Happening? ISIS drones with bombs flying over Vatican City

www express.co.uk/news/world/847283/Vatican-terror-alert-drones-ISIS-bombs-Pope

Not sure if anything but pretty wild if so


Well, it seems like there is some intelligence behind this

Oy Vey! We better take everyone's guns away, and jail those evil nazi's so we will be safe. That will help.

Remember that Israel sniper that was targeting US solders?


If they let the sand niggers destroy the Vatican there better be an ethnic cleansing afterwards.

An army othe CIA/Mossad is attacking their ZOG master's establishment? Reminder that the church is participating in their role to destroy european society and the white race as a whole perfectly. Jews won't touch the pope. But we must touch the jews. With sharp metal. Up their rectums.

Go on.

if isis takes over the vatican and flies their back flag over it i will be very excited and enjoy reading about it here on Holla Forums

isis isn't run by sand niggers, it's jews

It's clear that you don't exactly belong here, but are you even human?

Italy better start accepting even more refugees if it wants to stay on the good side of Israel's Security Innocence Society.

This sand people is of a coarser grain than this sand people. Arab or Jew, it's the same semitic shit.

Spoken like a true jew.

Let the false pope get what he had coming since he urged Europe to accept rapefugees and kissed the globalist ass. I like Italy, but fuck the pope.

Do you actually think an ethnic cleansing wouldn't include crucifying shylockes?

Fuck the pope. That thing is such a piece of shit that I hope it does get bombed. Fuck that worthless trash. Maybe we would get one that actually would do something about the attack on christians.

I want to keep the architecture and the secret libraryhopefully to become less secret soon but the pope needs to go.

Why are cianigger bombing the (((vatican)))? This is extremely confusing.

I mean, if sandniggers kan get their hands on TOW missiles, they should be able to get agriculture drones.

>ISIS bombs the (((Pope)))

and nothing of value was lost

Arabs and Jews share the same Semitic pantheon, the main reason why they hate Assad is because he isn't racially Semitic, and knows this. It's the same reason why they want to end white people, someday the rest of the races, to have one race called Semites with Semitic beliefs globally. Whites are their greatest enemy right now and who they're needing to kill off.

You can always tell if the Jews hate you if they make sure you never get a burial monument.

Can you think of anyone who fought the Jew having a monument? Well soon those founding fathers won't have monuments.

Its fucking nothing

So in other words the kikes are still using the muh terror/ISIS as a distraction

This was extremely telling when they did this

For fucks sake man.

It's well known isis/fsa/al gayda cherish the zog saddam, dont make me pull out footage of them naming whole brigades after the fag, putting his posters up, car bumper stickers adorning vehicles. homes decorated with tributes.
For the record just so you know, his shrine (webm related) was wired and blown up by Iraqi militia that has killed an maimed assorted zogbots in the past and present


The only thing I take comfort in is knowing Francis will spend an eternity being digested in Satan's stomach in the deepest pit of hell when he dies

I'm no fan of Saddam or Gaddafi even but their Baathist parties which were more secular, which is an ideology completely destroyed now, prevented refugees into Europe and I'd take that. Yeah Saddam cucked to ZOG with H. Bush and looked what happened to him anyway, same with Kennedy getting involved in Vietnam. Once the kikes see your hesitation they know you could wake up and need to dealt with, that's why there's been so much kvetching over Trump not making anti-white comments quick enough.

About those three groups cherishing Saddam:
Where did you get that info from Dick Cheney?
Said by Dick Cheney:
totally believable goy go invade Iraq
This could be likely though I don't have suspicion one way or another especially at the beginning. The FSA was made up of practically everyone and when the US started giving arms to it a lot of members got these weapons and defected to ISIS for a high position in the larger faction. Where there members in the FSA that liked Saddam? Perhaps then but now its just a ruse for US intervention.
Most unlikely, Salafist and Baathist are completely at odds with one another. The only leading Baathist now is Assad and that's the Jew's main goal is to wipe out Baathists creating a golem which has no sovereignty or tie to the land and history, ready to fight their battles for greater Israel.
>>was wired and blown up by Iraqi militia
There are lot of militias within Iraq, there are Shia ones, Sunni ones in the same vein as ISIS, even Christian and Druze ones. What's their ideology, doubt its Baathist?

U.S. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said on Sunday the Middle East would be more stable if Muammar Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein were still in power in Libya and Iraq, saying it's "not even a contest".
Who wants to bomb Iran?

Why would they bomb their favorite foot washer/kisser?

GTFO you disinfo FIA/FSA faggot

ISIS purged all Baathists around late 2015 when it became clear that ISIS was no longer a Iraqi/Syrian nationalist organization and a Salafist/Wahhabi puppet state and Baathists started speaking out including Al-Douri

Furthermore, ISIS never supported Baathism under the fact it upheld current national borders and regional identity which ISIS wants to remove, which is the main ideological issue

Holy fuck user, you should stop posting about baathism if you don't even know the basic fact that the Syrian flavour is not the depraved saddamist one. Hafez Assad fell out with (((Saddam))) right around when he emabarked on his 8 year zog adventure against a newly anti-zog Iran

you clearly are seeing as though you thought it would be worth mentioning in an unrelated thread that his beloved shrine supposedly got bombed by isis DURING the fierce battle for Tikrit, why not while they controlled the city?
We've all seen the destructive campaigns against graves, monuments, artifacts isis film for the world whenever they take over but cohencidentally they had Tikrit for nearly a year without touching saddam's built up grave - unheard of for wahhabi-salafists. Up until Tikrit was liberated Asa'ib ahl haq ( Shia Militia) BTFO saddam shrine
To the two faggots ITT that don't even realize you worship the same zog goy as isis/ nusra do, how does it feel to be on the same side as literal sunni terrorists?

Embed : isis faggots found to hang up saddam signs in recently liberated HQ like (((you)))

Pic: FSA brigade dedicate a whole unit to fellow zog puppet

Sand niggers ARE jews in disguise, their leaders just pretend to hate jews to lure in potential enemies against jews.

what is it with yanks spelling "losing" "loosing"?

There's a brigade for all you Saddam cucks to join under the watchful eye of the (((FSA))).

Gas yourself, kike
The Assad branch of Baathists are fine but they are also watered down

Under the same logic Americans supporting the Kurds are no different than Al-Nusra Salafists who are also Sunni irredentists like the Kurds.

use 4 drones to carry a grenade, drop it on crowds. easy

It's a phonetic thing and generally only autists who have read their fair share of books but can't give up old habits and fucking spell-check do it. It's not even in the dictionary.

I hope Vatican burns

I hope they kill the anti Pope.

I was really hoping this word meant what I thought it meant.