out through the collective hashrate of the whole network, rather than ads. So the more people that use your website/app or whatever, the more you get paid, rather than a company collecting user data and selling it. It changes the business model of internet completely, where a company is incentivized to make a good product for the public, rather than trying to milk users for cash by selling their data.
Advertisements are pure, 100% cancer, regardless if there's a kike in charge or not. I've always hated advertisements, even before I was redpilled. If Blockstack can scale (they seem to be using their blockchain technology purely for website signatures, which helps scalability), then it solves two problems: it gets rid of advertisements, and gets rid of the DNS middlemen that are currently shutting down right wing websites by taking away domain names. At this point, only ISPs would be a censorship problem. I haven't seen an alternative decentralized internet solve the monetization problem as clearly as Blockstack is attempting to do.
Tor and I2P are excellent services that more people should be using, however they are great for a different purpose, and aren't solutions that can replace the entire internet ecosystem with something healthier.
Go eat a dick, Google. Get behind a proxy and SMASH that F5 key!
It's a simple and effective scheme to destroy Google as a credible advertisement platform.
Google is freaking the fuck out.
Remember boys, always delete your browsing history and search log and don't forget to change your proxy every now and then
I still dream in Internet 1.0, before money and the normalfags obliterated it. What a place, what a point in history.
Yup. In a way, imageboards feel like the last holdout of web 1.0. This must've been what the cowboys of the old west felt like as technology, electricity, and cars started making their way west and stamping out their way of life.
I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DO ING and I'm probably retarded but what will this do and how can we install it everywhere
More jewish shilling for an data mining add-on made by 3 jews
It's the same kikes who made adnauseam. This whole thread is full of jewish google shills trying to encourage the goyim to dox themselves by installing a jewish-made extension
Never. We will be space cowboys. We happy few anons shall always be; a shining glint of maverick grit and autistic determination.
Ohhhh nooses doxxxing. Pffft I give no fucks.
Panicked Torpedo kike
Provide proof you dense faggots.
Filtered, shill
It should be possible, if not easy, to implement something very similar to ad-nauseum as a web crawler. Only instead of scraping content or indexing links, this crawler would click on ads.
No actual browser is needed to run a crawler. You could run several instances at once in the background of your PC and it probably wouldn't impact your performance or Internet speeds in any noticable way.
When I'm back from work I'm going to get started on making this. For now I just wanted to get the idea out there.
Oh noes, a torpeedo filtered me, whatever shall we do?
Better also save the input list, because otherwise that could disappear too.
None of those posts contain proof that this is a data-mining addon. We can, on the other hand, observe the source code and see that it does not in fact datamine. Now, how about that proof?
Can someone tell me how to make Adnauseam click every single ad? Most of them are shown as pending even though I set the click slider all the way up.
So now that kikes fail to convince anyone they slide, how typical
For as long as we have numbers, we have nothing to worry about.
Good luck going through thousands of proxies as well. Common public lists are used by pretty much every spammer on the block
There is nothing wrong with blind unobstrusive ads, such as banner ads. The internet at large has used them for as long as I can remember.
The problem is collecting info and metadata and linking it to user accounts in order to cater and target ads to them.
In a perfect world, catered ads would be a good thing. That's what they pitch to the public. If you pretend that your data is forever locked away in some profile that can't be accessed, and only communicates with targeted ad parameters… fine. That would save advertisers money, and would provide you with relevent products that you might want to buy.
The problem is that Google doesn't operate this way. We don't live in such a perfect world. Google shares your data with intelligence agencies, and helps create predictive models about your behavior far and beyond modeling what products you want to buy, that you didn't even knew you wanted to buy.
I don't understand half the stuff you are talking about, but I'm generally in favor of decentralizing the web. If the system you describe works, great. Alternatively, all that really needs to be done is outlawing the practice of passively storing data about users, and creating ad profiles for them. Force marketing agencies to use old methods of determining what websites to place their ads on.
I don't think many people care if there is an ad for F-150s or something at the top or side of the screen, so that they don't have to pay to use websites. The ads people hate are pop-ups and ads with auto-play videos.
Maybe that advertising model just doesn't work anymore. I don't know. If it used to work, I assume it could work again. I don't know why it wouldn't. I'm sure it's not as lucrative, but it's also a hell of a lot less abusive.
I deleted adnauseam and installed it again just for you OP
Wait why was this thread also posted in Holla Forums?
Everyone's in on this.
4/pol/, 4/g/, 8/pol/, 8/tech/, hell, even the /salt-left/ fags hate Google and are using AdNauseam.
Jesus Christ, this is on par with the CNNigger saying it was illegal for non-journalists to look at Podesta's emails on Wikileaks. Time to set up Adnauseam then.
Can you imagine if Plebbit gets sucked into this shit and more gullible normies too? This might cause a domino effect.
I need a fucking IOS edition of this, Firefox won't install extensions, opera has fucking opera mini with no extensions.
Who has a solution for this bull shit? No I'm not getting rid of my iPhone
Stop using Apple products, satan
Fuck Google
nice try, satan
berkely mugshots from this past sunday
wrong thread, fuck me
Options are
Okay, so dubsman, do you have a solution or not?
and what google is doing to people isnt economic terrorism?
Thanks for reminding me to install it, Schlomo!
You know, for a bunch of autists you fuckers can't think very well.
It doesn't seem to work well with Firefox for Android.
AdNauseam is a desktop solution only Linux/binbows or whatnot. I'm not hpister enough to buy Apple products in current year. If you can find some chromium based browser for iOS that supports extension, try that I suppose.
Also you had sick trips earlier, absolutely demonic.
AdNauseam is pretty rekt on Desktop Firefugs and it's forks. They'll probably fix it or user write their own neetsoc version
Fucking hell, didn't even see my trips, I feel like a dumbass. Fuck me. Thanks user
Which is why ↓ will never happen.
nigger…. you need to not use iOS or apple products
try loading it into that
Bald guy on second row has the most balanced face, like seen in those by country averaged combination photos.
Install Gentoo
Hmm. All the threads about Adnauseam were taken down except this one. Does this means mods are now banning threads about Adnauseam or was it the FBI that took them down? If a mod or janitor could comment on this so we know what's going on.
You're not from here. Leave, and take Apple with you.
Adnauseam has already caused google billions, if that doesn't make you happy I don't know what will.
Really makes me think.
Don't worry, they're BASED nationalist jews like Mike Enoch.
Even to steal shekels from kikes, I wouldn't fucking enable scripts or ads on my fucking computer – you kikes are really fucking stupid, aren't you? CIAniggers are going to fuck your shit up hard – you don't think the NSA won't buttfuck you hard as soon as you uninstall no-script? You goyim are the stupidest fucking faggots I have seen in a long long time. You deserve your NSA–TAO but tucking that you are going to get. There are safer ways to fuck the Jew.
This way is distressing to you though, shekelstein, so watch in dispair as all your shekels drain away.
ps. you started it, not our fault you wanted to poke the bear.
well shit I was staying away from this but now I'm installing on all my PCs, and 5 pcs at work that run 24/7
thanks shlomo
So, goys, for some reason AdNauseum isn't working in my browser (Firefox), what am I doing wrong?
You aren't only one I didn't have luck with firefug either, though I didn't disable the extension verification
AdNauseam and Ublock are the same thing when it comes to blocking, since one is a fork of the other with some features added.
You need to enable the same filter lists and import custom filters you might have created.
Bring it. I care not. I shoot trespassers out here.
i ran into this problem for days until i figured it out.
adnauseam doesn't work if firefox is set to "Never remember history", you have to click remember history in the settings, or use custom settings, you can uncheck everything and set it to clear out cookies and all the browsing history when you close, but it can't be set to "Never".
It doesn't work in incognito mode in chromium either.
I installed AdNauseam because of this thread.
Do I need to do anything else now or does the thing make the kikes kvetch all by itself?
I noticed that on chromium as well, whoever made the script page gave wrong info.
Oh God forbid I didn't check my digits on a post.
Tried it, pic related.
This will never take off if they can't streamline a mobile solution for Apple products.
Make it sure that it works if yes use this
Don't use private browsing or incognito
I hadn't bothered to install it yet, but if they're this bloody triggered by it maybe I'll put some time aside to get it done today.
That doesn't work for me on palemoon.
Palemoon cuck'd and blacklisted the browser altogether. Go to the palemoon thread to find specifics and about:config settings to fix that shit
Palecoon banned it. Gotta go into blacklist
I'm running this on 3 separate instances and different proxies. Feels good man
Could we come up with search terms that target shit like MSM, Jewbay, Amazon and other google owned sites? AdNauseum army can cause some serious damage
Holy fuck shills, please work on your techniques.
Okay, it is economic terrorism. The same economic terrorism that the left gets away with against the right.
Of course LEA is only interested in pursuing right wing terrorists.
But, LEA going after a large amount of small time individuals, you are less likely to get caught with this scheme.
need to come up with sites that have a ton of ads too.
Are you comparing a fucking shirt to a browser extension?
No it isn't, the point isn't to terrorize.
If you don't count the kikes who shat themselves when hate/pol/ came up with this.
I'm in Alaska. I'll fight to the death if anyone tresspasses shitposter-kun
10 out of 10. If you would get a fail guy saying it even normies could get a hard one.
On a side note, cuckchan pruned the last thread for raiding.
4cuck /g/ lost their shit over this, which was hilarious.
I really don't have a smug enough face for this, but goddammit does it feel fucking comfy. I can keep auto-refresh on, browser up and let Adnauseam do the hard work for me. I fucking love our brave new world.
Is this satire? Goolag are you angry?
lost shit over what? the video - positively or negatively losing it, or did you refer to the prunning?
The last thread here which was deleted or was slid to hell where an user posted a screenshot of a kike freaking out in 4pleb /g/ over AdNauseam
Sorry, OP. But, this is just part of the free market :^) You know, like when SJWs threaten to attack a company economically if they don't conform. Same thing. Unless SJWs are all terrorists. Oooooops
Shills gave up already, probably realized that propabilities and half arguements mean jacks shit here.
Is anyone outside of brazilians or mainland chinkese/negroids/australoids/uneducated small children dumb enough to actually click on a traditional online ad?
Mobileshit app integration should be far more profitable than classic webpage embeds in the current year.
More than enough. Keep in mind monkeys in huehueland are retarded.
(((they))) have weaponized advertisers as a club to beat down dissent. to kill advertising will disarm them.
I should also add that they have already been caught employing bot swarms to shill their products, services, and/or publications; it's not like this is crossing an ethical Rubicon for us to manipulate it too.
thanks (((friend))) I'll be installing today
can you imagine if someone hijacked popular IoT devices and turned them into a giant shitclicker swarm?
With todays targetted aps are more profitable than usual "buy our ugandan oil" on a sports site about curling.
I usually see a lot of kike merchant pcb manufacturers (cuz EE) but I seem to get the need to at least see their overpriced kiked products cuz my field
if you're not using a dual boot hackintosh you have no reason to use an apple product
unable to make a case on how ADNAUSEAM is bad for us…
toggle to false
Maybe for (((you))), my little yid friend.
We should base it on shekel clicker lol
When will England take the Rothschild property?
Wasn't it that way, with economic terrorism, that they got rich?
thx for pointing that out tho
adnauseum newfag here. How do I change the script? I see the slider for "click sometimes", but not the sleep part.
Also, how do you maximize the number of ads clicked? Do you put on jewtube and have a playlist of 1000 monetized VEVO songs to cycle through and play ads?
Please advise:
I would like to use a proxy server. Anons have suggested it in this thread.
Whats the best way to do this? I like cheapness and easyness.
honestly, why not put all the requisite software in an easy to install package and throw it on a raspberry pi, stick it on your network, and let it run forever?
>go to jsfiddle.net
Sit back and relax as you watch those shekels burn up in front of their faces.
So it appears googleadservices is down
Should have a competition for the first one to hit $100k.
I'll take my chances, fucking kike. They have to prove it in court. Good luck going after everyone who ever used it.
Or the $100k club.
I'd install AdNauseam in a second if I were comfortable looking at 10-second YouTube ads and other invasive ads that dare insert their own fucking niggershit cookies in my browser. Will this work along with adblocking from uBlock Origin or AdBlock?
You're retarded if you add this and let them watch you from Jerusalem
AdNauseam comes with uBlock Origin. Do not use both at the same time.
It has ublock built into it
I find it hard to believe that kikes would ever do anything good for us even once, but I guess I'll try it and see for myself. Thx fam.
New Autonauseam version:
This version is significantly improved. *Chromium has been replaced with Firefox.
*Firefox includes a preconfigured profile with adnauseam included. Start and go.
*Windows and Linux support.
Installation instructions:
there's also error handling now, it won't shit out on you if it timesout or it's a bad url, it'll log it and move onto the next.
later tonight i'm switching this over to a new sitelist, which should put out daily updates
when i do i'm going to purge the git history, while i restart it things might obviously be missing, but it won't take long to come back up
Thanks for reminding me to install adnauseam!
yeah, and they are the driving force behind liberal ideas, which is probably what is going to fuck israel up beyond repair.
in case you haven't noticed, them being supersmart is a very forced meme.
Warning: reported for being a kike.
This is great.
Are we witnessing a habbening?
For those of you wanting to know how to commit
u mad?
Is there's any place to get Ad Nauseum
I've downloaded adnauseam a while back but umatrix apparently cockblocked everything before it reached the botnet.
Is there a way to use it with umatrix while still fucking over jewgle and company?
Interdimensional autism
Unless you want to bang your nuts in a door jam repeatedly trying to get it to work on umatrix, I suggest you just DL FireFox and run it in the background.
I suppose using AdNauseam can go well with some addon for auto-reloading specific pages, aside from what
proposed of course. Just set the auto-reload to 5 secs and leave the PC running.
I do the work, so you don't have to! :DDDDD
I've already done the work in the past myself, bud. Good thing that you visualized it for the newfags, but
user pls.
Hmmmm i see a recurring theme across multiple sites
the idea is that since it's inside of the browser there's literally no way to tell the difference.
adnauseam stores all of it's settings and data (hopefully the advault) inside of an sqlite file inside of the profile folder in firefox. I'm going to have autonauseam read that at some point and pull out all the site's with advertisements.
at some point they might be able to detect how adnauseam is doing it, but if the browser is automated in some other way, either with python/selenium like autonauseam does it, or with some javascript like
does it, it should be literally impossible to detect. they might flag all your clicks with codefags method because they see a million queries coming from your ip address. they could flag it the way autonauseam does it if the same ad network get's hit from the same ip address 5000000 times in one day, but who knows. they're going to have to put in serious work to detect it either way, and then adnauseam and other software will just change the way it does things in perpetual war
I think the developers made a mistake by having the click rate default at 100%. It should have been set by default at least as low as 50%. Because most people that install this extension will just be set and forget. So when Google updates its blacklist rules most users of this extension will be caught by it and Google will no longer get paid for clicks from them.
If the click rate were at 50% of lower by default it would be much more difficult for Google to detect click fraud.
i find offensive no one checked this trips
10000 hours in mspaint
Don't forget TrackMeNot.
recently started using palemoon because i wanted to stop using google but apparently these fuckers sold out and the owner is some degenerate so what browser do i use
There's truth in humor.
That's what I did in jewgle chrome.
Shut the fuck up.
Is there a script to make Adnauseum run in the background, too?
It made 2 windows as well, but no jump in ads deteched.
Submit a feature request to set the click rate to some random level per installation.
in less than 24h ive cost google $10,000 running 1 instance of the script, over a 365 day period this will be $365,000
running 3 instances will mean in a year one person can cost google over a million dollars,
now lets assume 3,000 people can match the rate of $10,000 a day
it will cost google $10,950,000,000 over a 1 year period.
I installed chromium as a dedicated clicking browser
I'm having a similar problem, after installing adnauseam on firefox and clicking start it just says "no ads detected on this page." How do I get adnauseam to run on the popup windows the script generates?
What if adnauseum were spread as a virus?
Just put tinfoil on router.
history has to be enabled and all other addblockers need to be disabled
Unfortunately it's not that simple unless those 3000 people have a botnet at their disposal. AdNauseam is most effective with a lot of users and each of those users sending a low volume of clicks.
I'm running it on a raspberry pi fam
tvtropes is pretty ad-rife, anyone gonna make a list on sites full of detectable ads?
I only use Discord because my faggot friends use it. It's honestly shit. I like TS better for gaming.
Also, duckduckgo is alright, but I'd rather just go fuck myself than ever use a (((search engine))) in the first place. There are no good search engines, as far as I know.
Startpage is alright from what I've seen. But maybe I'm wrong, also nice trips.
Waterfox comes with ecosia which I find to work pretty well.
goodgopher.com is best search engine
Could this and AdNauseam work with headless mode Firefox?
I enabled history saving through firefox browser yet running the script still does nothing. And there's definitely no other adblockers, this is a fresh copy of mozilla that I just downloaded, I typically use Brave for browsing
Wew lad.
popups need to be enabled under content setting as well, when you press the start button on the jsfiddle page two windows should pop up just ignore them they should start running their script automatically, at this point you should click on the adnauseam button and click ad vault and it should list your clicks and ads and cost run up
Forking it now just in case.
All the greatest darkest deepest forces of the web must band together and slay the ad-jew once and for all.
Let us create the ad-fucker to end all ad-fuckers.
my nigger, I'm the server host for my group so I set up autonauseum on the server
If it works out tell that autonauseum guy, if you can get an easy package together for normalfags this can go far
Creating a dummy-proof, all-in-one automated program, will allow even the most simple of normalfags to download and run it in the background.
ill try the python linux script and report back
What thread was adnauseam discovered in? I've been away for a few days and all of the sudden this became a big deal. I really want to know about the "previous thread".
for linux you need to install shit, it's in the readme on the main page. you need python2.7 obviously, python-selenium, and python-requests. either get them from pip or the distributions package manager.
It's going to tell you that no ads were found on the page because the script is running in two seperate windows. To know if it's working just check if your ad vault number is going up. Which it should be.
it was during the google manifesto bullshit that an user brought it up, and its culminated into this
Thank you, based user.
How can I see how much ad nauseum has cost google? I've looked through the dashboard but can't see anything
this is likely wrong, if you don't see the money count go up or see the money count at all, there's a problem with adnauseam and it's probably not clicking ads.
go to the ad vault
Warning: You can't stop me from doing shit Chaim, I'm keeping AdNauseam
if you need a site to test if adnauseam is working 4chan.org is a good one, refresh it a couple of times, 4chan has 6-8 ads on the front page
Due to all the hubbub about this addon, I finally decided to ditch Palememe and try out Cyberfox and Waterfox (recommended earlier, or in one of the other threads.)
Cyberfox worked 100%, but it lagged the fuck out of my computer and used way too much CPU for whatever reason. Waterfox runs like a well oiled machine, doesn't lag a bit, but the add-ons are mostly broken. For instance, I can't see my ad vault, or the setting page. Clicking those simply does nothing. The add-on appears to be working, catching ads and so on, but part of its functionality is just broken. Unrelated, but Rikaisama is completely broken as well.
The strangest damn thing is that Waterfox was working splendidly in the first 30 minutes I had it. Everyone was ace, but then it just magically broke itself thereafter. I'm frustrated. I just want a good browser that doesn't hog resources like a motherfucker.
Popups are enabled, the windows popup, but when I open up the advault I just see the same 39 or so adds, no more. It just looks stagnant
i also swaped to chromeuim now and duckduck and now using adnauseaem, what other extentions are good?
anons stop! there are proprietary trading firms and automated trading algorithms that trade based in part on google search trends. youre going to crash the markets with no survivors. you'll kill us all
>Install AdNauseum addons.mozilla.org
>go to jsfiddle.net
Sit back and relax as you watch those shekels burn up in front of their faces.
Throw them in the trash. Absolute garbage.
Here's some more info about adnauseum for newfriends and autists.
well no shit, i didn't even catch that one. the random click rate feature is already there
Now here's a thought:
What happens when we're all using this while browsing Holla Forums and auto-click on Holla Forums's ads?
Shills have failed to realize that adnauseam is open source
Whos winning so far? I know its not me, my internet is slow as shit.
8ch ads are self served, they shouldn't get clicked, you can always whitelist it.
8ch doesn't have ads as far as I know. It's completely user supported, I believe.
looking into setting up a PI for set and forget, what good for total automation
Whitelist, niggerkike.
or just, you know, dont visit sites you like with it on?
christ some of you naysayers are fucking thick in the head
user's buy add time. Admins aren't fucking dumb, they know we use ublock.
I turned my whole mining operation over to this. it's extremely painful to reset the scripts, but worth it lololol
8ch ads are non-tracking (I do believe)
and they are self-served, not Doubleclick or the likes.
Is this bait?
cookies need to be enabled and nothing on adnauseam should be activated except click ads
Here's a thought: At the moment Merkel is probably paying for ads for the German Election. Is there anyway we can selectively target her advertisements and run up the cost of her campaign?
you can have all of AdNauseam's features enabled, just don't use private browsing, or the equivalent to it.
done, works pretty good I even ran it successfully through proxychains
concentrate on german websites?
majestic's sitelist
is formatted to be easily sorted by domain name, you can filter out everything but .de
no :(((((
this is now
Make sure to keep an eye on and participate in /sudo/ then. Lots of faggots requesting web 2.0+ features be added to the site there.
Look at the bigger picture, redditspacer. Think, use your brain. Holla Forums is supposed to be smart, but this thread seems to be full of the type of poster that made hwndu shit itself badly enough to be exiled to another board.
Consider a very real possibility, think, use your brain, look at what's happened to sites like fag anglin's and stormfront. A very real possibility, whether related to the addon directly or not, is using it and the op threads posted here as a pretext to get registrars and cuckflare to shoah this site.
You really think they need a logical reason to do anything?
It's like poetry. Stop using products designed for the lowest common denominator and designed specifically to keep people stupid while being manufactured in jewish sweatshops in china and supplied exclusively by component manufacturers (like RAM and solid state memory) who do the same thing.
Get GRIDS and die.
Kill yourself.
Shove that goyphone up your ass and die.
welp i tried
anyone with g-suite admin can push the extension out to ALL domain users, will run on signed in chrome browser and all chromebooks.
school admins - i'm looking at you
If you're using Windows, you should definitely block malicious ads.
If you want to mess with those as well, install GNU/Linux.
what are Holla Forums aproved extensions
What fucking script are you using? Mine came like that by default.
I totally forgot about re-installing noscript. Thanks user.
Just make sure you have it disabled while you're running the script. Or allow all scripts, one or the other. Re-enable after raping jewgle.
js line 22, last two args of window.open make it open in a popup window on firefox esr. It's the same script.
So, I did the about:config trick in Palememe and installed adnauseam, but I don't see an icon on the navigation bar like all the other addons. Am I doing it wrong?
Why not just build an open source browser, possibly on an existing platform with adnauseam integrated by default like Brave does with adblocking? It'll be easier for the normalfags to use and spread quickly instead of giving them a bunch of code they haven't a clue what to do with. It'll be automatically updated and the most optimised to the cause default options will be checked for them.
Evola was right. Both communism and capitalism are just as disgustingly materialistic as the other. There is no spirit or soul in any of them and is just a recipe for an unhappy fractionated divided and lost society void of art, culture, purpose, and volk.
no but he has a point, what if someone coded a virus that all it does is installs ad nauseam extension, that spreads and creates a MASSIVE explosion in fake ad clicks lol
They're going to do that regardless eventually. That's what the bunkers are for.
Go to the extensions page and manually choose to allow it in incognito.
ScriptSafe / NoScript / uMatrix
uBlock Origin, however that may be comprimsed
NO! Use IceFrog's script, it doesn't refresh as fast so you can get more ADZZZZ
Even with allowing it in private browsing or the equivalent, Incognito, it may occasionally not click ads. Being in a normal window will reduce, if not completely eliminate this issue.
This. Digits has the right idea I think.
You know what was the one thing I thought of though, what if all of us using Adnauseam rapes 8ch's ad revenue? Is there a way to make an exception for this site?
Polite Sage for doublepost
This is not a bad idea inherently, but since most normalfags are in the bell curve of being able to identify something "weird going on" with their precious Crapple phone or their PC, they may try to remove it.
Also, distribution of Malware is illegal, at least in the States.
this is basically just a firefox fork with adnauseam installed
if this is the only feature it's going to be hard to convince anyone to download it. you can just install adnauseam into the browser.
No, you are doing it correctly. The missing icon is a bug and it has been reported to the extension developers. github.com
underrated observation
probably also true
What about HTTPS Everywhere and Privacy Badger? Both from EFF.
Ah. Thanks user I appreciate the info. I kind of suspected as much, since I could see the 'Block Element' with the Adnauseam icon if I right clicked.
It's not. AdNauseam by default will not click on non-tracking ads, so unless that has been disabled, don't worry.
Also, the structuring of ads is different here than the way GooLag does it.
See and
I've seen no need for HTTPS everywhere considering I always make sure to set protocol to httpS if it is avaliable plus if a server doesn't offer httpS protocol then HTTPS everywhere is kind of redundant. Nonetheless, both are also Holla Forums approved.
What is wrong with NoScript? I've never seen any issues with it, please explain
when can we see an Holla Forums os and browser?
You can't even get normalfags to use addons. Look at the number of the most popular addon downloads compared to users of the browser period anywhere. Just point to them factual benefits like how ads make pages load slower, eat up your bandwidth, contain viruses and malware, fuck your privacy, plus whatever else that is attractive to normalfags and Firefox itself isn't optimised enough which is why we have to go into and edit the core settings normalfags can't begin to understand. They're the types to take the "warranty" seriously and you know it.
nice ID, also they dont even have the warranty excuse with browsers. They are just to sheepishly lazy to download and install them
Decide yourself.
btw, you're newfag is showing friend. :^) this was exposed probably two years ago now
fuck you nigger im working on it.
uwotm8. Also you don't use both uBlock and AdNauseam simultaneously.
Dammit Terry, we got people waiting here!
meant for
why is trying to get a browser and extensions unpozzed so fucking hard, is it really (((THEM))) trying this hard?
reminder: adnauseam is a fork of ublock origin
it's literally ublock origin + ad clicking.
Honestly it makes me sad because Terry is easily the most intelligent programmer that uses imageboards and he's to batshit to make anything important.
If he wasn't insane he could be so incredibly, useful man is easily 190+ IQ. A genius on the level of the historical greats.
I'm running this thing on the computer labs of my university. Only thing i'm missing is a macro or script to make them google and click automatically at human speed.
(((They))) don't like anything (((they))) can't control
we just need to guide him, imagine templeBrowser…
Sometimes I really wonder if the CIAniggers mindfucked him because he was a threat.
We failed to protect his smile
It's at a point that if we want thinks unfucked we're going to have to do them ourselves.
I don't think that there's anyone else left besides us who can.
I do think it's time for a CostCounter.
Screencap your current estimated cost along with the ads you have been able to gather using either Codefag's script or using IceFrog's script.
Personal estimated cost as of image upload -
Other things that kikes think is terrorism:
1. Nature
2. Whites
3. Boycotting Israel
4. etc
weak, I know. Was targeting TYT and other kikes at first.
This really. They really would be dumb enough to say something like what OP did and think it'd work, Cuomo is a good case study of it.
Good stuff user, saved.
Shit, I'd actually believe that. Could be that he didn't want to play ball according to (((their))) rules and he got mindfucked by psyops as a consequence.
Repostan from /salt-left/.
Everyone seems to be in on this one, all related 4chan and 8ch boards on all sides of politics and tech. Best joint-operation, Jewgle has made too many enemies on here.
sauce, pl0x?
everybody hate googles
Look h'White to me. AdNauseam is fine by me.
Mossad sabotaging yanks? who cares.
the one who wrote the code isn't a kike
the other two are academics leaching off the project academic points
not to mention they didn't write 95% of the code to begin with, they forked and tweaked ublock origin
different than literally any other time how?
The script opens two small windows and searches automatically, but adnauseam doesn't seem to be getting any ads added into them. It's probably something i did wrong, or maybe is it because said small windows do not have a toolbar with the adnauseam icon there?
But why even worry if there's Jew's involved if it's open source?
Can't we go through the code to detect if there's anything suspicious?
that's the whole point if it's open source, and if you look at the issues tracker on their github there's obviously a lot of people looking at it.
if they get stupid it'll just get forked without the poz. and now the idea is in everyone's head.
I'm not even claiming it's bad. It's just patently unnerving that locally executable code that's been around for three years is suddenly being pushed by threads every few hours across every important forum, and it turns out it's a fucking kike project.
This of all places should be seriously skeptical about the timeline, the circumstances, and the ramifications.
I am all for fucking the shit out of goolag and all the rest. That doesn't mean chomping down on every piece of bait that floats past.
So should we wait until the code is verified clean?
Couldn't it just be Kikes wanting to take credit more than some conspiracy?
That is the beauty of it; Holla Forums anons who are monitoring this shit like a hot can tip us off the moment shit gets pozzed while the rest of us lazy bastards can contribute by simply using a browser extension.
It's fucking beautiful and all the evidence is pointing to it actually working. Even normies are joining in.
Cite the statute using Adnauseum violates.
it's as clean as it's going to get. if your worried run it in a VM. you probably should anyway
Cite the section of the Constitution which authorizes federal drug laws. Or affirmative action. Or guarantees the right to abortion.
I know that's not the same as a statute, but with all the millions upon millions of pages of federal and state laws and regulations, one surely exists which, if broadly read, criminalizes AdNauseam. I don't know what rule it is nor how to find it, but when it becomes politically useful, some ambitious prosecutor's office will dig it out of the Augean muck.
This is the most autistic argument I have every heard.
I don't think you should stop doing it at all. If and when the company and creator are charged, then you might consider stopping. Until then, have fun.
My point is that the globohomo beast is in no way constrained by written law, and you should not expect it to be. Our masters have a lot of experience in making the law sit, roll over, and dance the cancan.
Can't seem to get this to work. It blocks ads on most websites fine but never racks up a click counter. It also isn't blocking the weebshit ads here on Holla Forums while ublock blocked them fine.
go to adnauseam settings and third party filters and select the add lists you want to use, if it isn't clicking the ads make sure history is enabled
turn on debugging mode and look at the web console, it'll shit out debugging information. I looked at it to see what it was doing when it seemed like it wasn't clicking ads and it should. It's trying, but it fails to parse some ads because of scripts and obfuscation in the ads.
I want to get my own version going by parsing adblock lists, but I have a feeling it's not nearly as simple as "check every link and see if it points to an ad server". I would be some of those links don't appear at all in the html and are added by scripts later.
If you want to see if it's working at all, go to 4chan's homepage. I've been using that as a nice ad test. If it's working it'll catch and click 6-8 ads there.
History for my browser is enabled. I enabled every single 3rd party filter and the ads still pop up here.
Probably just going to wait a couple months until it gets ironed out.
I think Holla Forums should do the TRS
If anyone remembers the coincidence detector. Basically those fags made their own domain for it
My point?
In case The original author cucks out Holla Forums has it's and on the source code
Moreover we have enough pomf.se clones to make dangerous kitten 2.0 electric boogaloo
anons are working on a plug in play background utility i'd stay tuned
Whether we hide from the kikes and overlords or not isn't the matter of importance to them.
They have enough sheeple who don't care about that.
What we can do however is create as much damage as we can by striking them where it hurts.
Remember, it doesn't matter if you are hiding from them as long as they know you're scared little bitch who isn't going to do anything against them.
Power and control is their moto. Most of their power is acquaired through indifferent masses and selected few hiding in shadows being scared from kikes.
The ads here are self serv, they don't don't come from the normal ad servers included in the lists. If you really want to click 8ch ads you could try adding your own filter i guess.
It makes me wonder now how that works. If any custom filters added get clicked, or just blocked.
Wonder if unified user hordes can siege google ad servers until (((they))) lose their shit?
Anons globally laying siege and clicking ads 24/7 coming from every country on earth and proxies to boot.
Reminds me of old Mongol invasions. Though we do not have corpses infected with the plague to catapult over the walls
i'm running kali linux using iceweasel any way i can get this script running? i'm a newb
do you have a feature that disables scripts? that breaks the script, obviously
I just went into Iceweasel - the add on section - searched for adnauseum and installed it that way. I'm running AdNauseam 3.3.403. is this the same as the Auto Nauseam here jsfiddle.net
If not please let me know.
I don't think I'll stop until the day of the rope, then I'll be to busy killing to do internet stuff.
javacript is running on iceweasel. followed directions here to confirm javascript was running.
pchelpDOT ricmedia DOT com/enable-or-disable-javascript-in-mozilla-firefox-linux/
To REEEALLY stick it to google you need adnauseam running and the jsfiddle.net script
if you just run the jsfiddle site alone you're just helping a guy do analytics and study googles adwork
Combine these with getting people to all alternatives to anything to do with google.
Thanks for the reference OP, now I've installed and started googling shit I haven't the slightest intention of buying just to see those shekels slowly fly out of your pockets. Seriously though, any other anons get this feeling? It's like I can do nothing while actually doing something, and seeing that estimated loss continually grow and grow makes my dick rock fucking hard. I've found my new skinnerbox, Holla Forums. Lock me in and throw away the key.
Fucking forgot my reaction image.
Don't say that, even ironically. They are not our masters, they are parasites leeching off our success and intellect. When we rope the fuckers it will not be a slave's rebellion, it will be us restraining and destroying a vicious parasite that got loose in our midst.
well I'm going to go through the instruction here. I already got Adnauseum installed via iceweasel (really an updated firefox) add on plugin manager. Now I'm going to do the AutoNauseum install which involved more tinkering. Might even be fun to help get this into the Plugin Manager database so its easy for newbs like me to click buttons install of working the command prompt.
Blankpost is for faggots.
Trying to post a gif but it's not recognizing for some reason. Thinking it's possibly the filename if overmeme related shit is banned here.
Okay using it now. Thought it wouldnt hide ads so I was hesitant but I guess it does so that's neat.
Bumping with a counter. Mine so far and I am running no less than three different instances
I just got it working & this is awesome! I'm running kali linux ice weasel.
1) goto command prompt & do these things (make sure you are administrator for step 1)
pip install selenium (press enter)
pip install requests (press enter)
2) goto ice weasel hit alt key to reveal the menu Tools - Add ons. Search for "AdNauseum" and install this plugin. You may have to restart iceweasel or whatever firefox browser you are using.
3) goto gitgud.io
4) go back to command prompt screen and type setup.py by first typing "python setup.py". You must get the python program to run the *.py scripts. Setup downloads firefox version to your director/folder you created in step 3!
5) Run autonauseam.py . remember goto command prompt type "python autonauseam.py"
6) Look at the two images posted by & in this post. Basically click the purple adnauseam icon (located on your new Firefox browser program that opened from running step 5. Then click on settings and make sure your settings look like the picture titled "setting for adnauseam" originally posted by .
7) Look at the link posted by & then to save the weaponized autism file look at post jsfiddle.net
to save weaponized autism file do this below.
8) Now click the big green start button and it should pop open a very small firefox web browser googling some random term. Let it run for a good 30 minutes or so then click on the AdNauseum icon located in the upper left hand corner a little purple icon thing. click on "View Ad Vault" and it should pop open a tab with the URL "chrome://adnauseam/content/vault.html" inside of one of the smaller firefox windows that was created by this script jsfiddle.net
9) Over time hit refresh on the URL "chrome://adnauseam/content/vault.html" to see how much shekels you are annihilating from the Jews Greedy Shekel grubbing claws. Destroy the Jews advertising revenue scheme and watch how they will kick into overdrive their ability to manipulate congress so that their shekels will flow.
Hey folks few words of advice to those who have their hands on proxies or VPNs and my opinion of TOR
Like with 8ch any asian IP China/nip/Taiwan/S Korea/etc are flagged nearly instantly especially chinese proxies
Change proxies on regular basis, delete your search history as well
As far as I know simple search engines like Jewgle do not have IP leaking elements like flash or Web RTC, so you're good with your automated proxy changer or your own list.
Fresher the proxy you have the better
Also most western non-TOR are not flagged that easily or forced through a captcha check
Speaking of TOR. Jewgle is pretty much spammed with TOR 24/7 so you will get fucked by captcha at some point,
I just noticed (((CNN))) is filled with ads, could be this another place to shit on?
Of course.
saging because this Israeli add on creeps me out.
Little reminder that with NoScript active Adnauseam won't work as well. Just use one browser for the Ad clicking and you should be fine.
Get gassed
For what fucking reason?
Hello mordecai
It's not really google thought:
It's the UK gov and some globalist corporations.
That's the thing. It won't really be possible to discern fake clicks from actual clicks, eroding the trust for Adwords.
We should make this stuff as normalfag friendly as possible
I suggest we try to sell it to normalfags as a "good" adblocker telling them the sites would still get the money and they don't have to see or click any ads again
How the fuck does this destroy the web? looks like just another piece of shit cashgrab shitcoin like ether or maidsage or whatever
Well, now we know Palemoon was subverted all along. So there's that.
If you do this then Google can just block all clicks from that browser. It's too easy to identify.
pretty sure that's why you don't use both simultaneously.
This should be in the OP
Well, I wonder if (((they))) love being shut down like this
The best part is they can't complain publicly about it without there being government action. If they said it hurt them, they would only make a lot more people start using it. They have to suffer in silence.
i'm glad this finally got turned into a webm after it being on youtube for 3 years and getting shoahed twice. thanks
This is great. I have changed line 22 to this:
var x = window.open("http'':''//google.com", "_blank");
It opens tabs instead of windows.
sure does work wonders, this is after a few hours of running
This is probably causing a shekel shoah the likes of which has not been seen. Imagine making money from nothing, this probably has a payload severity similar to the complete abolition of usury. It's not just google that's getting fucked over either, all of the electronic transfers between the ad host and the ad provider are probably subject to fees through banks and credit card systems. The hilarious thing is that those fees are going from kikes to elder kikes and it will probably cause shekel disputes which no banking entity will want to have to deal with or reverse. There will be banks that wont want to reverse this and google will get fucked hard paying back the revenue and the transfer fees and overhead costs for all those clicks.
step 5 fucks up for me, produces the following error.
[email protected]:~/Documents/ad# python autonauseam.py
Read 900000 sites from top-filtered.csv
Starting browser…
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "autonauseam.py", line 70, in
driver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_profile=profile, firefox_binary=binary, executable_path=gecko_path)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/selenium/webdriver/firefox/webdriver.py", line 144, in init
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/selenium/webdriver/common/service.py", line 74, in start
stdout=self.log_file, stderr=self.log_file)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 390, in init
errread, errwrite)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 1024, in _execute_child
raise child_exception
OSError: [Errno 8] Exec format error
No idea what I'm doing wrong, shame I really wanna give this a try.
So, should cost google 100k in about 30-40 hours. Run 24hrs 400-500k in a week, 25 mil in a year, so just 40 guys could cost jewgle a billion in a year, ignoring that it completely ruins the bulk of their business model, which means they're pretty much completely ruined.
I reached 30K within under a day by myself (12-16 hours) Though I use multiple browsers and proxies at the same time and it works
You people are so obvious
Soon google wiki will be referrals to:
Hello, shekelstein
with a few vm's and proxychains one could really do some work yeah
One guy with a 40x farm could do it.
make sure you have these packages installed
python2.7, python-selenium, and python-requests
Who are google's next closest competitors? Because with their eminent demise, other companies are going to take the top spot and their stocks should go through the roof, time to get in on the ground floor.
Also, short google/alphabet.
amazon ads
lets not celebrate a premature victory google is still alive
Bing (lol)
Didn't Jewgle spend on Amazon few years ago?
I'm not sure but I know they're fighting each other over ads and amazon owns twitch
Since Jewgle partakes in destroying white people, every dollar you shoah is a dollar not spent on such a task. Basically, you're giving money to white people when you mine their ads.
Ad market is paratism - the marketing. Basically doing nothing for nothing and for jews.
Advertising relies on appealing to the lowest common denominator of your target audience. Jews will set up ads for animals if it means more money. They even tried it with pets.
jewmazon and jewhoo are just as pozzed as jewgle and will end up getting the same treatment from doing the same jewing.
microsoft fires Americans and hires poos in mass, yandex is ruskies.
Niggers keep buying bling and other materialist bullshit, so the tapeworms at google have been making a bank
Right now may only be google adsense on the script, we need to broaden to Amazon and yahoo and bing/microsoft as well.
(((CNN))) is facing potential extra tax rape, little holes in their ad revenue wouldn't hurt, yes?
Is kali linux 32-bit?
Autonauseam is only setup to work in 64-bit, it only downloads 64-bit versions of firefox and geckodriver.
It looks like what's going on here is it's fucking up right when it goes to launch geckodriver, and that error would probably happen if it's a 32-bit OS with a 64-bit executable.
Indeed, they can't focus on destroying white society if they're struggling to keep their company structure above water.
That's why targeting MSM sites for ad revenue is a great option in that case. Once the clicks reap no benefit, the companies will pull out of CNN and the like.
Soros is an economic terrorist.
Let us use the weapons of our enemy and laugh as their castles burn.
Not only is this entertaining and gives me a nostalgia boner from 2003-06 days. It's amusing to see shills scream so loudly.
This might be the last big raid before the final habbening to end all habbening, so might as well go out with a bang
Best target right now is to focus on MSM imo:
it looks like firefox and geckodriver both still put out 32-bit versions for both windows and linux, i'm going to update autonauseam to handle that, should be up by the end of the day
Im successfully using the windows version on win7 vm, no problems to report
another note is that it's not nearly as effective as the scripts are that run keywords. a lot of site's just don't have ads that adnauseam picks up on. i'm pretty sure I can read adnauseam's database, and I'm working on having it start blacklisting site's that don't have ads as it goes along.
you can always run the scripts inside of that browser too.
i noticed some of the sites don't have ads heres my benchmark without the jsfiddle scripts running, time is EST DST
thanks, i was was worried about that, 80/hour isn't bad. I haven't run it for extended periods of time in testing yet.
If your running on linux, it's a better idea to install python-selenium and python-requests from your package manager instead of pip.
If you install something later, and these are a dependency on what your installing, your package manager has no idea they are already installed. It could cause version conflicts and all kind of other problems.
For Debian/Ubuntu this should equate to
sudo apt-get install python-requests python-selenium
If you have already installed them with pip, you can uninstall it with pip uninstall x, ie
pip uninstall selenium
pip uninstall requests
then install from your package manager.
Use pip if your package manager doesn't have them, or your package manager versions are out of date. I need to test this, but autonauseam shouldn't require bleeding edge python-requests and python-selenium, the package manager versions should work fine.
We should tbh.
I got the idea that perhaps it's made by Jews to track people who install AdNauseum or something Jewish like that.
your os is made by jews, your isp is owned by jews, your wireless drivers are written by jews, the NSA is full of jews etc etc
im still waiting on the audit of the open source adnauseam code that shows its tracking or pozzed
Running the top 1000 ad words script with Ad Nauseum results in 2-4 ads per Jewgle page. However, when manually typing search terms to test ad placement, I discovered a roughly 10-fold increase in advertisements by searching for specific products.
I ran a few searches that women would typically do (cat hair brush, bed linens, sunscreen) and on average, about 30 ads per page loaded. Ad Nauseum clicked all of them if it was set to click everything.
I'm not a coder. Could a codeanon modify one of the scripts with a new keyword list? I suggest combinations like:
blouse walmart
blouse amazon
blouse macys
box fan walmart
box fan home depot
box fan reviews
cat food safeway
and so on.
Product + Store = many more ads and a more efficient Ad Nauseum experience.
[Desired target store/chain] + [Most effective adjective or verb]
Most expensive ads could be exploited like this to a degree
add product and store keywords to the productKeywords and storeKeywords variable up top. Example: add "Costco" to storeKeywords
var storeKeywords =[ "walmart", "amazon", "target", "safeway"];
var storeKeywords =[ "walmart", "amazon", "target", "safeway", "costco"];
make sure every keyword has a "," at the end of it except for the last one.
this is a tweak of codefags, it still loads their keyword list in the background it just doesn't use it. this will pick a random product and a random store from the keywords up top, and then search a combination at random. ie: "cat food walmart"
var productKeywords = [ "blouse", "box fan", "cat food"];var storeKeywords =[ "walmart", "amazon", "target", "safeway", "costco"];var CrawlerCount = 2; // Number must be 1 or an even numbervar keywordsURI = "https'':''//raw.githubusercontent.com/CodefagoCbrgLyIyM/Alphabet/master/keywords";var googleURI = "https'':''//www.google.com/search?hl=en&site=webhp&source=hp&q=";var dummyTabs = [];var swatch = 1;var keywords = [];function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));}function shuffle(a) { for (let i = a.length; i; i--) { let j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i); [a[i - 1], a[j]] = [a[j], a[i - 1]]; }}async function Crawl(tabCount){ var i = 0 var m = keywords.length / tabCount; dummyTabs = []; for(var i = 0; i < tabCount; i++){ var x = window.open("http'':''//google.com",'newwindow' + i,'width=200, height=200', "_blank"); dummyTabs.push(x); } while (i < m) { var randomStore= storeKeywords[Math.floor(Math.random()*storeKeywords.length)]; var randomProduct= productKeywords[Math.floor(Math.random()*productKeywords.length)]; var randomKeywords=randomProduct+"+"+randomStore; dummyTabs[swatch].location = googleURI + randomKeywords; dummyTabs[swatch].focus(); swatch++; if(swatch == tabCount){ swatch = 0; i++; } await sleep(45000 + (Math.random() * 60000)); } for(var i = 0; i < tabCount; i++){ dummyTabs[i].close(); } Init();}function Init(){ if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else {// code for IE6, IE5 xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200) { var a = xmlhttp.responseText.split(/\n/); shuffle(a); keywords = a; Crawl(CrawlerCount); } } xmlhttp.open("GET", keywordsURI, false); xmlhttp.send(); }var button = document.querySelector('#run');button.onclick = function(){ Init(); }//Init();
to run, go here:
delete javascript in javascript window in the bottom left, copy and paste new javascript, click "update" in the top left of the screen, then click "run".
Click start button when ready.
slight bug, doesn't seem to effect anything though
line 41:
var randomKeywords=randomProduct+"+"+randomStore;
change "+" to " "
new code on line 41:
var randomKeywords=randomProduct+" "+randomStore;
How do I make it click on an online adult toy store, like, "Adam and Eve?"
it's actually line 43
just modify the keywords
add "dildo" to product keywords
replace store keywords with adult toy store
take out all of the store keywords and just use "Adam and Eve" if you only want to target that one store, then add a bunch more product keywords.
from common sense show
"This information is absolutely huge in its scope. Part Two is over 2,000 words long. In Part Two of this series, I will be presenting voluminos documentation of the claims made in Part One.
In summary and what will be expanded on in Part Two will include the following:
Google is obliterating the voice of the Independent Media.
Google literallly has no competition.
The NSA/CIA have provided Google with the tools to monopolize E-Commerce and eliminate all competition
Google will soon dominate all appliances with its implants including Google Voice.
Google will not stop with dominating appliances, they have plans to take over many key industries with their technology.
Google is delisting not just the alt-right, but it delisting the alt-left. They are even taking on some of George Soros’ organizations.
Google has been appointed to run the American economy following a major collapse which will eliminate almost all competition
America has stage four cancer and it is called Google.
something about 8ch's code thing is fucking up the formatting and this doesn't load.
let me try this again, this code works i just fucking tested it.
var productKeywords = [ "blouse", "box fan", "cat food"];var storeKeywords =[ "walmart", "amazon", "target", "safeway", "costco"];var CrawlerCount = 2; // Number must be 1 or an even numbervar keywordsURI = "https'':''//raw.githubusercontent.com/CodefagoCbrgLyIyM/Alphabet/master/keywords";var googleURI = "https'':''//www.google.com/search?hl=en&site=webhp&source=hp&q=";var dummyTabs = [];var swatch = 1;var keywords = [];function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));}function shuffle(a) { for (let i = a.length; i; i--) { let j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i); [a[i - 1], a[j]] = [a[j], a[i - 1]]; }}async function Crawl(tabCount){ var i = 0 var m = keywords.length / tabCount; dummyTabs = []; for(var i = 0; i < tabCount; i++){ var x = window.open("http'':''//google.com",'newwindow' + i,'width=200, height=200', "_blank"); dummyTabs.push(x); } while (i < m) { var randomStore= storeKeywords[Math.floor(Math.random()*storeKeywords.length)]; var randomProduct= productKeywords[Math.floor(Math.random()*productKeywords.length)]; var randomKeywords=randomProduct+"+"+randomStore; dummyTabs[swatch].location = googleURI + randomKeywords; dummyTabs[swatch].focus(); swatch++; if(swatch == tabCount){ swatch = 0; i++; } await sleep(45000 + (Math.random() * 60000)); } for(var i = 0; i < tabCount; i++){ dummyTabs[i].close(); } Init();}function Init(){ if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else {// code for IE6, IE5 xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200) { var a = xmlhttp.responseText.split(/\n/); shuffle(a); keywords = a; Crawl(CrawlerCount); } } xmlhttp.open("GET", keywordsURI, false); xmlhttp.send(); }var button = document.querySelector('#run');button.onclick = function(){ Init(); }//Init();
something about 8ch's code formatting definitely fucks this up, it won't load. copy and paste from here:
someone suggest an alternative
heres an archive
Ghostbin would be baph's preferred option
t. Baphole
This is becoming sweeter by the moment!
It started with news about Mozilla Firefox becoming a Soros censorship botnet. Then another thread about Palemoon blocking the extension by default.
the history books will record the fall of jewgle as being caused by 1 shitlib sjw faggot dev from the palemoon project censoring a plugin
My buddy told me this doesn't work because they have algos to determine if the clicks are empty or if they actually lead to scrolls down the page and such things. Is this correct or can I excoriate him? Please advise.
yes and no, adnauseam is running in a full browser for a reason. if it wasn't then it detected far easier.
the "they have super secret algo's don't even bother goyim" argument is bullshit. they aren't that good, and this will be constantly changing and adapting now. if it's as simple as scrolling and staying on a page for x seconds the browser can automate that too.
I am so hard right now.
Smart idea, the average plebs won't notice the adclicker while they're using it.
i feel retarded at the moment, I used the .exe and it auto completed the tasks but it's not running. Do I need to manually move something to the 7z file in the root folder where I extracted this?
at a minimum they will now have to wade through a sea of garbage to find that one valid goyim clicking an ad, and they're going to dump half of the valid clicks in the process.
from github page
1) Install python2.7 ( python.org
Ensure PIP is selected when going through the installer.
Note, some versions of the python installer don't give you an option to install pip.
This version does: python.org
Ensure add to path is selected when going through the installer, it's not required but if you don't
you'll have to cd to the python/scripts directory to run pip.
2) Use PIP to install python-selenium and python-requests.
Start menu -> search for program -> cmd
Right click cmd, run as administrator
pip install selenium (press enter)
pip install requests (press enter)
3) Extract the release zip to a folder somewhere.
4) Run setup.py, with python installed you should be able to double click it.
5) Setup.py will download firefox and geckodriver and extract them to whichever folder you extracted the release to.
6) If you want to update the site list, run update_sitelist.py. It'll ask you if you want to redownload majestic's top 1 million, it's included, so you don't have to. Then it'll ask you for a trim number. 10 = top 10, 100= top 100, etc. You don't have to do this, by default the filtered list is the top 10,000.
7) Run autonauseam.py
8) Autonauseam now comes with a preconfigured profile which includes adnauseam. You should not be prompted for configuration settings. You can change them, but they will only
apply for the current instance, they will not be saved permanently. (This is the way selenium and geckodriver work, not a choice I'm making.)
no if your using the exe you don't have to do anything in the root folder, you work completely inside of the dist folder. do you see a dist/firefox folder? what is the output when you run autonauseam? what OS are you doing this in?
if your using the exe version, all you do is
1) extract
2) run root/dist/setup.exe
3) run root/dist/autonauseam.exe
you don't mess around in the root top level folder unless you want to run it from the python source
should be easy to add a line to select a random number from like 5-25, then run the next process with an X second delay.
autonauseam and codefags scripts already do this. autonauseam is set to 10 seconds plus or minus 5 seconds
For some reason my adnauseam is not detecting ads anymore. It started by not clicking on them, and now does not detect them anymore. I am using autonauseam. Please assist anons.
Also, i just saw 4chan being targeted.
if you want to double check that adnauseam is working inside of autonauseam, you can open up a new tab while it's running and go to 4chan.org, or search some crap in google. adnauseam usually catches 6-8 ads on 4chan's homepage immediatly.
You know your IP could be tagged or you forgot to clean your cache and browsing history
But ublock IS faster and more effficient than adblock.
The final push for many was that adblock started allowing "acceptable ads" by default, so I don't see how that's better than "being dodgy". The fact that it fixes itself when you reinstall the program means it's likely just a bug.
It IS throwing up red flags, not that it matters since everyone is switching to adnauseam anyways.
You're getting your panties in a twist over literally nothing.
I did, it shows no ads.
I need to clean my cache? How often? Is there an automated way to do it?
when autonauseam launches firefox with selenium it sends it the provided profile as a template, this profile is then copied to a temporary directory depending on your OS (/tmp/ for linux, APPDATA/temp for windows) by geckodriver(it's out of autonauseam's control), and run from there.
tldr; this means that browsing history, cache, everything is reset everytime you launch autonauseam, including adnauseam's advault.
you don't need to clean your cache with autonauseam, it starts with a fresh cache (a fresh entire profile based on the provided template) every time it launches, see
by default it still blocks the display of ads, but it should click them, click on the adnauseam icon, you should see shit in your advault after you open a new tab and go to 4chan or search crap on google
I am using autonauseam. I restarted it and it seems to be working again.
Also, can i combine auto-reload extensions with the JSfiddle script posted earlier?
Has no one entertained the possibility that Terry Davis isn't insane, that he hears the voice of God and that God wanted TempleOS? I won't pretend that this isn't outlandish but he began working on it well before the CS field was taken over by what I would consider the forces of evil - the timing is right, assuming you want to teach children about computers without exposing them to concentrated degeneracy.
ya autonauseam is set to block display of ads too, should still click them. you can run codefags scripts inside autonauseam's browser too if you want, just open up a new tab and run it.
if you try to install any other extensions or addons while autonauseam is running, you can, but they will only last for that session, the next time you start it they won't be there.
remember a lot of the site's in autonauseam's sitelist just don't have ads on the front page, or they don't have ad's that adnauseam is going to click on. eventually it will automatically add the site's without ads to a blocklist file and not go to them again
Delete browsing history, cookies and search history every so often. Duplicate entries do not register in adnauseam
successfully running adnauseam on lineageOS android (nougat) with standard firefox browser and jsfiddle script
sjwfox is definitely going to shoah this plugin, it's only a matter of time
Firefox ESR might last longer.
I like that Holla Forums is (fucking finally) more involved with tech shit with the rise of this cool addon. Just remember:
Tbh I think the guy's a fucking genius and that "God's voice" only helped hinder a would-be magnificent project. What I mean by this is that I'd mangle my anus with a flanged mace before touching an OS that runs ONLY on a 640x480 16-color resolution and is single-voice on top of that. Fuck that shit.
if they do about:config modification of extensions blocklist should work like with palemoon
the worst thing they could do is shoah it from their appstore like google did. you should always be able to install it with the dev and nightly versions, they have to keep that channel open
I'm running adnauseam with Tab Auto Reload. Currently camping on CNN Cucked and MSNBC. Anyone else hitting individual sites? I'm open to new suggestions if you have a site you want me to bleed.
Help, I simply installed it and it isn't clicking anything, it IS active, I am runnning firefox in incognito if that is relevant… pls help a smoothbrain
Are you using any other adblocking software? They may be colliding with AdNauseam. Just turn them off and restart.
I can't make it work, it's quite difficulte to set up
someone can put details ?
Adnauseam doesn't work in Firefox if it's set to "Never remember history", it must be set to either remember history, or custom settings, you can uncheck all the bullshit and set it to delete on close, but it cannot be set to "Never remember history".
Chromium: It does not work in incognito mode.
It WILL NOT WORK in incognito mode. History and cookies must also be enabled. Also make sure to do this
T. Fellow Firefox user
if your on windows and your having issues, the binaries are there for easymode.
root=folder you extracted too.
1) Download release
2) extract
3) run root/dist/setup.exe
4) run root/dist/autonauseam.exe
I read one file telling me to install python but I can't make it run properly since every Ddos box are insta closing
installing python and the dependencies isn't required if your using the binaries, that's why the binaries were made.
You must have the path set correctly for it to function normally.
I thinK I fucked up from the beginning, I read the README.md with bloc-note putting me a berely readable block of text that I certainely misreaded.
Can you provide an alternative for IceFrog's Script as well?
readme is fucked up because it's markdown, it needs to be fixed so it's readable if your just opening the text file from the download too.
it's easier to read here:
Yeah, done reading the link installing right now, work better now.
i just looked at it, there will be literally zero difference between tweaking icefrog's and codefags.
just use
and copy paste
into the javascript window in the bottom left, click update, click run, and then click the button
IceFrog's script doesn't refresh as fast as CodeFag's, so it's better for getting all the ads, but I'll take your word for it.
Let's start it up!
if you want to play with the times, change line 50 from the ghostbin:
line 50:
await sleep(45000 + (Math.random() * 60000));
it's in miliseconds so divide by 1000 for seconds, 45000 = 45 seconds, that code equates to 45s + a random number between 0 and 60s.
change 45000 to your preference. for 120 seconds, the new code would be
line 50:
await sleep(120000 + (Math.random() * 60000));
script seems to crash, tab reloads dont seem to work properly, im thinking with root access you can use adb to install the needed python files and run the autoadnauseam from a local terminal on phone
nah I've seen it since the "google manifesto" with the guy fired, and subsequent brainstorming to destroy google.
You guys are terrorist.
i actually looked into that briefly. it's possible to use selenium to run firefox on a phone, but it has to be connected to the computer via adb, and autonauseam/python/selenium has to be running on the computer.
i haven't found a way to have everything running locally on the phone. i imagine it's possible if it's rooted, it would be some work either way for sure.
sounds reasonable, I have it rooted I'll play around with it see what I can do
it would have to be done with busybox or something, you would have to get python installed into that, then python-requests and python-selenium, once that's done autonauseam would have to be modified, selenium would have to point to the firefox app on android, not the binary that it's setup downloads. I doubt the profile transfers over either, it would have to point to the local profile whereever the hell that is on android that already has adnauseam installed.
Yo mods, can we get a sticky on this? Or maybe a thread that has really clear instructions for combining AdNauseam and the codefag script? I am running this overnight, if every Holla Forumsack did this we could cause a shekel shoah that will make them wish the Red Sea had collapsed on them instead of the Egyptians
bench mark running 1 instance of autoadnauseam for about 3 hours straight
Fucking kick ass brothers, who is gonna be first to get to $6 gorillion?
i should mention its with the jsfiddle script
that's a lot better than i thought it would be.
it makes me think, i haven't tested this but you probably could run multiple instances of autonauseam. this is why selenium copies that profile into a temp directory and runs from that, to support multiple instances without profile conflicts. the advault's cookies and all of that should be completely seperate between instances.
[ ] Tired of winning
[×] Not tired of winning
just confirmed this, you can run multiple instances of it on windows, I copied the entire folder to a different dir and ran it in a seperate cmd
did my post about this increasing the value of big data generated leads get deleted?
new id for this thread only?
that's good to know, i don't know why you would, the delay could just be sped up, that'll eventually be in a configuration file. it might matter if they're tracking how long someone stays on a page.
i'm sure selenium could also pop multiple tabs and run on all of them, that should probably be an option
I opened 7 instances from the same directory all seem to be running smooth
good, at the moment autonauseam only reads from the directory, to load the sitelist, and then it points selenium at the profiile, and selenium reads it. it doesn't read/write back and forth to it, so there shouldn't be any conflicts there.
the only bottle neck should be computing power and uplink speed
googles 911
all the read's / write's go to the profile that selenium creates in the OS defined temp directory, based off the provided template. and it creates a new one each time, so there shouldn't be any conflicts whatsoever.
OpenBSD is antijew.
running multiple instances isn't exactly efficient, firefox is pretty massive. it should probably be setup to be done in tabs, but it does have advantages. i'm sure cookies are getting dropped all over the place in that profile, and multiple tabs are going to share those same cookies, 1 instance = 1 tracking profile, even with 10 tabs going.
including an extension that wipe's cookies on interval might fix that problem
is something up with Holla Forums? no new threads are showing since 12 hours ago.
Yeah also noticed. What's happening?
jewgle is about to suicide jim
I'm working on it might not work, if I can get it working I'll post how I did it
Okay i will admit it, the kikes got me confused here.
On one hand this adnauseam shit has been shilled by multiple people over the past weeks, but then again it hurts (((Google))) and other kike-run companies that make money by showing you subhuman shit they call "Ads".
So maybe this was a shilling campaing payed by the adnauseum jews and now a counter-shilling campaign by (((google))) and others because it could actually fuck them up and endanger their monopoly on ad-revenue ?
Well one thing is for sure.
It smells like kikes as soon as somebody writes "ADNAUSEAM"
if you can just get python going inside of a terminal emulator that would be a huge step.
LOIC part 2: Electric Jewgaloo
i don't know, i tried to create a thread, but it wouldn't let me
it appears to be just Holla Forums though
Tell your supervisor to send a message to Google about hiring better shills.
you're right that's the biggest hurdle at the moment
fun times back in the day
This shit is insanely slow. Any way to ramp up the shekel shoah?
I would also like to know how to make it faster. I think it's slow on purpose so you aren't mistaken for a bot but l could be wrong.
open more than one up at a time at the moment. the next version will have configuration settings easily exposed in a config file where you can change the delay, and do it in multiple tabs.
autonauseam is a broad brush, a lot of site's in the sitelist don't have ads on the front page.
they delay is intentional, it's set to 10 seconds +or- 0-5s.
will they ban calculators and compilers as well?
well they tried to ban encryption, and that's just math
normal people barely understand or care about encryption, and it remains legal
ad cancer all over the internet is universally hated
if your using the python version change line 82:
sleep_time is in seconds.
change it to
for a 1 second delay, etc.
this is in autonauseam.py
They’re not the same thing. AdNauseum just DOESN’T block some ads that uBlock does.
Good. He deserves death for what he has done to this site.
adnauseam's ublock origin code base understandably lags behind, just like firefox fork's lag behind firefox.
you have to enable all 3rd party filters, it uses the same filters ublock does
Oh, that makes sense. Thanks.
Also the script doesn’t seem to work anymore. It’s blocked from all VPNs and fails to click ads.
Oh, that makes sense. Thanks.
Also the script doesn’t seem to work anymore. It’s blocked from all VPNs and fails to click ads.
Isn’t it funny how posting is only fucked on Holla Forums and not on any other boards…
Oh, that makes sense. Thanks.
Also the script doesn’t seem to work anymore. It’s blocked from all VPNs and fails to click ads.
Isn’t it funny how posting is only fucked on Holla Forums and not on any other boards…
So my posts show up on the main board but not in the thread, even after wiping caches and restarting my browser. Spectacular.
come on google go get fucked and leave the site alone before you awaken the elders
>(((they))) have weaponized advertisers as a club to beat down dissent. to kill advertising will disarm them.
trying cleaning your cookies/browsing history
if its in the main browser you use then get a different browser for only adnaseum use
Yep, the script is definitely broken. Here are my settings and here’s the pathetic showing I’ve had.
what the fuck is going on? I'm torfagging on the onion site. why do I have an id?
do not let it block malicious ads. make it look like picture attached.
I hope you had a vpn user
Yes the kali I am using is 32 bit, it looks like that is my issue? I'll just have to delete this VM, install 64 bit and redo it, ty.
checked em
Nope. I have something like 15,000 IPs to pick from and Google blocks the script on all of them. I ran it for a short time on one of my local IPs (I’m still dynamic thankfully).
Why the fuck would I want malicious ads getting through, even though I’m running this on my secondary browser?
I am retarded.
I don't understand how to do this.
I have successfully 'installed' Ad Naseum and Auto Reload into my Firefox Browser.
Now, I need step by step instructions to load these parameters in and specific guidance on how to input these parameters.
Also, I cannot figure out how to do the 'Ads Collected' cloud thing.
Again, Please help.
I am retarded, but I would like in on this action.
Thank You
I'm sure I am not alone in this
I am retarded.
I don't understand how to do this.
I have successfully 'installed' Ad Naseum and Auto Reload into my Firefox Browser.
Now, I need step by step instructions to load these parameters in and specific guidance on how to input these parameters.
Also, I cannot figure out how to do the 'Ads Collected' cloud thing.
Again, Please help.
I am retarded, but I would like in on this action.
Thank You
I'm sure I am not alone in this
sorry - didn't mean to post this twice…
Heydy ho, retarderino! Happy to help.
Ok, Got it - Now when do I use the autoreload thing?
it was inevitable that codefags script was going to get detected by google and shoa'd. slamming keywords on google.com is great for racking up those ad numbers but it's also going to be the first thing that get's locked down.
right off the bat it looks like your running in incognito, you must have history turned on for it to work
sorry but sounds like a you problem, I'm running half a dozen machines with a random ip switch and multiple instances of the script running and its working great
It no longer works for me as well. They've taken measures, which only means it's working.
modify the script? posts related?
I am running ad nauseaum in firefox, but I am on 8ch in chrome kek
the weaponized autism script i mention here needs that option set so that it can click on ads and anihlate the jewish advertising shekel. Its a fake click but it process real shekels…
once business owners can't rely on adwords / trust clicks the Jewgle scheme gets fucked because Google IS an advertising company!
That’s just my VPN’s icon. None of the IPs it gives me work with the script. Google instantly flags it.
so I can post normally in 8ch for now…
the only problem I'm having is when I use a non dynamic ip or a non vpn WITH the jsfiddle scripts it give me a captcha to solve, also any type of blocking they do should have a cool down time usually 12 to 24 hours
Oh, you know what? opening up two separate browsers and running it in both seems like fun
First do this also don't do any of this should work then. Also disable noscript and any other adblockers you might have.
If you're using the same autoreloader that l am then you configure it by right clicking the tab you want to run it in.
does having block malicious ads turned off equate to more clicks? autonauseam does have block malicious turned on by default, the thinking being there could be some nasty shit that that opens up new tabs or actual pop-ups that fuck with the browser.
they thought driving us from our homes into the wastelands would defeat us, but it only made us stronger.
it increases clicks but antivirus flags some things it clicks but that's fine with a vm or pi machine or gnu/linux
New bread soon. Got everything archived
kek never change /k/
who here has racked up over 1000 burned shekels?
I racked up thirty times the amount by now and more
You are like little babby
1200+ - pretty much just started due to severe retardation
here's the deal with autonauseam supporting multiple windows/tabs.
Firefox/selenium doesn't support controlling multiple tabs period unless you want to do some hacky javascript, at which point the browser would be completely unusable while selenium is controlling it (you couldn't open up a new tab and do other things). It's not officially supported, the hacky javascript involves inserting javascript into the current page that opens up a new window, and then having selenium switch to that window. It's going to get buggy.
The only realistic way to do this, is to have selenium open up multiple driver instances, at which point it's literally no different then running autonauseam multiple times.
I don't see a point to this when you can already open up autonauseam multiple times. Multiple driver instances is pretty much the same thing, only it would have to be multi-threaded. Multi-threading is handled differently between linux/windows.
tldr; it's going to introduce the possibility of many more bugs for no real benefit. just open up autonauseam multiple times.
I'm at 2340 just from CNN. I'm hitting others as well
Does NoScript fuck with ad nauseam?
mine has only clicked on 800 ads of 2000 collected. How about you? I'm just trying to figure out if this ratio is normal, or if it just hasn't caught up yet
yes, any other adblockers and scriptblockers will fuck with adnauseam
when I ran multiple instances of the scripts it lagged like that, could also be malicious ads being blocked
why do we stay up so late at night doing this? KEK
oh, okay - I'm running it in 3 separate windows which generate 2 windows each, totaling 6….
it has reactivated blocking of malicious ads - i just de activated it.
Teach me your secrets. I'm trying to burn those kikes shekels as well, but it's not going so hot. I've got it set to reload the front page every 30 seconds. What should I do to hit them where it really hurts?
That's about what I'm doing. My reload is one minute but I'm hitting five sites at once. If you want to hit them even harder open multiple windows.
anyone using autonauseam go to this stackoverflow answer click "run code snippet", and then click show outerHTML
selenium may be including a webdriver attribute to the outerhtml, look at the output and confirm that you see now "webdriver" mentioned anywhere.
"The webdriver IDL attribute of the Navigator interface must return the value of the webdriver-active flag, which is initially false.
This property allows websites to determine that the user agent is under control by WebDriver, and can be used to help mitigate denial-of-service attacks.
Taken directly from the 2017 W3C Editor's Draft of WebDriver. This heavily implies that at the very least, future iterations of selenium's drivers will be identifiable to prevent misuse."
I don't see any identification here. Maybe sjwfox hasn't added this to selenium. I can't get a solid answer to this question. I will recompile geckodriver and remove this shit if I have too, but I don't see that's being included. If any user's spot this, post in the thread.
Why don't you just set it up on waterfox or something and use your usual browser.
that's funny
nah, that's okay. It's not like I'm posting stuff like planning to fly a plane into the trade center…oh shit. somebody's done that already.
it wasn’t a joke.
holy shit
i thought you were making a firefox joke
running 3 separate instances with fiddle-user's shit
I dont see my numbers going up. How do I know its working?
suck it W3C
FYI this isn't an issue if your selenium version is 3.X.
Selenium 2.X injected tracking
Wouldnt refreshing CNN over and over just make CNN rich? You are basically committing ad fraud on their behalf. CNN gets paid every time someone clicks an ad on their site. You are clicking tons and tons of ads on their site.
The advertisers might get mad eventually and drop cnn, but in the meantime they will be living large.
that's the idea, the advertisers just blew who knows how much on nothing by advertising on CNN
That's the point, it's reactionary accelerationism. Jews don't like not being in control even if for a time they're making some money that they will have to pay back.
CNN will not have to pay back anything. They get to keep all the shekels you are generously generating for them.
Google on the other hand might need to though, but none of it is going to leave CNNs pocket.
bake a new bread
advertisers dont like paying for empty clicks
Actually numbers are going up, just not the clicking ones.
Im harvesting tons of ads but its not clicking any of them for some reason. My money generated number is not going up.