The Israel Problem

Ok pol, we know that Jews are a problem but can the existence of Israel actually be used quarantine for these fuckers?

Basic idea. We force Israel to move the Palestinians to Madagascar and build cities.

We then let Israel have all of the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip. No more Palestinian/Israeli conflict.

When build a wall around Israel and force all Jews to live there completely isolated NK style.

If they are so smart surely they'll do just fine by themselves.

If a Jew breaches the wall it will trigger a WMD to destroy one of their cities.

a jew has breached the wall and it is OP

Won't work, if we fail to exterminate them to the child, they will circumvent ANY half-assed given enough time.
No, genocide is the only viable option.

>reddit spacing

fuck off kike, all jews die.

Its a pretty good idea, user, i liked it.

Yeah I'm sure they'll stop after Palestine

No. They are subversive and left to themselves or quarantined will only cause problems for future generations. They all need to go. ALL of them. To the big oven in the ground.

How fucking retarded are you?
The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a good thing, it makes the Jews look bad in front of international press and we get amusing entertainment whenever a pally chimps out and stabs a Jew


I agree with you but ship the kikes all to Madagascar like Hitler originally wanted so they don't achieve their loony desert fairy tale dreams and quarintine them with the greatest air and naval blockade the world has ever seen to be under the watchful eye of humanity forever or until everybody gets sick of lookin at em and we release the Super Zyklon B. The Palestinians go to Saudi Arabia and all of Israel is claimed in the name of Kek and given in whole to Coptic Christian Egyptians who will then renounce their religion in favour of Kekism.

No. Kill them all.
Why not move the jews to madagascar? Why not just kill all the jews?
Given that this would happen within fifteen minutes of the first day, why not just kill them all anyway?


A remote place that guaranteed their eventual extinction was a good idea, like Madagascar.

Hitler tried being nice. No more cucks.


time to commit sudoku

We should just send Israel to space. The entire country. Just cut it out of the Earth and make it space trash.

I'm sure we can figure out the logistics.

dubs confirm

space nazis will gas the space jews


i hate them shills

This board stands for complete and final genocide of every Jew, open and hidden, without any prejudice against gender, age or political stance.

Suggesting, that at least 1 single Jew must be left alive gets you banned.
Reported the thread and enjoy your stay.

Fuck off with the zionist shit. You don't need borders to do banking and buying off people. Learn from the past that no matter where they are, they will eventually leak out like they have so many times in the past. Fuck you kike shills in here.

Kill yourself.

Israel only exists because the USA would defend it if attacked.
Lol why?

There are so many dumb things about this thread it's not even worth the effort to explain, these guys got it

No more half measures kikes. We know you will use it to promote your oppressed state for eons and back to square one only "holocaust to the ^6,000,000,000 power".

No and nice try

all i know is that israel as an ethnostate - and the jews' 'rights' to that land (and to 'greater israel') - is an excellent rhetorical tool that should be used more.
you can either meme republicucks/european civnats into imperial white nationalists by saying that europeans have just as much of an ethnic right to (and ability to violently defend/quarantine) their historical homelands/'greater' empire as jews do, or get them to stop supporting israel for the same reason they oppose those hwite supreeemists.
either way i see it as a net positive shifting of overton windows.