Looks like the hammer is about to come down on Antifa. I'll miss then when they're gone, they've been fantastic recruiters for us so far.
Looks like the hammer is about to come down on Antifa. I'll miss then when they're gone, they've been fantastic recruiters for us so far.
Other urls found in this thread:
Did they call out Israel or something?
The Trump DOJ is probably going to fuck them hard and Pelosi got advance warning.
the naivete of you kids is really something else
This sounds really fishy to me.
This shouldn't even have to be news.
pelosi shouldn't even have to be in office
To me it looks like they've finally realized that what Trump said in condemning both sides has permanently fucked their attempts at agitation and they're pulling the plug. Without even naming them or classifying them as a terrorist organization Trump managed to destroy them with just a few words. I knew this would happen, once he said that I predicted he'd just let it sit for about a month and Antifa would rip itself apart. The media was so fixated on Trump's comment that they failed to see the silent mortal blow he snuck into the public's sphere of consciousness along with it, if they had they might've realized that the correct action for them was to shut up about it and try and bury it. What Trump said may well have also fucked Antifa in Europe, Soros made a real mistake in doing what he did.
It amuses me that I appear to have a better grasp on the political landscape than the highly paid analysts in DC, even though I'm just some nerd that masturbates to cartoons, I thought I wasn't supposed to be a real political player.
I want to see that skeleton cunt hung for treason.
You guys this is all simple then you are making it out to be. Elections are coming up. Normies hate Antifa. The Dems have realized they can't afford to lose more seats and normie votes still matter. It's just typical Jews cutting their loses and sacrificing the lamb to the slaughter.
Stick this cunt in the electric chair. Her head will snap right off so we have to fry her for justice.
All right smarty, I'll give your doubles the benefit of the the doubt, but riddle me this: do you believe Trump will keep us out of entanglements (wars) in the Middle East and if he doesn't, is that enough justification for me to drop my support for him?
Hahahaha. First the mayor of Berkley turns against them and now Skeletor does too. Soros dun fucked up and told the American wing of antifa to chimp out too hard, too fast, and now they're a liability. GG no re.
Of course it is. Nobody suggested otherwise. But whatever the circumstances are, it's fun to watch antifa get thrown under the bus and Soros cry salty jewtears.
What if it's because they got the heads up that the courts are going to rule in favor of the car driver?
Car driver innocent, and now you have the antifa going out of control, and will become even more chaotic after the ruling if it were to happen.
If the right were to play the right cards the "alt right" could become the next tea party. That is if controlled agents don't act like fucking idiots.
We could be like that lone Confederate who stood in silence in front of the statue. I'm not talking about ripping his actions off. I'm saying act in a refined manner that would WOW the Republican base like that one lone protestor did to the cops.
Act respectful & dress to WOW people while the left fall apart at the seams, dress in thug garb, and behave violently.
I wonder what its like to be thrown under the bus twice by the DNC?
Trump named them at the rally in Arizona. The public isn't as ignorant about this as CNN propagandists assumed, and it's backfiring on the left in general.
This is half of it. The media tried to paint Antifa as peaceful good guys and everyone else as literal Nazis causing violence. This was such an out-there falsehood (several different lies, in fact) that it backfired, hard. Now they're trying to paint Antifa and "Nazis" (in reality, everyone right of Stalin) as equally bad, when only one group was promoting and engaging in violence. It gives normalfags a good out, they can dismiss the conversation with a casual "both sides are bad" and avoid thinking. But in truth, it equates perpetrator and victim, saying both are guilty. It's bullshit, but a persuasive kind of bullshit that gets otherwise sympathetic normalfags to agree to measures that will be used to come down hard on peaceful right wing protests when the violence is 100% antifa's fault.
They're already at it. That's why I push hard to demand the fuckers think for a second. I ask them whether they've ever seen – with their own eyes, not what Don Lemon says – right-wingers starting the violence. Or does it always seem to be in response to something the lefty nutcases have done? Really trying to get those almonds cooking, you know? When they bring up the latest niggerball scores, I know the conversation is over.
You're assuming the people you're talking about have human feelings. I assure you they do not. Nancy Pelosi knew really fucking well what antifa was about a long time ago, but they were useful idiots for the left as long as the public didn't get wise. Now that they are, it's time to drop these faggots and move Papa Soros' money to another front. Antifa was never more valuable to the bourgeois left than skinheads are to us – good cannon fodder, bad future leaders. Watch for another face of the alt-left Jew to emerge soon, as a "moderate" and "liberal" alternative to these bad Nazis and Communists.
Oh, wait – it already has. Anybody seen Sargon's latest video, where he announces he's getting Jewcoin now?
Make a thread on salt-left asking then lol.
That may have been their plan but there's been too many stories out about Antifa attacking generic conservatives, their PR is shit. The reason Trump named them the way he did was very clearly to me the start of a slow boil, Trump intends to take them out and it's working. What he did in saying many sides was to chip open the Overton window enough to make it publicly acceptable to name and condemn the Alt-left, at which point it was all over - they relied on the public being too scared to actually oppose them but Trump has given them the courage to do so.
Normalfags are more aware of the current state of things and where the violence is coming from than you give them credit for. Here's what's being shown publicly even on Fox.
No shit, I never said otherwise, the interesting part is they've been forced to cut Antifa loose this early, this is a total loss for them. Trump really fucked them by playing his response the way he did, he moved the Alt-left's violence out of the Overton window and forced them to back down. I can't see the enemy being forced to retreat as anything other than a clear victory.
He's trying. Dems and Neo-Cons are pushing so hard to start shit with Syria. Look at Hillary's tweets after they bombed that airfield, saying we need to remove Assad; an act of war.
A clear example of controlled-opposition at it's peak
And so the left eat themselves.
It's a complete narrative shift for damage control, like i fucking called it. But it wouldn't be without its fair share of tossing more of their loyalists to the wolves.
user we beat in the goddamn CIA in counter-intelligent when we dismantled their Todd and Claire scheme. We had agents on the ground taking pictures of their black sites and everything.
Don't sell yourself short
The Jew saw the danger AntiFa brought to the system, just like BLM riots its going to be down played. The Jew probably is understanding his best option for destruction of white peoples is to just make more consumables and keep the lights on.
The National Socialists will resist the Jew no matter the form he takes.
Add in also that Antifa has also gone off leash and is attacking another "fellow" golem, BLM in the process.
Now that's something I dare say I may have missed and is worth a story in of itself.
They accomplished what they needed to. They used these recent events to establish guidelines and regulations on the internet, freedom of assembly and free speech to restrict and gag peoples of European descent.
Now all they have to do is wait for the now cordoned off and restrained European man get fed up and do something again, so they can repeat the process and slowly choke us to death while we are replaced by foreigners.
This is a strategy of slow death, like a phalanx formation slowly advancing on a collapsing line or a snake squeezing its prey to death every time it takes a breath of air. It's imperative we break their formula and make gains in unexpected ways.
To be fair they failed to wipe the Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack off the internet.
Now it's hosted in Algeria.
They bit off more then they can chew. Alt-tech companies will prove that twitter, facebook, amazon and even google are unsinkable.
Normies are slowly getting it, kinda exciting to see where we'll be in a decade.
I didn't keep up with the Todd and Claire fiasco much, it had to do with Assange right…? Can I get a quick rundown?
If anything from the playbook of Trump has shown, it's that using the kike's tactics against them pays off alot more heavily.
I can confirm on my own end on engaging debate with a leftist who tried their a-typical handbook tactics and rhetoric, and I just through that rhetoric right back at them by presenting something that conflicted with another one of their high strung moral viewpoints that you could see the gears wincing and short circuits as cracks were forming in their once thought contained fantasy world.
You must not only become so well trained and versed in the kike's and leftists antics and tactics, but you must also be willing to push and use their shit against them.
It's more about getting to fuck with antifa and watching leftyfags cry tears more than anything.
We saved Assange from being framed as a Pedophile by exposing a CIAnigger front company named Todd and Claire.
In exchange Assange noticed us and started posting links to /pdfs/ on twitter.
Huh, nice. I'm sure an user somewhere has threadcaps of the important details also, looks like it'd make for an interesting read
Come on now.
Almost? Censored speech is good for the economy, goyim.
The aid Israel gets goes back into the economy. The goyim will never understand the complexities involved in these transactions. Censored speech keeps stupid goyim from causing unnecessary mass outrage over topics they were not chosen by a higher authority (Satan) to fully understand.
You cucks deserve to get ganked.
The jew is one step ahead of you Whitey.
Why is this shit buried? "We must go further left" Pelosi is burying their golem someone in a authority position must have already brought down the hammer on antifa. Can we delete leftpol now?
The Golem still exists whether they condemn it or not, these Communists do not respect the moderate Democrats any more than we do. Antifa is the culmination of Marxist indoctrination nation-wide in our schools, even if the FBI does try to pursue them it's not going to solve the problem.
It will only open avenues for them to come after "Nazi's". This is likely another rouse to take advantage of public outcry and institute some new fan-dangled "Protect me from these baddies Mr. Government man" Law that will allow for more censorship and persecution of Ideologies. and unlike the Anti-Communism Law we will be the ones that must find a way to fund our Legal defense against this new monstrosity because they WILL enforce this new Law.
If we are to succeed we MUST secure Political offices, there is no other way to do this in the time left available to us. Our enemies are pushing people further to the left and the right for the purposes of vilifying us to the Normies allowing for more of the same. The window is fast-approaching that we will need actual allies in positions of power in government, rather than having to convince some Zionist centrist to bend a knee to our Will.
Keep in Mind that I thoroughly enjoy seeing the suffering of these Communist fuckbags, but this point isn't made enough. There are far more status-quo Normies that think Racism is wrong than there are of us. We must work strategically to organize our Victory.
"horseshoe crackdown"
this gears up the shutdown of all their lightning-rod golems
Trump's not perfect but it was really ballsy of him to go off-script like he did at his press conference, and later at his rally. the amount of sheer kvetching that followed was unlike anything I've ever seen.
Quit twisting words you fucking kike. Everyone on Holla Forums should know that the kikes are running both sides (with varying degrees of success). But Antifa is nothing but human garbage who have hospitalized white people, destroyed white property, and in cases like the Pennsylvania psycho who murdered his right wing neighbor they are murderers. We won't miss them.
They should have
Is it possible to false-flag/bait a bunch of others leftist groups into calling out Israel so they all get taken down too?
Just think of how many of them will turn around and go fully feral once they realise they got played. It's going to be a beautiful shitshow and yes you are correct furthermore we should also likely start doing as the commies once did and slowly worming our way into the security and intelligence sectors too.
The Jew cannot be beaten because the Jew uses tactics that Europeans use against other Europeans to get ahead through competing for dominance. The difference here is that the Jew is utilizing it to destroy all Europeans instead of Europeans competing for dominance of Europeans.
I've called it here:
I have a weird theory. I think that the establishment played both of us like a fiddle. Their successful objective was to take down, pacify, or seize control of anti-establishment groups.
They couldn't quell down the right with their own hands because the right was an expanding decentralized movement, so they utilized the left (Antifa) to target the right. Once Charlottesville happened, they cut the right's funds and removed them from power, later throwing the anti-establishment left under the bus. Bam, no trace of anti-establishment groups anymore. Leftists kind of deserved it because they're people who are unable to see things from a long term perspective.
Trump isn't anti-establishment, if he was then they would refuse to give him press coverage like they did with Ron Paul.
All the establishment ZOGites coming out of the woodwork to finally denounce antifa after weeks of denying their existence or wrongdoing can only mean one thing:
Antifa about to officially be declared a terrorist organization, and all the politicians are tryingto stay ahead of the wave and denounce before that happens as a form of damage control, now that the previous narrative has collapsed.
Would be glorious.
Equating Pelosi with the "extreme right" with old narratives. Mitt Romney is a radical centrist who supports antifa
theyre shutting it down before the shooting starts and of course you coward cucks are happy. enjoy being boiled slowly you frog worshipping retards. being emasculated must secretly get your happy wires in the brain fired up, most of you probably secretly indulge in that anyway. fucking faggots.
Why didn't she condemn antifa sooner? When can we expect an apology for turning a blind eye?
I'm also a bit interested in this. What was the name of the threads? I can comb the archives well enough from there.
This effectively kills antifa. When the establishment turns on their own their own shock troops, that's the end of them. They'll have a couple more outings where they are a smaller and smaller force before becoming human vaporwave. I wonder what form they'll take next.
I cant even identify if this is an
A) FBI-Shill that now looses his main Target to incite violence
B) One of the Antifants that try to shill here but fail to do so without getting salty because we are constantly winning.
Trying to prevent the democrat party from breaking apart
it wont, watch midterms
Republicans are done too. MAGA will kick out mccains and grahams and reinvent conservatism.
democrats will cease to exist, they'll be fractioned into the extremist (blm, antifa, sjw, progs, liberals) and actual smart dems trying to rebrand themselves as centrists.
getting antifa's backers to disown them is a win for us
divide et impera
search for "todd and claire"
i should be sad that you think that but i have no emotions left. maybe youll wake up when you realize nobody here has your back. its only you. what point is a suicide mission when cowards reap the benefit of your sacrifice?
not one traitor has been strung up and you think we have any victories….exist in reality pussy.
I doubt this. I think the "leadership" of the left (ie: their establishment) realized that antifa was getting to big, just like blm was getting to big. Either/or threatened to overthrow the establishments order and possibly wrest power from them in local elections, and cost them other elections they might otherwise win by allowing the right side to conflate all dems/leftists with antifa and scare/push the right into unifying more.
By turning their back on antifa they accomplish the goal of subverting the narrative Trump was starting, that is linking all the left with antifa and turning more and more people off to them.. They also undermine the extreme lefts ability to organize and usurp their power in various elections.
And, they haven't lost any of their voters. The antifa kiddies are still going to vote democrat this way, they may be a little butthurt towards the leaders who "sold them out," but they're nothing if not good voting sheep. They'll also still be able to draw in "middle of the road" people who would otherwise be turned off because of their association with antifa.
But yeah, its all about keeping the left on the left, but keeping it divided, unorganized, and unable to take control of the entire left away from the establishment. Why do you think the right establishment does the same thing to their base by decrying "nazis" and "kkk" members and such, and conflated white nationalism with white supremacy and declare both to be evil and genocidal? Because, if they were able to amass enough support they could take control away from the right wing establishment. So, the current establishment continually drives wedges in their own base to keep them from ever truly forming up into one group
if there is one thing ive learned. its that this shithole is almost as relativistic as the sum of the people you claim to hate. one day the consensus is that communists in the streets demanding the destruction of our monuments is a good thing with very little opposition to that consensus. now its great that antifa will be dismantled so they can never be bad again. you just want to keep the status going because you are terrified of sacrifice. you dont care about any of the things you shitpost about. youre intelligent enough to see what destruction communism brings so you oppose it but you dont have the resolve to truly better your people. accepting is the first step to ascending. youre a pussy. what are you going to do?
Great post. Is the establishment left and right both run by the same people? The clintons, obamas and bushes?
uh, do you even need to ask this question? We all know who ultimately is running both sides. That doesnt mean they arent going to keep pretending at and playing/pandering to different sides overall.
FBI user claims both sides are being played against one another and civil war is preferable to a revolution.
They might want to scare people and make them cower in the Center, condemning both.
I think this will not work out because people are already polarized and they'll get even more with time.
I'm not clicking that link, but I can tell you FBI user must be retarded if he said this. The government cannot under any circumstances look like they have lost control, or it would freak the normalfags out and cause a revolution. Any sort of civil war narrative that is more than Antifa attacking trump supporters with flag poles would break the illusion of control and would result in revolution as normalfags need to feel someone is in control. If the government cannot provide that sense of security and gibs, the plebs will find someone who can.
What a surprise.
They're going to disavow antifa because of its inherent association with the left in order to save face and to avoid any solid connections to them if/when antifa gets treated like the terrorist organization that it is.
That's how you know normalfags are sick of antifa. That even the puppet ZOG shabbos goyim have to start treating them as a problem and to start disavowing them. It's working.
Other anons have said this before, that it could be used as a premise to shut down any and all IRL action under the banner of "extremism". As much as I hope not, it's an uncomfortable possibility.
What you doing rabbi?
been known for a fact both sides of these controlled riots are paid actors by cianiggers. This is the next step to (((SHUTTING IT DOWN)))
We've been through this shit already. Grow some balls.
Yep, it's Jews.
Dems thought this was just some Resistance 2.0 stuff, but it's not.
You can't hope to win a single seat in 2018 if your message is "we stand with black clad terrorist that beat up people who wish to speak freely"
Democracy needs pressure relief valves in order to maintain control. The broad masses need to vent their anger either left/right so that the establishment can hold on to power. Viewed from this perspective, Antifa is clearly not suited to their needs right now, so they are being suppressed.
Nigger nothing is being suppressed, their is nothing to suppress when you are handing out the paychecks. One throw away line made by a kike is not the same as pulling the plug. The same thing going on with the "war" on "isis", a literal paid cianigger and mossad mercenary army.
Why have only the female politicians we hate like Hilary been lolified?
There should be loliticians tribute art of swell ladies like Nancy Pelosi as a reward.
Where are you Shadbase?
you tell me
Of course she is. Now they can equate any white movement with a known terrorist organization, and antifas already done its job of dividing the country so their inevitable chimpout is just gonna be the icing on the cake.
She's cute
November 4Th is Coming and Democrats want to Protest Trump to Make Money off of Retards But there is Radical Leftist groups that Want to Push a Agenda This is why U.S. President Donald Trump undid another Obama-era initiative, lifting his predecessor’s ban on giving local police departments military-grade equipment.
Radical Leftist groups will be considered a terrorist organization because they got too big and that a Threat Right-Wing Radicals are to small of a Group to Worry about.
This article is vague, it misses the main point of why they are now abandoning Antifa.
Yeah except his silence is giving all the outrage fuel to the (((moderates)))