What are some decent PC co-op games?
I can't find any worth shit or played the ones I know to death.
What are some decent PC co-op games?
What games have you played?
What sort of games do you like?
What's a brief list of what you've already played?
I've recently played Grim Dawn with a friend but we kinda lost interest.
I mostly like shootan games. He suggested we play Borderlands but I really don't want to touch that game again. I don't know any games that are similar to it though.
borderlands 2
borderlands the pre-sequel
Have you played EYE or any of the Serious Sam games?
Sven Co-op?
Anons, please.
Played both, yeah.
Maybe. I figure it's only as fun as the maps you play and I don't know any.
I haven't bothered checking out the Holla Forums server.
When you say "shootan" are you talking about FPS? TPS? Twin stick?
Sven Co-op is good.
Synergy mod
Earth Defense Force
Assault Android Cactus
Shit dude, Doom is still fun, and more so in co-op.
On that note: Doom 3 or Quake with the co-op mods.
System Shock 2
FPS, though anything might be fun. I just like games with decent progression. Co-op STALKER is my wet dream, but that's not gonna happen until that slav mod comes out.
I'll check out the new EDF.
wouldnt that kill the spookiness?
I've played the game so much that I don't get spooked anymore. I just want to operate with friends.
I guess I should've said there should be netplay. Ragnarok Battle Online never ever
what about ARMA?
Also played to death. It's not really fun without a group.
Doom and Doom mods and Doom maps
Double Dragon Neon
Earth Defense Force
Do any of you fucks who make these threads even bother looking around first?
well, there's team mode in lethal league.
i'm gonna get bullied to hell and back for this but dead space 3 might have been one of the best co-op games i've ever played, rape of its franchise aside
each player has his own clear story and see/do different things. for example, in one really fun part one player is flying a shuttle down to the planet, and the other player is shooting the turret at incoming debris as you're re-entering the atmosphere. after a bit, something goes wrong in the cockpit and the turret player has to take over flying AND gunning while the original pilot is fixing some oxygen tanks, while being bounced around with everything that the new pilot is smashing into. when playing this with my friend we were just yelling nonstop over voip OH SHIT HOW DO I FLY and HOLD THE FUCKING THING STEADY FOR FUCK'S SAKE I GOTTA FIX THIS THING
there's another really cool part that we loved where not-isaac starts hallucinating, but the game does not let up in any way that this is a hallucination for either player. so not-isaac is asking "holy shit did you see that thing" and player 1 is thinking "god you're retarded that's just a coffin" "NO MAN IT'S A PILE OF PRESENTS I'M NOT JOKING"
it did a lot of things wrong but honestly we had a blast all the way through, it was great. it's weird that the "worst" entry in the series was an extremely well-thought-out coop game
Shadow Warrior 2 has co op apparently but that shit isn't even out yet.
Resident Evil 5 is some pretty good Co-Opan.
Just go into it expecting a cheezy Bro-Op shooter instead of horror and you'll have a good time.
Marathon trilogy, especially with the finer user-made scenarios.
Myth I & II
Really any Bungie game, though I don't really know what they've been up to since the xbox 1 Halo days.
I came here to bully you for your mistake of posting your actual opinion.
If you're playing with friends of yours, They Hunger on Sven is fun for all the wrong reasons.
EDF 4.1
Mercenary Kings
Divinity: Original Sin
Victor Vran it's okay
How is Broforce co-op? I might bug my brother into playing that with me
It's stupidly glorious, chaotic and fun. I've played it with 3 other people so it might not be as fun with just 2 people, but the game has no DRM just remove steamapi.dll so it won't hurt to try.
Hey thanks.
Castle Crashers
Depends on your taste, but Serious Sam and Doom are great fun with friends.
You can't go wrong with the HL campaigns (HL, OP4, BS) and mods (They Hunger, Afraid of Monsters, Darkstar). Due to the mod's age and popularity, there's a shit-ton of custom content so it stays fresh for a long time.
Fuck I missed this. But at least it looks like something that will happen before we colonize space.
Thanks for the suggestions, lads.
Only 50 people got in and it was slavs only. But some user heard it'll be release to the public in probably around 2 months.
Pic related was made by the STALKER devs before STALKER, it can be played with an AI companion but it was really made for two player co-op. Big levels and tacticool gameplay, also aliens.