Is mouse support really that damn hard?


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But yeah, nips can't into PC.

who fuckin cares
just play a spider-man game, god damn

git gud

baka detected

They can hire a team of people to create an entire game from scratch but mouse+ keyboard control scheme is just one big fucking enigma.
Do they use gamepads to code the game as well?
Yet they release games on windows anyway.

That is all.

I can't believe I bought into the PC Mustard meme.

I should have just gotten a PS4, fuck.




Or just, I don't know, plug in a controller. That's one of the magical things about PC, you have all these peripherals you can use

I don't get it, wasn't the game developed on some kind of computer in the first place? I know dev kits are a thing but every modern home console besides the WiiU is based on PC hardware so devs can use commodity hardware to make games for them

enjoy your shit frame rates and expensive memory cards, faggot.

Japan only cares about Japanese players and Japanese players only care about consoles. The only reason they even bother with PC ports is because they know Westerners will buy them no matter how garbage they are. Maybe the paying customers will even do Bamco's job and make the game work correctly, just like they did with Dark Souls.

KT probably thinks they won't lose any significant sales for no KB&M support. If you disagree, let them know; they might give a programmer some Red Bull and a day to add support next time.


Yeah that always puzzles me, they spend 10h a day slaving on a pc using keyboard+mouse yet they have trouble with implementing it into the game.

Omega Force is bigger than Gust and KT has a rule that the developer has to make it not outsource it

I prefer Atelier on handheld anyways. Comfy game on comfy system on comfy bed is comfy

the optimization is terrible too

I own a PS4, a Vita and a gaming capable PC.

Quick making excuses for yourself.


How many fucking times do they have to release an unplayable piece of shit for 60$ before people learn the fucking lesson? Oh wait, infinity, because normalfags are to retarded to live.


be honest user, do you have genuine mental retardation?

Why the fuck do people do this when directinput controllers barely ever have a consistent set of buttons?

And thank Amaterasu for that.

So you can navigate the menu to change the buttons with a controller

M+KB fucking sucks anyway.

pics or it didnt happen

No I mean the controls are already SET and you can't change them.
Played a game where button 12 was pause.
Button 12 being my third shoulderbutton on my controller.

Like why have directinput not manually bindable?

But user, if we keep supporting them they'll get the hint eventually!

sauce on rule?


Indeed, scum like you deserves to only have a PS4

So is this game good or what? I'm looking at the combat now and it seems like it could be fun if they managed to provide interesting challenges that actually utilize the mechanics.

If you don't have a gamepad for your PC you can't call yourself a PC gamer.

Japanese games are supposed to be played with a controller.

play dragon's dogma, nigger

what a shitty troll


The PC ports of console games aren't even sold in Japan. They're made purely for the West to make some extra money.

Koei can't into pc, not nips in general. DS2-3 and Dragon's Dogma have nice pc controls.

I wonder why that is. Does japan lack good OS or is the PC gaming market niche as fuck?

You can always play that free titans game.

The Nips mostly play mobile games. PC is extremely niche over there

I bet the graphics is also worse than on ps4 version.

So most of them have shit taste in games? That explains quite a bit actually

That's not complete truth though. Mobile market is almost getting beaten by nds-3ds out there, compared to western countries.

Also pc fags are a huge fucking market for porn games, it was like that since pc98, and its still is. Every week there are like 1-3 new releases of doujin games or eroges.

Games you should play with KB+M

Games you should play with controller

What to do if you don't have a controller
buy one you poorfag

Buy a controller you dumbshit


Bless Japan, a country that understand what true progress is about.

Why not just walk a few feet to your PC?

West PC gamers aren't much better.

How could they fuck up that hard? An autist that made a game for free managed to do it in his spare time on his own and yet programmers that are paid to do it can't even with a fucking development team

What the fuck are Sony doing? It's not rocket science. They've let so many potentially good console shooters go to waste for no good reason.

By default, no it fucking doesn't.

You're part of the group the moment you started gaming. Go be more productive and kill yourself.


How is the port apart from that ?

Have you seen Dragon Dogma's menu system? It's a fucking abomination.

fuck OFF

>complain that PC port isn't enough of an improvement form the console version
>console version is at best no better than the PC port, and at worst has the same flaws in addition to being uglier and slower

I have. Nips can't into PC.

You've got to be fucking kidding me. From is notorious at this point for being brain dead when it comes to PC. Stop nigga

If it wasn't you'd have done it instead of complaining about it.

Might be able to use xpadder ironically to turn sticks into mouse input.

Information for movement should be a constant stream that mouse input could be interpreted similar. Mouse look is much faster so requires more performance or motion blur or look inertia to implement. Engine wouldn't have time to prepare turning, preparing information for that direction. Games shouldn't be built that way. Input should be first in priority.

Games built dor sticks can expect slower turns. Mouse look expects jumps.

Motion blur is required with low framerates to make sure nothing jumps in position.

Ignoring problems and implementing more movement is how mouselook can be easily done. Mouselook stops and starts and strains. Sticks should be constant. Should be 1 stick on a pad dedicated to look, high quality. The other one for movement can be much worse.

If you really cared you could start a group to pool funds to pay the devs to add it or a programmer to add it. Would be handy for a free solution for console devs to easily turn their game into a PC game.

Thinking from the games point of view.

Xpadder is used make joypads and flightsticks work in games that don't support them.

It translates their buttons as keys/clicks and sticks as mouse input.

Very handy.

Games detecting pads and sticks are a problem as they usually try to force button schemes.

Xpadder needs much more work, needs options to assign:

Levels of sensitivity
Full depress of triggers
Button+stick movement combinations

It's a musou game, right? What would you need mouse for? For menu navigating? Camera is automatic in these games, just play them with WSAD+IJKL like on emulator.
I was playing musous like this since DW4 and never needed a mouse.

in this case trying to put out a good product would go directly against profits. if they introduced mouse support to ps4 even more console plebs would move on to PC

How the fuck can any of you shits call yourself gamers and not have a fucking gamepad?

I've had by Logitech Dual Action for 10 years and it's still working fine, and I use it for just about everything, from emulation to games that play better with it.


are PC gamers always this retarded and oblivious

As far as the Japanese are concerned, PCs are toasters for work and playing VNs and other low-requirement games. Gaming PCs are mega nerd niche things owned by westaboos. (Doesn't help with the stereotype that most Japanese who live in megacities live basically in closets and don't have room for hulking room-heating PCs)

Are Nips even aware of the larger PC market that exists outside of Japan? Do they even know about mods that aren't for Bethesda shit?

doesn't know anything about pc gaming, japanese pc games, japanese pc gamers, or the japanese pc scene

did you write for kotaku

Do I have to remind everyone that Dynasty Warrior games finally had camera controls after DW5?


1) I don't call myself gamer. I don't call anyone a "gamer", it's not a real word.
2) I have a bunch of pads for games that actually require analog controls, like Armored Core. But in general pads suck ass, and in 90% KB(+M) is vastly superior.

Yes, tumblr, mature gamers such as yourself use player instead.

do you only play first person shitters and real time/grand autism games? holy shit how awful is your taste

We need a nickname for multi-post-sentence-fragment-autist.



I play all genres except ball sports. Only Armored Core games actually require gamepad because torso movement speeds don't work with mouse well.

The irony is real.

user please.

It's your parent's fault you were born retarded.

in 90% of the games (all games? the games you play? the latter seems to be a more reasonable conclusion) you say kb/m is better. a pointer controls and digital only input is not better. Once you hit 4th gen games where controllers started integrating pressure sensitivity, and in the 5th gen it was in full swing, a keyboard and mouse is absolutely not optimal for anything but shooters, and even then, in some shooters it trivializes them, such as goldeneye or light gun games especially.


Between $team and League of Legends I think normalfags are well aware of peecees

Dogmer got ported by a russian studio (the same ones doing the upcoming Dead Rising). DaS3's port was pretty terrible while 2 had some issues like the durability bug at high framerates and generally awful KBM controls.

Their publishers are but not the developers. As crazy as it sounds the reason for all this was the fucking petition to get Dark Souls 1 on PC, the thing sold just about as much as the PS3 version despite being a genuinely awful port and then all of the big publishers that aren't completely retarded woke up and realized that they could double their profits by making lots of PC ports. This is the reason why we have Dragon's Dogma, MGR/V, Dead Rising, Street Fighter V, and a bunch of weeb games that I don't care about like Final Fantasy.

You can assign turning button to sticks if you emulate old AC games, it works wonders. It just won't work with mouse.

Unga bunga, u mad.

Like, you can't keep moving mouse in the same direction for 20 fucking seconds dude, you can with analog stick. The only franchise that actually revolve around that is Armored Core.
Or you can use buttons if you like the original control scheme.
Pressure sensitivity is a fucking gimmick tho, what are proper games the use it? Pads suck.
Fightans, cuhrayzee, souls games, literally fucking everything is better with KB+M, console origins or not.

It's so confusing keeping track of mustard arguments. In one post they'll insist PC gaming is bigger than anything ever, and is the biggest market of all time without taking nuance into mind. They'll then flip flop back and say it's incredibly niche and is the only platform that gets support for "niche" genres which sell hundreds of thousands of units like the RTS genre.

The truth is everyone knows about PC, the majority of PC players play 1 or 2 games for years on end and at best only buy new games extremely cheaply if at all. The 6 gorillion steam accounts is not representative of actual reliable audiences.

what the fuck is this idiot saying, it's like his only experience with game pads is vague childhood memories, and since he's turned 14 he's figured he's happy playing emulators with his fucking arrow keys

better aim>better movements control
Besides, in most of them you just duck behind cover

And what does this have to do with one game on PC not having KBM support? (while the console version obviously also doesn't have it). If you think that a closed platform like the PS4 is any better than PC then you're a corporate fanboy who has been blinded by marketing and lies.

the ps4 is better than the PC in some senses, but the reality is that it's getting more interesting games at the moment, so it sucks for you if you are missing out on them.

What ways do you think that I believe the PS4 is better than the PC? The PC isn't exactly a haven of openness and freedom, by the way. It's been shackled up for well over half a decade now.

You're supposed to adapt to the game, not the other way around. git gud you utter casual faggots.

Life is suffering

I know, plays worse so no real point unless you're a newbie to the series, hence it's not required at all.

Absolutely kill yourself without question, just because most people choose to get cucked by proprietaryshit doesn't mean everyone has to. Please tell me about all of the open source or moddable games on the PS4?

Yeah like NieR Automata? PC port confirmed on release
Or maybe you were talking about Bannerlord?
Maybe you were referring to UT4?
Ooh how about cool projects like OpenMW + TR?

Yes there are so many good P$4 games goy, those PC mustards don't have anything! They don't even have backwards compatibility with everything ever on the platform or even on other platforms (emulation)!

If the PC isn't a haven of openness and freedom then please I would love for you to tell me what is, because it sure as heck isn't the fucking PS4.

I remember when mods cared enough to ban people for platform wars.

If you go to the catalog you'll see that around half of the threads aren't even video games.
Mods don't give a shit. It's just there is no other place to go. Halfchan's Holla Forums is even worse, there are no alternatives.

Oh Holla Forums Holla Forums has never been about videogames. Mark made sure of that.


I was more talking things like yakuza 0, 6, gravity rush 2, ni-oh, and nier automata looks great but platinum games has been very sloppy lately.

bannerlord looks to be a graphical update over warband more than anything. improvements to troop management are nice, and sieges being more involved is neat, but it's still the same game they've been selling for the past 10 years. I played it enough to never really want to play it again.
UT4 is already dead, and I've already played enough arena shooters to not really care for another multiplayer one.
morrowind is a terrible game, and I have no interest in revisiting it, it's nice you're entertained by the prospect of playing it on a new, open source engine, but it's still the same bad game. I don't trust your tastes to be a valuable assessment in any way.

No platform is open, but I get my fix on tinkering and self-management with classic consoles. The original xbox is one of my favorites for this reason, but also because there's many great exclusives for it.

Most good PC games are old, very, very old. I played them back when they came out or some years following. The only thing good on PC is something you clearly have no awareness of, and it is Doujin releases. Ports of 4 year old games do not excite me. Mediocre multiplats that require hardware 8 times more powerful than a PS4 to reach PS4 performance isn't appealing. I'm wondering why fanatics are even defending these things when everyone else would be outraged. They usually are outraged in the relevant threads, people shat on deus ex 4 rightfully for its issues, but of course, when faced with the virtue of platform wars, you must defend your precious PC, any flaw isn't real, even if in other threads it is very, very real. There must be a way to describe those who selectively interpret reality at their own convenience.

The game where the mouse is so awkward in melee people recommend using both kb&m and controller?

What the fuck do you need mouse support for in a Musou? This isn't some super fast paced hardcore Arena FPS that requires pixel perfect aim, you just run around and mash buttons until you win.

The entire game is a nonstop death march against uncaring time praying to the RNG gods that you'll actually be able to find ONE GOD DAMN FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT MUSHROOM WHY ARE THERE NO MUSHROOMS IN THE MUSHROOM FOREST I NEED SIXTY MUSHROOMS TODAY OR THE ENTIRE COUNTRY WILL DISOWN ME

PC is the holy land of eroge. How do you explain that then?

Is OP and everyone in this thread legally retarded?












Who would want to use a mouse for a weeb game. The gameplay isn't deep enough to warrant it.

By pointing out that most eroge don't break 10,000 copies in Japan and are only on PC because they can't put them on consoles.

For nips, PC is for work and porn. Neither of those scenarios require things to work properly on a technical level, so long as nothing craps out on you when you're in the middle of something.

Do you really have to ask OP?


Fair enough. Someone said in earlier thread sales top at launch and quickly die after first month.

you are very ignorant of the japanese PC scene

Ever read a book while lying down in your comfy bed?

Probably not.

Are you retarded, m8?

This is true for games in the west and I assume Japan as well.

How do you figure? You just asserted random bullshit without anything behind it whatsoever.

Yeah, well, where do you think you are.

Care to explain? I'm always up for learning something new.

I know there's a lot of OLD systems and active retro scene but did you mean something else?

look at the most popular PC games. tens of millions of players. look at other PC game sales. hundreds of thousands if they're lucky. tens of thousands typically, thousands of units sold a common reality.

It's not hard to deduce this. When people say PC gaming is the most popular platform of all, they push the agenda that because it is so popular, more software will sell. In reality, it's a tip jar for most developers, at best. In reality, games sell best when they are on sale. Those millions of people playing WoW? LoL? Dota 2? TF2? They are only playing those games. That is all. They are not worth factoring into potential support for a new title because they likely will not stop playing.

are you familiar with comic market?

Not in the slightest.

You have any data to back up anything you're saying?

Since 2006-07 the entire console market is faggots playing CoD and Battlefield with small pockets of weebs and elitist shitters. Current gen is majorly used for watching Netflix anyway

Is there a fucking peripheral specifically for movement among other things for movement since keyboards are so shitty?

Gamepads. Which are just smaller shittier keyboards with joysticks bolted on.

Controllers aren't better at fucking movement control holy shit I hate they meyme
I've yet to see a controller with in-between analog. You're either on the rim or in the neutral zone. All of the extremely movement-based speedrun games have been run faster on KB/M. Hell just look at bhopping and strafe jumping for one.

or you could remove x360 front panel and solder two diodes to use it as PC receiver


That's not entirely true, In games like dark souls it's cancer because you have to balance between in the 5 degrees between the dead zone and the edge of the controller
There are very fucking few games which require analog input and not just stop/slow/go, in which case they're fucking terrible because every controller on the market is a cheap plastic piece of shit with deadzones the size of texas which are solely marketed to normalfags

No, that's not what I mean. I still want to use the mouse for its accuracy, but I want another peripheral for movement. I was thinking a dual-mouse setup could be good.

That's some weird mouse, bro.

Good luck with that unless you're ambidextrous..

Good luck doing anything that requires constant movement then. There's a reason everyone uses buttons.

No man we need to get weirder. Flight stick in one hand, mouse in the other hand.

One of those claw things with a build in control stick? I know I've seen them around. Probably expensive.

And people bitched about Star Fox Zero's controls.

This one seems to have more buttons on top.

Dragon's Dogma was ported to PC by a Polish company called QLOC you fucking retards

Its just laziness, gooks only bother with the bare bones minimum they dont understand concepts like quality.
Why would they when they know any turd they take will be swallowed greedily by the weebs?

it's an assertion based on an observation from reading steam spy ownership information, comparing with relevant console equivalents' sales and hearing the commonly repeated point that PC gaming is bigger than all other platforms combined, it is bigger than ever before, etc, etc. There is truth behind what the people pulling out these statistics are saying. Nvidia, AMD, Intel, high end hardware marketers say it all the time. Valve has said many times there's several hundreds of millions of steam accounts, but many games break only a few tens of thousands of sales compared to the games console launch.

Interesting. Comic Market is a broad term I'm using. Essentially in Japan there are numerous circles of developers, individual or small teams, independent developers. To call them indie would give you a false impression, they are largely unlike Western indie scenes. Often they develop products that are sold at the bi-yearly Comic Market Festival, Comiket for short. Comiket 90 just happened, and 91 will be happening in Winter.

Many of these Doujin circle developers use high end machines, and regularly play high end PC games. A good friend of mine in Japan actually plays SF5 on a PC with an Nvidia Quadro GPU which costs in the thousands of dollars, as it also accommodates his work and his play. This may be surprising, but it is not unusual to see this. I talk with many Japanese PC gamers, observe how popular the PC hardware market is in Japan, and their adoption rates for new hardware appears to be equal or even greater in Japan. You must also adjust the size of the gaming scene for the size of the population. You may often see people say "the only thing people play in Japan are mobile games." Well, in the West we see the statistic that Facebook is something like 55% of PC gaming. We don't tout this, we debate this and insist it doesn't represent us. It's the same exact idea, but for some reason even on image boards people still reiterate that same point as a way of judgement.

These are just regular gamers with steam accounts, they play shooters, RPGs, action games, RTS, you name it.

To change the subject back to comiket, you may be interested. Comiket is typically 95% PC exclusives, and usually 40+ new games are shown and released at Comiket. Some are small, but many are pushing technology too. VR, UE4, Latest Unity, experimental game play and tech. VR was very big at last Winter's and this summer's comiket, and they are experimenting a lot with it very interestingly, better than western devs who are treating it like the wii 2.0. I'll embed Edelweiss' c90 trailer compilation. Many of these games are released, but not yet available to download - only physical releases. One I am most excited for is Sakuna. You can see the trailer for Sakuna at the 35:00 timestamp if you want to see that.


JRPG fanbase is on consoles. Always has been. Majority of sales is on console. PlayStation to be exact.

PC is an afterthought.

I'm happy to own this controller. Green button model too. The game is tremendous fun.

Luckily, I am.

No, it'd be like an analog stick. Moving the mouse forward and you'd constantly move forward.

I'll have to check this out.

Good luck with recentering it then.

3 fucking mb what the fuck dude

it looks so fun to play with but doesn't it get boring quick? I always wanted to get one like those but they are so expensive that I am afraid I'll just end up wasting my money.

Keypad controllers. Probably the best was the MS Strategic Commander from their awesome old Sidewinder line, which actually sat atop a sliding analog input (X, Y, and rotation) joystick substitute. Others vary in sophistication, down to just a more ergonomic keypad.

What I'd REALLY like is just a keyboard with pressure-sensitive analog keys.

Depends how you like your games. It is a very unique experience, and it is not something that will click with you the first time. It will take lots of practice to get good, but it is very rewarding. If you get the chance, try it out. If the idea of piloting a mech suit and tackling various missions and even doing PVP locally sounds fun to you all with a very elaborate set of controls, you may find a lot to enjoy in the experience.

Perhaps you may get lucky and find it as cheap as I did ($130 after shipping.) Just make sure it comes with the pedals or else you'll have a dead weight.

Was this one of the lucky games you can fake the dead online out with Xlink Kai, or is it permacucked until somebody reverse-engineers its servers?

all xbox games with system link support can be played through the xlink kai service. steel battalion line of contact (multiplayer steel battalion) is one of those games. So if you find someone else online, it is possible to arrange matches this way. Otherwise doing a proper, local system link LAN is an amazing experience.

This is Dark Souls port all over again,
No, the nips made it first on consoles and shit it out on PC because they could have get away with it. It was made for Playstation 4,xbone and Vita in mind not PC, the nips can't into PC because nips only know about consoles, handheld and mobile gaming. PC gaming is like a spaceship for a nips.

Plus they've would have figured out that PC gamers have a xbox controller or a ps4 controller since they work on PC with some magical drivers. Also if anyone have bought it, how much better does it look or is it a Dark Souls1 port all over again? Where one has to wait for mods or high-res textures.

As if any one here does, it's fucking gay to call yourself one anyways.


Does the ps4 version have mouse support?

No its always the West branch that knows, if they ever pander to the international market they might as well sign a death warrant since Japan hates any company that panders to them look at Capcom they nearly died without MonHun and SE is becoming Capcom2.0 with all of their decisions.

It's you who's in the wrong place user.

Depends on the anime, really.
Don't post pleb tier shit like the OP and we're good.

Check out the Wooting One, it's not out yet, but it looks pretty promising.


One day user

The only other project like this I'd heard of was a Microsoft one using mushy membrane sensors though that had the advantage of ∞-key rollover. This is seriously awesome, all I need now are Optimus-style display keycaps, and it would be absolutely perfect.

>completely ignoring that this shouldn't be fucking /vg/ in all but name and consolidation of activity into generals is not a good thing, making a board both appear much less active and be much less active because of the massive stemming of the flow of new threads

it's almost like he wants Holla Forums to die or something

It is the jews nature to destroy

Because that sure work well with halfchan Holla Forums. There's not enough users to be splitting up boards, just go back to halfchan if you dislike generals or learn to filter.

lightning-quick on the mod tools when meta threads pop up but turtle-slow when the mod email is reached or people want answers beyond "we are listening", chances are it's mark

Absolute madman

Most useless thing ever. How often do you look at your keyboard anyway? What are you, some kind of dumb blonde who spends ten minutes looking for every key?

Why are you here and not starting a diamond business? With your levels ass mad it should take just one day to turn charcoal into a diamond. In a month you should be able to turn a $20.00 bag of grilling charcoal into a $20,000,000.00 pouch of ass diamonds.

Looks like you fell for it

I love how stilted the syntax in the description is. It's clearly written by a Jap with limited English skills.

They wouldnt be shit you put on a ring but industrial diamonds are needed for all sorts of crap. Know they use paper thin diamond blades to cut silicon wafers.


Go back to reddit. All of you. Fucking scum.

Hi SJW Internet Media.

"Gamer" is not a meme you call yourself to feel good.


Anyone who refer to themselves as a "gamer" is a faggot. Just because social justice cucks said the "gamer" as a consumer group was dead doesn't mean the term itself isn't self indulgent faggot shit.

Mark has always been a cancer on Holla Forums and always been called out on his shit. If you don't remember how much he tried to force "smh tbh fam" niggerspeak and other shitposting to be important to "le Holla Forums culture xDDDD" then I don't see why you're even complaining now.

smh @ u tbh fam lol

Then if you are not defending "How the fuck can any of you shits call yourself gamers" why are you maymaying SJW at the other guy? Fuck off, cancer.

On a related note, there's a mouse with analog buttons, among other features, like 6DoF position/rotation/tilt, even on the mousepad. The Swiftpoint Z.

When I'm playing something like a hardcore flightsim, and there are hundreds of different controls, plus even more hidden behind modifier keys, that I need a reference card the size of a Z-fold flyer to keep track of? Yeah, yeah I am. Optimus-optimized roguelikes, just imagine.


While he is completely wrong about DaS and probably just a typical DaS fanboy, the Dragon's Dogma controls are great outside of menus.

The problem with not having generals is that the board gets flooded with tons of threads for the same discussion, the most recent example that comes to my mind is Overwatch, there were like 3 - 5 threads and all of them was just pure waifu shit and little to no discussion of the game.

Still waiting for that Data nigger.

I don't like the strange bow controls and the menus are wonky but I generally have a better time using KBM in DD than a controller.

I love that there's no gameplay footage at all in either of those videos and even the screenshots were just taken from the videos.

Just going to go ahead and say right now game will be trash.

Been calling myself gamer since I started gaming. Not gonna change now. Why should I?

My identity is mine to define.

It's alright. I'll have more than enough money to buy one of those over-priced memory cards now that full-on piracy has been confirmed and set to explode over the next month.

Also, once a proper CFW is written, then it won't be difficult to use the game card's slot read/write capability to just shove a 256gb microSD into a card converter and use that for storage.

Here, peeved jose did a lengthy interview with the devs which had lots of gameplay.
I've been playing it, gameplay is very repetitive but it gets the anime aesthetic down well (kind of like Liru).

Why are you here then?


How much is 400 shekels in USD?

Serves you right, what a mediocre garbage anime.

But consoles are fucking useless. Completely useless.

Admittedly you like a better anime/manga, but as far as the fans go, retards like you are no better than titan fucktards.

Dragons Dogma PC was made by qloc, a Polish slav company

Not at all you spastic. Actual JJBA fans like me who have been reading the manga for 10-20 years can't stand the memers that were born from the new anime. Are they really JJBA fans if they don't even read the manga to find out what happens in later parts?

Fuuuuck as much as I dislike Trump this nigga would have D4C. It makes too much sense.

if he has DDDDC, why hasn't he jumped into a world where he's fit & has hair, like Valentine.

Why. He's almost as much of a patriot as Valentine.

Shekels are about 1/4 the value of US dollars (₪1≈$0.264798, $1≈₪3.77646). But like most countries outside burgerland, Israelis are pricegouged, with Bloodbornemachine MSRP at ₪1899, or about $502.85:

Its hard to hate that smug bastard or did you fall for the enemy stand (((Media)))?

I wonder the same thing about rebindable keys.

its the most uncomfortable shit, thank god for vidya