Is it worth a purchase?
Rainbow Six Siege
Not for $50 but on sale, definitely. Just be prepared to get your shit slapped until you learn the meta.
There's also an obscene grind for the DLC operators that's only there to try and get impatient people to buy the season pass
Ya, when they were selling the 15 dollar starter version on steam It was worth it but not for 50 dollars Just wait for a sale.
wait, you can't get the starter edition anymore?
Because jews. I guess they wanted to pressure people into buying it by making it a limited time and they felt that not doing that would effect sales of the standard version too much.
This. It's fun but not worth full price.
IQ best girl
I wish I was better at the game.
If I loved the original RS games will I be able to enjoy RSS for what it is or will it fill me with incoherent rage?
On sale, yes.
i enjoy the game a lot but i got it on sale, its fun and does some clever stuff for a mutliplayer shooter, but to pay full price for it seems like a rip off
It's a lot closer to the older ones than the Vegas games are tbh
I can't speak for how it compares to previous R6 games but I was surprised by how many little mechanics Siege has. Destruction and bullet penetration, cameras/drones, rappeling and different character abilities. It makes for interesting matches against other players because you get a lot of tools to work with.
Really, the weakest point of the game is the shit around it. Matchmaking is annoying and Uplay is shit.
No, they took out the terrorist side and replaced them with more operators in order to be PC.
Fuck, I forgot that was a thing. I'll pick it up on sale if that can be cracked / disabled.
I skipped those because they looked like shit.
they are shit
you can open and run it through steam, but uplay will lurk in the background
games fun but not full price fun
I got it for 15 USD. Perfect price for a game that both has its extreme problems and is really fun and tactical.
And yea, unless you forward all the ports or put computer on DMZ, Uplay will be a bitch for you.
And it's most fun in ranked with a team of friends.
If you have a headset, you can find some amazing people on there.
Plus, the "DLC" is free. If you get the season pass, you only get a small boost to Renown and getting the new Ops a week early, which can be bought with a fuckload of renown for non-season pass people.
I play IQ just for that Sig 556.
Not all of it. There's cosmetic stuff that can only be bought with real money
siege is the only game i've seen in ages where people type 'my bad'
korra might be garb but i'd ravage it
I will share a little tip with you: set your PvE matchmaking preferences to "protect hostage" exclusively, run terro hunt realistic and leave the game on when you sleep, go to work or shitpost on Holla Forums. It gets you ~700 renown/hour without you doing shit. I got >200 000 this way. I am drowning in money and skins.
If you don't want to strain your GPU, run the game in low, 320x240 resolution, I can play other games with pic related small window in background.
wait are you idling matchmaking? that seems mildly scumbag like to have other people work for you to get xp
Nope, idle matchmaking doesn't work on PC (THANKFULLY, I also find that disgusting)
Use lone wolf. You ger fucking 25 renown for dying. Noone gets hurt, except your PvE W/L which noone gives a shit about.
Without talking about the game itself, I want to mention that the game has become significantly easier in the past few weeks. Apparently since the launch of their anti-cheat system, they banned like 20% of the player base. On average, there used to be a hacker on every team.
There are less pre-aimed kills, lucky guesses, people with "really good headsets and keyboards", Russians, and sketchy head shots.
interesting, but i'm not so desperate for XP to worry about that since i have all the SAS and spetznas who are my favorites, and my nigga thermite of course
lol yeah it's pretty fun with friends especially when you troll the enemy team xD
That's cool, but when you'll get an itch to play a DLC operator, keep that method in mind. I did some amazing shit with Caveira since she was released for example and Frost a QT.
It's closer to SWAT than to ARMA (which has nothing at all to do with tactical shooters) and it's fun, especially with friends. I am actually amazed that Ubi released a good semi-functional game among the torrent of shit. I still fucking remember that GRFS PC fiasco.
and we still meet up for LAN parties to play Operation Flashpoint and Rogue Spear, you pleb
i'm not sure which of the DLC ops i want to play, none of them really seem to have anything that great save for maybe the rifle shield
Depends on your playstyle. I don't use the attacker DLC guys because I main Tatcher/Thermite.
ok, sometimes Blackbeard comes in handy but people learned to counter him real well
Mr one-eye's gadget used by my brother is usually a godsend though. Great for area denial.
But on defense… Gosh, that's another story. Both Skull and Frosty are great for a roaming piece of shit like me. And my bros use the Valk cameras to some crazy advantage.
Protip: check your corners, ya dingus
I'd get into it if I wasn't so sure it would be dead in two or three years. It's sad how few multiplayer games are built with a long online life in mind any more.
And funnily enough, more people are playing now than ever. Or something along the lines.
So which one of you fags want to play?
Its by far the best game ubi has released in several years.
Not for full price though, wait for a sale
I played a day after the patch with the anti-cheat system was added. Ban messages were global. There were at LEAST 10 messages per match popping up. It was fucking hilarious.
I hate what they did to semi-auto shotguns in the new update, they are fucking useless now. It took me 6 shots with Thermite's shotgun to kill a guy.
Sure SPAS and SUPER were fucking overpowered but the other shotguns were fine, SAIGA is now the worst thing.
Yeah the Saiga is shit now, but have you tried Frosts shotgun?
It's good but nowhere near as good as before, the range got reduced since every semi-auto now has a larger spread and it deals less damage per shot.
I got Frost in the same day of the patch and played before it, I have to say that trying it out on the same day was pretty jarring I can no longer pull the crazy shit I used to.
Shit was hilarious, yeah.
But really now, I'd like to have someone I can communicate with in this game. Intel is overpowered in Siege.
I could run some operations with you if you want, but only if you hate muslims.
Removing kebab with Holla Forums sounds fun as long as you aren't turbo autists.
It's a shittier version of counter strike.
Didn't anyone see the Insomnia stream of the game? There was like no one watching it live.
Well, let's see if we can do something.
itt anons who bought an ubisoft game showing buyer's remorse
You have a point Insurgency is has limited armament with ak/ars we have all seen before.
Swat 4 is old and looks like shit. Also ai is fucking retarded.
Arma is for autists who want to digitally larp. Movement is slow and sluggish and every server has its specific mods that you have to have. So if you want to randomly join a game and shoot shit. You gonna have a bad time.
Thanks m80 good to know. The new ops are way overpowered so not having to grind for them is nice.
Shame they got the basics wrong.
I remember in the good old days of Raven Shield where you had to attack some Venezualan oil refinery and the level was YUUUGE. You could either walk around and snipe guard off one by one or stealthily sneak though the offices and clear it out that way. Damn was that some good fun.
No. Should be obvious the cowards are the opposite of what they want ascociation with.
F2P when?
Eeeech. One of THOSE games.
go back to 4chan.
sup newfag
You tell me.
Not for full price, but its worth it on sale.
It's Rainbow Six. What else would you expect?
Best buy near me has it on sale for $24.99 is that a decent price for this game?
I'd say so.
that is some of the worst concept art I've ever seen.
that man looks like a fucking freak.
Are you one of them 13 year olds who thinks he's a classic gamer because he plays a game made a few years before he was born?
Still blows my mind how the only Jewish character in the game being named Ash slipped past Ubisoft.
I played 1.5 when I was 13 years old, yes.
That stuff hasn't been around for months.
As for the weapon choice, I understand why they did it the way they did (Balance for ESPORTZ) but I agree I'd have liked a more traditional rainbow experience.
All the maps added by the new seasons are medium/large size with more destruction, they definitely did a good job with them.
Though I will say I do enjoy the smallest level of the originals (House) just because it's a combination of so extremely destructible and the close quarters/verticality of it.
Thankfully the final product came out fine
Strangely enough, one of the artists from Raven Shield did work on Siege. They got better.
Is it better or worse than CSGO?
In gameplay terms, it's better on every level. But it somehow has worse hit detection and lag compensation than CSGO.
When I say small levels I dont only mean the size I also mean the sight-lines. All levels are made of tight cluster fuck corridors with no room for long range weapons. The only one that comes to mind is the air force one level.
It may be just a personal preference, but I always played a DMR kinda role in rainbow six games and you cant really justify using a semi-auto rifle in tight corners when smgs absolutely wreck shit.Valk's MPX seems particularly strong
It was extremely fun when it first came out. Then literally everyone started hacking.
If you were above the lowest level there was ALWAYS a hacker on someone's team. It's not even an exaggeration.
I stopped playing at that point and havent since. It's a shame ubisoft is incompetent and their anti-cheat does absolutely nothing, as does reporting someone.
Does anyone know of good CDkey websites that I can use?
They finally added Battleye which does a surprisingly good job at weeding out hackers. I haven't seen a genuine hacker in forever.
No. It gets boring after like an hour.
I've been having lots of fun with this game and you can get it on 3rd party sites for like 16€ now. Very reasonable price for it and don't even need to give any of that money to Ubishill
more like you're too fucking retarded to realize that literally everyone still cheats and they just have a slightly harder time blatantly ragehacking
if team gamerfood is still posting videos of that shit game after implementing battleye, you can rest assured that half of the people in that awful game are still cheating
Gamerfood videos are literally the only good thing to come out of that trainwreck of a game.
I sold the game and now regret it.
This game is actually pretty good.
this. the game is fundamentally brilliant, but on a technical level it's fucking bullshit. there's a blatant ping advantage, so if you're playing on north american servers you will be matched up against server-hopping chinks with a ping of 400 and that gives them an extra second or so of advance reaction time. there's a weird peeker's advantage, meaning that someone can have a weird seizure while leaning around a corner slightly and you literally will not see them do this, and they can fire while doing this. so as far as you can see, you got shot by a ghost who literally doesn't exist.
the autism is strong in the playerbase too - at the casual level, everyone is retarded, and at the ranked level everyone takes it incredibly seriously. i could tolerate that if they just took the tactics and results seriously, but these fags will cut tiny little holes in walls and snipe through them, etc
at the end of the day it's really fun if you're up against people at your skill and dedication level, but that's rare
who is best girl and why is it IQ?
What a silly question.